Learn to Make A "Mysterious" Patchwork Quilt Step by Step!

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hi i'm donna jordan from jordan fabrics today i'm going to show you how to make a quilt called mysterious now it's called mysterious because the pattern shows six different quilts here but they're all made with exactly the same patchwork we are really only going to make one block but when we make that block repeatedly and turn it different ways we can get all these six layouts with them now i am definitely going to try all six layouts and i'm very excited to get started so let's go so the pattern gives instructions for either using fat quarters or jelly rolls which is really nice and i have this beautiful set of fat quarters from moda it's called lady bird and we've got a lot of different colors of floral prints here there are also three different sizes included we've got a square topper a throw and a queen so i'm going to use i'm going to make the throw size so i'm going to use 15 fat quarters that are dark or medium and then we're going to need nine fat quarters that are light and instead of using different colored fat quarters i'm going to use all white solid for all of my light because i think it'll make a better contrast with these prints here the first step is just to pick out the 15 that we are going to use and the pattern actually says you can use more than 15 if you want to get a bigger variety of fabrics you'll just end up with a little bit more scrap but don't feel like oh i have 16 i like and i can't use all 16 you can use 16 or 17. you just want to get a nice blend of colors i think i'm going to stick with more of the blue tones here because i think i want my quilt to be pretty blue but i'm going to definitely want to add in a couple of extra colors from these nice coral tones and then i think i'll save the yellows we'll use those on a border i always iron the fat quarters before i cut them out the way they're packaged means there's a lot of hard wrinkles in them and it's really hard to cut them accurately unless you press them first okay everything is ironed nice and flat and all of these dark medium fat quarters are going to get cut exactly the same way now i can't give you all the measurements because it's not my pattern but i have made a number of doug leckos from antler quilt designs they're very easy to follow and it will tell you exactly what you need to cut [Applause] okay i've got all of the dark pieces cut and now i'm going to cut the light now i'm not starting with fat quarters i'm starting with yardage but i'm still just going to follow the pattern and cut up the pieces that we need that's that now all the cutting is done so in order to make the patrick block that the whole quilt is made from we need to make three smaller patchwork units to build that block with and the first one takes one of these one of these and one of these so we're going to put these two together first and then put that on the bottom so i'm going to put these right sides together stitch them with a careful quarter inch seam and then i'm going to finger press the seam toward the light side i know we normally do it towards the darker fabric but our patchwork will be flatter if we have this seam allowance facing that way now this one just goes here and we'll stitch down here and this seam allowance is going to go toward the darker part this darker part so the seam is going that way so all the directions of all the seam allowances are all the seam allowances are all noted in the pattern and if you follow that it will help your whole block lay nice and flat once those are all stitched up it's a good idea to give them a little pressing for the second block we're going to make a flying geese so that takes one rectangle and two light squares and we need to draw on the back side of the light squares we're going to draw on the diagonal from corner to corner so i'm putting my ruler right there and i like to use a light pencil line let's start with this square in the left corner here so i'm going to line up everything and stitch right along the drawn line now you can tell if you've stitched it correctly if when you open this up if your edges all meet and they do now for this piece i want all of my seam allowances going that way so i'm pushing all of the excess down underneath this guy here and i'm just i'm going to finger press it if i was making a bunch of these when i'm making the rest of the quilt i'm going to take it over to the ironing board but i want to show you how to make the whole block so this one gets pressed that way and then we want to trim off the back two layers here leaving a quarter inch seam allowance now we're ready to add the second corner this goes on the right side line everything up and again stitch right on that pencil line now this time we're going to press everything toward the corner and then cut off these back two layers now the reason we are pressing these in different directions is because we've got less bulk here now and we can see where the intersection is you see where those threads cross that's going to make it easier when we stitch this to the rest of our patchwork because we can stitch right to that point and we won't get that point chopped off for the third block it's another flying geese block but we're going to use one colored rectangle one white square and then one colored square so we still have to draw on the back side of both squares so we'll use the same procedure starting with the left we're using the colored square on the left stitching on the drawn line pressing those pieces towards the center trimming off the excess and then adding this one on the right side press everything away from the center this time and trim and it's done there's the third block now the third block half of them are made with the print on the left and the background on the right and then half of them are made the opposite way background on the left print on the right now doesn't matter which flying geese unit you're making they all get pressed the same way the left gets pressed towards the center the right gets pressed away now we're ready to put together our first block here's what we need one of these patchwork units then we're going to need two of these flying geese that have two backgrounds we're going to need one each of these flying geese units the ones with the different backgrounds we're going to need two squares and one rectangle here is how this is going to get laid out here got that patchwork block in the middle there flying geese up there flying geese down there and we've got this one here and this one here now i just happen to get a nice variety of colors of course you can pick blocks with certain fabrics in certain places so you get a nice blend of colors but i wouldn't worry about it too much so the first thing we're going to do is sew this onto this now because we ironed our seams in in different directions when we made the flying geese we can see where the threads cross there and that's going to help us not stitch off the tip of the point of the flying piece we all like to have a nice point there so when i stitch my thread is going right in that intersection there and that way when we open this up we have a nice strong point now this seam allowance all the seam allowances are going to go away from the flying geese point and that helps them become very pointy as well so let's put it back where it goes now we're just going to sew these together these together and add them now we can add these onto the sides and again we can see our seams there and we can use that to help us stitch correctly and there's not much matching of seam allowances which is nice so we've got one match right here and one match here but what you're hoping is that the point will come in right where that seam goes now mine is pretty close here but even if it wasn't this is all white so i don't want you to worry if it's not perfect same thing here now here is a spot where my intersections don't line up but i'm not going to take it out because this is all white here and even if they were matching it's not going to change the look of it now if you're really picky you can certainly take this seam out and make sure that those match but there are times when it doesn't really matter and this is one of those blocks which is awesome now this intersection right here i did get a better match and this is more important to have a good match because we've got four different fabrics there so sometimes it's important i always try to get it perfect but sometimes it doesn't matter that much now we just have to add this last piece on the bottom so the directions will tell you which way to press all of your seams but that is the whole block there so you can see you get a different a different uh almost looks like a flower when it's facing this way but depending on the way it's facing looks very different so i'm going to go ahead and make up all the blocks so we can start laying them out there all the blocks are done and we can finally lay everything out to see what the six layouts are going to look like the first layout is very simple every block faces exactly the same way and once we get enough we can see what kind of secondary pattern will show up here so there's the first layout every block going the same way gives us nice diagonal stripes of the white going through the pattern now for the next layout i'm going to turn this quarter one time then turn the other quarters and you'll see what we get this layout is very interesting can you see how there's a center with bigger and bigger surrounding parts of the white accent and all i did to achieve that was leave this quarter alone the next quarter got turned one rotation just 90 degrees this one over here got turned 180 this one 270. now for the third layout we're going to do let's see we're going to take four blocks and we're going to put all of the dark things in the middle so i'm just going to repeat this throughout the whole quilt we'll see what it looks like there now you can see 12 of these parts where all the darks are coming together and there's also kind of a double diamond between every block which is very cool so you can see the effect better when you stand back so i like to take a picture with my phone before i move all the blocks now for the next layout all we're going to do is take half of a row well it's half of half of that thing we're going to take this whole thing and move it to the far side do the same thing over there and it's almost going to make it look like it's bordered this one is similar but look how different it looks just to have that dark around the outside it almost frames it and i with this layout i'm seeing these things a lot more now i've got one more layout to try with this layout the center of the pattern is offset it's up and over to the left a little then we've got kind of concentric rings of the accent the background fabric now this is actually the fifth layout i counted wrong we do have one more this is another very interesting layout it's just these four blocks repeated over and over and it makes a very interesting shape here with these triangles sticking out around it now i'd be interested to know which layout you like the best since i have to pick one i'm gonna go with this one i actually liked all of the layouts but this one i just liked a little bit better now i haven't worried about what fabric ends up where and i might trade some blocks around now because i've got two that are matching there so it's pretty easy just grab another block that has a different one stick it there fix that guy back up oh i've still got a match there that's okay we'll just keep switching around till we get different blocks in um in all the areas so there's a lot of prints it'll be pretty easy and i don't worry about it too much i just don't like to get too much of one print in one spot then i'm going to put the borders on get it loaded up onto the quilting machine the next step is to pick out some thread that will look good on the patchwork but won't overwhelm it so i've pulled out one of every color we've got in the patchwork here the first would be this nice coral it won't show much in the white just a hint won't show in the patchwork blue same thing now it's going to show a little more in the light not in the patchwork i thought this was going to be the one i was going to use so you can see it usually these light aquas just make a hint on the white white is a color i almost never quilt in because i for some reason it just looks like basting to me and this won't show it all in the white and you know it really is not going to show much in the patchwork so i'm going to try the white this time for the quilting pattern i'm going to try one that's new for me it's called texture peacock feathers it just looks like feathers to me it doesn't really remind me of peacock feathers but if i had peacock in my quilt it would but i think this will give a nice texture without overwhelming the patchwork the mysterious quilt is all done and this one looked better with every step that i did each time i sewed more blocks together you could see the pattern a little better so now you can really see this shape here you can see these double diamonds you can see this guy which almost looks like it's spinning the quilting is very understated i really like all these little swirly things now on the back oh yeah you can see it very nicely there even though the thread color blends in there's a nice texture now for the borders on this of course we've got this nice floral border here but the inside border this was done with some of the fat quarters that came in the bundle also the binding this is done with three fat quarters so it's different fat quarters but they all are about the same value so it looks really good it's 63 by 79 it's a nice throw size and again the pattern has two other sizes in the instructions one other thing i wanted to mention that i really appreciated about this pattern it shows six different color ways here so you get a good idea of what it might look like in lots of colors also this one and this one are done with a dark a black accent instead of white so that again really opens your mind up to the different possibilities for a quilt you can make thanks for watching our video today we hope you enjoyed it now at the end of every video we do a giveaway this quilt this is one we made quite some time ago it's called star power let's see if we can get it spread out here it's huge it's made with cafe facet prints it's got some grunge in it some white as the background and it's very easy to enter the contest for the giveaway all you have to do is go to the link right below the video that says giveaway put in your email address and your name and remember if you win we can send this to an address anywhere in the world so good luck now if you like our videos and you want to support us the best thing you can do is subscribe to our youtube channel that really helps us out happy quilting bye
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 89,147
Rating: 4.9727049 out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, Patterns, 4k, Batik Bali Batik, tutorial, let's make, vlog, quilt shop, quilt store, mystery, mysterious, doug, leko, letko, antler, design, designs, patchwork, step, by, fat, quarter, quarters, jelly, roll, rolls, strip, strips, set, square, squares, triangle, triangles, layout
Id: uyBTpbTTDKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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