Creepiest Youtuber Ever is Finally Being Sued

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throughout the history of YouTube there's of course been no shortage of creeps on the platform however there's always existed One champion atop this mountain of weirdos one alpha goober who is more laughably pathetic and cringe and more dangerously unhinged than all of the rest his name used to send shivers down the spines of all parents who had teenage girls in their household his name has long since been forgotten like an ancient threat he's like the Sauron of YouTube the Thanos of online accused Predators his name is Onision this is someone I've covered quite a few times on the channel over the years and we're going to be talking about him again because he is now facing his biggest lawsuit yet for his alleged grooming and solicitation of pictures of underage girls as well as a lot of other really awful things that he has been accused of over the years talking about Onision in 2023 is like talking about a 1970s obscure action movie villain that no one remembers it's just been so long since anyone's actually talked about them outside of just mentioning all of his absolute degeneracy or laughing at him for when he embarrasses himself even though he's not active on YouTube he is still active on Twitter and posts just unbearable unreadable garbage things like what if I hugged you and then buried my tongue deep inside your [ __ ] and then I fished around in there for dingleberries would you like that would you like that my naughty princess would you get squirty for me like absolutely awful vomit inducing [ __ ] so he'd get dunked on on Twitter still as just a little punching bag but he wasn't really a YouTuber anymore for the last like four or five years I'll go ahead and give you like a brief history of him since I'm sure most of you don't even remember the [ __ ] stain that he left on the internet I'll give you a little lore recap he started making [ __ ] all the way back in 2007 but really what blew up his channel was this video the banana song I'm a banana it was a viral video that really popped off and it's stirring that era of YouTube where everything was just like XD random and making silly songs like spoon Spork I got a spoon a spork sporky spoon like that kind of awful [ __ ] he capitalized on that genre and from there grew three channels with over a million Subs each one of them over two million which for its time was unheard of he was one of the biggest channels YouTube had for years he was absolutely massive and then he uh started letting that power get to his head he started falling into a lot of controversies but by far the biggest one was he had a website where his audience of mostly young teenage girls would send pictures of themselves that he would grade he'd grade them on their attractiveness on their bodies and [ __ ] like that and he would critique them and talk about these pictures that little girls were sent ending to him how the authorities didn't kick down his door and rip him out of his banana costume for all this [ __ ] I will never fully understand because there's a lot of substantiated evidence about all of this so you can immediately see that this is a [ __ ] awful person this is a bad guy and the controversies only continued to grow over the years it got to a point where Chris Hanson investigated him I think there's even a documentary about Onision and all the awful [ __ ] he's done and he never really faced repercussions for these actions he even still tried to like capitalize off some of the [ __ ] he started an only fans page which focused on [ __ ] porn of him it it's not even really worth going down that road but yeah he started in only fans for even more weird [ __ ] that he was into and trying to sell he had a an appearance in court a couple years ago where everyone was laughing at him because he showed up in a bulletproof vest he was actually suing Chris Hansen but ended up suing the wrong Chris Hansen and Onision is so unbelievably [ __ ] stupid he's an absolute bumbling idiot that he decided to represent himself in court as you can imagine this was a complete mockery of the legal system and everyone was laughing at him because he went there in a [ __ ] bulletproof vest represented himself and he looked like an extra out of a John Wick film and now fast forward to 2023 and he is facing by far his biggest lawsuit yet they put out a statement a few days ago breaking down everything the entire 48-page lawsuit is available to read and download if anyone really wants to see all of the details here are five counts alleged in the filing this is is just an article breaking down the situation but this is all from the actual complaint as you can see it's very serious [ __ ] here they're pulling no punches this is the full knuckle sandwich they're coming after Onision with and rightfully so all of these allegations are disgusting and he absolutely does need to be held accountable for years upon years of this kind of behavior so I'm very curious to see how all of this plays out this is a big deal for sure and one that undoubtedly will be very interesting to see unfold I am however excited to see onision's newest breakdown video that he'll likely make for this he's notorious for filming himself having a meltdown and leaning into the controversy where he tries to make like a mockery of it so he like just has these over-the-top breakdowns spitting and screaming and [ __ ] and pissing all about people you know being mean to him but those are usually just trying trying to Farm off of the drama so he tries to like clout Goblin his way into a couple extra views for some ad Revenue this one I think is far more serious for him since this carries huge huge sentencing should he be found guilty on all of these things like this is not a light lawsuit at least not from what I've read here this this seems like this could be an absolute big one so I don't know if he's gonna be his usual deplorable attention farming self off this case here but I guess we'll just have to see anyway I just wanted to talk about this a little bit and that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 5,323,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ocrjkwtF-e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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