July 19, 2021 - The Spirit Of A Contender

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internationally recognized for teaching and preaching the uncompromised word of god bishop clarency mcclinton answers the prophetic and apostolic call upon his life by ministering the healing grace and miracle anointing of jesus christ around the world [Music] by his preaching and teaching the uncompromised gospel of jesus christ bishop mcclendon the teacher the preacher the apostle and an anointed prophet sent to the nations being used by the power of the holy spirit has led to the healing and deliverance of millions around the world during his healing crusades and conferences [Music] if you want to experience another level of worship witness the healing power of jesus learn the uncompromised word of god confirmed by notable miracles then we invite you to partake in the overwhelming power of the holy spirit by the moving of god's transforming grace hallelujah hey glory to god and then you're in the place candelabra glory to god and i've been walking with god for some time i have not always been in the place but in the last few years i got in the place [Applause] and i suggest to you even this place is a manifestation that god is bringing everybody connected to this anointing into that place if we will here and see i think it's time that we as men and women of god tell people the truth this kingdom walk is not microwavable you don't get to certain places instantly you don't encounter certain things immediately now it's better than going to hell and it's better than living a life without joy and peace and the power and the authority of god but it is a walk with god it is not a catapult amen i said amen as a matter of fact the very word prosper means to do good or to do better along the way the word prosperity implies process not destination are you still here i said are you still here now you say mr mclennan then why do you all promise this and promise that because god is always doing something supernatural for somebody are you still here and there's a difference between receiving miracles uh there's a difference between uh receiving miracles of conquest and miracles of survival well i'ma say that again there's a difference between receiving miracles of endurance and miracles of conquest i'm going to say that again see there's a difference it's still the provision of god but there's a difference between receiving miracles where you're enduring from one day to the next and miracles that are actually empowering you to take stuff over see the children of israel for 40 years had miracles of endurance they had no property come on say amen no houses no land no vineyards nothing to call their own but day after day after day after day and situation after situation after situation after situation god provided for them as a matter of fact the daily provision they had was called manna which in hebrew means what is it meaning they are being provided for without knowledge y'all aren't hearing what i just said what the bible says when the bread falls the reason they called it manna because they asked what is it so god is supplying but they don't know how and see there's a place in your christian walk where god is supplying but you don't know how but then there is a place where you get to where god is not only supplied but you know how you know how to work it you know how to work with it you know how to pull down from the eternal realm whatever it is you need and then you're in the place hallelujah hey glory to god and then you're in the place candelabora jehovah jaime glory to god and i've been walking with god for some time i have not always been in the place but in the last few years i got in the place [Applause] and i suggest to you even this place is a manifestation that god is bringing everybody connected to this anointing into that place if we will here go to romans 4 verse 9. go to romans 4 verse 9. watch this romans 4 verse 9 i'm going now to verse number 12. watch it oh remember what we just read in romans 4 there it says who is the father of us all in the presence of him who he believed god he's the father of us all in the presence of here's how he became the father of us all watch this watch this look look at romans 4. i'm going all the way to verse 12 beginning at verse 9. does this blessedness or does the blessing then come upon the circumcised only or upon the uncircumcised also for we say that faith was accounted to abraham for righteousness how then was it accounted while he was circumcised or uncircumcised now what is circumcision circumcision is the sign of the covenant circumcision is what makes an individual jewish there is no jew until there is a covenant and there is no covenant until there is circumcision abraham receives the righteousness of god without being circumcised because there are no jews god is going to create the nation through him watch this let's read on how then was an account in verse number 10 while he was circumcised or untook himself or unsecured not while he's not well circumcised but while uncirculated watch this look at verse 11 and he that is abraham received the sign of circumcision a seal of the righteousness of faith which he had while still uncircumcised that he might be the father no you didn't get it he that he might be the father we just heard he's the father of all who all those who believe this is how he became the father he received the sign of circumcision and he acted on it and when he did that he became the father are you still here a seal of the righteous of faith which he had while still uncircumcised that he might become the father of all those who believe so he becomes the father of a nation don't don't miss this he creates a people who were not a people because he heard something from god and acted on it so on the way to getting to the place jehovah jireh god first separates abraham so he can number one teach him his ways so he can number two reveal to him his secrets so he can number three show him what the principle thing is and the principle thing is the word of god now in abram's day there is no written word of god so all he all he can do is follow the voice are you still here but what he is teaching abram is my voice is more significant than your knowledge did they get that oh yes my voice is more important than your knowledge i don't have time to go to but in one place the bible says that that you know abram abram is in a place where there's famine and and he wants to leave and god says no no no stay here oh wait a minute god there's famine here i need to split but god says no no no no my voice is more important than your intellect what i'm telling you to do my way is more important than your way i'm going to show you something if you follow my voice and not your own understanding see you don't get to the place jehovah jireh unless you learn to lean away from your understanding and lean to his voice and his word and this is why a majority of christians never get there because they think they know better than god from their experience how to deal with the situation when his word and his instructions are his thoughts and his ways look at romans chapter 4 verse 9 does this blessed is come upon the circumcised only or upon the uncircumcised also for we say that faith was accounted to abraham for righteousness how then was it accounted or when did he get it while he was circumcised or uncircumcised not while circumcised but uncirculated now watch this look at verse 11 and he received the sign of circumcision a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had while still uncircumcised watch this that he might be the father he received the sign of circumcision that he might be the father he received the sign of circumcision that he might be the father get it god told him to do something that nobody else was doing and when he did it he became the father of something not just somebody with a promise from god no you didn't get what i just said this act causes abram to become the ceo of his own destiny he is now in charge of what happens he is no longer at the whim of anybody else he is now the chief executive officer of a move of the spirit of god notice what the bible says here he received he received the sign of circumcision that he might be a father i am submitting to you by the spirit of god that there is something that god is instructing you to do has instructed you to do will instruct you to do that is not just to bless you it is to cause you to be elevated to a place where you actually become the boss of something where you actually become the person in charge of something god has purpose to do in the earth you have sold yourself short you thought you were just a christian just a believer just somebody attending church now god got a hold of you to make you the chief executive officer of some move of his some purpose of his in the earth that will not get done if you don't act on what he reveals to you [Music] to all our friends and partners this is the prophet bishop clarity mclennan as you can see i am surrounded with food we're getting ready to sew to give this food away to over a thousand families as we celebrate and minister into their lives i want to take this opportunity to thank you because all of this abundant supply that we're able to give is because of people like you who are praying and sowing into this ministry you know in acts 10 38 not long ago i was reading the bible says how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil for god was with him i've known that scripture for years and i always thought the healing and the doing good were the same thing healing is a good thing so when the bible says he went about uh doing good and healing all i thought it was the same thing but i was impressed to research it here recently and i realized that that word doing good is completely separate from the healing ministry of jesus as a matter of fact that word doing good in the original greek has to do with philanthropy which literally meant that not only did jesus go around healing people but everywhere he went he was doing philanthropic work giving in this hour with all that's going on in the earth with the pandemic and the social unrest and the economic things that are happening the church of the lord jesus christ the ministry of jesus has got to be being philanthropic to people and so i'm grateful and thankful to you that you have enabled us to be able to sow this into the lives of a thousand families and we're believing god by his grace and with your help to do much more the academy of human and wellness convention returns with fresh revelation about the grace and power of jesus christ an essential resource for every believer especially in these challenging times in these extensive sessions bishop mcclendon teaches how the word of god is the new creation's medication how the power to heal is always present using god's kingdom principles and how god doesn't punish us with sickness because we did something wrong the ministry of jesus is a teaching preaching healing ministry he heals all kinds of disease and he heals them which means no matter what kind they come up with he heals it if you desire to walk in divine health make the academy of healing and wellness your center for disease control and turn on the flow of god's healing power today now available on the bishop of pendant digital download store every single week tens of thousands of people around the globe connect with this ministry connect with this prophetic word through the pec you say bishop mcclendon what is a pec member that's a part of our prophetic e-community and those who join us on facebook live on twitter on periscope and receive the word of god if you are not yet a pec member you're not a pec partner you're not yet a part of the prophetic e community i want you to go to bishopmcclendon.com and just sign up it doesn't cost you anything but the value i promise you is going to be enormous once you become a pec partner with us that enables me to begin to share with you faith-building letters to share with you the prophetic insights the prophetic words that god is giving me and that is so important for your life especially as things begin to escalate in this 2018 the year of the shift you're going to need the word of god i need it every single day of my life and i'm grateful to the lord that he's provided us this avenue to communicate with you so go to bishopmclendon.com matter of fact you can go right now and connect it's very simple again it doesn't cost you anything but you will be getting information you'll be getting letters prophetic words you'll be getting things that the spirit of god is giving me to edify your life [Music] the severity of the times has unleashed a plethora of perplexities worldwide including the hotly debated issue of racial equality but in order to deconstruct racism we must first acknowledge that its ideology is based on a historic lie and not biblical truth race is not in the mind of god race is not distinguished in the bible race is not remotely a christian concept so my question is why does the church continue to engage in the divisive narrative of race in this unapologetic and confrontational series bishop mcclendon lays an axe to the root of hatred and bigotry using biblical evidence to prove god divided men first on the basis of their language and ultimately on the basis of their covenant relationship with him and not their skin color order this resource today when you visit our website or call six 310-323-2600 [Applause] if we are going to be the prophetic community if we're going to live by this word then we've got to understand we are not wrestling against flesh and blood but against powers and against principalities this collection of powerful teachings from bishop mcclendon reveals from the word of god how believers should properly respond to social injustice every time god tries to bring a revival to this nation we turn it into a political movement or an ethnic movement instead of allowing the spirit of god to expose the injustice and falling on our knees and crying out to god to help us order a righteous riot cd collection today [Music] [Music] hallelujah bless the lord hallelujah welcome to the place of praise welcome to the experience actually you all have just actually joined into experience that's already been happening all morning and and the people in the building can attest that the presence of god is already here the king of glory is already here you know let's bring it down just a little bit now you at home you had there's a temptation to sit back and treat this like you do all other youtube videos or facebook videos and just listen to what's being sung or what's being said but the bible declares that where two or three are gathered he is in the midst right and so when you actually lift up your voices with us in song there's no time and space or distance in the spirit the same atmosphere that we're experiencing here i don't care where you are you could be in your bed you could be in the kitchen cooking you could be at work wherever you are the presence of the lord is accessible to you but he's a gentleman and he won't come where he will eat where he's not invited so in this moment we're gonna start singing but i want you at home right now to just open up your mouths and if you can now if you're at work we don't want you to get in trouble but you can say it under your voice holy spirit you're welcome in this moment you're welcome in my space you're welcome here and i love you matter of fact go ahead i can hear you i can hear you lifting up your voices we can sense you blessing the lord so even as we're singing lift up your voices the beautiful thing about god is that he does not hear the tone of your voice he hears the posture of your heart and so when you lift up your voice your husband may look at you crazy your kids may say wasn't who died and what's that what's that noise your neighbor your coworker they say what's wrong with her but when god hears your worship when he hears your hallelujah it's a sweet smelling aroma to him it brings him so much joy and peace it brings him so much love and he gets so excited when his children decide to lift up their voices he loved david so much because david in the midst of the wilderness in the fit of being discarded by his family he found a praise he found the worship he found a hallelujah and the bible says that he is a man david declared that i will bless the lord at all times and his grace shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make its ghost in the lord and the humble shall hear their other be glad i want you to do me a favor you at home and you in the building you on your job or you may be listening in the car i want you right now to just pay god a compliment go ahead and give him a compliment he that's what praise is it's giving him a compliment go ahead and give him a compliment tell him how beautiful he is how wonder he loves it when you compliment him you are so significant you right there you are significant right there on the seventh aisle you are significant you are significant to the king of kings and the lord of lords so we're gonna lift up our voices this morning and we're gonna shout to the lord all the earth we're gonna see and majesty and praise to the king of king and the lord of the lords because he's worthy [Music] my jesus [Music] my saviour [Music] [Applause] my comfort [Music] you just pray [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] hallelujah now we want you to lift it up don't forget you at home let's set the [Music] atmosphere [Music] all of my days [Music] [Music] all that i that i am [Music] [Music] [Music] is forever i have a promise to him and his promises are yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] to the prize and you now in this moment he's giving you some promises i want you to declare in this atmosphere those promises the things that he had spoken over your life the scriptures that you held true if those of you at home you've been believing god for something in this atmosphere in this moment i want you to lift up those promises to him remind yourself remind your atmosphere remind your children of what god has declared over your family god has said that you are blessed and not cursed that you are above only and not beneath tell your children that he is jehovah jireh be the worship leader in your home gather your children together and remind them that he is faithful to perform it that he is rough for our healer that he will give us peace hallelujah go ahead and lift him up [Music] thank you [Music] so sweet to trust in you to take you at your word tears so sweet to trust in your god we thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we've been holding on to the promise nothing faith comes by hearing nothing compares and hearing by the word of god [Music] cause we're standing on your promise yes we're standing on your promise yes we're standing on your promise and your promise is yes and amen yes we're standing on your promise yes we're standing hallelujah on your promise hallelujah we're standing on your promise and your promise is yes and amen can we lift that up yes say i'm standing [Music] come on find your neighbor and tell him on his promise say i'm standing on his promise on his promise and guess what tennis and his promises is and nothing compares to the promise we have nothing compares to the promise we have minister gwen nothing compares to the promise nothing compares pumpkin to the promise vanessa nothing compares to the promise [Applause] can you just walk around in the building and just tell them nothing compares you can keep six feet away it's okay walk around in your home walk around in your kitchen nothing compares to the price nothing compares nothing there's nothing nothing compares to this promise that i have tears so sweet to trust in jesus and just to take him at his word and just to rest on his promise we can rest on the promise the promise is tangible faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things that we have not seen it's the promise we can rest on the ground we can rest for the promise it's tangible we can rest on the promise because that which is seen but that which is not seen we can rest on the promise some of you have been resting on his promises for the last year you've been seeing his provision oh people resting on his promise [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah that's right hallelujah sometimes we rush past moments where we should just marinate in it for a moment hallelujah let's marinate in that for a moment nothing compares to the promise we can rest on his promise ayah hallelujah hallelujah he has not forgotten you he has not forgotten the word that he's spoken over you i don't care how much time has it has transpired he has not forgotten you and he meant what he said there's no take backs with god he meant exactly what he said when he said it he's just gathering an audience oh he's just gathering an audience because you've declared the promises of god you told your family and they thought you were crazy because it seemed impossible and he's just gathering an audience he's just building a moat around the altar and he's just pouring water in the moat and pouring water on the wood and then wetting the sacrifice because he wants everyone god likes it when the odds are against him because it brings him more glory and it's a testimony of his greatness and it's really for us so don't trip that the things that you said is the moment you start declaring them it seems like things were just adverse to everything you said the same thing just start getting worse that's all right he's just gathering an audience he's just gathering an audience he wants your name he don't want it just to be a secret miracle he's gathering an audience he wants them to turn their backs on you and reject you and and call you crazy because he's just gathering an audience minister gus he did he just wants them to call you crazy because you was walking in here with a shoe because you knew that he was going to grow that leg back he has not forsaken his promise he's just gathering an audience there's still some minister guts will come and try and i don't know what she still does but she would bring a shoe because she the people said why do you have a shoe because my leg is gonna grow back i don't want a prosthetic because god is going to grow my leg he's just gathering an audience so don't be ashamed if it seems like you put a span of time on it god is sitting in eternity and he's sitting in a place called finish so the moment he speaks it it's already done so he's not intimidated by time we get intimidated by time but god is never intimidated by time i want to encourage you i want to encourage you that regardless of the span of time at sarah oh when her womb had dried up oh do you know that god was just gathering an audience he needed sarah to wait because he knew that there was a woman right now that's been believing god for a child and they told you that you could not have a child and it's been a span of time and you and your husband have been standing but god wanted you to know that he allowed sarah to go through that span of time so you could have a witness and he's going to allow your testimony to be a witness for your family he's just gathering an audience nothing compares to the promise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah nothing compares and your promises and you are yes and amen father you are trustworthy heaven and earth will pass away before one word falls to the ground we are here in this moment because of your word we are here in this moment because of the word you spoke we are here in this moment because of the word that you spoke the earth is still on its axis because of the word you spoke the waters only go so far because of the word you spoke sound does not end and because you said let there be light sound travels on light and light still is because of a word you spoke that's why it's important father that you wanted us to meditate on your word because you know how powerful your word really is the enemy would cause or try to convince us that life well he would try to use life and circumstances to convince us or try to get us to question god's word minister gwen but we have so many witnesses let me tell you the number one witness that will touch you in every moment and that's your heartbeat your heartbeat is your witness that god's word still stands yeah because your heart is beating of its own accord you're not saying beat heart beat beat heartbeat no that heart is beating your kidneys and your liver and your spleen are a testimony that god's word still stands and a true thing about it is that we may even do things to harm us and his mercy and his grace still saves us he still heals us he still heals us that's a testimony that his word still so so so when you get the news that would try to shake you not so his word still stands when you walk around your house and you put on the post-its and you got the post-its on the mirror and all your your steering wheel and on your computer cuba and at your cubicle and on the t-shirts and all of that and when life tries to hit you remind life of god's word don't magnify the problem magnify the answer fear sees the problem and faith always sees the answer we are seated in heavenly places with him minister when we are seated in that place called finish father open our eyes so we can see this thing done so we can stand in that confidence that when life happens we can remind life we can remind our circumstance that our father in heaven cannot lie and when he speaks it it is [Music] your hidden glory and create now revealed in you our christ what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ my king what a beautiful name it is nothing compares to this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus [Music] oh [Music] we honor and adore your name [Music] he didn't want heaven without us so jesus [Applause] our sin was great but his love was greater and what could ever us now what a powerful name it is and a wonderful name it is the name of jesus christ my king what a wonderful name it is nothing compares nothing compassiveness what a wonderful [Music] now in this house we're taught to teach you all the songs so we can worship together right right so i want you to repeat after me i see some of you out there like this is my jam this is my channel thank you but i want to i want everyone to be able to worship together in one accord even you at home the words may be on the screen they may not i don't know but i want you to repeat after me what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ our king christ what a beautiful name it is a beautiful amen nothing compares to this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ our king say it again what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ our king [Music] what a beautiful name it is nothing compares to this what a beautiful name it is a beautiful name the name of jesus what a wonderful name it is a wonderful name what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus christ my kingdom what a wonderful name it is nothing compares to this what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus christ my king what a powerful name it is what a powerful name it is hallelujah the name of jesus christ my king what a powerful name it is nothing can stand against what a powerful name it is the name of jesus christ my king death could not hold you the veil torn before you hold on break it down death could not hold you [Music] the veil torn before you you silence the boast [Music] for you are raised to life again yours is the kingdom yours is a name above all names what a powerful name it is what a powerful name it is the name of jesus christ our kingdom what a powerful name it is nothing can stand against what a powerful name it is the name of jesus i don't know about you but that just gets my spirit leaping what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ my king come on and lift it up now you know it what a beautiful name it is nothing compares nothing compares to this what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ's night what a beautiful name it is [Music] what a wonderful name what a wonderful name it is come on lift it up at home what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus jesus christ my king what a wonderful what a wonderful name nothing compares what a wonderful way what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes yes yes the name yes yes those at home lift up your voices you don't have them uh of oregon but it's okay you have the king of kings who's listening nothing compares nothing close so beautiful the beautiful name it is the name of nothing can replace your voice what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ my king what a beautiful name nothing compares to this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus and death could not hold you the veil turned before you you silenced the most of sin and grace the heavens are roaring the praise of your glory for you are raised to life again i'ma say it again death could not hold you the veil torn before you you silence the votes of sin and grave the heavens are roaring the praise of your glory for you are raised to life again we gonna say it again cause you don't get this death could not hold you the veil torn victorious silence the bulls silence of sin and grave the heavens are roaring the praise of your glory for you are raised to life again now [Music] now yours is the kingdom of god [Music] you have no rivals yours is the kingdom you have no equal [Music] [Music] and yours is the glory yours is [Applause] forever oh what a powerful name it is what a powerful in the name of jesus [Applause] christ what a powerful nothing can stand against what a powerful day is what a powerful day in the name of jesus hallelujah what a powerful name nothing can stand against it what a powerful name it is the name of jesus what a powerful name it is the [Music] what a powerful name in it what a powerful name it is the name of jesus what a powerful name it [Music] for us when we call on that great name his name is jesus jesus praise us jesus we have the victory oh tell me who can't [Music] his name is jesus jesus crush us jesus [Music] praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus he's my rock he's my fortress praise what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is [Music] what a beautiful name it is it is what a beautiful name it is what a wonderful name it is what a powerful name it is what a mighty name it is what a glorious name it is what a holy name it is the name of jesus the name of jesus the name of jesus jesus the name of jesus jesus jesus what a powerful name it is what a wonderful name it is the name we can run into what a glorious name it is jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus oh jesus jesus oh jesus jesus oh jesus jesus jesus oh jesus christ jesus jesus jesus jesus oh jesus jesus yeah jesus jesus holy jesus jesus jesus christ oh jesus jesus jesus oh we love you jesus we love you jesus jesus we love you jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus come on and call him jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus christ jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus oh jesus jesus jesus something is breaking in your home now jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus oh jesus jesus jesus oh jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] oh what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus the name of jesus what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus the name of jesus jesus worthy is your name [Music] jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name worthy is your name [Music] jesus you deserve our praise worthy is your name worthy is your name [Music] come on and lift it up worthy is your man that's the whole song jesus you deserve the praise worthy is foreign the praise [Music] [Music] worthy is yours [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] you deserve the praise [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] you deserve the praise [Music] is you deserve the price [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] worthy is your name jesus you deserve praise worthy is your name worthy is your name jesus [Music] you deserve it worthy is worthy is your name worthy is your name jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name [Music] you deserve the time [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah come on and lift your hands in the presence of the lord as that melody was lifted up in the presence of god just continue to receive that grace that favor that fragrance in the sweet presence of god in the house of the lord this morning you may be seated in-house and those of you watching online god bless you welcome to the place of grace this is the place where whoever can be healed of whatever so come on and clap your hands and thank god for not just the building but for the people that are here the people that are watching online wherever you're watching us from in this nation and around the world there's such a sweet fragrance of the presence of god in this place and we know that it's flowing to you and and wherever you're watching us from just receive it just just continue to receive it open your heart open your mouth open your spirit up in worship because the presence of god is overtaking the the anointing of god is flowing the grace of god is ministering directly to you and we want to bring bring greetings and blessings and say god bless you and thank you for joining with us on this special day why is it a special day because we're in the presence of the lord and any time we're in in his presence it's unique it's it's it's to be set apart it's not to be taken regularly so we just want to bless you today on behalf of our prophet and bishop bishop clarence and mclendon in the entire place of grace family clarence e mcclendon ministries and the community of believers that are watching online god bless you we want to welcome our pec viewers those of you who make up the prophetic e-community god bless you we clap our hands and thank god for you there are men and women all over the world who make up this global community of partners who partners with the prophet who have leveled up in their connection with him in this apostolic and in this prophetic grace so we always want to shout you out and say hi god bless you and we know the power of god we know the word of god is flowing to you we're strengthening you is encouraging you and we want to encourage you further to continue to move with the prophet to continue to flow with this anointing and watch what god does as you stay connected to this apostolic and prophetic grace we always want to let you know that the prophet is on all kinds of platforms on social media you can find bishop mclennan on facebook on twitter on instagram on youtube if you haven't subscribed to the youtube channel well guess what the profit is on youtube so make sure you just subscribe to the youtube channel there's messages there's content uh the academies are up you want to stay connected to this prophetic word because of what god is doing and because of what god is saying through this man of god in this day in this hour there's so much noise going on in the world it seems like so much uh is is rocking and reeling and this and that but when you stay connected to the word you will find yourself rooted and grounded so that no matter what comes your way no matter what comes the opposite way you know you'll be standing in the truth of the prophetic word we also want to encourage you at any time if you need a prayer request you can call 310-323-2600 our prayer center is on right now they are standing by we have intercessors right now who are ready to take your phone calls so at any moment any time you say i i need prayer i need i need the prayer of agreement i need the prayer of faith and if you're desiring to sow and give and say you know what i want to sow is it you can do that at calling 310323 somebody right now right now if you go to the phone right now somebody will pick up your call and we're going to pray the prayer of faith over you we're going to prayer the prayer of agreement with you because we believe that prayer changes situations changes things reverses time heals delivers strengthens and when we agree there's nothing that cannot happen when we agree so we want to encourage you to do so as well we want to make sure that you are continuing to flow with us and if you haven't if you haven't signed up to join the pec sir ma'am don't wait don't hesitate make sure you join the pec today don't uh uh just let it go by we want to encourage everyone to level up with the prophet how many of you have been being blessed by this word that's been going forth those of you who are in house are testifying and we know those of you who are watching so we want to encourage you make sure you sign up for the pec today you're going to receive faith building letters you're going to get direct downloads that the prophet is getting from the spirit of god that are coming directly to him and he's going to share them with you and there's some exclusive information revelation insight that god has given this man of god that he wants to get to you so that's you sir that's you ma'am sign up join the pec today it's free we just need your information and lock in and level up with this apostolic and with this prophetic grace there is a word that is coming from the prophet this afternoon and we want to prepare our hearts and prayer as we prepare for the ministry the administration of this assignment so what we do in preparation for that how many of you know you just want don't want to be casual with the word these are times where things are changing seemingly by the moment by the minute the bible says that the grasp will fade away but the word of the lord endures forever so we want to prepare our hearts for that enduring word we want to prepare our hearts to receive what god is saying from the mouth of the prophet today so we're going to take some time out before we go on in to the worship experience before the word comes to prepare our hearts in prayer so let's go into prayer right now whatever posture you want to take if we as you watch via live stream right there in your living room on your couch in your bedroom wherever you're at you are already in position but lift your hearts with us as we pray because we believe what are we praying for we believe that god is going to strengthen us that the word is going to reveal illuminate heal deliver whatever situation and circumstance that we're dealing with but even beyond that that somebody connected to us is going to be touched it's going to be delivered it's going to come out of a yoke and that bondages and chains are going to break and healing is going to spring forth speedily that's what we're agreeing and that's what we're praying for so will you agree with me in house and online let's go into prayer father we bless you today we thank you and we glorify you for your presence that is always with us god you are jehovah shama you are the god who is there you are emmanuel god with us you are the god who is always present and father we bless you today and we thank you that as the prophet comes forth with this word that the words that he speak will penetrate darkness and yolks and shackles and chains will be broken at the preached declared word of god we agree come on somebody agree with me come on in how somebody agree with me come on let me let me hear you those of you watching online let's pray let's let's let this word go forth father in jesus name that as the prophet comes forth we declare in the name of jesus that healing springs forth embodies we declare that light shines in darkness that blind eyes are open that death ears hear what thus saith the lord is god we thank you that souls of men and women will be saved today will be delivered today because they're hearing truth and you said it if the sun makes you free you shall be free indeed so father we thank you that there are there is freedom and deliverance that is flowing today from this house from this tabernacle in this city in this nation and all around the world deliverance is coming power is coming help is coming and we thank you father that at the end of the day when we've done all that you have directed us to do the testimonies are going to come in for my brother from my sister over their finances over their children at their jobs for those connected to them father we thank you for a clean sweep that your spirit is sweeping through and pulling in men and pulling in women and pulling in children and even going into places where people aren't expecting you god we give you the right to go and divinely arrest them and divinely bring them into the kingdom of god [Music] we say have your way sir we say have your way in our midst today in jesus name and everyone who agreed with this prayer this morning say amen god bless you the prophet is coming i'm going to turn you over into the hands of our worship team receive it in jesus [Music] is name name jesus you deserve the praise [Music] jesus you deserve the praise [Music] worthy is your name worthy is yours jesus [Music] what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is of jesus christ my king what a beautiful name it is nothing compares to this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] there is something about that name master and savior my jesus like the fragrance after the rain my jesus jesus let all heaven [Music] [Laughter] and kingdoms shall all pass away but there's something hallelujah about hallelujah jesus jesus oh jesus there is something hallelujah [Music] my savior jesus like the fragrance after the rain [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Applause] jesus let our [Music] [Music] he and kingdoms shall all pass away but there's something something something something something about that name kings [Music] and kingdoms my god pass away but there's something about but there's something about yes there's something we know what that something is about that name jesus jesus jesus jesus there is something this brings you so much peace about that name master savior redeemer healer waymaker like the fragrance after the rain see we live in california i don't know where you're living but we what we we're in california we're in l.a where smog is high the smog is real but have you noticed how beautiful the sky is after a good rain how you don't see the smog at least for the first six hours of the day mike we don't really like the rain but it washes away the small like the fragrance after the rain jesus see when we begin to call jesus in your homes right where you are jesus you can sense it like you can tangibly feel the atmosphere shift we say jesus jesus jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] kings and kingdoms [Music] shall all pass away but there's something about what a beautiful name it is what a powerful name it is the name of jesus christ our king [Music] what a powerful name in it nothing can stand against what a powerful name it is the name of jesus and death could not hold you the veil torn before you you silence the boast of sin and grace the heavens are roaring the praise of your glory for you are raised to life again you have no rival you have no right but come on sasha [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] the heavens are roaring the praise of your glory [Music] for you are raised to life again you have no rivals and yours is the kingdom and yours is the glory and yours is what a powerful name it is a sin in grave [Music] and we are raised with you forever yours is the kingdom what a powerful name of jesus jesus christ he is [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] hallelujah hallelujah come on and clap your hands in the presence of the lord for what he's done he has no rivals he has no equals how many of you believe that this morning of you how many of you know that watching online that there is no rival there is no match to what our god can do because of who he is and we are excited about that today well it's time to give it's time to worship the lord in our giving so come on and clap your hands and thank god for that those of you watching online yeah no you should be let's clap our hands and thank god for the opportunity and the privilege the bible says god loves a cheerful giver and you can't be a cheerful giver unless you don't know unless you know what happens when you give if you don't know what happens when you give you you can't be cheerful about it so when the bible says that god loves a cheerful giver it's saying god loves someone who knows what's happening when they give someone who knows what's happening even before they release their seed they're excited to participate because they know god is up to something amazing as it pertains to their giving i want you to turn with me in your bibles to the book of mark mark chapter 14. mark chapter 14 and we're going to read that verse number one i'm going to be reading verses 1 through 9 i know they're getting ready getting it ready on the screens but if you have your tablet your phone or actual bible a paperback bible turn with me to the book of mark chapter number 14 and we're going to be reading at verse number one i want to put this in your hearing as we worship the lord this morning with our tithe and our offering the bible says in mark 14 uh chapter 14 verse number one it says after two days it was the passover and feast of unleavened bread and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by trickery and put him to death but they said no not during the feast lest there be an upwar of the people verse 3 says and being in bethany at the house of simon the leper as he sat at the table a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly oil of spikenard then she broke the flask and poured it on his head but there were some who were indignant among themselves and said why was this fragrant oil wasted isn't that not surprising that the moment somebody wants to do something for god somebody else starts talking about them starts putting their mouth on them starts criticizing what they did see it's not just us today it happened even before jesus even left the earth they were still talking about people giving in to him and ministering to him the bible says they were complaining it says why was this fragrant oil wasted for it might have been sold for more than 300 denarii and given to the poor and they criticized her sharply my god just criticizing her just all she was trying to do was do something for the lord and they there they are they're just criticizing her but look at verse number six says but jesus said i like that i'm just pause right there jesus interrupts their criticizing of her giving jesus shuts them up jesus says uh uh look what he says he says let her alone why do you trouble her she has done a good work for me for you have the poor with you always and wherever you wish you may do them good but me you do not have always she has done what she could she has come beforehand to anoint my body for burial assuredly i say to you wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world what this woman has done will be told as a memorial to her this account of the woman who gave and and it's it's it's widely known in the gospels this is the uh the gospel writer mark his account matthew gives his account and john in his gospel gives his account so this was something that three of the four gospel writers were thought that it was significant enough to make sure they got it in their book they said okay when i'm writing my gospel i want to make sure i want to tell her story and it's interesting when we look at uh what god did with this woman and what more over what the woman did it's interesting the bible says that she had given what was uh known as verse number five said it was somewhere around 300 denarii they were complaining they said this is about 300 denarii that could have been given to the poor now why is that significant because 300 denarii dinari was a day's wage so 300 denarii is almost the amount of an entire year's wage so this wasn't just something that she just gave a couple of nickels and dimes that's why they were complaining that's why they were criticizing her because she did something that could that they thought wow this is a significant seed this is a significant offering it could have went to here we could have went to there but notice what happened with the woman the bible says in verse number three let's look at verse number three again the bible says and being in bethany at the house of simon the leper as he sat at the table a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly oil as spikenard and it says then she broke the flask everybody say broke the flask she broke the flask and poured it on his head now why is it significant that she broke the flask i need your help bro why is it significant that she broke the flask see because the flask was made of alabaster but the oil was made of spikenard the alabaster wasn't what was costly it was the spikenard it was the oil that was costly it was the oil that was precious and valuable but the alabaster was her confinement the alabaster in a sense was the constrainment you see a lot of people want to give to god but the reason why they don't do it is because they're restrained they're confined by their jobs by their bank accounts come on somebody by but by by by their mental constructs of they think well i can only give that i can only give that because of what she did because of her understanding by the spirit of god and this is what god is saying to you and i today child of god that as we release our seed as we sow our seed as we continue to bring the tide to god and to bring what god has asked of us our constraints our limitations our confinements on our finances are being broken in the very presence of the anointing every financial constraint every barrier gets broken when you and i say you know what i'm not gonna withhold that's what happened to this woman that's why they were complaining that's why they were talking about her but she the bible says came beforehand she caught what god was doing before it happened and not only did she catch it but she matched it with her giving she matched it with her seed she matched it with what she had she had a year's worth of wages put it in 21st century terms okay i will she went to her savings account and said this savings account will no longer be a constraint to what i can receive from god this account my bank statement will no longer be a limitation that dictates what i can give and the bible says i love it in john's account the bible says the moment she breaks that flask the bible says that the fragrance of that oil filled the entire house meaning everyone in her atmosphere everyone that was connected to her everyone in the near vicinity of her even though they didn't give they were still impacted and affected by the seed that she sowed by her obedience to the anointing and that's what god is calling you and i to do today sir in this world with all that's going on economically there's so much turnover there's so much unrest there's so much uneasiness people don't know if they can keep a job get a new one get a stimulus check people looking every which way to find out what their need is still constrained by this world systems but you and i have an apostle and a prophet and there's a prophetic anointing in our midst and just like this woman when we take and say god i'm not gonna hold back i'm not gonna hold back because of what the climate is saying or what the economy is saying or what the pandemic is trying to dictate to me no no no no i'm coming out of every economic restraint i'm coming out of every financial confinement i'm coming out of occupational limitations that tried to tell me what i can receive and the moment you release it and that constraint is broken there's no limit to what you and i can give and if there's no limit to what you and i can give child of god there's no limit to what you and i can receive this morning how many of you believe in god with me to see that we're believing god our apostle our prophet is believing god he is a man of god if it's one thing about bishop mclennan the prophet he believes this message he believes this gospel he believes that if you sow a seed he believes if you tithe you will see your need man you will have some left over this is what our god is doing ushers i want you to prepare the people to give this morning those of you watching online you know the ways to give you can donate right there right there on your laptop on your phone on your tablet whatever device you're watching me on there's a donate button and it's time to so it's time to give it's time to tithe if you've been blessed if you've been receiving if you've been being ministered to by this anointing 10 we know belongs not to god not to the church not to a man it belongs to the lord jesus and this is a ministry that is proven time and time again come hell or high water that there's an anointing flowing that favor blessing and increase flows from this anointing and we want you to participate in that bring your time tithe 10 of your increase belongs to the lord jesus you can donate right there by texting cem you can text cem to the numbers four one four four four and you can follow the prompts right there on your smartphone you can call right now three one oh three two three twenty six hundred three one zero three two three two six zero zero someone is standing by waiting to receive the prayer of faith over what you're giving what you're tithing what you're sowing today also you can give on the bishop mcclendon app we have an app that you can supply that that you can give that we supply so that you can give you can so you can time don't let any constraint hold you back from moving all the way to the top that woman broke every constraint every limitation every confinement in the presence of god if you desire to sow this morning in the prophet seed i encourage you sow a prophet seed what's a prophecy you're just saying god i'm connecting my seed to the anointing i believe in the anointing on the man of god i believe in the anointing on the prophet and i'm connecting my seed to it if your desires of giving a first fruit you say well what's a first fruit offering it's a principle it's a biblical principle the prophet has taught us the prophet has taught us from the scripture that if the first is holy the rest is holy so if you're believing god for increase you say god i'm sowing this seed as a first fruit because i believe that just like the first apple on a tree if i see one apple that's a guarantee that the rest of the harvest of apples is coming to me it's the same way when you sow in the first fruit the tithe belongs to god whatever you're giving this morning let's worship god with it together if you're in the house i want you to lift that up [Music] before the lord also if you want to give in-house there are ladies standing behind the aisles with machines that make a safe smooth secure transaction on your debit card your credit card you can go to my right or my left and they will be able to do that but we want everyone to get on this what that woman did caused her to be talked about some 2 000 years later because she said i'm breaking the limitations how many of you want limitations broke i know i do how many of you want to be able to give and receive beyond your bank account that's what happens as we tithe as we sow when we give this morning so go ahead and lift that up before the lord those of you watching as you've already donated as you've already tied the evil as you've already sown we're gonna corporately in house and out of the house worship the lord together what a beautiful testimony all over the world the children of this vision are lifting up their seed with understanding knowing that the fragrance and the blessing and the power of god is falling an increase in favor and blessing is coming to the people of god let's offer this up before the lord father in the name of jesus we bless you today for your loving kindness and your tender mercies but father thank you that you have provided an atmosphere for us that we can come just like the woman with the alabaster box just like this mary at bethany did father she broke the limitations on her giving on her finances and father i thank you today for this man for this woman for those watching via live stream father in the name of jesus i declare every financial constraint broken every economic confinement broken every occupational limitation broken by reason of the anointing in the name of jesus and father i declare favor i declare increase i declare blessing flows to them to their bank accounts to on their jobs i speak promotions i speak uh business ideas there are new businesses that are birthed because the children of the vision are sowing seed and now god you are promoting them to the highest place now they're business owners now they're land owners because you have promoted them and no one can take it away from them father i thank you that every giver every tither every sower is blessed we thank you that it's more than enough for your house and it's more than enough for theirs we worship you with this this morning and we vow to give you the praise and the glory for what you're doing in all of our lives in jesus name and everyone who agreed with this prayer say amen god bless you ushers you can serve the people people of god give with joy and expectation and gladness unto the lord god bless you say fill this room with praise [Music] fill the room with praise [Music] let our hearts pour out fragrance now fill this room fill this room feel this fill this room with praise this was written by our own laryn christopher come on i'll feed you the words say feel this room fill this room with praise [Music] let our hearts pour out [Applause] fill this room with praise [Music] with praise that's it you have it one more time feel the brown feel this room with praise fill this room with praise say let our hearts pour out [Music] fill this room fill this room and fill this room with praise that's it you have it one more time fill the fill this room with praise let our hearts pour out fragrance now fill this room feel this road [Applause] feel this room fill this room feel this room fill this room feel this room fill this room fill this room with praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah fill the room with praising [Music] that's been going on all morning this house has been filled with the praises and with the worship of our god at this time i would like to direct your attention to the screens [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the spirit of the contender is something that the spirit of the contender is something that the people of god the body of christ must possess now if we are to stand our ground in our generation fulfill the will of god and bring the kingdom into manifestation in greater dimension one of the things i'm mindful of even as i begin is what jesus said he said in one place he said since the time of john the baptist the kingdom of god is preached and everyone is pressing into it this is how the kingdom of god in the earth is advanced it is advanced by preaching by proclamation and then by pressing in or pressing into what is proclaimed here it again jesus said from the time of john the baptist the kingdom of heaven is preached or the kingdom of god the rule the realm the royalty the basilius is the greek word the dominion of god is preached and everyone is pressing into it so in order for us to press in and advance the kingdom of god in each successive generation we've got to be getting fresh revelation and insight from god that advances what is able to be accomplished in the earth i will first say this and as i was praying about it travailing prayer and again i'm going to read here in john 16 so don't move away from that but travailing prayer speaks not only uh to a fervency in prayer and fervency is significant and important but travailing prayer speaks not only to a fervency in prayer but also to a constancy and a consistency in prayer and for us to be constant and consistent to actually travail in prayer and get results this requires confidence confidence must be had and held by the one or the ones who are doing the praying if you and i are going to travail in prayer and again by travailing we're not just talking about passion and fervency that's a part of it but if we're going to travail it implies that there is a constancy that we have in prayer and a consistency that we have in prayer and if you are going to be constant and consistent in prayer you've got to have confidence the one who is doing the praying has to have confidence amen has to have confidence uh that what they're doing is procuring results has to have confidence in one sense that god is hearing first john chapter 5 verse 14 you said bishop you asked us to turn to john 16. i'm going to get there in first john chapter 5 and verse 14 the scripture declares now this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and if that's a big if and if he knows and i'm sorry and if we know that he hears us whatever we ask we know that we have the petitions we have asked of him so in order to travail in prayer confidence is going to be required you've got to be certain of some things you've got to be sure of some things or else you will quit give up and move on to something else hebrews chapter 10 tells us something else relative to this aspect of confidence hebrews 10 verse 35 and 36 i want you to put your eyes on this it says therefore do not cast away your confidence which has great recompense of reward for you have need of endurance so that after you have done the will of god you may receive the promise so the first thing the spirit of god impressed upon me is if we are going to see men and women of god prayer warriors saints and friends prevail in prayer there must be a level of confidence in what we're doing and in the god that we are communicating with and to that we are going to get results or we are going to get a reward now this speaks to a vital and significant uh foundational principle i haven't read in john 16 yet but i'm getting there because before we look at what jesus is going to tell us here by the spirit of grace there's a couple of things we have to establish first of all if travailing prayer is going to be our result there's got to be a level of confidence in the prayer in the people of god who are doing the praying and that speaks to another foundational and fundamental element when we deal with prayer and that is this in luke chapter 11 and verse number one the disciples everybody say the word disciples say it again disciples disciple means a disciplined follower and the bible says clearly in luke 11 and verse 1 that it came to pass as he was praying in a certain place when he ceased that one of his disciples said to him so this is a disciplined follower of jesus already a disciplined follower but the disciplined follower comes to jesus and says lord teach us to pray as john also taught his disciples now what does that tell us it tells us that prayer or effective prayer fervent prayer travailing prayer is a learned discipline i'm going to say that again it's a learned discipline one of the things that the people of god and i'm so grateful that the holy spirit includes this encounter where it says a disciple came to jesus and said teach us because the influence is here uh that prayer even to someone who is already following must be taught a lot of people think well i'm saved i'm born again i'm filled with the spirit of god and i can pray no actually you can't you you may have a desire to pray you may have a passion to pray but prayer if it's going to be effective prayer if it's going to get results prayer if it's going to be consistent constant if it's going to become travailing prayer it's got to go past passion it's got to go past desire it has to become a learned discipline and as i was praying even about this the spirit of god said something to me prayer can be initiated and engaged in by way of passion and desire but it will only be continued in to the point of travailing prayer by way of discipline and knowledge i'm going to say that again prayer can be initiated and engaged in by way of passion and desire in other words people can be passionate about prayer they can be desires but i want to pray i need to pray i feel the need to pray you know the song every time i feel the spirit moving in my heart i will pray well listen if the only time you pray is when you feel the spirit moving in your heart you are not going to be effective if the only time you and i pray is when we feel or sense so we we're not going to be affected we'll never get into travailing prayer why because for prayer to be consistent and constant it's got to be more than a desire more than a passion it's got to be a learned discipline why because there'll be times when you won't feel like doing it there'll be times when there is no desire to pray and yet now the discipline has to kick in i'm not praying because i feel like it i'm not praying because i feel the spirit moving i'm not praying because i'm passionate i'm praying because i'm assigned and i have the discipline given to me by the spirit of god through my commander in chief the lord jesus christ to be able to do it so again prayer can be initiated by passion and desire but it will only be continued in to the point of travailing prayer by way of discipline and knowledge and there is where the confidence is gained through discipline and knowledge the passionate prayer praise until something changes the disciplined prayer prays until things cannot remain the same i'm going to say that again the passionate prayer prays until something changes the disciplined prayer prays until things cannot remain the same and what we need in the body of christ is we need people of god who don't just pray till something changes they pray until things cannot remain the same till literally heaven invades this natural realm and supernatural things begin to function and move natural things into divine purpose and kingdom order can you say amen to this now why is this so important because this is what jesus is addressing or literally a part of what he's addressing in john chapter 16 and we're going to start reading there and i'm going to hurry with this and i just want to alert you to the fact that in john chapter 16 jesus is talking about the work and ministry of the holy spirit who is in him and with the disciples but he is not yet in them it's very important for you to remember and to understand this is post i mean this is pre-crucifixion pre-resurrection ascension and seating of jesus and so he is ministering to his followers to his disciples and please hear me please hear what i'm about to say he is ministering and he is alerting them to a change and a shift that is about to occur in their ministry lives and in their prayer lives because of the presence and the power of the holy spirit within them so i don't want you to miss what i just said what jesus is addressing here please hear me because it was true when he was saying it but i sense in the spirit it's true again right now and shall become even more relevant and true for many of us that the way we pray and the way we ask is about to change that's what jesus was addressing and we'll get to it in a moment here with his disciple he was basically saying them hey things are getting ready to shift in how you function in how you pray and how you deal with your father god and i just want to alert you to the fact it's about to shift well i have come in that same spirit in 2021 to tell you your prayer life is about to shift there are some things that are about to go to another level as you and i apprehend another dimension of the very same thing that jesus is addressing here i pray that you are still with me look at john 16 verse 5 jesus is talking but now i go away with i go away to him who sent me and none of you asks me where are you going but because i have said these things to you sorrow has filled your heart nevertheless i tell you the truth it is to your advantage that i go away for if i do not go away the helper will not come to you but if i depart i will send him to you and when he has come so get it he has not come to them yet he is in jesus the spirit of god the spirit of the father is in christ jesus but not yet in the disciples for they are not yet born again or born from above men so he's telling them and when he has come he will convict the world of sin and the righteous and of judgment of sin because they do not believe on in me of righteousness because i go to the father and you see me no more of judgment because the rule of this world is judge there is so much to preach there but i cannot get to it tonight let's read on verse number 12. i still have many things to say to you but you cannot hear them now however when he the spirit of truth has come are you getting the theme he's saying i'm preparing you for what is going to happen to you in you through you when the holy spirit indwells you and begins thank you lord jesus to abide in you the same way he is currently abiding in me oh it is so important that you see this moment that you see that jesus is dealing with a before that mentality as opposed to an after that happens mentality and the problem with most of the modern day church especially in our prayer lives we're still functioning in the before that mentality rather than the after that mentality and that's why many of us never get to the point where we are travailing where we are consistent where we are constant in prayer because we have not taken on the mindset of the shift stay with me stay with me verse 12 i'll start there again i haven't even gotten to where i need to get to but we're on our way watch this i still have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now however when he the spirit of truth has come he will guide you into all truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak and he will tell you things to come he will glorify me for he will take of what is mine and declare it unto you all things that the father has are mine therefore i said he will take a mine and declare it to you now i got to stop right here and i got to point something out to you that may have occurred to you but to most christians who read this what i'm about to say i find as i deal with them this reality has not occurred at the time that jesus is speaking these words he hear what he just said he said what the holy spirit is going to do he's going to take of what is mine and declare it to you and then he says watch it all things the father has a mind therefore i said he's going to take of what is mine and declare it unto you now at the time that jesus is speaking these these words all that the father has is his but it's not yet ours i'm gonna say that again at the time that jesus is speaking these words please hear what i'm saying all that the father has is jesus's but all that the father has is not yet ours why because we are not yet sons of god when jesus is speaking this the men he is talking to are not yet born again they are not yet born from above so at the time that jesus speaking these these words all that is the father's and his remember he said all that the father has is mine so all that the father and jesus have at this moment we don't yet have i want to let that that percolate marinate in your spirit because it is this truth that's about to shift oh god it's this thing that's about to change watch it at the time jesus speak in these words all that is his and the father's is not yet ours it will be ours after the resurrection the ascension and the seating but it is not yet ours at the time he's speaking so know jesus words at the time of his speaking these things are his and the father's only and that's why he said he's going to take a mind and show it to you now you say bishop mcclendon uh i i get that but what are you getting at well if you remember what paul says in first corinthians 3 verses 21 through 23 he says therefore that no one boasted men for all things are yours whether paul or apollos or cephalus or the world or the so the world is yours or life life is yours death death is yours or things present things present are yours things to come things to come in yours all are yours get it verse 23 and you are christ and christ is god that is first corinthians 3 21-23 but at the time jesus is speaking this to these disciples that which paul articulates in first corinthians 3 21-23 is not yet the case now why is that important because it's about to shift and what jesus is attempting to get these disciples to understand is when that shifts the language of your prayer life should shift oh yeah when when that shifts the language of your prayer life should shift where do you get that from bishop mcclendon let's read on verse number 16. now oh children are you are you getting this now watch these words verse 16 a little while and you will not see me and again a little while and you will see me because i go to the father watch this then some of his disciples said among themselves what is this that he says to us a little while and you will not see me and again a little while and you will see me and because i go to the father therefore they said what is this he that he says a little while we don't know what he is saying now jesus knew that they desired to ask him and he said to them are you inquiring among yourselves about what i said a little while and you will not see me and again a little while and you will see me watch this mostly surely i say to you that you will weep and lament but the world will rejoice and you will be sorrowful but the world but the sorrow will be turned to joy a woman when she is in labor has sorrow because her hour has come but as soon as she has given birth to the child she no longer remembers the anguish for the joy that a human being has been born in the world ah don't miss what jesus just said because most uh christians have taken this section to be speaking of jesus going and coming again either at uh the peru's at the rapture or at the second coming at the catching away of the church or at the second coming so when jesus says a little while and you will not see me and again a little while and you will see me people think well he's talking about i'm going to the father and then at the rapture or at the second coming i'm coming again no pay attention to what he says he says a little while and you will not see me but then again a little while and you will see me because i go to the father so get it where is he when we're seeing him he's with the father so then what is he talking about he's not talking about the rapture he's not talking about the second coming he's talking about the ministry of the holy spirit in the new covenant believer he is saying this in a little while you will not see me physically but you are actually going to begin to see who i am and what i am and who you are spiritually because i'm going to the father and the ministry of the holy spirit the paraclete a loss paracletos one exactly like me in every detail but distinct from me is going to be with you and in you and that's when you're really going to see me not in the flesh you're going to really see me when the holy spirit begins to reveal me to you are you there and you say bishop mcclendon how can you say such a thing because the scripture goes together line up online precept upon precept you remember in john chapter 12. go go there real quickly in john chapter 12 verses 20 through 24 the bible says that there were certain greeks who came uh to the feast and they came to philip and they said to philip sir we would see jesus remember that sir we would see jesus and the bible says that philip came and told andrew andrew and philip went and told jesus and in verse 23 it says and jesus answered them now don't get don't don't miss this it says jesus answered them so if the bible says jesus answered them then this is jesus's answer to what they said he's not talking over their heads he's not talking something irrelevant to what they ask this is his answer so the answer to what sir we would see jesus here is jesus answer the hour has come that the son of man should be glorified moses surely i say to you unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies it remains alone but if it dies it produces much grain that's jesus's answer to sir we would see jesus what did he just say you will not actually see me until i die and once i am dead glory to god and the ministry of the holy spirit begins to produce from the seed that is sown and minister and reveal life to you that's when you will see me so now back to john 16 you say bishop mcclendon i thought we were talking about prayer oh we are we're about to get there we're about to get there because that's what jesus whoo that's what jesus is ministering right here so verse 16 again a little while you will not see me and again a little while and you will see me because i go to the father in other words when i am with the father and the holy spirit begins to reveal in you and to you who i am watch this and not only who i am but who you are in me and the father because as i am so are you oh that the church would come finally past the false humility and to the point where we understand that when the holy spirit is revealing jesus to us he is also revealing us to us because we are as he is but you say bishop mcclendon how can you dare say that because jesus said i'm just saying what he said and this my brother this my sister is grace because you are not as he is because of your performance you are as he is because he said so and because of what he has given to you you are not as he is because of your flawless perfection in the physical or material realm you are as he is because all that the father and he has is now yours oh children i'm almost to where i need to get to but uh the holy spirit has already said some things let's watch this verse 17 then some of his disciples said what is this he's saying i read that to you look at verse number 19. now when jesus knew that they asked he talks to them about a woman giving birth and what is he talking about there he's talking about the birthing of the holy spirit into the earth he's saying the sorrow the anguish that you are going to experience through my death my burial my uh my my death my crucifixion my burial he said that's just like a woman who is in anguish because she's about to give birth what does he say he say what you may not see with your natural eye is through that process someone is going to be born into the earth the holy spirit is going to once again have legal right and access in the earth i tell people all the time that's what that sound was on the day of pentecost the sound of a rushing mighty wind like a sonic boom the holy spirit and all the angels of god that had earth assignments were gaining legal entry again into earth's atmosphere no longer would angels have to ascend and descend like on jacob's ladder now they could stay here because they had legal right to stay here because the blood purchased the planet back to the father stay with me now what are you getting at bishop mcclendon i'm getting to this point of prayer that jesus is talking about and alerting you and i it's time for your prayer life to shift to new covenant dimension and not old covenant dementia that's what he's telling them now look he's he's talking to them about the shift that the holy spirit and the reality of the new creation and the reality of the redemption and the restoration of all creation back to the father and to him and to you and i who are belonging to him will affect watch look at verse 23 and in that day you will ask me nothing what day jesus the day i've been talking about for the last 20 verses in that day what day jesus the day i've been informing you about in the last 20 verses that day when what is the father's and mine is also legally yours oh my oh oh oh my oh oh my let me ask you a question do you ask beg and plead for what is already yours if someone oh jesus yeah if someone has possession of something that is legally yours bought and paid for do you beg and plead and beseech them no no no no you demand what is yours legally to be returned and restored to you and if they will not comply by the force that you bring alone then you get all the authority that's backing you up to come to bear on that one that is keeping from you what is legally yours you don't go around begging besieging i know that now now bishop mcclendon it sounds like you're saying we don't need to travail in prayer we don't need the contending bread no no no no what i'm doing is not telling you you don't need to travail you don't need to contend what i am doing by the spirit of god and by the word of god prayerfully tonight is helping you to expand your and my definition of what prayer is expanding your mind definition of what it means to travail and what it means to contend because child of god in the new covenant we are not praying trying to get stuff to happen we are praying to manifest what has already done we are oh god i hope you heard what i just said we i tell our children to hear children of the vision here that we're praying from the end of the thing we have the victory already you start from the finish it's yours i'm not trying to get something i am commanding the release of what has been legally transferred to me but is not yet physically in my hands i have preached a fit on myself now what do you what do you getting at bishop in that day in what day the glorious day when we are in filled with the holy spirit the same spirit that was in christ when he was talking the same spirit that raised him from the dead and jesus is saying when he the holy spirit has come and he is with you and living in you you will know then that you don't need to ask me for things that the same father that was in me doing the work will be in you doing the same work now bishop mclendon wait a minute you said we don't have to ask well yes and no we are instructed to ask but i want to expand your definition not only of prayer but to expand your definition of ask watch this look at verse 23 and in that day you will ask me nothing what day that day when the holy spirit has come when the work is finished when all things are yours things have been transferred legally to you by the finished work of my cross jesus is saying and in that day you will ask me nothing watch this most assuredly i say to you whatever you ask the father in my name oh my goodness he will give you now watch it watch it until now you have asked nothing in my name now now wait a minute wait a minute see this can't be what you and i have always thought or perceived it to be when jesus says up till now you have asked nothing in my name he can't be meaning you have not asked me or the father to do something for you why the bible says when he sent them out remember when he sent them out in matthew 10 and the bible says they returned they returned and the bible says they said to jesus jesus even the demons are subject to us in your name so when he says up to now you've asked nothing in my name he can't be saying what we think he's saying because they had asked in his name so what are we getting at here bishop mcclendon and why are you taking the long way around because there's some stuff that's being uh rooted up as well as planted tonight stay with me and in that day and that is the prophet's function stay with me and in that day you will ask me nothing most surely i say to you whatever you ask the father in my name now write this down if you're taking notes write down the word ask and write down the words in my name because those two words or phrases or that word and phrase is about to change before your very eyes and when it checked not by some hoodoo uh magic of mine but by actual etymology by actually understanding the meaning of these words in the original greek language because when jesus says here whatever you ask in the father in my name that word asked there is the greek word aieto a i e the word in greek actually means watch this to ask to require or to design so it's not just whatever you ask in my name in the sense of petition that same word is also translated desire it's also translated watch this require in the sense of demanding or decreeing did you hear what i just said that word is also translated to require in the sense of demand or decree you say bishop how can you say that because i can read go to first corinthians 1 22. as a matter of fact write these verses down first corinthians 1 22 luke 23 23 mark 15 and verse 6 acts 13 and verse 21. i'll give them to you again the first one again is first corinthians 1 22. the second is luke 23 23. the third is mark 15 6 holy spirit help me here and the fourth is acts 13 21. now why are those scriptures significant because in each one of those scriptures this same word aieto a-i-e-t-o the greek word ayato which is translated as here is translated to other words or connotations in those verses same greek word look at first corinthians 1 22. paul says for the jews request a aside that's that same word aito the same word that is translated ask here in john 16 is translated request and that word request there actually means require that they're not asking for a sign what paul is saying is the jews require a sign in order to believe the greeks require wisdom in order for the gospel to make sense but then he says but we preach christ crucified to the jews a stumbling block and to the greek's foolishness what does he say this is what they require so this same word is translated they're required so now let's say it this way jesus said and whatever he says in that day you will ask me nothing most surely i say whatever you require of the father in my name ow whatever you require watch this now go to luke 23 23. in luke 23 23 it says but they this is about when jesus was being uh tried before his crucifixion it says but they were insistent demanding with loud voices that word that is translated they're demanding is that same word aita that is translated ask in john 16. so let's read it that way it says but they were insistent demanding that's the same word with loud voices that he be crucified no when it says demand they weren't asking him to be crucified they were declaring crucified so watch it let's read it in that light watch this and in that day you will ask me nothing most surely i say to you whatever you demand of the father in my name he will give you that that's a completely different mentality a completely different disposition then lord help me jesus please come in the room lord no no no no no he said whatever you demand of the father in my name in other words in that day you're not gonna have to ask me whatever you demand or you decree of the father in my name he'll give it to you now see i can hear people getting nervous but remember the old testament he said concerning my sons and the works of my hands command ye me what does that mean if you are one of my children and you know what my hands will do you have the authority to decree a thing oh i'm about to show you something powerful watch this watch this go mark 15 and verse number six mark 15 and verse number six it says now at the feast he was accustomed to releasing one prisoner to them whomever they requested that word there requested that same greek word aito so watch this at the feast he was accustomed to releasing one prisoner to them whomever they they requested see to say ask there well we're asking you to release morales no no no he said whoever whoever they stated whoever they said that's what they got now you take that application and put it in what to what jesus said in john 16 and whatever you demand or decree of the father in my name he will give it to you watch this acts 13 21 last one and afterward they asked for a king now this is a reference to what the children of israel did in demanding of god through the prophet saul that they be given a king like everybody else and in this case remember it wasn't what god wanted for them but it was what they demanded of god so he gave it to them so watch this it says and afterwards they asked for the king so god gave them saul the son of kish a man of the tribe of benjamin for 40 years so now when you understand and look at how that word is used it changes the meaning to infer and declude not only a request or a petition but a demand or a decree so now get this jesus saying up until now forget it up until now he said up until now you've asked up until now you have not demanded you have not decreed anything up until now you have been functioning in a servant capacity not a son capacity up until now you've been dealing with the father as servants and not sons when the holy spirit comes and indwells you when the price is paid when the creation is restored back to the father and me and you when the spirit of god is dwelling in you he's like i am telling you to stop acting like a servant and start functioning in prayer like a son now bishop mcclendon he is saying now i am telling you do it like you've seen me do it now i got to qualify something else are you still there can you take much more of me can you take much more of me now i've got a few more minutes and i'm going to use them all stay with me jesus says go back to john 16. he says whatever you ask the whatever you decree whatever you demand not just petition so watch this i'm not saying that prayer is not asking i'm saying that prayer is not just asking prayer is also demanding and prayer is also decreeing and thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto you why is this important he says and whatever you demand or decree of the father in my name he will give it to you we've got we've got we've got to get an understanding of this phrase in my name because the way it has been taught the way it has been preached is that you know whatever you ask and then you stick my name on the back of it i'm asking this and god kill them in jesus name god destroy all my enemies in jesus name whatever you ask in my name the father will do and see if you don't understand what this in my name means then you will be asking amiss or you will be asking for things that will never manifest or that will never happen and that destroys your confidence come on say amen to this that will cause you not to contend or prevail or travail in prayer because you have not yet fully understood what this means whatever you ask in my name he's not saying whatever you ask and attach my name to the back of what he's saying oh what he's saying is this whatever you ask the the the greek word for name is the word onoma o n o m a it means nature character and authority oh if you hear what i'm about to tell you right now your life is going to be changed in multiple dimensions of your christianity watch it the word name the greek word and you say bishop mclennan again why do you keep talking about greek remember that the old that the new covenant is originally delivered to us in the greek language and the greek language is much more colorful and multifaceted than english so he says whatever you ask the father in my name the word name is the greek word onoma o n o m a it means nature character and authority whatever you ask whatever you decree whatever you demand now asking is the beginning but to travail including prayer in the spirit takes you from the asking dimension to the declining and declaring dimension whatever you ask the father in my name in my name anoma whatever you ask the father that's in my nature he'll give it to you ah whatever you ask the father that is in my character that is characteristic of me that my character reveals he'll give it to you whatever you ask the father watch this that is in my authority he will give to you remember what jesus said all authority has been given unto me therefore you go whatever you ask the father literally he's saying whatever you ask the father that my name covers whatever you ask the father that is covered by my nature my character and my authority whatever you demand whatever you decree of the father that my nature my character and my authority covers he will give you why because it's already yours by the blood of the lamb it cannot be with hell he says look at verse 24 until now you have decreed nothing you have demanded nothing in my nature character in my authority up until now you've been coming to me and you've been pleading with the father he said but now i am telling you ask and receive and then decree and demand if my nature my character my authority covers it [Music] you've got it now this is one of the things and this is one of the reasons why i encourage people all the time when it comes to the purpose of prayer and when it comes to the subject of prayer to learn the redemptive names of god this is one of the reasons why i teach them this is one of the reasons why whenever it comes to prayer i i want to make sure that people know the redemptive names of god and i'm going to need a few minutes here to get through this so stay with me because oh this is powerful this is powerful this is powerful jesus says whatever you ask the father in my name or that my name covers that my nature my character my authority covers there are many names for god in scripture but there are eight some people say seven i like to include one that is not also generally included because i do believe it is redemptive but there are eight redemptive names of god now what do you mean by redemptive redemptive has to do with that which is ours because of the finished work of jesus or because of the restoration and the reconciliation of the creation back to god let me give you an example god one of the names of god is elohim elohim is the is the eternal creator another name for god is el elyon el elyon is uh the lord most high but those are not redemptive names they are names for god but they are not redemptive names of god why because god is the eternal creator if jesus never restores man back to him he's still the eternal creator he's ellen young he's the most high god even if the things that were lost in the fall are not restored back he's still el elyon he's still the most high god the redemptive names of god have to do with what you and i got back through the finished work of jesus or through the restoration of all things to god i'm going to give you these names very quickly most of you know them but i'm going to give them to you quickly why because one of the things about learning the names of god the redemptive names of god when you know the redemptive names of god you have a revelation of god's nature his character and his authority because his names denote his nature his names denote his character his names denote his authority you remember in exodus chapter 3 i believe it's verses 13-16 when god sends moses to pharaoh and tells him to demand a pharaoh to let god's people go moses asked god he says okay god i'll go but when i go and say to them the god of your fathers has appeared to me they're going to ask me what is his name why moses understood that knowledge of the name would empower their believing oh you didn't get what i just said i'll say it again moses understood that once they knew the name they would have an anchor to their souls and their believing the same is true in this new covenant when you know the names of god you know what his nature is you know what his character is you know the authority that he is declaring that he has you remember in exodus chapter six i'm in verses one two three god says to moses after pharaoh has refused to let the people go as a matter of fact turn that i want you to see this exodus chapter six and verse number three exodus chapter six and verse verse one then the lord said to moses now you shall see what i will do to fail now moses had gone to pharaoh told pharaoh what god said let my people go and pharaoh had refused now god goes back to moses and he says now you shall see what i would do to fail for with a strong hand he will let them go and with a strong hand he will drive them out of his land and god spoke to moses and said to him watch this i am the lord i am literally yadhevave the tetragrammaton or i am jehovah i am the lord i appeared to abraham to isaac and to jacob as god almighty the hebrew el shaddai but by my name yadhevave or jehovah i was not known to them so watch this see god almighty is it all god is not a name it's an office i'm going to say that again god is not a name god is an office that's why satan when he stole the authority from adam is referred to even uh in scripture as the god liturgy of this world why because when he took adam's authority he moved into adam's office and he was the god of this world because adam was supposed to be the goddess god is an office not a name so he says did you get what i just said so he says watch this he says i appeared to abraham to isaac and jacob as god almighty but by my name lord yahdeva jehovah i was not known to them i have also established my covenant with them to give them the land of canaan so watch this god said i appeared as god almighty but i haven't given my name so he tells moses now now i'm going to give my name and i'm going to begin to reveal my name and throughout the old covenant god fills in the blanks to jehovah or i am so watch this jehovah sith canoe jeremiah 23 and verse 6 which means the lord our righteousness jehovah makadesh leviticus 20 verse 7 which means the lord who sanctifies jehovah shalom judges 6 24 the lord who is our peace jehovah shama ezekiel 48 35 the lord our ever-present god or the lord who is present or the lord who is there jehovah rapha the lord our physician healer jehovah that's exodus 15 26 jehovah jireh genesis 22 14 the lord our provider jehovah nisi exodus 17 15 the lord our victory and jehovah rowe psalm 23 1 the lord our shepherd now these are the redemptive names most people don't include to suer the lord our strength but i like to include it because i do believe it is one of the redemptive ones but these ones that i have given to you here are key redemptive names now why is this significant because when you know the names you know the character and you know what the name jesus covers when the scripture says in philippians that god has exalted him and given him the name that is above every other name these are the names that name has been above that has been raised above god is literally saying when you say jesus you say all the rest of these but if you don't know what you're saying then you don't know what the name covers that's why i encourage every believer who wants to have a strong prayer life learn the names because as you declare them that's why jesus even when he taught he said when you begin praying say our father which are in heaven hallowed be your name bless his name praise his name begin your prayer life with praising his names why there is a revelation that is downloaded into the spirit of the praiser of the names of god and you begin to know his nature his character in the story now i'm not trying to teach you fundamentals i'm trying to show you something so back over now to john 16 when jesus says whatever you ask that my name covers see when you know his name is jehovah rapha the lord your healer you will have confidence when you ask when you decree when you demand healing to manifest healing to flow why because it's yours because it belongs to you and you know the name covers it i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna stop with this i'm gonna stop with this i'm stopped with this but i've gotta get you there there are and and you and again this is a matter of study and i encourage you to study in your uh sphero zodiac's bible your w e vine your hebrew greek lexicon your inner linear bible that has the various uh translations of the words from greek into english or hebrew into english be it old or new covenant there are two words that are primarily used for prayer in the new covenant two that are primarily used there are a couple of others that are used in various places but there are two words that are primarily translated from greek into english as prayer one of them is d oh my a the other is prosukomaye prosuko maya is the one that is most often translated from greek into english as the word prayer d-oh my a is translated prayer uh where jesus says to peter satan has desired to have you that he may sip you as wheat but i have prayed for you there he uses the word d o my which literally means to bind oneself to or to weave oneself into the fabric of he says i have prayed for you he said satan has desired to have you that he may send you as wheat but i have woven myself into the fabric of your faith through prayer i i have taken up residence with you in prayer that word is d oh my and there is an intercessory dimension of that i don't have time to teach on that the word that is most often translated prayer from greek to english is the word prosuko and the word prosuku means this watch this and look this up you'll have to take my word for it the word prosukuma really doesn't even mean ask the word prosuka means to make a vow or watch it to make a vow or a declaration to make a vow or a decree in the direction of god literally that god hears to god to make a decree to make a vow to make a declaration in the direction of god that is the word that is most often translated prayer so watch this now why is that important because when you understand that's what the word prayer actually means it expands your definition of prayer now i'm not just praying what i'm asking when i'm petitioning now i'm also praying when i am declaring the word of god decreeing the word of god when i'm speaking god's word i'm in prayer and only then can you really begin to travail because only then can you really begin to pray without ceasing why because when i have asked god for something and i believed i've received it and when i'm driving in the car and the enemy comes and tells me it's not happening nothing is changing and i begin to declare the word the promise of god i am praying i am travailing i am being constant i am being consistent in prayer go to james i've got two more verses and i'm done james chapter number five verse number 17. james chapter number five and verse number 17. now what i'm about to show you goes along with what i just said to you and i'll never forget several years ago when the spirit of the lord revealed this to me changed my life for ever james chapter 5 and verse number 17. now the one thing i love about the word of god is that it goes together line up online precept upon precept hear a little there a little and the scripture always clarifies itself anything the scripture says that is a reference to scripture you can go to scripture and verify and thereby also gain definitions and insight into what god means when he says a thing and not what preachers mean when they say it so watch this james chapter 5 verse number 17 says this elijah was a man with a nature like ours now that's a very important thing because it's telling us that he was subject to the same vicissitudes to the same ups and downs to the same uh proclivities to the same uh kinds of nuance of emotion and feeling and confidence that you and i are subject to sometimes we look at these biblical figures and we think that they are superhuman no no no these were men and women and in the old covenant they were men and women who weren't even in dwell with the holy spirit like you and i are watch this elijah was a man with a nature like ours and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain i want you to underline prayed earnestly because the bible says he prayed earnestly elijah was a man with a nature like ours and he prayed early that it would not rain and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months and he prayed again and the heaven gave rain and the earth produced its fruit now the scripture clearly says elijah prayed but when you go to first kings 17 go there very quickly first king 17. when you go to first kings 17 watch this you will not see elijah do anything that resembles what you and i refer to as prayer and yet the scripture says he prayed earnestly but when you go to first kings 17 and verse number one watch this it says and elijah the tishbite of the inhabitants of gilead said to ahab as the lord god lives before whom i stand ah i've been standing before the lord and i heard him say this i'm not speaking on my own i've been standing before the lord and this is what i heard as the lord god of israel lives before whom i stand there shall not be do nor rain these years except at my word look at verse two then the word of the lord came to him saying get away that's all the bible tells us that that elijah that's all it reveals to it's all it shows to us that elijah did and here's what i am telling you james by the spirit of god calls that prayer calls it earnest prayer why because elijah is saying on earth what he heard god say from him he is speaking the word of the lord and when he speaks god's word god calls it prayer earnest prayer are you there now our definition of prayer is expanding i'll never forget when the lord showed this to me i said now i understand how i can pray without ceasing that doesn't mean go into your closet and keep your eyes closed all day and not on my mind no no no no that's a part of it and i'm not diminishing the reality of that dimension of prayer but when you are declaring what god has said out of your mouth you're in prayer and you're an earnest prayer you are in consistent constant contending prayer now watch this go to first kings 18. it said he prayed again that it would not rain go to first kings 18 and verse number one it says and it came to pass after many days that the word of the lord came to elijah in the third what came to elijah the word of the lord until now you've decreed nothing in my name until now you've demanded nothing in my name i believe with all my heart this is one of the reasons that elijah amongst other reasons doesn't see death he tapped in to some new covenant realities i don't have time to get into that the bible says he prayed earnestly again and god said right but notice what it shows and it came to pass after many days that the word of the lord came to elijah in the third year saying go present yourself to ahab and i will send rain up on the earth so elijah goes and presents himself to ahab and go down to verse 41 and then it says then elijah said to him go up eat and drink for there is the sound of the abundance what is he doing he is declaring in the earth what god has said in heaven and then the bible says after he had done that then he goes and puts his head between his knees which is a type of intercession and begins to pray or begins to beseech or begins to travail in the thing he has decreed but he's already said watch this i hear the sound of the abundance of rain this is not a man waiting for something to happen this is a man who is decreeing it's already raining somewhere and i can hear it i want you to lay your hands upon yourself you say bishop mcclendon what what is it what is it that we are to take from this number one you are to take from this a knowing of confidence and assurance that when you decree and declare a thing that you know god's name covers you can have confidence and assurance that it shall happen why because you and i in this new covenant i need you to pay attention to what i'm getting ready to say you and i in this new covenant are not calling things that be not as though they were that's old covenant you and i in this new covenant are calling things that are but have not yet manifested as though they are quiet because now all things are yours did you hear what i just said i'm not calling things that be not as over there i am calling things that are finished or fixed or done in the heavens but have not yet materialized in my life or your life or my friend's life or family side but it's already done i'm calling it for god wants you to have confidence that when you ask anything that his name covers it's already yours content yes travail yes be constant yes but not as one who is trying to get god to do something or make something happen but as one who has laid hold on that which already is and is demanding it in the earth number two the spirit of god said i want my people to expand their definition of what prayer is it's not just when you've got your eyes closed and in your secret place it's not just when you're praying in the spirit for hours i do it you do it and we should do it but you are contending you are travailing you are being constant and consistent when you are saying in the earth what god has said in his word what god has said to you from heaven what he has revealed and declared and shown you in the spirit [Music] now sir now ma'am i want you to lay your hands upon yourself because the spirit of god shared with me in no uncertain terms that your confidence was going to boost in god and in your own prayer life prayer time prayer ministry prayer assignment the spirit of god said to me i will expand glory to god the mindset the understanding of prayer in my people and they shall begin to see things manifest they shall begin to see things there is going to be a zeal a joy a passion restored to you in your prayer life come on lay your hands upon yourself no matter who you are where you've been how long you've been praying we all at times need a fresh mantle if you will it's not so much a fresh anointing but it is an anointing with fresh oil [Music] and there's an anointing with fresh oil that is coming upon your prayer life upon your prayer ministry upon the spirit of intercession upon your life but god told me to release the spirit of the contender i'll finish this and shift gears in our next session but right now i want you to lay your hands upon yourself if you pray in the holy spirit i want you to begin to pray i'm talking to you now open your mouth and begin to pray in this we pray in the holy ghost hallelujah [Music] that's it that's it that's it open your mouth and pray in the spirit if you don't pray in the spirit just go ahead and pray in the understanding just begin to bless the lord just begin to thank him just begin to worship him but i want everybody now yes lord and i want everybody to begin to move in this there's a river that's beginning to flow rosa yes eyes to see ears to hear hearts to perceive and understand i thank you lord see my restaurant come on pray saints pray with me in the spirit hello for i hear the spirit of the lord said he is alert and active watching over his word to perform it [Music] [Music] give me 120 seconds more in the spirit open your mouth and pray let us pray [Applause] let us pray lord you said pray that believers pray as the scripture has said we will pray right where you are [Music] lay your hands upon yourself lay your hands lay your hands upon yourself right now right where you are sir right yes god i will do it right where you are sir right where you are man young man in the name in the name in the name of jesus [Music] lay your hands upon yourself do it now do it now do it now i want every headbound every eye closed there are anointings there are mantles there are renewings in the holy spirit being released lay your hands thank you master there are angels ministering to spirits right now of men and women strengthening them downloading information and revelation [Music] that's it that's it lay your hands upon yourself flow with me laren lay your hands upon yourself as we were just praying [Music] the spirit of the lord showed me a vision it is a vision that i have seen before as a matter of fact it was it is something the spirit of the lord showed me several years ago in prayer and changed the mentality and the trajectory of my life in prayer lay your hands upon yourself i want you to see this i want you to get whatever picture whatever vision that you can get in your spirit of the throne of god i want you to see it i want you to see jesus at the right hand of the majesty on high seated [Music] in a heavenly place i want you to see it you got it i just saw this in the spirit again i hadn't seen it in years but i saw it years ago do you have it i want you to get a picture of the best image you can of jesus at the right hand of the father that's what the bible says he's seated and i want you to see yourself kneeling bowing before his throne in prayer i want you to see it [Music] for surely as i'm speaking to you the holy spirit did this for me years ago and i've never been instructed to my remembrance to do this thank you lord thank you lord do you see it do you see jesus at the right hand of the father you bowing before his throne and then i heard the holy spirit say this to me what are you doing there then he said to me rise up and take your seat with him for you are seated together in heavenly places in christ jesus and i saw myself get up and i walked toward the throne and i stepped in to him and i saw myself in him and then the holy spirit said this to me now pray from there oh my goodness pray from there that's where you begin your prayer life from from the place of the finished work no i didn't say you were jesus no i didn't say you were the messiah neither am i i didn't say you earned the seat i didn't say you deserved it but god the father put you and i there and he wants you and i to begin to function watch this from our place in him he that believeth in me he that does his believing from within me the works that i do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because i i go to the because of where i'm seated and where he that is believing in me is seated in me now my father in the name of jesus of nazareth by the spirit of grace [Music] by the anointing of the spirit of grace and the dispensation of that grace that has been given to me for your beloved saints your inheritance i release this grace i release this anointing he that has ears to hear eyes to see hard to perceive and understand let them have it that's it let them have it lift your hands all the glory lift your hands oh that's right lift your hands just do it now of your presence spirit of the living god spirit of this living god yes god that's it just worship for a moment something is shifting in the atmosphere around you something is shifting a renovation in the spirit of your mind and be blessed [Applause] [Music] we thank you [Music] [Music] as your presence [Music] this lay your hands upon yourself now if the word of god has come to you if you heard the spirit of god speak to you if you heard as i often say the voice within my voice i want you to be prepared now and i want you to get ready to sow into the word of god many of you as the word of god came forth you literally heard the spirit of god confirming instructing there were answers some of you in your prayer life certain things that the spirit of god actually put his finger on that gave you answer solution insight i want you now to get ready to sow into that word you know i've shared with you that when the word of god comes to you and the spirit of god ministers to you it's not the man it's the spirit of god and paul says when you and i are taught in the word when we sow to the spirit we shall of the spirit reap life eternal irony also an unstoppable life in other words the word continues to grow continues to produce i want you to get ready i'm talking to you i want you to get ready to sew in to this word two things i know the spirit of god just did i know this and and you say well uh a prophet of god i i've heard some of these things before well now they've been confirmed but i know there were some things expanded two things the lord just did as the word of god came to you number one i know the spirit of the contender the spirit of steadfastness was released on you you're going to be more diligent you're going to be more passionate more fervent but you're going to have a greater discipline in your prayer life there's an anointing of god on my life to help set you and expand your life in prayer it's been the foundation the key to everything god has ever done in my life and the second thing i know that just happened is that your understanding of what it means to pray was just expanded i'm talking to you this is going to continue to flow in your life this word is going to continue to expand i want you to get ready to sew right where you are right now if you've heard the word of god i want you to sow into this moment right there on your computer screen right there on your smartphone there is a donate button there's a way for you to sew i want you to sow and do whatever the spirit of god is leading you to do i am impressed again that this is one of those impartation moments i want as many of you as can to get a 70 seat at least now many of you are going to do much more than that god has spoken to you there are pastors listening to me ministry leaders listening to me you just got keys and god spoke to you so i know he did and so i want you to do what god has said but wherever you're sewing i want you to follow these instructions right there on your computer screen right there on your smartphone there's a donate button there's a way for you to so i want you to click it and so as god has directed you or you can text cem to four one four four four once again c e m m two four one four just follow the prompts and give as unto the lord there's a number on your screen 310-323-2600 let me say it again 310-323-2600 i've got trained prayer ministers ready to pray for you ready to agree with you in prayer maybe over your prayer life or over some other need if the spirit of god spoke to you listen there are times and i've taught you this before when your prayer and your giving mixes as a memorial before god acts chapter 10 and something supernatural is released and dispatched because you prayed because you gave 310-323-2600 call it now if you've got the bishop mcclendon app you can give that way a very easy a very simple way to so if you don't have it you can download it from google play or itunes and also you can bring that gift right here on the grounds of the place of grace right here at clarency mclendon ministries many people week after week are led to come put their feet on these grounds and so i've got people here every single weekday tuesday through thursday 11 to 3 ready to agree with you ready just so or hey now you can come and be in the worship service live and so but however you're going to do it i want you to do it now i want as many of you as can in faith to meet me at that 70 seat and so as the spirit of god directs that someone would say well prophet of god what if i don't have that the bible says if there first be a willing heart is accepted not according to what a man has not but according to what he has so right this moment i want you to do what the spirit of the lord is directing you if you've done it already i want you to lift your hands before the lord if you haven't done it yet i know the spirit of god is dealing with you i trust that you will but i want you to stop what you're doing i want you to set yourself in agreement with me right now because i sense something supernatural happening for someone who is listening to me and as you sow and as you give something is transforming in your atmosphere come on lift those hands father in the name of jesus i pray for my brother i pray for my sister you know the one god you know who's listening you know who is present you know who you spoke to and you know what you're doing for them god as your people now worship you and thank you in their seed i agree with them i want you to lift your hands and say this say i receive favor say i receive finance say i receive things being added to me now then i want you to say this and i receive a fresh anointing an anointing of fresh oil on my prayer life on my intimacy with god in the name of jesus of nazareth it is so now whatever you have to do you do it finish doing it and let's continue to worship the lord together in the name of jesus amen and amen whoever is going to come now and receive the service whoever is going to take the service from here i want them to come they will finish leading you in your worship in giving expect good things in the name of jesus amen and amen hallelujah hey glory to god the spirit of the contender is something that the people of god the body of christ must possess now if we are to stand up [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 4,413
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Id: t1NRfnf4d3g
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Length: 211min 50sec (12710 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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