September Block Party "Patty Cake Quilt"

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so today we have this great quilt I can't wait to show you there's only two pieces to remember a six and a half inch square and a two and a half inch square so you can do that right if it doesn't that make it easy huh six and a half and two now here it is my sister patty doesn't she look cute I love all your but thank you so myself so this quilt started from Patty this quilt was hanging in my house for years in fact it even got a little a little faded and I was thinking I was looking at that ah we should make this for block party the next time and wouldn't you know it the very next day patty said let's make that into a pattern yeah we needed something new and I designed it when we were doing the Irish chain if you remember that boring path it's classic but it's just a well it's just it was 86 can you believe that 86 you have to remember the century it was 1986 and since I I don't do boring quilts I said what can I do to make it more exciting so I changed it and I named it the shabby chic chain but now it's just shabby so it's been hanging around too long it's a little faded and she told me that it smelled so I washed it well that good Theresa I'm gonna have Teresa come this is Teresa and I want you to be on this side yeah come over here yeah okay that's good okay yeah because I remember I'm I've been stepping in front of it okay so that's the first one are you ready we need to have a quilt catcher because I think we have one that's fresh okay you're gonna be the poke catcher David or is it Brenda oh you stay on the Internet David and we're gonna pass this to Brenda one two three all right you too so well let me say after I did that quilt I usually like to have one for quilting today so I give the same fabric to Theresa and she makes her quilt for quilting today and I think about and this one has not been in hanging oh look at the difference between these oh my goodness see what happens oh my goodness that's hard to believe well I remember the day that Theresa and I hung that so it was nice and soft in my living room and so here you see there is a square there's just a square and then beside it there's a nine patch and that nine patch has those little okay if this is six-and-a-half this has got to be two and a half this is your test so these are little squares that are all matched coming off those big squares and finished with a little folded border this is like a 1 and 1/4 inch strip that you just fold in half and just tuck it in between those two borders so sweet so you want to see the back beautiful quilting whoo you can really see it all right so now we got it all set up you know what we're gonna be doing with this and okay you can show the next one and in honor of patty we named the pattern pattern pattycake patty-cake actually I think it was Orion and David and we said oh that's cute patty-cake and she feels pretty honored and the main reason is patty-cake what do you think this cake size is layer cake layer cake ten inch squares that's it but everybody calls it something different patty cake so this is just beautiful with all the colors and diagonal rows going down very very bright but very similar with the large square and the nine patch beside it good all right so now okay we're getting in there I'm looking around this is the one that I did and I'm looking for my square by ten inch square and here we have my ten inch square that I'm a no no it was it's a whole package of squares we got it that's what I want so this is the one that I did and this is the square that I use the squares I used is called sweet Prairie isn't that nice and this is very sweet and it's really fun because the fabric rack from Riley Blake gave it to me Friday night I made it Saturday and Sunday and we got it quilted Monday beautiful and it is it's really fun and so you can see that it's all scrappy and I had sort of a plan I started off with like gray and yellow I love the yellow I remember one time I actually said on TV I hate yellow and look what I did yellow border it's beautiful this one is quilted quite simply with crosshatch quilting and it just really I think it helps that whole feeling of Prairie you know kind of an old-fashioned quilting design and looks very very soft but I loved it it's called sweet prairie and this one I did I actually did it and look at the back isn't that cute little polka dot so it's kind of simple but the way I did it the layout is simple but you should see we just started going crazy as we went along okay Brenda thank you next one I think this is patty yeah this one is so fun this one this one is from the kitchen kind of like I'm looking to see if they're up I was like upside down it has a lot of little fussy cuts on it it's really really fun so when you know patty did it cuz it has all those fussy cuts but it has the little cupcakes in it and you can see all of the words from the kitchen more cupcakes here's a little coffee pot and coffee cups it's very very cute really liked it so from the layer-cake kitchen love and when we do this we're going to have one little two and a half inch square left and so we did a patty pan a patty patty but this really loose patty just did this for me and when you cut these you have little two and a half inch squares left we took 25 v across and five down and we added just a little bit of batting and backing and rickrack and there's your pattern is that cute and that one has the little kitchen on the back of it it's it's really simple and fun to do but we can't we can't waste anything right and David did this one oh I'm gonna hold onto this one because you'll see this one coming up okay and this is called life is sweet life is sweet life is sweet that's very very cute oh okay we're getting fancier this is David's okay so he loved it so much oh is this beautiful so you know the line the line is forever love forever love and David you should come up here you should be proud of this stand beside it and you'll have to talk into patties Mike and tell all about it or my Mike whichever one you wanted okay here it is son so I was inspired by Patti's water will her layout and I love the way she did her colors so I kind of mimicked it and I've been holding on to these layer cakes for a while and waiting for something to do and so after I made it I told Patti that I named it after her and I named it ode to Patti because it was inspired by Patti's woman and I cried I was so honored this is my favorite quilt I love it it just to me it looks like a watercolor painting the way the colors flow together so gracefully and this is clean size that will fit on a queen-size bed it's beautiful and there is a piece of cake well it's in the real quilt that we asked mirror to do a little desk top on it and he switched the colors around you'll never notice that in the photograph and this is what David did with his patty pad and he had little wide rickrack on two sides and this is the stripe this left over oh great way to use leftovers huh beautiful quilting on Judy Jackson did the quilting it is edge to edge because it's so busy it's there it really wouldn't be worth it to do designs edge to edge quilting on it oh let's do it in the back it is really pretty beautiful this feels nice and cozy too oh my gosh it's getting cold already aren't we excited Oh Brenda take that okay we're keep on getting fancier and fancier okay so now daddy did this one whoo okay kick out your corn Wow beautiful sand so you want to talk about your design Patti well I thought I want to do something different and I was I just sat down to think and visualize couldn't think of anything do so I just fell asleep and then I woke up and it popped into my head barn-raising and these this was the layer cake from Mota it's French general I've had it for years and then I thought what am I going to do for the border I walked into this great quilt shop quilt in a day they had a French general that I thought oh now I can do my quilt and what I love about the fabrics it does come in different values and I just cut it up and I kind of laid it out in symmetrical pattern and it what I love about the fabrics they all kind of remind me of some classic drapery or upholstery fabrics each one is unique and I did a little fussy cutting if you notice the bees are all flying in the same direction I guess they're all going to the hive what do you think yeah so either they're coming or going so so this is the it's called red Gardens it's very fresh very French very very French French general so take a look at these fabrics Patti's been sewing in my sewing room and now there's twice as many scraps laying around and I took all of the leftover two and a half inch squares from this quilt and you will see this again in October whoa so hold on to your scraps and all your little two and a half inch squares so the next one is also leftover from Patty's quilt from last time from the roundabout I don't know if you remember the colors were you were using ten inch squares and they were just laying on the sewing table actually they were laying everywhere listen they were and so one morning I got up early and I just started cutting six and a half inch squares and there were a lot of two and a half inch squares so I started laying it down and patty came in and they're nice I don't like it I said just wait I put a few more in each time she came back I said I really liked it and it got better it got better I love it now yeah I really like it too but it is all just from you don't have to have a whole layer cake to start with it was just really fun to put all the colors together and then finished off with a green why your border this is a little folded border right in here let me see do we get them all ah what do you think you like them like they're really good so I'm gonna move this away and put this here this is really good and I have to walk over to my table and show you how excited I am Oh Ryan I'm so excited you found an original Ruby McKim book 101 patchwork patterns mine is in oh my gosh is just in pieces but I'm looking to I'm going to look for the date I'm so excited and I'm excited about the price you paid for it 19:31 is that impressive McKim Studios Independence Missouri at apparently than they were their own publisher at that time but it's really exciting look at this and then it's been reprinted so many times but this is a trick pardon me 100 and oh okay what it was called before first McKim Studios designs worth doing designs worth doing yeah designs worth doing that's really cool but see here it says published by McKim Studios Independence Missouri and I love the the hardcover oh thank you where did you find it Amazon everybody's gonna look on Amazon and the price was right so isn't the pattern beautiful I love the way it's printed and all the beautiful colors so it is rotary cut knack you quilt cut I did my a Q quilt class and they'll that will also be out there on the internet so look at this this is what you're gonna do with your 10 inch square you see the six and a half inch and then four two and a half inch good see this part up here guess what that's for paddy pad I said it right cool okay and then you also have you have the the two blocks the squares the nine patch and then around the outside edge you have these rectangles and more two and half inch squares that make the border around the outside edge okay good so that's on page two and three is life is sweet and keep on going there's your yardage charts for all different sizes and we're finally gonna get to the cutting because it's so simple I want you to just see you can stack up how many layers can you go through four two four six well stack up your ten inch squares and just line up around the outside edge right out of the very left corner you're going to take I prefer the nine and a half inch square up ruler you're going to cut a six and a half inch square now there is the little pinked edge on the ten inch squares if you want to include those you can include them but there is room if you choose to just trim them off sliver trim them off the first just start with the six and a half inch square that's easy and look what's left so if you use the nine and a half inch square up ruler let me think two and two and a half and two and a half are five so how about I just line up two and a half by five layer cut up that way and slip those apart and just cut into two and a half inch squares like this and stack them up and then go up here two and a half by five and just cut those off okay these little pieces you can get rid of I don't mind get rid of that but look at this you can get another two and a half inch square if you want to do the patty-pan but you could even do a bigger square you can do like a three and a half loop that's the next pet project never know but look very very little waste and very fast so these are the pieces that you need you need to have for two and a half and one six and a half for each one of them and these are just a little bit extra and then you do have to background squares and Teresa said she would she would cut those for me two and a half inch background squares that's on page seven and up did you bring a strip are you gonna let you here here would you like this oh yeah yeah yeah that's what I want you to do so you need to have a lot of two and a half inch background squares and so Teresa is coming to my rescue with yardage and the big old shape cut plus because it cuts two and a half inch squares okay so she's just gonna put that on there have you seen this when we need to cut okay and she Theresa is lefty and I'm right [Laughter] fine push me right out of here okay so she is trimming at zero because see we have to do this just opposite the right people have to do it just the opposite okay and no you're doing fine the reason that I like the shape cut its pro I said the wrong one shape cut pro is because it's only two and a half inch squares and so you can't make a mistake that's what's really great right so she is cutting hundreds of two and a half inch squares Theresa is just showing off right here that's good oh yeah three thousand squares okay and the big thing is that you need to keep your rotary cutter straight up and down if you get it crooked you don't get it through the slots okay next step just take this get rid of it oops yep yeah you can step off towards Eric okay so now she's just turned it the opposite way and you can go ahead there you could save on the fold if you if you're possibly going to use that but she's going back to zero and just go on yeah okay yes okay so she's just going back across now we are gonna have to sit and so all of these Tresa gonna take a lot of layer cakes huh so it's just one layer cake or one ten inch square package to do all the smaller quilts the queen-size you do need to have two packages ten inch squares that's not bad huh going really good okay so now one thing that patty would have told us was to turn your lights all right side up because now except you can't even tell what's the right and wrong side on this one that works good right okay and so those just stack them up and you're ready whoo pretty good huh all right so I'm gonna let her stack up here patty these these are for you thank you you're gonna be our official layer outer okay so you have to lay out your pieces on your design wall before you can even go on okay so now we have all our pieces cut six and a half two and a half Thank You Teresa that's okay and we'll just get just get rid of this okay so now you're going to go ahead and skip over the actual cutting is on page eight and nine we're just going to skip because we're rotary cutting and now this is the hardest part laying out your squares figuring out how you want it to look so patty just lay out the six inch six and a half inch squares first okay just the six and a half all right so we had this all done okay so I gave her huh okay okay so now I'm on page ten and this is the top row that's good you're doing good and so don't look at those little for two and a half inch squares yet okay so we'll have patty take them off okay you did good okay yes okay that's the first row actually only need two in the first row so I think that this one is gonna have to come down here right oh right oh that's why okay and now you're going to do the second row which is just three of them when you do your layout all you have to do is start with your nine patch you start with your nine patch and we just put all these spaces in here okay you got it so now you just duplicate these two rows two in a row and then three in a row and then you repeat again two in a row and three in a row that doesn't sound hard does it that's because Teresa planned the whole quilt already and I think it's already half sewn - this is looking good okay so now you have put one more in and then you're going to have enough to go ahead and do the do the rest yeah that good okay so you really need a design wall this design wall fabric is called headliner it's like the upholstery and in cars the upholstering car's headliner and this is just mounted on foam core so that you can glue it down but it really works and so now patty took the for two and a half inch squares that go around each color soundboard sound board all thank you I said foam core right sound board so we decided that we should put the stripes in the opposite direction because if you tried to match up your stripes you might go crazy and I don't think it'll work okay so now she's building that one on the top so where's your next one's okay good so see how easy it gets once you're six and a half inch or down it's like magic that looks good you're doing good thank you Teresa Teresa designed it she designed it and this is really good this is what Teresa did for us she took a photograph and printed it out makes it really easy then if it the wind blows when we hang our quilt on the design while quilting today people walk past them all day long and they're all fallen on the floor over and over again people stopped to pick them up but and that that is really helpful to do it okay so if you do one more do this little blue one right here put the four hey the four up now I found out that when I laid them all out and I picked them up I just like to have the prints see there's no background in there yet right no background because once you start adding background then you get a lot of pieces going on so find something like the nine and a half inch ruler the 12 and a half inch ruler and then carefully let's see if I can put this toward the bottom this on the right this goes up here yeah and once you take these and start sewing these there's no way as long as you have this straight it's going to go back in place right so I like to assembly line so because it just it just takes forever right so now I have the pieces laid out for two of them so now comes the background so I'm just gonna go ahead and put there's only two here usually I put a whole row out and that works really good Oh Therese I need more I know she left with all those we all have we always have lots of those yeah yeah that's why we're doing a new pattern with two and a half inch squares in October yeah that's good okay so if you want to keep on laying now okay only you have to watch me right okay and before before we turn the pages you know that there's that border on the outside edge the border around the outside edge you if you take your ten inch square you can actually cut for two and a half inch strips but I wrote the instructions for just three two and a half inch strips for your outside border just in case you want to trim off that pinked edge and then you cut off a two and a half inch square and a six and a half inch square so these end up going right around the outside edge okay maybe do you have some of those you could put in place patty which which ones and the border and the outside I'll guess yes I would do that next okay we check my pattern here good you're doing good you got it I'm just looking at the picture okay that's right there so so now these are different these are different fabrics these are completely different you can't you have to start over with new ones and then that very corner up there goes a white okay that's gonna go right there okay all right good you need more one and a half or two and a half for you okay I'm good you're good okay I'm gonna just pay attention to what I'm doing now yeah okay so turn the page beep you have to get the whole quilt laid out on page 12 you see all of the pieces are there and I'm just going to keep on going starting to sew the 13 and that the 9 inch the nine patch together I'm looking at page 13 and I know I had a stiletto yeah so without it okay so I do vertical rows so you take the middle row and you flip it to the left yeah and then you just pick up and I like to just keep them sitting beside me so I don't get confused not to worry I don't get confused anyways just goes oh my gosh okay Theresa set up my machine with a little jumper scrap so you just keep on going right down the left vertical row use your stiletto so this is the second one I have my sew straight on my sewing machine I am addicted to it it has a straight line for your needle and then a quarter inch line so you can use that so you get a good quarter inch seam and it's slippery it's it's stuck on there with a 3m product that you can peel off okay so watch that see the line and just guide it with the stiletto and my quarter inch put on okay so I finished the top one now this is the thing see the second one is just exactly the same so you just go ahead and pick it up and put it right on behind I think that if you can learn this assembly line technique it'll go a lot faster for you otherwise I used to always lay out my stuff and just run back and forth I'm running from my sewing machine to my strips all laid out all the time okay so now let's just say we did now we have all the first two rows done so just go ahead and cut it off you have to take hold of the end pull it back up to the top two - two - two - two - boy I got scared I thought it wasn't there okay so now you can just go ahead clip and just put that jumper scrap in for the next one and I like to take this stack just pick up the whole stack and put it in the bed of the sewing machine so you don't have to keep on reaching over here just split it there okay it's easy if this is a print then this one beside it has to be a background and you're going okay how you doing Patti I'm getting there you are started it and I just get to lay it out so background here has to be a print beside it so you just pick it up that looks really good I love the print you know the name of that line is that one the what is it oh it's of course the good life good lie have the sweet life and now it's the good life Michaels keeps getting better and better yep that is true I'm kind of glad that the hundred degree weather is over but it might not be huh but it makes me want to take down my fourth of July quilts and get up my ball quilts okay so I finished one pull set and now I'm just gonna flip flip flip on the second set and it's just all lined up and you just keep on going so I'm gonna kind of just put that there clip it and sew it later how's that so then you go back and you clip in between each one of the blocks so now turn the page beep boop so now you're just going to go ahead and turn it the opposite way and the seams are pressed toward the dark that's pretty easy okay this is my first row flip it and just get it lined up you're going to lock your seam toward the dark on this side and on this side toward the dark so this little connecting thread is just as good as a pin so it's just going to look like that and like that in both sides okay so do you want to show anything on there Pat you want to it looks really we're just running out of space I don't know how much you can see did the camera pick up the whole the whole quilt and my I know one thing you can go to that big flower the ones one eat that one or this one oh yeah go up there to that one because the first time you lay it out you might not like the position of the flowers you want to show that yeah so this is fun you can play with them and and sometimes you can match match fabric it's a little just a little adjustment there here let's put the red one over here yeah and then you can see the large scale just kind of falls into place good and point out your border around the outside edge oh well we have a four and a half and then a two and a half and these are assembled let's see if we have some little squares do you want to sew sew one together or you just again stacking order yeah and then we'll put actually we'll sew this set of three and then three and then alternate the four and a half and then the piece set of three squares and that makes our frame well are these six and a half I'm sorry you're right a half by six yeah I did that just as a trick to make sure you're listening good yeah and you were I don't know where I got four and a half I guess just just out of my head okay so now I've got this is my nine patch toward the dark toward the dark on the outside there and there and then just go and put your iron right in the middle so that you press your seams out and actually they're going in different directions so they will always lock on this one they're going in on this scene they're going out so no matter how you turn them they're going to work perfect you can't even go close on it Eric looks good huh whoo thank you thank you okay so give me one of those give me that one right there that this set of nine okay love this yes oh how about this one this one whatever one how about we do it in a row okay okay you're right it's okay so it's not very hard all you have to do it's on page 15 you need to just take there's two of them so you just stack up two backgrounds isn't it easier not to have the backgrounds up there and keep on picking up all the backgrounds with it it just gets really um cumbersome okay so then just take this and flip it right sides together and just use this do this quarter-inch seam and then just assembly line so when we did this together Patty and I had her original quilt laying on the floor and we put the pieces on top to make it really easy to do but it was really fun it was the hardest thing is just to try to get all the fabrics okay then you open that and this one comes next one in the other side and the good thing you don't have to do any sewing on the rectangle but you have to get all of these pieces sewn the outside border and the nine patch before you can start sewing vertical rows on the quilt and if you do vertical rows on the quilt very very all right and this time again teams go toward the print cool here let me let me press this one so you can put it right back in there and I hate to tell you but that's as easy as it gets huh is that easy I love it and you can use up all of your okay there go in towards the dark just like this just clip on my part look how pretty they are I love them okay and this one goes back and this one goes back easy and all of the other ones will be all filled in with 9-patch and then all you just do is the vertical rows top to bottom like this and it's in your book you just turn to page page 16 your first border goes on and then your little folded board and there's illustrations right there and just keep on going there's David's quill ode to Pattie beautiful so you didn't have to remember it and the red garden and this is the best part coat go to page 23 and there is Patti 12 years old that's my mom and her red in turquoise kitchen and that recipe is her handwriting and I'm sure I know I could read it but I didn't think you would be able to read it and so Patti love carrot cake and this is mother's recipe that she used to make her her character for the patty-cake pattern I was supposed to bake one of those I was too busy this weekend and I didn't get it done are you bummed I'm sorry no that's okay we had cake on Friday yeah but you should eat cake eat cake have a good time thank you [Applause]
Channel: Quilt in a Day
Views: 19,271
Rating: 4.9633026 out of 5
Keywords: quilting, eleanor burns, quilt in a day
Id: 1jM6tN5h8k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 36sec (2616 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2017
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