Sew Simple Shapes ReMix Series - Episode #7 September

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[Music] [Music] well hello everyone welcome to my happy place today is friday september 17th and today's episode is the remix block number seven which is for the month of september now my remix blocks i always do with my so simple shapes giving you different ideas so that you can think outside of the block outside of the box and yes outside of the blocks why not of normally what i designed my shapes for for going with the quilt i wanted to show you that you can use them for other things and you can get the pattern and instructions the third friday of every month i do my filming then because the third wednesday of every month is when riley blake puts the pattern or basically what the pattern is this is so simple shapes they'll tell you in their newsletters so make sure you're subscribed to the newsletter you will get that in your email the third wednesday of every month i will leave a link here in the video description and so that you can sign up for that if you have not and then again like i say the following friday i will do a tutorial on how i make that remix block so today's remix blocks is from my granny's garden so simple shape said i've been waiting to do this for these to come back into stock and now they're back in stock and so i'm super happy about that because this is a big set that has a lot of different possibilities in it and so i will show you a picture of the granny's garden quilt here maybe a little you know a little slideshow or something to show you what that quilt looked like so that you can see the shapes and the quilt that they made and become familiar with those because then you can see how different these look [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] so what i did was i took this shape right here which is i-25 okay now obviously you can just lay this on a piece of my interfacing trace it like this and sew around you know a piece of fabric and get this flower shape right but i designed this so that it has eight different petals and it ends up looking like a rounded dresden as well and how you do that is you sew the block into a pinwheel first and then you lay the shape on so i'm going to show you how i do that so for this shape right here again it's i-25 of my granny's garden and what you're going to need to start out with is five-inch squares that's kind of what i started out with i have you know just a container here that i have a lot of leftover from um five inch stackers charm packs whatever and so i grabbed these for this size and what i did was i trimmed them down to four and three quarters because i didn't want to be using the little um pinked edge for those because of how we're going to sew this so i wouldn't go any smaller than that i wouldn't go down to four and a half inches i just trim them down to four and three quarters if you want to do that and i have already sewn some of the half square triangles just to get a little bit ahead but what i do is i um let me set that there is four of these four of these squares will make one of these dresdens okay but because i wanted a different one for each blade then i grabbed eight squares instead and then i just pair them up and then that means i'll get two dresden with eight squares i'll get two of these dresdens and if you look closely um to these you can see that i used 16 squares for these and then i just kind of mixed them up so they don't look all the same and so that's a good hint to use if you're doing a table runner or quilt or a pillow or something that you're going to make a lot of the same size and this is a great way to use up your scraps and use up the squares in your scrappy stash which is what i have done and so i know that i have told you in the past that i'm going to show you how to use this other line right here on my seems so easy guide so the center line is when we're doing easy corner triangles and this line right here is your quarter inch seam allowance that i used to when i'm sewing an accurate quarter inch seam allowance which is hopefully all the time and this line right here is when i'm taking two squares and putting them right sides together and i don't have to mark this and i'm going to be getting two half square triangles by sewing a quarter inch away from each point and so how i do that is instead of following this center line on my corner like this when you're doing easy corner triangles i'm going to be following this line so i take my corner right here and i line up with this line and i just and it doesn't have to be completely accurate but you want to use that as your guide and i start sewing right there and i can kind of peek and see where that line is and you know come a little bit forward so you can see where that's going to be coming up as soon as i sell that bar okay so this is what i mean by i'm taking this corner and i'm just following that line right there and this is the far left line and because i like to chain piece i'm gonna i'm gonna do two at the same time and i'm gonna get four half square triangles out of both of these squares two half square triangles from each one and then i'm just gonna start on that far left line again start sewing keeping my fabric flat okay then i'll just clip this and now let's see which side can you see my thread lines can you see my thread lines pretty good there which where i stitched what i'm going to do is flip that over and i'm going to take this corner so my where i already stitched is on this side i'm going to line up again on this left line on the corner and sew again that way i'm sewing half of an inch apart without having to mark my fabric and it's pretty fast and i'm just going to do this do the same thing with this flip it around my stitching is on this side and start right there [Music] okay let's grab the fabric there so i don't waste thread i've clipped these apart now they're sewn a half an inch apart you see that let's okay i come over here and i just set my stitches real quick so they're nice and flat and then i will just cut them apart they're already sewn so you know there's no special cutting you can use a rotary cutter to do this i've just got my scissors right here so i just grab them cut them apart and again these are either five inch squares or four and three quarters and then i will take this over here and i will press my seams open i especially want my seams open for this because i want my my applique to light as flat as possible one thing and then i'll put the the quilter's clapper on there one thing you can do at this point speaking of points is you can take and clip your points like this you know your little dog ears you can clip those off so that when you open that and press it open you don't have to clip them separately like this so there's your two options that way so let me just hurry and press these open i'm going to go ahead and clip these like this and like this and i'm not clipping into the thread where the corner is right there i'm just starting my clip right on the corner okay now these are ready to press open i'm going to have to replace the fabric in this on this ironing board it's been quite a while since i've been using it you can see it's getting a little bit little teeny bit discolored but guess what my new decorator weight fabric prints just came in so i'm going to be doing that maybe by next week i'll have it replaced when i'm filming we'll see so i'm just going to cover it up with another decorator weight fabric and i have shown you the tutorial on how i diy my own ironing board covers so i can't wait to use one of my new prints and put on top of here all right so i've got these and because i didn't clip those see that's why i usually like to do it when they're closed it just saves time so i don't have to do four clips okay so now you can see that i have two half square triangles that all look the same these are the ones that i did previously okay and now all i'm going to do is um here i'll just take four away for right now and save those for i want to make another one when i make um more of the half square triangles in this size so that i can mix these up so that i don't get two dresdens looking exactly the same now what i'm going to do is lay these out in a pinwheel so let me pull this up a little bit more and so when you're laying out for a pinwheel you just want your seam lines to go this way and then turn i think i like it like that your seam lines on that one going this way okay and then you're going to end up having your pinwheel and all you have to do is sew these two together these two together and then sew this and i'm going to be pressing my seams open so i'm going to go ahead and do that real quickly [Music] all right so i'm just waiting for this to cool down and this clapper will allow it to when it's cooled down it's flatter and you can see that i used my seam roller for those bulky seams in the center and i just kind of do that first before i press it and that really comes in handy i use this a lot for that and now we've got a pinwheel okay now when you're making this pinwheel it doesn't matter if this this edge lines up perfectly or this one you really am trying to pay more attention to the center here because those edges are going to be you know cut off because you can see that it's a round shape so what i'm going to do is i grab shape which i've already pre-done and traced around it with a pencil onto my sewing interfacing okay and because this is already traced all i need to do is take these little cleavage areas right here and line up with all the seams and they should line up pretty dang good okay if you want to at this point you can pin it i really usually don't but i'm going to put a couple of pins in just so that you know they don't slip just to be sure because of course you know because i'm doing this on camera the one time they would slip or would not slip would be here on camera now before i do that i may pin and unpin because i can see that this line is a little bit farther over here so i'm going to unpin this and shift it meaning i want the point the inside point to go right on that seam and you can kind of manipulate that okay that's better that lines up that way that's on all the points it may help to let's bring it over here says to show it like in a sunny window so you can really see what's lined up this one is not right here so all i'm going to do is line it up with my finger by pulling my thumb over there and pin it because you do have a little bit of leeway and then as you're sewing i just make sure that i can see that and these remain open and flat on the back okay and then i'm just going to sew this just like any regular so simple shape it's going to come in my stitch might be a little bit smaller and i'm just going to sew right on the line all the way around and as i come to here i'm going to you know this point is right on that seam so i'm not going to have to worry about that but as i come around if i see that it's not all you have to do is just kind of shift that and it doesn't matter if it bunches up a little bit here if it's a little bit tighter because it'll all it'll all come out [Music] all right so now i've got to um sew gotten to where i started and i over you know i have over sewn about an inch to set that seam and then i'm just going to sew right off the edge [Music] onto my scrap of fabric let me put my pins away and my cute little pin cushion truck over here i also have a tutorial where i show you how i make those all right so here i have this sewn and i have manipulated so that see how this point the drawn point is off a little bit here on the seam but i actually did sew on the seam there and then start to pivot so that's what i love about cotton fabric and doing this you can manipulate it a little bit if you need to but as far as i can see as well as my eyes can see i've got the point starting right in there and my seams are still open and i've got enough that i can clip an approximate quarter inch seam allowance all the way around and so that's what i'm going to do next okay so now i've got that trimmed and because these are all cleavage areas and also where a seam is that kind of makes it easy to clip i'm just going to take these and clip from the front and clip right to where my threads are right there not past my threads and i know it's a little scary but you want to clip right to those threads and i'm going through like three different layers of fabric because of those seam allowance folds but you can do it i do recommend using small scissors for this so you can see exactly what you're doing and if you have to you know put on some readers or something like that so you can see exactly where you're stitching to and this will allow it to lie flat when you've turned it right side out okay i've got all of those clipped and then the next thing i'm going to do is pull these apart or use a seam ripper how i've shown you in the past and what i'd like to do is just start a little clip there so that i can make a little bit bigger of an x right there it doesn't have to be super neat needs to be about that large and then i'm going to go ahead and turn it right side out very gently and then i'll use my fingers to kind of push out those curves it's a larger larger curves and a larger piece so i can easily use my fingers to do that and then that's what it looks like at that point and then i'll take this point to point turner and shape my curves interfacing side to me fabric out and i'm actually just using the tip of this to go onto the fabric not the interfacing i'm not in the seam allowance i'm actually just pushing out gently on the fabric as i'm coming around like this and i usually do it like about two or three times on each curve because i'm pushing very gently we don't want to poke a hole but again if you do poke a hole you can take that sioux glue like i've showed you how to fix that in other of my so simple shape series videos you can take that sue glue and put right on those little raggedy edges those little threads that are sticking out after you've poked a hole through kind of put the glue on that and then tuck over to the back side and that works pretty good you know i've done that a time or two so that's how i know how to fix those now you can see right here i probably needed to clip just a little teeny bit more but i think that'll make it that'll make it i can make it work just by pushing out that fabric and rounding it okay so that should be pretty good to go at this point let's move that for a second i do kind of like to press these real quick on the edges because i'm cotton has a memory and so i'm just giving that kind of a quick press and that's not going to go away you know what i mean when you've creased cotton it's you're going to have to iron it to get that little crease out so once i've done those edges yeah that's pretty flat but it's even going to be flatter when i take it over here and i'll just put my iron down in the center and kind of come from the center out and just press those down let's see let's use the longer clampers maybe a long one in the center a short one on the sides and then let that cool for just a minute so while that's cooling um let's clean this up just a little bit and i wanted to show you what i used for the center which is i-21 can you see that i21 how many places can i move it i-21 which is a one and a quarter inch circle now you can use any size circles for the center of these and i'll show you that in a minute i'm going to go over to the work table and i'm going to give you different options for centers for these but i thought it would be really fun to use this circle that's in the set and do them in red and then i didn't use a lot of red fabric or any solid red i should say fabric for these um little dresdens because i wanted this red to really pop and so that's what i did for those so for that for these size flowers i'm using the i21 and okay what's happened to my big shape but i've shown you several times here it is again that's i-25 all right but this should be cool by now let's take it out and look at it so fun so easy these are a great size they're bigger pieces great to um turn so use your five inch leftover squares and to make a quilt runners pillows whatever just anything that you can apply these on i noticed that on the right of blake website they applicate one of these onto some toweling stacy from buttermilk basin is who is also an awesome designer and she designs for riley blake as well and she has some new toweling out and so they put did kind of like a fall looking one and put it on some toweling and that's really cute so you might want to go over to their blog and check that out or on their instagram so in this set let me pull these in i know i've just focused on this size but in this set i actually designed four of these for this size that you can do the same thing with and this is the largest one so that's i-25 and here's i-24 see these work well together you can just line up those dots there in the center and you can do fun little things with that here is i-23 and here is i-22 okay these are all the exact same shape just four different sizes and what i did with those is for the i-24 i saw this other one look how cute that is in that size and i just do the exact same thing this is what the other one looked like because again i did eight i started out with eight squares because i wanted it to be scrappy so that's what that looks like i just laid that on there after tracing it and did the exact same thing all right and again those oh i didn't tell you what size squares you need to use three and a half inch squares for those so i just grabbed my bin of three and a half inch squares grab some and did the exact same way following this far left line so that i'm sewing a half inch i'm wide apart quarter inch on each side and i end up with this size of pinwheel which is easy for that size okay so that's the i-24 three and a half inch squares for that okay now for the i-23 which is the next shape right here i use two and a half inch squares so here on this design board i've got my two and a half inch square bin somewhere else doing something else with that but i grabbed some of my two and a half inch squares and did that the exact same way sewing it exactly like that and that's what that cute little one looked like right there and just traced it on there and that's a good size for that all right that's what that one looks like and those are two and a half inch squares so this is three and a half two and a half and for this little bitty cute one right here which i think is so cute that's tiny i used two inch squares for that so i grabbed my two inch square bin that i've got here two inch i have a lot of two inch squares because that's a pretty um pretty good size that i trim off of my easy corner triangles um when i'm using like my four and a half inch size or something that i trim off i can always cut a two inch square and so i don't know why i have those separate in a bag but so i've got that bin you could use one and a half but they're pretty fiddly i just went ahead and used the two inch squares for that and so that's what that little pinwheel looks like notice that those don't line up exactly in the center because it's smaller and more bulky and that one doesn't isn't exactly quite in the center either but remember we're always putting a circle or something over it but speaking of this you might not want to make a whole quilt out of these because they're smaller but look how cute that would be if i just poked a hole right there in the center maybe took some sharp scissors poked a hole right here in the center and used a little bit of fray check to stop that from fraying and then i could put that under my little spool for a cute little dresden i could even do that size too right there that'd be fun and so but these small ones are really cute to do you know for smaller blocks for smaller appliques for you know little accents on patchwork project bags or whatever you want to do or if you're just doing little mini quilts obviously but you know as you get larger sizes it's easier easier to manipulate and they're all just as easy to do but using larger fabric pieces is always a little bit easier so i just wanted to show you those and those sizes right there i just think they're really fun and now i want to go over to the table and show you different options that we can do the centers in but i did also want to say that i'm sure it's obvious to you but i just kind of wanted to point it out that you could just do these in two colors you could do this red and white blue and white you would just use a background and then a red a background and a red you know that kind of thing so you don't have to do it scrappy but you know i'm always showing you how i sew for my stash and these are really fun to do that way all right so let's go over to the table and i'll talk about you know a few different ideas on how to put the centers on these all right so here i am back over here at the work table and so obviously i showed you that you can use the small little circle from the set for the centers but you can also the easiest change would be just to do a larger circle so um i do have my circle rulers here two inch four inch and six inch that i just had some leftovers already sewn and then i sewed up a few too just so that i could show you what the six inch one looks like okay so this is one i already had sewn for my flea market quilt so that's what it would look like if you did a large circle i probably should have saw one in red so you could really see that but that's kind of what it would look like and then you would just have tiny little petals then you would kind of have room maybe to put another circle in the center you know that'll be kind of cute but just i just love how it shows the different looks when you do things differently so what about if you did the same size in six inch but you did the background grab so i've got these squares of my b backgrounds which would be perfect for the backgrounds and the size for a quilt so let me throw this on here and then if you used the same background and did a center circle look what that looks like and then that's open that you could put something like um this star right here this is from my be happy set you could put a star in the centers okay and let's see i did several size stars this one might be too small okay so this is a good time to tell you this okay so this star d14 is for my be happy set but these two are stars f15 and f14 are for my autumn love but see how nicely they all go together i do that on purpose so that you can stack stars if you need to for different things so just kind of be aware of that kind of you can cross over and play with my shapes together and they'll do different things so look at that you could also do i don't know maybe i would put this one's for my four inch ruler put that there and add a star there's just a lot of different things you could do these smaller ones i'll probably use with you know like the smaller little dresden flowers like this but first i'm just gonna show you options from the large so also i've got this heart f19 from autumn love that'd be super cute in there i've got this from my b happy the d27 it's just a different shaped heart i have several hearts and several sets okay you could do that so if you're using a larger circle it just gives you a bigger background to work with you can put flowers and everything like that on there like i did with my um granny's garden quilt but if you didn't want a background circle that big with the six inch ruler you could use the four inch ruler put that in the center switch out the matching i mean they wouldn't have to match but switch out the matching background it just kind of gives you the illusion after after everything's quilted your block is quilted in a quilt pillow runner whatever when this is down it gives it the illusion that you went and did kind of english paper piece these or whatever and so that's kind of cool so that's what that looks like with that circle with that star in the center this star in the center this cute little bitty star in the center with this taller heart in the center or this wider i mean i guess you could get crazy fancy and put another little dresden inside there right and put a little reddit center there that'd be cute another thing is this is from um i-26 this is from granny's garden set and i did that in red you could put that on there and then use like a yellow center let's see so i have this bag that i have left over um so simple shapes from a long time ago that i keep in here so sometimes i'll just grab like look you could put that and look that looks like tiny little rick rack because we did that yellow center or you could take that off and just put it right there lining up all the intersections there so that you know it's centered i really like how that looks these are all different size circles that are from my self-simple shapes not necessarily for my rulers look at that background right there that's cute it just looks like a little rickrack and then you know you can put another little center in there or this little red center in there i don't know there's just a lot of different possibilities now all you have to do is you know here's the binder that i keep myself simple shapes in but remember this is a free download of all of the cutting guides but it gives you a glance at what each shape looks like in each set so you can kind of get an idea and go through and say oh wow look at that and the be happy d26 is a flower that might be really cute there in the center or something like that or i could do this blue bird with the little wing on it and put the larger background center right here and put a blue bird inside of it so there's a lot of different possibilities that way let's um move this one off and just kind of see like look how cute that would be it just might be a little too big but that's kind of fun i don't know i kind of like it when it's big like that with the background with just a little trim around there and then you can put smaller things in there it's just kind of fun to experiment and again i just did the hearts and stars and circles but um there's so many more different possibilities this one because it's so tiny we'll just do like the little red circle let's say this is my two inch circle ruler let's see what we can do with that maybe the little star fits in there i don't know not really that kind of overlaps it probably just another circle there i put that there you can double up on the circles how about a gingham circle that's really fun so that's what i do when i'm kind of playing with things like that one other option might be really cute to show you is this one right here let me line that up so it's centered can you see that says i need to slide it over more put that there and then bring the gingham circle in that's cute too and you can do that on any of these they're all the scrappy happy look anyway i'm assuming that because you're a quilter and you're watching this video that you like to play with fabrics and different shapes and so that's kind of what i'm what i love to do once i do a basic shape and i'm just kind of moving things around and deciding you know what looks best i think it would be really fun to let's put this on here again and take these shapes right here and cut this probably nine and a half inches the background so down from ten inches and then i would cut like um if i was making a bunch of blocks like this to put together for a quilt i could use those for the centers or just these little ones or use this bigger one or again use the background one but it would be really fun to do cut like three inch squares or two and a half inch squares and do easy corner triangles and scrappy here and when you sew your blocks together it looks like a round background and i've done that several times and that's pretty fun so i just kind of wanted to give you a lot of different options on what you want to do with this cute little september remix block and there's a lot of fun shapes in this granny's garden so i'm happy it's back in stock and again it's super easy to just make these pinwheels and using that method with my seams so easy guide there on my machine without any marking and just sew up a bunch and have fun with them and so like i'm having fun with them and play all day in your sewing room and decide what you want to do and how many projects you want to do with this so thank you so much for joining me today in my happy place and i will see you next week with a new video and i'll chat with you later
Channel: Lori Holt
Views: 97,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m3NlFlUA338
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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