Hope in Times of Crisis [] “Neighbor, I’m Stressed!” [] Wednesday 15th September 2021

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[Music] we have been called to follow christ we are to preach we are to teach we are to fight so when you leave [Music] i will go i will go [Music] because my eyes have seen the king i must tell all the world worship him in all the nations is [Music] [Music] [Music] i will go [Music] [Music] i will go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening everyone and welcome to our fifth ins or sixth installment i should say our sixth installment of our evangelistic series hope in times of crisis sister stacy and we've had a wonderful time thus far have we not yes we have welcome everyone glad you've spent some chosen to spend some time with us tonight now as we about to kick off things for tonight let me first introduce us we are your hosts for tonight i am your host jayvan bristow and i'm your host stacey adams and now to begin our evening's proceedings we will have our opening prayer please bow your heads with me as we pray heavenly father we come humbly before you dear lord thanking you for sparing our lives to see yet another night we ask dear lord that you would bless everyone that is on the platform tonight those who are on locally internationally and regionally dear lord we pray that everyone that is on will be touched tonight by the message that your man servant has in store i pray that you would be with the pastor dear lord touch his lips the lord that the words that he speak may come directly from you and may everyone's hearts be receptive to the holy spirit's calling we thank you that your merciful god and that you have spared us the lord to listen to this nice sermon we pray that you would be with those that are on and that you would hate in the steps of those who are still yet to join we thank you and we praise you in jesus name we pray amen amen and amen and like i said before stacy we've had an explosive series thus far an explosive series uh pastor hillary venton charles he has been just pinpointing and hitting these topics that you know would leave you leave you thinking all the time of course sometimes you're not sure what is coming next you know it has truly been a blessing it has been it has been and you know he is not afraid he's not afraid to delve into to delve into the the touchy subjects like last night's topic yeah you remember last night do that to me one more time all right what are we talking about here do that to me one more time well it was a loveless night after all yes it was couple's night and it was a magnificent you see it it's wonderful when we remember that god is interested in our holistic being yes and when we make him the center of our marriages we become closer to each other as a couple amen amen it has been a wonderful it was a wonderful message last night and you know you know what i liked about it you remember remember pastor child told everybody to bring the one-liners um last night you had your one-liner jimin well um well what i did right um i i i borrowed some you borrowed something yeah you see i went i went i looked at the chat last night and people were bringing some one-liners there and they were some of them were really really really smooth you know you got some inspiration some smooth stuff and you know i i i used to know white last night did it work it didn't do me any good but what do we have in store tonight all right so up next we will have our praise and worship session so please join with me as we welcome our praise team who will take us through a beautiful song service amen good night everyone welcome to our crusade this evening i hope that you will enjoy it and be blessed feel free to sing along with us as we continue to praise [Music] he's in the world today i know that he is [Music] his voice [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] know [Music] is [Music] salvation [Music] the boys [Music] them [Music] is [Music] [Music] a [Music] yes [Music] if you can't get to heaven without no you can't get to heaven without salvation [Music] oh [Music] 100 [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up [Music] [Music] mighty [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] when is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] my [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening again and i am glad that you are back with me right now because you know when you see i'm standing here you know what time it is right and just before i do that let us appreciate what our praise teams have been doing night after night wonderful lusty singing harmonic singing vibrant singing you can never get bored on this here this evangelistic series because of our praise team so as i'm here we're going to talk about what we talk night after night but if you by chance are a first time visitor to our program if you are here for the first time this is our sixth installment well then we welcome you specially here tonight and here's how we're gonna do it we have a free gift for you tonight as a matter of fact we have a number of things for you tonight but in order to get them if you're in full screen you're going to have to just minimize that screen and look below the youtube video click on your description click that show more line down there and a big surprise will open up for you underneath there and we're going to go through all of those links that you're going to see in that description box down there first you're going to see the free gift tonight's free gift every single night we have a free gift that we give out to all of our viewers and tonight's free gift is a lovely little book why god said remember that's what we are giving out tonight why god said remember now i told you this is our sixth night here so you know if you're a first night visitor you know what's going to remind you i mean i miss five free gifts boy don't worry about that if you miss defy free gifts and if you still want the five free gifts you can go back to our previous nights videos they as the links are still there and you can still use them and you can get all of the gifts that we have amen so we have everything there ready for you you can go back look at the other sermons look at the other messages and get the free gifts let's go through the rest of links our hitock team hitok stands for hell isis that's what he talks stands for so don't let that confuse you our hit talk team has left something first thing our bible lesson study when you click on that link it will carry you to a page that contains 18 bible lessons bible lessons for you to study that you can go through but these links are not just for our visiting friends our members can use the links as well some of us as church members will have questions that friends and neighbors will be asking and we want to be able to give them those bible studies go through the bible study links and you will be able to find the answers where you can do studies with those who would like to know more about the faith and so those links are for you as well the rest of links we have here let's go right to the bottom at what is a concert request now if by any chance you need counseling for in through you need to speak to someone right you need to have a discussion with our pastor uh hillary clinton charles you can click on that counseling link and it will take you to a page where you can put your name your information down and put exactly what you need counseling on and that link will be there for you now you see another one our decision card which is second from the top the decision card is a special link and we wouldn't be using it in its entirety yet but you can start using it now why because the decision card is specially formatted where you can go into it if you click on it you would see every one of the messages that were preached night after night up to tonight and you can choose which one you are responding to and it will carry to another page where you can choose whichever decision suits you for now you don't have to choose all you just choose which ones you are comfortable with and we will respond to you so you can use the decision card from tonight and we will expand it later now the three links you see left those are our three intercessory links our intercessory links will go through them one by one you'll see one they're marked virtual prayer room now for those of us who are new let me explain that to you that virtual prayer room is a live prayer a live zoom prayer room where you can log in to us on the zoom platform and you will have prayer warriors that would meet with you half hour before every meeting so the prayer room tonight was open between 6 and 6 30 every night it will be open before 6 and 6 30 and our sabbath morning meetings begin at 10 so the virtual prayer room will be open 9 30 to 10 o'clock so remember that the virtual prayer room opens half hour before every meeting now if meeting with a live prayer group is not really a 40 face-to-face meeting don't worry even if you are a little shy to meet with people but you still want prayer we have a link there for you below that virtual prayer room you see a prayer request link you click on that link and when you click on that link you can now fill out a form just like with the counseling request you do it with your prayer request fill out your information whatsoever suits you and place your prayer requests there and our prayer warriors are waiting to lift you up before god in prayer for whatever is your problem we are here for you that last link that is left is a very special one it's called the miracle moment and that's the greatest of our intercessory links you see the miracle moment happens live right here on the program every night and you will be going through that moment with pastor hilary venton charles himself moment will be coming up very soon in this program where you will see us again and we'll tell you when it's coming but during that link you click on that link right there you go into that page and when you see the headings that you can gain prayer for a number of categories you can check all if you want you can check whichever suits you and when the pastor hillary van ton charles comes up here right in front of this podium here he is going to lift up a special prayer for you where god can give you a victory tonight he's going to work a miracle for you tonight in all of his power because we believe that god is omnipotent he is real and he knows what your problems are and pastor hillary clinton charles and our prayer warriors we are going to pray for you right here tonight so those are all the links that we have there for you if this is your first night we welcome you and we would like you to use the links use them because they are there for you they are there so that we can send god's blessings out to you and that you can gain victory in your life problems all right so seeing that our time is short i have shown you all the links use them and we are going to move on with our night program so from here on we're going to go straight into our health nugget i will be right back god bless good evening ladies and gentlemen i am patsy scotland and i will be doing the health tip for today which is entitled exercise and fitness stay in in shape regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health therefore understanding the benefits and fitting it regularly into your daily schedule is of great importance what is exercise exercise is planned structured repetitive and intentional movement intended to improve or maintain physical fitness what does this mean it means that you must commit to yourself that i am going to do this daily two or three times a week this must become your routine in order for you to be successful and maintain physical fitness so what is physical fitness physical fitness refers to the ability of your body systems to work together efficiently to allow you to be healthy and perform activities of daily living this is actually saying that being physically fit enables you to be more easily or or enables you to more easily meet the physical demands of everyday living and respond positively to increase physical demands under stressful conditions but before you begin to exercise you need to know the basics the components or parts can be easily understood because this impacts how you exercise knowing the basics you have to cardio respiratory endurance this increases your oxygen and nutrients to tissues so you need 20 to 30 minutes of exercise in order to increase your heart rate muscular fitness you need strength and endurance of your muscles right so two to three thirty minute sessions a week should challenge your major muscle groups flexibility this is their ability to move your joints and muscles to the full range of motion right you need to stretch when you work out so at least three times a week to maintain your flexibility and what about stability and balance this is associated with your body's core muscle group in your lower back your pelvis your hips and your abdomen right so you need to strengthen these muscles because this can help you to come back poor posture and lower back pain the benefits what's in this for me what am i to gain from exercising there are many benefits one it controls your weight loss when you engage in physical activity you burn calories which help you to lose weight or maintain your present weight so you just need to be active take the steps go to a gym walk around the park get active it combats health conditions and diseases such as stroke diabetes hypertension depression arthritis just to name a few remember this decreases triglycerides and in turn decreases your risk of heart disease right so it helps combat health conditions it also improves your mood physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that boost self-esteem and keeps you feeling relaxed it boosts energy as well because it improves muscle strength and endurance oxygenated tissues increase your cardiovascular system and this in turn boosts your energy it also promotes sleep it helps you to fall asleep faster and it may not be but don't do it close to bedtime it also improves your sex life the american council of exercise strength says strengthen your cardiovascular system because it improves circulation and good circulation is important for your sexual function some additional benefits include keeping your immune system strong and helping to control stress various immune cells circulate through the body more quickly and better and this helps to kill bacteria and viruses that are in our bodies at times okay so these benefits should keep us active healthy we should remember that exercise is an individual an individual activity it varies from person to person okay and it involves the body the mind and spirit it must involve hard work overload your body above its resting level so if you're exercising and you're not perspiring you're not having that rapid heart rate you're not feeling that way then you're not working hard enough it must be regular and progressive it must increase intensity over time is only then you would know that you are really exercising and seeing the benefit of it so i want to encourage you to get involved start to exercise and you're going to feel the benefits and we sometimes need the strength to do this in isaiah chapter 41 10 the text says do not fear for i am with you do not be dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you and help you so god is there to strengthen and help you when you begin this activity thank you for listening this is patsy scotland saying god bless and stay fit [Music] be not dismayed [Music] beneath his wings of love are blind god will take care of you god will take care of you through every day in every way he will take care of you god will take care of you [Music] no matter what [Music] god will take care of you lean weary one upon his breasts god will take care of you my god will take care of you through every day [Music] we will take care of you [Music] god will take care you [Music] i know [Music] god will take care of you amen now you may not know this but risha is one of my favorite singers oh yeah yes when we all get to heaven well i know when i get to heaven i will be singing like we shall praise the lord for that yes i don't know if i would ever sing liberation no but we have hope when we get to heaven right right we will all have such a beautiful voice yes we will amen and we'll sing with the angels in heaven that's right the holy spirit will tune us as one big choir that's right yes we shall cut style on us we have something to look forward to right and don't remember the magnificent health feature we had yes this is the part with party scotland yes stress management right management yes yes now i want to take this opportunity to welcome all who just joined us on the platform all right please state where you're from i want to know if you're from trinidad whether the country you're from we want to know how far and wide our message is reaching okay so place which country which town which village you're from let us know and say goodnight to someone and say i am blessed i am blessed yes because we are all blessed tonight yes we are now java and tonight's topic is what well if we've been paying attention to our health nugget you will know that we are speaking about stress tonight really yes trust me fast is going to talk about stress stress a heavy topic okay he keeps dealing with all these heavy things i guess he's talking about everything that people are going through right now yes yes stress is a big big issue in this world today and listen listen to the topic listen to the title of tonight's topic neighbor i'm stressed out wait the prison told your neighbor i don't know why you're going to tell enable all that all the business hunting and why it's just all but probably pastor will tell us tonight why do you think they probably think they never have the solution to their problems your neighbor well let me tell you something whether or not we never have the solution to the problems pastors gonna lead us to a person who does have this solution to all history amen amen amen and so somebody who's stressed out and having headaches and migraine problems and all of that you're going to get a message tonight that's going to lead you to a very big miracle in your life tune in tonight oh yes and speaking of miracles oh yeah stacy we move right in to our miracle moment because now is the time when you can gain victory for your problems we are going to carry you straight to the man of the hour pastor hillary ventum charles and he will take you through your miracle moment prepare your cards and prepare for a blessing amen we are here once again to experience yet another miracle on this virtual platform we are here in church and we have been praying all week for you good night ladies and gentlemen you are here tonight and i believe you you stop by once again to make your requests be known to god what an awesome privilege that we all have as we combine our prayers as we petition before the throne of grace and i want to thank our host and hostess for such a wonderful job done here tonight there is a passage of scripture i want to put for us on the screen here tonight i want to us to read from this passage one that will encourage us here tonight the bible says if you only believe if only you believe when you come in god in faith he will give you the desires of your heart tonight tonight whatever you stand in need of i want you to know that god can work a miracle for you you know i hear somebody say pastor every night i fill out these cards i click the areas of need every night i repeat the same process and i have not received that miracle well i've come by to let you know tonight might be that night that you need to expect that miracle don't give up your health click that that that that that area of need your finances click that area of need your spiritual need just have faith and continue night after night to make your request be known i want you to also know that we have a wonderful and beautiful uh lady here from uh saint helena sda church her name is sister patricia phil butter scripture i think we have it right now is on the screen let us go to the screen and read from the word of god put it for us on the screen and we will read a riff the reader come let's go together tonight [Music] we all right so we will call on we will get that passage a little later but we will now call on sister patricia philbot as she would do for us that special special prayer on your behalf as she prays expect your miracle join me join me sister patricia phil but god bless you god bless you [Music] chain to break everything make every chain break every day so [Music] very [Music] there is [Music] there is power in the name of jesus to break everything break every chain break every chain to break every chain break every chain break every day [Music] the name of jesus there is [Music] break every chain break every chain break every chain break every change [Music] rising up [Music] break every chain break every day [Music] let us pray truly you can join with me tonight as we say hallelujah for the lord god almighty reign dear heavenly father we thank you for this privilege we have to come tonight where we can lift up our health family finances of children our marriage our spiritual life dear heavenly father in your word we see in psalm 103 verses 2 and 3 bless the lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgive all our iniquities who heals all our diseases oh lord we come asking you to heal diseases in the body of anyone who is reaching out to you tonight for their health who is reaching out to you tonight for the health of their husband maybe their children a loved one dear lord we pray that you will heal all diseases we pray also according to your word in psalm 103 verses 2 and 3 and the prayer of faith the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well and the lord will raise him up and if he or she has sinned he will be forgiven oh lord forgive us our sins even as you hear our prayer on behalf of the sick we pray o lord for families dear lord we pray we choose their lord in joshua 24 and verse 15 choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve we want to serve you lord we want our families to serve you and you shall keep statues those who keep your statues and commandments which i have command you you said in your word that it may go well with you and with your children after you and that you may prolong your days in the land which the lord your god is giving you for all time reclaim deuteronomy 4 40. dear lord even finances we lift up there are so many people who need to pay their rent they need money to buy school books they need money maybe to pay for surgery they need money because we are living in a world that requires us to trade with money but you who hold all the wealth in the world dear lord for you know even before we ask you in matthew 6 8 that we need all these things so we seek you dear lord and you said do not worry do not worry about our life what we will eat drink or put on but seek first the kingdom of heaven their lord becomes seeking you first of all depending on you help us not to worry and we know that all these things would be added on to us we pray for our children dear lord and we thank you again in your word where you have said in jeremiah 24 7 i will give them a heart to know me and i that i am the lord and they shall be my people and i will be their god for their they shall return to me with their whole heart so we pray for all those children out there dear lord who have turned their backs on you who have as it were given us concerns worry but we place it into your care and keeping their lord bring back all those children back into your fold of safety because you have promised to return them with their whole heart dear lord marriages they are on the rocks but we pray that you will give them a heart and that you will put a new spirit within them and take away that stone heart of flesh we pray also that you will make their love increase you said that in 1st thessalonians 3 12 for each other and we pray also that they in humility dear lord consider each other better than themselves we see dear lord that in philippians 2 3 and 4 so dear lord we look to you we look to you and in your word we are finding all the answers and even dear lord for our spiritual lives so we pray that we will continue to depend on you for your promise that you made to us in john 2 16 that you go to prepare a place for us we believe your word and we pray as we continue to reach out to you in faith to serve you that it will be well with our spirit your life also one that will take us into heaven we come believe in in all these areas dear lord and in your word that you will do it for us and we ask it in no other name but a precious name of jesus amen and amen [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] with [Music] holy spirit [Music] holy spirit come fill this place father in heaven we thank you for yet another opportunity to listen to your word we thank you lord for what has transpired before the prayers especially the music nuggets special praise team music and the host and hostess lord we thank you for all who have gone before and now as we enter into your word we pray that you will continue to linger with us tonight's message is extremely important there is evidence that the enemy is at work tonight but he is a liar he is already defeated and tonight we call upon the host of heaven fall afresh even in this place take charge father bind the forces of darkness and we just pray tonight that your word would go out with clarity so once again hide my flesh behind the cross and speak through me [Music] may tonight's message bring conviction to the hearers of your word we pray for christ's sake amen and amen well good evening ladies and gentlemen what uh another wonderful opportunity we have to listen to the word of god one preacher says that if you were to go over to the cemetery and you were to shout and preach you wouldn't hear anyone saying amen because all there are there but you are on the platform from the caribbean the u.s all over the world and you have that opportunity to say amen you have that opportunity to type hallelujah i you have that opportunity to just give god thanks and for that we see thank you jesus there are many many many persons who have been making requests and we have been praying for you the prayer ban they have been praying for you and i want you to know that god is going to deliver you know when we put our faith in him he will come through so your breakthrough is on the way your miracle is on the way i just want to endorse this here tonight you know we have been speaking under this great theme warp in times of crisis and we have looked at a few messages we have looked at the crisis aspect of it and we have looked at the hope aspect of it and even last night it was loveless night you may ask me pastor what was the crisis in last night's message well i did remind you that so many persons end up in the divorce court so many marriages break up it's destroyed why because because the ways of expressing love persons who are married for years sometimes do not even know how to communicate love they go through their own crisis in their relationships can't communicate love and before you know it before you know it they are separated one from each other but tonight oh last night i gave you a few a few tips in terms of how to keep this relationship fresh and how to communicate and uh to discover that mode of of expressing love and i know tonight somebody has improved in jesus name hello somebody somebody uh has discovered the secret of their spouse or even that girlfriend so tonight tonight i want you to know here tonight that god is going to really really come through for you the message tonight is extremely important let's put it on the screen as we read with the reader reader can you read for us and by the way reader you read beautifully last night praise god praise your husband you must shout that neighbor because if you are stressed you would say that so come come now let's go do it one more time well in the caribbean you might say neighbor i'm stressed out i'm stressed out neighbor i'm stressed out let me give you you know when we were coming down here from maracas valley we we we left a little late and sister adams listen to me that's the time the traffic was really thick and so to add injuries and saws you know it's like you get all the slow drivers on the road and not their fault but even when we got off the highway trafficker so i started fidgeting and i was like oh boy we will get hair lit and by that time i had some little knots in my head what do you think is happening the stress is building up the tension is mounting up but i thank god for wives uh she said my wife said to me you know what it's it's it's gonna be okay don't worry i i i discovered that when you listen to the wife uh most of the time if not all the time but let me say then qualify it properly god has given them intuition and men you need to listen to them i tried listening i was i was i was still a little anxious but then i said listen it's gonna be okay we got here and things worked out well listen cheryl was rushed to the hospital she had a similar emergency and she was rushed to that hospital what was wrong with her shortness of breath perfused perspiration going all from her head way down to her feet and her hands she was experiencing numbness in her fingers when asked about her unusual tension lately she stated that she had been recently divorced and her new husband had lost his job am i talking to somebody on the platform here the landlord was threatening eviction here's her story i can imagine sister clarke she got to that health center and you have to attend to her besides that she's saying to you that she was caring for her hospitalized mother during the day and she's attending classes at night have mercy what letter to that emergency room the big word stress stress led her to that emergency room room if we are going to talk about stress we need to understand bless us can we define it tonight uh reader can you define this little word s-t-r-e-s-s stress define it uh for us let's put it on the screen with our reader here tonight reader stress is the body's physical mental and emotional response to a demand which is called a stressor some amount of stress is useful but too much stress is harmful also some amount of stress is useful but too much is harmful tonight follow me tonight as we enter the world here tonight so stress you out your body your your body's your physical body is responding your mental your emotional response it's for demand something that is called a stressor but you know whilst we discover that some amount is okay too much is or an excess will cause defects in your body you will experience those tensions and you will experience those uncomfortable feelings uh all through your body and i know what i'm talking about there are some types of stress negative stress you know you know you've lost a job and you're going through that mental and wish you know you've been employed for 20 years all of a sudden you've lost your job that will cause stress come on these are some of the crisis we go through positive stress that do you know that we can experience positive stress yes supposing you got a promotion on the job and you don't know what to do it's like you got a promotion more money is coming how am i going to spend that money that causes another type of stress then you have light stress rain it's raining and you run so that you could shelter that that that shower that puts it poses some stress on your joints just running now you have severe stress from suffering from some terminal illness visited the doctor and he said to you you have cancer that is severe stress persons go for those things every single day in life let's look at now some symptoms of negative stress if we ought to look at some of those symptoms tension headache anxiety loss of appetite overeating for some uh-huh insomnia oh i want us to see something on the screen here tonight reader read this explosive sentence here for us now to deal with stress effectively or intelligently i must first identify its source or cause wow to deal with it intelligently i must first identify its cause in other words find out what's stressing you out if it's a person talk to the person oh if it's a situation deal with it but find out what is going on in your life let me give us a seven techniques to overcome and to handle stress let's look at technique number one read a read first technique here for us now whole body therapy whole body therapy pastor what's that the solution to stress is not appeal it's not popping a pill in your mouth but the solution is a process it is what it is a process let's read the passage of scripture that enforces this first corinthians 9 27 reader read it for us i discipline my body like an athlete yes training it to do what it should training him to do what it should in other words no athlete gets up one morning and just puts his shoes on and he's going and run a race no he will take time and train and exercise so that he can prepare his body the solution to stress is not a pill it is a process you need to work through this thing and it is a whole body therapy what do i mean by that it is lifestyle and my lifestyle put a few of the lifestyle on the screen by lifestyle we are looking at one reader we looking at adequate sleep healthy diet yes avoid caffeine and alcohol yes and regular exercise exercise you can do a little of that every day in the home for parents who do not work out and they are home listen mothers in the home they do it they get their fair share of exercise washing and cooking and doing all of that oh that's just technique number one how do i handle my stress technique number two reader read for us relaxation exercises do some deep breathing ah inhale and and exhale and allow those muscles to relax so that you could relieve that stress these are things you know but i'm going somewhere with this now it is doing relaxation exercise practice with your hands on your hip and your fingers forward and and just examine how the diaphragm would move forward and as you breathe deeply there is this expansion that takes place hold your breath and feel that diaphragm collapse and repeat it the muscles relax or it relaxes the muscle and guess what before you know it all that tension is relieved you know god made us uniquely and i thank god for the way he made us up he gave us muscles and what that same muscle it can contract it could relax according to the way you put it into use let's look at uh seven ways to manage our stress number three we are going for it quickly technique number three reader the replacement technique replacement technique can you tell us a little more about this technique participate in wholesome activity that displaces your stressful experience oh yes replace pressure with pleasure replace what pressure with pleasure so you know at times when you are going through all the stresses of life you need to just uh put the work aside and call you might probably have to tell that boss listen i need a day off i need some time off take some vocation replace pressure and with pleasure uh go down to two to harry's water park hello somebody and get some good activities going take your family along with you do a few of these things to relieve your stress not only this but number four tell us number four tells us technique number four uh-huh positive self-talk that's a big one positive self-talker an important fact that when i receive a negative message i have two options i can empower it so that it become my master that is the stressor if i empower a message within and it becomes my master it's going to stress me out but instead i when i receive a negative message i can imprison that message so that it become my slave so let me give you an equation here active agent plus my thinking is equals to my feeling in other words i receive a message i think about that message and that thought whether it's negative or positive will in turn it will drive what type of emotion that comes from this mind so if i receive a message my thoughts are to be if it's positive then my feeling would be positive if the thought is negative the feeling would be negative oh can we summarize it can we summarize it the secret is in my self-talk hello the secret is what i tell myself so let us state it differently when a negative message passes through negative self-talk let me allow our reader to read it for you and for you to see it let's state it differently read a point on the screen and read for us now let's go when a negative message passes through negative self-talk it produces negative feelings so negative message negative self-talk negative feelings but you said that it's stress let's go when a negative message is channeled through positive self-talk yes it produces positive feelings no stress negative message the thought is positive it produces positive feelings no stress oh let's see a formula in scripture that endorses this proverbs chapter 17 and verse 22 reader a merry heart does good like a medicine but a broken spirit dries the bones oh ladies and gentlemen too many times we go through the crisis of our lives oh we are stressed out don't have money don't don't know where where the next meal is coming from basic things in the world can't feed the children i can't send them to school because you've lost your job husband is unemployed the wife is unemployed and it is just crisis in the home the stress is piling up it's building up and the children are experiencing it they are feeling it and before you know it the whole home is under pressure the whole home your home is experiencing this crisis i have come by to let you know that you could trust god tonight hello somebody you can shake him by his word a merry heart do you have good like a medicine i have come by also to let you know that there is another technique that is very important it is very inexpensive what's that technique reader reader number five says engage and people talk people talk uh-huh talk to the stresser if the stressor is a person christ's greatest example is found in matthew we will read it right now but he says if you bring your gifts to the altar and you know that you have ought against somebody go and make things right you know what that is doing i always say when you go and you make things right it's more for you than even the person that i've offended you it frees you ah this forgiving spirit is more for the one who is doing it the one who is receiving it yes will feel good but more for you you are relieving yourself you know david and jonathan that's a popular story in the bible they had a support system that helped in dealing with stress you know when when david was stressed out he called on jonathan and they spoke and they met and they you know some well i won't even go down that road but but you know you need to get somebody that you could open up to and speak with and dial up with so that you can get rid of all that stress i'm going a little quickly tonight as we look at number six um i've shared with you five techniques uh two ex to get rid of stress and have inner peace number six reader use imagination imagination so you know this is imagining a sense of peace it is thinking peace you know i often do this sometimes i just picture what happened would look like when i'm going through those difficult moments i picture what heaven would look like one of the things i always uh picture also is what they what being caught up would feel like you know christ says when it comes up those who remain and they would they were alive when they would be safe they would be caught up sometimes i just dream uh that i'm just being caught up that puts you in a state of mind now you have that sense of peace you could try it some person think of a place near the ocean somewhere in a garden just do some of those things so that you can get rid of that stress david use this technique and we are looking at the um in proverbs uh sam sorry 55 verse 5 and 6 let's see what david have to say about this technique fearfulness and trembling have come upon me yes and horror has overwhelmed me so i said oh that i had wings like a dove yes i would fly away and be at rest so you know we have looked at six steps so that we can get rid of the stresses of our lives all six steps that we can use so that we can control this the pressure that we go through on a daily basis number seven i want to share with you uh technique number seven is an important and most most profitable uh technique in getting rid of stress reader what is technique number seven it's called spiritual meditation come on what is called spiritual meditation technique number seven spiritual meditation this seventh technique there is a powerful text that supports it read that passage of scripture for us tonight psalms 46 and verse 10 the bible says be still and know that i am god be still and know that i am god the seven technique spiritual meditation is the most powerful of them all you know jesus used this mechanism every day and so should we use that mechanism let's enter the bible mark chapter 1 and verse 35 what was jesus's technique here read first reader now in the morning heaven risen a long while before daylight yes he went out and departed to a solitary place and there he prayed that was jesus departing into a solitary prayer place to pray he was getting rid of that stress listen to me spiritual meditation should not only be a daily activity it should also be a weekly activity come somewhere the platform is hearing me now jesus practice it daily but he also says that it should be a weekly exercise let us examine the weekly exercise genesis chapter 2 and verse 3. reader read this weekly relaxation exercise tours let's go and god blessed the seventh day and declared it holy wow because it was the day when he rested from his work of creation so listen to me listen to me i want us to see something here this uh weekly relaxation i want us to picture here read for us reader the bible the bible gives us something that we can draw from let us examine this statement here read for us now in the beautiful garden of eden free from strain and stress adam and eve joined their creator in a sub of celebration of joy and peace oh my goodness listen listen even before stress invaded our planet [Music] god gave this technique to adam and eve can i say that again can i say that again before stress invaded our planet god gave this technique to adam and eve so listen let us now discover a few gems about this sound of relaxation if god took a break from his worker or to rest on that day i want to do the same and many persons on the platform you probably do not have a day where you can say listen uh this whole day 24 hours i'm gonna use it as a day of rest i've come by tonight to share with you how you could do so ah christ model it for us you see god was stress free of jesus was stress real and if ye can give the sabbath day to adam and eve as a day of relaxation then i want to do that likewise and so let us examine this summer fresh seven gems quickly number one come i want us to say something about this sabbath rest read for us here gem number one it says that the sabbath isn't jewish the what it is it isn't jewish it isn't jewish it's christian oh the sabbath isn't jewish it is christian you see many think that the sabbath is only for the jews oh the question was adam a jew no of course not the sabbath was given to adam 2000 500 years before the jewish nation look at something as we compare marriage and the sabbath look marriage was fun for adam and eva for the whole human family the sabbath was given to adam and eve for the whole human family what did jesus say there is an important fact that we need to read tonight jesus said something about the son of mark 2 and verse 27 read it read it for us now jesus said the sabbath was made for man yes and not man for the sabbath in other words the sabbath was meant to benefit man and not man benefiting the sabbath just as marriage was made for man so the sabbath hello was made for man just as marriage was made for the woman the sabbath was made for man whether you are a black man or a white man whether you are chinese man or you are a a portuguese or a spanish man white or black rich or poor the suburb was made for man whether you are a lucha man or a tree man the sabbath was made of foreman and because the sabbath was created by christ it is christian hey watch it now put it for us because it was created by christ on the screen it is christian so don't go around many persons think that it was not uh the suburb was just made for the jews no it's made for all mankind gem number two let's examine some other thing about this day that god has given us as a day of rest number two says the sabbath is a family day for the family of god oh my goodness it's a family day for the family of god when a couple gets married they go off to the honeymoon huh listen to me when a couple gets married they go off today honeymoon adam and eve were created and they were married on friday follow me and the very next day was the sabbath so that friday night was the first night of the honeymoon the sabbath was the first full day the couple spent together isn't god a loving god watch god here tonight the bible say come reader let's go read that for me now let's go the sabbath is a special family day for the family of god a special family day that's why i always know that you know growing up that was the best meal we had on the sabbath you know you have your macaroni and cheese sister phil but you would have your yo yo yo your cake and your little ice cream excuse me uh who made that that is and and you have a few um vegetarian um pies listen you know it starts from the friday uh when we worship and we sing songs and we go into the suburbs it is a happy moment when you go through the sabbath you are rested your whole mind is free listen after the sabbath you are ready to take on here you are ready to take on the world for the next week not only that but gem number three about the sabbath come put it for us and read it reader the sabbath is an identified day the sabbath is a what an identified day so which day put it for us put it for us come which day is christ's sum of days let us examine the account in the book of luke and we want to read this with the reader reader can you read as we look at that day that is identified as the sabbath really read for us now and behold there was a man named joseph yes a counselor and he was a good man and a just yes the same had not consented to the council and deed of them he was of aramaia yes a city of the jews who also himself waited for the kingdom of god this man went on to pilate and begged the body of jesus and he took it down and wrapped it in linen and laid it in a sepulchre that was used in stone wherein never man before was laid come on now and that day was the preparation and the sabbath drew on continue the preparation and the sub of toronto is an identified day continue now and the women who had come with him from galilee followed after and they observed the tomb and how the body was laid then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils yes and they rested on the sabbath day according to the commandments continue continue continue here i i want us to discover something here there were three events that we discovered from this passage of scripture three events can you put the events on the screen for us sister charles ah let's go put the events on the screen for us sir three events the first one read for us it's crisis crucifixion the first event is crisis crucifixion the next one crisis enthusiast the food what crisis resurrection come let's put some more let's put some more crisis crucifixion we say today that the bible says it's what it is it is it is we say today sorry that it is what good friday and so ah the the entitlement uh we say it is what saturday and also christ's resurrection today we say it is what is the is it's the sunday follow me now follow me now as we go a little deeper oh crisis crucifixion bible says it's called what the bible's preparation day oh and uh crisis enthusiasm the bible says it's called what it's the bible sabbath and christ is resurrection the bible says it's called what is the first day of the week it is the first day of the week therefore therefore the suburb is an identified day we can see it on the screen that the summer in gem number three is an identified day and that day the summer is between crisis crucifixion and crisis the resurrection if we look at the day that is in between there that day is a saturday follow me now follow me now plain and simple truth here tonight so i want you to see a few more things is that cycle has that cycle change has that cycle changed i want to ask somebody on the platform here does the day still begins on sunday well let us examine let's examine a few things here read first reader con just wait for us now the dictionary says the seventh day saturday is the seventh day of the week so it is still defined that way continue reader the u.s naval observatory in washington d.c says that there is no change in the contin the continuity of the weekly cycle the weekly cycle is as is no change in the weekly cycle continuum the british royal observatory in greenwich england confirms the authenticity of the weekly cycle and let's continue let's see a little more in over 105 languages in the world the word for seventh day of the week is sabbath oh my goodness oh my goodness you know it tells me it tells me that this cycle remains the same god has not changed the day that you have given to man to worship him the seventh day is the saturday and on this saturday god has given us our commander he says remember remember remember to remember seems to suggest that we would have forgotten hello somebody to remember does not just mean that we just do things uh out of just you know to remember is to act not just out of memory and just recalling things but to remember seems to suggest that i need to act uh if seven is the day i need to act cut out any other day cut out any other time that you spend on that day chop it out so that you can honor and worship god on that day so we have discovered that day that is identified is the saturday which is the seventh day of the week let's go now gem number four says the sabbath is god's prescription for human stress never i'm stressed out the sabbath is god's prescription for human stress what a powerful passage of scripture we have isaiah 58 the bible says reader read for us now keep the sabbath day holy yes do not pursue your own interest on that day yes but enjoy the sabbath and speak of it with the light as the lord's holy day yes yes for one full day each week i put away my stressors ah my crisis my job oh my school my business my bills i don't worry or think about them because they are in god's hands somebody on the platform shout out hallelujah god's hands my mind gets a weekly holiday experiencing freedom from stress after suffering you all i am ready to face the challenges of a new week somebody say hallelujah what a wonderful god we silver oh they tell me something this renewal it comes through worship it comes to prayer and it comes to praise enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his corpse with praise be thankful unto him listen here today listen tonight god has given us our full day 24 hours where we can come and be stress-free never i'm stressed out well after tonight you don't have to be stressed out if you have not been worshipping on that sabbath day on that seventh day i want to invite you at the end of this message there is a decision card here tonight that you could click on and you can just stick that area that says i want to worship god on the sabbath day i want to experience how what it feels like uh just relaying my cares and my awfully problems aside and entering into the presence of god as i bring this message to a closer gem number five says that god has chosen it and we cannot uh reverse it i don't know if my reader still have uh she still has that that that on this on the screen for us but it says that god has what chosen it and he counted what i cannot change it i cannot see like a day on my own i cannot bless a day god is the one doing the blessing i cannot choose my own day of rest god has already done that and it is the seventh day i cannot bless another day only god can bless another day i want us to see also not only that i cannot choose it i cannot reverse it but number six says read it for us reader number six says the sabbath belongs to the savior belongs to them the savior he calls himself lord of the son of mark 2 and verse 28 wait for us reader therefore the son of man is also lord of the sabbath you know 20 of christ's crisis uh recorded miracles were performed on the sabbath on that day he delighted to relieve stress never i'm stressed out paralyzed for 48 years the man took up his bed and he walked out his crisis was over hope came to him oh the demoniac god delivered come out of him said jesus and he was healed that crippled and been for 18 years the the woman was loosed ah hope came away blind from both the man declared i was blind but now i see somebody on the platform you've been going for your crisis for your stresses and tonight you have heard that the formula to get rid of that stressor is to enter into our daily weekly relationship with jesus on the sabbath day on the sabbath day where you would worship him give him thanks and give him praise as you do so your stresses are it is decreasing and decreasing it doesn't mean that you won't have stress but in the presence of god he will give you the power to overcome your stress power to conquer your stress come on somebody and as i look at the final gem of the sabbath really ready for the final gems is the sabbath is a sign of my love for jesus wonderful wonderful that's why the bible says how do i show my love if you love me keep my commandments oh exodus 20 20 says that god gave that sabbath can you read do you have it for us can you read it for us ezekiel 2020 i'm and there will be a sign between me and you yes that you may know that i am the lord your father is a sign of love and peace between a man and a woman that's marriage the sabbath is a sign of love and peace between a man or a woman and jesus hear me tonight heavy tonight the appeal is simple extremely simple there is that song peace sweet peace you want to say lord tonight i want to experience such peace in my heart in my soul how many want to say lord lord please give me that inner peace there is a decision card that we want you to go now and make use of the options on it as you click that decision card listen to me you will see all the topics that we have discussed from friday to tonight you could select whatever option that you have been very very that have touched you you could do that and then as you enter the decision you so you you you click on it and you enter you will see that there are a few areas there i want you because you have now discovered the sub of truth here tonight that suburb that could bring peace peace you want to say lord i need that inner peace give me that peace that comes with keeping your your sabbath holy click on that area you want to say i want to keep that sub of the holy go to that area and click it also also how many want to say oh you want me to pray for you dear lord help me to experience the peace which comes this week not next week this week the peace that comes with keeping your sabbath which means that you will plan to be in a in an audience yeah in church you are now deciding on this platform that you will enter his gates with thanksgiving stop coming you will find a church that's nearest to you to experience such peace if you want that peace that comes with keeping the sabbath that comes with action not just to remember but it's an action word remember you get up you search and you go in to fellowship if that is your desire i want you to pledge now and take your right hand and place it on your left chest there you want to say father pray with me now i have discovered that there is peace in keeping your sabbath thank you for being so loving and caring that you created a 24 hour period where i can come into your presence to fellowship with you worship you and as a result of the encounter my stress level my stress experience is decreasing and to the point where it is fading away and even if after this 24 hours with you as i enter the week i experience once again those uh areas that puts me on the stress before you know it the summer day comes again and i am in your presence not only on the south but all through the week ah lord teach me how to connect with you and teach me how to worship you oh there are many on the platform they are now pledging that as they go through this uh night and through this week that they will encounter jesus so i pray father that you will seal those pledges tonight those who have not experienced you on such a day they are deciding that they will do so this commencement seal the decisions and yet there are others who have clicked other areas of this decision card seal their decisions also we thank you for hearing this prayer on their behalf we thank you for the little ones who have decided likewise the murders who have encouraged the little ones the fathers who have encouraged them their sons and their daughters we thank you uh for a member a neighbor who have invited somebody and encourage them to experience that peace this coming summer as they fill out the cards and they give and they list their their telephone numbers we pray father that as we reach out to them we will be a source of support to them likewise thank you for hearing this prayer for we ask it in jesus most wonderful name amen and amen i look forward i look forward to your presence i look forward to hearing a testimony that you experienced true peace on this sub of the of rest don't forget when you fill out your card complete it your address telephone number we will call you pray with you the prayer man will call they will pray with you god bless you tomorrow night we have yet another interesting topic i will leave this so that our hosts and hostess can tell you a little more about it god bless you in jesus name we thank god for using pastor charles to deliver such a power-packed message amen amen do you know what my favorite stress-relieving technique is what what technique is that spiritual meditation of course oh i thought i'm one of the more interesting mind provoking ones but the spiritual magistration is the best one it is the best one yes prayer singing hymns listen it does wonders for relieving your stress it does and and and it's it's it's amazing how that message was presented tonight uh pastor charles is certainly filled with the holy spirit right through all these evangelistic meetings indeed it is beautiful that we know that in this world that's full of stress and headache and and and fast peace that god since he created the world had already put their divinely ordained stress reliever plan yes the sabbath right indeed yes yes and we learned so much from pastor simon tonight a merry heart do it like like good medicine good medicine yes you believe that yeah and the sabbath is a day of rest for all not just the jews for everyone everyone and it's a day especially not just terrestrial but to meet with your creator just like adam and eve did in the beginning to meet with god and commune with him and have a revitalizing experience amen amen amen so those of us who are just learning of the sabbath god is has brought it to you and you would learn a brand new experience from today on speaking of brand new experiences what are we going to speak about tomorrow night well our topic for tomorrow night is none other than making a new start oh there what a wonderful topic yes now sometimes jayran you know the devil tells us it is impossible to start over true after you've made so many mistakes in your life he's trying to tell us it's best to give up his best to quit but tune in tomorrow night if you want to experience power packed preaching and to hear more from the man of god then join us tomorrow night at 6 30 p.m to hear what pastor has to tell us about making a new start praise the lord so as we leave you tonight we're going to bow ahead close our eyes and have closing prayer so let's do that now our father in heaven we thank you dear lord for the message that you have given us tonight dear lord there are some there is some person who heard this message of the sabbath for the first time in their life alone lord may your holy spirit stay with them may it prick their hearts their father because we know their lord that they want to receive that blessing that they learned about tonight father may you continue to be with them so that they may be strong in their decision their father let them pick up that decision card the lord let them use it their father and make that decision for you right now dear lord and you will show them their god a brand new life experience in you as they commune with you on your special day of each and every week dear lord even as we are about to come off this platform may you stay in our hearts and in our minds may you take those of us who are here on a set home in safety bless us now as we leave this place's opera in jesus name amen amen amen thank you for being here with us tonight at the hope in times of crisis evangelistic series wonderful and we are looking forward to meeting you all here 6 30 p.m tomorrow night remember that prayer that prayer virtual our room is open on our zoom platform half hour before the nights yes service so from 6 pm to 6 30 you can meet the live prayer group and have your prayer done so we are looking forward to meeting you tomorrow night god bless you and see you tomorrow good night everyone [Music] [Music] the is [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] when nothing [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] lovely [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] jesus come please is lovely [Applause] me [Applause] me [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] you
Channel: Cunupia SDA Church Channel
Views: 512
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: R9zcSLgBLX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 36sec (6816 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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