September 19, 2021 Sunday 9:30 Live Service

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[Music] [Music] i believe the basic historical facts about the good news what god has done for man in jesus christ do you so believe and you answer i do but you're not a christian no no that's not the christian experience to believe the facts and to say i do to those facts that does not make anybody a christian it's when the question comes do you receive jesus christ in your life as your savior to salvage you to save you and as your lord to run your life then when you say i will you become a christian you see the parallel between the covenant we make with our bride and with the groom in marriage i do i will is a metaphor of the covenant we make with god when we receive him as jesus christ i believe these facts and i will receive him into my life [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Music] i believe the basic historical facts about the good news of what god has done for man in jesus christ do you so believe and you answer i do but you're not a christian no no that's not the christian experience to believe the facts and to say i do to those facts that does not make anybody a christian it's when the question comes do you receive jesus christ in your life as your savior to salvage you to save you and as your lord to run your life then when you say i will you become a christian you see the parallel between the covenant we make with our bride and with the groom in marriage i do i will is a metaphor of the covenant we make with god when we receive him as jesus christ i believe these facts and i will receive him into my life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning second family welcome to worship let's stand together as we give him honor glory and praise hallelujah [Music] [Music] sing it again [Music] i licked my hands is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] i [Music] i am [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] me is forever is almighty [Music] [Music] dear father we exalt your name for you alone are worthy to be praised fill our hearts and change our lives as we worship you in this hour in jesus name amen welcome to worship here inside the second family we are so glad that you're with us this morning we have some very special guests and they might like to introduce them to you we have catherine gail duncan daughter of kirsten and chris duncan we also have lily madeline young daughter of sarah and christopher young this morning dr young is presenting them with their very own copy of the new testament this is a symbol of the beautiful commitment these families are making to raise these beautiful children up in god's truth church family we're excited for them we have an opportunity to walk beside them to love and invest in them and we're so excited about what god is doing in the lives of these families if you're a guest thank you so much for coming we're glad that you are here as well we would love a chance to connect with you and so if you're a guest all you have to do is simply put your hand in the air if you're a guest go ahead and raise your hand whether you've been here just one time today or you've been here multiple times if you're a guest would you go ahead and raise your hand our ushers are going to pass to you this card right here it's a guest car once you receive that card if you would quickly just take that little sticker just like this it's the logo the life of our church and put it on your clothing or it can be easily seen by our church family this will give them a chance to give you a word of encouragement and to welcome you as you spend some time with us today and then second if you would take that card fill it out completely when the offering plate comes by if you would simply drop that card in the offering plate it'll go directly to someone in our team they're going to reach out to you and hopefully walk beside you as you find community inside the life of our church it's going to be a powerful time of worship today and dr young to be continuing his series on relationships at the end of his message there's going to be an opportunity for anyone in this room to respond to an invitation if you sense the lord moving in your heart in your life in any way we ask you simply stand up walk down front where dr young will be standing he'll receive you welcome you into the life of this church we're excited about all that god is doing let's continue to worship together well good morning last sunday morning you heard our pastor share about the vision for a new children's building on this campus and i wanted to tell you a little bit more about that today this past wednesday night in a called church conference where members from all of our campuses were invited to attend we voted to approve two very important things one the purchase of a little bit under five acres of property on memorial drive if you live in this area you know it is the old memorial drive christian church and it will be the home base for one of our second baptist school university model campuses and i was over there last week for the start of school and it is exciting to see what's happening in the lives of those young people the second thing we voted on was to approve the plans and going forward with the construction of our new children's building and i'm going to tell you a little bit about that 18 months ago our pastor tasked a group of us to look at our campus and if we were really serious about second love's kids then he said we need to take a hard look at how we improve the experience for our family we studied all the buildings we looked at reconfiguring everything and at the end of the day we came to the conclusion that our kids are in some of our oldest buildings a building is 60 years old f building is 40 years old and the decision was made that we need to build a brand new building tell you a little bit about the building it's four stories 117 000 square feet you can see the connector bridge there from the third floor of the children's area to the first balcony right there the third floor so families can drop their children off and jump right to church the main focus of this was to make it easy for our kids and families it has 65 new classrooms it has four worship spaces plus multiple play areas that are both indoors and outdoors there's incredible technology we had to design a network to handle over a thousand wireless devices in one building now let me show you where it's gonna sit if you look at our campus it's gonna be constructed in this parking lot right out here sitting between a building and woodway village it'll sit right in that parking lot and is going to be very convenient right adjacent to worship let me tell you a little bit about security in this building as you look through the floor plans right now we have to lock over 40 doors down to secure our kids if we ever had a problem and with this building with the push of a single button from our dispatch center we can lock every classroom every exterior door every hallway door down in just a matter of seconds it's got over 170 cameras it's got over 170 cameras it's got panic buttons throughout the building and we're really excited about how we've improved that experience because keeping our kids safe is the most important thing to us you can see the first floor lobby it's fun and exciting and interactive and right there on that first floor is also our uh young worship space for our kids the second floor lobby was also host to where the school offices will be it has the giggle theater which is our preschool worship space and then the third floor houses our children's ministry offices the jump room it also has access to the terrace most importantly this is where our handprint wall is going to be we're going to capture all these handprints over all the years and move them over to that building a few other images for you to look at as we go through that and i'll tell you a couple other things a building at the conclusion of the project will get renovated and f building will get torn down to make room and gather some of the parking back that we're going to lose when we build this building now on a personal note i've been on staff for 39 years it's been one of the greatest privileges working here and serving under our pastor we've built over 200 million dollars of buildings under his leadership and during his time here i have never been more excited about a project than this one it's a game changer for our church it's a game changer for our young families it's a game changer for our school as we seek to provide christian education for all of those who come our way and i can't wait to see the impact that this building is going to have in the lives of these kids for all of eternity one handprint at a time [Applause] [Music] praise him praise him jesus [Music] is in his arms he carries him all day long praise him praise himself praise him praise him every joyful here we go [Music] eternal salvation [Music] is praise him praise him every joyful song oh he raised this morning [Music] [Music] sing praise [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] giving the praise today hallelujah dear lord thank you for this day thank you for the opportunity for us to gather here in your church to praise and worship you we ask that you bless these tithes and offerings use them to glorify your kingdom it's in jesus name we pray amen [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] down from [Music] everliving story [Music] my god and save your and jesus was his name [Music] morning to his own a stranger [Music] a man of sorrows tears [Music] bringing us freedom [Music] open side god in his mercy [Music] laid aside his splendor [Music] to save my soul [Music] things [Music] [Music] the great creatures [Music] and all of us [Music] is [Music] [Applause] wait no more [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] the great creator [Music] [Music] and all god's fullness [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] when i begin to think that america cannot make any more mistakes i am astounded the afghanistan tragedy beyond belief totally completely unnecessary the loss of so many many lives and it goes on and on out of tragic ignorant leadership that we have put in places of highest authority in our land and then the praise that they gave to themselves over and over again because of a drone that supposedly destroyed evil isis people only to come out and be discovered when they were forced into transparency an innocent family children were taken from this earth when they'd spent days applauding the success revenge for the evil that has taken place and i said lord lord and then we announce from the white house that anybody who can get to america from haiti and we've had missionary activities for haiti for years and years and many of you have been there and if there's any place on the earth that is so bottomed out so tragic among the people so much pain and hopelessness and helplessness it's among the asians and we say come over here and i don't know how they got here through brazil through mexico horrendous trip thousands of miles over ocean and land and they come we've invited come we will not send you back come to a land of prosperity and hope i don't know how they got the money the means the ability to sacrifice to come and they came a thousand thousand more thousands coming until finally we saw 10 or 12 000 there across the border in the united states across the rio grande and there they were strung out with no plans for food for healthful well-being for any kind of diseases and there they were by the thousands until finally the woke media begins of all things to report on this human [Music] tragedy and now we're supposedly sending planes to take them back to haiti i don't know how you can be more brutal to humanity and in my opinion there needs to be charges against humanity and whomever is running the white house needs to be impeached [Applause] if this doesn't break your heart for america tell me what will you say this is political no it's not it's moral it's absolutely moral and a tragedy against people that we need to help more and more in haiti and to bring them with all these promises children everything i can't think of anything much worse than a nation can do can you so we can pray well we just pray no that's the best thing we can do and then maybe prayer will give us some meaning and significance to find out what's going on is it intentionality to destroy a nation is it absolutely evil what is it what is it but i pray that we as the body of christ will be god's people and a bulwark against the swirling will of satan himself that's the only thing i can contribute to so may we be found faithful if you can let's kneel together father we come not in a judgmental spirit because we know that evil takes place when the snake has bitten people and lord we were all born snake bitten but thank you that the power of god through jesus christ and so many of us has forgiven us and redeemed us and called us to be in your business in this day and age in which you've called us to live lord we just pray for healing in our lives individually and we pray lord that somehow someway you may heal this land as many knees will bow to christ who've never bowed before we pray for our president we pray for our vice president we pray for our senate and our house our supreme court we pray for our governor our lieutenant governor of this state and the senate and the house and those whom we have hired and voted to be our servants may they truly truly listen to you and make those decisions that affect each and every one of us and lord may they somehow look to you as never before and be guided by your holy spirit is our prayer for us individually for us as a church for our city our state our nation and our world in jesus name we pray amen god has a plan for marriage and i've discovered that every time we follow god's plan it always works there are positively no exceptions to that and there are three kinds of marriages they're bad marriages they're okay marriage okay marriages and there are great marriages if you're not married what kind of marriage would you like to have if you are married what kind of marriage would you like to have so we have to decide and so god in his clarity people always say a lot of the bible don't understand that's not your problem the problem that you and i have in the bible is the part we do understand so it's very clear god has given us a a formula a design a dream a way in which a marriage marriages can be all that he designed for them to become and so we look back and see the essential relationship there's no other human relationship that is greater than marriage certainly our relationship with god in jesus christ would be first but marriage is absolutely there nobody here as humans will make a more profound important decision in your life by saying i do and i will i now pronounce you that has preeminence over everything else so let's just look back and see the history a little bit let's go to the book of genesis genesis chapter number one tells us what god did in the beginning god let there be let there be let there be let there be and he had seven let there be and he said every time it is good and the seventh one he said it is very good chapter number one he says he created mankind male and female he said be fruitful and multiply chapter number one chapter number one tells us what god did chapter number two in genesis tells us how he did it a little bit and then he tells us why he did it now a lot of people get all fouled up as they read genesis they read genesis chapter one and say oh this is one account of creation here's genesis chapter two it's another account of creation that is not accurate genesis chapter 1 tells us what and genesis 2 is a commentary it gives us an explanation of much that he had talked about and he had done in chapter number one here's what here's a little bit of the how and then in chapter number two he goes and he says this is done for worship worship and he talks about even god himself rested and this is the preamble of the old our understanding of worship of god himself so he says it's for worship and then in chapter 2 he says also i'm giving you assignment how you can fulfill all this but i'm going to give you a prohibitive don't eat of that tree so he's trying to teach man from the beginning to be obedient to him so life will work so he gives a prohibitive he's going to see if man is going to be obedient obedient and then he gives to adam an assignment but not before he brought adam into being and he tells us how he did it adam was created from dirt okay not going too fast he was created from soil from dirt i think this tells us that we have a human part of us and we came from the dirt of the ground and then he gives adam an assignment very serious assignment adam are you obedient don't eat of that tree i brought you into life from dirt and now this is the first thing i want you to do you've got all these birds and all these animals who already there i want you to name them what an assignment folks think about it here's adam on this earth the only human on this earth adam superior to all animals we can think we can reason we have a free will all the giftedness that we have because adam was created as all of us were brought into being in the very image of god way ahead of the animals not a high-class animal but a unique human being made in the very image of god so adam has all these animals to come in the garden of eden they came two by two here's two well what am i gonna name them here's two more what i'm gonna name them here's two more and they come two by two by two how long did it take him we don't know a millennial we don't know what an assignment name the birds name the animals over all the earth how about that assignment and then finally god gave him this assignment i think to figure out their characteristics you know i would i look forward to heaven for a lot of reasons but one reason i'm going to tell you i've got a picture on the wall someone gave me and it's a picture there of a lion's den and it's daniel standing up in front of all those lines you know your bible and there are all kinds of lines there and i thought you know it would be wonderful go down there and take one of those big old lines and hold them and wrestle with them and or feel that power boy he could do that that was the garden that's going to be heaven i look forward to that that's just a personal preference and desire but he's naming all these animals and finally he begins to figure out there's not any one of these animals that look like me there's there's nothing there for me and then we see the beautiful beautiful story and god said it's not good for man to be alone and adam says i sure get that said i will make a helper suitable for him now the females get upset at the word helper but the word helper in the hebrew means that something is missing it's the rest of that which should be there that's a better translation not some subservient it is it is something that will be there it's something that that is missing and then he said i will make a helper that part that is missing now the lord god had formed out of the ground of the wild animals and all the birds of the sea and he brought them to the man to see he would name them and whatever the man called the living creatures that was the name and so the man gave the names all the livestock and the birds and the sky and the wild animals but adam no suitable helper the rest of something was found so the lord god called man to fall into a deep sleep and while he was sleeping he took one of the man's ribs a better translation of rib in the hebrew would be he took a hunk out of his side literally not a rib he took a hunk out of adam's side and then closed up the place with flesh then the lord god made a woman from the rib he had taken out a man and he brought it a man and adam said notice god brought that woman to man ladies god brought your husband to you men god brought your wife to you same thing the man said eureka that's the rest of me this is now bone of my bones and flesh in my flesh and she shall be called woman and then he gives for us the plan the brew plant for marriage by the way what is the purpose of all this of creation all the universe what what is the purpose of all the animals what what is the the climax of all this magnificence that has come into being ex nihilo out of nothing god's creative acts what is the purpose here it is guess what marriage marriage you say well i'll doubt that then you don't know your bible marriage we've all discovered begins right here in genesis ends up the marriage feasts of land in revelation right and we know this particular plan and blueprint for marriage is repeated in the bible by jesus in the summer of the mount in matthew 5 matthew 18. he comes back and deals with it again in ephesians 5 and all the way through the bible there's marriage and marriage and marriage and marriage and marriage now those of you who are single just hold on we're not going to cover every relationship we'll get to that very clearly what that role is so don't get bent out of joint talking about relationships and the highest and most sacred and beautiful and magnificent relationship god has given to us is marriage and we can follow the the formula the plan and the design and when we do guess what it works every single time i was speaking last night and i got carried away and i said look if anybody who is married follows this formula both partners or christians and your marriage doesn't sing and work and soar i will personally go find a hundred thousand dollars and write you a check so you'll make some quick money and i wish i could say a million or 10 million because i am confident i know beyond words so you can have a a bad marriage an okay marriage or you can have a great marriage that god designed you say well i i bounce between one and one no no no under the great marriage doesn't mean everything is always uh violins and roses i'm not saying that but i'm saying your marriage will be bountiful and beautiful and growing and significant and it will be the center point of your life if we do it god's way now we have to decide some people said well it's too late for me no it's not not by god's grace and by god's power so what is this formula let's look at it it's right here she shall be taken out of man and that is why a man leaves his father and his mother the first thing we have to do we have to leave we have to leave your prayer you see leave father leave your mother but what does that mean it means in marriage there has to be an something that is beyond it is an exclusivity it's an exclusive thing it's a private thing it's it's you and me babe exclusivity is a part of it you leave what does it mean to leave you leave your parents all other relationships you have your parents you have other relationship but the number one relationship there's nothing challenging so you have to leave the financial support you have for your parents hello doesn't mean parents do not help but it means that parents back up and let those married children begin to fend for themselves as early as possible you back up and let them decide don't make that house payment don't buy that car that'd be my recommendation back up let there be some struggle let there be some discipline financially don't overtake that there is exceptions here for a while but that is what we must do as parents as grandparents back up back up you have to back up emotionally i heard a marriage tape this week i just flipped it in and the store was told that this young couple got married boy they were having a great time it was perfect it was kid and barbie and the bells were ringing they had everything going for them and then they were married about six months and they had their first real fight not physically but the first real debate and i'm telling you it went from bad to worse and she said i didn't know you when i married you and he said i didn't realize you were like this and they call old things old grudges old ideas and it goes on and on and she gets hysterical and she's crying and females i want you to know your tears are like uh nuclear weapons at this time and she's crying she's hysterical and they go on and on and it gets worse and worse and i don't know how we can live together we didn't make it let's get out of here it gets not violent but it gets overwhelming until finally he said i'm out of here and he gets up and goes out and close the door and starts walking up the street and she's just outrageously upset and she goes and gets a puts on a robe over her gown and gets on some shoes and gets in the car and packs out of the car and takes off down the road and sees him walking and doesn't even look left or right and she's going home though her mother and dad live about two hours from her she's gone home to mama she takes off she gets there about oh four a.m in the morning knowing her mother gets up early she's still crying she goes to the front door she rings the bell she rings the bell banging on the door mama mama mama the mother comes the door and pulls that little you know little little screen those little curtains back and looks at her and closes it and oh let me in mother it's home and she mother pulls it back looks at her again closes it she's still hysterical on the porch and the mother goes and cracks the door and puts her foot in and says you've had your first fight haven't you oh yes mother she says go home and make it right bang close the door that was it about 10 or 12 years went by this couple's marriage was just blossoming and she told a friend you know the best thing that ever happened in my marriage was when my mother slammed the door and said go home and make it right you see there's an exclusivity in marriage an exclusivity in marriage so we got to watch all the financial support we've got to cut away the emotional support and realize that god has put you together and you have the ability particularly especially if you're in christ to go through every single crisis number one leave there is an exclusivity there that we must honor first principle the next principle in here i want you to look at it very accurately here in the account it says this is why a man leaves his father and mother because of marriage and he says and is united with his wife and they become one flesh that's singularity in which two become one and there's singularity there by the way i looked up the word singularity and this is what mr webster tells us that it is a point or region of infinite mass density at which space and time are infinitely distorted by gravitational forces and which is held to be the final state of matter falling into a black hole powerful picture really you got time and mass come together and they're sucked into a black hole and that is oneness oneness a powerful understanding that two become one and when this happens here is the kingdom of self meaning the kingdom of self he is the king of the male meeting the king of the female and you mean they are to become one and so many times there is a kingdom battle that goes on for a long long time not understanding that both kingdoms are to be dissolved and destroyed and now there to have one kingdom that is operating in marriage under the very kingdom of god you see two becoming one is a tremendous challenge but when it happens it is a magnificently beautiful thing to observe do you know the most powerful witness for christ that anybody here can make myself included is to see when two become one they become one flesh and that's where we would say gorilla glue or super glue comes into being and we're so intertwined with one another in every way and every attitude in every situation and that marriage that is alive for god in christ is the most powerful witness we can give to the world there's nothing more powerful than that to see a couple that's got it that's glowing it's a beautiful thing that intertwines there there's no secret agendas there's there's nothing hidden there there's nothing that the other one doesn't know and there's no areas you can't talk about well we can talk about everything but sex and finances oh no to become one and the reason we have so many tragic divorces when people have been married for a long time and there's that empty nest is because they wake up and said who is this woman who is this man in the process of child rearing and raising and bringing them up they got where they didn't know each other and they didn't give the highest priority to one another it was a children it was a job it was other people it was hobbies it was activities and they wake up and therefore they say i'm not going to live the rest of my life with him or her bang they're out of here it happens all the time two become one what a beautiful thing two become one operating with the very principles of god in jesus christ it works every time it is a powerful witness to this world let's say boy what do they have that we don't have what do they see it's because there is an exclusivity there it's because now there's a singularity there and that is a magnificent thing and almost a rare thing in the culture in which we live because some of us even are christians we use the bible as a hammer oh yeah oh you don't know the bible like this and we we call out the word of god as if it's a sledgehammer to win some kind of argument we try to some wives or husbands try to outpious one another you know in a situation like that oh yeah i do i've seen it many times there was a couple that got married newlyweds both of them were christians and so the bible teacher that the man had sat under for many years asked this young guy just married how things going with your marriage he said well she's having a tough time following my leadership she's not really submissive to my leadership and so the bible teacher says well show me that verse in the bible he said my goodness you mean you don't know that verse you've been teaching me the bible all these years you know that verse he said no show me the verse that says that your wife is to submit to your leadership he said well it's right here and he went got his bible out of his desk and he said i want to read it to you it's in ephesians you know it chapter 22 it says wives submit the bible wait a minute wait a minute what'd you say it says wives cement said no no that verse is not for you didn't you say it begin with wise did you notice that oh he said he said look at some of those verses that are for you you got the bible he said look here husbands love your wives just as christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy cleansing her by the washing of water through the word said it sounds like a husband should be willing to die and should be living a death defying life in the presence of the wife doesn't it it sure does christ died for oh that's how the husbands live a sacrificial and crucified life to please the wife oh said here's another verse that's for you look at verse 28 in this very same way husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies oh he who loves his wife loves himself after all no one ever hated his own body but they feed and care for their body oh ho that's for you and said by the way while you're talking about biblical principles of marriage did you notice that all these job assignments for the husband and the wife begin with this verse look at this he read to him verse 21 submit to one another out of reverence for christ it all begins with wives submissing to their husband the husband submitting to their wives that's the preamble before you have the specific assignments given to the husband and wife so remember we talked about that we position ourself under we position us under the husband positioned himself under the wife the wife positioned himself unto the husband you see what i'm talking about god's formula really works folks it cuts because pride and ego it cuts it called my desires your desires and the number one thing in life you don't want the kingdom of self versus the kingdom of self you want the kingdom of selflessness operating in that marriage in that home in that relationship did anybody ever have a marital debate or dispute on the basis of well you're not being treated fairly it was all the disputes come i'm not getting what i deserve i'm not getting what ought to be here itself and when a marriage begins to increasingly increase become selflessness powerful things take place this is not my idea don't say well i don't agree with the preacher it had nothing to do with me it's just god's word you can take and throw it out not believe it or you can put it into practice and fire will come at your marriage guaranteed every single time so we leave your marriage my marriage becomes a touch of exclusivity man it's it's it's it's it we leave we become one there's singularity no hidden agendas nothing backwards nothing back there we deal we talk about it all and we become one and then finally look at the last part and this has to do with transparency adam and eve were both naked and they felt no ashamed is that great transparent here i am open honest with you on your team cheering for you cherishing you transparency what would it be like to live in a family where everybody always told the truth in love what kind of family would that be well that's the way it's going to be in heaven we have the opportunity to have a little touch of heaven right now folks just tell the truth and love and your wife and your husband can reprogram how you see yourself and how others have have seen you there's a reprogramming there if people have said well you know he's not very smart but your wife says hey man i know you've got a lot of stuff i think you're very bright it reprograms you somebody says well you know you're sort of sort of slow and you don't really look too sharp your wife says man you're the sharpest thing i've ever seen same way with a husband we reprogram one another because there's that mirror out there in front and we can tear down we can build up we can speak the truth in love and there's that open and a candidness all of a sudden things happen in marriage wonderful things happen in marriage so we got the formula there leave cleave no shame transparency well how do we get there remember i talked about you in marriage you talk talk talk you listen listen listen and you pray and pray and pray marriage involves work and worship worship and work work and worship and when a couple genuinely begins to pray together that marriage will soar every single time because you can't fool god you may try to but you can't so there begins to be all these things developing in prayer and maybe the secret of in your ear did you know your heart that in heart you find your ear h e a r ear t did you know that in in your in your ear as we listen really listen to our spouse and then you see you put two ears together and what do you have you have a heart and heart in the middle of heart is the ear you put two ears together you have the shape of a heart now somebody here or many here would say man it's just too late for me my my i'm my marriage is down in a pit it's down there 20 feet deep i'm going to tell you something god has a rope that's 21 feet long and he'll put it down in that pit say well my marriage is where you don't know i i'm with my marriage and my kids my wife i'm down a bit a thousand feet deep tell you something god has a rope that's a thousand and one foot and he'll put it down i'm gonna tell you something more exciting than that he'll not only by his grace put that rope down for you if you're down in that pit but jesus christ will go down that rope just like he did in bethlehem and meet you and bring you back up so you can have a marriage that begins to flourish and grow and sing in harmony like god intends for it to do choices just keep on doing it the same old way my marriage is okay i'm holding on i'm here for the kids or for family or reputation or whatever or or you can begin by his grace and by his power to do it god's way our heavenly father forgive me forgive me from so many times i have not followed your leadership which i knew and most of us know lord teach us all to have that time together with our spouse and we sit down with humility and with brokenness and maybe a tear or two and say let's take our marriage and give it to god as we give ourselves the new to god oh lord oh lord help us [Music] help us by your grace by your power by your forgiveness help us to begin to live in harmony together as god intended father somebody have never come to christ they've never experienced that personal relationship and that resurrection power that gives any man any woman any teenager the ability to really follow your truth and live by your truth may they come down this aisle confessing sin repenting of sin receiving christ and say lord i want to do it your way my life others here need a church where they can worship and serve a family they say i would like for the second family to be my family and they come as christians in the membership today use this invitation we pray in jesus name no one moving no one slipping away or running out we're going to sing a hymn old-fashioned hymn of invitation to give everybody here a chance to stand and publicly say i'm coming home to christ i'm coming home to christ or stand and say i want this church family to be my church family as the lord leads no one moves except as we're singing you stand give one of these pastors your hand and just make a circle right in front i tell you a secret in a second you'll feel right at home as he leads coming to our family just as i am without one [Music] just come right up [Music] [Music] is [Music] just [Music] is [Music] i welcome these who've come into our family today as they move out this way let me pray father thank you for your touch upon our church we just pray that you will use us with these as we mature in every relationship of life is our prayer in jesus name remain seated just for a minute both of you know i've got to run out to the west campus and do some teaching out there but next week we're going to get in the area of love and before long we're going to get in the area of human sexuality so just stay with us we're talking about relationships and we're going to see what god can teach you and teach me through the clear clear enunciation of his truth terry make some announcements before we go well you heard in mr dixon's presentation about the children's building aren't you excited about that it's going to be an historical really it's going to be an historical moment life of our church last weekend we passed out these brochures it is a very high level piece of information about the building project i want to encourage you if you did not get one of these last week you can pick one of these up at any of our welcome desks out here in the atrium or the narthex rather in the atrium over here stop by and grab one be aware of all that's going to be happening as we continue to pursue the make your mark campaign make sure all of you are aware of that also date nights two wednesday nights september the 22nd and 29th all about enhancing and strengthening your marriage if you're a married couple come and be a part of date night once again the 22nd 29th of september it starts at 6 30 p.m in the fellowship hall this week we have lisa and keith garvin you guys know keith garvin part of our church family at the 1463 campus channel 2 news his daughter kendall's on staff here on our woodway campus great family lisa and keith garvin this wednesday night at date night all you've got to do is go to to register do that today married couples i promise you it's going to be worth your while guess once again thank you so much for being here we'd love a chance to meet you face to face want to encourage you once again go to the red door it's right over here staff volunteers standing by we'd love to shake your hand meet you in person and help you begin to find community here at our church this church i promise you everyone says it's such such a big church it begins to feel small when you get plugged into community go the red door guess we'd love to help you with that let's stand for our closing prayer happy father thank you so much for this encouraging word on marriage help each one of us to apply your truth to our hearts into our lives help us to love each other well as we leave this place today give us the courage and strength to stand for the truth of your word help us to be salt and light in a world that so desperately desperately needs it be with us help us to honor you we ask these things in christ's name amen [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for being here this morning god bless you as you make your way out you
Channel: Second Baptist Church, Houston
Views: 2,318
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 27sec (4947 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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