The Body | Dr, Ed Young

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[Music] sex was invented by god people said oh really that's stunning sex is is sacred it is holy it is special what is it for procreation have babies for pleasure and also it is for a symbol a beautiful symbol a metaphor of how you and i come to relationship with god through jesus christ in marriage in marriage and so we come to corinth a totally sexualized culture we have the church there that all of a sudden the culture of corinth begins to flow into the church and we've already seen that as we talked about a sexual sin right up up in our study a prominent member of the church was guilty of incest and they hadn't looked over that he was so wealthy so well known everybody knew about it and all of a sudden the corinthians they said you know the church is almost like we are they just don't tell it they have an underground relationships there so the witness of christ was being muted he was being pushed away the exclusivity of god in christ and his formula and plan for a life that's in this life and beyond this life was being pushed away so we know that corinth was totally sexualized i'll tell you something else the united states of america has been totally sexualized list all the problems we have name them bang bang bang bang bang and with few exceptions it revolves around the misunderstanding or the misuse of this most sacred relationship of sexuality we have been sexualized like corinth now i thought about this and i said where is there an illustration where is there something that we can use to parallel how all of us everybody here somebody say i've never had a problem with sex you'd be a liar you'd not be telling the truth all the way through i developed from puberty forward there's so much confusion so much misinformation and now all of this has been exploded into areas that we sit back and say i can't believe it and i thought about kudzu know what kudzu is it's a southern vine a plant that is carnivorous to say the leaf it is fluent kudzu came into america from the orient in 1846 it came in in a little pot it had purple flowers a beautiful aroma it was growing lovely 1846 but soon they discovered that kutsu could be used on the banks of rivers and it would prevent erosion and so they planted it only to discover you just can't control kudzu it just grows it expands and everybody in the world has tried to kill it in different ways you can burn it it'll come back you can take and uproot it and some seeds will be there it'll come back you can take in insecticides you can take herbicides put it on it will come back you can try to smother it that's the best thing or you can put walls around it it'll grow over it in fact today in the united states of america listen over 7 million acres are covered in kutzu it grows about a 120 000 acres a year and sometimes a foot a day you say what is seven million acres seven million acres would cover the state of virginia it's pervasive it grows it consumes much like the sexual drive that god has given us when it gets out of control kudzu wraps around us it did in the days of the corinthian church and it is still wrapping around us as we as a nation have become almost totally sexualized so paul addresses this problem very clearly he's already talked about incest the church disciplined this man but we have the beautiful truth he was disciplined because of immorality in first corinthians but in second corinthians we see the beautiful story of they brought him back he came back in faith he's restored fully in the life of christ the healing and forgiveness of the body through christ we see that we've been through that but now we come to the end of the sixth chapter of first corinthians and this end of the sixth chapter is sort of a prelude as we go into first corinthians chapter 7 and ladies and gentlemen you have never seen anything in sexual confusion and a jungle like we're going to walk in as we go into first corinthians chapter seven so paul is sort of getting some things straight some presuppositions some foundations before we get into the kutzu jungle as he walks us through all kinds of sexual perversion and relationships so let's look at the end of first corinthians 6 verse 12 through verse 20. hope you have your bibles with you if not take your computers or your iphone and turn to first corinthians 12 20 you can dial it in speak it in maybe you have an app there already let's look at it profound words from god's man chapter 6 verse number 12 and he says i have the right to do anything and he says that twice i have the right to do anything in one verse paul says i have the right to do anything and then before he gets into the explanation of that and i'm sure he said that he puts that phrase in context we have to do that for example i could say i love to go out in the ocean or i love to take cruises but i don't do it because every time i've done it i get sick seasick so you could quote me and say edwin young loves to take cruises but he doesn't do it because he gets seasick now take that out of context you'd say edwin young loves to take cruises is that right no i get seasick i've tried it i've tried all the other remedies i don't want any input there somebody told me the better coordination have you more i have to get seasick i accept that but see you could quote that out of context you could say edwin young loves to cruise no i don't but take it out of context that's exactly what happened with the apostle paul he is setting the record straight on a couple of things that the corinthians were quoting him about they were they were saying paul said everything is right to me i can do anything and everything and then paul puts that in context and said wait a minute there are a couple of limitations and we know why he would have said in teaching the church i can do anything he was trying to explain to them that christianity is not a do and don't religion like mostly all the other religions that they had and all their other religion in the world he said christianity is a relationship with god almighty provided for us by way and through the lord jesus christ and he said i can do all things but only in christ little different i can do all things only in christ and then he says there are two limitations to this and he was trying to explain the difference in legalism and freedom freedom can lead to license unless it's put in banks limitation paul says i can do all things and then he says the first limitation here but not everything is beneficial to understand that in the context of the greek he is saying i can do all things but everything is not beneficial and he's talking a sexual context here in a sexual context here he said not everything is beneficial because in sex the implication is someone else is involved he understood that we are our brother's keeper so therefore the sexual act is not something that's done in isolation because someone else is involved he said this is where abstention comes remember our principle in marriage celebration outside of marriage purity chastity and that is our principle paul said i can do all things but i don't have that kind of so-called freedom which ends up in bondage which we've already been singing about have we not we already heard about it leads to bondage so that would say boy i'm free to do anything but when we do anything and everything particularly in especially in a sexual area it involves somebody else and we end up in bondage bondage we live in a hook-up generation no harm no foul no big deal but we know physiologically that's absolutely not true every person that you have ever had sex with in your life the dna of that of you is still with him or her and the same way both sides it is still there it is a molecule kind of thing our molecules are involved when sex happens there's a hormone that goes out from the male and a hormone that goes out from the female and in those hormones that go out they call them monogamous hormones they're supposed to mean this is a permanent holy sacred thing what did genesis say what's the formula leave cleave one flesh no shame open its vulnerability and we see it's the total giving of a personality it's a total revelation of yourself or myself and therefore god says it's sacred and by the way you could parallel this with worship what is worship we become open to god naked before god that's worship all of this involved in the magnificent symbolism we have in this sacred gift that god has given to you and given to me and so he begins and he says this is the first thing you have to watch out for this is all things are with you but involves other people then he says i have the right to do anything but i will not be mastered by anything sex is highly addictive and it's beautiful in marriage it's beautiful outside of marriage it is absolutely deadly and devastating it'll cut your heart and your life you see the problem they had in corinth the corinthians plato aristotle socrates they all taught that here's the body the soma and the body is over here and here's the soul then the spirit it's over here and they taught it doesn't matter what to do with your body it's going to die it's going to bend oh but you had to take care of your soul and your spirit and christianity comes along the apostle paul says nonsense your body and your soul your soul and your spirit there's a wholeness there and you can't separate the physical from the spiritual as they did there in ancient corinthians you can't do it and paul is reminding us of the holy have you ever been to a graveside service or a funeral and some colored clergyman said ashes to ashes and dust to dust when you hear that you know you're not dealing with a biblical understanding of life and death did you get that ashes to ashes dust and dust says that this body dies we were made from dirt and dust and therefore this body goes right back to dirt and dust that is not the teachings of christianity that is platonic paganism because in christianity the body and the soul and the soul and the body go together and the body is sacred the body is important and what you do with your body is connected with who you are in spirit and personality we're going to see that we get to first corinthians 15. it's the most fabulous chapter in the world i think talking about life now and afterlife we'll get there in a few years the rate we're going but what is he saying he's saying i can do anything i want to do but in the sexual area someone else involved so there is the exclusivity that god has put in marriage you say i can do anything i want to do except something that might be addictive and we have the idea a lot well it's not against the law therefore it must be all right there's a law of man and the law of god and we follow the law of man unless it is in conflict with the law of god right there is a higher law that we operate in but in our sexual society a man went to see a psychiatrist the psychiatrist had him to sit down took a blackboard he said all right before i examine you i want to see where you are mentally he said i'm going to put some things on the blackboard and the first thing you think of you say it so the man drew a straight line the man said sex oh he drew a square what do you think of sex huh he drew a circle what do you think of sex and the psychiatrist says i think you've got a sexual problem he said it's not me doctor you've been drawing all the dirty pictures you see we're so oriented in our culture in our society it is deadly there's so much to do i don't think there's anything more addictive than sex crack cocaine i don't think had cloves of candles to it i've never been there but it's highly addictive so paul is saying i can do anything but i don't want to hurt other people he said i can do anything but something that's highly addictive and so it needs to be in boundaries kudzu works well to keep from erosion on the banks of rivers but kudzu outside its bounds is so pervasive and it destroys everything it touches farms ranches forests on and on it goes and it is so overwhelming that's the way it is with human sexuality outside the bounds and the parameters that god has put there and then he goes ahead he says by the way you corinthians corinthian christians you three things you need to know before we get in chapter number seven whoa don't read it in a modern translation you'll be frightened to come to church by the way you better come and let me handle seven he says there's three things you've got to know first of all look there in verse 15. he says do you not know that your bodies are members of christ himself shall i then take the members of christ and unite them with a prostitute when you and i give our body to jesus christ to be our savior and our lord we don't belong to ourselves we become hold on to this a part of the trinity look back if you would in john chapter number 17 the high priestly prayer of jesus before he went to the cross and was resurrected look what he says john 17. verse 21 that all of them may be one father just as you and i are in me and i in you may they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me i have given them the glory said jesus talk about christians that you gave me and they may be one as we are one i in them you and me so that they may be brought to complete unity you can have diversity and still unity folks we need to understand that then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me what's jesus saying he's saying the father the son the holy spirit are in a holy reverent dance together and as a christian he invites all of us to come and dance with them that's with him so would we take our body that belongs to god in christ and united with a prostitute no it doesn't work like that then he goes on to say how could anybody take a body that christ is in you and christ in me and we're part of that holy dance of father son and holy spirit and lead it into immorality into pornea that's a strong greek word for illicit sex so he said that's the first thing you got to know man that just won't work that just cannot be then he says verse 16 do you not know that he who unites himself with the prostitute is one with her in body for it is said the two shall become one flesh genesis 2 but whoever is united with the lord is one with him in spirit flee run from sexual immorality all of the sins a person commits or outside the body but whoever sins sexually sins against their own body sexual immorality affects us disturbs us and we see the high high realm of promiscuity in every area of life cottage universities neighborhoods clubs activities organizations businesses you go on and on and on today what's happening and paul says other sins are out here lie cheat steal swindle but the sexual sin is in here and it affects our body our psyche our sleep our emotional stability i remember years ago an ex-marine came to faith in jesus christ he'd been very promiscuous with his life about a year i asked him i said jack what's the biggest difference he said i don't go around frightened all the time i i sleep at night i don't when i see the husband of some of those women i was sleeping with i was always on he said for christ has set me free i am a new person in christ you see it affected everything about him this intimate god-made relationship was a symbol of your relationship with mine we are gifted to have in jesus christ he said you need to know this and then look at the last thing he says we need to know do you know that your bodies are whoa temples of the holy spirit who is in you whom you have received from god you're not your own you were bought with a price therefore honor god with your bodies your body my body is a church it's a temple we were seeing christ the holy spirit came in and united with your spirit and with my spirit and there inside of you and inside of me there is a temple it's like the temple that was built and the very literal presence of god was there in the holy of holies in your life and in my life there is a holy of holies there a sacredness there that belongs to god what do you do about this sexual sexual vine kudzu vine that wraps around our nation that wraps around so many of us past or present what do you do about it how do you kill kudzu before all kinds of ways have been found you know the best way they found and they're really the only way to eliminate it you'd never guess sheep sheep sheep can take bait sheeps can go in there and when sheets begin to eat the kutsu they go all the way down to the roots they eliminate it that destroy just get a flock of sheep get some lambs put in the kupsu and it begins to destroy and to kill and to permeate eliminate the katsu when i saw that i said oh god thank you for that because how do we get rid of the kudzu today we get rather cut through by the lamb by the lamb of jesus christ and he says we are to run that's right we are to run from sexual involvement that's exactly the council that paul gave to timothy that's the council that joseph followed with the good-looking part of his wife we're to run in which direction do we run we run to the cross where the lamb of god is there his blood takes away the sin it kills the cut zoo and cleans up your life and in my life that's the direction in which we run amazing the lamb the grace of god all who are wrapped up in the concert of sin [Music] you
Channel: The Winning Walk
Views: 1,527
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Broadcast, Discover, Dr. Ed Young, Ed Young, Gifts, Radio, SBCHouston, TBN, Television, The Winning Walk, Transformation, bible, ed young ministries, ed young sermons,
Id: 5z8RsPGjL08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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