September 5, 2021 | Prayer Service | Bethel Church

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welcome to bethel church thank you for joining us tonight so expectant for what the lord has for us go ahead and stand and say hello to your neighbor greet the amazing people you have around you some incredible revivalists in the room so good if you are visiting for the very first time will you raise your hand we want to honor our visitors wow give it up for our visitors all across the room we know god's gonna meet you tonight he's gonna touch you he's gonna rock your world how many of you came for a fresh touch from jesus tonight so hungry i know i did thank you god so just put your hands out in front of you i have brought up our beautiful jessica she's gonna pray a scripture over you to open this meeting we're going to pray some dangerous prayers of lord have your way that's a very very powerful prayer lord have your way yeah so just put your hands out in front of you this is a beautiful way of just focusing on the holy spirit right now what he wants to do in you personally what he's going to do in us corporately we're going to pray we're going to seek his face we're going to worship we're going to exalt the king [Music] ah we're going to hear from heaven tonight and honestly sunday nights are just lord have your way lord have your way we just want to partner with you what you're doing so jess is going to pray this powerful passage over you go ahead and receive as soon as solomon finished his prayer fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices and the glory of the lord filled the temple and the priests could not enter the house of the lord because the glory of the lord filled the house when all the people of israel saw the fire come down and the glory of the lord in the temple they bowed down with their faces to the ground and their faces on the pavement and they worshipped god and they gave thanks to god saying for he is good and his steadfast love endures forever just say that with me for he is good and his steadfast love endures forever say that one more time for he is good and his steadfast love endures forever just say that one more time for he is good and his steadfast love and just forever just right now this moment before we even enter in just start giving that thanksgiving offering start giving that sacrificial thanksgiving the same way solomon prayed with an offering of praise with praise of praise the fire and the glory came down jesus we exalt you in this house [Music] just every hand raised right now every hand raised right now every eye on heaven right now every heart on one thing right now and that is king jesus [Music] that is king jesus that is king jesus the son of the living god answer greek king we ask tonight that you fill this temple with your glory and with your fire we ask tonight that this temple that you come in glory and in fire and we have god with humble hearts with hungry hearts with humble hearts and with hungry hearts and we say king jesus come and have your way in our lives in this temple in this temple and in this house great king [Music] great king of glory coming this way [Music] won't you walk into [Music] won't you walk into the room [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] won't you walk into the room and bring us love won't you walk into the room [Music] the room [Music] won't you walk in here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i you want me to do [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] it's what happens when he walks into the room [Applause] [Music] [Music] into this room right here into this room holy spirit [Music] right here into this room the presence of jesus [Music] right here right now right here [Music] jesus shine through [Music] all the praises [Music] all the praises [Music] [Music] come and let your presence fill this place come and let your presence fill our praise come and let your presence fill this place for you [Music] face to face tonight [Music] all the praises [Music] [Applause] we have come to give you highest praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] highest [Applause] this praise yes we have we have come to give you highest praise praise [Music] [Music] all the praises [Music] me [Music] all the praises here we are here we are here we are here we are it's time for you here we are here we are [Music] here we are here we are here we are [Music] just for you jesus just to bring you the highest love praise in this place we love you we love you all you're the one we came here for we love you we love you [Music] you're the one we came here [Music] [Applause] [Music] can we lift up our own song to jesus tonight [Music] but we welcome you with praise [Music] okay [Music] we love you [Music] you're the one we came here [Music] [Music] you're the one we came here for we love you we love you [Music] [Music] here we are here we [Music] are here we are we have come to give you highest praise highest praise we have come to love you in this place we've come to give you highest praise highest praise we have come to love you in this place just lift up praise to him all over the room right now just lift it up yeah amen well listen we want to we want to keep going with the night and we don't want to give you any interruptions however i got some church business and we have talked a long time about where to put this business in the service there is not a good spot it is right now don't sit down don't disengage right keep it with you and then we're going to do a few things one is we're going to take the offering we're going to give you all the chance to give if you want to give dusters are going to come and put some buckets out here in front so uh you guys can rush the buckets we'll do that they're going to they're going to make their way like like jesus through the crowd of people we'll do that how i know uh school starts next week how many students do we have in the room i see that i can tell first-year students you guys dressed up for tonight's service that's good that's good second second year students you don't care anymore it's totally fine you're just like whatever i'm just coming third year students you woke up about 30 minutes ago and you're ready to go so that's good i love that all right let's uh let's do this we're going to pray for the offering after we do that we're going to show you a video we showed this all three services it's really important to us um and then we're gonna pray together is that all right so tonight if you don't know it's a worship prayer preaching night all of the above so let's pray if you have your offering put it in front of you if you don't pretend it's in front of you lord thank you so much that we have the privilege to come before you and give to sow into your kingdom lord we know this is good soil and so we give today with a happy heart knowing that lord we will we will take land for the kingdom lord may may our gift may our tithe may our offering do damage against the enemy as we give it tonight in jesus name amen if you want to give feel free to walk on up put it in here and then uh roll that video and then we'll get back together and pray god is at work and his timing is perfect when we contacted the national park service requesting permits for our big event in dc they only had one weekend open it was the weekend of september 11th and 12th that's right the 20-year anniversary of 9 11. i knew in that moment god had something huge planned for this weekend something we've never seen before the attacks on america on 9 11 were evil they destroyed lives and marked an entire generation the attacks also brought us together as a nation and gave us new heroes the first responders who ran into burning buildings to save lives the warriors who volunteered to be sent to foreign lands to fight evil terrorists 9 11 was a consequential day in american history it's a day we'll never forget and i believe god circled that date on the calendar so that we could come together 20 years later and watch god do something brand new our nation has been robbed by the pandemic the lockdowns violence and this catastrophe abroad i believe god is calling us to gather nbc and to contend in the place of prayer and worship for revival in america he wants us to seek him he wants us to tune our hearts to him because he has something special he wants to do in the church and in our nation and i for one cannot wait to see what he's about to do listen you do not want to miss this gathering on september 11th and 12th on the national mall in washington d.c we'll see you there awesome well i don't know if anybody's planning to attend uh the gathering but either way we thought it was appropriate we're gonna pray tonight is that a right we're going to pray for us for the united states tonight a lot we're going to pray for lots of other things but right now we could just focus our attention on that the u.s so listen if you're an international student guest or you live here welcome to america we need your prayer i don't know if you could tell we need your prayer all right so your countries will do that at a different time but right now we're gonna be a little bit selfish and go we're gonna pray for americans here's what i want you to do i want you okay listen to instructions the band's gonna play then we're gonna pray and then we'll come corporately and pray together so we're going to pray that revival shows up in america right okay so here's the deal i know in any room this size there's people on different ends of the political spectrum congratulations welcome to being a grown-up and an adult you're amazing don't care the holy spirit needs to show up no matter where you're sitting on any side of whatever aisle we need the holy spirit to show up in america yes so we're going to pray that revival sweeps the nation getting groups of about three four five just it just people around you the band's going to play then out loud if you could just begin to pray that the holy spirit would sweep a nation that god would show up in a nation that people would experience the presence of god that they would meet with jesus they would have an encounter with the living god that the holy spirit would show up and right wrongs that he would be what he said he is the god of nations [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] just continue to pray and engage with the lord right now on behalf of our nation and i want you to pray right now that god would encounter the political leaders in our country in our cities in our counties in our states on the federal level just begin to pray for our politicians right now that they would meet the holy spirit right where they are [Music] [Music] [Music] just continue to pray continue to pray right now we want to pray that god would infiltrate our our nation's education system that educational leaders even curriculum writers teachers god would you infiltrate our education system which you break into our schools break into our universities god would you break in with your holy spirit come on just pray for a minute longer for the education system in america [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] yeah yeah good job you guys good job [Music] but it's gonna wrap up right here so if you could just give me your attention up here at the front and just join me as i pray for our nation one more time you know i was sitting over here to the side and i heard this phrase i felt the lord satan wells of revival are bubbling up all across this nation [Music] and i just heard this phrase wells of revival are bubbling up across this nation and right now would you just put your hands in the air and agree with me holy spirit that you would stir up wells of revival in america lord we're asking that you would restore the foundations that you would redeem everything that's been lost in our nation holy spirit would you come would you come refresh us again holy spirit come refresh us again holy spirit i pray that you would rest on your church that you would rest on your church that we would be focused on your face like never before and would you bubble up wells of revival in this nation thank you god come on just give him a shout of praise right now thank you holy spirit thank you holy spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on we're just going to enter into worship again right here and i just want to encourage you as we go back in to keep your eyes focused on jesus amen he is the answer for our nation he is the answer for every individual and he is the answer for the world so right now we're gonna go back into worship and just give him praise tonight [Music] yes jesus you rain above it all over everything you see you know you rain your rain yes you reign with wisdom and power and glory you reign on highs [Music] you rain above it all you rain above it all over the universe and over every heart there is no higher name [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] let all of heaven and the earth sing hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus you rain you rain your [Music] rain above it all over the universe and over every heart there is no higher name no there is jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] jesus [Music] cheers [Music] i cast my mind to calvary where jesus bled and died for me i see his wounds his hands his feet my savior that cursed [Music] they laid him down [Music] still [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] again [Music] you hear is [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we bring you an offering o lord our god [Music] he shall return in robes of wine the blazing sun shall pierce the night in our eyes [Music] on jesus [Applause] [Music] the blazing sun shall peace [Music] [Music] [Applause] on jesus [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh praise the [Music] [Applause] the lord bring him your praise [Music] with tonight your soul with all your strength [Music] the one who was the one who is the one who reigns forever the one who was the one who is the one who reigns forever the one who was the one who is the one who reigns [Music] is the forever who reigns forever the one who was the one who is the one who reigns forever the one who was the one who is the one who reigns forever the one who was the one who is the one who reigns forever [Music] his name is jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever forever [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh praise his name the name of jesus the name of jesus oh praise his name worship and adore his name lift up his name in this place the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything that has breath everything that has breath praise the [Music] the lord jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Applause] oh of heaven and earth [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] world oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] bye [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] cause [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] of heaven and earth [Music] we're gonna we're gonna pray and set but what i want us to do as we go in i'm gonna ask you on the count of three we're gonna give a shout of praise to jesus and i want you to raise the roof like let's literally try and raise the roof because jesus is worthy so on the count of three i want you to give like the best scream you've got as we raise the roof of jesus okay can you do that with me okay that's all right okay on the count of three one two three [Applause] you did good you did good right what i want you to do we're going to pray we're going to come against covid right now in prayer for the next few minutes we're just saying that jesus christ reigns forever that means he outlasts covid he's going to beat covid he's going to be around way way longer than kobe turn to your neighbor and say way longer [Music] so jesus christ was sent to destroy the works of the devil and then he commissioned us to do the same thing i've been feeling this violent faith this violent aggression some of our friends this weekend were in a real hour of need and i just felt this violent faith that i wasn't used to just come upon me so i want you to take this violent faith and i think the hospital somebody that knows reading points to me with the hospital let's just say that the hospitals are over here yes the two hospitals first i want you to turn and face this way and for the next 30 seconds we're going to pray in the spirit over mercy hospital in shasta regional and pray for every single person that has covered i want you to like pray in the spirit like a violent aggression that that thing would break right now in jesus name so let's go just start to cry out church pray for those people in hospital right now [Music] father we release your mighty hand over these hospitals father we come against covet in the mighty name of jesus it's been said that this is a cancer free zone we declare this is a covered free zone this is a covered free zone covered the king of kings outlasts you covered you bow to the name of jesus we speak to every patient in icu right now and we say oxygen levels go up go up go up go up go up oxygen levels go up go up in the name of jesus we speak healing we release healing over you right now in jesus name in jesus name that's in church keep going for a little longer just keep praying crying out father we just release your healing hand over this city father we ask for this protective bubble over reading that covered will literally try and come into the city and shrivel up and die in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus thank you father thank you father i'll ask you to do one more thing great job i just want you to gather just for one minute we're going to do this quick and i want you to pray violently against kovid i want you just to declare that in bethel first no kovid then i want you to speak to the streets and the and the places of reading no kobe just grabbed three or four people just pray for the next minute go go go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] forever [Music] that's it church that's it that's it we're going to go back in on this song let's just prophesy this over reading let's prophesy this over bethel let's prophesy this over america over the nations [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] forever [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus jesus [Applause] jesus [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] his name is jesus [Music] his name is jesus his name is jesus his name is is jesus [Music] his name is jesus his name is jesus his name is jesus one more timeless single hail king jesus jesus all hell king jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] father we have come to lifting of our hearts we bow down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with all is him we are singing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] with all of him [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh we are singing [Applause] [Music] with all of [Applause] [Music] heaven we are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] is [Music] is oh is [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] holy [Music] is [Music] and here on earth we cry holy are you right here on earth we cry holy are you right here on earth we cry holy this is our response to you here on earth we cry holy are you [Music] holy are you [Music] we sing [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] in all your ways hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so righteous are you [Music] perfect are you [Music] worthy are you jesus to receive this offering of praise [Music] worthy is your name you deserve praise worthy is your name worthy is your name [Music] you deserve the praise worthy is your name worthy is your name you deserve the praise worthy is your name worthy is your name [Music] jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name worthy is your name jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name worthy is your name jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's no name like your name jesus there's no name like your name as there's power in his authority in his name his worthy name o the name of jesus [Music] [Music] holy his name worthy's name of all of their praise [Music] this offering of praise we bring to you today jesus it's just for you this is all just an offering unto your name jesus oh say unto his name worship his name [Music] um all across the stream can we begin to sing in the spirit if you have your prayer language just begin to lift it up sing in the spirit is [Music] foreign [Music] yeah just keep doing that keep lifting him up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh yeah oh yeah [Music] wow hey so you're more real than this ground i'm standing on hey you're more real than this ground i'm standing on [Applause] but you're more real than this wind in my life you're more real than this ground i'm standing on you're more real than this wind in my lungs you're more real you're more real than this ground i'm standing on you're more really the wind in my life it's your thoughts that define me and you're inside me you're my [Music] man this feels good in here oh man i feel the lord in this place wow oh wow just just sing with me and give me a little reverb on my i don't have a great voice oh man wow i am hungry i am hungry i am hungry for more of you i am thirsty oh jesus i am thirsty for more of you am hungry i am hungry every voice i am thirsty for more of you i am hungry oh jesus i am hungry for more of you i am thirsty i am thirsty oh jesus i am thirsty for more of you [Music] i like this place it feels full of faith in here [Music] turn to someone next to you and say there's a lot of faith in the room man i'm not pentecostal but i'm feeling it's not man wave a hand with you if you feel the substance of faith in the room here oh let me tell you it says in the scriptures it says that it's impossible to please the lord except through faith therefore therefore it's possible to please him with it turn to someone next to say anything could happen right now turn someone next to you and say he's gonna get you oh just slap someone in the shoulder and say fire [Applause] come on this is 6 pm bathtub come on slap the other person on their shoulder and say fire oh man oh man i don't know i'm feeling a little pentecostal tonight i'm feeling great wow wow right now i want you just to imagine what jesus could do with you tonight just go a little bit crazy just imagine your whole life changing oh right there what i'm doing with you is worship it pleases god that you're expectant [Music] i walked in the room i felt so nervous man i felt nervous yeah the room was full i felt the pull of faith i was like man i don't know what i'm going to do today but you know what great about expectation expectation and rumor in the natural realm is faith and authority in the spirit oh there's faith in the room today oh there's a lot of faith and it pleases the lord oh man okay now now now just let's create the future i want you to dream with the lord in faith and i want you to just imagine the person next to you getting so radically touched by god oh just start dreaming with god let's just co-create with him prophets don't just pull down what he's saying they co-create with the lord let's just dream oh that person on my left oh watch out oh god's got your number or that person on my right oh [Music] and then turn to that person and say he's going to encounter you tonight he's gonna encounter you tonight you know worship's about jesus the bible's about jesus church is about i pray you get encountered by jesus tonight oh i pray that you get so radically touched by jesus tonight you're dragged out of this place god i'm asking god i'm asking for an encounter that would that would move alive from stuck to momentum i'm asking for a soul to pull a simon to peter i'm asking for a moment of identity shifting oh god oh i'm raising my faith and it pleases you why don't you just raise your faith and worship together with me oh god what you could do oh god what you could do in my life one touch one touch oh now put your hand on your heart [Music] oh he wants you oh he wants you oh he wants you unlocked unlocked not contained or not contained bethel are not contained oh he wants you all of you he wants all of you all christ in you the hope glory [Music] it was early in the morning the crack of dawn mary magdalene takes her prayer cloth and she makes her way down to the tomb and as she gets closer and closer that morning air smell but also the smell of death her hero or god increased the fire in this place her hero her leader he's died [Music] crucified actually executed and all the others they left but she goes down to the tomb out of loyalty and as she gets there the most remarkable thing she sees the stone has been rolled away are you still rolling stones today [Music] you're still rolling stones today [Music] the stone was rolled away and then standing on the stone are these two men or beams of lightning [Music] and they say to her woman why are you crying the one you are looking for he has risen he's rolling stones today he's rolling stones today [Music] me tell you the gospel is so intentional mary magdalene was supposed to be the first one the one to tell the story and she runs off to tell the disciples and she gets there and they don't believe but they say i need to see and they start running and the leader peter it says in the scriptures that he was a bit slower than the rest so you can imagine he's a bit chubby and he's just making his way there and all of them wait for him and then peter the chubby one gets there and he goes into the tomb to look and he sees he's not there this chubby leader and his disciples they walk away and they didn't believe that day there was a woman or if you're a woman in the room let me tell you there is a spotlight on women in the season and mary she sneaks off into the garden and she starts to cry and she's like where have they taken her this is this is gonna blow your mind i want to entitle this message weakness the doorway to power [Music] let's give you content mary magdalene she was previously filled with seven demons she was a prostitute previously and she was a woman in a man's world where in the messianic time they wouldn't trust the woman leader like that to tell the story of the resurrection surely god you've made a mistake surely you should have sent a king to carry this message and in the garden she's weeping and crying and a gardener comes near her and she asks him where have they taken him and the gardener turns to her and says mary it's me hidden in the face of familiarity the crust [Music] often the anointing is hidden in familiarity or offense [Music] come on oh if you've been in bethel church for a while and you got a little familiar oh he's hiding right behind that chair [Music] and in that moment was the revealing of the greatest story ever told in history the resurrection of the christ god why in a garden to a woman that seems kind of like not the best ambassador [Music] not the most trustworthy was this a mistake nothing in the scriptures is a mistake [Music] everything is intentional but god it's the worst marketing plan i've ever seen the world won't trust us she was a prostitute the church and the spiritual community weren't trusted she had seven demons they'll think she's out of her mind [Music] and society they're looking for a man to leave this is the greatest story ever told why her god [Music] he's writing a story to say to you i didn't come for the healthy i came for the sick but god does that mean you didn't come for me oh no i did rich i just came for your weakness i came to meet you in a place and when i was dying on that cross and when i was sung up on that cross in in matthew 27 and as i'm sitting there it's a he it's the the scar turns a different color and jesus cries out in the weakest place beats him beyond recognition almost naked in his weakest moment he displays the greatest act of power the gospel is very intentional why was the greatest moment of power jesus looked like his weakest it's very intentional marred beyond recognition naked bruised and battered they offer him a a solution mixed mixed with uh an ethicist and he rejects it because god's like you know what i need to embrace the fullness of weakness if i'm going to embrace the fullness of the power of this moment and there's this moment on the cross where everything changes and the temple of perfection and his death it's like jesus christ out his last breath and the curtain gets torn into sh and the rocks crack and this temple of perfection breaks boom and he says three days later i will i will raise up this temple and three days later he is raised only to reveal himself to a weak vessel [Music] that's his plan oh man and i thought i had to be perfect oh but at the cross that got broken but we love to slip a little bit of old covenant into our pursuit for the crust oh but these days he fills an imperfect vessel you [Music] man that was den it doesn't happen today let me tell you a little story about my love i grew up super anxious socially anxious every time i communicated in front of a group of people more than 10 i'd have a stammer stammer a stutter and a stammer i remember i was 14 years old i remember sitting with my friends and they were like man it'd be awesome to have a girlfriend i returned to them say like it would be so awesome just to have a girl that was a friend socially awkward just [Music] just the least like i pinch myself being here i'm like what am i doing here god this is the worst marketing plan ever anyone in the last year struggle with a bit of anxiety oh wow you know let me tell you you're perfect for god to use anyone over over this covert time over this lockdown time over the the change in economy and the change in politics anyone anyone struggle with a little bit of like oh man i don't know what's happening i'm feeling a little bit not put together i don't know anyone out there anyone grown up and they've got mom stuff and dad stuff and and anyone growing up and they're like man i'm still i'm still dragging those wounds of my past around man i'll never be used by anyone like that oh let me tell you about my jesus he's the same yesterday he's the same today he's the same forever bethel church bethel church you're feeling like you're in a weak spot let me tell you it's a doorway to his power or the church at the moment feeling a little weak oh a doorway to his power oh man i get worried when we try to be a bit too strong to corinthians my grace is sufficient in your weakness in your weakness my power is made perfect [Music] passion translation says this a weakness is a portal for his power or there's a bunch of weak people that are going to get touched by god tonight oh man [Music] you might not be mary magdalene you might not be the you know like oh i haven't had seven demons i i wasn't a prostitute i'm not i'm not disqualified in my society from being a leader but you got your stuff it's not the size of the gun that shoots you but you probably got shot at some stage for me a bunch of parent wounds for me a bunch of leadership wounds getting squashed [Music] they still come up sometimes i'm like man what am i doing anyone out there you got healed when it still comes up every now and again you're perfect for god to use what if you didn't have to wait until you were over that thing for god to use you what if he wanted you to be used right now what if he wanted to touch you right now oh no that's just one story paul the most he paul was essentially the taliban leader of today killing christians god says that man he's perfect for me to fill there's a vessel i can use god that's the worst plan ever and he'll wrap most of the new testament that's the worst idea ever got oh but i'm done with perfect structures i've come to full and imperfect people to show not that people are powerful but that god [Music] is powerful that's the gospel and he calls a fisherman says simon come follow me he turns him into an apostle on the cornerstone of the church an unlearned man god that's the worst idea [Music] i mean how's this plan he takes paul [Music] most learning in all the jewish faith and he says i've got a job for you paul straight to the gentiles they know nothing about the jewish faith but god i've got all this knowledge to use i want to display a powerful god and he takes peter uneducated and he says i've got a job for you straight to the pharisees you're going to debate on the high court god it's the worst idea ever god [Music] anyone feel a little bit out of their depth anyone i believe i'm preaching to you but i'm preaching prophetically i feel the church it feels like we need god we need god to be powerful not not me you and we're not looking for a man we're looking for the son of [Music] we're looking for the son of man oh this is one of the most exciting hours of the church we see what happens in afghanistan in a place of weakness the church just goes oh man we've been under we've been squished we've been there we've been crushed we've been pushed on every side you know what i prophesy in your weakness his power is made perfect mary come to the garden i want to reveal myself to you oh but i'm just struggling right now let me just take a pause you're perfect right now you're perfect to be used by me right now [Music] i believe the lord wants to touch people in this place that feel totally disqualified i believe that you've hidden your weakness and has become a cap on the power you've walked in i believe you've said i am a florist i am an accountant i am this i will never be counting for god and god says mary come there's children workers here there's people that have said that's not me god says i'm going to use you powerfully watch out watch out if god only used powerful people oh be an impotent bride [Music] oh god thank you that you use little people like me thank you that you use little old people like me [Music] open your hands oh spirit of god [Music] oh spirit of god i want you in front of your eyes i want you to present the very thing that you think oh god this disqualifies me maybe it's comparison maybe it's that insecurity being lagging around maybe it's that thing with your mom you're the thing with your dad i want you to just present it to the lord and i would be bold enough to say that's what he wants to touch and that's the doorway to power oh but god i need to hide that thing you don't want that i didn't die for the healthy i came for the sick i came for that why do you keep giving me your gold and silver i came for your filthy rats i came for your filthy rags i'll give them to me that's where i want to touch you i wanna touch you in that place oh disqualified one or one that was not overlooked and seen by your mother god says i'm gonna make you a mother to nations oh jesus oh jesus is hannah wilson here hannah wilson why don't you come up where's hannah wilson oh hannah come here oh the fire of god is on this woman or the fire of haley come come quickly behind her or the fire of god oh and there was there was quarreling between the disciples who will be the greatest who will be the great who will sit on your right hand side and jesus said sinners [Music] you need to become like the children or the fire of god is on this woman i remember ministering in a bethel kids camp and it was like a lightning bolt hit this woman and then started to spread around the room as different kids started getting touched by the holy spirit hannah you're a catalyst for the holy spirit there is a glory on you that is beyond your ears and and you saying oh should i wait since i'm old and i want to call you out there is anointing of a prophet on you there is an anointing of a prophet on you and there is a mantle of power that rests on you you will be assange posts you'll be assigned poster people that the power of god is funded where people say oh no i'm disqualified god says no watch i'm going to move through this woman you'll lay hands with people and they'll get set free gotta ask in jesus name that you would anoint her with power gotta ask for the fire of god to rest on it from head to toe god i pray that you would put a fire to burns and you'd raise up a woman of power and grace you'll let it go fire of god and this woman got to pray from her feet all the way to her hands god you would move and fire god oh i call you mary i call you mary one who goes to the feet of jesus and weeps one who goes to the feet of jesus and weeps and i pray the fire of god would rest on her now in jesus name we call out we call out the prophet anointing even as haley is behind it and i just want you haley as a prophet in the house god we thank you for the prophet anointing fire right now fire of god what rests on haley's life asked to rest on your love hannah or rest on hayley's life i asked would rest on yours i thank you for the anointing of a prophet resting on it oh jesus thank you for fire resting through your hands now in jesus name oh if you're a part of bethel's staff i want you to stand right now if you're part of the bethel staff stand right now and just put your hands on the in the if you're part of bethel stuff oh oh he's inviting you to become like a child in the season he's inviting you to become like a child in the season he's asking you would you become young again would you become a hungry child again or would you allow them to touch you and i speak to every leader in the house god put a fire in them right now ignite them like a hannah god ignite them like a hannah girl ignite them like a helicopter put a fire in their bones in jesus name put a fire in their bones in jesus name and if you're around them quickly just put your hand on them oh god ignite and touch ignites just like a child god like a child god deeper now deeper now oh ben wilson there's an anointing on this man's life of authority of authority of authority lord god mark this man with authority mark him and joe and his whole family with authority lord god we declare fresh miracle fresh miracle of power anointings god oh chuck perry we speak over you in the increase of the miraculous an increase of the miraculous of the healing rooms an increase of the miraculous we declare diseases that will that have no cure lord god we declare an increase in the miraculous barbaric k my mom there barbara we just declared the fire of god on you barbara there is an anointing of a prophet on your life barbara fire on it right now jesus fire god semi ross god touch you god touch your god touch your fresh again god touch your god send her around the globe send her around the globe center around the globe god send around the globe god touch you someone just put a hand on his stomach right now oh mark brooks we just declare fresh fire on you mark a fresh fire in your mock stretch your hands out to your leaders and just on three would you say fire one two three five fire god oh oh dave ward just get a little wilder dave just get a little wilder dave [Music] and then just make some space in the french if you can just make some space in the friendship if you can [Music] i saw the lord anointing mothers if you're a mom in the room and you're feeling like oh man i just this stuff is not for me if you're a mom in the room there's something over to school like you've been going like i'm feeling weak in the season oh i need you to come to the front very quickly come to the front as quick as you can out of faith come to the front as quick as you can out of faith the lord wants to touch you the lord wants to touch mothers in the house the lord wants to touch mothers in this i see you running fire on it right now god anoint to god anointed come quickly and just some of my team just to come and just with faith come and pray for them from the front though not from behind them from the front oh yes god open your hands open your hand spirit of god in this intercessor right now oh someone behind a quick fire right now god fire of god fire of god fire of god oh fire of god fire of god he's touching the mothers fire god i need people behind me quickly fire of god fire over hannah come with me fire of god fire of god oh fire this one here fire right now fire god oh this mother right here or the lord fire right now fire or fire of god or fire of god fire of god oh fire of god oh increase your faith the lord is touching the people here fire of god or for your children for your children for your children oh the mary's the mary's the mary's the lord is touching the mary's fire right now fire god fire god fire god yes close your eyes fire of god fire of god anointed god anoint this intercessor yeah more more most time get behind her fire of god fire of god fire of god he loves to pour himself out he loves to anoint those that feel disqualified oh i was in facebook we did the first ever a prayer meeting at facebook a 12-hour event and we prayed for the holy spirit to come and we it was streamed to about 25 000 people and uh i met a man who's in the room today he ran and he caught me at the gas station he said you prayed and i was going to you see you i was going to computer science school and i never had seen anyone that was passionate for the lord and technology and this man who's here got full of the holy spirit for the first time this power encounter where you come forward come forward that was about two years ago he's doing bs the same for the first time he's doing first year come here come up come on [Applause] oh team just keep going the mothers need to be touched the mothers need to there's something on the woman tonight something on the woman tonight he's a big guy so i need i need i need someone near me you can come up here you know come on he's doing first you know he got touched and he's shook under the power of god for three hours at this facebook event he chases me down chases me down in a parking lot and ready he says you don't remember me but i came to the meeting i drove three hours to be there and the lord touched me there oh open your hands right now oh the fire of god in this man right now holy spirit i thank you that you mark a big man that you mark a big man all those that come from technology backgrounds and high education the lord says i'm going to use you i'm going to use you i'm going to put you on like a glove this year there's going to be encounters that you're going to have fire of god the fire of god in him god mark him for the season oh i declare a real whole family the whole family is getting touched by god this is a transition even over a business that's been struggling we declare in jesus name a turnaround situation more god more more god oh he's going to bring conservative people to the church oh i see an anointing to bring conservatives to the church more god more god more god don't let it lift don't let it lift don't let it lift fire god fire of god fire of god ben come lay hands on him quickly quickly glare hands on him he's still going he's still going still going more god more god more god oh oh man open your hands crowd across this room oh the spirit of the lord is moving in this place he's moving in this place he's moving in this place oh holy spirit i think you're igniting a fresh fire oh i see it i see it's almost like that story in narnia where lucy comes down to the stream and she sees the lion just right by the stream and she sees the lion and she's like i want to drink but i'm worried he's going to eat me [Music] and she goes right up to the lion and she says just enough that he can hear her and he says aslan a picture of the cross aslan i'm thirsty but i'm worried you're gonna eat me and the lion turns to her now and i want you to just imagine this i want you to imagine jesus turning to you and this lion says to her kings and kingdoms i have consumed and i cannot promise that i won't consume you too but if you're thirsty come and drink [Music] oh lucy hey come come come come with your eyes closed just approach the throne of grace with confidence approach him hands up just like this man at facebook hands up hands up and just approach the throne of grace and say god oh church has been boring god put the fear of god back in me make me my like lucy scared to come to the lion oh it's been so familiar god but the fear of god back in me oh god i want to be i want to be fearful to come to church because i don't know what's going to happen to me oh god put the fear of god in me oh i know you as lamb i know you islam oh bethel i want to reveal the lion it's the season of the glory of the lion oh god would you like knots a fresh fire in your people ignite a fresh fire and you're loose is god oh not for me god says you perfectly i'm homeless i don't know what i'm doing with my life i've got debts i've got god says you perfectly you i want to infill you i want to touch you i want to use you i'm divorced i don't know what's happening i'm going through it right now i want to use you i want to touch you i want to use you to be a signpost and a wonder to the world oh no not me god says if i can use the children if i can touch let me touch you humble yourself and yield humble yourself and yield oh bethel it's a yielding season they burn to their feet right now oh the lord is all over this place oh [Music] there is an atmosphere of faith which means there's an atmosphere for the miraculous to happen there's an atmosphere of faith which means there's an atmosphere for the incurable to be cured what will happen in the residue of this glory even as we close this a little later on what will happen there is this glory is people get radically healed where as i go and i was praying for people in seattle i remember if anyone's from seattle pacific northwest just wave at me oh the lord is going to use that area the lord is going to use the pacific northwest the lord is going to use that area i just prophesy that it's going to be a place where the fire of god moves the pacific northwest god has god is going to use you he has not forgotten you all the regulations and everything god says i'm going to use that place and i was praying for this lady didn't even didn't even expect to pray for healing the power of god touches her she gets healed of a 20-year 20-year condition that had had her given only six months left to live she was given a diagnosis that said that uh you'll you'll have six months it'll be in your dna for for the rest of your life she gets prayed for the power of god touches her she shakes under the glory of god she gets up she goes to the doctor she's like i don't know what's happened but everything's everything's gone 34 prescription medications he's on none right now she was in a wheelchair an oxygen tank when she walked in she went to the doctor the doctor says i don't believe you so i'm gonna have to track you for the next year and so she starts tracking this person for the next year after a year she goes and says let me have a dna test just to show just to show that i'm healed the doctor said it will never ever be removed from your dna it's a hereditary disease it cannot be removed you may be able to be healed but it'll never be renewed from your dna she just tried she goes gets the dna test and after the dna test is done it comes back no trace oh man i didn't even know what i was doing more god more god more god more god more god more god more god i don't even know what i was doing didn't even know oh holy spirit holy spirit oh oh holy spirit i pray that you'd move like fire in this place if you like you know what i want the fear of the lord god consume me god because i need a fresh touch i need a fresh touch oh i need a fresh touch i need a fresh touch i need a fresh touch or make me like a child if that's you and you're like i'm gonna ask you to respond and the only reason i do this is because it says if you acknowledge man in front of god he acknowledge you in the heavens and a portal i believe a portal of god will open up above your head and you'll get touched [Music] oh we're a weak people we're a weak people we are a weak people saying use me i don't have my stuff together i don't have my stuff together god but i know you can do it with mary i know you could do it with peter i know you could do it that killer paul god if you're a florist an accountant if you're a mom if you're a dad if you're a student or the lord wants to use you obvious the same students in the house oh god's gonna touch you now oh if this is your first service that's prophetic he's going to touch you oh he's going to touch you and if you want to respond to that call i need you to lift both your hands in the end faith god we're in the heavens right now pour out your fire pour out your fire and see him just go around and lay hands pour out your fire god oh pour out your fire pour out your fire this whole look at me this whole section over here this whole section over here just look at me the section one two three fire of god the fire of god just over there dylan go quickly fire of god the fire of god just in that whole line there that line we're dealing with that fire right now the fire of god this man over the earth fire of god someone touched josephine right now and there's just such in the stomach fire of god right here the fire of god the fire of god all these people over here just raise your hands and he's in the front row right here i see you man i see you i see you crying out for the lord i see you crying after the lord this isn't just for you but it's your mother this is not food just for you but it's your mother i saw us as a horse go running off to your right and i see your mother just getting touched by god oh god marco hannah go quickly too hannah go quickly too oh gee in this whole second row this whole second row raise your hands listen can you see me in the second row fire right now in jesus name mark thank god that lady there marker got mark and god mark and god marker god oh jesus this section over here people i think they're moms righteous raise your hands holy spirit come right now come with fire god come with fire come with fire come with fire come with fire come with fire god come with fire god [Music] [Music] oh lift your voice church [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everything changes [Applause] [Music] prophesy [Music] [Applause] [Applause] everything changes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] changes [Music] i'm captivated i'll never be the same with just [Music] i'll never be the same [Music] all it takes is [Music] never be is same [Music] oh [Music] you'll never be the same i'll never be the same [Music] everything changes i'm kept everything changes all captivated i'll never be the same with just who is just [Music] with just [Music] hmm [Music] just lift up jesus just lived a lot just been getting to thank him for touching you just begin to look in his face just begin to honor his presence right now [Music] i love you jesus let's sing [Music] ask god yes god yes god i just i just keep hearing this that really simple phrase jesus i love you you guys know that phrase [Music] jesus [Music] open up jesus [Music] pour it out make it extravagant make it extravagant to the king jesus [Music] oh jesus i love you and jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i love [Music] yes god yes god yes god [Music] just lift it up just lift it up yeah yeah thank you [Music] if you joined us online thank you so much we're just going to keep worshiping in this place just lift it up lift it up we feel like there's gonna be miracles in the room tonight as the presence of jesus is here he loves to touch he loves to heal he loves to restore so we're just gonna keep worshiping and praying thank you god it's okay [Music] thank you god [Music] okay
Channel: Bethel
Views: 20,857
Rating: 4.9404097 out of 5
Keywords: Bethel worship, bethel prayer and worship service, bethel music, full worship set, full worship service, worship service, bethel worship set, hunter thompson bethel, bethel church worship, bethel church redding, bethel worship live, bethel worship music, bethel worship 2021, bethel worship live 2021, hunter thompson, josie buchanan bethel, kaitlin mondesir bethel
Id: 6aaYIqDu6a8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 10sec (7810 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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