September 12, 2021 Sunday PM

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good evening can we all stand my name is matt herndon and if you are a guest with us both in person you're listening or you're watching online first you're you've tapped into a church that as you just heard we know we need the holy ghost and we want it we're expecting it to be here and just like we hope and we want the holy ghost to come every service we are genuinely excited every time we have a guest and a visitor that has joined us and we're excited that you're here if you are visiting in person we have our connect center we'd love for you to stop by go through these center doors and to your left and you'll see that there we have a special gift for you and we'll also have a welcome packet inside that welcome packet there's a connect card you'll take a moment we'd love for you to fill that out and complete it and on the back if you flip it over you'll see that there is a place to write down a prayer request let us know so that we can pray with you on that you can also use your cell phone and for to do that go to forward slash guest card and you can fill out the information there and we would love to just reach out connect up and keep you uh provided with information of the events and things that are going on at the church and so we pray tonight that you feel at home and you feel welcome here that you feel free to raise your hands and worship this great big god with us and guest we're so excited to have you tonight our scripture tonight is from psalms 95 1-3 o come let us sing unto the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and with a joyful noise unto him with psalms for the lord is a great god and there's a great king above all gods if you don't have any other reason to worship and sing as they worship tonight you can worship he's a great god worship with him come on come on clap your hands come on and lift your voice and shout out to god with the voice of triumph tonight hallelujah come on can you worship him are you thankful for the presence of the lord it's in this house tonight [Music] the presence of the lord is here are you thankful for his presence the presence of the lord is here i feel it i can feel it in the atmosphere the presence of the lord is here [Music] the power of the lord [Applause] is oh the blessing of the lord is here for the blessing of the lord [Music] the blessing of the lord [Music] come on [Music] the blessing of the lord [Applause] is come on [Music] and i'm gonna get my blessing right now i can feel the presence of the lord and i'm gonna get my blessings of the lord [Music] moving all [Music] [Music] right now i can't feel the presence of it i'm gonna get my blessing right now i can't feel the presence of the love and i'm gonna get my blessing right now i can't [Music] the presence [Music] [Music] victory [Music] [Music] healing [Music] healing power [Music] [Music] victory [Music] [Applause] lord and i'm gonna get my blessing right now i can feel the presence of the lord and i'm gonna get my blessings in the presence of the lord [Music] and i'm [Music] right [Music] open up oh [Music] [Music] victory [Music] [Music] [Music] oh tonight [Music] [Music] healing power [Music] victory victory and [Music] look at your the neighbors [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] oh come on why don't we give god praise in this house isn't he amazing isn't he wonderful hallelujah this is brother james gill and i'm happy to report to you tonight that he received the baptism of the holy ghost during spanish speaking service hallelujah hallelujah we're so thankful for what the lord is doing in his life tonight because you've repented of your sins and in obedience to the holy word of god i now baptize our brother in the name of jesus christ for the remission of all of his sins is the holy ghost [Music] oh hallelujah we thank god for the revival that's taking place in the duty family this is brother clayton duty he received the baptism of the holy ghost this past sunday night and here he is this evening to be baptized in that holy name the name of jesus because you repented of your sins and in obedience to the holy word of god i now baptize our brother in the name of jesus christ for the remission of all of his sins with the holy ghost oh is [Music] given an unknown hallelujah we're so thankful brother kyle sister jessica what the lord is doing in your family this is braden and he received the baptism of the holy ghost this past sunday night and he's here tonight to be baptized because you've repented of your sins and in obedience to the word of god i now baptize this young man in jesus name for the remission of all of his tips [Music] oh thank you thank you thank you [Music] oh oh oh oh he's head back is [Music] oh hallelujah oh come on church why don't you lift your voice and praise come on let's thank him for the holy ghost thank you for the holy ghost oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah why don't you turn to someone and tell them i'm glad i'm pentecostal hallelujah i wouldn't want to be anything else hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus you can be seated we are so honored to have brother and sister mike jones with us brother and sister jones are no strangers to this church they lived here for a number of years after serving in the work of god in germany they moved here and then god started pulling on them to go to south korea they've been there for the last couple of years and we are so thankful for what the lord is doing brother jones come greet this congregation share with them i know we have some pictures share with them what god is doing in south korea well it's great to be home and uh we still own a house here so when we step foot in the states this is where we come this is home and it's good to see new faces hey man it's good to see our old friends the lord you know if you ever pray that lord send me wherever you want i'll go you better be careful when you pray that because god will open doors and send you amen we went to korea south korea about two and a half years ago and um uh we we sat in our apartment and all we knew how to do at the time was pray so we prayed and we kept praying and praying and praying and praying and it was seemed like it was a year and coveted came in and and locked everybody down and all the churches were shut down the korean government wouldn't allow families to be together you basically just were kind of locked up into your into your wherever you lived and in the midst of all that the lord opened the door [Music] amen and we started the church the church is about two hours north of us so we travel there uh and these are some pictures of the um services some of the young people amen some of the services we've had over there and this one right here we started a bible study recently in our own apartment again uh so we got the church going and then we've got a bible study going on in our apartment and this is the group here some of them and also we're working in the philippines we can't go over there because we're locked down but they've already had to expand the church amen they're building a new wall there [Music] amen this is back in our church here and this is one of our celebration times we we hear the word we we have the word of god and then we just like everybody else we fellowship and everybody enjoys that some of the people travel two three or even four hours to church so there's a big sacrifice going on there uh we i want to give you one more testimony you have time for one testimony okay connections okay this is about connections our church is in south korea we got a church in the philippines we have a family in our church where the the sister is from portugal and so she we've been working with her she's they're they're awesome they're they're a couple of our assistants over there and uh she started witnessing to her mom in portugal and got her to start listening to brother alviar on late online on facebook so her mom started calling her after the services when they could talk to each other and they started discussing what was going on about uh just about the way we dress and things that brother alvear would teach and about the church she was a little nervous to go because in her in her experience uh church is is just uh afterwards they gossip and they didn't want to have any part of that so she talked to her and and got her to open up a little bit uh last month they went there gave him a bible study baptized the mother and the father in jesus name took him to church in the at the missionary there and took him to church and and they connected they plugged right in got a bible study with the pastor and then right before they were gonna leave and come home uh they went to grandma's house grandma had all these idols all over the place and they said grandma you need to be baptized let me tell you about baptism she said oh you don't need to tell me i know i need to be baptized so they baptized her in jesus name and just before they just before they left to come back to korea they went over there and she had taken all those idols down amen and i think the best part at least for me as their pastor is that when they got back they got pictures from the church there in portugal of her mom and dad in the altar with their hands lifted with tears coming down their face and they were in korea so they went on their own and plugged into that church amen it's it's about connection amen and and right now most of them are listening right now so amen we love the people in korea amen we love first pentecostal church and everybody here just know that sunday night service is about 9 or 10 in the morning there and everybody who can tunes in amen and we pray friday night we get together and pray and pray amen they come just like here they come during the week and pray as much as they can i don't want to say there's always somebody in church to pray if we get a another hundred people or so it might happen but right now it's just a couple of families but every night somebody's there praying because you know what we learned the importance of prayer amen and that's what we teach them is the importance of prayer amen so god bless you all pray for korea amen hallelujah [Applause] the joneses are spending about three thousand dollars a month to rent this facility and i want us this church tonight we're going to take up an offering and i believe we can cover one year's expenses so that they can have apostolic revival and spend that money evangelizing among those people what do you say let's do it tonight in jesus name ushers come to the front we're going to be blessed in our giving tonight what a joy and honor it is to give tonight to this worthy cause brother jones sister jones we love you both and we're excited to see what god is doing and what he's going to do in korea and the philippines thank god for missions-minded people that are willing to uproot themselves from the familiar and walk into the unknown and to what god has for them to do let's pray over our offering tonight and ask god to make it happen 36 000 i believe it can in jesus name lord we love you we praise you we thank you for this beautiful congregation lord their free heart their willingness to give their generosity we ask you to bless this offering god we ask you to anoint and bless the joneses as they labor for you in jesus name we pray let's worship and give as you get ready to give stand to your feet and worship with us it's hallelujah we're on a battlefield tonight [Music] well i'm a soldier on the battlefield until i died [Applause] hey oh [Music] [Music] hey oh is until i die and i know oh thank you jesus i'm a happy warrior for jesus anybody happy to be in the army of the lord tonight yes hallelujah let's worship with the choir tonight i want to remind you before they sing we have something very special taking place here tomorrow night it is our big monday launch of truth college at the rock you don't want to miss it it all begins at 6 00 p.m dinner will be served seven o'clock personal growth class and eight o'clock theology one i invite you to be a part of it it will be a blessing to you and if you're joining us online it will also be online and i know that it will be a blessing to you as well let's worship with the choir tonight [Music] [Music] how wonderful it is [Music] jesus [Music] jesus promised he'll take care of [Music] [Music] jesus promised [Music] oh [Music] i don't have [Music] to call him in the boat [Music] and when i come [Music] [Music] i don't have to work [Music] [Music] it does not matter [Music] i don't have to worry if you believe that i don't have to worry all i have to do is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] it does not matter say i don't have to worry [Music] today [Music] [Applause] [Music] you don't have to worry [Music] it he'll take care of me [Music] you don't have to worry [Music] [Applause] [Music] all i have to do is [Music] here is [Music] [Music] you thankful you know he'll take care of you oh hallelujah thank you choir for blessing us tonight just remain standing with me tonight i want to welcome everyone here to this service tonight thank you for joining with us in this room or online we are so blessed by the reports of what god is doing and i can't wait to share with you a few more of those what is happening around our world because of this church and it's an exciting day to be a part of the first pentecostal church and the kingdom of the lord jesus christ at large hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah i'm so thankful for the presence of the lord his hand that is upon brother clark copeland he is a blessing and he has blessed this congregation this past weekend had youth service parents i want to encourage you make sure your young people are here when their service it is so important that they are here you never know that one service may be the service that turns their life around that makes the difference so i want to encourage you to make sure that your young people are here when we have youth service of course all the activities that go on there for the strengthening of the church body whether it be youth activities or school activities or even our kingdom builders on friday or whatever the ministry may be it's so important that we're involved and a part of what the lord has for us to do brother copeland we love you want you to come tonight preach the word of god to us if you're going to help this preacher preach why don't you put your hands together and give jesus praise [Applause] everybody say praise the lord it's so good to be back in god's house again how many thankful for what you feel tonight mohammed are really thankful for what you feel tonight i like that song they just say all you have to do is live right we heard this morning about simplicity of the gospel it really is true all you have to do is live right it's pretty simple but it's not always easy to do i want to say quickly give honor to your pastor love him very much love your first family very much give honor to the bishop sister johnette love them amen and i want to honor all the saints that make up this church um it's not always easy being away from home but i want to thank this church for being so kind to me you've made me feel very comfortable since i've been here and that's not always the case everywhere that you go i thank you for being so kind to me now let's go to matthew chapter number 24. i prayed about this service um i'm not going to apologize for what i'm going to preach but for the young people that have been at youth service i may sound like a broken record tonight that's not my intention i promise you but i just cannot get away from this as i've been praying about this service matthew chapter 24 starting with verse number 36 i want to quickly say thank you pastor holmes for the message last sunday morning it's the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom i want to tell you i think something every one of us could use tonight is a healthy dose of the fear of the lord i think that's something that's missing in our day and age it's the fear of the lord matthew 24 36 but of that day and of that hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven but my father only but as the days of noah were so shall also the coming of the son of man be for as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day that noah entered into the ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away so shall also the coming of the son of man be then shall two be in the field the one shall be taken and the other shall be left two women shall be grinding at the mill the one shall be taken and the other shall be left watch therefore for you know not what hour your lord doth come but know this that if the good men of the house had known and what watched the thief would have come he would have watched and would not have suffered his house to be broken up therefore be ye also ready everybody say i want to be ready be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not the son of man cometh the bible says that it is appointed unto men once to die and after that the judgment first thessalonians chapter 4. first thessalonians chapter 4 verse number 16 says for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord wherefore comfort one another with these words jesus also said behold i come quickly he said i come quickly hold that fast which thou has that no man take thy crown i want to preach tonight on this subject what if what if jesus came tonight what if jesus came tonight i really do feel i know that there are some people across this house you're not exactly where you should be with god there's improvements that every one of us could make in our walks with god but if you feel that you're right with god i'm asking you right now uh if we could pray that god would go through this house and that the holy ghost would find those who this word is intended for would you lift your hands with me come on with everybody lift up your hands let's pray in the holy ghost just for a moment god in the name of jesus god your word is already anointed i ask you to anoint me god anoint my mind and anoint my mouth i want to speak the word that you have given me god anoint the ears of every listener in this place today in the name of jesus christ would you put your hands together one more time for the lord hallelujah you may be seated what if jesus came tonight i want to start tonight by telling you that i am looking forward to a place called heaven i am looking forward to a place called heaven i want to preach to you tonight a message that should encourage you if you are right with god if you are at the place that you need to be with god uh this message should put hope in your heart and why is that because i want to preach to you at the beginning of this message and remind you that there's still going to be a day coming when jesus himself will part the eastern sky and there's still going to be a day coming when jesus christ will return for his boy his bride i want to preach tonight to a weary warrior and tell you tonight that if you could just hold on just a little bit longer there's going to be a day when the trumpet is going to sound and the dead in christ shall rise first come on is anybody tonight still excited about a place called heaven there will be a day when jesus calls his bride unto himself there will be a day when trouble will be no more there will be a day when the problems of life are nothing more than a distant memory in our past there will be a day when we will be with god for all of eternity is anybody still excited tonight about a place called heaven there's a place with streets of gold and walls of jasper there's a place where we will be reunited with those who have gone on before us [Applause] i just feel that uh so many of us have got so comfortable in life that uh we think that we have arrived to the place that god is wanting to take us and i don't know about anybody else but myself tonight and a life is good god has been so good to me but i don't ever want to get so comfortable that i forget that this world is not my home but i'm just passing through my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue the angels beckoned me to heaven's open door and i can't feel at home in this world anymore they used to sing songs that said i'll fly away o glory i'll fly away when i die hallelujah by and by i will fly away they used to sing songs that said won't we have a time when we get over yonder they say we sing and shout and dance about when we get over yonder they say jesus we'll be there when we get over yonder i'm still excited about heaven i'm still excited about a place where we will be able to worship god for all of eternity and the bible tells us that we ought to comfort one another with these words i'd ought to comfort you tonight to know that we've got a hope that is beyond this world i'd ought to bring peace to your situation uh to know that we're not going to be here forever but there is a place that god has prepared for us but of me preaching about the rapture of me preaching about uh going to a place beyond this life if that makes you feel uneasy at all i just want to tell you you better make sure that everything is right deep down on the inside of your heart because when that trumpet sounds i want to tell you i don't want there to be anything that's keeping my feet on the ground and i don't want anything to come in between me and my relationship with god so each and every day we ought to be doing things to make sure that we are ready for that day uh our jobs are important they're very important our careers are important a school is important but i want to tell you that on that day the only thing that will matter is whether or not you were ready when the trumpet sounded and i want to tell you tonight that on a night just like tonight jesus is gonna come on a night just like tonight where uh it seems to be just another sunday night uh nothing really out of the ordinary just another night in in our lives jesus is going to come as it was in the days of noah so shall it also be in the days of the coming of the son of man where they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage and just going through the daily task of life the bible says it will happen in a moment in the twinkling of an eye after last trump let me tell you tonight that jesus will return for his bride what's so amazing is that the same thing that will be the fulfillment of every dream and desire of the individual who is full of the holy ghost is going to be the same thing that will be the fulfillment of the worst uh imagination and the worst nightmare that those who were not full of the holy ghost could ever have uh for those who are ready the return of jesus christ will be the most glorious day in history but for those who are not ready i want to tell you it will be worse than anything they could ever imagine and i do want to say i'm not only talking about the rapture i believe that this is the generation that will see the return of jesus christ but let me tell you tonight that even if not the bible tells us every man has an appointment with death and it says every man has an appointment after judgment i want to tell you tonight that when that day comes i want to make sure i'm right with god whether i'm raptured out of this place or whether i go through death i want to make sure i'm ready to meet god [Applause] when that day and that hour comes for you and i to go be with the lord i want to tell you that when that moment happens there will be no more time for preparation you know what you and i are doing here tonight we're getting ready we're preparing ourselves for that day but uh when that trapping sounds or or when death knocks on your door i want to tell you that will be the end of your opportunity to make sure everything is right with god there will be no more redos there will be no more second chances and there will be no more preachers preaching in pulpits trying to get you to repent and there will be no more altars there will be no more forgiveness for your sin it's amazing how we seem to always think there's going to be tomorrow we always think i'll have another chance i'll have another service i'll have another time to get it right with god uh we may get a reality check every once in a while how we lose family members we lose people to death but it seems that as time goes on we go back to the way we were living before oh we live our lives as if tomorrow will always come we say well i'll do this tomorrow or i'll start this tomorrow or i'll live right some other day i'll get right with god some other day and we say someday i'll do this and someday i'll do that but the problem is you never let your sum or you never let your somedays affect the way that you live right now i came to preach to somebody tonight and tell you that the bible says today is the day of salvation today is the day to commit today is the day to live right today is the day to make sure you're full of the holy ghost [Applause] so death death is something that every person will face yet we act like it's not going to happen to me oh we live our lives and our weeks and months go by and we give no thought to what if something happened to me today am i ready to meet god am i ready to give an account for the way that i have lived my life maybe somebody close to us dies and we get shaken and and we say my god life really is fragile and life really is not guaranteed but but does days turn to weeks weeks turn to months we're back to the same way that we were living before and i want to tell you tonight i'm thankful that we serve a god who's full of mercy the bible says surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life but i want to tell you tonight that when your life is over so is mercy so is grace when you stand before the judgment seat of god it's too late for you to go back and fix any mistakes that's why we've got to get it right now one of the most successful tricks of the enemy it's simply this he comes to us and he gets in our ear and he says you've got time you've got time go ahead and enjoy yourself go ahead and do whatever you want to do you'll always have another opportunity to get it right with god but i've just come to stir somebody in the holy ghost and tell you tonight is the night for you to get it right with god you've been struggling with the same old stuff over and over you get a touch from god and go back to the bondage you go back to the chains i came to tell you tonight you can get complete deliverance at this altar you can get complete liberation and freedom in this altar tonight [Applause] if jesus came tonight if jesus came tonight there are families in this building some of you there's families in this building that would be split up for all of eternity there's some husbands that would be separated from some wives for all of eternity there's some children that would be separated from some parents there are some friends that would be separated from each other never to see each other again why because the bible says that two will be in the field and one shall be taken and the other shall be left it says there's going to be two that's working one will be taken and the other will be left there's going to be two laying in the bed one will be taken and the other will be left if jesus came tonight we wouldn't be able to ask for more time you wouldn't be able to do what so many times we've learned to do which is wait for a more convenient time paul was preaching and felix began to feel conviction uh he stopped paul in his preaching i read in one translation where he said that's enough for now i've gotten enough for now he said come back come back at a more convenient season and now repent but if you get in the word of god and you look for phoenix you will find that there's never a time recorded where felix ever called back uh paul to him and there's never a time recorded where felix repented and got it right with god i want to tell you today you better not wait for a more convenient season if you feel conviction you better learn how to respond in that moment conviction can be so fleeting if you don't respond to it because the more you push it off the easier it is to push it up for good the more you push it off the harder it is to feel and i tell you that if the lord is dealing with you tonight about getting rid of some things don't wait for a more convenient season if the lord is dealing with you tonight about deleting some stuff off your phone about getting rid of some things i want to tell you you better not wait for a more convenient season but you better do it in the moment where you feel that conviction right now lift up your hands everybody come on lift up your hands every eye closed in the name of jesus would somebody help me pray right now come on would somebody help me pray come on in the name of jesus come on don't wait for a more convenient season you've got to learn how to repent when you feel conviction don't be looking around worrying what anybody else is doing if you feel conviction right now you can find a place to pray you can find a place to get it all right with god would you help me pray for a moment come on would you close your eyes come on don't be looking around in the name of jesus come on how many times have people said well i'll go enjoy sin for a season but i'll be back how many times have they never made it back how many times did they never get it right with gods come on let conviction grab ahold of your heart tonight come on go ahead and stand to your feet come on all over the house why don't you stand to your feet come on lift up those heads come on this altar's open right now i don't have to finish this message i feel it's enough i feel there's enough conviction in this house for the lord to deal with any situation he needs to deal with come on don't wait for a better time there's no better time to repent than right now there's no better time to get it right with god than right now me hear somebody lift up your voice come on let me hear somebody lift up your voice come on let the spirit of travail be in this house right now come on let the spirit of travail be in this house right now we need to have a fear of god deep down on the inside of your hearts come on young man you need to have a fear of god you've got to have a fear of god's i need to hear somebody pray tonight god i don't want to be lost i don't want to go to hell god reach my heart touch my situation let me be tender before you don't let my heart be hard come on i need to hear somebody pray i need to hear somebody pray come on young people come on young people would you lift up your voice come on you don't have to leave the same way that you came come on you can get deliverance tonight i'm telling you in the holy ghost you can get deliverance i don't care the thoughts that have been going through your mind i don't care the depression that's had you found i don't care the anxiety that script your heart there's enough power in this place to release every chain there's enough power to break every chain on your life come on come on let's pray come on let's really pray come on every hand lifted every hand lifted every eye closed come on young people come on lukewarm say to god come on can conviction still get to you can you still feel conviction there's people whose conscience has been seared with the hot iron they can't feel conviction anymore they can't feel the call of god anymore can you feel conviction can you feel the call of god can you feel the hand of god reaching for you pulling for you don't let your heart be too hard don't let your heart be too hard why don't you cry out come on why don't you cry out tonight come on let's pray let's pray let's pray let's pray let's pray let's pray god let the spirit of intercession fall in this place god let the spirit of intercession fall in this place let conviction fall in this place come on does it take too much to move you come on does it take too much to convince you what's it gonna take for us to get your attention what's it gonna take for god to get a hold of you what's gonna have to happen in your life forgot to finally get your [Music] attention on every hand lift every hand lifted come on we're about to pray come on the holy ghost is about to break some chains you hear me tonight the holy ghost is about to break some james the holy ghost is about to set some people free come on there's power in this house come on there's power at this altar come on i need you to really pray come on with somebody join up with your neighbor come on with somebody pray for your neighbor come on the holy ghost is here to work tonight the holy ghost is here to stir somebody up come on allow those things to be broken come on can you feel it do you feel it in this place do you feel the power of god do you feel conviction do you feel the spirit working in this place [Music] that cry out to him cry out to him he hears your voice he hears your voice come on he wants to hear you he wants to hear you he wants to hear the words coming out of your mouth he wants to hear you say god i need you he wants to hear you say god i've got to have you god i'm desperate for you let him hear those words come out of your mouth [Music] come on there's power [Music] don't fight anybody [Music] find somebody else around you to pray for find somebody else to call out their name before god come on mercy can be extended in this place tonight grace can be abstinent every day break and retrace in the name of jesus there is power in the name jesus break every day [Music] break everything [Music] [Applause] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus bring freedom bring deliverance [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] break every change so that we can be friendly [Music] [Music] the day every day break every day [Music] every day [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] roblox [Music] no more [Music] i am a [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] is i hear them [Music] me [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] i [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] i can't go back before me [Music] is [Music] i won't go back before your presence [Music] [Music] i won't know [Music] won't me back i can't go back [Music] [Music] me [Music] before your presents maybe [Music] [Music] to be
Channel: First Pentecostal Church North Little Rock
Views: 1,940
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: v4QDvCxMBk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 7sec (6007 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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