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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so come on if you're ready to worship the lord why doesn't everybody stand at their feet and welcome in the spirit of god tonight [Music] come on let's welcome the presence of the lord in this place tonight hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are standing on your promise ready for your spirit to move [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] in jesus name we will proclaim jesus [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] we are [Music] [Music] say hallelujah come on why don't you give him a shout of praise hallelujah thank you jesus come on let's lift our voices let's worship the king of kings the lord of lords whose name is jesus [Music] hallelujah welcome to arkansas international camp meeting we are so honored and thrilled that you are here with us tonight we believe god is going to be moving in a very special way during this entire camp meeting and i just believe right now at the very beginning we should join together as the scripture instructs us to do let's join together in one accord we're in one place so let's get into one accord and let's touch heaven right now and let's believe god for an apostolic demonstration of his power [Music] i still believe that god can give an outpouring of his spirit pentecost is still the answer this holy ghost is still the answer if you believe that lift your hands open your mouth and give god praise let's pray over this service in the name of jesus lord we ask your anointing to be here we're in one place and we want to be in one accord with your spirit lord let us be in alignment with you tonight god we want a demonstration of your anointing your power let there be healing let there be miracles signs and wonders in the name of jesus give the preacher a door of utterance to preach the word of god and let us worship you with everything we have in jesus name somebody shout in jesus name come on shout jesus acts chapter 2 and when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven like as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave the matters and it shall come to pass in the last days saith god i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dream and on my servants and on my handmaidens i will pour out of my spirit in those days and they shall prophesy that peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost [Music] oh [Music] as long as i'm breathing oh yes i'm breathing i'll bless the lord as long as i'm breathing oh yes i'm freezing i'll bless the lord [Music] as long as there's tonight [Music] is [Music] let's do it together [Music] somebody to move on that right there you've been better than good somebody with a testimony you've been better than good to me [Music] you've been better than good to me i should have lost my mind [Music] somebody [Music] [Music] you've been better than me [Music] i know god is a good guy god is a good guy [Music] i should have lost you've been so good you've been real good i should have [Music] than good to lost [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] when i look back [Music] somebody [Music] me is [Music] hallelujah is that how you feel tonight has god been good to you he's been better than good to us hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i tell you what i think i can shout and dance just that we made it through last year and we're all here together [Applause] [Music] tonight come on right now why don't you give god praise that you're here tonight you could be dead but you're here the devil party had you but you're here [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's what camp meetings about [Music] [Music] oh yeah hallelujah oh thank you jesus why don't you turn to neighbor and say i'm glad to see you tonight hallelujah hallelujah you may be seated ushers if you would come to the front we're going to have the opportunity at this time to give for those of you that are just arriving this evening i want to let you know that camp meeting began last night and you missed a powerful and anointed service a bilingual service it was so powerful for the jesse galindo blessed us so tremendously last night and i shared with the congregation here last evening that our offerings during camp meeting are going to go towards missions every penny that you give will not stay here in this church but we will distribute these funds to missionaries around the world and i am happy to tell you that we are beginning this camp meeting with a hundred thousand dollar a hundred and thirty thousand dollar uh donation and i believe that before we close this meeting we're going to get to 250 000 i just believe god's going to do that and so this evening we're going to be giving to missions and there are missionaries here if you're a missionary would you please stand remember the jones is here see missionaries brother we're so honored to have all of our missionaries here tonight and while some of our missionaries could not travel to the united states because of what has been going on in our world we still will not forget them and we're going to we're going to give to the work of god in india honduras belize norway we're going to give to brazil to taiwan the philippines and this money in africa this money is going around the world to missions and we know god is going to use it for his glory and his honor so you can give a couple of ways you can give in the bags here tonight or you can text to give at 501 430 and in the field of your text type global with your amount and that will go towards our camp meeting offerings here in this service for those of you joining us online we're honored you're with us too we want you to participate we want you to be blessed as well so make sure you give to missions during this conference as well let's pray over our offering lord jesus we love you we thank you for the the opportunity and the blessing and the privilege to give tonight god i pray you bless this offering use it for your purpose your kingdom and your glory in jesus name we pray let's worship with the choir [Music] [Music] by faith he stood in power and that giant had to fall the israelite people rivaled my wall but when the people shouted that wall it had to fall cause there is a sound that makes walls fall down there is a sound [Music] fall down [Music] oh what about paul and silas behind the prison walls but when they started singing those walls they had to fall cause there [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus was buried of jesus [Music] the way [Music] speak the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh of jesus name of jesus [Music] is in the name of jesus [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh speak the name of jesus i'll speak the name of jesus [Music] speak christ name of jesus over your health speak the name of jesus [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh come on do that right now why don't you release the name release the name over your family release the name over your church over your city come on let's release the name of jesus [Applause] hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah well it feels like camp meeting and it feels good hallelujah you may be seated after the service this evening there is a special minister's banquet prepared for all of our ministers and their families we invite you to come join with us at this time i would like to ask all of the ministry if you would to please stand we want to honor the ministry that's here tonight would you stand all over this building on the platform hallelujah hallelujah we want to thank you for being here it is an honor to host all of the ministry here at arkansas international camp meeting and we're honored you're here with us we invite you to join with us after the service in the chapel and in the great hall also connect cafe it will be open after the service and the the event the after event for young people has been cancelled because of the weather so we'll can we'll connect with you later on during the week hopefully we'll have some rain lift from this area and we can do that out at our fields across the freeway but tonight after the service ministers join with us in the chapel in the great hall tomorrow morning 10 30 for the joel mccoy will be preaching the word of god and we're thankful for his ministry i think he's running a few minutes late but we're glad that he's here with us at camp meeting and tomorrow evening at 7 for the nathaniel ursion will be preaching brother ursula would you stand we're so honored that he is here with us [Applause] you don't want to miss one service it's going to be powerful and i invite you to come early time of prayer before the service and we're going to have a move of the holy ghost in each and every service the choir is coming to sing and then we're going to get the preacher on the floor tonight to preach the word of god to us let's worship with the choir why don't we stand all across the house tonight and just slip a hand in the air for just a moment i don't know what you walked into this place with going on in your life but we speak victory right now over you over your church over whatever circumstance you came in here with god has the power to give you victory come on just for a couple moments before we go any further why don't you just raise a hand in the air and just say god right now i pray for the victory i pray that i receive the victory come on really invite the presence of god into your situation and into your circumstance not just invite them in the house but invite them into your life invite them into your situation come on just reach out a hand in the air and just say jesus i still praise you even if i don't understand god i'll still praise you come on lift up a sound in the building jesus jesus [Music] victory is coming victories come i will praise you in the weight i will praise you in the way victory is coming victory is coming i will praise you in the way i will praise you in the waiting victory is coming [Music] victory is coming victory is coming victory has come victory is coming victory has come oh victory is coming victory is coming victory is coming victories we pray to jesus [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] victory is [Music] come on it's a simple song tonight come on add some fake to the lyrics [Music] tonight [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] and is never fail me and you won't start now come and do what you do god of infinite power you [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you won't start now come and do what you do jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what you do [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's got the power to deliver [Music] [Music] jesus victory is [Music] before the man of god [Music] come on [Music] come on come on you need victory for [Music] [Music] tonight [Music] [Applause] tonight make it personal tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] you never failed me and you won't start now come and do what you do god of infinite power you never failed me and you won't start now come and do what you do god event can you sing that softly one time you never come on sing it all across the congregation to do the miraculous to do the impossible to the god of impossible things the god of the impossible you're the king of the miraculous oh you're the god of infinite [Music] jesus jesus just speak the name of jesus our power is in the name jesus so we speak your name our power is in the name jesus if you believe it you want to sing [Music] jesus only one lord and our power is in the nation there's only one god that can save you our powers there's only one god that can heal yes our power [Music] we speak victory in the name of jesus [Music] there are needs in this place tonight and we know a god that is able to meet every need come on if you have needs in your life why don't you just lift your hands let's speak that name right now we know all power is in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus he is the god [Music] i'm glad i served the mighty god i said i'm glad i served the mighty god oh come on why don't we praise his name come on balcony join in hallelujah thank you jesus just remain standing with us tonight again we want to say welcome and thank you for being here it is our honor to have you here to host such a great meeting and so many wonderful people that are here god bless you for being here and we pray that your time here is blessed if you need anything feel free to reach out to one of our ushers hostesses anybody in the building we're happy to help in any way we want to make your stay as enjoyable comfortable as possible we're just excited you're here with us this evening it's so good tonight to have pastor wesley jackson here to preach the word of god and i just believe god's gonna do something great in this house [Applause] it's an honor to invite him to come to this pulpit and preach tonight this is a man that i have watched the last 19 years i guess it was and i've watched the work of god operate in his life and he came here to north little rock and he wasn't a preacher when he got here in fact he was kind of a man without a country but god brought him here he and his beautiful wife sister alicia jackson and brother jackson learned the secret and that is to crawl up underneath a pew and to pray he came here i think a salesman but he left here a preacher of the gospel and i'm going to tell you he's selling the greatest thing on earth hallelujah brother jackson is one of my dearest closest friends and we have we've definitely ridden the river together it all started when we were both young newly married and i had a hairbrained idea to start a bulletin for the church and i would do that on saturday nights after procrastinating all week i guess and we would sit in my office and i would be on the computer and he would be lounging on the couch after about two in the morning i'd wake him up take him home and we'd get up and go to church the next morning a lot of good memories a lot of good times we've traveled the world together and our families have been close friends and i am humbled and honored to have him here tonight and i'm so blessed to see the work of god that's gone forth in his life it is a joy to bring him here tonight to preach the word of god he's preached all over the country the world you've heard him before but he's never preached this camp meeting and i'm glad to introduce him on this first night of arkansas international camp meeting pastor jackson come preach the word of god to us [Applause] why don't you really give jesus a great handclap of praise and thanksgiving you said he was better than good to you so why don't you give him a better than good kind of praise right now come on that's good but why don't we turn it up just a little bit for the king of kings the lord of lords come on lift your voice again i feel victory in this house tonight [Applause] i know you're standing you can begin turning with me to the gospel according to luke the fourth chapter while you're turning i want to say how honored i am to get to be here and be a very small part of what is going to be a great great great camp meeting this week i give honor first and foremost to our great god savior jesus christ and he has been very merciful to every one of us he has blessed us and kept us and gifted to all of us and as was already mentioned one of the greatest gifts of my life outside of the baptism of the holy ghost and my beautiful precious wife was god gave me bishop j.n holmes as my pastor and i honor him tonight [Applause] it it wasn't pretty when i come staggering in here the first time and they took me in and loved me helped me and still loving me still helping me i hadn't yet arrived but in all of that time i guess one of the greatest compliments i could give my pastor in all of that time i've given him many many reasons to be disappointed and embarrassed of me but never and i've been with him in all settings never has he give me one opportunity to be disappointed or embarrassed of him he is truly a christian a man of god and he is my pastor and i love him dearly to pastor nathan holm sister mandy holmes benson beatrice and millie i love them so so very much to have my wife and children here with me tonight just i'm a blessed man i pastor uh some of the greatest people in the world in general louisiana many of them are here tonight i honor them many more of them are watching online and every man of god that's here tonight honor you i salute you to my fellow laborers i'm glad i'm getting my part out of the way and i'm gonna party while y'all sweat but uh i'll tell them the truth the rest of us are just window dressing for who everybody really came to hear and that's monday night they're they're going to endure us some of them some of us before monday night endure the rest of you after monday night they come to hear the bishop and nobody more excited about hearing him than i am and he will not splash around in some little tuttle puddle he gets in the deep and and so uh i'm i'm excited brother galindo what a tremendous word from god last night i enjoyed it it it was wonderful and it gave me a new appreciation being on the other side of being interpreted to so i salute all of you who do that weekend week out i do not come to you tonight with enticing words of man's wisdom matter of fact i have such a very very simple thought but i know beyond a shadow of a doubt that god put this on my heart and that tonight everybody shout tonight god wants to work many miracles and mighty works in our midst tonight [Applause] so i want to read you a couple of verses of scripture found in the gospel of luke chapter number four of course the setting jesus has returned full of the holy ghost from the temptation in the wilderness he has stood up on the sabbath and read about the spirit of the lord being upon him anointing him to preach to heal to deliver to help recover to sit at liberty to preach jubilee and then the bible says that he closed the book and he gave it again to the minister and sat down and the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him and he began to say unto them this day everybody shout this day this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears you don't have to wait for your miracle until tomorrow is what he was telling them you can have your miracle today verse number 23. he says i know what you will say unto me you'll quote the proverb physician heal thyself whatsoever we have heard done in capernaum we've heard about the little shows you put on we we want you to do that here too but he said verily i say unto you no prophet is accepted in his own country but i will tell you this truth i will tell you this truth there were many widows in israel during the days of elias when the heaven was shut up three years six months and great famine was throughout all the land but though there were many opportunities for people to receive the miracle only one of them only one of them a widow in saddam and many lepers were in israel in the time of elias the prophet and none of them were clinton saving naaman the syrian and then the bible says that they get upset and aggravated and he passing through the midst of them went his way he said i'll work the miracle it's not can i it's not will i it's will you let me mark would say it on this wise and he could do no mighty work save laying his hands on a few sick folk not because of him but because of them and i want to just preach to you what i know that the spirit is wanting to scream into this congregation tonight and that is whatever you do don't miss your miracle don't miss your miracle i'm going to tell you the miracle workers in this house tonight the one that's able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you can even ask or think according to the power that's working in each of us it's not if he can and it's not if he will it's who already why don't you turn to your neighbor and tell them don't miss your miracle come on tell them don't miss your miracle god i need your help tonight move me out of the way hide me behind the cross my attempts are feeble at best but i know that tonight you want to do many marvelous mighty works up i pray that you would help us that we would receive what you've come to give would you put your hands together one more time come on would you shout with your voice just one more time god bless you as you're seated in the presence of our great god i i without hesitancy without reservation boldly proclaim and declare to you tonight that i still absolutely believe with all of my heart that our god is still a miracle worker i believe that god is still a miracle worker i believe that he can still heal i believe that he can still deliver i believe that he can still set free i believe that he can still make ways where there don't seem to be any way i believe that he can still save i believe that he can still take authority over cancer i believe that he can still drive out depression i believe he can still give peace into a heart and a mind that's troubled by anxiety i believe that there is still nothing uh too hard for the lord it doesn't matter what you're going through it doesn't matter what you're dealing with it doesn't matter what statistics say it doesn't matter what society declares there is nothing too hard for the god that's in this house tonight [Applause] nothing somebody shall nothing there there is nothing that is too hard for him a very important principle was established in the very book of beginnings when the world was in need of the miraculous the bible says that the earth was void and without form and all that was dwelling upon it was darkness and god introduced the way that miracles come to pass the bible said that god's spirit began to move and then god's word began to go forth and out of chaos and out of ugliness and out of nothingness god would day after day i say it is good you know why that excites me tonight because that same spirit that hovered over the deep in genesis 1 is hovering in this house tonight that same god that spoke in that day of creation is the same words that's being spoke here tonight and you know what i believe that there's going to be people walk out of here tonight saying it's good it's good all is well all this well it's good it's well god worked a miracle in my life god is not a man he cannot lie and one of the most beautiful things about god is that he is not random and he does not wake up in a new world every day but he is a god of such order that the writer when he would begin to talk about the gifts from god and the miraculous and the things that you and i would need the solomon of the new testament would write it on this wise so that we could have confidence he said in him there is no variableness neither shadow of turning in other words if he has ever healed he can still heal if he has ever delivered he can still deliver out if he has ever give peace he can still give peace out if he has ever put a life back together he can still put a life back together if he's ever pushed out a spirit of suicide on the first night i can't mean 20 21 he can deliver somebody out from that plaguing suicidal spirit tonight i've come to tell you god is able if you don't hear anything else i say god is able god is able god is able he is not slack as men count sadness another beautiful thing that's about us rather than god is that there is no miracle that you need tonight there is no situation or temptation that you're dealing with except the things that are common to man i know you're dealing with some things and the enemy's trying to isolate you and he's trying to embarrass you and he's trying to cow you down and he's trying to tell you that you're the only one and that you better not speak up and you better not speak out and certainly don't seek help and certainly don't dare to believe that it can be different but the truth of the matter is the devil is a liar the truth is not in him and there has no paul said it there have no temptation taking you but such as common demand your struggle is a common problem your addiction is a common plague that depression's not just jumping on you it's trying to jump on everybody but the writer would shift off of us to god and he would say but god is faithful who will not tempt you above that which you are able but with the temptation he'll make a way of escape in other words it doesn't matter what you're going through it doesn't matter what you're dealing with i'm a miracle worker i'm a promise keeper i i'm a waymaker i i can heal i can exalt i can obey i can deliver there is nothing [Applause] one of the last things that jesus would speak to his disciples before he would ascend back into the heavenlies is i'm sending to you my spirit and when i send that to you and it comes over you you're going to receive power and these same works that you've seen me do these works and greater works are you going to do you know what he was telling them i'm not going out of business just because i'm going away to prepare a place i'm very much in business huh and now you're going to be my partner and like you've watched me lay hands on the sick and they be healed you can now lay hands on each other and they be healed like you've watched me speak to the demoniac and he'd be delivered that same spirit i'm giving it to you and you can speak that deliverance you can speak that help you can speak that blessing [Applause] he wanted it established that i'm the same yesterday today and forever and so tonight too many sit here plagued you've got your hand clapped down to perfection you know what songs to dance with and what sermons to get out your hankie on you know when to pick up some kleenexes and dot the manufacturer tears out of your eyes but week after week you have an encounter with this god and you do not leave differently than you came and you can do that for a while until the enemy convinces us that where you're at what you're dealing with what you're going through is just the way that it has to be you've been hearing people tell you that you can be different you've been hearing preachers preach to you that you can be set free you've been in so-called faith and healing services where the power of god was declared to be working the miraculous house but you can deal with your situation for so long that you don't really question it for everybody else but you start questioning it for you and that's what jesus was discussing in luke chapter four he walked in at capernaum and he stepped into the synagogue on that sabbath and he begin to speak something out that was prophesied thousands of years before how that god through his spirit would allow there to be a gospel preached and captive set free prison doors opened uh jubilee come and jesus gets to read that and he says i know this isn't the first time you've heard this i know this isn't the first time you read this i understand this isn't the first night i can't meet you've ever been to this in the first faith message and messages of promise that you've ever endured that's what jesus was talking about he said by this day this day i know you've been hearing it but today is your day you know what he was telling him about don't miss your miracle don't miss your miracle don't you ought to tell somebody i don't miss your miracle don't miss your miracle now it was not that he was not able that robbed them of the miraculous matter of fact he went on to give him some examples if you're going to preach us the camp meeting about the miraculous why don't you go home and heal your church first we know what you're saying preacher if you're going to come and preach to us a way of escape why do you still have people that's locked up that that's what they were saying to jesus and jesus just stopped him and he said before you say anything to me let me say something to you there were many people in need when i shut up the heavens there were many people with leprosy at the time of naaman's healing but out of all the needs out of all the dilemmas we're still preaching about the two that were met and pacifying all those that haven't been met and he was trying to tell him you don't have to tell somebody else's testimony it doesn't matter what god hadn't done for somebody else god can do something for you [Applause] i don't care who god hasn't healed tonight i've come to tell somebody with cancer god can heal you i don't care who had been delivered i've come to tell somebody with addictions god can set you free god is like and and realizing how able god is and realizing the desire i mean think about the desire of jesus christ david said on this wise what is man that you would even be mindful of him but then in revelation speaking to the church jesus himself would say i am standing at your door [Applause] do you understand it's not a preacher knocking tonight do you understand it's not a choir trying to hype you up knocking tonight [Applause] do you understand it's not manipulation and witchcraft at work trying to get something accomplished tonight do you realize that the god of all heaven and earth he's knocking at the door of your situation and he said if you just open it up you don't have to do nothing but open up [Applause] and so in my simple way and i'm hurrying i begin to ask myself because brother urshan i've missed miracles that there have most definitely been times when i walked away from a moment and it wasn't until hours or days later i thought that was a visitation from god that was what it had to have been like in acts when they had stayed up praying and the angel opened up the prison door and picked up the gate post and the answer was knocking and it was easier for them to testify about angels than to accept the miracle that they had been praying for and i begin to think what what causes us to miss something so supernatural and something so spectacular god through his word really begin to deal with me and show me some things and i i'm gonna quickly give them to you tonight but but you you need to be sensitive to what god's trying to do don't let anybody tell you any different not all moments are created equal and i don't care what anybody says there are defining moments that come to every one of us that may never pass before us again if you don't believe that's bible you need to go read about death for it is appointed unto man just once there are seasons in our life there are miracle moments in our life that they don't pass by every sunday out they don't pass by every camp meeting out but there are some times and some moments in a setting just like it's here tonight where god decides if they want it they can have it if they'll press for it they can receive it if they'll accept it and not miss it i'll do it [Applause] you can sit down i'm just talking to you for just a minute and i begin to read and think and search and pray and i found a very familiar setting in the book of second kings and this this is why people here tonight if you're not careful you'll miss it syria's been shut up and samaria's got bars on the doors and a drought and famine has consumed the land the king looks over the wall one day and he sees two women fighting if if you think chaos and what we're going through in 2021 is is new you're not much of a student of the word there's plagues there's disease it it it's not just in the city there's lepers outside of the city they didn't just start murdering babies they were murdered that's what the king looked over the wall and he said i seen them and they were fighting over a baby and i asked him what was wrong and they said well yesterday we murdered my baby so we could eat i'm going to tell you every one of us here tonight our heart is deceitful above all and desperately wicked don't you ever forget man as wicked at his core that's why you gotta have the infilling of the holy ghost and you gotta have the indwelling of the holy ghost your tongue talking experience 20 years ago it's not enough to keep your wicked nature from coming out you need to talk in tongues every day of your life she said now that's come our turn now that it's come our turn she she don't want to do this and the king does what the people of the city most often do if they're not careful he stomps his foot and he says somebody go get that preacher he didn't even know that in his anger he was fixing to get his answer don't you ever underestimate the power of getting god's man involved there's people sitting in this house tonight i know some of you the first time you come to church you were drunk you were not interested in deliverance and really you come to cause trouble for the preacher and in your stupidity you still stumbled in to your salvation because when you get god's man involved and god's man gets god's word involved things can't stay the same he says go get that preacher the preacher comes and he begins to fuss at him and he says well let me tell you something this time tomorrow i know you're eating the droppings of bats today and boiling babies in hot liquid but by this time tomorrow if you don't think god can turn it around that quick because even when you don't see it he's working and even when you hadn't recognized it he's working and even when you don't feel it he's working up you're mad and kicking rocks but he's already talking to a preacher saying by this time tomorrow by this hey it's not just that prophet in that day i feel a prophetic anointing on me right now by this time tomorrow night somebody's gonna have a testimony somebody's gonna have shook off chains uh somebody has gone see it turned around [Applause] it don't matter how long it's been dry it don't matter how many babies they've killed it doesn't matter how many burn over fields the enemy's trying to tell them they have just one word from god y'all sit down i gotta hurry and this is why people miss their miracle there was a man standing there i i sure don't want to be ugly i sure don't want to be confrontational but that's why servants should listen rather than speak you you need to leave the speaking to your man of god servants are to receive don't tell them how to spend the money don't tell them when to take the next step for the project don't tell them who to let up on the platform and who to keep seated in the pew [Applause] when servants speak they start getting themselves in trouble if you've got something to say don't say it to the man of god you need to get out of one of these pews and take it to god [Applause] oh but he spoke up and he said pastor in this economy if god was to punch windows in heaven you couldn't buy that new building if god was to punch windows in heaven you can't grow this church if god was to punch windows in heaven now you you're not going gonna be able to get the spirits of depression and fear and suicide out of this congregation and that prophet will to him out and he said sir you not believe in it it's not gonna keep it from happening now but you're gonna miss your miracle now everybody else in this city they're gonna get their miracle out but because you couldn't believe the word of the lord now you you sit down you you know why people miss their miracle it's because they want to hear from a prophet rather than just standing on the word you you need to understand this healing does not come because a self-labeled prophet pours all on your head and spats your forehead healing comes because the word of god says by his stripes [Applause] see you're waiting on somebody to say something that god's already established if you need a healing you don't need a prophet to tell you you can be healed you just need to believe the word of god [Applause] if you need blessed you you don't need some charismatic cowboy get you to sow into this and that the word of god says if you sow spiritually you'll reap spiritually if you sow an abundance you'll reap an abundance the word of god says i will bless them coming in and bless them going out and bless them in the city and you know why some of you are missing your miracle because you get upset at a preacher every time he preaches certain things and you don't realize it's not the words of a preacher it's the word of god [Applause] you you didn't quit getting offended when somebody comes through your assembly and declares this ain't a burnover field there can be great increase right here we don't believe in his ministry no you don't believe in the word of god and that's why you're missing your miracle because the word of god says not not the guy that you don't like that did the preaching the word of god says of my increase and of my government there shall be no end home missionary you don't need a prophetic word to go home and have revival you've got the word that declares i'll give you well shoot and dig thin your shooting plant houses you didn't build you don't have to figure it out you just gotta believe [Applause] and so is this okay tonight and so so people miss their miracle not because god's not able but because they don't believe or because they don't like the messenger let me tell you i wonder what would happen in pentecost if we got the attitude of the king of nineveh he had the ugliest meanest contrarius didn't want anybody to get a right preacher but he had a message from god and instead of not responding because they didn't get like the messenger they received and embraced the message god turned nineveh completely around the second reason that people miss their miracle is because they don't keep coming back to be touched again and again and again until their miracle gets to where they're at now i don't want to upset anybody here tonight or offend anybody or cross theological swords you can disagree you're probably wrong about other stuff but but in in asking god i was reading in the 10th chapter of the book of daniel and this is where i don't offend anybody but but daniel was not on some daniel's fast you need to go read it somebody might have sold you on a daniel's fast but daniel was having a pity party the bible says in daniel the 10th chapter that daniel's laid out by the river and he won't any eat anything good he won't he won't touch anything sweet or drink any wine he would not wash his face or anoint himself now for those of you who think i'm stretching it you need to go read in daniel the ninth chapter where he was fasting and he stands up and boldly declares i was down praying and i was fasting but see you need to understand the situation daniel is now somewhere around 80 years old and god is trying to work it's the third year of cyrus the king of persia and god brother alvear has put it on cyrus's heart to let them jews go back and start building again god is wanting to work the miraculous and only about a third of the people who had permission to go got up and went now there's a lot of us that say we want revival but the truth of the matter is we'd rather spend the weekend in branson than on saturday knocking doors at bus ministry because not all of exile's bad [Applause] i mean they're living pretty good in exile right now and when you get to talking about going back and working and slaving out and you gotta give everything you gotta give and from sun up to sun down you gotta be on a wall with a hammer and one hand and a sword in the other there's a lot of people that say they want it built but they want somebody else to build it and daniel's wrestling with this [Applause] but i've come to preach to a missionary i've come to preach to a pastor i've come to preach to a whole missionary i've come to preach to a weary saint and a weary warrior all of a sudden something happens daniel just simply looks up and when he looks up an angel doesn't appear but daniel sees an angel that who knows how long it had been standing there trying to give him what he needed and all of a sudden when he hooks up see see god god doesn't set free powders okay god doesn't set free powders god sets free praisers [Applause] see if you want your miracle tonight you got to quit pounding over what hadn't went right and you got embraced that god's still on the throne [Applause] he was pouting and if he was fasting he wouldn't obey jesus because he said when you fast get up and wash your face and anoint yourself because this ain't about people knowing you're pouting and things ain't going right this is about recognizing that at any moment suddenly something can happen i'm looking for it by this by this time tomorrow i don't have time to cry i'm too busy looking and listening from my word [Applause] you you may think i'm just talking tonight but i'm telling you god spoke to me he wants to pour out miracles in this house tonight and i'm just going to run through the rest of this real quick the bible says in and he speaks and then he touches me he speaks that's what's happening right now and then daniel let him be touched preaching without you responding might do somebody else good but it's not going to do you any good you need to get it out of your mind that your applause or lack thereof is you giving credibility uh are you putting praise on a preacher the preacher if he's preaching god's word he's got god's approval he doesn't have to have now your approval makes it a lot better but when you start clapping and when you start waving up and when you start moving out you know what seems like the preacher preaches better because you start getting touched you start getting touched you start getting touched you start feeling the same thing out there that he's feeling up here and all of a sudden fine [Applause] because see faith cometh by hearing and and and the bible says that he touched him and he said hey daniel i'm fixing to give you some things now daniel 10 doesn't have any visions in it it's talking about what had to happen for daniel to get to the place where he could receive the vision the vision doesn't start again to the 11th chapter daniel 10 is all about daniel and he said that angel spoke to me and he said get up because i'm not doing one more thing until you quit wallowing by that river and you start seeing you for how god still sees you daniel if god said jerusalem was going to be restored it doesn't matter who went and who stayed if god said it was going to happen it's going to happen and daniel said he spoke to me and he wanted me to speak you're going to read i'm giving it to you in the james wesley but daniel chapter 10. you go read it when you get home some of you are so far behind on your bible reading this year you need to go home and read it but he said i got up and the angel was now speaking to me and wanting me to speak but all i could tell him was i don't have no strength right now to it's not that i don't believe but i don't have the strength to receive it he said so he touched me again see just because you don't have the strength right now that doesn't mean it can't happen it just means you got to get another touch it means you just got to let the holy ghost move over you one more time this might be the time this might be the night sunday when you got touched you still couldn't receive all god had for you but maybe just maybe tonight when you get that another touch something up that is pentecosta's greatest hindrance is we come to be entertained rather than to press and be touched and daniel says huh you you you go read it he said i felt better and and i felt the words now in my mouth and he said i uh brother mark i was trying to get it out i was trying he said but there just was there just still wasn't enough strength and the bible says and again suddenly he just reached out and touched me and he said when he touched me that third time it wasn't i couldn't speak it's i couldn't stop speaking [Applause] and he said daniel now that i got you where you're touched and can see it you need to understand that the very first time you prayed before you ever started pounding i heard you out but there's always a resistance to the miraculous and just because you didn't see it happening down here didn't mean that it wasn't being dispatched up there you know what i've come to tell somebody your miracle's been on the way your miracle spit on the way your miracle spit on the way hell had wanted to get to you the angels of darkness didn't want you to receive it but you just gotta get another touch you gotta get another touch [Applause] and daniel he got it he got that strength so so we miss our miracle tell your neighbor don't miss your miracle you you you you think you're just obeying a preacher you you need to speak prophetically to him right now you need to tell them your miracle's on the way you need to turn to another neighbor that didn't go so good with that neighbor turn to your other neighbor and tell them your miracle has been on the way just because you hadn't baptized them yet doesn't mean that god's not stirring your community up just because you hadn't started teaching them that bible study doesn't mean that god input questions in their heart it doesn't mean that god's not trolling it doesn't mean that god's not working it's daniel you just gotta keep getting touched while the angel keeps i wish somebody to throw their hands up right now and get touched sit down i'm gonna tell you it's like fire shut up in my bones right now somebody's gonna get healed of cancer tonight [Applause] [Music] i didn't say that casually and i get you to respond i said it because i feel it somebody's going to get healed of cancer tonight somebody's going to get deliverance from prescription drugs that you're addicted to somebody's [Applause] [Music] marriage [Applause] so you you sit down this was just a decoy this might be the longest thus far but brother ursian's preaching tomorrow night hey i want to hear it i'm serious because there's something about that word it starts working like it's working right now see that's the problem we've got in too big of a hurry to get the miraculous because see our situations are like a hammer they're like a rock in the words like a hammer and there's a great big rock that's keeping you from your miracle and you only sit through just enough hammer and to get a few chips knocked away you need that you got time for instagram you got time for facebook you got time to build all them sim cities on your phone you need to get back to having time for preaching that's the hammer that's the hammer that's the hammer it can bust up your depression it can bust up your addiction it can drive out every cancer cell in your body the word [Applause] you are taking my time you'll miss it if you don't believe and you'll miss it if you start pouting instead of praising your way to a touch while the miracle's trying to get to you but really the icing on the cake and and one of the greatest plagues of pentecost is this last little nugget the lord dropped on my heart to help you not miss your miracle it's we've arrived to the place where we only want to respond in sensible manners and we only want to engage in ways that make sense and appeals to our intellect and because of that we miss miracles because when god gets ready to move he don't stand up after reading 16 commentaries and has 12 points on paper i mean he he he does really smart stuff like says get in send everybody home besides them that knew how to drink right and get you a lamp and a stick do you not see what they're armed with god get in have you forgot this battle's not yours but mine i'm not wanting you to figure it out i just want you to obey [Applause] you mean you mean we're just gonna march see y'all thought victory marches was just something old people reminisce about your congregation because it don't make sense to you you call it antiquated you want to hang it on the shelf and you don't realize that some of the biggest giants to ever be buried and some of the greatest walls to ever be toppled out it wasn't with intellect it was with simple obedience of having a victory march around the things that god i wonder what would happen if you just go back home and start marching and victory around your city [Applause] ah i didn't come to talk about all them i i come to talk about a man by the name of naaman he's got leprosy you you sit down i really am almost through and it don't look like there's any hope for him getting his miracle up to this point nobody's been healed of leprosy by the time jesus speaks in luke chapter 4 nobody after him got healed of that person and naaman is a is a wealthy man and he's tried all the ways of the world when is pentecost they ever gonna understand that by the time they try pentecost they've tried everything else they've tried doctors they've tried counselors they've tried psychiatrists they've tried taking this they've tried taking that they took marriage counseling uh from a counselor that's been divorced six times their self by the time they try pentecost they're not interested in pretty uh they're interested in power they're in and there's a little handmaiden that just happens to speak up there's a house down there and at that house there's a man of god that's at that house and if you'll just go down there to that house and you'll just do whatever that man tells you to do naming the god that that man's talking on behalf of he can work a miracle in your life [Applause] this is how some people's reacting to you sit down what i'm preaching right now the king hears about it see the man in the other house hears about it and he says oh dear god has has this little handmaiden decided to do something that's going to bring our total destruction has she really went down there and told somebody i can't explain it i don't know if i'll even go with you i've watched them online a few times and they're crazy i mean i don't know what it is but they start this and them people look up i know you weren't going to do that till monday night but do it real quick one time go ahead and do it one more time did y'all forget how to do it [Applause] party said nah i can't explain it i'm not going down there to do it but when they start doing it down there things start happening and change start breaking out and people start getting healed and people are stuck [Music] and so name and gets up to courage and he slips in 20 minutes late after the kid's choir's done sat down and it tries to slip down in the pew and it don't want nobody to see him and then the preacher brother bass don't even say well we're glad to have so and so here i'm going to tell you why some of you is missing your miracle because the preacher at the house is sitting back and he hears his footsteps coming and he don't even preach himself he brings in an evangelist some of you that can't show up on sunday because you know pastor ain't preaching [Applause] see it ain't about meeting the preacher it's about getting your miracle from god the preacher ain't the miracle worker he's just a conduit for the direction [Applause] and he says hey go tell naaman to go down there and dip in jordan seven times and when he comes up he's gonna be new now all of y'all act so full of indignation and self-righteousness when you read about naaman's response yet you call the pastor and you're wanting to meet him and take 40 minutes of his time and you're not going to listen anyhow and he says you know what you need to do have you been coming by that church praying and you you don't say it to him but you hang up the phone and you that's what he always says well naaman if you want the miracle see see you want some hard things you you want something that's intriguing to the intellect of man and and the little girl stops him and she says wait a minute naaman you're getting mad at him but he don't have leprosy but he's got a word for your leprosy [Music] and she said naaman if he'd ask you to do something hard you'd have turned heaven and earth to do a hard thing but because joining up with somebody and shaking them till they talk in tongues don't make no sense yes so anyhow see sit down one more time see pentecost it wasn't meant to be purdy it's the answer it was meant to answer not entertainment you know what entertainment is it's something that helps you forget for a moment about the true trouble in your life that's what entertainment is but the answer changes the trouble in your life [Applause] see and i appreciate every singer every musician i love the way that god's blessed pentecost but i'm going to tell you some of the greatest miracles people was just being made fun of for beating an old bass drum had old tambourine in their hand a flat top guitar with only four strings and three of them were out of tune but see somewhere in pentecost we've become impressed with our own talent forgetting that how can our feeble attempted talent impress a god that created angelic beings with perfect and perfect talent and they don't even have a choice they don't even get to choose what song they sing they just have to sing continually holy is the lamb how are you going to impress that kind of card he's not impressed with our talent he's not impressed with our performance he's impressed with the ugliness of our prey [Music] [Applause] we've moved on the right side of the tracks and i like it we got coffee shops and i love that on sunday mornings i only have to fix it at home no more they have one waiting for me when i get to church and they do so much better than starbucks and then that's something y'all want a discount cause it's a church you didn't say starbucks was too high why are you telling us we're too high but there's a lot of places missing the power and it's because there is nothing that can replace the simple obedience to an unorthodox word i'm gonna tell this and i'm gonna let you do whatever you want to some of you here's heard me tell it but 1983 pastor nathan holmes was a it was a troubling year for my mom and dad my dad was working nights for santa fe railroad and i'm gonna tell you if you're wondering why i still believe in miracles i want you to look at my brother and his two sons and his daughters here tonight [Music] [Applause] you quit believing him if you want to [Applause] but he wasn't even born yet my sister had just been born and switching trains late one night a piece of pup would knock my dad off and broke his back they got him over to houston and by the time it was said and done they had taken a bone out of his thigh and fused it into his back i remember seeing the scars and all the places they had cutting it was long before laser stuff and he had them big scars and he spent almost all of 1983 brother tuttle in the hospital thank god for good people of the church that was helping take care of my sister and the coopers who were helping raise me and my dad spent so much time over there and finally they come in and they begin to talk to my mother and they said now there's some things you just have to accept firstly he's never going to hold a public job he's probably never going to have a good quality of life so you're getting ready to have to deal with some things because he's not going to be able to go into the woods and out on the lake because he's we don't know how he's not paralyzed and just the wrong move and he's going to be paralyzed and they said and we've read through his records and because of his strong addiction addiction to narcotics before y'all's marriage with all the morphine and things that we've given him he's going to be an addict the rest of his life they put this big old brace on my daddy and got him home after about i think i remember my daddy saying close to eight months over there and he got home and first pentecostal church of sealsb had been in a extended revival and revival was supposed to have closed but for whatever reason they decide to extend it one more weekend and i believe his brother red cooper called our house just just to really make conversation he said brother randy we we extended revival surely you're going to be here sunday huh he he was just trying to cheer up but my dad was he was hard-headed i'm glad i act like my mother and brother mccoy he decided he's going to go to church and i i was just a kid but i remember my mother was an emotional wreck not because she didn't want him in church but just because of what she had been told and she pleaded with him what let's just wait another couple of weeks one wrong step and my daddy wasn't hearing it and so that sunday morning she got him up and bathed and dressed me and my sister up and bathed and dressed and was late getting the church and it was a scene getting him into the building and church had already started and i'd hear my daddy and others that would tell of it later said it was one of the dry services you you've ever been in in your life they got the preacher to the floor and he read his text and it didn't get any better and he gave his title now y'all don't know what that feels like but i can relate and it didn't get any better and and he just stopped and he said i want brother randy and sister ruby to come down here i just feel like we are to pray for him you're clapping you don't even know what happened well you might but it was it was a it was a show and a distraction by the kirk getting my daddy to the front and he said brother do puss him brother pilate come off that platform and and they just put their hands on his head and said god you know in jesus name and he said i didn't feel not one thing he said here i am he would tell this later i heard him tell it dozens of times he said i almost got mad because they started praying for your mother said and the holy ghost fell see sometimes it has something to do with a vessel and she got the crying and talking in tongues and they got to dancing and shouting and he said here i am standing there and i'm hurting and i can't move i can't sit down i can't get back to my seat i can't do nothing but sit there and watch her get a blessing and he said then they just turn around and start back up the steps to just leave me like i'm at and he said brother pilate got halfway up them steps and he just my daddy said he just wheeled around and he said brother randy can you dance at nicholsworth for jesus and my daddy said i thought brother pilate can you not see this brace on me he said but something come over me and said well you don't even know what a nicholsworth is what does it hurt to try my daddy said he was hurting and he didn't know what a nicholsworth was and he sure didn't think he could dance so we just started kind of patting his foot and he said over an hour later when he come to he had been worked like a dish rag that was southeast texas lingo that's how my daddy would tell it he said i'd rub my nose on the carpet he said before i went home i got brother connored in the prayer room and they cut that brace off of me and he said he said i drove myself back to my next appointment he said it when i stepped off that elevator he said that doctor if he hadn't had an education he could have made a good sailor he said cause he started cussing me and he said they got people around me and got me jerked up got me put in that x-ray machine wheeled me down to a room and he said i knew when they got the results cause i heard that doctor slam and stuff and cussing saying somebody tell me how it happened somebody tell me how it happened somebody tap [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he said he walked in that doctor walked into that room and he slapped up them before x-rays and it slapped up them after x-rays and he shut down that floor and got everybody crammed into that room and he said sir i want to know what happened my daddy said sir i don't really know what happened all i can tell you is that's what you can buy for a nickel's worth of praise [Applause] you may not like this and it ain't pernier but i'm telling you what the holy ghost told me if you could just get a loose tonight if you could just forget about who you are and where you are and somehow you could give god a decade's worth of praise i feel that your city will open up i feel that your finances have opened up i feel like you're mine but you can't get pretty i've come to kill somebody up in the mezzanine i've come to tell somebody up in the balcony you're at the right place you're in the right moment there's angels in this house but you need to get boosted [Applause] i want you to close eyes and take somebody by the hand right now and i want you to just start shaking up [Applause] i don't even know what a nickel's work looks like but i have a feeling some whole missionary pastor is going to pay for their revival right now i just got a feeling that somebody that's battling depression is gonna pay for their joy and their victory right now i've just got a feeling that somebody the devil's been intimidating uh and driving you crazy you need to quit waiting for a cheerleader you need to quit waiting for the band to play fast music you need to close your eyes and you need to connect [Music] it's here right now [Music] it's here right now come on i want you to take three steps i know it's crowded but you need to be like the woman and push away i want you to take three steps and join with somebody else somebody's fixing to get a miracle right now [Music] is leaving somebody's body right now [Music] come on help me menocon lay hands on somebody out and speak their miracle right now come on there's still too many spectators and not enough tongue talkers you need to give us in the holy ghost right now you need to get losing the holy ghost right now you need to get loose in the holy ghost right now right now [Applause] home missionary i dare you to give god a nickel's worth of praise right now god still heals diabetes god can heal you in this service tonight right now right now right now [Music] come on i know there's some prayer workers in this house help me first pentecostal church help me calgary [Applause] come on come on come on nicodemus you might be going down for that seventh time you might be ready to get up with the miracle in your life [Music] come on please help me find somebody that's praying and pray with him right now this ain't a show this ain't a spectator sport somebody's on the precipice of their miracle this ain't a time to get a cute picture this ain't the time to get a little something for social media this is a miracle moment there are ministering spirits in this house right now there are angels in this building there are miracles you don't have to be up front there's miracles in the center there's miracles in the back there's miracles in the mezzanine there's miracles in the balcony uh there's miracles in this house [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sing about it don't do your little cutesy two steps you need to get losing the holy ghost right now right now right now [Applause] [Music] miracles miracles [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] open your mouth [Music] open your mouth [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on one more time i want you to take somebody by the hair i want you to lift your voice as loud as you can lift it come on all over this building if you need a miracle take somebody by the hand lift your voice as loud as you can lift it and start moving your feet open your mouth and shout yes lord open your mouth and shout yes lord [Music] [Music] open your mouth [Music] yes [Music] is yes jesus yes jesus yes jesus your promises are yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now [Music] miracles [Music] [Music] miracles [Music] over my miracles all over my situation [Music] oh [Music] all over your situations [Music] in jesus name [Music] your life [Music] for just a few moments right here [Applause] i may not see the miracle now but it's time [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] [Music] it's [Music] [Music] [Music] i need it [Music] i need it i am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you
Channel: First Pentecostal Church North Little Rock
Views: 7,287
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Id: LQqO74WMA1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 41sec (9641 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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