August Block Party "Roundabout Stars"

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[Music] there you go see you can do it good morning oh my goodness do you believe that summer is nearly over where did summer go and kids are already going back to school so look at me I wore my schoolgirl outfit today my Madras plaid skirt don't you remember what goes around comes around huh I figure if I leave it in my closet long enough it'll be back and so here it is I'm ready for fall and I have this great quilt I always tell you I have this great quilt it is a good quilt are you ready for it okay it is called round about stars ready okay this one this is my favorite now you guys know patty right take a bow thank you so this is very special because this is our youngest sisters fabric we were in julienne we had no fabric but stuff drawers full and Judy had all 30s fabric ooh where is the noise and now you have to peek just step out and let these people and if you get your own show go [Music] so when you look at it you see a circle you see going something going round about round about stars we made nine different stars they're all different colors the value is the darkest and then we tried to keep out all medium to put in for catch there's four patch and there's half square triangles you like it yes I love it we had a really good time doing it was really fun so it also everything locks together it's just after the scraps you only need to have background is that easy or what and so we really liked it and then after we were all done and put it all together then this is what I found I said could I do that yeah this maturities fabric also this is do ok I would remember that and it's finding fabric or binding fabric too so it's just really fun so we just this is just a little wall hanging size the round size and it was just great fun 9 stars and one big round about in the middle and you see how you've got parts of roundabouts on the outside edges you have just like half of them so it was really fun to do just like driving in a car they have all those little roundabouts now I know in England have you driven on the roundabouts yeah and they're starting to do it all more more locally and I was in Indiana they have lots of roundabouts now no matter lease uncia ok show this one it's just the wall hanging from duty and this is our other assistants who I'm cool I'm really lucky today have two new assistants David is assisting and yeah just put it out okay this one Patti did look at the back on it oh I'm not seeing this since I did I did a thread it just came back from the quilter one two three and give them Michelle that was pretty ready so I told her Ryan I want to make a quilt and I got a text from him and he said there's fabric at your doorstep and I opened the door and all this fabric there was a layer cake and a layer cake a layer cake only just happened and they are cake that's it right here Maura wow I love that read it looked at good in the camera so but you didn't get the stars out of the layer cake that was a quarter yard that was a quarter yes and the half square triangles and a four patch learning from the layer cake doesn't know layer cake make it easy for scrappy quilts you don't have to like mess up your whole room trying to find those scraps it really really it works really good but this is really cool this is August quilt Patti did hers out of a layer cake I started on September and I used the rest of Patti's layer cake ah now I know you can't wait till September huh okay so this is also the wall hanging size very very pretty do you see the big roundabout right in the middle just zipping right around they're very perky points on those stars huh all right and Judy Jackson did this one it just it just came in last night she did it Sunday I guess yeah Sunday okay the next one is oh this one is yours - okay it's mine okay so this one's bigger bigger and that's pretty how that was my first fabric was that little gingham check and we loved it so much we used it in two or three quilts I think was in the last quilt yeah but whatever oh did you notice can we plan can we do a good job yeah you do look really fun and so notice how many different colors of stars just two just two and this one has some consistency with just the two different colors but then the check he appears in the same spot every time so you can get real scrappy or you can put some one thing that repeats itself I think of repeat often calms as the whole quilt down don't you think a little bit of commie it's not so crazy all over the place but that loves really and look how good we look oh and just to let you know if you want to do it the easy way just do two star colors alternating then you don't have to think too much you like that because Teresa's neck out don't of you when he had to think on let's tell me she had a lot oh yeah the back because it is beauty look at the back I love it that is going at Coral Creek gorgeous Amy did it yeah Amy yeah and she bought she sold her home she's moving she's not going to be able to quilt for us for a month that means we have to be prepared that is Nitro except me attacked and she said wait to see my new sewing room oh we all feel that way oh oh you did Oh barn her quilting quilting machine okay so Theresa did do this one she did it before she left and as patty said she worked really hard on it whoops and they're creating a ball and also she used a layer cake oh my gosh I saw the special price out in the store that they're selling it for it's called um bumble berries bumble bee is very very cute and if you look you can see that she did purchase yardage for all of her stars but you can see the center she pulled out of her layer cake her half square triangles and little four patches are all taken from the layer cake and so it makes it a lot easier to well that's beautiful on a camera and the quilting is really special yes and this is twin size look at the length of it um it takes a long loud and I would like if you want to do see it add one more border and if you look in your pattern there is yardage for Queen and after it it says question marks because we didn't get the Queen done but you got the yardage Forge and you can do a clean if you like so it would be beautiful on a bed huh what do you think this I really like this - this is really really beautiful yes it's very very pretty okay so let's just take a look at it and you can see so here you have this one block that has the four patch in the corners and then the next one beside it has the half square triangles and then it just repeats again with four patch then the next row is the alternate so it just keeps on alternating between those two patches and then the stars end along here but we thought that it was missing something so we did add an outside row around the outside edge to further extend that circle you see it you can see it yes it's very very pretty and this the extension is really just once again it's made of a half square triangles beside the four patch is half square triangles and beside the half square triangles here are the fourth patch so they're just the opposite to and everything locked this is really cute on the back looking good that's sweet it's keys keys yeah we really like it oh okay well we're not going to leave David out you get your show David okay I started this David finished it you want to help you want to stand and talk about it yeah okay oh yeah okay talking to my mic so each each month we do a fat quarter class here at closer today it's pretty neat um Alan or and to sit and pick out fabric line so this is made out of the fat quarter Club it's called Victoria Gardens it's by Robert Kaufman and so the only thing we needed more yardage for was the star points and then around the border and look and that that is okay that was July and it's a solid intro dr. Bolger Martha is cutting this as we speak August isn't that beautiful for Christmas there were girls in here yesterday looking for Christmas fabric already so this is the fun thing you just sign up for it and every month it just comes to your door and it's like a gift you walk out and go ooh look what I got today you do have to pay for it just give us your check and I just have to show you I don't know if you know this David but um we we work so fast that we really get our labels sewn in and Mark and so Theresa came up with this cool label idea I've shown you before she just takes the square of fabric fold it in half and then she makes sure she encloses those two raw edges when she sit just down her binding Judy Jackson does not want to be forgotten as the long-arm quilter she always writes her name on a piece of fabric and pins it to the label she knows it'll get written on there someday is that funny so and I love that binding a little plaid yeah David did a lot and you did quote no Judy did Judy quilted it huh all right that's really good hey I have a stack of all of these fat quarters and Teresa's how about I do it this way Teresa's fat quarter that our layer cake oops thank you I'm talking fat quarters now layer cakes okay that was one good layer cake and then patty did this one this one was from Riley Blake and this was called Fantine and that's really bright and we found these really cool polka dot layer cakes here at quilting today because they work great as blenders and they're like they're really cute and if you look it's like if you get this one just think you could let me find some of the colors you could mix some of them into these these two aren't necessarily going to go but okay how about this one okay see the turquoise on the top you could just go ahead and pull a blender of one of the turquoises look looks really great so Patti and I found out what we were working if we were stuck we went to our polka dots for blenders and they're very cute good story all right I'm gonna do this out of the way and we will show you how to do it and do y'all have a pattern yeah oh you have something special Tanis you have newspaper of pattern oh yes she said Anna said her sister just gave her the millennium quilt with two thousand pieces I remember that I remember and they did that in Julian okay two thousand pieces don't worry I won't make you do two thousand feet of 12 okay go to page two I want to show you the four units okay are you thinking oh my gosh this is hard this is hard huh is that what you were thinking okay I'm just show you how easy it is first of all first patch for patch how many can do four patch yay second patch half square triangles how many can do half square triangles these all finish at four and a half inches okay four and a half inches and the next one lets me see how many of you can do squares squares so this is pretty good that's three out of the four already and you can do all of those because they're a piece of cake and how about can you do a triangle and a square triangle and a square yeah yeah you can do this quote very cool all right so I'm going to show you how to do each one of these units daddy's going to help me and whenever we're done and this is one of my blocks and I I kind of goofed up on it but I didn't get an Antone yet I decided to just let it like this so you could see that I didn't do everything perfect all the time where's the problem Oh my last class told me I screwed up on my green oh okay well I don't know fine if you can't see it I'm not going to tell okay it's okay don't worry don't tell anybody all you have to do is just kind of cover it up when you so it's the pressing that makes it so fun this one is the Stars with four patch okay remember this when you finish you always press your seams away from the star points okay you away or out so this is an Audi okay remember the four patch is an Aldi everything is away from the four patch okay so the second block that we're towards the four patch yes away from the starter from the star yeah away from the star point Thank You correct me okay this is the second one this is one of our leftover blocks from duties quilt this one has the half square triangles this one is an innie okay and you go in towards the start point can you see always in all ways in towards the start point and so if you get that then when you put these two together all of these seeds lock whoo are you excited yes cool all right so I'm just going to leave them on there all right so when you look in your pattern on page three there's the quote that we did for duty okay so Patti and I are going to work together here you just come on up here the yardage is on page four and five and see the clean it says question mark it's nowhere so don't keep on flipping and looking for it okay just make it yourself and then you'll know what it looks like Oh only need 30 stars that's a lot huh that is a lot is there a king awesome oh I thought we were good with a wall okay now good okay so now we're going to just write that would be a lot of borders okay not a lot that's a lot of borders okay so we're just going to go to page six and this is the easiest one Teresa said write the book with the easiest first and work your way up so you guys all know so we did some strips to a napping strip two and a half inch strips and I thought that you should cut to a nap inch by ten and a half inch if you really want to get a lot of variety and that that works really good yep or from a strip for from background Ezra yeah so let's just take and what's important if you take and you put the medium on the first one on the bottom and you take the second set for a four patch you put the medium on top on the second one that way it's going to lock your seam and your seams are going to work towards the darkest fabric that works good right okay so do you want to you want to cut these for me I can do that okay so you cut it and I'm gonna sell it really really quick okay can i shape oh my goodness yeah yeah yeah we gotta do it fast gazelle too fast our I got to keep up with her and you've all seen this before haven't used okay so we'll line up the zero in the corner and the dark line on the bottom and then we're going to go I'm just going to sliver trim straighten the edge and there's my first cut two and a half five help me out here hard you've done this thank you for your help there okay and isn't this nice of a seams are going up so she won't be sewing against the seam I would just line them up in a row okay so while I do the sewing on it uh-huh paddy is the one so I go okay two and a half I can enough paddy goes oh no I'm going to use a layer cake so if you do a layer cake okay so it's not quite ten well and 1/2 inches right well there are ten inches exactly and you'll recognize the layer cake it has this pinked edge so when you're cutting you have to be very careful that you you know you don't have anything to trim off the end all David would you like to build up your day member to go Q yeah so set your seam with the dark on the top or the medium it's actually the medium color okay here's comfortably here I'm just going to run over here and let you get that one ha I get all four already I love to do oh my goodness see we can't keep up with her okay all right so when you're using your layer cake it's best to keep your background a little bit longer that will give you just a little bit extra and again line up the pink edges very carefully and then we're going to yeah those line up on both ends and then we'll just make sure that the 10 inches falls right inside let's see if I got this right yeah looks good Oh what I was off a half what works so if you love that and if you line up 0 and 10 on those little pink edges thank you you go just right as they say measure twice no measure twice cut once so good night chef okay here we go this two-and-a-half thank you good okay so so what I did was just open my patches and kind of swirled it you don't have to n so the seams this time you just like put your finger down on the right the bottom to the left and you get a little violent with your patch and it'll pop open and David that's it ever I can't find my cutting gizmo I know it's here so no we don't really need to sew these do we know I know how they know right now you know how to do it okay okay panty ah okay that's good so you've got to the forecast down right okay and there's a little chart if you're doing a whole bunch of scrappy stuff there's a chart for a wall hanging a lap and a quilt okay good all right turn the page beep so someplace in here we have our little and caps we're getting angle here yeah okay half square triangle and so in the book i sat okay go ahead and take a five and a half inch by 11 inch background and the medium place it right sides together draw the center line draw the diagonal line to boot and cut in half and on the diagonal and then just square it up so how's that do you want me to do it yes okay and I'm going to look for my ruler well oh we've got lucky this one was already sewn do you notice the red thread she did it yes yes Hey Joe you all we're magical it's too easy okay but we do need to square it up so we'll first cut on the drawn line and then I want to show you two different ways to square up and there's one method if you press first I guess we've lost our pressure so I'm not going to prepare walked out the door I will press oh okay but okay but when you don't get it pressed first then you use the triangle square off ah which is this ruler I know a lot of you have worked with this it's a quick way and we want to look for the five inch line that's our squaring size and if you just put that five inch line on the stitch line if this is four and a half oh we're don't worry and a half yeah we're doing four enough haha oh I'm glad ek okay okay it was a little bit on the okay there we go thank you okay there's a four and a half when I'm glad you've done this before okay and what you want to do and now I notice in the directions it says line up the four and a half inch line with a stitch line and then basically we're going to trim two edges but I just have a little tip that I like to place those two lines parallel to one another with the ruler line just slightly above the stitch line and that will give you a little extra to compensate for the press seam because you know when you press it open it tends to shrink a little bit so now I'm going to show you one way this is one way if you just isn't it the lip and then we're going to go ahead and yeah thank you and then we'll just cut off those little tips hello you can come in and then we can press and then if you if you if you want to try a new product we have a little turntable and I'm going to use this when I trim the this one has been already pressed and when you're it so it's around a pen so yeah it out okay so if we have it already pressed you might want that you might want to try this budget cut ruler exactly four and a half inches and here we'll place a stitch line on the ruler line and we're just going to do a little trim isn't that nice this is just the right size and then we'll just give it a little spin around about our check I guess and then that works nicely and then when you get done if you need to do a little pressing there's a little pressing mat underneath I notice that's really nice if these two don't shift when you're working there's something about this matte finish that it just you know it's stable so there you go I didn't realize that all right we just learned about how cool yeah and we had an iron yeah that's really cool that's okay oh and this can lift off to Oh Mike what's under there and mister surround the bow okay something for the kids you know kind of like they have okay so this is the idea there is a non-slip surface on this it's very it's an okay David you know they like the name of this fabric it looks like suede but if it really does gripped it it does it's - grip does grip so is and this one also has a surface so let's see yep okay both grip and they both sit on top of each other oh boy did we do a good demo we just learned a lot this way if you want to be really creative you could try your pizza yes oh I like it okay all right good deal okay so now we got our half square triangles exact good that was easy uh now wait there's more there's more well I'm overhearing it I'm sorry can I just back up a minute if you're doing babe just let me tell you one more thing oh the whole deal you decide you want to use the layer cake to do your half square triangles you just draw an X down the middle so on both sides and then we're going to cut which I'm going to help you oh good we're underneath oh yeah oh my god oh so now you can find your half line here your center line right I can line that up good mn we'll just cut in the middle so with a layer cake people who are actually making eight half square triangles at one time and you definitely want to have a bigger quilt for eight that are all deferred especially if you wanted to grab me look for my quilt that I did the wall hanging I realized my layer cake actually had three repeats the fabric I used for my half square triangle and you actually need four squares for ten inch squares will do that wall hanging sized quilt so I did three with matching I did matching and then the fourth one I just did another color to honor let me show that yeah I am let me go find that quilt and it's not a 1-up just candy sheet oh thanks oh I forgot to finish you want me to finish cutting it okay a see if you can find out where did I run out of the half square triangles the gray you see in the four corners so you can just kind of plan something kind of balanced so then they then you know it's probably works in the design you didn't notice it until I told but it's not a bad thing I kind of think it's nice because it goes lighter in the edges so yeah thank you okay all right cool we done with this one we got eight of them cool eight of them good all right so now let's move all of this out of the way because we have the triangle and square turn the page beep I'm on page can now page ten and if you want let me see here we go here and here okay those are for later okay we're doing good we made a total mess didn't we typical okay so I'm going to sit down and we have these rulers for the half square triangle I need the triangle and a square and you put little dots well yeah this one I haven't tried the little dot so I'm going to see how I like the weird male libraries I thought I did medical tape online but I know but we sell dot okay I'm going to try your dot try my dot okay I need some more dots for this one okay you want to okay you start with okay I'll not wear now today okay alrighty so first we're going to do the background triangle working with a five inch strip you see how nicely it lines up the top in the bottom and this one we're just going to do a little okay and there's two lines on that oh you know what it works for doctor on the wrong side I did I minored a first time okay now now I wondered why it wasn't it was shifting oh that works great I like to do okay the dots are good so we'll cut one and then reverse you're doing an amazing job cutting sideways for Eric oh good I can't quite do that oh good ooh this is dangerous and then we'll continue that would let you I guess so y'all get the idea you just keep alternating cut and then without doing it you can lay your cut you can keep your strip folded or and layer up strips I don't know how many you like to cut at one time but four so you're accurate right would you like for for us for one star or for a star very good okay I have three already okay and beside her are the six by three rectangles for those perky points okay and you need to have two pairs and that will give you the four points okay so this is very important make sure your fabrics are layered wrong side together for you know why mirror image that darn your image but because if you if you have them all right side up you learn the hard way it doesn't work they all vary they're all righties or lefties so there's that so you see when we cut them up alright let me just get one more cut and then you can see when you separate the pair we have a right side and a left side perfect good and I always tell people to stack everything right side up and then when you bring it over to your triangle let me show you my triangle here and when you start out okay two on each side oops oh you want to like that that looks right guys that good but just take your right one and set it out of the way and don't even look at it now or it'll get you totally confused alright now how would I know that that's after teaching hundreds of this these classes okay so all you do and I'm going to just flip the page let's see go over one page go to page 14 page 14 and you just flip the background triangle to the left and you have this cute little point right up here at the top this is where you're still that'll really comes handy see this little point right here you have that sticking out at the top and let me pull that up just to slightly and then you have this long old point hanging out at the bottom I'm looking at our new virgin Donna how is your sister doing are you following this so don't be scared ask Donna it's easy right very easy it's very very easy okay so if you want use a jumper scrap I have my so straight on my I'm selling machine I honestly just can't live without that now so I'm just going to um drop my presser foot start out slow keep the edge lined up on the so straight okay power like so and you just keep on doing all for one after the other let us see is your iron hot David oh good you keep on disappearing what are you doing when you disappear you're answering people on Facebook and what are they saying tell us what they're asking me they love ups girls when you hear that oh for damico watching that's good and from all over the country see when they go into the control room they can actually look and see how many people are watching this room is very crowded right now very very crowded so walls have eyes yeah I've been I was just in Indiana and I have met a lot of people that are enjoying that did watching a different program and I had a lady in just yesterday she said how happy she was that we do this because she has to work okay so give that to David and ask him to that's a scene with the point on top huh where it from where Wow is she is she in the chair or is she in the waiting room I know that's pretty cool see I watch TV at my dentist's office while you're getting your work done okay and here's two more that um we need and so you can go get these and now I'm going to get my rice stack back see was that good don't worry about that until you need it okay so whenever you take these don't trim this little tip off that's very important leave that little tip on because it is now a match point when you take your second piece and then you just line up those little points right up at the top perfect like so and then you just let your bottom hang over at the bottom and so when you start sewing you really want your needle if I if I put my needle down and just you shove that piece right into that V that's where you really want to start sewing so that's why you need to have like a perfect quarter of image okay well you do need to show okay one more time what's down don't cut the thread okay so now let's just go ahead and take this one and we'll have David press the second one set the seam with the point on the top where can they get okay so they can come you arrived you want to come to enter the camera and tell everybody okay okay you can get this pattern at Wilson and a round about stars it's our new pattern round about stars and what's really cool about this pattern is that we have done we have done not only rotary cutting but actual cutting as well in one pattern very very easy to do yes 950 it is a 24 page booklet it's a mini book 24 pages for color pressing directions yardage charts great illustrations what else can I say that's an icon they up look super great yeah it's super great it is an item number I'm not sure which is the item number all right oh yes up here where it says easy one two one one easy quilts in a day and you can do you can order it online or you can pick up your telephone and call one eight hundred seven seven seven four eight five two there are operators standing Bob how did I do okay good I can get a job here ah oh my gosh and Paddy why so the other carry did you get one of them okay you can show out of hair you want put your turnable back okay after we did that great promotion and we're are turnable and yes you can get that here too with all of those cool features that we just learned and so straighten the letõs and layer Jason okay so here's this perfect little trim ruler and it is part of a set just in case you haven't seen this before the two rulers are sold as a set and what a great name is called a triangle and the square in a square and a square yeah and it has an item number oh okay just remember triangle in a square there's two parts to the set and notice actually on this ruler you see there is like a teal green line and there's also a red line not to be confused if you want to do this block in a smaller size you work with the red trim line and your original strip was I believe a four inch strip which we line up on the when you're cutting that triangle your strip lines up on the edge of the of the fabric and that's the smaller size finishes at three and a half inches this one let's just line up perfectly oh it's one side makes two one set makes two sizes this one we're using the four and a half inch finished and the other is three and a half okay this set whoops I can't find them well two little dots on it Oh but anyhow this is the set yeah it's the triangle and then it's the square up okay and I'm just going to make sure it's lined up perfectly and we're just going to trim to side so you can put it on top of that little square that's a cool idea yeah and then give it a little spin oh thank you and out of nowhere comes the triangle and a square oh and it is item number I still have no idea but you know what it says more instructions inside you know what that's really funny what I see about our rulers a lot of people buy rulers and they never open them up and they're going I don't know how to open I don't know how to do this I don't know how to do it if you open it up there's instruction inside yeah and that reminds me this that ruler coming out of nowhere I remember years ago when I was doing PBS and and the up the cameraman realized that I threw my ruler on the floor and all of a sudden out of nowhere comes in this ruler onto my table and and just to give you more information this ruler is unlimited there are several different quilts you can make the Tennessee waltz we have something called moon dance we did what else have we done with a ruler Tarrou yeah large dry patches of light yeah we we do have it in a larger size finishes at six and four and a half and you know what I I misspoke the actual Spanish size of the patch is four inches and then three inches for the smaller just that I'm trimming it at four and a half I think this will be really pretty so how about that make a block okay okay I'm going to work on it right up here okay and I'm going to take and lay this out and I think can we find this one what's going to be our Center was that going to be our Center looks good like that it works that one too and you have to like hurry along because I'm catching up with you and I love this one the sweet little patch here so let's just do the one with a half square triangle and if I do the half square triangle the power this seems supposed to be set on the half square triangle block the seams are any in ease okay so how about like that is that good so Patty and I have a room full of patches so many patches so that looks good huh so far I like it you like it you know we didn't think about that doing your four half-square triangles the same that would be oh you could we could that would be to mix them really remember they were all mixed up in this block do whatever you want that's the best thing it's your girl do what you want there you go okay al there's a pretty it's very pretty very very pretty huh okay so now what I'm going to do is the vertical rows on on both blocks you just take the middle row and flip it to the left we've got a little smidgen right there if you got a little smidgen hanging out right there that looks very interesting patty oh I know I goo look what you did I tried to catch it but you grabbed it out of my hand I'm sorry thank you um you know how I am I'm always moving along hurry along okay so you can go ahead if you want to just take it oh this is really gonna confuse you you want to take a stack to your sewing machine Dacus from the top to the bottom a top to bottom and now I have these cute little stacks I'm just going to take them and put them right here right I used to walk back and forth to my cutting table for each little piece forget that you don't have time in life right you didn't have time in life okay so I'm going to assembly line so these and Patty well I do this you are going to get that magnificent table runner that we have on that shelf right there okay and you are going to lay them out and show everybody okay and so I'm just going to line up all these pieces and sew them together do you want me to do it vertical or horizontal horizontal okay okay and so you can talk oh maybe gave the chin help you home okay oh did you design this table Rama oh I thought maybe you did actually he did you did so don't be so modest he did the first one and then we just wrote you some yardage if you like it it's very easy to do okay I'm Gary I don't know if you're jumping back and overhead paddy to me what are you doing you're both on on me okay so I'm right down at the bottom oh this one is all that one I had to flip Oh get the river yeah I for some reason I had a little hard time with these outside pieces and you can see it's just three pieces and I but you really have to look at the picture that's that's what the problem is I wasn't looking at the picture so that looks better okay thank you okay yeah you want to show them here so here are the three this is the first vertical row Saul's chained together and so you're just going to open it up look at that pervy point whoa going really close that is this Turkey as a gift look at that next today oh and then when you look down here it's a different angle so those you have this little point that goes it's very easy as you can see it like that yeah very good whoo good and something we I really like about this design is right here you see where the pattern dips in where the circles come together and this is a wonderful opportunity for the quilter to do something really special in that that dip area isn't it pretty we actually did all of this out of all of our leftovers if you can imagine what the sewing room looked a now tell the truth alvey's we're rejects all that's right they're rejects we thought these colors were too soft but we kept them anyway and we're glad we did oh my gosh I have some rejects here you could not believe where did I leave those I'm not sure they're green oh my goodness we're going to have to find them and give them away daddy they're the worst color of green when she was sticking this color out yes and I she said we just stood there with our arms folded and looks different I know well I started out with this really sweet little print with all these colors in it and I pulled all those colors together and I called L&N Tariq's I said what do you think and they both stood there like that but right then forward green yeah I stacked it and put it in a little plastic bag Oh patty onsen salad Oh yeah okay so I am so how are you doing oh do you want to point out the border pieces the outside edges and the those two border pieces are pressed in different directions like these two patty okay can you show those two bottom pieces okay take that one off the wall and show them what that looks like on the back side because it's made to all lock together and these remember you press towards the four patch and these press in the opposite direction and see that's when you have this wonderful little light chain that runs through and you just I found out do not just so this separate and then try to attach it to your stars it doesn't work do everything for so you guys find out okay I've got my vertical rows hung together and now is the time where you really need to press in at this step you lay it lay it down flat and I feel a little let's see if I can do this without burning myself so it's easy just take and press and towards the star point I love my reliable iron whoops huh okay empty arm coming here but 2n towards the point and so when you get to the next middle row this is going to be towards the point in toward the point another one in towards the point and then this one just move it and this is going to go in in ease and so these are going to lock right here those are going in opposite direction that it oh that was heavy so you guys know hi I am tore my rotator cuff years ago ah this is heavy okay so then all I have to do is just go across the other way there it is there flip it right sides together this is going one way this is going the other and they lock perfectly right in the center okay so while I finish this how do you have any questions what do you want to know yes 5 inches 5 5 inches 5 inches uh-huh all on the outside edge ok that's good that's a good question what size is the outside border 5 inches that's good question 16 points and 6 just make it up what size quilt is that oh that's the lap and I think it's the wall hanging say 5 inches okay okay okay what else do you want to know that's a really funny question mark no my care does not squeak oh four oh nine oh my gosh this is a sad story okay that is beautiful oh my goodness has gorgeous no outer question come on ask me what do you want to know I have one more scene yes Brenda Oh miss Brenda yes what would you like to know yes uh-huh yeah you know what I do I do like to do that - Chad Rand asked if you were going to make this totally scrappy should you make your background scrappy too stiff with all kind of life backgrounds it doesn't look right a few mix of a beige one and off-white in there with it it just doesn't look good I've tried it but it doesn't end and that is something that would be really fun so basically to make your pattern really work you have to keep your background you have to keep your medium for your four-patch and your half square triangles and dark for your stars so they really stand out alright David you get to do final pressing and this time you take this seam and you go in in in in towards the star points okay and that's it oh my goodness the stars are thank you and take a bow [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Quilt in a Day
Views: 32,829
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Keywords: quilting, eleanor burns, quilt in a day
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 9sec (3789 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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