September 7, 2021 Tuesday PM

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do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening we are so honored that all of you would come if you're a guest here tonight whether online or in person we are so honored that you've taken the time out of your busy schedule join us tonight for service if you are visiting with us today we hope you will stop by the connect center for coffee and refreshments you will find it out the center doors and to your left also you will receive a welcome packet inside that packet there is a connect card please make sure that you fill out this connect card if you turn your card over there is a place for you to write down a prayer request so that we may pray with you you can use your cell phone as well just go to forward slash guest card and fill out the information we would love to reach out and provide information for upcoming events here at the church we pray that you feel at home we're so thankful that you've decided to join us tonight you would stand for the reading of the word tonight i would like to say i arrived here 13 years ago and i just uh was thinking of grandma holmes today and i remembered something that uh she used to say all the time i'm a satisfied customer and i want to tell you tonight i am a satisfied customer tonight scripture comes from revelations 12 10 and 11. and i heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our god and the power of his christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which excused them before god day and night and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they love not their lives unto death hallelujah [Music] tell me what you can wash away my sin nothing but the love of jesus and what can make me is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] tell me what can wash away is oh he says [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and i know me i know it was [Music] he's coming back again he's coming back again for me he's coming back again coming [Music] going back there is power is [Music] is [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] crazy yeah oh is crazy me oh know well somebody give god praise in this house come on are you thankful for the blood of jesus are you thankful for the blood of jesus oh come on lift your hands close your eyes and give you praise thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you for the blood let's continue worshiping [Music] would it tonight is [Music] is he is today to the left is [Music] telling me [Music] [Music] like telling me [Music] [Music] i don't know is don't care [Applause] [Music] what a dream [Music] is [Music] i [Music] hallelujah if you feel that way i want you to step out from where you are right now come on if you're glad about the difference that god made in your life if you're thankful for the change that he's made in your life come on won't you just wave your hand in the air hallelujah what a change [Music] [Music] what a change we're new creatures in christchurch [Applause] [Music] got me [Music] oh you sound good [Music] [Music] what a glorious day [Music] oh hallelujah hallelujah come on lift your hands and open up your mouth and give god praise for the difference that he's made in your life i'm looking at walking talking breathing miracles in this place tonight everywhere you look it's a miracle you're not the old man or woman you used to be but thanks be to god we've been made new we've been made new anybody new in this house oh hallelujah hallelujah why don't you turn to someone and tell them i'm glad to see you at midweek hallelujah [Music] i'm so glad about the change he's made in us when he makes that change he gives us a testimony and so tonight i'm going to read some testimonies these are testimonies of healing from saints in this church this is from sister brooke ruby she writes recently i went to my two year checkup with my neurosurgeon praise the lord my tumor was half or less half than the size it was when i went through the knife she says it gets even better i was told for five years that i wouldn't be able to have any more children however i was given a hundred percent yes that i would be able to have another child god has been so good to me [Music] this is from sister sandra keith thankful for another year in remission from multiple myeloma 13 years thank you jesus [Music] this is from brother pete reading he says thank god for healing my knees while i was worshiping thank you jesus before we started singing about the change that's been made in our life we sang about the blood of jesus let me just tell you the blood of jesus it saves us but it also is what gives us healing and if you've ever been healed in your body anybody in this room ever been healed i see a lot of hands in this building you ought to stand your feet and celebrate the healing that's taken place in your body and no doubt there's people in this room tonight that are dealing with sickness in their lives and you're a testimony to them that god is a healer and he is a way maker and a miracle worker come on let's praise him and celebrate the healing that's taken place oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i still believe god is a healer i said i still believe he is a healer he has not stopped working miracles and anybody that would tell you otherwise they've got fake news hallelujah hey he's still a miracle worker it didn't stop in the book of acts you didn't stop with the first church god's still working today i said he's still working today hallelujah ushers if you will come to the front we're going to be blessed tonight in our giving we're offering you may be seated appreciate the way this church gives and it is a blessing and it is allowing this church to continue to have an outreach in our community in our world and right here at home [Music] a big part of our church ministry is calvary academy and we thank god for a christian school i don't think we could be any more appreciative than right now for what we have when you think about our world and the condition of the educational system in this country thank god for a good christian school thank god for calvary academy hallelujah we give in our tuesday night offering here tonight lord jesus we love you thank you for this great host of people that's gathered in this room tonight in your name and god we ask you bless this offering in jesus name let's continue worshiping [Music] you see beautiful and you're helping me [Music] to believe [Music] that you can make worthy [Music] you wash me in mercy [Music] i am clean [Music] that you can't make worthy you wash me in mercy [Music] i am clean what was this [Music] me watch me [Music] that you can make [Music] [Music] beating inside my chest is i am [Music] me oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] am clean washed in the blood of your sacrifice your blood flowed and made me whine [Music] your sacrifice [Music] [Music] me oh me where would we be without that sacrifice [Music] that you can make worthy you wash me in mercy [Music] are you thankful tonight [Music] oh [Music] jesus you wash me in new mercy [Music] [Music] that you can't make worthy of you wash me in mercy i am clean you wash me in mercy i am clean [Music] hallelujah are you thankful for the mercy and the grace of the lord hallelujah he is so good to us just remain standing with me tonight we have two certificates of baptism that we want to present tonight one is to sister stormy lofton and brother william keith [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh come on let's give god praise for these two young people that's gone down in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we give god praise for all that he is doing in our midst and i tell you what this past sunday was just a special time in the lord it was just beautiful to see all that god accomplished in the sunday evening service we give god praise for that tonight thank god for what he's doing the duty family hallelujah so amazing to see what god is doing and it's just a beautiful thing and we know that prayer really is the key i said prayer really is the key i'm happy to report to you tonight that this past week there were 3695 people that came by this church and prayed oh come on let's give god praise for that right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and for the month of august there were 1 14 205 prayer logins for the month of august hallelujah thank god god is doing great things i want us to continue to be in prayer for brother lee chadwick we want to be in prayer for brother james wang he's doing much better our prayers are with steve dowdy jay chilton his family and we're also praying for sister lucinda whitfield the passing of her mother the graveside service was today and we are praying for her that god would give her strength i know tonight you've come in this room and you came on purpose and i want to commend you for being here tonight the middle of your week i know you got up early and you faced your day you came on to church and i want you to know that i appreciate your effort to be here tonight i just happen to believe that there are people in this room that have needs [Music] and i know a god that's able to meet every single need i just feel like we should pray right now for every need that's in this building every need that's online all the needs that i've read to you tonight would you just lift your hands across this house tonight come on would you just lift them lift your voice the name of jesus god we pray right now that your spirit would move in this house lord i pray you would touch every person in this room that has a need god we know that you are able to meet every single need nothing is too hard for you nothing escapes your notice you are in full and total control and lord we pray for healing virtue to flow from this room we pray for comfort to come forth in the name of jesus come on i want you to shout out that name tonight come on shout out that name tonight now i want you to put your hands together and give that precious name the name of jesus the praise [Music] come on give jesus the praise [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh somebody just shout out to hallelujah to the lord come on shout out to hallelujah to the lord shout out to thank you jesus oh there's nothing like being in the presence of the lord and being in his house tonight and i am thankful for his spirit i want you to know tonight that the holy ghost has been in this room as it always is but especially it's been in this room today and i was here early this morning and people were praying in the holy ghost and i believe that it is what makes the difference in our services hallelujah second corinthians chapter 10 verse number 3. for though we walk in the flesh we do not war against the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of god and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ could we say verse 5 together casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of god and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ i want to preach tonight what i feel like the lord has given me for this congregation on this evening and that is this high things torn down high things torn down one more time before you're seated i want you to pray with me that the holy ghost would unite us together and that there would be no breach between the pew and the pulpit but the holy ghost would speak to your heart and that god's spirit would touch you and infuse you with fresh faith determination and power come on let's pray it right now in the name of jesus god i pray right now lord i know what you've placed in my spirit i know what you've specifically spoken to me god i pray that there would be nothing that would hinder your word from going forth tonight lord i pray god that you would move in a mighty way that you would touch our ears to hear in our hearts to receive let our minds be anointed to comprehend your word in jesus name we pray you may be seated on saturday september the 11th we solemnly remember the day 20 years ago that the world trade center towers came crashing down we remember the lives lost at the world trade center the pentagon and in the field in shanksville pennsylvania we will never forget the images people jumping to their deaths carnage rubble debris planes colliding into one of the symbols of american freedom we will never forget the feelings fear uncertainty helplessness anger grief we will never forget where we were on that fateful day i i think all of us in this room that were old enough to remember this tragic day can say specifically where you were what you were doing at the time i remember as a kid hearing my mom and dad talk about where they were when president john f kennedy was shot and it's the same was true for me i was on my way to school i'd flown in the day before from mcminnville oregon i'd gone out there for the very first time to meet what would be my future wife and that next morning i got up for school at harding university and my mother had the radio on and i heard the news being broadcasted from that little radio and i remember frantically getting on the phone calling mandy because i was i didn't know what was going to happen we none of us knew what would happen and terror filled our hearts it's all permanently etched into the hearts and minds of the american people those who hate america and her ideals celebrated the destruction decimation and death [Music] to them right had been vindicated and wronged defeated when the towers fell there were people that celebrated in other countries because it seemed as though they had prevailed and that the high and lofty ideals of democracy and freedom and justice for all had come crashing and tumbling down and as i reflect on those moments i cannot help but think of where we are today the enemy has built high things satan has built strongholds the devil has used man to craft and engineer and construct high things that come in opposition of the holy ghost and of the word of god i'm looking into the faces tonight of people that every day you encounter the high things of the evil one i'm looking at young people that are inundated with the lofty humanistic ideals of our world i cannot help tonight but feel a burden in my spirit for every saint of god that's in this room those joining us online i understand that the devil has a building program and it is his desire to build up things in our minds in our lives that would come against that would be in direct opposition to the word of god and the spirit of god you know as i was thinking about high things that are torn down i began to think about what jesus predicted in luke chapter 21 the bible tells us that as some spake of the temple how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts jesus said as for these things which he ha which ye behold the days will come in which there shall not be left one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down jesus predicted that the temple would be torn down that that high and lofty place that place that should have been a house of prayer that place that should have been a a temporal housing of the shekinah glory of god but had become like a whitewashed sepulcher was beautiful on the outside but was filled with dead men's bones that high thing jesus prophesied that it would come crashing down and it happened in the year 70 a.d the siege of jerusalem was a decisive event of the first jewish roman war in which the roman army captured the city of jerusalem and destroyed both the city and its temple understand tonight that the roman army came trumping through that place led by the future emperor titus with tiberius julius alexander as his second in command they beseeched and conquered the city of jerusalem which had been controlled by judean rebels since 66 a.d and following the jerusalem riots when the judean provisional government was formed in jerusalem the siege of the city began on the 14th day of april 70 a.d three days before the beginning of the passover that year the siege lasted for about five months it ended in august 70 a.d with the burning and the destruction of herod's temple and as jesus had predicted there was not one stone left upon another and they all were thrown down the romans entered the city and they sacked the lower city there have been times that i've stood in rome and i've stood under that arch of titus it's a magnificent uh piece of architecture it's a huge arch that stands in ancient rome and it celebrates the roman sacking of jerusalem you see etched in stone uh the menorah and the other furnishings of the temple as they're being carried away by roman soldiers the conquest of the city was complete on september the 8th 70 a.d that will be 1951 days tomorrow that it happened but it wasn't the first time that the temple had been destroyed in fact we understand that the temple was first destroyed solomon's grand temple was destroyed by the hands of nebuchadnezzar of babylonia and his army he removed the temple treasures and he completely destroyed the building in some time uh 586 bc and then he led those uh hebrews away to babylon and we see the fulfillment of prophecies isaiah was able to see it he was an eyewitness to what happened and he said in the 64th chapter of his book our holy and our beautiful house where our fathers praise thee is burned up with fire and all our pleasant things are laid waste understand tonight that the destruction of the temple was directly tied or linked to israel's disobedience and idolatry the first temple was destroyed because israel walked away from god zerubbabel's temple though it was very humble and nothing as grand as solomon's was was decimated and then that herod herodic temple uh that was built in the time before right before jesus and in jesus time that temple in 70 a.d was completely destroyed and you say well pastor what what are you what are you getting at why are you saying all this well what i'm trying to tell you is that it was god's intention that man understand that he must serve god alone and that man cannot be idolatrous man cannot allow any high thing to be built to be erected to be brought up that would oppose the spirit and workings of the holy ghost understand that by the time you get to 70 a.d the temple was one of the most corrupt institutions on the face of the earth i've talked about it before but the the money changers that that jesus uh pushed out of the temple well i'll tell you what they were doing they were making the people they were requiring the jewish people to come into the temple and to change their roman coinage the coinage that had the emperor's face on it they had to exchange that roman coinage for the the shekel it had they had to exchange their roman money for if you will hebrew money but the problem was those money changers were charging an exorbitant fee for changing their money they were becoming rich off of supposedly a religious reason and jesus stepped into that temple with a whip and he began to drive out the money changers he began to drive out those that sold the sacrifices same thing happened with the sacrifices they had goats they had lambs they had doves and people would come they paid a high price for an animal that was sickly that was really blemished and they turned around they didn't offer that that that sacrifice they didn't kill that sacrifice they just put it back in the cage and they sold it again and again and again and so the temple had become one of the most corrupt institutions on the face of the earth and jesus said there won't be a stone left unturned there won't be one stone on another it will be completely destroyed what jesus was saying is that false religion corrupt religion corrupt ideology corrupt thinking will be completely torn down i want to tell you tonight that everything the devil is building up in this country everything he's building up in your mind everything you read online everything you see everything you hear that's from the pits of hell it is a high thing but it must be completely and totally torn down in your life i apologize if history bores you obviously america needs to learn a little more about history if they knew a little bit about history they would have never tried to invade afghanistan to begin with there's only been two people ever invade afghanistan and ever work that was alexander the great he came through and for a season but for the most part afghanistan never has been conquered by anybody the russians couldn't do it the british couldn't do it in fact winston churchill had some uh choice words for the region but what i'm trying to get to you tonight is we took a little history lesson of the temple why because i want you to understand that god is not married to any building or institution that's man-made the only thing that god is bound to is his word this is all he's bound hey thank god for this beautiful building but i'm going to tell you if we started preaching false doctrine if we allowed worldliness to creep in if we allowed the things of the world to take hold in this building he wouldn't have any problem tearing this building down either that's the reason i preach what i preach sunday morning i want to fear the lord i want to fear the lord that's why i want to be so careful when i let my eyes see that's what i why i want to be so careful what i partake of that's why i want to be so careful what i listen to that's why i want to be so careful what i consume because i understand that god is a jealous god and he will destroy he will tear down everything that is not of hill could it be that's why bishop could it be that's why our homes and our families are suffering such collapse because we've removed god from being center we've placed all these other things at the top of our priority list could it be that's why divorce in the church isn't much different than divorce outside of the church because we've allowed things to come inside of our hearts and our lives that are pulling us away from god but i'm going to preach to you tonight as your pastor boldly and unequivocally and tell you that every high thing that vaunteth itself against the knowledge of god must be brought down everything must be torn down everything every high thing you know i think forgive me it's eight o'clock where it's still early but i think about israel's history and there were good kings that did things right but a lot of times they never could tear down the high places they made some repairs they made some reforms they did make some headway but they weren't able to tear the high places down think about it with me it is it's interesting to me it's it's it's puzzling to me that the the bronze serpent that moses held up in the wilderness that stayed the plague and the disease and the death of israel that bronze serpent was worshiped for hundreds of years by israel they made that bronze serpent on that state staff they made that a object of worship and they worshipped it for many years hundreds of years but i'm going to tell you tonight that every high thing must be torn down oh i'm i'm where you're living tonight i understand what's going on in your world young men i understand what you're faced with you're barraged by an adversary that is more cunning more intelligent than you are oh absolutely they know exactly what to to put on your on your social media feed they know exactly the stories to post they know exactly the news that they should put in your feed they know exactly the advertisements to strategically place so your eyes see that and they wander and they go hey you want to know why it's called a web because that's exactly what it can be you click one thing and then you click another and you click another and before long you're entangled with a when the holy ghost started revealing what was happening and we started understanding what was behind lockdowns and quarantines and how the devil was using his age-old game of isolation that's when we said no we're not going to keep doing that now i just want you to understand there may be a day when when we have a bad outbreak of something and we have to we have to take a a a weekend or a service off so that that we can get that all under control that may happen but i want you to understand that we are wise to satan's tactics we understand how the devil works he wants to isolate he wants to separate you well i wish the rest of you agreed with me tonight i believe you do but you ought to stand your feet come on this is a moment to stretch your legs i want you to understand something tonight you can be seated suicide has skyrocketed juvenile suicide through the roof you know what so much of it is it's isolation and its inferiority and we see picture perfect worlds we see we see images that that if you know how to use photoshop you understand that they're really fake but they appear to us as being real and we think oh this is the way i need to look this is the way i need to be this is neat what i need to do i got to starve myself yeah i've got to starve myself i've got to go to the gym and work out religiously hey that's a religion ghost bonus to tell you we're going to tear down every high thing we're going to decimate every high thing every high thing oh come on let's praise him right now let's take a moment to breathe in the holy ghost oh i know i know i know where we're living i understand where we're living you can be seated i realize the trick of the enemy he vaunteth himself against the knowledge of the lord jesus christ i want us to look at second corinthians chapter 10. we're going to start with verse 1. now i paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of christ who in presence and base among you but being absent and bold towards you you know paul was one of those in a sense an unassuming person he really knew how to use and it was the holy ghost but he knew how to use the language in which god had had given him to write and to really drill down on things and understand that that paul is using in a sense irony here he's saying that that i paul myself entreat you by the meekness and gentleness of christ i who am humble when face to face with you but bold toward you when i am away paul knew what his enemies were saying about him he knew that they were speaking ill of him that they were they were in a sense uh disregarding him because of his uh public presentation if you will they were disregarding him they even accused him of walking in the flesh because his life seemed lowly and humble and his speech did not come up if you will to their standard of eloquence and and his personage uh seemed somewhat uh less than desirable and so paul is combating these people in in corinth this is an area of greece modern day greece and and paul is speaking to these to these people and and he is speaking to them and and he is using if you will uh irony to to show that that he identifies with the lord jesus christ we understand from matthew 11 20 29 jesus described himself as being meek and lowly in heart and so the apostle paul's arrogant detractors were living their lives in profound dissonance with the values of the bible and of christ himself we understand tonight that paul he may have been humble face to face he may have been quiet or gentle face to face but he wrote bold and scorching letters but we also know that he wasn't just uh this keyboard warrior who knew how to send a paper bullet to these regions of asia but he also withstood peter to his face at antioch galatians 2 11 tells us so paul identifies himself with christ and he demolishes the accusation that his own meekness and gentleness are signs of weakness or a lack of power and authority he says but i beseech you that i may not be bold when i am present with that confidence wherewith i think to be bold against some which think of us as if we walked according to the flesh those speaking against the apostle thought of themselves as superior in matters of rhetoric and knowledge of mysteries and recipients of visions and dreams and he's combating this idea that because he is meek and lowly because his words are not with great eloquence that he is someone that is walking in the flesh paul is identifying as he does throughout his ministry with the lowly the meek christ jesus we come to verse 3 for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh now paul picks up if you will military terminology throughout this section for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of god and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ i love this translation it says it like this for though we live as human beings we do not wage war according to human standards now i just want to stop for a moment and tell you that's that's why the world trade centers were were toppled to the ground because a religion and a people thought that's the way you win the argument it's the same problem that christians committed in the crew in the crusades during the 1000's it's the same problem that happened with the spanish spanish inquisition in the 1400s it's man trying to use modern or man-made warfare to bring about a change a spiritual change or a change in the land but paul is saying we do not wage war according to human standards for the weapons of our warfare are not human weapons we're not going to use human weapons but we but are made powerful by god for tearing down strongholds we tear down arguments and every arrogant obstacle that is raised up against the knowledge of god and we take every thought captive to make it obey christ [Music] i want to read that again for your hearing tonight we tear down arguments and every arrogant obstacle that is raised up against the knowledge of god and we take every thought captive to make it obey christ so tonight what what does the devil use and what do what should we use well the devil uses three things number one he uses sin as a weapon against us we understand that he he brings temptation our way and he brings sin just sin everybody say sin we can list it here tonight all the despicable acts and things satan knows how to tempt he's an expert with this weapon the second thing that satan uses is accusations it is set up like a secret trap for us to fall into we understand through the scripture in job zechariah and revelation that satan is described as the accuser of the brethren now think with me for a moment if he has the courage to accuse you before god who knows all the facts imagine what he is capable of saying to all of us mere mortals and even though we are forgiven of our sins and we can sing about the blood and we can shout about the blood and we can sing about the difference that he's made and we're new creatures and we're clean satan accuses us daily hourly minute by minute that that we're still sinful and that we're still wrong and that we still uh are are messed up and we still have these problems and even though jesus said he would never forsake us satan screams that we have been forsaken because we are too bad or we've done too much wrong for god to love us or to save us but the bible tells us in hebrews 13 for he has said i will never leave thee nor forsake thee are you thankful for that tonight [Applause] his weapon is to accuse it's to intimidate you to overwhelm you with a false narrative to paralyze you into inaction and fear the third thing that satan uses he uses strongholds paul is using military imagery here word imagery here he's talking about strongholds and satan wants to he wants to hold you hostage in a stronghold the church in general is aware of the first two weapons because of bible teaching and because there are effects spiritual death they are visible motivators to get help but this third weapon that satan uses strongholds is he will build up if you will a walled city he will build up a high thing he will build up a stronghold in your mind john describes satan as a deceiver it is his character it's his nature to deceive you and cause you to believe a lie remember tonight church the mind is the access gate satan uses to get at your spirit and once he is able to slip through the gate of your mind he begins to build his strongholds he begins to raise up high things in your mind he begins to build little fortified cities if you will of fear and of doubt and of unbelief he builds these things up in our minds one theologian said it like this a spiritual stronghold is a mindset impregnated with hopelessness that causes us to accept as unchangeable situations that we know are contrary to the will of god in other words he builds up strongholds and we feel hopeless we get trapped in addictions we get trapped in mindsets we get trapped in thoughts and we think there's no way out of it there's no hope there's no way we can overcome it there's no way we can break the cycle and what the devil is doing is he has a massive building project going on in your mind and he is building high things he is building strongholds in your mind to come against the knowledge everybody shall knowledge the knowledge of jesus christ it's the same thing that happened at the very beginning this is exactly what satan did in the garden with adam and eve he came against them he said you can become like god you're not gonna die you can you can know more and this is the same problem this is the same uh way that the devil is affecting young ladies on these front pews and and our young couples and middle-aged people and our elder saints in this building the devil is using the same tactics that he used millennia ago he's using the same thing today he is trying his best to build things in your mind he's trying to build towers of babel if you will inside of your head that comes against the knowledge of the lord jesus christ and i'm going to tell you one of the most i understand it's one of those uh uh oxymoronic things it's it's it's just it's the at the age of enlightenment it was a great advance in some ways for men but at the same time it was the beginning of philosophical ideas and it was the beginning of so much materialistic garbage that our kids are inundated with in the school systems and in books it's it's it's that mentality it's that that that arrogancy that says i know more than than your parents know and i know more than the bible and and and your religion is antiquated and your lifestyle is irrelevant and and you shouldn't look the way you do it doesn't matter the way you look it doesn't matter what and he'll even use bible he'll try to tell you well god doesn't look on the outside he only looks on the inside but if you look at the next verse you'll see that he does care about what's happening on the outside and he does expect us to see what's going on the outside oh i know i'm plowing pretty deep tonight but i'm in the holy ghost i want to address people in this church that are dealing with strongholds in your mind you've allowed things to be built up in your mind you've allowed the devil to resurrect and erect things in your mind that you think you can never overcome you can never be beautiful enough you can never be skinny enough you can never be free of addiction you can never be successful you can never be a prayer warrior you can never be an overcomer and he builds these things in our mind he builds them in our mind he uses our own our own genetics he uses our own heritage and our lineage to tell us your grandfather was this way your grandma was this way your dad was this way your aunt was your uncle the devil knows how to use things to build up strongholds that come against the knowledge of jesus christ he wants to make you think you can't overcome and you can't be victorious and you can't get the victory over it but i've come here as your pastor to declare tonight that every high thing can and should be torn down i said over here in this section this morning speaking in tongues because god was speaking through me to tell this precious group of people tonight that every high thing that you've allowed to be built up in your mind should be torn down come on let's lift our hands and open our mouths and pray right now [Applause] oh [Applause] you may be seated i'm not here i'm not attacking our medical professionals here i'm not attacking people that are educated have degrees but i am telling you this that we better be so careful that we don't elevate science above the word of god well everybody ought to clap on that because it's still right we we we can't let anything elevate itself above the word of god and all the knowledge of god nothing can elevate itself above the word of god oh i feel a pushback of opposing spirits not in this in the people but in the spirit realm of what i just said but i'm still going to say it again we should never let anything be elevated above the word of god you can have the entire alphabet behind your name but that doesn't make you better or more knowledgeable than the word of god [Applause] that's where we're living folks think about it everything is fact checked now but who are the fact checkers what are their credentials i'm just being honest with you who are the fact checkers obviously they get it wrong they've done it this week but the fact checkers want to tell you that being a young man virtuous secure in being a man not confused about being a woman is somehow wrong [Applause] young ladies i love you but the enemy's coming against you he's trying to tell you that your body is your choice but what's inside of you that baby is not your choice god forbid that any of our young ladies would be expecting a baby out of wedlock we still believe that man and woman should be married and then babies come but but the enemy is it's exalting itself above the knowledge exalt everybody say exalting it's elevating it's putting on a pedestal the thoughts and the ideals of this world and saying they're better than this they matter more than this but i want i hope before we leave tonight every young person every young married couple everybody in this building because none of us are exempt we're all inundated with technology media we're all targets of some advertisement we're all targets of some group i pray tonight that every person in this house you would understand what the devil is trying to do that he has built up strongholds that he has high things that have been that have been built up and they're there for the express purpose of exalting itself against the knowledge of jesus christ i got to get finished but i just want to share with you for a moment our weapons we find it from ephesians chapter six come to the music i guess i'm afraid everybody will decide you close up shop and turn your brain off but i want you to listen i'm preaching to you tonight i feel a burden don't don't don't shut down yet ephesians chapter 6 verse 10. finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness listen where is it at in high places what does paul say for us to do wherefore taken to you the whole armor of god not one piece you don't get to choose your favorite piece well i really like the belt of truth or i i enjoy wearing the helmet of salvation or man i love carrying that shield or the sword is where it's at or my feet shod with preparation of the gospel peace but you can't choose one you've got to have all the armor wherefore taken to you the whole armor of god that you may be able to withstand in the evil day having done all to stand stand therefore having your loins girt about with the truth having on the breastplate of righteousness and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all taking the shield of faith wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation the sword of the spirit which is the word of god praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints now a portion of this is armor it's a protective but we understand that the sword of the spirit is his word young people saints of god that's why i plead with you tonight open your bible read your bible it's so available you have no excuse it's right here on your phone you can join a plan you can hold yourself accountable i'm telling you the weapon we have against high things the weapon we have against strongholds is the word of god the word of god just one moment with me just think one moment with me matthew chapter 4 jesus is driven into the wilderness by the holy ghost by the spirit by the pneuma he's out in the wilderness for 40 days and while he's in that wilderness the tempter comes to him satan comes to him and he begins to tell him you should turn these stones to bread but listen to what jesus says this is the weapon but he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god then the devil takes him up to a high heel and there on the pinnacle of the temple he says if you're the son of god cast yourself down because and and the devil uses one of he tries to use our his our weapon against us he says it is written the angels they're gonna they're gonna take care of you they're gonna bear you up but jesus says unto satan is written again jesus didn't go find another weapon he didn't search for another way to deal with the enemy and with the thoughts that the enemy was trying to plant in his mind the high things he was trying to build in the mind of christ he says it is written again thou shalt not tempt the lord thy god he took him up to a mountain shows he's the kingdoms of the world and he says fall down and worship me and jesus saith unto him get thee hence satan here it is again for it is written three times jesus used the weapon of the word thou shalt worship the lord thy god and him only shall thou serve now listen to the next verse this is the effectiveness of the weapon of the sword of the spirit the word then the devil leaveth him and behold angels came and ministered unto him [Applause] jesus didn't look for another weapon he didn't look for another approach he didn't look for another way to deal with satan he used the word let me tell you the devil wants to keep you away from this book he wants to keep you out of it because this is your greatest weapon against the lies and the strongholds and the high things that the devil wants to build up in your mind this is your greatest weapon stand with me and the second weapon is praying in the holy ghost he said praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit i'm reminded of what jude said verse 20 of his little one chapter epistle but ye beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost we heard it preached so powerfully my brother clark copeland a 22 year old evangelist he told us about the effectiveness of praying in the spirit you've got two things to use against the enemy you've got the word of god and you've got praying [Music] i know tonight because the holy ghost has spoken to me there are people in this room you have allowed the devil to build strongholds in your mind there are high things that are exalting themselves against the knowledge of jesus christ [Music] you're curious you've looked in other directions you've wondered is this really true is what we've preached all these years is it really true or is it not you've looked at other religions you've looked at sorcery dark arts you've looked at atheism i'm telling you what the holy ghost has put in my spirit there are people in this room tonight that the devil has built strongholds he has built high things in your mind to come against the knowledge of jesus christ [Music] but i'm going to tell you how to tear them down e colomo shatama you tear them down by the word of god and when your professor starts spouting off some [Applause] nonsense and trying to ridicule you and make you look foolish and and and is condescending toward you and wants you to think you're old foggy and out of touch you pull it out pull it out pull it out you get the word out you start reading the word of god i'll almost [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and when you read that word you start praying in the holy ghost and let me tell you when you start speaking in tongues the high things cannot stay the strongholds cannot last when you start praying in the holy ghost god begins destroying he begins pulling it down stone by stone beamed by beam it begins to crumble begins to tumble begins to shake and be destroyed when you begin to pray in the holy ghost brothers and sisters it's two things pray to the holy ghost and get your bible and read your word and coming against everything the devil tells you every spirit of hell that comes against the knowledge of jesus christ hey he's got a lot of tactics he's doing a lot of building in our world today but i believe that the saints of the first pentecostal church if you will put on the whole armor of god and if you will take up the sword of the spirit and start praying in the holy ghost there is not one high thing that can't be torn down there's not one stronghold that can remain in your life [Music] oh come on i love the way you responded without me even asking you i want you to lift your hands begin praying in the holy ghost come on come on come on oh i know the devil wants to tell you it's not real it's pretend it's fake it's hype it's sensationalism that's nothing more than a high thing trying to exhaust itself against the knowledge of jesus but you need to tear it down in jesus name [Music] come on church you need to take authority right now in the holy ghost come on he wants to put vain imaginations in your mind the church doesn't love me the pastor doesn't care about me the the church doesn't have time for me there's no place for me that is imagination from the devil it's a stronghold it's a high thing that's being built up and you need to tear it down come on i want to hear you praying come on open up your mouth begin praying in the holy ghost come on forgive praying in the holy ghost come on begin praying is [Music] come on young ladies i'm praying for you today come on i need some mothers and grandmothers get in here and pray with these young ladies come on hey i know the devil's attacking your mind he wants to tell you it's not real there's other ways but it's not true it's a lie from satan come on dad come on grandpa come on in the church come on praise these young people come on pray with our young very couple come on our young marriage come on come on come from the on come on [Music] authority [Music] shall be is come on i need some people to please come on god made you in his image you've been fearfully and wonderfully made you're perfect the way god [Music] [Music] come against every high thing we come against every stronghold we come against every vain imagination is pray in the holy ghost you shall be broken hallelujah come on i want you to lift your voice up come on no music right now come on lift your voice up church come on come on [Applause] we come against every adversary we come against every stronghold we come against every high thing it must be torn down in jesus name in jesus name come on i want you to open up your mouth one more time before we leave i want you to take authority over your life take authority over your mind in the name of jesus come on come on in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ come on i feel like we're breaking something right now come on in the name of jesus hands lifted come on hands lifted mouth open come on in the name of jesus declared in jesus name come on push back against the enemy push back against the devil in the from of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus come on i want you to grab another neighbor by the hand come on shake it a little bit shout in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus we come against every lying spirit every accusatory word of the devil in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] oh [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we rebuke every addiction in the name of jesus every stronghold every high school oh christ i'm a i've been chosen love is chosen by jesus [Music] come on there's things trembling there's walls coming down strongholds are collapsing high things are being torn down in the holy ghost [Music] [Music] come on almost i'm gonna press you one more time come on i want you to close your eyes and begin to pray to you pray in the holy ghost come on you can't have victory over pornography you can't have victory over all the things of this world you can't have big trees you can have big trees you can have victory you are an overcomer tear it down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on god made you special come on god has a calling for your life he has a plan for you come on come on surrender to it surrender to what god is doing let him be lord and savior your height come on the lord of lords let him rule all over your heights let him over your life [Music] so [Music] [Music] we push back against the darkness we push back against the darkness casting down every imagination casting down the high things casting down the stronghold [Music] [Music] no no no yes [Music] god made you you're special in this site [Music] [Music] oh [Music] come on come on tear down that stronghold of lust come on in the name of jesus i will not look i will not take a second look i will not click that i will not watch that i will not consume that in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name [Applause] to go there [Music] [Applause] hey hello [Music] oh [Music] must come down [Music] tell me wow [Music] oh is [Music] shall shall be broken is okay [Music] i want us before we leave tonight i want us to join up with each other come on let's pray together hallelujah i really felt like god was going to speak to some of these young ladies tonight there's young men here tonight the enemies attacked your mind made you wonder if this is even real i'm telling you it is real it's a holy ghost when you speak in tongues that's not you doing it that's the holy ghost working in you it's a lie of the devil that wants you to believe that and we come against it in jesus name come on i want us to pray across this room i see tears still flowing down the faces of young people come on let's pray in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] no no [Music] [Applause] put on the whole armor get your sword get your sword pray in the holy ghost pray in the holy ghost on [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on somebody needs to step on the devil's head right now come on you need to pick your feet up he cut out allah [Music] come on it's the will of god for you to leave this place free in the holy ghost it's the will of god for you to leave with strongholds decimated hide things torn down [Music] right there right there in the name of jesus in the name of jesus come on put your feet on the head of the satan put your feet on the head of the devil [Music] come on it's coming down it's coming down it's coming down it's coming down [Music] come on it's coming down it's coming down kick it down [Music] [Music] you're coming down anxiety you're coming down disbelief you're coming down addiction coming down foreign hey it's here if you want it victory's here if you want it i said it's here if you want it if you don't get victory tonight it's not because it's not here it's in this room chain breaking powers in this room demon trembling powers in this room the light it's in this room it can dispel every darkness it can dispel every dark thing come on you need to grab a neighbor y'all foreign come on take authority take dominion edibles [Music] come on you know what you're dealing with you know what the stronghold is in your life do you know what the high thing is that needs to be torn down in your life come on pull it down in jesus name tear it down it jesus stands [Music] oh yes yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in jesus name in jesus name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the must come down from oh satan your kingdom your kingdom must come down oh satan your kingdom must come down oh satan your kingdom it must come down i i heard a voice from heaven faith satan satan your kingdom it must come down [Music] well satan your kingdom must come down [Music] satan your kingdom must come down i heard a voice from heaven say satan your kingdom must come down satan your kingdom must come down say that your kingdom must come down [Music] your kingdom must come down [Music] is [Music] come on [Music] come on is your kingdom's coming down it's coming down coming down i know it's coming it's coming down coming down coming down is it's coming down [Music] your kingdom's just come down [Music] oh coming down oh [Music] is is up [Music] it's coming down it's coming down [Music]
Channel: First Pentecostal Church North Little Rock
Views: 2,264
Rating: 4.8367348 out of 5
Id: wLMCIGkw0rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 24sec (8484 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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