September 5, 2021 Sunday Morning Service [Bishop Garfield Daley]

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oh [Music] to receive glory to receive is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] his name forever foreign is see hallelujah almighty god can we just give god some glory just for a few seconds hallelujah you are worthy to be praised mighty god hallelujah we exalt you jesus ah hallelujah thank you mighty god for being such an awesome god hallelujah you are worthy hallelujah to be praised praise god we are gonna read a portion of scripture um from james chapter 1 um 1-27 so that's all of it so that's james chapter one [Music] so that's james chapter one [Music] right okay so that's james chapter one and it reads thus james a servant of god and of the lord jesus christ to the 12 tribes which are scattered abroad greeting my brethren count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience but let patients have her perfect work that he may be perfect and entire wanting nothing if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of god and he and that giveth to all men liberally and operateth not and it shall be given him but let him ask in faith knowing nothing wavering for he that wavereth is like a wave of sea driven with the wind and tossed for let not that man think that he hath he shall receive anything of the lord a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted but the rich in that he is made low because as the flower of the grass he shall pass away for the sun is no sooner rise risen with a burning heat but it withereth the grass and the flower thereof falleth and the grace of the fashion of it perisheth so shalt so also shall the rich man fade away in his ways blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life which the lord hath promised to them that love him let no man say he when he is tempted i am tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and is enticed then when lust is conceived it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death do not air my beloved brethren every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the father of lights with whom is with whom is in is no variableness neither shadow of turning of his own will he begot he us with the word of truth that we should be kind be a kind of first fruits of his creatures wherefore my beloved brethren let every man be swift to hear slow to speak slow to wrath for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of god wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness and receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your souls but be doers of the word and not hear us only deceiving your own selves for if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer he is like unto a man be holding his natural face in a glass for he beholdeth himself and goeth his way and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was but whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty and continueth therein he being not a forgetful hero but a doer of the work this man shall be blessed in his deed if any man among you seem to be religious and brideleth not his tongue but deceiveth his own heart this man's religion is in vain pure religion and undefiled before god and the father is this to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world praise god amen um i'm gonna ask deacon bailey to pray for us praise god we're gonna put the service before the lord um and you know we want to even as we're at home some of you or most of you are at home um you know we want to keep focused even in this time and really worship god in spirit and in truth because he is everywhere praise god amen let us bow ahead to prayer father we are so very thankful for your love and your mercies we're so very thankful god to be in your presence this morning lord god in your presence there's fullness of joy at your right and god your pleasures forevermore oh god we are grateful lord god for all you have done oh god your compassion fail it not great is thy faithfulness morning more mourning new mercies we see all that we need at your hand that provided lord god we are in your presence this morning lord with his fullness of joy at your right and god with your pleasures forevermore lord god as we come to worship and adore your precious name we ask you lord god that you will be with us oh god in a special way we ask your god that lord god that you'll tabernacle with us lord god we pray god for service lord we might be a few numbers but oh god we know lord jesus lord as long as your presence is here with us that's what matters lord god we pray oh god that you take full control bless every one of us we pray right now we present the service to you god we pray god for the starter we pray god for the moderator we pray oh god lord for the praise team we pray oh god for the musicians at this time oh god we pray lord for the media team oh god we ask you lord god that you touch those god lord that oh watch via internet lord god we take full control jesus oh god we praise you we magnify your name jesus lord we present oh god to you right now bishop and his family lord all the ministers oh god every saint every unsaved every backslider those that are struggling right now god especially because of this covid oh god people are so stressed people are so depressed oh god many love lost jobs oh god and loved ones oh god we pray for those who are in hospital at this time oh god oh jesus we come against oh god oh god this disease in the name of jesus lord we pray god that you breathe life in them right now oh god we pray god for our country lord our leadership our prime minister this time leader of opposition and members of parliament oh god we pray right now lord god lord jesus oh god for health workers our doctors our nurses oh jesus lord gods are in there on the front line oh god exposing lord god himself but they try oh god to do good lord oh god to revive losers our infected lord i pray oh god that you'll be with them jesus oh god let your perfect will be done god hallelujah guide and protect them i pray lord jesus we praise you and we give you thanks lord for all you have done we prayed oh god our lives in your hand right now and without god we ask lord that you take full control touch our teachers touch our student touch our parents oh god let your perfect will be done we ask this and more in jesus name amen praise god thank you jesus almighty god so we're gonna sing him 14. he brought me out [Music] my heart was distressed beneath jehovah's red frown and low [Music] he brought me out to say hallelujah is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is is i is [Music] [Applause] hallelujah oh [Music] he put a song in my soul today [Music] oh hallelujah hallelujah he brought me out hallelujah of the miracle he put my feet upon a rock to stay oh god he put a song hallelujah let me tell you something man you know many times you're just done but the sound when the sound come back the song makes a difference hallelujah hallelujah oh come on everybody let's just lift your hands and those worship people hallelujah hallelujah oh we praise we magnify you lord we thank you god for the song oh god we pray oh god lord god out of him many times though we are alone oh god we can go back and that sound will be ringing on the inside hallelujah and comfort us we thank you god today for your love we thank you god today for your mercies oh god and your divine protection oh god wonderful [Music] hallelujah wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful yes isn't jesus my lord wonderful is wonderful wonderful wonderful is is is is [Music] is [Music] wonderful my lord mighty god counsellor prince of peace is he saving me keeping me [Music] is [Music] jesus is wonderful is is jesus wonderful jesus very wonderful oh oh [Music] what a wonderful wonderful day oh what a wonderful a very wonderful thing to be free to be fair with [Music] what a wonderful thing my god what a privilege god bless you you may be seated hallelujah let me just greet you all in the mighty name of jesus all our fellow ministers our saints oh god a bishop good to see you sir i greet you in that precious most holy name of jesus it's so good to see you sir so refreshing to be here minister god bless you sir oh god it feels so good just being here again it feels so good what i love to feel again oh god there's nothing i mean i i you because i recovered you can't get through god you know the nice hotel and i'm thinking again i love them things there but if there's nothing i like better than god's children getting together it feels so good just being there again praise god hallelujah and we know that we are you know the time is against us i know we're gonna be hearing from bishop i know that sir in a little while so let me invite minister ron simmons to come and he's going to be greeting us come on minister praise god hallelujah [Music] amen amen [Music] bless the lord everybody amen best of lord one more time amen if you are home and you're listening i want you to stand to your feet and give god a big hallelujah praise god amen amen amen truly it is a privilege and it is an honor to be in worship one more time i don't want to greet everyone we want to greet all the persons that were you know is facilitating the service today or pastor or ministers or so competent singers and musicians we want to agree to all in the matchless name of jesus we all also want to greet you at home amen in your couches in your bed wherever you are uh participating in worship today we want to greet you in the precious name of jesus christ we encourage you to sing along with us you know we we encourage you to be as much as involved as you can in the worshiping experience amen god is this god is the same yesterday today and forevermore and god is present in church at home in the kitchen in the washroom wherever you are the presence of god is there and if you just lift him up if you just worship him if you just give him thanks then you will be blessed with the awesome presence of the almighty god thank you in jesus name amen hallelujah praise god praise god thank you jesus oh hallelujah hallelujah oh praise god let's just worship him one more time let's just worship in one more time oh we love you jesus we love you jesus we praise and we magnify you praise god so masha give us a song thank you jesus hallelujah praise jehovah lord god almighty hallelujah [Music] praise jehovah oh yes [Music] your name [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] praise hallelujah [Music] name [Music] is we [Music] is we is we praise you for we pray [Music] amen hallelujah oh praise god oh yes hallelujah yes yes hallelujah oh we praise you today lord oh jesus [Applause] i my you are [Music] is hi hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god you're the most thank god and we honor you today praise god praise god god bless you you may be seated let me just invite you watch us to come praise god praise god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god are we gonna be inviting oh god a praise team to be disturbed while we collect our offering praise god and we're gonna be asking sister angie to pray praise god hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise god let me just pray father we thank you for your love we thank you god for your mercies your divine protection god none like you not to be compared with your great god you're great you're wonderful and you're worthy to be praised from the rising of the sun to the going down at the very same we thank you god for today we thank you god for this privilege oh god to be in your house lord your banner over us is love we thank you god for your provision oh god lord oh god you provide for us oh god so that we can provide lord god for a family god because the word said lord the person that doesn't provide lord god for his family is worse god than an infidel and we thank you god lord that you're able to provide let your perfect will be done we pray god as we're about to give back a portion of what you've given one to us we ask you god that you're blessed with a hundred strengths god those god that who have lord i pray that you bless the same let your will be done we pray oh god we give you thanks in jesus name amen my days are filled with laughter my heart has known your peace [Music] but in my heart there is a longing [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] every road [Music] darkness [Music] you are is you've made the light to shine you you are is [Music] is is [Music] lift up your voice your voice [Applause] your voice one more boys [Applause] [Music] hallelujah praise god thank you jesus i love you lord oh yes oh yes for your mercy never fails oh yes [Music] all my day i've been held in your hand jesus from the moment that i wake up oh hallelujah until i lay my [Music] [Laughter] i love your voice [Music] you'll be closed like no other [Music] [Music] good oh i will oh oh i will say oh is oh is is is [Music] that i am of the goodness [Music] oh surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life your goodness running after me my god and even when i'm not conscious and i walk away from it your goodness is running after me what a god what a god what a god oh we love you jesus praise god praise god let us lift our hands and worship him are we gonna be asking our bishop to come in a little while but you know if if i would just ask one more song of you before i have a bishop to come praise team give me one more one more song please hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah touch them jesus touch him lord [Music] and i pray god as the songs come to you right now and as the words come to you in your living room and those at home who you couldn't get to come to church today because you know the situation but i know you're home watching online i pray that you'll be blessed i pray that the holy ghost will just move through the living room the bedroom all over the house right now in the name of jesus my soul says here yes [Music] my soul says thank you jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] i whatever it takes whatever you want what moment you choose whatever you please will be done [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh my gosh [Music] says yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] we worship him and we know god is in this place oh god i know oh god our bishop to come we shall pass today and speak to us as he feels that of god praise god sir god bless you praise [Music] thank you so much amen praise god praise god can we praise the lord everybody what a great god oh everywherever you are at this time won't you lift your hands right now one glorify the god of heaven he's worthy to be praised he's worthy to be lifted up honor and power belongs to him glory be to god he's great yes yes yes and he's greatly to be praised no other name like the name of jesus [Music] no other name no other name no other god no other friend hallelujah we worship him we worship him we magnify him glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god praise god let me join with minister smith who greeted you earlier on to extend greetings to all my father's children everyone in the house everyone in your houses wherever you are you're in the church at this time you are in church wherever your location i greet you in the wonderful precious name of our lord and savior jesus christ it it feels good praise god to have you amen being a part of our service this morning and the lord bless every one of you amen right across jamaica wherever you are and you're a member of this church i greet you you're a part of the faith apostolic ministries family across the globe i greet you in jesus name if you're a visitor this morning you're tuned in i want to take this time out to really greet you and let you know that we appreciate you amen in the name of the lord jesus amen i hope i get the pronunciation right but i think it is sister kadeen a man chevaness queensborough amen is a sister of brother carl she was here from london england recently got married and she really wanted to be with us in the sanctuary and somehow because of the lockdown and the strictures that was associated with that she was just unable to be here but i want to take the time this morning to personally greet sister kedin and to let you know that although we did not get to meet physically amen amen i appreciate you the things you have done and i say to you and your husband your entire family god bless you richly amen and to all the other visitors that we just did not get to see you you are online usually we would have you standing and greeting you we are unable to do that but if you're online i want you to know that we appreciate every one of you and we say god richly richly bless you amen can we praise the lord one more time one more time amen just one more as we see boy god bless this team you know because they have been going and if we had two services they would still be here for the other one and we say god bless the singers and the musicians and the all the team that are here they if we ended up with three services they would be here right through and we really pronounce a blessing upon this group their sacrifice and we say god bless you but there is an it's just an old chorus and it's in line with you know the feel of the last part of the service but this old chorus it says into the chamber be free holy spirit speak to me gently as i close the door there's something about closing the door and locking away with god and pushing out everything else and i want us to join everybody yes everywhere as we sing this chorus and make it meaningful to our lives into the chamber be free holy spirit can we do it a few times [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] see yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] unending i long to be in his presence i longed to linger there for extended periods i longed to have him just caressing my soul i long and want to have him just embracing me as an individual and i'm sure that is your prayer and your desire and so it is important that we recognize something i want to have us to turn in our bibles to two passages just before we turn i want us to remember sister paul at nelson we might know her better as sister bubbles this is sister bubbles um not system of clothes bubbles but the other sister with the two girls sister pinky that's sister paulette nelson right sister bubbles and so we she's indicated to us and is asking for prayer her family is done with the kovid amen and she recently lost a family member and so they're taking it very serious and she's asking the church to remember the entire family amen in prior and so i threw it out for us to remember sister nelson and her entire family pray amen much for them in relation to this and if you know of any of our brethren that is done with this amen virus we ask that we constantly pray it is a serious matter and we want to make sure that we don't underestimate amen the reality of this virus amen one person said to me recently you know i know you're somebody that teach prophecy and i'm sure you know you know that this thing is a hoax a hoax or whatever the term is but the truth be told yes we talk about prophecy and end times and i believe it has a whole lot to do with the end times but the fact is virus is a virus and it is real amen and we are going to have to do what is necessary and do what is right with whatever role it plays in end time activities let it play it we can stop the end times and we'll teach about it but if it's a real virus we're going to treat it for what it is amen and so we ask that when the authorities request that we sanitize that we sanitize and when they request that we wear the mask we wear the mask and when they request that we social distance we socialist and because it is for our own preservation they ask for the the vaccine nothing is wrong take the vaccine because it protects against the virus but if we are here when the mark comes around don't take it if we are here when it starts to come on stream and you are forced into the corner and that's why it is important you know to live for god because in the same way that folks are pushed and i believe it's a as i always say it's a little dress rehearsal you see how easy it is for a situation to come where they force everybody to do one thing it's the same way it's gonna come when it's time for the mark you're gonna realize that by taking it it makes life easier and makes life better this is a test run but for the time being this iron is a little heavy them took me thursday amen amen and and and so i have vaccine right good and i know other folks who have got their vaccinations so for those that were wandering and saying i'm not doing this thing go ahead and do it it's for you and your family is good this is not the mark of the beast it's a vaccination amen the lord bless you real good you want to just pray of the mike deacon since you have it just ask god to bless the word right now spirit of the kind of our heads prayer spirit of the living god fall afresh on us break us melt us mold us fill us god we are in your presence lord with this fullness of praises with worship and comes time hear from you through your servant i ask no god that you'll anoint him from the very crown of his head to the souls of his feet god lord let your words go forth oh god we need to hear from you jesus lord we need a word from you god lord god our hearts are hoping and we are hungry lord god to hear from you we pray right now god that you speak to your servant lord god and we will hear let your will be done we pray right now anxionize him god let your perfect will be done we ask this and more in jesus name amen amen praise god thank you so much amen and i wanted to know if if we could start our fast on the weekend or we could do it monday on the holidays i'm not sure but usually when there is like a sunday involved and you fast through that sunday it makes it easier most filtering fasting on sunday i don't know what you think and so we could do it saturday sunday monday could that work we could do that and since that are online if we do that i'm just looking for the way that we could capture everybody but you know it would be the most convenient in terms of time and so forth you would have already dedicated sunday so we could probably do it that way so we didn't go over to monday which is uh i keep saying holiday but it's one of those long days and we wrap it up so we go saturday sunday monday would that be all right amen amen so we we could do that then and you know if you're in agreement those online you could just so at least we just want to have that consensus so for the time being i think i can sense on the online that you are saying saturday sunday monday this is actually laughing again amen all right she's in agreement so sat this on the monday and we'll ask sister tisha to put it together amen on her her team and just send it out just to keep us reminded and we go on amen those three days as we seek the lord praise god i want to read two scriptures to us the first one is from the book of the psalms psalm 46 and verse 10 and then we go back to genesis genesis chapter 32 and verse 24. so we read first psalm 46 verse 10 and then we jump over to genesis 32 verse 24 amen so psalm 46 verse 10 be still and know that i am god i will be exalted among the heathen or i will be exalted among the nations i will be exalted in the earth be still and know that i am god i will be exalted among the nations i will be exalted in the earth be still then we jump over to genesis 32 and verse 24. and it says and jacob was left alone and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day praise god i want to charge us and you may be seated praise god i want to charge us i want to just for a few moments trouble our minds impress upon us how very important it is to be still to draw back and to allow god to have his way in our lives it is important that we never underestimate the power of the word or the words of almighty god this book and everything that is contained in it is powerful potent very active even in today's 21st century it doesn't matter that the things that is very important to understand that this very day that you and i are in the world is filled with meaning for every situation for everything that we will go through in life whatever it is that we will ever go through in life we are going to be able to relate it and relate things from the bible to it and find that there is an answer in the book to the situation that confronts us day by day this is how powerful this is how potent this is all real this is how active the word of god is and it is very important that we understand that the word be still can signify a number of things but in the book of psalm 46 what we just read that word or those two words together be still is taken from a hebrew word rafa and it means to let go to release in other words to surrender and then when we go further and read in the original hebrew what this particular verse and was saying and how it flowed it went something like this be still in order to know so that when we read psalm 46 and verse 10 which says be still and know that i am god the original hebrew rendering when something like this be still in order to know that i am god and there is none else if we are going to understand and if we are going to find him and he wants us to find him if we are going to find him we are going to have to realize that there has to come a point in our lives when we are going to have to stop be still draw back let go surrender so that we can in order that we can know that he's god know who god is it's very important that we understand that be still also has a connotation that indicates a pulling back from the hustle and bustle of life be still means to step back to pull out off to extricate ourselves out of the up and the dawn and the cot and the thrust and all the things that confront us every day god seems to be saying that if we are going to experience him in the way that he wants us to experience him if we are going to have him in the way that he wants us to have him we are going to have to understand that we must learn to step back from the things that would confuse our minds and take away our attention and we must learn to focus on him i have learned that no matter how we parade around no matter how we go around and pretend or act as if we are all that many times for many folks it is a show because unless we are at a place where we are alone with god unless we are at a place where we pull back and have the direct attention of our minds focusing on him i stand to tell somebody that our actions just to steal away every now and then to pray is really going through the motion we must recognize we must learn we must understand that if we are really going to find him in the way that he intends for us to find him if we are really going to fellowship with him in the way that he wants us to fellowship with him we are going to have to have those days when we steal away i hear hear the songwriter says there are days i like to be all alone with christ my lord there is something about pulling back there is something about drawing away from the noise there is something about getting into a corner into a secret place into a quiet place there is something about being alone with god that if we miss that experience we cannot really claim to have him i don't care who you are i know as a fact because it is bible be still in order to know who i am i don't care how much you are into this thing and how many years you have been saved if we find that we don't have a long time with god if we find that we don't have extended solitude with god i dare say we are going to be fighting a uphill battle because many times we pretend to know god and we pretend to be at a place with god and we are not there many times we set out to seek after him but while we are seeking him we are doing a whole lot of other things but if we are going to find who he is we are going to have to put some things one side every now and then and ever so after and we are going to have to zoom in and be separate and separated with our god oh can we praise the lord can we praise the lord can we praise the lord it was jesus the bible says that matt in saint mark uh chapter one i believe it was and about verse uh start about verse 35 and it says in the morning rising up a great while before day he that's jesus went out and departed into a solitary place and fear prayed and simon and they that were with him followed after him and when they had found him they said unto him all men seek for fear in other words here was jesus he knew what was important he knew what he had to do to maintain and to keep the relationship with almighty god but i would like you to know that although you might know this many times we don't get to maintain the solitary moments that we need to have with god because people are seeking for us because things are to be done at work because things are to be done at home because there are business arrangements to take care of because of a and b and c i want us to know that there are important things in this life but i also want us to know that there is nothing more important than seeking and maintaining a relationship with almighty god and what jesus was doing even though people were seeking and inquiring and pressing and asking for him he knew what he had to do when it was necessary while they were seeking sometimes we have to make the calls go by sometimes we have to allow people to knock and there is no answer sometimes we have got to make the business arrangement pass because it is important that we must have that solitary experience with god i would want to tell some saint this morning i want you to know that if you stuck it up together the moment spent with god sometimes we have to make a decision must i take this hour or two to pray or should i cut it to five minutes so that i can get into the meeting and sign the business deal did you know that sometimes we've got to make the business pass so that we can keep our fellowship with god you're going to find that there is a lot of things contending for our attention and guess we are one of these one of the persons are looking and seeking for our attention none other than the god of heaven god is vying for your attention your work is vying for your attention people are vying for your attention your wives and your husbands are vying for your attention and everything is just a constant confusion but i stand here this morning to remind somebody that it doesn't matter what is vying for our attention the most important experience the most important relationship is the relationship that we must have with almighty god he shouldn't be fighting with our supervisors for your attention for my attention the almighty shouldn't be fighting a man with our business partner for attention by no sense of god we should know that god is god and he always will be god by now we should know that there is no other experience like the experience of living for god and we have got to make a decision sometimes we have got to make a decision all the time to make sure that god gets his place you wouldn't understand and you may not know it but even the detractors from god knows that if we spend time in his presence [Music] we grow into powerful people the enemy of our souls know that if he allows us to pull away into the chamber and start to give attention and time and surrender everything else and have those moments where we are away with god for extended period the enemy knows that we are going to be invincible under god so what he does is do everything to capture our attention to captivate our minds to shift our focus so that when we are through in any 24 hours in the day there is no time for god he deliberately has set some things in place to entrap and that's why in recent times you hear folks talking about the different groups of people that make up our world now there is a certain generation there is a certain group that they specify how different they are they have now grown and they were born into an era where social media characterize the norm but what they don't know is that those that came up with this came up with this in an attempt to stop men from focusing and giving time to the things that are important did you know that social media allows people to be in touch 24 7 social media allow folks to go to their beds and they spread their pillow and put the phone below their pillow one o'clock in the night when you wouldn't wake up to pray a a text message will wake you and you will go to the message anybody realize that there are folks at two o'clock in the morning they're on social media anybody realize that three a.m in the morning even when they fall asleep their sleep quality is so poor because their system has become used to constantly hearing the ping the ping the ding and so without even knowing it people are anxious people are sick because of poor sleep quality and everything has to do with the phone and the tablet and and all of those things we don't know that these things were set up though they might have some advantage but the purpose was to distract people from having time and yet god said if you are going to understand and know that i am god he is saying you are going to have to be still but how many of us in this 21st century can be still 12 o'clock in the night no quietness 1 2 3 a.m in the morning no peace of mind you're texting and you're writing and you're on social media and then the next day we go off and we give 10 minutes to god in prayer and for the longest that we stay on our knees at 30 minutes but we spend hours a man doing the social a man networking i would like us to know that any child of god that you are hooked on the social network it's like drugs you better get off you need to understand that we can use this for our advantage but there will have to be times when you have to put it down and don't take no call there will have to be time when you got to put it down and don't what's up nobody there will have to be times when you put it down and i mean for extended period and don't tweet nobody because between the tweeting and the instagramming and the facebooking and all the things no time is left to serve and to lock away with almighty god and there are some christians that they have a deeper experience with social media than they have with god but i'm here to mash it down and to tell somebody that if you're calling on him in the name of jesus we have got to put our houses in order and set up our priorities right [Music] we can't declare that we want god but we can't find solitude and quiet time extended quiet time peter came and shook jesus i said jesus you know everybody looking for you and guess what jesus was doing praying you know when you're praying people if you're not careful people knock you up and say hurry up crowd outside hurry up the man is there with the contract but jesus knew what was right and when they and they better wait until him finish and then boy your ears the bible said before the he was up and he found a solitary place if we are going to be overcomers we have got to learn to find a solitary place and every day we have got to learn to retreat surrender surrender means to let go let go of the phone let go of the instagram let go of the tweet let go of the fierce book let go of the whatsapp and retreat into that solitary place because it is only there that we are going to find god somebody praise the lord somebody praise the lord the scripture that we read the text that we looked at in genesis and let me just put it together now told us of jacob a man that we know much about he lied to his father and tricked him this man had his mother manipulating him he stole from his brother so we know the kind of person that we are talking about the bible told us at one section of genesis chapter 32 when he was on his way back to esau he feared that his brother being still angry would kill the children and kill his wives and even though that was in his mind and he knew that that could have happened the bible said he sent them before him [Music] you know what i mean that although he was a lion light with his father and he allowed himself to be manipulated by his mother and he stole from his brother his own children and at that time he they had wives that he cared for he was so covered him know what esau could do i was capable of doing and the very thing he feared if they catch the children and women that isa would kill them i'm still sending them in front of my him steer and send them gone you see the kind of man we talking about and yet for 32 years god contended and worked with this man but i found something very peculiar in verse 24. because when we look at jacob and his life we see where he's always surrounded by people and things jacob had his father-in-law that he lived with that they were business partners and they did very well and he had his at the time 11 sons and he had his children and he had the two ladies to contend with and he had his maidservants that assisted and a whole lot so he was always encumbered with people and things and business to do but there was something about jacob that caught the attention of god from very early he had a desire for the things of god folks would steal [Music] to get money to make themselves rich he stole from his brother because he wanted to have the birthright that would have made him be the priest so to speak of the whole somehow he was stealing to get spiritual advantage god doesn't can't do on stealing but you know god ever will you know him he will slap you and slap you and don't do that don't steal but because the man have this thing for god and for the things of god god is telling him not to see but god is attracted to the heart that desperately wants him and so god work with this man in spite of his weaknesses and in spite of his challenges god was working with him and he jacob continued to pursue god you know that there are people who pursue god but their weaknesses are traveling with them for long you know sometimes we might look the best but there are things that are weak about us that people don't know what god knows and for 32 years and folks might say but that's crazy god will never work with one man for so long but that's how god is and for 32 years he worked with this man that had a desire for him but in his pursuit of god he was always cluttered with people and with things and with business he still had a desire but he wasn't able to get to the place where we want to be so that god could work upon him and give him that newness and that power that he needed to have but one day the bible said when he became afraid that means he was no desperate anybody here desperate for god anybody here desperate want to draw near to god we are in desperate times and if you as a saint of god find that in today's 21st century in the midst of the corona pandemic you still can't find a gear to draw you closer to god can i tell you something is radically wrong and we better take soccer and start to make a move towards god because it's one thing amen to tell ourselves that we want god but it's another thing to become desperate for him and jacob became desperate he saw that esau was going to kill him he saw that esau was going to kill his family and get rid of his substance and so in his desperation he sought after god more than he ever sought after him that night the bible said he sent the cattle away then he called for his two wives and sent them away then he called for the children and sent them away and he separated himself from everybody the children repres and the wives represented family the cattle represented his position possessions and his business dealings he separated himself from everything and for a while the bible said he was alone you see if we are going to find that place where we commune with god and seriously have god communion with us because he said to jeremiah you shall find me but only when you search for me with all of your heart if there are half-hearted people searching for god you are not going to find him don't let nobody fool you you can come to church you can sing a song but really to be in the presence of god if you are going to be at that place where you commune as friend with friend if we are going to be at that place where we are close to him and we can literally feel his breath upon our beings i can stand here this morning and let you know if we do it with a part of our heart it is not going to happen but i challenge any man that become desperate for god i challenge any woman that become desperate to want to know him and draw close to him and you get desperate enough i tell you you are going to put the friends aside you are going to put the people aside that are encumbering you and you are going to come to god because it is when we are still when we are quiet when we are alone that we are going to be able to come into the prison i find that god when he's getting ready to bless people and when he's getting ready to work with people he usually wants a solitude a place of quiet you will find him many times when we are away from the crowd we will find him the time of the morning when it is most quiet and peaceful i want to challenge somebody to try out some early mornings before the clutter comes in before the first telephone call have you ever been praying on the telephone ring have you ever been praying and somebody knocked at the door have you ever been praying and you're desperate and a family member come and just call you up i'm saying we have to be very strategic brethren we have to be very careful brethren it might require require greater sacrifice but we are going to have to make the sacrifice if we are talking about god so it may not be seven o'clock in the morning because that is convenient for us because seven o'clock the phones start to ring the whatsapp buzz start to come all the things start to happen and we are praying and so we were expecting one important call and we carry the phone in the prayer closet and while we're praying and drawing close together on the phone ring we say excuse me one second jesus and we look to see if he's the important call and probably three calls come before the import and call can i tell you that's a lame sacrifice it don't matter how we fool ourselves and say god you know i was expecting this but i'm going to come to you still and when it comes no we fool ourselves if we are going to have that tightness with god there has to be a time when there is no competition with anybody anything for his presence his presence is not cheap his presence is not lights his presence is not to be taken for granted it is precious and it is the most important thing and i submit to somebody as i get ready to close if it's our solitude if it's our quiet moment shut the phone off i dare you shut it off close the door and accept no disturbance there must be that time when we stand still in order to know that he is god lock out people sometimes it is not satan that is distracting you sometimes it is your friends that he will still satan but he works through them and you will only take a call from one person and if that person's voice comes at the door and says me you stop praying when you're going to lock away with god just like jacob how we sent away those that were closest to him his children and his wives send them away shut out the distractions shut out the people nobody is important if you are praying and pastor call your phone is not supposed to get you because it's supposed to be off i don't let anybody come and say passes getting is all is important not important nowhere near important like almighty god and nothing will cascade for that hour that you are locked away in god with god anything that was going to happen would still happen and it can wait and if he can weird god we put bricks on it because he sees that you are making an effort to lock away with him there is something about locking away with him as i close it allows you to be so strengthened that you can crush the head of your enemies many of us are weak because we don't understand the power that is fear in locking away with god come from the hustle and come from the bustle and come from the court and the trust and come into his presence and lock the door and you will be energized with power that you never know of and you will find a way to strangle to crush the head of that very thing that have you bound believe me the bible tells us in the book of judges chapter 4 that there was a captain of the host of the armies of the canaanites [Music] the man was feared the man was dreaded his name was cecira and he rushed into the camp of israel and after he discomfited and dealt with some men and some women others out of fear ran into a house and pulled the door behind him hiding from sisira he was the tyrant that had their tickets and they were people of god but he had their tickets and when he went to that place and couldn't get in he stepped aside and he got an axe and he went over to a tree and he chopped to chop down a limb and he told all the soldiers that were with him get yourself axes and do as i have just done and they came back to that little tower and put the limbs around where the people had locked themselves in and they lit those branches and burned the people to death when you have an adversary that have you locked you are in trouble so in the confusion of war everybody was just running up and down running up and down and he just had them left right and center the last [Music] escapade that he went on the same thing happened and some men and women in their fright and all the up and down my god they fought and they fought and they got the better of cecira but just before that he sent them and dealt with them and utterly destroyed him with such brutality that his very name was feared according to hebrew history feared but one day god gave the israelites the upper hand but in the confusion cecira escaped and he ran into a particular house within the camp of israel and one lady saw him and in the confusion of war and noise and everything you know that you just don't know what to do so the lady looked at him and recognized that this was the enemy but guess what the lady did she stepped over and said look here come on come over here come into my tent now when she got it when he got in the tent it was quiet it was hurting and her place was a quiet place and sarah got into that quiet place her quiet place because when you have a quiet place and you go down you see that thing that each one on your back it's going in that quiet place with you and you are going to find that you get strength and help and everything when you dare to steal away and lock away with god i challenge anything and that lady called him into that her quiet place and he went into her tent and he was fearful and she said come come sarah in her quiet place she knew what to do so she said lay down man lay down you're tired and he lay down and she put a mantra over him and then he asked for some water and she said what a no man you want some milk and she pulled a jar of milk and through it with anti-syrup drink the milk and then he lay down and started to sleep like a baby and this lady know who have him now in her quiet place in her tent and she knew that this was the enemy she looked over at him and she said i have him now many times you're going to get the victory over your situation that situation that had you over the years just like jacob it was when he sent everybody away and he was alone with god that he fought with the angel and prevailed and here was this lady she's now alone in her tent a child of israel and she just gave him a little quietness gave him a bed to lie on put a mantle over him gave him some milk and the terri the tyrant fell asleep so that she was able to step back and saw the tyrant of israel asleep in her place so the lady got a big nail ana amma and came over to cecilia in her quiet place you know if it was if it was outside in the confusion where everybody was she couldn't do that she died but there is something about the quiet place where it allows us to think straight it allows us to be focused it allows us to take the correct action it allows us to lean on god so that we can get our victory and she saw him right where she needed to have him and she said this is i'm sure this is sierra that killed so many this is the syrah the tyrant of israel is this sicira who all of us feared and i can just imagine what was going through her mind and she took a big knee and came beside it and had the hammer in her hand and she put the knee it sounds gruesome but you got to deal with your situation you know you get you've got to kill some things i know feel no way and she put the nail right to his ear temple and took the armor one lick and beat it down and the man didn't know what happened i submit to the sins of god whatever it is that have your ticket make no mistake don't feel any way many of us have been going through life for years carrying this particular thing on our back many of us have been going through life these many years under this particular constraint and this particular weight but it is only when we find that alone place like jacob that quiet place like what david was speaking about in psalm 46 that place in that little tent where jail that lady took this era it's only then that we're going to get the strength and the energy and the power to kneel that heavyweight and have the victory over the enemy of your soul saints of god don't let nobody tell you that it is all right just to wake up in the morning and give him five once you praise him and say thank god for another day he understands how busy you are no he will not no he will not he understands that he has given us 24 hours in the day and he says give me the best part and give me first that's how our god is when we make the sacrifice no limb lamb nothing with blemish and spot and crippled or anything like that god says give me the best i challenge every saint right now i challenge everyone that calls on the name of the lord [Music] find a time so that we can lock away with him and in those quiet moments he will energize you he will do to you what he did for jacob that quiet place where he was alone with god it was there that he was called a prince with god that day when that lady drove that nail through the temple of sicira [Music] no doubt she became a hero in israel and david sit in the psalms quiet and pull back surrender let go of everything in order that you might know that i the lord am god it is only going to happen when there is a quiet place find that place meet that place god bless you in jesus name [Music] be still and know that i am god oh yes be still and know that i am god be seen [Music] [Music] [Music] be still and know [Music] that i am [Music] [Music] i am [Music] yes i am [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] be still [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am the lord that i feel hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah it's till i know that i am god hallelujah lord we thank you today for your words oh god it came from the throne room we thank you jesus your words came god as we were hoping it would and oh god how we needed to hear from you and we thank you today god in no uncertain term we did hear from you god lord we thank you god for bishop oh god who was obedient oh god to listen to you god and spoke us oh god was led we reach out god to those right now lord who watch spy oh god internet allah we know that we all have our shortcomings and we hope in god today that we just oh god draw back pull back look in our lives oh god and be still and know god that god is god and whatever it is oh god that we are struggling with we are praying god that you will just help us god to have a desire to find god a quiet time and find the time god to spend with you jesus oh god and we'll be able to conquer because and only only then god lord jesus oh god to achieve lord god what you intended for us hallelujah jesus we thank you again god for your words oh hallelujah jesus hallelujah thank you great god thank you great god hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we have a secret place on zoom where you know you can join in and then we will have you know a competent ultra worker praying with you and so we invite you today the link should be going across the screen as we speak you know you wanna you wanna maybe you have started this road and somehow you have become distracted you haven't fulfilled the plan of salvation you are not you haven't received the gift of the holy ghost we are letting you know that many have come on this virtual media and have completed the plan of salvation and it can happen to you also so we invite you to to join the link you know we invite you if you have backslidden if you have wandered far from god we also have individuals here on that link that will pray for you pray your back and get your reconnect with me [Music] [Music] i am [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah oh come on let's just lift our hands right now and thus worship him god we know that you are god and we feel your presence here today jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah spirit of god [Music] the flesh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hallelujah [Music] you with me [Music] is me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] i will go without [Music] one more time [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i will go [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh yes [Music] there is no one like you god you lord even now to speak to the hearts of those that are praying right now in that soon breakout room i pray god that everyone that was listening and that we listen to this message will turn their hearts to you to be willing to wait on yoga to be willing to spend time to get to know you closer god help us lord regardless of our situation on our god whatever we're going through to spend time to get closer to you especially in these days god walk with us god guide us god because without you we cannot make it god our strength is failing god if we don't have you god but to know that we belong to you speak to our hearts and comfort us with the words that were said today that your will be done even now in our lives [Music] [Music] is hallelujah [Music] [Music] me within my heart [Music] with me is as well [Music] [Music] hmm hallelujah [Music] bless jesus [Applause] [Music] god bless your dismiss praise god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries
Views: 3,788
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Chapel, Gospel, Good, preaching, anointing, Holy, Ghost, Ministry, bible, study, ignite
Id: Pfyjt42Np-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 11sec (7871 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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