Getting to the Place: Jehovah Jireh. The Action on Revelation

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oh god oh god [Music] all of my days [Music] my comfort my shelter tower of refuge and strength let every breath all that i am never ceased this is [Music] somebody just take a deep breath [Music] living [Music] in me [Music] come on stand on your feet if you can this is my daily bread anybody hungry after the word of the lord this is this is [Music] [Applause] we're not desperate for anything i'm hungry for [Music] [Music] anybody ever been lost and know that he is the only one lift those hands lift those hands lift those hands man you ain't my worship [Music] i need you i need you i need you lord i need you i need your lord how many of you are hungry for god how many you are hungry for as president you know that there's you gotta have more there's something else there that you can't just satisfy with what you've seen with what you've experienced with where you're at how many of you out there know that there's a hunger and a desire for the things of god for the deep things of god for the presence of god for the anointing of god for the power of god and just a desire that's the desire just having a desire to be in his presence tonight come on and lift up holy hands in the presence of god wherever you're at in this room wherever you're watching us via live stream lift your hands in the presence of god because the spirit of god is already moving the spirit of the living jesus is alive and well and ministering to you he's touching he's healing he's imparting truth he's lifting he's restoring he's expanding he's blessing he's favoring he's multiplying and how many of you know he's providing amen you may be seated in this holy moment of worship god bless you and we want to welcome you tonight tonight number two of this special uh series of teachings getting to the place jehovah jireh clap your hands and thank god for his presence thank god for his word thank god for his anointing thank god for bringing you here wherever you're watching us from you may be getting off work you may be just got through eating dinner uh you may have uh doing something but you tuned in because you're ready to hear what god is saying through this prophet in this special night night number two of getting to the place jehovah jireh the prophet is literally on his way here walking in fully loaded ready to pour out and dispense and if you were with us last night my god from the moment the man of god got up he just started pouring out truth pouring out uh we we told him when he got upstairs he got kind of just lost in the open seas of revelation there was so much revelation that was pouring out concerning what god has on his mind for you and i getting to and walking in that place jehovah jireh so we want to encourage you text someone call someone tweet someone dm get up get on instagram whatever you got to do to connect with someone and tell them hey the prophet's on bishop mcclendon's on and you don't want to miss this teaching you're you're not going to want to miss it you will not be disappointed you will not be let down you will be strengthened encouraged power empowered and you're going to walk out with something that you did not know or have before that's always meant for you so we want to encourage you to make sure you're bringing someone to that screen bringing them to your tablet wherever you're you're watching us from uh make sure you connect with the prophet on facebook on twitter on instagram on youtube subscribe to the youtube channel get on all these platforms because the word is on every single one of these platforms so make sure you're following the profit on all of our social media platforms we want to encourage you to join the pec the prophetic e community at clarity mclendon ministries if you have not signed up to join the pec we want to encourage you to do that this evening so that you can be a part of this global community of prophetic hearers and doers of the word that have partnered with the prophet and this anointing that are helping taking this global grace across the world moving in this assignment the prophet sends out of faith building letters downloads that he gets from his spirit that are going directly to you so sign up for the pec tonight we want to encourage everyone else and everyone in here in-house if you can get with us we'll be here tomorrow night to conclude these nights of teaching if you're anywhere in the los angeles area anywhere near inglewood come on through we'll be here at 7 30 p.m and you can come in house and join us live or you can watch us right there at or on the app or facebook on youtube wherever you're watching us from if you're in house or out of the house don't miss the word don't miss what god is pouring out so we want you to be with us tonight and let's close it out together tomorrow night we want to let everyone know who's in the la area who's in the inglewood area every friday is our food distribution friday our outreach friday let's clap our hands and thank god for that that's very significant from 11 a.m to 3 p.m we here at the place of grace have been distributing food boxes of meals for families we started last year good friday of 2020 to date we have fed over 40 000 families yeah no let's clap our hands and thank god for that we're reaching out to this community we're not just feeding spiritual food but we're giving them there's good stuff in there too i've seen it i'm like my god that's that looks like thanksgiving on a regular friday in july that's we're giving away good so if you want to help we need help we need volunteers men if you can get here anytime from 11 to 3 year services are needed and they will be put to use help us get this food out to these families to these uh men and women boys and girls who are in need not just of spiritual food but people are still have still been impacted by the pandemic but when they pass by the place of grace we have something for them not just spiritually we got that but we also got something for their physical need as well we want to fill their homes fill their kitchens with nothing but goodness so if you can help us out men anyone in here anyone you know every friday we will be here tomorrow from 11am to 3pm at our food distribution outreach we partnered with the mayor butts of the mayor of inglewood councilman dotson the inglewood unified school district and benny hinn ministries we've partnered and connected with to help uh this distribution go forth so if you can join us tomorrow from 11 to 3 your services your help will be needed a man are you ready for night number two i know you are so stay tuned the prophet has already come into the tabernacle but i'm going to let you go back into some worship these anointed psalmists this praise team these musicians are just going to take us higher in the presence of god and joint night number two god bless you amen so how many of you guys are enjoying what we're learning about jehovah jireh and who he is i've been reflecting and thinking about how many times i've been in a situation where i need god to provide and he always does there's never been a time where i've gone without because i know who jehovah jireh is and he's very present in each and one of our lives and it's good to know him and he's so good to us so sing this with me if you know it [Music] please because of who you are i give you glory because of who you are i give you praise [Music] because of who you are i will lift my voice and say lord i worship you because of who you are lord i worship you because of who you are because of who you are i give you glory [Music] because of who you are of who you are i will lift my voice and say lord i worship you because of who you are lord i worship you because of who you are [Music] my provider [Applause] jehovah's seat [Music] my princess [Music] and i worship you because of who you are because of who you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you please [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] of you because of who you are because of who you [Music] you are [Music] because of who you are lord i worship you because of who you [Music] i are you because of who you are [Music] oh you can do better than that [Music] come on stand on your feet all over the building i like to feel like i'm in charge when i got a mic in my hand tell folks to stand up sit down look at somebody and tell them i love you and there's nothing you can do about it [Music] come on look at somebody else and let them know i love you there's nothing you can do about it put me in uh c sharp we're going to go into our god is greater man [Music] come on put your hands together in this place smile at somebody let them know you really love jesus [Music] here we go nothing like you come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] no one like [Music] rise [Applause] [Music] come on everybody in the world knows yourself [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign look at your neighbor and say hi i'm [Music] unstoppable he's so powerful he's so powerful he's so wonderful he's so wonderful he's so wonderful come on just worship the lord oh [Music] oh oh man when you when when you're a musician and you you have a keyboard like the wayne swan on the keyboard it just kind of does something to you [Music] and when you have a bass player like james pumpkin perry uh on a base it it takes you to a place in the bible where it says when the singers and the musicians get together there's something that is very unique that happens and when you have a drummer like james there is something called unity and it says how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together [Music] [Music] hurry [Music] that could not hold you down [Music] is [Applause] is i'm victorious how victorious [Music] just seated [Music] emergency [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] king come on say it there in your home seated in matches is the prophet bishop clarence e mcclendon and i am inserting myself into this moment normally i would go right to the message but i'm inserting myself into this moment because i'm absolutely convinced that what i am getting ready to share with you in the word of god is life transformational number one and is also something that's going to alter destinies number two the word that i'm going to be sharing with you the spirit of the lord actually gave me several years before but he would not release me to teach it it's entitled getting to the place jehovah jireh and the spirit of the lord said to me several years before as i was reading in genesis 22 he said to me son jehovah jireh is not just a covenant name of mine it's a place in me i'd never heard anyone else say that i had never said it but i saw it in the word of god and the lord said to me he said i'm going to bring an entire group of people to this place jehovah jireh so several weeks ago when the spirit of the lord let me know it was time for me to release that word i was in prayer and we taught it over three nights when the lord sent me with the word at that time he said there will be 90 people i'm sending you to over these three days and i want you to speak to them and call them to sow in to this anointing and into this word on the third day of the meeting we had already surpassed the 90 and then the word of the lord came to me a second time and said now i'm sending you to a thousand more and when they hear my voice speaking through your voice they will respond he said there's an entire generation of people around the globe that i am bringing to this place in me jehovah jireh he said they've heard uh the great things about moves of god uh past they've heard about great men and women of god that were mightily used of god they've read it in the scriptures they've read it in the history books but there's a generation that has not yet seen me as jehovah jireh their all-sufficient god the lord their provider not just financially but in every area of their lives he said i am bringing this generation now to this place where they are going to come to the place jehovah jireh and they're going to see me in an entirely different realm in an entirely different dimension than they have learned and so he said to me i want you to re-air it and say i'm going to call men and women and there are thousands of you that are going to hear this word and listen i know this is a mandate even after i re-air this there's other things that have to be done why because i believe with all of my heart god is bringing an entire generation of people around the globe to occupy the places we've read about to actually be the people that we have read about in history in our generation who are stewarding a great move of god where this great god of ours jehovah jireh is not only our provider but we see him as the all-sufficient god in every realm and endeavor as we together come to the place jehovah jairus so as a prophet of god like elijah sent to the widow woman i'm being sent to thousands of people around the globe i know this to bring us all we're going to get there together to bring us all to the place jehovah genre so as you listen to this over these next three nights i want you to hear i want you to take notes god is going to speak some things to you that you have not heard before in this way and i believe it's a part of the key to you and i together getting to the place jehovah jireh watch listen here come on say it there in your [Music] king say it one more time come on [Music] hallelujah you have won it all for me could not hold up [Applause] [Music] would you lift your hands in the presence of the living god watching me live streaming lift your hands as well father to you glory belongs and honor is due you are the risen king the resurrected lord of glory the god of heaven and earth thank you for the finished work that we by faith in the operation of god are coming more and more to understand and receive and walk in thank you for your presence we recognize it is your presence that makes the difference thank you for the integrity of the word the intelligent holy spirit who is with us and in us and for your people for they are your inheritance in the earth and i thank you lord tonight that the spirit of wisdom and of revelation knowledge is released that the holy spirit lead us into truth and calls us to be bettered empowered victorious because we have been with you thank you for what you shared and revealed to us last night and for where you shall take us tonight we give you glory and honor and thanks in advance in jesus name we pray and all that agreed said it is so say amen now one time clap your hands and thank the lord here and there wherever you are watching from we greet you tonight in the strong name of jesus and we thank the lord for you you can be seated those of you that are here and those of you that are watching live streaming from wherever you are watching once again i know that you have been greeted and saluted and welcomed and i will add my greeting and uh salutation to that thank god for you person by person and individual by individual thank you for sharing with us tonight and if you were with us on last night you know that god took us into some places in the word that are life-changing and transformational and i am absolutely certain that we will go deeper in that tonight we're in a very special time of ministry really a special call prophetic encounter a time of teaching uh that the spirit of the lord really uh impressed upon me and uh impacted me in my spirit that i needed to make sure i taught during this time there's a very significant element that i am sensing relative to the timing of this as i said on last night we just came out of our academy of healing and wellness convention we're still getting testimonies of people who have been healed and set free i'll be sharing more of those with you and so it's a bit unusual that on the feet of that we would go right into another time of teaching but i was strongly impressed by the spirit of god that there are some people that have appointments with jehovah jireh that god is taking his people into another level and dimension of relationship understanding blessing prosperity and being a blessing come on say amen to that because the goodness of god the blessing of god is not just to bless you or me but it is to empower us to be a blessing and i believe with all of my heart that god is purposing and positioning his people globally who will hear his voice and give attention to his word to rise to another level you're about to take some stuff over amen you you're about to be the head and not the tail above only somebody say only not just above sometimes but above only and not beneath amen that's the promise of the word of god and i believe with all of my heart that god is bringing his people to that place and if you agree with that say amen amen so once again tonight we are moving into uh our second night of this very special meeting that the spirit of the lord directed me to entitle getting to the place jehovah jireh getting to the place jehovah jiren we looked at genesis 22 which we'll get into in just a moment where we uh saw from the word of god it's not my idea not my concept that jehovah jireh is not just a covenant name of god or for god it is that it is one of his covenant names but according to the revelation of scripture the bible says abraham called the name of the place jehovah jireh and when i read that some years ago actually now the lord said to me he said son jehovah jireh is just not a covenant name of mine it is a place in me it is a place that you get to in a place that i want to bring my people to and i am prophesying to you tonight that there are some of you that are about to step into the place jehovah jireh and see an aspect of god that you have not seen or known heretofore it's going to change you and everything around you and if you believe that say amen and so we'll continue tonight and then tomorrow night everybody lift their hands and say by the grace of god by the grace of god and tomorrow night i will complete this by the grace of god i'm going to do my very best i told my team upstairs before we came down i said i'm trying not to extend this to sunday night i've got so much information i'm trying not to i said i'm trying not to uh but i've got to get this out and i'm going to get it out by god's grace in this time so again we'll continue tomorrow night 7 30 and some time between uh the end of tonight and the beginning of tomorrow i'll let you know if we'll need to add another session but if you're uh with us just remain there uh staying with us live streaming also you in person here at the place of grace cosmopolitan center there's a place for you now i was uh in fact i was asked about this not long ago and it's in my notes and so i just want to mention it uh because in our time of giving that will happen before this is over this is one of the things that people who are viewing i have been asked to share with you that you can now donate on our verified facebook and instagram page the blue circle with the check mark verified if you click the donate button on that page also and i don't fully understand this but you can send stars on facebook during our live events and every star converts to a monetary donation to our ministry i don't know how that works but i'll take it amen i receive it in the name of jesus and so we thank the lord for that some people have been asking you know what are the blue stars and what does that mean so maybe that helps you uh i don't understand it but amen praise the lord it's happening amen so we thank the lord for that and if you were inquiring about that uh if you didn't know now you know genesis chapter 22 is what i want you to turn genesis 22 we're going to pick up there genesis chapter 22 and i shall begin the reading of the word of god i'm going to try to abbreviate a little bit because i read a lot of scripture in genesis 22 and it's all good amen and uh what happens to me oftentimes is on my way to where i'm trying to get to in the scripture i see something and i comment on it and and then you know i go a little deeper into that so i'm going to try to avoid that they are not rabbit trails they're all significant aspects of truth but i want to make sure that we get to where we need to get to tonight amen so i want i want to begin once again in genesis chapter 22. now we are dealing by the spirit of god at the direction of the spirit of god with this matter and talking about getting to the place jehovah jiren even that from a concept aspect is in many ways a new idea or a new concept to the conventional christian mind and understanding but it is in the word of god and because it's in the word it's something that i believe that we need to look at get understanding in and i covered a lot of ground last night but not all that i wanted to cover and so i'm going to attempt expeditiously to finish uh point number one that we got into last night and move on to point number two as we look at this subject of getting to the place everybody say getting to the place say it again i'm talking to you at home say it out loud with me getting to the place jehovah jireh now once again in genesis chapter 22 and verse number one it says now it came to pass after these things that god tested abraham and said to him abraham abraham and he said here i am then he that is god said take now your son your only son isaac whom you love and go to the land of moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on the mountains of which i shall tell you i read all of this last night and so abraham does as god said you've got to remember this abraham does as god is instructing him he takes isaac his son and he is going to sacrifice him to this god who is not a god of human sacrifice did you hear what i just said and so that instruction in and of itself must be bewildering to abraham stay with me but but he does so and of course the scripture declares when he is ready to slay his son at the word of the lord the angel of the lord i'm paraphrasing now so i don't have to read all 22 verses he he the angel of the lord says abraham uh do not lay your hand on the lad go down to verse number 12. and so once abraham gets to the place that god has told him where he is to sacrifice his son isaac now remember this is a son that it took 25 years to manifest abraham had gotten the promise that he was going to have a son he and sariah his name was abram at the time god met him soraya was his wife's name at the time god changes their names we'll get to that in a moment the bible says abraham is 75 years old when that occurs when the promise is given to him and when isaac actually is manifested the bible says god appears to him in genesis 17 and makes covenant with him the bible says there that abraham is 99 years old and god tells abraham that he and sarah will conceive this child about this time next year when abram is 99 years old so between 75 and 100 is 25 years so abraham has waited for this son of promise for 25 years now the boy is at least of age we don't know exactly how old he is but he's at least of age where he can walk talk and carry wood okay we know that from the story so some people say he was probably around the age of 12 or 13 god had given abraham and isaac an opportunity to bond to establish the paternal love a father has for the son and now god tells abraham this son that he has waited 25 years to manifest is now to be sacrificed are y'all still here that is a bewildering situation if you do more than just read it and process it internally uh and experientially understand it so so the bible says abraham is about ready to do that and then the angel of the lord verse 12 said do not lay your hand on the lad or do anything to him for now i know everybody say now i know now this is god talking god says now i know and we talked about this last night we are dealing with an omniscient god an all-knowing god so when the bible says here that god says now i know it is not as if god has just discovered something or some knowledge now has been uh imparted or disclosed to him that he didn't have before when he says now i know it's not that god is saying okay not now i i see no no no now i know here means literally now i can be become involved now i can get involved in what is happening or literally now i can move my purpose in you along boy i need somebody to hear that so he says for now i know i i shared with you on yesterday this word no here in the hebrew is the same hebrew word that is used in genesis where it says and adam knew his wife eve and she can see so this has to do with intercourse interaction and intermingling together what god what god is actually telling abraham is now you and i are so inextricably tied this act has caused you and i to be so inexplicably inexplicably that i need you to hear me this act has made you and i so inexplicably tied that from now on people will not be able to encounter you without encountering me boy i i wish i wish i i wish i had somebody who could hear what i just said from this point abraham you and i will be so tightly bound together so tightly woven together that anybody who meets you is going to encounter me anyone who comes in contact with you is going to know they are not dealing with just a normal natural human individual now this is a fulfillment of the promise god made to him in genesis 12 where he said not only am i going to bless you not only am i going to make you a blessing he said you and i are going to be so tight that anybody who bless who curses you i will curse them and if they bless you i will bless them in other words when they encounter you they will have to deal with me no y'all are y'all y'all now now this is the place somebody say this is the place this is the place where that thing that god had promised abraham 20 some years ago manifest and i said last night the walk with god and getting to the place jehovah jireh is not microwavable you don't get there overnight you don't get there you meet god no no no now once again god is a provider all the time but there is a place i need somebody to hear me that god wants all his people to get to where he is not only your provider he is source yes i wish i had okay so so stay with me now he says do not lay your hand on the lad lord jesus i got all of that out of verse 12. for now i know that you fear god since you have not withheld your son your only son from me now that is very important abraham lifted his eyes and looked and there behind him everybody said they're behind him and they're behind him was a ram caught in a thick by its horse and we talked about this last night it says they're behind him which means abraham had either passed this and missed it in other words god had hidden it from his eyes it was there because he said he looked behind him so he's already passed this place so either on the way up this ram was there and abraham didn't see it until he made this act of faith he that has used here let him hear if i say or or after he makes this act of faith god places something there supernaturally that wasn't there before one of the two of those things happened and this whoa jesus this this is what happens at the place jehovah jireh your eyes opened to things that were there that you didn't see or god begins to so supernaturally work with you and for you that your actions of faith cause things to manifest that weren't there before he that has ears to hear let him hear so abraham looked at his eyes and looked in there behind there was a ram caught in the thicket by its horns verse 13. so abraham went and took the ram and offered it up for a burnt offering instead of his son and abraham called the name of the place everybody say the name of the place say it again say it again so abraham called the name of the place the lord will provide or any hebrew jehovah jireh that's actually the english derivative of the hebrew in hebrew it is jehovah ye ray so so so he is literally now at the place everybody say at the place he's now at the place jehovah jair watch this as it is said to this day in the mount of the lord it shall be provided now watch this then everybody say then so after this event after this action of faith that brings him to the place jehovah jireh the bible says then the angel of the lord called abraham a second time out of heaven and says now basically by myself i have sworn says the lord because you have done this thing everybody repeat those words after me ready because you have done this thing the implication is without this thing i couldn't say to you what i'm about to say so there is something abram that you now have done that has released you in to a place and a dimension where this promise i can make to you by myself i have sworn says the lord because you have done this thing and have not withheld your son your only son blessing i will bless you meaning i cannot bless and do not get in on it and multiplying i will multiply you meaning i cannot multiply and pass you by are you still here blessing i will bless you and multiplying i will multiply you watch this i will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies now see what there's something there that i don't even have time to get into when you get to jehovah gyra when you get to this place your enemies become enemies of god are you there your enemies become the enemies of god watch this he says in your sea and and in your seed verse 18 all the nations of the earth shall be blessed because you have obeyed my voice now abraham has now gotten to the place jehovah but what i as we looked at yesterday if you go back to genesis chapter number 11 go there genesis chapter number 11 if you go back to genesis 11 31 and you read into genesis 12 again genesis 11 31 is the last verse of the 11th chapter or the last two verses of the 11th chapter of the book the last two verses of chapter 11 of genesis and tara verse 31 took his son abram and his grandson lot the son of heron and his daughter-in-law sarai his son abram's wife and they went out with them from ur of the chaldeans to go and they came to heron and dwelt there so the days of terror were 205 years and tara died in here and the terror is abram's father so after abram's father died genesis 12 1 now the lord had said to abram get out of your country from your family and from your father's house to a land that i will show you now watch it after you get out of your father's after you get out of your country after you get away from your family after you get away from your father's house to the land that i will show you then i'm gonna make you a great nation i'm gonna bless you i'm gonna make your name great you shall be a blessing i will bless those who bless you curse him who curses you and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed so abraham departed everybody abraham departed abraham departed as the lord had spoken to him now again this is some 25 plus years uh and perhaps 35 years before probably more than that before what i read to you in genesis 22 happens where abram abraham rather gets to the place jehovah jair and so the first thing we notice we're talking about getting to the place see abram or abraham would not have even gotten the opportunity to get to the place jehovah jireh had he not obeyed this directive because he said get away and then i'm gonna bless you and make you a blessing so we said the first aspect of getting to jehovah jireh is the action of what what do we say the action of separation you do not get to the place jehovah jireh without the action of separation god is going to separate you from things and people now why we looked at this last night not just from anybody and everybody he tells them get away from your family your country your kin why because he is directing abram to get away from that which had which would keep him entrenched in traditional historical familial modalities now why because in order for abram to get to the place jehovah jireh god is going to have to teach him a number of things and principles by which god works that are different than the way men work or the or the traditional things we looked at isaiah 55 i'm not going back there but you can throw it up on the screen i don't want to take too much time god separates abram from his country from his family from his kin because remember abraham is of urban called these of mesopotamia he is from a pagan nation and a pagan family idol worshiping family and god el shaddai is a go out to introduce himself to abraham and teach him how he does things are you still here and so god says in isaiah 55 my thoughts are not your thoughts my ways are not your ways for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts then he goes on to say but as the rain comes down and the snow from heaven and waters the earth and returns not the but makes it bring forth and blood that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so shall my word be that comes forth out of my mouth in other words god said just as the rain comes down from heaven and the snow comes down from heaven my word comes down from heaven and when my word comes down from heaven it brings you my ways and my thoughts the word of god reveals god's ways and his thoughts say that after me the word of god reveals god's ways and god's thoughts and the reason god separates abraham is he's telling him i am going to provide for you i am going to prosper you but this is going to be done my way i'm going to do it my way and my ways are not yours and my thoughts are not your thoughts so you're going to have to get my thoughts and my ways if you are ever going to get to the place jehovah jireh you will not get there using natural intellect you will not get there using educational inclinations nothing wrong with academia nothing wrong with education nothing wrong with being intelligent god doesn't want fools but what he does want is people who have spiritual understanding and not just natural so god is going to now watch this don't miss this god has separated abraham because he is going to enroll him in his purpose you're taking notes write this down he's going to enroll abram in god's purpose now what do you mean by that look at what he says to him in genesis 12. he says once you get away from your country away from your family away from your father's house to the land i will show you i'm going to bless you i want to make you a blessing i'm going to make your name great now watch it watch it and in you all of the nations of the earth shall be blessed in other words i have gotten a hold of you to get a hold of everybody else no you didn't you you you missed it i i i have grabbed you because i'm after everybody else and i must i'm gonna begin going after everybody else through you now what does that mean what does that mean in the context when god gets a hold of abraham he has his eyes on manifesting a messiah i need you to hear this when god abraham god is establishing covenant with abraham so he can get a jesus in the earth that's what that means through you he's not talking about just abraham because abraham alone is not going to bless everybody jesus is going to have to be manifest for everybody to offer all nations now what does that what does that tell me it tells me if i am going to get to the place jehovah jireh i have got to become enrolled in god's purpose and god's purpose is not just to bless me is to get a hold of other folks through jesus what what what i need you to understand genesis 12 put up three and four i will bless you i'll make i will make you a great nation i will bless you i will make your name great and you shall be a blessing okay i will bless those who bless you i will curse him who curses you and here it is and through you all the families of the earth shall be blessed that phrase right there and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed is a messianic promise god is speaking to abram about jesus i need you to get this whit let me let me make it t is jesus huh what here's what come on say it out loud it's an open book quiz he was what he's jewish okay when god says this to abraham there is no such thing as a jew that's right there are no jews abraham abram is not jewish abram is from er of the chaldees of mesopotamia which i said last night is modern-day iraq and iran are you still with me there is no jewish nation there's nobody on the face of the planet at this point who is called a jew god is actually going to create a nation which is an old covenant type of the new creation he is actually going to make a nation where there is no nation from a people who will obey his voice beginning with abraham go to romans 4. let me show this to you i need you to see this under yes holy ghost i thank you for it see now some stuff that you know you're going to know on another level now watch it watch it look at romans chapter number four verse 16 it says therefore it is of faith now this is paul under the inspiration of the holy ghost talking about what god did with abraham watch this therefore it is a faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed watch this not only to those who are of the law but also to those but also to those who are of the faith of abraham watch this who is the father of us all in the presence of him who believe whom he believed now i skipped the parentheses there although it is an important part when you read this in english with the part that's in parentheses you lose track to some degree of the theme that abraham i mean that paul is writing let me read it with it and i'll show you watch it therefore it is a faith that it might be according to grace so the promise might be sure to all the seed not only to those who are of the law but also to those who are of the faith of abraham who is the father of us all as it is written i have made you the father of many nations in the presence of him whom he believed god now when you read it like that you miss the point because of the parenthetical expression i'm going to read it without it because what's in parentheses is just a quote a re-quoting of uh of genesis chapter 17 i believe verse 5. watch this so therefore it is the faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed not only to those who are of the law but also to those who are of the faith of abraham who is the father of us all in the presence of him who he believed god abraham is the father of us all in the presence of god no you need to understand what abraham is the father of all people who will walk by faith in the presence of god abraham is number one [Music] he's he's faith follower number one there will be no messiah if abraham doesn't believe god there will be no jewish nation there will be no covenant there will be no people who have the legacy of hearing god and walking after him if abraham doesn't believe god and obey it so get it are you there he's the father was all in the presence of him whom he believed god who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did we'll get to that in just a moment so what are you getting at here bishop mclennan when god says to abram back in genesis 12 and through you all the families of the earth shall be blessed here's what he said i am going to cause you to become the father of every man and woman of faith including jesus in the earth you are going to be the man in the earth who everybody who comes after you will follow they will follow your faith they will learn that whatever i do with them will be because they hear me and act on what i tell them now you got to understand this because when abraham meets god there is no jewish nation the jewish let me let me give you let me give you another passage of scripture that will make this more clear we'll get to it probably again at the end go to romans 4 verse 9. go to romans 4 verse 9. watch this romans 4 verse 9 i'm going now to verse number 12. watch it oh remember what we just read in romans 4 there it says who is the father of us all in the presence of him who he believed god he's the father of us all in the presence of here's how he became the father of us all watch this watch this look look at romans 4. i'm going all the way to verse 12 beginning at verse 9. does this blessedness or does the blessing then come upon the circumcised only or upon the uncircumcised also for we say that faith was accounted to abraham for righteousness how then was it accounted while he was circumcised or uncircumcised now what is circumcision circumcision is the sign of the covenant circumcision is what makes an individual jewish yes there is no jew until there is a covenant and there is no covenant until there is circumcision abraham receives the righteousness of god without being circumcised because there are no jews god is going to create the nation through him watch this let's read on how then was it accounted verse number 10 while he was circumcised or untook himself or unsecured not while he's not well circumcised but while uncirculated now watch this look at verse 11 and he that is abraham received the sign of circumcision a seal of the righteousness of faith which he had while still uncircumcised that he might be the father no you didn't get it he that he might be the father we just heard he's the father of all who all those who believe this is how he became the father he received the sign of circumcision and he acted on it and when he did that he became the father are you still here a seal of the righteous of faith which he had while still uncircumcised that he might become the father of all those who believe so he becomes the father of a nation don't don't miss this he creates a people who were not a people because he heard something from god and acted on it we'll get back to that in in just a moment are you still here now what does that mean it means he does not become the father without that so what is god doing with abraham he's abram at this time number one he is revealing he is showing abraham his ways he is teaching abraham his ways so you don't get to jehovah jireh unless you learn god's ways unless you trade in yours for his and that's the first thing he has to do with abraham num number two and i i threw this up last night i'm gonna run through this real fast now i'm gonna run through it real fast i've got 42 minutes i'm doing good the notes that i gave you last night he is teaching him his ways okay number one number two he is revealing to abraham his secrets and i want you to get this god has secrets they are not secrets that are hidden from his people they are secrets that are hidden for his people are you still here look at psalm 25 verses 12-15 i'm going to run through this fast so throw them up psalm 25 12-15 12-14 put it up psalm 25 12-14 as a matter of fact let me give you these verses so i can move through this quickly and write this down if you're taking notes psalm 25 12-14 proverbs 9 and verse 10. proverbs 4 and verse 7 luke 11 49 i'll give them again and i'm going to run through them you will put them up on the scripture in that order i gave you first of all isaiah 55 8-13 that is god is going to teach abraham his ways psalm 25 12-14 we'll get to that one right now next proverbs 9 10 next proverbs 4 7 and then luke 11 49. now what does god do for us he separates him why so he can teach him his ways without the interference of his family and kin folks who will try to talk him out of the ways that this god that he just met is wanting to reveal to him so he can get him to the place jehovah jiren ah does not separate you to isolate you god separates you to eradicate your interference i'm going to say that again god does not separate you to isolate you god separates you to eradicate interference to his instructions [Music] which is why once he separates you the best thing you can do is get around people who are also getting his instructions that's why he takes that's why the bible says he sets the solitary in families he will separate you from people who are in who will interfere with his instructions so he can place you with people who like you are trying to learn them and act on them are you still here i said are you still here so look at now psalm 25 verses 12 through 14 who is the man who fears the lord him shall he that is god teach in the way he chooses so so watch this once a man who reverences god and see this is what abraham did when god spoke to him he moved a man who references god a woman reverend's god god is going to teach that individual in the way he choose god's going to teach that person his ways watch this he this man or woman who reverences god shall dwell in prosperity not experience it from time to time they'll live there see god is trying to get us to the place jehovah jireh not just to encounter him occasionally stay with me he himself shall dwell in prosperity watch this and his descendants shall inherit the earth watch it the secret of the lord is with those who fear so god has secrets and he does not reveal his secrets to people who don't reverence him to people who don't honor him y'all need to hear what i'm saying there are things you will never find out from god that are actually hidden for you until you learn to reverence him are you still here the watches the secret of the lord is with those who fear him watch it and he will show them those who fear him his covenant ah so that tells me where his secrets are they're in the covenant are y'all reading the secret of the lord is with those who fear him okay so number two he's gonna reveal to him he's gonna reveal to abraham his secrets one of the first one of the first things you that abraham does in genesis 12 after he meets god and separates the bible says he went to a place and he built an altar that's a secret are you there worship is one of the secrets of god that's right and you thought it was just a part of the service no no no you missed what i just said and you thought it was just a part of the earth no no no no every time you come into the house of god to worship god is wanting you to engage in one of his secrets that bring you to a place jehovah jireh well i just dropped a bomb are you still here number three god has separated abraham to show abraham the principal thing now what is the principle thing wisdom is the principle thing but now watch this go to proverbs 9 and verse 10. the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom so watch this wisdom is the principal thing but the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom so even though wisdom is the principle thing you won't even get the principle thing if you don't start reverencing god now do you understand why jesus says here's what the father is looking for people who worship him why why is he he's not to be professional singers he's looking for people who will worship him because the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom and once i find a worshiper i can start downloading secrets secrets to prosperity secrets to overcoming secrets to gaining the advantage in any situation if i can find a worshiper i have found someone i can download secrets see wisdom is the principal thing but the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom and this is why there are a lot of people who are after the wisdom of god who never get it even church going folks who who are after the wisdom of god but don't get it because they're not reverers reverencers they are not worshipers god is not special to them i need you to understand god is special to me there is nobody like him i wouldn't trade him for your favor i wouldn't trade him for you to like me i wouldn't trade him hallelujah he has given me the victory he has given me the edge he has downloaded to me his secrets and there are more coming glory to god lay your hands on yourself and say i'm getting me some too in the name of jesus hallelujah so he's got to teach he he's got to show abram the principle thing the principle thing is wisdom but you don't get to wisdom without reverencing are you still here now next he's gonna he's gonna show him the principle thing and then he's gonna give to abram wisdom are you still here watch how beautiful this is watch how beautiful this is watch how beautiful this is watch how connected this is put up uh put up proverbs 4 7 again and then i'm going to go right to proverbs 9 10 again watch it now watch how beautiful this is you're about to get a connection in the word in the covenant watch this wisdom is the principle thing what's the principle thing wisdom now wisdom is the principal thing in every situation amen in every circumstance oh god see lord i'm not gonna get past this am i yeah no no because i i feel the holy ghost just resting here wisdom is the principle thing it's not a principle thing it's the principal thing which means no matter what the circumstance or situation you are dealing with be it financial emotional physical familial relational wisdom is the principle thing it's number one watch it wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and in all you're getting get understand now and all you're getting so for get wisdom that's the principle thing but then in all your getting of wisdom get understand quickly quickly put up proverbs 19. quick put it up quick i want to the people say it quick watch watch the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the holy one is understanding [Music] now i just found out what the bible is telling me what it's telling me to get understanding get knowledge of the holy one [Music] get knowledge of how he does stuff [Music] get knowledge of how he operates look at what he did and do the same thing find how he responded in that situation and do it that's understanding now he says get wisdom and in all you're getting get understanding ah now i know that knowledge of the holy one is understanding so i you could say wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and then once you get wisdom get the knowledge of the holy one now i need i need to break down what wisdom is a little more and then i can really understand something go to luke 11 verse number 49. jesus is talking and jesus says everybody say jesus says everybody said jesus says how do you know anything jesus says is true how many know anything jesus says is right how many whenever jesus is speaking jesus is properly and rightly dividing the word of truth because he is the living word so watch this there jesus talking luke 11.9 and he says therefore the wisdom of god also said quote i will send them prophets and apostles and some of them they will kill and persecute now that is in quotes single quotes which means it is a quotation from the written word of god ah and jesus in referring to the written word of god calls the written word of god the wisdom of god oh now i have a definition of wisdom and i have a definition of understanding let me now apply my definition of wisdom and my definition of understanding which the word has given me to proverbs 4 7. the written word of god is the principle thing no you didn't get it the written word of god is the principle thing therefore whatever you are dealing with get the written word of god and then once you have the written word of god get knowledge of the holy one get the written word of god stand up whatever the situation is healing deliverance prosperity get the written word of god get the promise of god and then once you get the promise of god search the scriptures and see how jesus responded in a similar circumstance and now you will have both wisdom and understanding see the wisdom of god and the understanding of god are not intellectual they are spiritual and this is what god has to teach abraham to get him to the place jehovah jireh i'm going to tell you to do things that don't make sense to you all the time i am going to give you instructions that don't fit into your intellectual process but if you do them i'm going to take you places that other people will never see [Music] no i can't go there yet i can't go there yet oh okay i'm doing i'm doing good i'm doing good so let me so so so on the way to getting to the place jehovah jireh god first separates abraham so he can number one teach him his ways so he can number two reveal to him his secrets so we can number three show him what the principal thing is and the principle thing is the word of god now in abram's day there is no written word of god so all he all he can do is follow the voice are you still here but what he is teaching abram is my voice is more significant than your knowledge did they get that oh yes my voice is more important than your knowledge i don't have time to go to but in one place the bible says that that you know abram abram is in a place where there's famine and and he wants to leave and god says no no no stay here oh wait a minute god there's famine here i need to split but god says no no no my voice is more important than your intellect what i'm telling you to do my way is more important than your way i'm going to show you something if you follow my voice and not your own understanding see you don't get to the place jehovah gyra unless you learn to lean away from your understanding and lean to his voice and his word and this is why a majority of christians never get there because they think they know better than god from their experience how to deal with the situation when his word and his instructions are his thoughts and his ways boy that is fundamental but it's good and unfortunately most christians have never been taught those basic things we're told believe god but nobody tells you what it really means get the word of god get the wisdom of god but what is it you need understanding what's that now you know are you still here and somebody look at somebody if you trust them and say and it's been in the word all your life it's been right there in the book all your life but once again but once again it takes men and women who are anointed of god to bring these truths out and teach them so god's people can walk in them amen i said amen so the first act well the first thing in getting to the place of jehovah jaira is the action of separation now the second one and i'm going to go through this fast but this is this is so significant don't miss it the second one is the action of revelation the i mean the action on revelation in other words god is going to start revealing things to abram and abram has to act on them now this is one of the things again that we read and we pass by and think it's normal but i want you to go to genesis 14 very quickly genesis 14 verse number 18. go there very quickly genesis 14 and verse number 18 because you need to see something here genesis 14 and verse number 18 is when abraham has come back from the slaughter of the kings gotten lot stuff gotten all the spoilers gotten it back and then in genesis 14 and 18 it's oh jesus then it says then melchizedek of is brought out bread and wine he was the priest of the most high god and he blessed him he melchizedek at his blessed abram and said blessed be abram of god most high possessor of heaven and earth and blessed be god most high who has delivered your enemies into your hand and he that is abram gave him that is melchizedek a tithe the hebrew word is mahasla of all he gave to melchizedek a tenth of everything he had just gotten are you still here now the king of sodom said to him give me the purses and take the goods for yourself watch this but abram said to the king of sodom i have raised my hand to the lord god most high the possessor of heaven and earth that i will take nothing from a thread to a sandal strap and that i will take nothing that is yours watch this unless you should say i have made abram rich so here's what i want you to see abram is two chapters away from his meeting with god he just met god in genesis 12. this is genesis 14. he already has been informed by god i'm gonna make you rich because he tells this man i'm when i get rich you're not gonna be able to say you did it so god has already told me i'm about to get rich i need you to understand this now i want you i want you to get it because we miss this we take these things for granted without applying context to them abraham has just met this god two chapters ago now between where he meets god genesis 12 and here genesis 14 where he meets melchizedek king of salem the priest of the most high god are you still here there has been an encounter between god and abram that is not recorded in scripture something has happened in the secret time of abram's worship with god that is not recorded in scripture how do you know that because when abram meets this king of sodom who's trying to talk him out of tithing abram says wait a minute i hear what you're saying but god and i already had a private meeting in the private meeting that god and i had between genesis 12 and genesis 14 god told me number one he's gonna make me rich number two he gave me this principle of tithing which nobody on planet earth has ever heard of no you missed it there are no tithers when abraham ties them okay nobody's tithing god has just revealed a secret principle to abraham that he is going to utilize to make abram rich and ultimately bring abram to the place jehovah jireh and the king of sodom knows nothing about it there is nobody else on the planet who knows anything about it which means that this great god jehovah has said something to a man who is listening to him that nobody else has ever heard and is expecting him to act on it even though no one else on the planet has ever done it and knows about i need you to lay your hands on yourself and say to yourself this is the only way you get to the place jehovah jireh you have got to get to the place where you will act on god's instructions even if he's never told anybody else to do it even if nobody else ever does even if no one else knows what you're talking about even if no one else has any concept of what tithing meant i'm sure abraham talked to some people and said i'm going to tie tithe what's that what what you mean you're going to tithe what is tithing oh this is something that the invisible god who i met a couple chapters ago told me to do what invisible god the god who told me to get away from my kin folks and my family and my house when i was worshiping him a few days ago appeared to me told me he was going to make me rich and then told me every time i get something give him a tent he called it tithe so that's what i'm calling it because that's what he called it there are no tithers tithing is not a concept it hasn't been taught you can't now you see why he said get away from your family because i'm about to introduce new concepts to you concepts of my kingdom concept of this invisible realm concepts that i will use to make anybody who will hear me get to the place jehovah are you still here now don't get me don't don't misunderstand me i am saying two things here and i need you to hear them both because you and i are in the covenant that god made with abraham then the principles that he revealed to abraham that passed the the revelation that he gave to abraham into the new covenant belonged to us too tithing is one of those principles tithing is not under the law it is before the law it is a divine principle from god and i am telling you in no uncertain terms you will never never not ever get to the place jehovah jireh if you're not a tither forget it you ain't getting there you will have miracles that sustain you you will endure from thing to thing god will bring you out of messes but you will never get into overflow abundant life why because this is one of his secrets but not only that there are other things that once you become a tither god will say to you that he will not tell anyone else that doesn't have your destiny i'm going to say that again there are certain things once you become a title that god will speak to you to do in circumstances and situations that god will tell no one else who doesn't have your destiny and because they don't have your destiny they're not going to get this instruction and if you don't learn to obey that instruction no matter whether anyone else has ever heard it before this is why you've got to know more than the word you've got to know the voice and this is why god separates his word from his voice in many places because the word gives you wisdom but the voice gives you specific instructions the word gives you wisdom but the voice gives you specific instructions and the voice will tell you to do things that no one else will do when god said to me there will be a place of grace in the center of los angeles that was my destiny nobody else has gotten that instruction and i had to leave where i was not settle for anything else anybody gave me go through whatever i had to deal with go through whatever hardship ridicule being talked about like i got four legs and a tail to follow that voice oh i wish i had time thank you i'm going to take it then so this is one concept that god downloads it's an enti uh write this down it's an entirely new principle of prosperity to abraham nobody else on the planet has it he can't compare notes with anybody preacher he can't ask anybody have you ever heard god tell you anything like this because god hasn't said anything like this to anybody else now i wish now i've taught this before if you trace it all the way back to the garden in the garden it's the tree that's adam's point of reverence in cain and abel it's the first in noah it's the seven clean animals in abram it becomes the tithe it is a designated portion that is given to god that god articulates what is to be given to him for he and his creation to remain in authority on planet earth so the principle is all the way back in the garden but when it comes to abraham or abram at this time god calls it time it's never been called tied before in adam it was just leave the tree alone that is your principle of honoring me this tree is how you honor it in cain and abel it was the first abel brings the first cain brings what he wants god respects abel's and not kings same principle it's the principle of reverence revering god in noah it's the seven clean animals that he is to sacrifice after the flood that god tells him to take into the ark before the flood and when he sacrifices him the blessing of the lord is released so the principle is the same but not until abram is it called tithe when god speaks to abraham he says now i'm going to give you a principle called the tithe are you there and he says he says and and from now on a tenth of everything that comes to you you're to bring to me now now if abe if abraham had been around his kin folks he would have gone to his kingdom folks and said listen i heard have you ever heard of anything called tithing has has has you been tithing well now i never heard of tithe and fool what is tithing well well the god that i met a few days ago this invisible god i know you can't see him i i know you can't see him but he's real really abraham okay yeah the god that i met who told me he told me this thing about that and he told me every from now every time i get something i'm to bring him attention fool you're full abraham you're full i ain't giving a tenth of nothing to nobody ever everything i get i'm keeping and if you want to give 10 of everything you get to this invisible god fine but you were full abraham now if abraham has that in his head he may miss getting to the place jehovah jireh but god will miss a messiah and this is too serious would you lay your hand on yourself and say what god is doing with me is too serious to let people who don't know him speak into it no i need you to say that again what god is doing with me is too serious to let people who don't know him speak into it which is why he got some of them away from me and me away from some of them [Music] so this tithe is an entirely principal prosperity to abram it is named it is codified it is instituted by el shaddai to abram no one has ever done this and none of his kin folk know anything about it are you still here so now watch this abram must act on a revelation i need he must have said this are you getting this he must act on something that has no substance in the material world until he does it no you're not you're not it doesn't even exist in this realm until he does it and when he does it it now is a thing oh god you're not you're not you're not you're not you're not with me whoa i i need 20 minutes can i have him when he does it it becomes a thing in the earth i'm gonna hold that right there just put i'm gonna put a pen right i'm gonna come back to that i'm gonna come back to that i'm gonna say something that if you get it it's gonna change your life and the rest of your life will be the best of your life if you get what i'm about to tell you watch it watch it oh god let me give you another action on revelation genesis 17 go quick the first one was the tithe the second one and i'll just give it to you is the name change the name change god go to genesis 17. man this is better coming out than it was going in i'm tasting it as it leaves genesis 17. are you here now i got to read a little bit when abram was 99 years old okay all right lord let me just let me oh sorry let me let me let me do something here just a minute because put up genesis 12 4 once again just so that people can see it genesis 12 4 aha it says so abraham departed as the lord had spoken to him and lot went with him and abram was 75 years old when he departed from herod you there i said are you there yes okay now go back to genesis 17. you ready when abram was 99 years old so god okay let me let me uh i'm trying i'm i'm saving us all some time by what i'm doing it's not the way i had arranged it but the lord is helping me to do something here okay um go to genesis 15. and let me read a few verses here now genesis 15 1 is after genesis 14 18. so abram has just had the encounter with melchizedek where he tithes are you still here then in genesis 15 and verse 1 it says after these things meaning after this whole tithing incident the word of the lord came to abram in a vision saying do not be afraid abram i am your shield you are exceeding great reward but everyone said lord what will you give me seeing i go childless and the heir of my house is eliezer of damascus then abram said look you have given me no offspring indeed one born in my house is my head is my heir are you still here now look at verse 4 and behold the word of the lord came to him saying this one shall not be your heir but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir so god has now promised abraham he's going to have a son abraham is 75 years old when he leaves so this is somewhere around 75 76 77 we don't know exactly but it's early in his encounter with god god has given him this promise around 75 years old now go back to genesis 17 1. genesis 17 1 says when abraham was when abram was 99 years old so now for approximately 24 years abram has had this promise from god that he is going to have a child that has not manifested at 75 he's already pushing it come on talk in tongues amen at 99 oh wherein it takes the power of god territory now come on same man shanda tell this so now when abraham is 99 years old this is this is pre-cialis when abram was 99 years old the lord appeared to abram and said i am watch this notice how god introduces himself i am el shaddai i am the almighty god you're gonna need me stay with it i'm almost here walk before me and be blameless and i will make my covenant between me and you and will multiply you exceedingly then abram fell on his face and god talked with him saying as for me behold my covenant is with you and you shall be a father of many nations no longer shall your name be called abram but your name shall be abraham for i have made you a father of many nations i will make you exceedingly fruitful i will make nations of you and kings shall come from you and i will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you and their generations for an everlasting covenant to be god to you and your descendants after you are you still here now uh let me go down to verse number 15 15. well let me read into it look i got to give to you and god said to abraham verse 8 as for you you shall keep my covenant you and your descendants after you throughout their generations watch it this is my covenant which you shall keep between me and you and your descendants after you every male child among you shall be circumcised this is my covenant circumcision is the sign of my covenant see there were no jewish people until this and you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you he was eight days old among you shall be circumcised every male child in your generation now here's the point i'm making when every male child was circumcised another jew was made that's how god took a people who were not a people and made a people are you still here no no watch it verse 12 he was eight years old among you should be circumcised every male child of your generation who was born in your house or bought with money or any foreigner who is now your descendant he was born in your house he was bought with your money must be circumcised and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant are you still here and the uncircumcised male shall not and the uncircumcised male child who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin that person shall be cut off from his people in other words that's not a jew he has broken my covenant watch this then god said to abraham as for sarah your wife you shall not call her name sarai but sarah shall be her name and i will bless her and also give you a son by her and i will bless her and she shall be a mother of nations kings of people shall come from him now watch this then abraham now this is abraham and god are encountering this is after abram has been carrying this promise for 20 some years and abram says then abraham fell on his face and laughed and said in his heart shall a child be born to a man who is 100 years old and sarah who is 99 years old bear a child that watches and abraham said to god oh that ishmael might live before you now ishmael was the child he produced outside of the covenant and and and abram said listen god can't we just do this with what i produced instead of what you promised can't my way become your way you're not listening to me can't the way i want to do it fulfill your purpose look at this then god said no that's all he said about it nope no explanation no well let me reason with you let me let me help you understand why he didn't know [Music] i love that about god he does not talk about things that don't interest him if it's not in his plan he's not carrying on a conversation about it boy i need you to hear what i'm saying to you are you there are you there then god said no samus your wife shall bear you a son and you shall call his name isaac now watch this i will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant and with his descendants after him and answer ishmael now watch this is the son that in genesis 22 god's going to tell him to kill no no you're missing it he just told him not only are you going to have him but he's going to have children are you here i said are you here look at look at verse 19. he said then god said no sarah will do it and i will establish my covenant ah are you still here and i will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant and with his descendants after him so not only are you going to have him abraham oh god but he's going to have descendants now here's what i need you to understand cause i'm going to show you something in a minute while abram while abraham is taking isaac to moriah to sacrifice him at god's word abram is saying and thinking wait a minute god you said this boy was not only going to be born that he was going to have kids so if you're telling me to kill it then evidently you're gonna resurrect him cause i have your word on the fact that this boy is gonna have kids are you tracking me or what [Music] watch and as for ishmael i have heard you because behold i have blessed him and will make him fruit without oh i wish i had time to get into this i don't have time to get into it ishmael is abraham's disobedience ishmael is abraham's departure from the covenant ishmael is abraham trying to do things his way and not god's way notice how gracious and merciful god is god says just because he's connected to you even though it wasn't my idea i'mma bless him because he's connected to you don't have time to get into that watch it watch it behold i bless him and will make him fruitful and will multiply him exceedingly he shall beget 12 princes and i will make him a great nation watches but my covenant i will establish with isaac so so god so abram has god's word on the fact that he's going to establish his covenant with isaac all the time while he's taking him up to mount moriah to kill him he's thinking wait a minute but you said but god you said but god you said but god you said if you read the whole story you'll find that even as abraham is going to slay him at the word of god he tells his men before he goes he says y'all stay here i and the lad are going up and we will come back you know that's in the in there he i'll show it to you tomorrow he said y'all say here uh i'm going up to do what god told me but y'all say here i am the latter going and we will come back [Laughter] oh i don't have time to get into that look at verse 21 but my covenant i will establish with isaac whom shadow shall bear to you at this time next year everybody say this time next year say it again this time next year say it again this time next year so now watch it god has just dropped to abraham another revelation a revelation that is going to cause something that didn't happen for 24 years to happen in nine months no you missed it now you missed it he's about to drop another secret on him about how you get to the place jehovah and he's going to cause something to happen within 12 months that didn't happen in the previous 24 years he says i i promised you this child some 20 some years ago hasn't happened yet but now it's going to happen this time next year now here's the question what just happened the revelation of a name of the name change and the revelation of the name change is not just about a name change the revelation of the name change are you still with me is the adoption of spiritual language you don't get to jehovah gyra without adopting spiritual language language that comes from god or saying what god has said calling it what god says now get it abram's name is abram sarai's name is sarai god comes to abram in genesis 17 and says i'ma change your name no longer shall you call yourself a brahm but abraham no longer shall sarah be called sarah sarah but sarah i am calling you abraham because i have made you the father of many nations abraham means father of many nations i am changing sarai's name to sarah because sarah means mother of princes and kings these are the definitions i have assigned to those names no you're not listening to me i have assigned a purpose to those words no no no no no you didn't i have given those words a purpose remember what god says in isaiah 55 my word shall prosper in the thing for which i sent it because when i give you a word i have given it to you to prosper in something so now i am putting the name abraham in your mouth and sarah in your mouth i have assigned the words abraham to produce nations i have assigned to the words sarah to bring forth princes and kings are you hearing me ayamo shandalavosa i am changing your language and i am giving you my words because my words have assignments you missed a good place to shout my words have assignments my words have a destination that they prosper when they hit that's right so now when you say sarah you are saying mother of princes and kings and when she calls you abraham she is saying father of many nations so when you say sarah come here you are saying mother of princes and kings come here and we she says abraham breakfast is ready she is saying father of many nations breakfast is ready and when you start saying words that i have given their assignments to instead of your words the name your mom and them gave things you could not produce in 24 years will be produced within the next nine months now now that's why god told joshua this book of the law my word shall not depart out of your mouth keep my words in your mouth why because all my words have destinations all my words have assignments that they prosper in see god does not speak words to conversate words were not ordained for conversation they were ordained for manifestation and production [Applause] see natural wisdom has taught you that your words are to convey ideas and thoughts god's wisdom teaches you that words have assignments to produce and manifest things are you there now here's the point i'm making i got five minutes i'm gonna i'm gonna take them stay there watch it now i'm just telling them cause they're flowing and i and i'm i'm you know i need to be done but i ain't oh i am not watch so now ah don't miss this abram once again this invisible god has just changed his name and he now has to come to sarai and say your name uh is no longer sariah uh it's sarah what you mean uh what you mean my name is sarah my mama gave me this name everybody who's ever known me has called me this this is who i am this is my identity uh yeah baby i understand but um but you know el shaddai you know the god we met back when dad died that god has been taught me he told me that my name is now abraham and your name is now sarah and we have to change the way we are talking we have to change what we are saying amen and when they change what they are saying god becomes the source of that production a 99 year old woman and a 100 year old man have a child within a year because of what they said that's right that god had said are you are are you there so what just happened that they adopted spiritual language they adopted oh jesus they adopted the language that produces spiritual things first corinthians 2. i'm i'm finishing with this i'm not done i got one more thing but i'm going to stop and i'll just pick it up tomorrow and by god's grace we'll finish it are you still here first corinthians 2 whoo no no no no no no not yet first corinthians 2 verse number 17. i want you to see this see watch it and i'm going to read the whole thing follow with me along because you know it and when we read things we know we get caught up on the part we know we do we all do we do it in study we do it in reading but as it is written eye has not seen nor ear heard nor have entered into the heart of man the things which god has prepared for those who love here's what i want you to see see god had prepared isaac to manifest isaac was a prepared thing in god it just hadn't manifested abraham's eyes couldn't see it his ears couldn't hear it his natural capacity couldn't produce it but god revealed it to him watch verse 10 but god has revealed them to us through his spirit for the spirit searches all things yes the deep things of god now watch this for what for what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man that is in him even so no one knows the things of god except the spirit of god now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit who is from god that we might know so the spirit has been given to us so we might know the things that have been freely given us by god now watch this these things we also speaks we also speak these things that have freely been given us by god we must speak them and this is not just talking about praying in tongues although that is an aspect of of it what he's saying is this there are things that god has prepared and he reveals them to us but the revelation is not enough to manifest them we must speak them watch it these things we speak what things we speak these things that god has prepared we must speak them now here watch it and we must speak them not in the words which man's wisdom teaches but in the words which the holy spirit teaches in other words if the holy spirit says say this then that's what you say why because those words are spiritual language attached to the manifestation of a spiritual thing and the more you speak it the more you are putting the substance in this realm that manifests did you get what i just said when you speak it see faith is the substance so when i am speaking a thing that god has told me to say i am actually in the spirit if you could see it this way in the spirit i am manifesting the material that makes it and the more i speak it the more substance comes into this realm i wish i had somebody who could understand what i'm saying you are connected to god so that spiritual things can manifest in the earth when you speak them that's right amen lay your hands upon yourself he is constantly downloading language to you that will produce something he's prepared hey did you get what i just said he's constantly downloading language to you to manifest something he's prepared i'm going to say it again he is constantly downloading language to you to manifest something he has prepared if you could see it in in the natural he's already made the garment the pattern is fixed it's already set but he gives you the material to sew it together in this realm and the way you do it is with your words and the more you say now you understand what the scripture means what it says and the word was made flesh lay your hand on yourself i shall never forget when god showed me years ago that all of the prophets all of the prophets who spoke in the old covenant were speaking substance the substance of the messiah they're all talking about him and the bible says in the fullness of time god manifested all that they had spoken are you still there lay your hands upon yourself if you pray in the holy ghost i want you to pray in the holy ghost i'm out of time but i'm not out of word i'll finish it tomorrow you've been patient and you've been kind and the spirit of god has imparted truth to you tonight that is literally going to change your life i want you to lay your hands upon yourself because i'm going to say something into your spirit tonight that i will explain tomorrow lay your hands upon yourself i'm going to say it in your spirit i'm going to speak it into your spirit and i'm going to explain it tomorrow when you begin to do what the spirit of god is saying and teaching us to do you actually become the ceo of your own destiny i'm going to say it again you become the ceo of your own destiny when god gave these secrets to abram he became the chief executive officer in the earth of his own destiny nobody could mess it up nobody could alter it nobody could change it nobody could keep him from it nobody could keep him down nobody could keep him broke nobody could keep him out nobody could stop him ah when you get to the place jehovah gyro no one can keep you down out subjugated disenfranchised why because you have the secrets you have the secrets [Music] glory to god i want you to lay your hands on yourself and if you pray in the holy ghost begin to pray in the holy ghost if you plainly understanding begin to do that i need 60 seconds of prayer in the spirit open your mouths in this room open your mouth at home and pray with me sevariando rabbah come on pray with me i got one more night and i got to get this out pray in the holy ghost yes god i see that resona another 15 seconds pray in the spirit i'm talking to you at your house that anointing is flowing into your room into your atmosphere this grace jehovah jireh the lord your provider the place jehovah jailer you've got an appointment with in not many days pray in the holy ghost [Music] you're about to become the ceo of your own destiny in the earth you are going to step into that place where nobody can alter god's plan nobody can change what he has for you nobody can keep you out no one can disenfranchise you no one can keep you down as a matter of fact i see it in the spirit that god in these next 60 days is going to begin to move people who will not cooperate with his plan for you if you will get his word in your mouth ever martin of the lord words of the lord be imparted to you words that are connected to the things that are yours and prepared i declare in the name of jesus the spirit of god is releasing words to you that are going to produce things god is going to say to you say this say it this way speak this i prophesy in the name of jesus houses that have stayed away for decades will manifest in the next six months promises that have evaded you for years will manifest in the next 30 to 60 days things but god i hear the holy ghost say i'm going to give you the words and like abraham you're just gonna have to say it it doesn't matter that nobody else understands it doesn't matter that no one else has heard what you've heard it doesn't matter that no one else believes what you're saying the words will manifest the thing i feel the power of god somebody pray in the spirit mandela the spirit of prophecy is flowing in your house the spirit of prophecy is flowing in your roof the spirit of prophecy is flowing in your spirit in the name of jesus receive receive receive somebody pray in the spirit another 20 seconds monday [Music] is lay your hands upon yourself lay your hands upon yours shun that i stir every gift i stir every anointing i stir the rivers i declare in the name of jesus spirit of wisdom and revelation give you words to speak that already have destinations i prophesy to you god is giving you words that will manifest things lay your hands upon yourself lay your hands upon yourself mata lay your hands upon yourself god bear me witness in the holy ghost in the natural realm in the natural dimension i thought time and time again god we should put this off we should postpone it we just got done with this we just god said no this is the time and i heard the holy spirit say to me today in prayer there are thousands of people he is calling to the place jehovah jireh let me tell you why because he's got to get his covenant finished in the earth he's got to get the message of the messiah to every person on planet he's got to let everybody know before jesus splits that eastern sky everybody's got to get a chance and in order to do that god is going to have to empower his people to own companies to take over territories to possess things and i am telling you in the name of jesus that there are going to be some quick reversals and quick turnarounds some rapid changes of hands of properties and finances and resources god is bringing it into the hands of his people who have gotten to the place jehovah jireh the spirit of god said to me in knowing certain times he said it again today he said son i gave you 90 but there are thousands i am sending you to and sending to this place he said i am calling an entire generation of believers to get to the place jehovah jireh to leave this place of miracles of endurance getting by from day to day and to step in to a place where they are constantly supplied constantly resourced and there was a non-stop flow of my provision and they know that they know that they know that they will not lack and they will not want for anything lay your hands upon yourself i'm prophesying by the spirit of god the lord said to me over these three nights that i would share he said i am sending you in these three nights to 90 people today he spoke to me and he said there are thousands but i'm sending you in these three nights to 90 with this word he said i have an appointment somebody say i have an appointment with god the spirit of the lord said to me he said i have set appointments with my people in the next 60 days he said i am going to bring people to the place jehovah they are going to know oh don't miss tomorrow night i'm going to share the key element of this thing with you lay your hands upon yourself and the spirit of the lord he said to me he said son over these three nights he said there are 20 people i have made an appointment with i'm bringing them to the place jehovah jireh no not because of anything but because of their reverence for me when they hear me they act they move he said there are 20 people 19 other than you he said that have an appointment and when you speak to them you're to tell them that there's a sea that they're deserved god said to abram because you have done this thing there was a thing that he did an action of faith he took at the right time at the right moment at the word of god that opened a whole other realm and dimension of god to him and i prophesy under the anointing of the spirit that those ninety to whom i am seen in these three days this action of believing is going to open up a whole new dimension in god i am sent from the presence of god with this word and god told me to minister this grace and i am doing it under the anointing of god there are 20 of you 19 other than me that the spirit of god has spoken to to sow a seed of one thousand one thousand dollars there's only twenty of those listening if you're not one of them don't sweat it and then the lord said to me there are seventy everybody say seventy there are seventy that i'm sending you to over these three nights i have made an appointment with them you say now why the different levels because it's not according to amounts it's according to your faith it's where your faith level is set and god is meeting you and there's a dimension that he's going to open up to these 90 and he told me to ask him for him i have already received you i know you're there and the spirit of god is bearing witness with you there are 70 the lord said to me that i want you to look at and direct them to sow a seed into this anointing into this word of two hundred two zero zero of two hundred dollars he said there are twenty that will sow a thousand dollar seed he said you speak to them and my voice they will hear and then he said there are 70 that are to sow a 200 over these three nights now some of you are looking at me saying this is a game this is a gimmick turn me off i'm not sent to you turn me off i'm not sent to you it's not your time clearly because whoever i'm sent to hears the voice within my voice and they understand this is no game this is no giving when god told abraham take your son your only son and offer him and abraham got ready to do the bible says he lifted his hand to slay the boy and then the angel said don't touch that now i know now i can get involved because of this and he said because you have done this thing i want everybody listening to me lift up your hands and say god said it say it again god said it no man of god said it god said it because you have done this thing it is not that god is indebted to us it is that there are acts of believing that cause you and i to step into places at specific moments and significant times now if you are one of those 20 19 other than me i want you to get ready to sow that thousand dollar seed into this word and into this anointing the spirit of the lord said to me several pastors would be watching me and preachers would be watching me that god is getting ready to open into a whole new dimension of revelation and authority if you're not one of those don't sweat it god's not talking to you don't worry about it you're not one of them today god is still going to honor what he tells you to do but there are 19 other than me my thousand i'm sowing there are 2 70 of you that the spirit of god is bearing witness with just sow that seed now listen to me if you're doing it tonight i've got instructions for you but even if you're not doing it tonight i've got instructions to you there are some of you you're going to sow tomorrow the word of the lord you say bishop i don't have it tonight but i'm going to sow it till i'll have it i'm going to get it i'm going to do what i need to do if that is you i want you to call the number on the screen right now 310-323-2600 and let my prayer ministers know you're one of them the spirit of god directed me tomorrow night i am to take your prayer requests and your seed that 90 of you i'm to take those seeds and your prayer requests and to go to that altar and kneel at the close of the service pray and lay my hands upon those seeds and those requests and place them in the altar and the instruction of the lord i've spoken to my prayer team is that those seeds are to stay in that altar for the next 60 days and we are going to set ourselves in agreement with you there are there are 90 people assigned in the next 60 days to get to the place jehovah there are thousands more that are going there but there are 90 in these three days god told me to speak to and he has given me instructions after this i'm not going to talk about it right now but i got those instructions today because god is serious about this you are coming into a place where no one is going to be able to dictate your income for the rest of your life god you didn't hear what i said i'm going to say it again you are moving into a dimension where no one is going to be able to dictate your income for the rest of your days oh tomorrow night i'm going i'm gonna unleash everything there's some stuff i've been wanting to say for two nights and god told me i had to keep to the third night now listen if you're sowing you say bishop of god what if i'm not one of those ninety what if i'm not a thousand dollars or what if i'm not a two hundred dollar sower the bible says if there first be a willing heart it is accepted not according to what man has not but according to what he has i want you to get the seed that god speaks to you whatever it is you say well wait a minute what if it's not this or that see listen god meets you at the level of your faith and he speaks at that level he will meet you where you are every person that i'm talking to god wants you to get to this place and it is a journey i don't know where you are in the journey but you will get there i talked about it last night you don't know which seed opens you up two dimensions that's why the bible says in the morning sow your seed and in the evening do not withhold your hand ecclesiastes 11 says you don't know which one will prosper this or that that is why every time god speaks to you just so every time he speaks to you to act you need to do it right there on your computer there are seven of you that are watching me right now 70 of you that are watching me right now that are wondering am i one of them and the spirit of the lord is telling me to tell you you need to act on what the lord has said to you you need to act on it don't even try to figure out are you one of them if god is dealing with you whatever he has told you act on it and watch what happens right there on your computer screen right there on your smartphone there's a donate button there's a way to sew i encourage you under the anointing of god to click the button and so as god has instructed you or you can text give cmm to 41444 once again c-e-m-m-41444 there's a number on your screen there are some of you that have heard this word and you need someone to agree with you in prayer over a situation you're sowing a seed and you need to mix your faith with your giving there are others of you you just need prayer you're not sowing anything if you need prayer call but i urge you whatever it is you can do so and mix your faith in your giving and watch what happens on the other side of your believing 310-323-2600 do it right now if you've got the bishop look at an app that's an easy way to sew or you can bring that gift here you can bring it tomorrow night you can bring it any day any week tuesday through thursday eleven to three now those of you that are in this room if you're making out a check make it payable to cem clancy mclennan ministries if you're giving cash use the envelope if you're desiring to do it on a bank or credit card i saw a couple people move already there are people in the aisle ready to assist you but however you're going to do it i want you to do it in faith i want you to do it believing some of you so last night some of you are sowing tonight i'm going to say it once again if you are one of those 90 if you're one of the 20 that god is speaking to the sow the thousand dollar seed one of the seventy god is speaking to the soul the two hundred dollars said i see god about these things i don't just come up with this stuff i don't just rattle stuff off i believe god i listen to him i ask him for the people i pray i've already sent angels to minister to you and a and if the spirit of god is ministering to you right now it's because there's something purposed something planned so i want you to act on the word of god if you're in this room and you're sewing i want you to lift your hand i want you to i want you to lift your hand lift your seat whatever you're sewing lift it up if you're watching me live streaming and you've sown i want you to lift your hand if you haven't sewn yet go ahead and lift your hand anyway i'm going to pray for you i was just giving an instruction if you're one of those 90 whether you're sewing tonight or you're going to sew tomorrow i need you to call the number 310-323-2600 even if you're not selling tonight say i'm one of them i'm one of them i want the prophet to know i'm going to sow it tomorrow night i want your prayer request and your seed in my hand tomorrow when i knew at that altar i'm going to pray a prayer that i know god is going to answer lift your hands father in the name of jesus god i thank you for every hearer of the word and every sower into this anointing lord you know i lift my hand to you in the presence of your people you know what you spoke to me and you have sent me to your people with this word and this grace i have dispensed it now do my father what only you can do and i declare in the name of jesus that every man woman boy and girl every circumstance and situation connected to my voice right now gets to the place jehovah jireh and i declare in the name of jesus that it is so for your people and if you agree with that say amen now with your voice i want you to say these words say in favor in finance in things being added to me i am blessed i am receiving and i am a blessing and i boldly confess i do arrive at the place jehovah jireh now if you mean it just lift your hands and begin to bless the lord just a moment sow and give as we bless the lord a moment amen hallelujah bring me to the place [Music] put the place [Music] did you receive tonight did the word bless you tonight let me see can we thank god for his word if you're watching me live streaming i want you to thank god for his word as surely as i stand here i know that god is doing what he promised tomorrow night 7 30 we will by god's grace conclude this i do believe i may get done tomorrow so y'all pray and i'll get it all finished amen i thank you for your patience i thank you for your seriousness about the word of god i do believe that you are assigned to get to that place and that we as a people are going to begin to abide there there is coming a day glory to god where people in the house of god are just going to come and say listen the lord has blessed me with two or three million here's a million to do whatever needs to be done in the house of god that's gonna happen in my lifetime amen in this ministry and in others god is gonna raise up people he's gonna bless them abundantly to be a blessing to his kingdom you're one of them amen i said amen i want every person under the sound of my voice to lift your hands and say these words out loud say lord jesus i thank you for your word i thank you that you are the reconciler you are the one who by your death your burial your resurrection you died for my sin you were raised again as evidence that your sacrifice was accepted by the father and i boldly confess there is nothing that separates me from you i receive your finished work i thank you for the evidence of the resurrection my receipt i am forgiven my sins are remitted am a child of the king lay your hands upon yourself if you prayed that prayer the work is done jesus has done everything that is required to bring you and i into proper relationship with god and the bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved the reason it's that easy is because the heavy lifting has been done the finished work of jesus took care of the sin issue and the bible declares that the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead will come to live and dwell in you god is not depending upon you or i to live this life he gives us his spirit to teach us how to walk it out and that spirit of god is abiding on the inside of you if you meant what you just said if you're watching me i want you to write me let me know bishop and i prayed with you i received the word of god my life is reconciled to god and i promise you the spirit of god is going to begin to transform from the inside out tomorrow night 7 30 we will continue this lift your hands where you are as we depart father in the name of jesus i pray a hedge of protection now in the north south east and west around this people their households their families their goods and all they have on every side i declare that everything their hands touch prosper and they continue to increase in the land which you give them and we declare now that the angels of the lord encompa round about us and they deliver us because we are those who fear the lord and everyone who agreed with the man of god said it is so now say amen the lord bless you we'll see you tomorrow night 7 30. thank you thank you and thank you good night [Music] [Music] amen [Music] [Music] [Music] be great [Music] [Music] is [Music] you
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 5,700
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Id: KZxYEom-oGI
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Length: 198min 45sec (11925 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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