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it's been over 24 hours since my last shower I'm greasy covered in gamer gunk and I'm gonna get serious there's something I want to talk about now my channel has always just been me making things I have fun making talking about things I want to talk about joke about [ __ ] I want to joke about I just kind of treat it like a public diary kind of like Doug's journal from that cartoon Doug but instead of having a cool alter-ego superhero-like Quailman my alter-ego is a [ __ ] sex toy stuntman but the point I'm making is I've always just talked about things that I've had on my mind at the time now you probably don't need to be a psychic with a crystal ball to guess what's been on my mind this week with everything that's happened in the country with the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police officers as well as all the protests that have come as a result of that as well as other things that built up to it obviously that's been what I've been thinking about this week so let me just start by hitting you with a [ __ ] lightning round here give you the cliff notes of everything I'm feeling what happened to George Floyd is a [ __ ] deplorable crime and all officers involved need to be charged to the fullest extent of the law as well as the first medical examiner that tried to conceal his cause of death the first medical examiner's autopsy just seemed to want to cover the officers [ __ ] by saying very vague things to explain it like they could have had intoxicants in his system he could have had a pre-existing medical condition that flared up at the exact moment the officer at his neck is knee on his neck all kinds of just garbage [ __ ] oh you know mr. Floyd may have looked at a picture of marijuana earlier that day which caused his body to shut down at the exact moment that the officers knee was on his neck in fact while looking at mr. Floyd's brain I was able to see that he had a dream the night before he was arrested where he was smoking weed in that dream so perhaps that dream may have played a role in his death just some straight-up garbage from the first medical examiner that I think he needs to be charged with trying to conceal the murder an independent autopsy was just completed today that confirmed that it was the officer's actions that led to his death his death via asphyxiation so I think all of that is terrible obviously now for the protests by a hundred percent support the protest I a hundred percent support the black lives matter movement and the message that they're trying to send then trying to change the systemic racism I think it's a huge problem that needs to be addressed and I think the protests and all that is great I think the black lives matter movement and all the protests we're seeing this week can really be the start of some very positive change to a system that has been true terrible for a lot of people for a long time I mean [ __ ] people are more afraid of the [ __ ] police officer these days than the boogeyman if you want to scare your children you don't tell them that the boogeyman is coming if they don't eat their vegetables you tell them that they're gonna call the police that's ten times it's [ __ ] scary for people these days and that's not right the people that are supposed to protect and serve for the people that people are most fearful of that's just absolutely terrible so i 100% stand by the movement i stand by everyone out there protesting and i 100% agree that things need to change it's you know this absolutely was a necessity this needed to happen police brutality has gone way too [ __ ] far for way too [ __ ] long and it's about time that people come together and say enough is enough i think every single cop in the country is a piece of [ __ ] absolutely not there are good cops but there's a [ __ ] ton of bad cops as these protests are showing us these cops are going straight-up barbaric in some situations just [ __ ] pepper spraying people and drive-bys going through doing like 360 behind the back pepper spray out of their [ __ ] police window they're macing children shooting people in the eyes with that aren't even protesting with rubber bullets that [ __ ] two people have lost their eyes from what i've seen just from being around protests there's a man smoking a cigarette nearby who got shot for no reason like it's just crazy [ __ ] from the police that is showing there is a ton of bad police officers which we all knew but there are good ones too so I don't say every single cop is bad I don't believe that not at all but there is a lot of bad ones and a lot of things need to change when it comes to police there needs to be reform now I'm sure many of you have realized by now but I'm not a politically charged guy I don't [ __ ] do a political content because AI think you know political content is boring and B I just don't like where politics is these days it's mainly like football teams where you choose a team to root for and then ignore bad things on that side just to say a huge supporter of that team because you're a super fan of that team and you just ignore anything bad and I don't agree with that for me personally I have a set of ideals and beliefs and I support things that go on line with that and I don't like things that go against it which is typically why on an issue I talk about bad things on both sides of the issue which is apparently a bad thing that people hate these days they call it centrists on Twitter I think and it's just constantly [ __ ] on me that [ __ ] is [ __ ] blasted harder than a flashlight like well if you're a centrist that you talk about issues on two sides you are immediately discredited as a human being which I don't really understand why would you encourage we'll be like a brainwashed zombie to go to one side or the other and then ignore bad things and only talk about bad things against the other side like why the [ __ ] would you want that just to be constantly swallowing [ __ ] without ever questioning it you know I think it's important to talk about and be reasonable about both things you know everything around a topic as opposed to just what goes in line with what team you chose to support you know what I mean now all of this to say that what's happening right now I think goes well above politics this is not some political only issue this is something that is just so beyond politics and so important which is why I wanted to talk about it now typically with things I support I keep it to myself I keep that [ __ ] private whether it be financial donations to certain causes or anything like that charities people or just things I support in general I keep that to myself because I don't want to publicize it and accidentally and you know just have someone blindly follow my set of ideals I want people to come to their own conclusions and make their own decisions on what's important to them however in this case I wanted to talk about this and show my support because for this cause I think it's extremely important that everyone knows that there are so many people backing this message and this movement because it is a super important thing that absolutely needs to be addressed and absolutely needs to have action taken on it there needs to be police reform there needs to be a lot of changes because there is a lot of [ __ ] problems now this next thing is actually something I posted about on Twitter looting I don't think looting is a good thing apparently that's a controversial thing to say right now but yeah I think looting is bad I don't know why people are making excuses for the looting it's not even the protestors that are looting it's people that are hijacking the movement to just cause destruction and steal things for their own personal gain there's literally dis cords of people that are coordinating to get u-hauls together go to where protests are happening and just robbing nearby stores they don't care about George Floyd they don't care about the movement or the message they're just there to steal [ __ ] and cause destruction and I don't know why people on Twitter are defending that destroying and looting these small family-owned businesses are doing nothing to help voices be heard yes I know autozone Target and all that has been looted and burnt down and [ __ ] those are big multi-billion dollar companies I get that but it's not like they're hurt from it what you've hurt is the people that were employed by those businesses and yes they can rebuild I know everyone's saying you know items can be replaced lives can't that's true but it also shouldn't even come to that where items need to be replaced because it's not helping a lot of small businesses mostly small businesses from what I've seen are the ones that are getting destroyed and looted of course there's the most popular example of the man who was opening his bar that was absolutely demolished but luckily people did donate to his GoFundMe to rebuild it but who knows when he can actually rebuild that and get his dream back off the ground that's still going to take a lot of time even with that financial support and I don't see why the targeting his bar helped anything it just hurt him it's just hurting the community in my city specifically there was this great Vietnamese restaurant that I eaten at multiple times called Saigon babe Vietnamese restaurant it was owned and operated by a family of four for the last four years enduring a tam polluting session it was burnt down and destroyed as well as a few other buildings nearby and I just have to ask why like what the [ __ ] did not accomplish it's not like by burning that down anything was solved it's not like the people in power gonna be like holy [ __ ] we were ignoring this problem but now that they've targeted this Vietnamese restaurant and destroyed it now we have to listen [ __ ] love that Vietnamese restaurant okay now it's time to get serious it didn't do anything what happened is it just ruined that entire family's lives that they build up over the course of four years that they put everything into again I know this wasn't the protesters that did this by the way I want to make that clear I'm well aware it's not real protesters doing this it's very evil people that are taking advantage of this situation to cause chaos and loot [ __ ] and burn [ __ ] and just be [ __ ] I get that but what it's done this all of these people doing this are turning the community against the protest because now they're afraid they're afraid of the protest if they hear protests nearby and they own a small business they're afraid of what might happen to their business nearby so just it's just a bad thing for the entire protest as a whole to go on Twitter and encourage the looting and make it sound like it's just something that's supposed to be acceptable I just don't agree with that because everything that the protest is doing is [ __ ] great but then the people that are hijacking it and don't even [ __ ] care are taking advantage of it and still getting defended on Twitter and I just I don't like that at all now I'm not saying this is an absolute not everyone is defending looting of course like there's a lot of protestors out there actively trying to stop it you know putting themselves in front of looters in a building or just outright discouraging it or making sure people know that this is not acceptable this is not what the protest is about and that's great I'm just saying it is still something that is getting defended from time to time on Twitter that I just disagree with but I want to again reiterate truly hope that there can be a good positive change and outcome from all of this and my heart goes out to everyone affected and everyone involved wishing the absolute best from this situation hopefully by the end of everything here we'll be a lot closer as a nation and won't be as divided and yeah that's really about it so yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,368,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Yaepi1xKobo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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