Sunday Morning - September 12, 2021

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[Music] i can satisfy my soul like [Music] i will trust in you i will trust in you my god [Music] like you do who could ever be more faithful to [Music] i will trust in you i will trust in you [Music] my god there is a fountain [Music] my shelter my [Music] raised [Music] lord jesus [Music] there is a fountain [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there is a fountain who is warrior and lord of everything [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's pray together lord thank you that you are a blessed redeemer who who right at this moment is both reigning on the throne and here with us lord thank you that you are here and i pray this morning um that we worship you in spirit and in truth that you are glorified that you are honored through on our songs and our prayers and our giving lord we pray that um as the word is open to us this morning will you use it to change us to make us more like you i ask lord if there's anyone in here today who needs to be saved that today will be the day of their salvation they'll turn to you in repentance and faith and trust what you did for them as redeemer on the cross lord and thank you for what you're going to do we ask you to do it in the name of jesus amen y'all can be seated well good morning everyone it is great to see you all here today it is a good day to be in the house of the lord and we are so glad that you have joined us for worship at north crest today i want to wish a special welcome to our guest if you are visiting with us for the first time this morning let me just tell you thank you we are so glad that you are here we love having guests here and we are so glad that you have chosen to join us you've been doing a lot of things this morning but you chose to join us in worship and we thank you for that we would love to be able to connect with you this weekend so there's a a really simple thing that you could do for us this morning if you look in the pew rack in front of you you will notice a qr code that you can turn on the camera on your phone for it and it will send you a connect card to your phone you can fill that card out and send it back to us the same way you got it i mean it will give us an opportunity to connect with you this week we have a gift that we'd like to send you and we just love to be able to see if you have any prayer needs answer any questions that you might have about the church so if you could do that we'd really appreciate it you'll also notice that i'm in that view rack is a paper connect card if you prefer to fill it out on paper you can fill that out and you can drop it in one of our offering boxes that are at each of the doors of the worship center this morning either way we just love to be able to connect with you this week and tell you thank you for coming and worshiping with us we know there are also many people who are watching online right now we're thankful for you watching on line two thank you for being here we would love for you to come and worship with us in person sometime in the very near future northwest folks let's welcome our guests today both online want to remind our folks about giving and how you can give how you continue to be faithful in your giving thank you for that you've been so faithful over the last um several months and we can ask that you just continue to do that as you walk out this morning you will notice that there are offering boxes at each of the doors of the worship center here um you look there you can drop your check off or your i'm offering off there as you walk out this morning there are also several other ways you can give you can go online and give at northcrestbaptis.comgive you can um text to give you just text the amount from your phone and it will um you just follow the prompts from there you see that number on your screen you can text that and also you can mail your gift if you're watching online you'd like to do that you can mail your gift to the address that you see up there on your screen i'm just continuing to be faithful in your giving there i want to give just a couple of quick announcements before we get back to worshiping number one is we're beginning a spanish class that will this will be especially helpful for you if you are planning to go to the dominican republic or to colombia either of the two mission spots that we travel to regularly here at north crest to be helpful for you that would be also helpful for you um if you'd like to share your faith with other people in our community who their primary language is spanish that will start in october it will be taught by dr greg massey and it will be a great thing that many of you can i'm really learn a lot in so if you're interested in that there is a sign up area on the kiosk on the ipads in the back also we're looking for a few more greeters if you would like to be a greeter someone who who makes the folks in our who come into our church feel welcome if you have the gift of hospitality we would love to have you as a part of our greeting team and so if you're interested in doing that um there's a sign up on the ipads back there in the lobby also either way i'm just just sign up so we can know we want to have people here we'll make to make sure that people feel welcome when they come to northwest and you can be a part of that team that does that all right we're going to continue to worship now brother danny's going to come up here we're going to have a baby dedication now i'm going to ask hunter and savannah bradley to come and bring kinsley michelle and kaylee marie they were born may 3rd 2017 parents hunter and savannah bradley [Music] the scripture says in the book of proverbs chapter 22 and verse 6 that we're to train up a child in the way it should go and when he is old he will not depart from it today hunter and savannah have come acknowledging and professing their dependence upon the lord jesus christ in the rearing of their daughters in the nurture and the fear and the admonition of the lord jesus christ and to before you their church family publicly dedicate kinsley and kaylee to god the hunter and savannah do you come professing jesus christ as the lord and savior of your lives and you come publicly to dedicate yourself to biblical construction faithfulness to the lord's church and to the discipline and to the love of these children and do you before god and this congregation of witnesses your church family publicly dedicate kinsley and kaley to the ultimate control of jesus christ and to the will of god through the lord jesus christ hunter it is your responsibility to be the spiritual leader in the home you set the direction you kind of guide the boat so to speak as you catch the wind of the holy spirit to guide the cell you give direction and stability to the home your chief provider not just in physical provisions but in spiritual wisdom and leadership and what you will do is you will give a picture of god the father in the home these girls will see jesus in you and you're going to teach them about god and about security you're going to teach them about sanctification you're going to teach them about significance because of your walk with god and the way you do that is by sowing the word of god into their life the bible said thy word have i hid in my heart that i might not sin against thee here's a copy of god's word for each one of the girls if you'll take that and will you do that as they learn about salvation and significance and security from you will you do that savannah you're the chief caregiver in the home you create the personality the atmosphere in the home you give physical and spiritual nurture to kinsley and kaylee what i want to give you today two roses master gardener put a lot of time in to get these and it takes a lot of time as you pour into those babies as you're going to pour into them and you're going to nurture them to where they're going to have a sweetness and a fragrance of jesus in their life and that sweetness and fragrance of jesus will be evident in your home will you do that okay let's pray together father lord we bring these children to you with our heart and our soul and our mind and we pray that you give hunter and savannah wisdom and insight and understanding as they rear kinsley and kaylee up in the lord jesus and then may they be a living example of christ before these girls we pray that kinsley and kaylee will grow up be holy to be healthy and to be happy in jesus and lord may they love serve and honor you throughout their life and glorify jesus for asking in jesus name amen [Music] the bible says low children are a heritage of the lord the fruit of the womb is his reward as ours are in the hands of a mighty man so our children of the youth then psalm 127 5 says happy is the man that hath this quiver full of them they shall not be ashamed but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate that means they're going to take care of business what we want to give you here for the girls room the certificate of dedication that you can hang commemorate and just stay together church let's rejoice in this today amen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey would you stand please as we continue in our worship together we sing this old [Music] [Music] all right everybody sing along with me [Music] of now the nazarene and wonder how he could love me a sinner condemned [Music] in the car [Music] the sweat drops [Music] is [Music] he made [Music] alone [Music] shall ever [Music] is [Music] glory his face i at last shall see drilling my joy through the ages to sing of his love for me [Music] me is [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] is he goes before me [Music] i'm filled with a pointy [Music] no [Music] thank you [Music] come on and sing hallelujah [Music] [Music] here's my comforter [Music] he always guides me [Music] and it restores my songs [Music] [Music] [Music] days [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] your spirit lives [Music] [Applause] [Music] my big tree [Music] [Music] is is [Music] oh [Music] let me always [Music] [Music] you are is [Music] [Applause] we are in the midst of our study on biblical finances on stewardship we do this once a year during the month of september and we culminate this on the first sunday of october with the chest of joash as we give over and above our ties unto the lord each week we hear from you we have different testimonies that are given from different genres of people different age groups and so today we're going to hear from our young couple that did our baby dedication this morning from hunter and savannah bradley they're going to share with us on the matter of giving watch the video please my experiences with tithing was you know my parents always said growing up you know get back to god you know and he'll bless you for a long time i didn't do that because i didn't have a real good connection with god and so then when i changed my life and turned things around and kind of made a real good connection with god i still didn't tithe that led me to go through some hard things but then i learned then from that moment on that i'll have to get back to god in order to bear good fruit it's definitely hard when like if you make that exact amount of money and you have to put 10 percent you're like god i had this bill to pay when i didn't tithe i may not have faced a tremendous consequence but i knew i didn't obey god and that that put kind of like a hole in my chest my advice to young couples and even youth that are starting to you know learn how to type is do it even when it doesn't seem like it's going to work or even when you think it's not going to work because we don't know what's going to work god knows if it's going to work i find every single time i steal tithe every need i have is met whether it's a water bill a power bill my car know my house note food for our kids it's every bit of it's met it's not our wants it's our needs and god makes that happen i think some things that's helped me is mentoring you know i've had people you know help me along the way like for example one of the biggest ones who's taught me so much is brother wade you know he is he showed me where god wants us to tithe and that's what he expects us to do and if we do that he'll continue to bless us no matter what we may not see it now but we will eventually see it something that's helped me todd is growing up in a christian home my mom and my dad spoke of it 24 7 and seeing the things that they have now when they tell me they started out with nothing it really it really puts a goal in perspective for me because not like my mom she preached it to us all the time and she is a real good example of faithful tithing you know we have ultimately made the decision that no matter what we're going to tithe and that we know that if we do that god will continue to bless us we may not see it now but years down the road we will see it and you know my family's taken care of now so that's i thank god for that amen the theme of our study is where god guides god provides where god guides god provides last week we studied on giving living in other words you really don't know how to live until you learn how to give when you release unto god's hand that which the lord has entrusted to you and the bible talk and teaches us as we studied last week that every good and perfect gift comes from god god gives us everything and he gives us everything for two reasons to enjoy and to employ and god wants us to be good stewards now you're a steward every person is a steward you're either a good steward or an unfaithful steward but today is we're going to look at a little bit different type subject you may have never talked about and i dare say and i say this this morning i wish that when jan and i had gotten married 44 years ago that there had been someone who had taken the bible and would take the bible and would have taught what i'm going to try to teach you today i had no idea i had no idea the bible was filled with financial advice i had no idea that the bible would teach you how to do biblical finances how to honor the lord with the first fruits of your life and so this morning we're going to talk about this we're going to talk about the matter of giving and giving to god exactly what the lord would have and how that god wants you listen to me god wants you to walk in financial freedom he wants you to have freedom in your life financially you will never be used the way god wants you to be used until you release everything unto god and you begin to order your life according to the dictates of the scripture and so today we're going to talk about what i believe is the greatest deterrent the greatest hindrance to giving what do you think that is let me tell you what i believe that is four letters d e b t debt debt is the greatest hindrance to biblical stewardship it is the greatest hindrance to giving and so we're going to talk about this about the hindrance to giving turn with me to psalm 37 we're going to go to the hebrew hymn book we're going to look at david now david writes this and many believe it was at the end of his life so what we're going to get here is not theory what we're going to get here is personal history we're going to get some trial by fire so to speak some living that has been learned and listen to what david says and keep your bibles open and get your pen out and paper because i'm going to use a lot of different scriptures today that you need to write down and go back and read okay because we're going to be moving along pretty quick psalm 37 we're going to begin in verse number three and we're going to read down through verse number 11. let's stand an honor and reference to the reading of god's word psalm 37 verse 3. look what he says trust in the lord and do good that's an emphatic statement isn't it then he says dwell in the land and feed on his faithfulness there it is again everything comes from him delight yourself also in the lord and he shall give you the desires of your heart commit your way to the lord that literally means to roll everything onto the lord commit your way into the lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass and he shall bring forth your righteousness as the light and your justice as the noon day rest in the lord and wait patiently for him we have problem with that word patience don't we amen you know what patience is patience is trying to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your years all right you got to wait patiently do not fret that means don't worry because of him who prospers in his way because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass cease from anger and forsake wrath do not fret there it is again do not worry it only causes harm say that with me do not worry it only causes harm say it again do not worry it only causes harm for evildoers shall be cut off but those who wait on the lord they shall inherit the earth for yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more indeed you will look carefully for his place but it shall be no more but the meek shall inherit the earth and shall delight himself in the abundance of peace let's pray together father in the name that is above every name the name of jesus i ask you to bless your word i pray that you speak to our hearts and lord i pray today that if there's someone here that's in bondage today will be a day of reckoning a day of a brand new beginning of obedience to you god i pray today that lord you would teach us your way from your word draw your neck draw people to jesus save the lost and god encourage the saved in jesus name amen you may be seated now where god guides god provides we talked about how giving first to god and giving regular to god will bring financial freedom into your life and giving your money to him is the only place where god says test me god says you can put me to the test and he said i will give you back more than what you can give now the flip side of giving is debt why aren't people giving several years ago i did a little study and i found out that if every member of our church was on public assistance i'm talking about every member was on public assistance and every member of the church tithed off their public assistance i found out that we would be receiving more offering than we're receiving now that's kind of that's that's heartbreaking isn't it you see you don't know how to live till you learn how to give and giving is something that god teaches us because he's the greatest giver and god wants us to understand that it is our obedience to him in shaping is going to shape everything about us and one of those areas that we need to be shaped spiritually in is in the mayor in the area of biblical finances you can't go blaming the government for all your problems amen amen and goodness don't look to the government for financial advice all right don't don't don't look to them you see debt is something that is incurred and is something that many times people don't speak about but debt will put you in bondage god has blessed this church because it is debt-free we believe that we do not want the bank and we thank god for banks we thank god for our bankers we thank god for them but we do not want the bank to dictate the ministry of the church we believe that the ministry of the church should be dictated by the holy spirit according to the will of god and we know that by the word of god what does god teach us in the bible now the reason that some people are not tithing is because they say this pastor i cannot tithe because i cannot afford to tithe you've gotten yourself in a position so much in bondage financially that you can't do what you need to do so what's the problem the problem is the debt what is the solution the solution is to get rid of that debt to get out of that debt we understand as a church i remember the days that the offering would have to be counted by the leadership on sunday night after the service to make sure we'd have enough money to pay the bills on monday now that's not the way god wants us to operate and that's one reason when i came here as pastor one of the questions that was asked to me by the pulpit committee they said what do you believe is the number one thing that we need to do as a church i said number one get out of debt we need to get out of debt we do not need the bank to dictate what we're supposed to be doing and what we need to do is we need to learn how to be a giving church now understand something the principle of the river the principle of the reservoir the reservoir holds up it holds up the river flows god wants you and god wants me to be rivers for us to flow in of blessings in the obedience of the lord jesus christ now what happens is when you begin to accrue debt in your life and it becomes a snowball effect then you're not going to be able to do what you need to do and it's really really difficult when you have that kind of debt now what is debt webster says that it's contracted that which is due from one person to another whether money goods or services that which one person is bound to pay or perform to another as the debts of a bankrupt now what does the bible say the bible says in proverbs 22 7 that the borrower is servant to the lender in other words you put yourself in bondage when you in crew debt now debt is a human problem listen to me debt is a human problem it is not a divine misstep did you get that debt is a human problem it is not a divine misstep god did not put you in debt you put yourself in debt you did this just like any other sin you didn't follow god's plan and so because of that there's difficult consequences now i'm going to come back on me on this the fact that this is my responsibility to teach this to you because this is what the bible says i didn't know this for a long long long time that the bible tells us what we should do with our finances i learned about tithing the hard way i learned about tithing after i got saved i had an old car and i like my old car i worked at a garage i was going to high school and i was always trying to fix my car do something to my car and so i was working on my car and i decided that i needed to buy something for my car and it was time to tie this time to give so what i decided was i was just going to give a little bit and i wasn't going to give them a tithe i was going to keep it back so i could help buy myself my car well i did that and guess what happened guess what happened my oil pump went out and i had to fix it and guess what it took all of my money all of it and the lord spoke to me just as clear now i'm not the sharpest tool in the box okay but i do have some common sense and i did get it as a as a teenage boy as an 18 year old boy i got it the lord said you spent what was mine and you should have given that to me now you don't have anything why because you did not honor me remember the bible says those that honor god first samuel 2 30 those that honor me god said i will honor them so how do we honor god we honor god with first fruits we honor god with first fruits and so what happens when you get yourself in a situation of debt there are consequences to that now the problem many of our young couples is they want to start where mom and dad are and they don't realize that it took 40 years to get there let me say this to you god bless his hard work do you understand that god honors that god honors the labor of your hand now let me talk to you about debt there are two categories of debt there's personal debt personal debt is often called called bad debt because it results from the purchase of an asset that will likely depreciate over time this includes borrowing for items such as a new car clothes furniture going into debt to finance a vacation or going out to eat on the credit that is an example of personal debt listen to me you need to write this down bad debt offers short-term pleasure in place of long-term anguish did you get that bad debt offers short-term pleasure in place of long-term anguish it's just real real simple then there's investment debt investment debt is often called good debt it results from the purchase of an asset that will likely appreciate it will grow over time and that means that they're good debts and bad debts and they come from making poor decisions and good debt comes from making good decisions but all debts must be paid your financial situation must not be plagued with high personal debt and sin most people come into debt from different for different reasons it's important that you understand how do you get out of debt i got here now what am i gonna do about it well the bible says in verse number two it says this or verse three trust in the lord and do good what's the first thing you do you trust god and you do what you do good you do what's right god honors what's right dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart commit your way to the lord trust in him and he will act now two times in these three verses the psalmist insists to do what trust god he says you commit everything that you have to god and he will help you so in the principle of money management when you trust god with your money that means he's going to help you and what is the principle here the principle is the tithe this tells us that if we do what god says god is going to honor his word there is no place in the bible that god said you can put him to the test except malachi 3. listen to what it says verse 10 bring all the tithes into the sore house that there may be food in my house and try me or test me now in this says the lord of hosts if i will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it god says test me and i will prove it with the money jesus said the same thing in matthew 6. therefore take no thoughts saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or whether with all shall be clothed and in matthew 6 32 he says for after all these things that the gentiles seek for your heavenly father knoweth that you have need of these things but seek you first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you so the principle is very very clear when it comes to money management god wants you to do what trust me first trust me first your ten percent does not come at the end of the bills it comes before when the first text that we write is the tithe we write the tithe check just that's just a matter we've been doing all of these years is you're going to write that out first because that belongs to god i learned that from that car amen and i've never forgotten that is that god is going to get what belongs to him do you hear me and i hear people say well you know what just give god that 10 now hold on just a second you got to understand something god owns the 10 but god also owns the 90 god owns all the percent he owns everything god wants us to give to him according to what he teaches us and so we are to give according to obedience to what god says and so that means that you may have to change your priorities you have to change your priorities what's going to be first you know the bible says the lord loves a cheerful cheerful giver that literally means a hilarious giver you know folks that's uh i don't usually see many hilarious people giving amen i mean think about this it is a joy and it is an honor to give and so the problem is that people can't give because of debt because of their irresponsibility and not obeying god so what do you have to do you need to attack ferociously i mean you need to attack your debt and you attack it small small small see the the small things is what usually gets you in trouble a little here a little here a little here little here a little here a little here well for you long you got gigantic gigantic payments and people don't look at the outcome they say well can i afford this can can i make the payment have you ever heard that can i make the payment can i make the payment listen to me ladies and gentlemen you need to look at it first of all is this what god wants me to do and is it going to hurt me in any way from doing what i'm supposed to do with a matter of finances is a matter of what god says understand god honors your faithfulness god honors obedience you can't rob peter to pay paul you can't rob god to pay your debts now church doesn't need your money you say why don't we give because this is the vehicle god chooses you see we're to be responsible we are responsible and held to a higher caliber here and a higher responsibility of accountability because of giving you see each member commits to give the tithe and then all of the bills everything here is paid and we make it a priority to follow god in our lives and then we're able to minister we're a ministering church there there was a day ladies and gentlemen that that we didn't even know if we could if the air conditioner tore up if we could even fix it i mean that that's serious business now when someone's hurting what are we able to do minister to them well there's a need minister to them herb revis told you how that as we sent money down there when they had the hurricane and there were seven families in their church that that basically lost everything didn't have any insurance well because of what we were able to send and what they were able to do those seven families were taken care of by the body of christ now we may never see those people that we get to heaven but we did an investment there in kingdom work why because that's what god teaches the church to do that's what we're supposed to be doing ladies and gentlemen the reason there's so many agencies to help people in america is because we expect the government to do everything and the church is not doing what it's supposed to do we need to get back to biblical principles doing what god says and this in the matter of finances so how do we get out of debt number one the principle of self-control say that with me the principle of self-control look at verse 18. the lord knows the days of the blameless and their heritage will remain forever they are not put to shame in evil times in the day of famine they have abundance in other words in the midst of a famine they got plenty to eat in plain english live on what you earned live on what you earn david tells people not to worry about the money he gives clear advice related to the proper standard of living that we should have and he's saying here that you've got to be under control and that control is under the control of the holy spirit now some things you need to learn here number one don't worry about what the other person makes don't worry about the other per what the other person makes you say is that biblical yeah look at verse seven be still before the lord you know that means get your hands off psalm 46 10 my favorite verse be still know that i'm god that means get your hands off i'm god i don't need help being god be still before the lord and wait patiently for him that's one of the problems we don't want to wait we don't want to wait fret not or worry not yourself over the one who prospers in his way and over the man who carries out evil desires in other words many people worry about how much other person makes in life and they compare themselves to others and say themselves well you know i already have the same thing they do look at this person see what they've got i want that i need that instead of asking god and seeking god and god says don't worry about it you just obey me you trust me and i will give you everything that you need and sometimes i'll give you something that you want fear people said well you know boy i tell you what all i need is a million dollars i had a million dollars i'd give no you wouldn't because you're not being faithful in what god gave you now see listen folks god will only give to you and to me what he can trust us with and what can god trust us with then don't get greedy look at verse number 11 but the meek shall inherit the land and delight himself in the abundance of peace jesus repeated this phase in the sermon of the mount in matthew chapter 5 and his point in the point that david david's trying to make is this be content with what god gives you be satisfied with the money god gives you live on what you have learn how to live within your means you can't drive a cadillac on a volkswagen budget amen remember understand this if your output is more than your income then your upkeep is going to be your downfall amen and and the problem is everybody's trying to keep up with everybody else trying to keep everybody else keep up with the joneses and say and i don't know why poor jones has got their name in there but anyway keep up with the jones but the problem is just about the time you get back up there within they gonna go refinance and it starts all over again understand this god says put me first don't get greedy i'll give you what you need see debt is man's way of saying i want more i deserve this folks we don't deserve anything the only thing i deserve is to go to hell and i thank god for his grace and mercy i'm not going to go to hell because of jesus saving grace and we need to thank god for that you need to understand that god will give to you what you need and he will give it to you when you need it and god will give you things and god will bless you because god may have you to be a channel to be a blessing to someone else sometimes we get something we think well this is mine and but but that's not the reason god gives it god may just have you in a holding pattern as he gives something to you that you're supposed to wait to give to something somebody else i told some of you the story years ago i was preaching a revival meeting in a church and this guy came in the last night of the service in the pastor's study and he had an unusual look on his face and he said can i talk to you for a minute i said sure and guy almost began to weep and he said my dad was killed in an accident and he said i got his wallet and said in his wallet he had these two 200 bills and he said i've kept these 200 bills all these years he said preacher the holy spirit spoke to my heart and said i'm supposed to give you these 200 bills so i took the 200 bills put them in a wallet well i'm traveling all across america preaching and i stopped at many a gas station i said well i got some gas money i can use this gas money lord said nope that's not yours just hold on to it hold on to it hold on to it we go stop to eat mr b and i get ready to eat a meal and i think well i can pay for my meal lord said nope it's not yours hold on to it ladies and gentlemen i kept those 200 bills for i don't know how long probably a year or two kept those stuck back in my wallet one night in a hotel in another state i'd found out that there was a young lady that was going to do inner city ministry outside of atlanta and the way she was going to do this was she was going to go by faith and she had to raise all of her funds to pay for her expenses and her living while she was there and she did that by faith young college student folks i'm telling you god spoke to my heart just as clear as i was laying in bed one night and god said those 200 dollar bills belong to her i knew she was going to do this and that money has been given for her you are the vessel that's going to get it to her and so i just simply i did get excited matter of fact i did i had a pretty good spell i got real excited because i finally knew exactly what i was supposed to do with that money and i took that and i got it to her and she took it and went out and served jesus you see god will give to you what he can trust you with and i thank the lord that is able to be faithful in that matter of giving you see the bible says in proverbs 23 verse 4 do not toil to acquire wealth be discerning enough to distress when your eyes light on it it is gone for suddenly it sprout wings flying like an eagle toward heaven then verse 16 says of psalm 37 better is the little if the righteous has than the abundance of the wicked and then verse 17 for the arms of the wicked shall be broken but the lord upholds the righteous you aren't as rich as somebody else so what you've got god every need that you have god will meet that need everybody here had something to eat today haven't they got more than one change of clothes got a way to go you didn't sleep out in open air last night did you no god has blessed us abundantly you see the problem is we want more jd rockefeller who was the richest man in the world was asked how much money is enough and he said a little more a little more never be satisfied and then the third thing don't worry about where the money is going to come from look at verse 16. better the little than the righteous has than the abundance of the wicked verse 18 the lord knows the days of the blameless and their heritage will remain forever verse 19 they are not put to shame in evil times in the days of famine they have an abundance in other words god said i will supply your need i will supply your need now we see the principle of self-control now let's look at the principle of research turn women into luke chapter 14. luke chapter 14. y'all not listening fast enough luke chapter 14. in other words you need to invest investigate where your money's going do you know where your money's going do you luke 14 look at verse 28 for which of you desiring to build a tower does not first sit down and count the cost whether he has enough to complete it otherwise when he is laid a foundation is not able to finish all who see it begin to mock him saying this man began to build was not able to finish then proverbs 27 23 proverbs 27 23 says be diligent to know the state of your flocks and attend your herds in other words you need to know where your money goes if you're in debt you need to find out where your money's spent you need to find out what things cost and where you spent the money you need to know that he said well i'll have to write it down write it down do whatever it takes to do what's right honor god with the first fruits of your life then the principle of budget and this is just a common sense thing and a budget is a simple plan of how much comes into your home and how much you're going to spend if you don't have one then you're never going to know exactly where your money's coming your money's going proverbs 24 27 says get your fields ready and plant your crops before starting a home now this verse shows that you should have an income first and then when you know what money you have you have a plan a way of spending the money a farmer had to go out and plant the crops do the work necessary to have the money that's needed he receives the income and then what does he do then he plans on building a house notice the order you give to god first and then you live on what you earn that's biblical and then you build up a reserve look at verse 21. the wicked borrows but does not pay back notice what it says the wicked the wicked borrows but does not pay back but the righteous is generous and gives he is ever lending generously and his children become a blessing this is the principle of saving and investing the purpose of building up a reserve is so that you can give you want to go from being a borrower to a lender you want to be able to go in from someone that needs help to someone that can help that you can be a blessing to someone and god will honor your faithfulness god will bless your faithfulness the bible says give to him who asks and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away the bible says in exodus 22 25 if you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor you shall not be like a money lender to him you shall not exact entrance from him if ever you take your neighbor's cloak and pledge you shall return it to him before the sun goes down for that is his only covering and it is his cloak for his body and what else shall he sleep and if he cries to me i will hear for i am compassionate and then deuteronomy 24 10 when you make your neighbor alone of any sort you shall not go into his house to collect his pledge you shall stand outside and the man with whom you make alone shall bring the pledge out to you and if he is a poor man you shall not sleep in his pledge you shall restore him the pledge as the sun sets that he may sleep in his cloak and bless you and it shall be righteousness for you as before the lord your god the bible says in proverbs 21 25 21 5 the plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty but those of everyone who is hasty surely to poverty god bless this planting god bless the savings proverbs 21 20 there is desirable treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise but a foolish man squanders it and then in matthew 6 verse 19 and 20 jesus said do not lay up for yourself treasures on earth wear moth and rust and where thieves break in and steal but lay up for yourself treasures in heaven we're neither martha or us destroying where thieves do not break in and steal jesus very clearly states that you should save and you should invest so how do you do this mark it down first and foremost that you've got to attack your debt and you've got to stop creating debt you tithe you live off of what you have you have a budget you build up a reserve and you learn how to live by learning how to give let me share this we're going to close when we were able to get out of debt here the lord just really ministered to me and showed me that for so long and in in folks this just happened this is nobody's fault it just happened it's like getting caught in a traffic jam and you're just flowing with it and the fact that it was all about us all about us all about us all about us we need we need we need we need we need we got out of debt and the lord spoke to my heart just as clear and says you have a need here we were growing we needed room god said give out of your need give to me give out of your need well most of you know miss peggy she does feed by faith miss peggy started feed by faith in her home feeding people pay out of her own pocket and the lord just spoke to me just as clear we're going to do chest to joe ash folks we've been doing it for years many don't know this but that chest of joe ash most of the time kept the church afloat for the whole year that extra money that came in well the lord spoke to my heart and said you need to give the chest to joash away i thought my soul the lord said not only do you need to give it away you need to give to miss peggy you need to invest in her ministry she's part of north crest and uh i thought okay now i had to go to the deacons and had all those deacons in there and a lot of those guys have are now deacon emeritus who retired there's a few you guys that were in there and i said guys i got a word from the lord they said all right pastor what is it i said the lord said that we've been selfish and it's been about us and we've got a need and god said we ought to give every bit of the chest to joash away and give it to miss peggy it was real quiet real quiet and i didn't tell anybody nobody knew this paul nobody nobody on the staff knew about it my wife didn't even know about it nobody knew about this but me and the lord and those deacons god said give it away and finally one of our men said this well pastor if that's what god told you then that's what we need to do and many of y'all remember the sunday we were in one service then this place was filled with people and i got up and told you what we were going to do but we were going to give every dime that came to miss peggy she was sitting right there in front of where gus was sitting miss peggy didn't know anything about it she was so broken she couldn't even get up and you know what you folks did you stood all over this building in the balcony and you began to give a standing ovation you been to clap cap clap for this lady and to give and we did we gave her 82 thousand dollars y'all remember that day that they were up here board of directors and everything we gave that check to her did you know ladies and gentlemen that was the largest chest of joe ash in the history of this church 82 000 okay we gave it away never missed a beat now for those of you that were here the next year do you remember what the chest of joash was 820 thousand dollars the lord's i'm a little slow lord spoke to him study and said you dummy don't you get it i gave you all 10 times back what you gave away and folks do you know from that day to today deering kovad built that five million dollar building is paid for did you know that god gave us the bowling alley he gave us all that land paid for it we need 250 000 to start to renovate that for our students that's our goal for chester joash god's going to give it to us he's going to use you because you have learned how to give you've learned how to open your hand and your heart and there's testimonies in this building right now people get up and say let me tell you what happened to me god told me to give a car away god told me to give so and so this god told me to do this god told me to do that and you know what god did he blessed me for it what am i telling you folks i don't want us to be the run-of-the-mill normal church we're different because we serve a mighty god and so i encourage you to give to obey the lord and god's going to bless you for it he's going to bless you for it he's going to bless this church and people are going to get saved that's why we're here to preach this book the gospel go forth and people can get saved some of you may have never tithed before i want you to start praying lord help me on the first sunday of october to tithe may be the first time you ever tithe in your life would you do it would you would you try would you put god to the test that's all i'm asking you to do try it hmm try it see if it'll work it will i'm gonna ask you to pray about what god would have you to give and god's going to meet the need of this church we're going to reach these students in this city and region for jesus christ we're going to give our fifth and sixth grade a brand new building down here that they're going to have for their ministry folks god's been so good to us he has blessed us so much and we need to thank him and praise him for it i'm going to ask you to stand to your feet to buy your heads and close your eyes and i'm going to ask you today if you so preach i don't understand all this you you got to know jesus you need to be saved come let us share with you how to know christ our pastors are going to be here staff will be here to pray with you maybe he said brother dan i want to be a part of this church well then come you can join we'd love for you to be a part of this church tell you how what how you can do that maybe today you said well you know i'm a christian but i've never been baptized as a believer you come and do that would you do that today or maybe just come today and say you know pastor pray for me i'm struggling with debt i'm i'm struggling i've got this problem going on pray for me we want to we want to pray for you i want to help you god loves you and he wants to help you and he wants you to walk in freedom father in the name of jesus bless your word and draw your neck in jesus name amen as we see [Music] if you'd like to come and pray [Music] i need [Music] my heart needs a surgeon my soul needs a friend so i run to the father again [Music] i don't have a context is [Music] my heart needs a surgeon my soul needs a friend and again [Music] is mercy is [Music] the reason to wait [Music] fall into [Music] again [Music] lay down [Music] lift up your face [Music] as you are there's hope for the hopeless and all those who strayed crosstalk come taste the grace there's [Music] has [Music] lift up your face [Music] so and all god's people said amen thank you for being here today uh remember this evening we will have our evening service at six o'clock we've got other uh activities that start about 4 30 but remember our services tonight and we're going to observe the lord's supper tonight this will be a very holy time so i encourage you to be here also i want to ask you this if you'll go out on the table i'll share something that's very dear to my heart this this shoebox ministry we've got about eight weeks before this is going to take place and folks my desire is always we would have a thousand shoe boxes well we do a lot of stuff around here we do a lot of ministry and a lot a lot of missions but it still does not negate the fact that this needs to be done and so i'm going to ask you let's believe god for at least 750 boxes if you could do a boy and a girl some of you can do two some of you do four boxes but would you get one of these and would you plan on doing a box and we're gonna have our dedication time as we bring them up but this is really dear to me and i pray that you would get involved in it because this is a ministry you can follow these boxes and every one of these kids going to hear the gospel that's the most important thing they're going to hear the gospel and they're going to know that somebody loves them and so i encourage you to be a part of that okay have any other things all right we appreciate it let's pray for brother paul he's gonna be having surgery tomorrow so y'all be lifting him up to the lord and pray that all of that goes well okay justin would you come please and would you dismiss us be sure and shake somebody's hand let them know you're glad that they're here heavenly father thank you for such a wonderful morning in your house learning more about you learning more about what your word says about how we can give financially otherwise ask that you continue to to lead us in your direction keep us in your will keep us safe bring us back the next point in time you never pray amen
Channel: NorthcrestBaptist
Views: 71
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Id: J9V6Q0qtYzk
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Length: 82min 7sec (4927 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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