the new Zoey 101 movie is a disaster

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now I don't think I'm alone in saying that you know we're all getting a little sequel reboot remake fatigue right but when you're doing Zoey 101 like that means you've gone too far was anyone really clamoring for this is Zoe 101 Nostalgia that strong like I don't even think the iCarly reboot was something anyone asked for but the millennial Nostalgia train of money keeps chugging along what started out on YouTube with people you know like me being like hey guys remember this show has turned into every Hollywood executive just be like oh yes perfect we never need to think of any new ideas ever again anyway so just recently the Zoe 101 sequel movie called Zoe 102 came out to rave reviews so hey what do you say we take a walk and check it out what are you doing asking for your hand we've been on two days two perfect I would like to turn into forever so will you make me that happen definitely not absolutely not you know this is weird right I'm 30 and a half and I live with my mom okay like I get that we're supposed to see this guy as some kind of like loser whatever but like that's just a smart financial decision these days like you're either living with your parents or you have like eight roommates anyway so this is the titular character Zoe Brooks Now Zoe is a producer on a dating reality show and she's been there for a while so she's expecting this big promotion to come through because the show she's working on is like one of the biggest shows on the whole network you're watching Love fully charged this season we've taken a stupid old Pontiac Solstice Coupe and we've converted it into the electric vehicle of your dreams I currently drive a 2009 Ford Fiesta so you know I'm going for that Pontiac okay I'm sorry can we just stop for a second and talk about how this girl is one of the most gorgeous people Kelsey and I have ever seen in our lives how is she not Mega famous right now Bianca coretti a thousand Instagram followers you kidding me anyway so like I said Zoe is anticipating a huge promotion because she's helped the show get as big as it is and here we meet the main dude who's in charge of the whole show and everything and his weird goatee has everybody seen what they're doing over at Don cops freaky new and that's what I want from you for our show I want freaky new ideas like okay maybe you and I have different definitions of that word but I certainly hope a show called Dog cops would not be called Freaky by anyone what if Jordan be proposed what if Jordan B proposed what if Jordan B proposed a proposal on the second date that is some freaky shiznit did this guy just did he just say shiznit anyway so you can probably already tell where this is going but the main director guy who is definitely not based on Dan Schneider creates a special team for the live finale of the show which is the promotion that Zoe's been waiting for this whole time and would you believe she's not on it isn't it crazy that I started as your intern and now like we're like I'm like like a little above like it's crazy what's crazy is that Kelly lets you take home the show car but I can't even get him to look at me I just think about all the things I dreamed about in high school it's really gross how often you talk about high school okay okay wow let's just let's just back up the Sass a little bit there okay like it's actually that weird to think about it it's a thing all the cool people do okay I don't know do your stupid Rubik's Cube or whatever get out of here but yeah so this is what kicks off the whole movie where Zoe is not getting the promotion that she totally deserves and this is just like one of a million reasons why she feels like her life is going nowhere like she thought she was following her Dreams by working in TV but yeah all she has to show for it is this really cute Loft House apartment thing that looks like an anthropology Story I mean that's how you know you've hit rock bottom as someone who has been incredibly poor in my life like I always love when TV shows and movies have like poor Apartments you know with loft beds and exposed brick and 4 000 square feet like not actual real cheap apartments have like a toilet in the middle of the kitchen and like the one window that actually opens just goes right up to the dumpster behind the 7-Eleven anyway I was just living in this dump wasn't bad enough she gets a call from her old friend Quinn hey hi did you get it the promotion no but no the package I met the package oh uh the new tech mate these aren't even out yet wow the unbreakable see-through phone yeah I gotta be honest here that's like the dumbest looking phone I've ever seen oh my god did I tell you that I got proposed to the other night on a second date I mean it's like the second we turned 30. everybody just becomes obsessed with I see Hot patches on your lower back sometimes you have to double up because you're rolled over in your sleep too fast now be coming to find out that Quinn and Logan have been dating since the original show and now they're getting married which Zoe is just thrilled about you know I mean well so can I just say that Quinn sure she's sure got like like she's kind of she's a little bit kind of successful will you be my me wait what is no shut up [Music] he met me here in London and surprised me with a trip to the Netherlands so Zoe's gonna be Quinn's maid of honor and Logan's best man is Chase AKA Zoe's ex-boyfriend who has not spoken to her at all since senior year of high school but hey it's fine whatever like she's totally over it now she definitely doesn't think about him or anything and she has not been one-sided texting him for the past few years so yeah no worries it's gonna be great now because all this talk with Quinn and everything is bringing back a bunch of memories for Zoe she decides to check in with all of her old high school buddies now as you might imagine with this movie being based on a Nickelodeon show every kid from her class has gone on to become super mega Rich successful artists and producers and Stacy and Mark have their own Smash Hit True Crime podcast of course I had questions who snuck into Sunday school who stole the Subaru and who stabbed cerebella Sampson I'm Stacy dilson and this is my favorite Slaughters so like obviously this is supposed to be a parody of my favorite murder right but like that is not at all what that podcast is like it's really more like okay okay so I'll start this week this one is real fresh fresh love it I'm calling this one the Bayside bait murder because giving them cute little names totally isn't weird love it love it love cute names Love Murder love the beach right oh my God I was literally just thinking that like if you're gonna get murdered get murdered at the beach right girl get some okay okay so the story is about a 14 year old girl out of Oregon oh my God already so in love with this like literally on my fourth glass of wine right now anyway so seeing all her old friends being rich and successful and getting married and all that stuff really just makes Zoe totally happy for their personal financial success you know she's definitely not bitter battle whatsoever minus Victoria Justice of course because she is nowhere to be found in this movie you know all these like reboot sequel whatever it's like they really love to just tap into this idea of like Millennial depression hey you ever think about how everyone else's life is going great and perfect but like none of your dreams have ever come true in the last 10 years how wacky Zoe isn't she the maid of honor why wouldn't she because she never shows up and it's not like we don't invite her I think she's still stuck on her ex chase the best man from high school it's sad all I know is they were supposed to spend the summer after senior year together but something must have happened because they broke up and I don't think she's had a relationship since so to prove to everyone that her life is not in shambles and she's actually totally happy okay guys she borrows the self-driving car we saw earlier and goes through the submission tapes for her reality show and picks out some hot dude to pretend to be like her super hot successful boyfriend who like you've never heard of because you know he goes to a different School in Australia you know my interpretation is that he's being used as a tool to make your ex-boyfriend jealous is that right I just want to show him and everyone that I am a very successful well-rounded adult who's moved on and is doing better than him copy now here's where the wacky Shenanigans come in okay so earlier in the movie Zoe did not get into the Dream Team for the live finale show right but like the main actor in the show this guy here he only wants to work with Zoe and no one else for some reason the network loved Greg's idea of the proposal and then Jordan B goes down on Monday and it's like uh I need Zoe where's Zoe he's gonna go to the finals and when he does I need you to be his mommy so short story even shorter the head director guy has to put Zoe on the team but guess what everybody the season finale of the show is the same day same time as Quinn's wedding and of course Zoe is the maid of honor so she can't just bail on that and Chase is gonna be there so she has to go and see him right so she decides to do both at the same time she'll do the wedding ceremony and all that garbage and then she'll drive back to the TV set to be there for that and everything's totally going to work out no problems whatsoever you know what I'm saying apologies for my appearance I had to come straight from surgery Hugo this is Quinn and Logan the bride and the groom and you must be Michael the officiates Michael button the official you know you you said their titles you know bride and groom but I'm Michael the officiant why does this scene feel like it's three times longer than it actually is there's something about this movie where like there are so many scenes that feel like this like it's not really clear if it's like a joke or just like a regular scene but it's just it just keeps going and like you have no idea what's even happening [Music] deal with that kind of Reverb did you hear the echo so the first day of all this is like some kind of pre-rehearsal dinner party thing what a disgusting display of wealth God I hate rich people I've don't you live here the case I'm working on now is a real stumper they call him the Malibu murderer he's still at large so you're a detective podcast host okay okay that was kind of funny also like big weddings like this where you have to stay for three days and there's like four rehearsal dinners or whatever like this is literally my personal hell right here you know extroverts really have just completely ruined Society anyway now also at this dinner thing Zoe finally runs into Chase [Music] [Laughter] [Music] laughs [Music] he had defeat under Paul actually this is a call back to the first episode of Zoey 101 hey Millennials remember back when you were young enough to still be happy and excited about the future hey remember that remember those days anyway so the movie goes on like this for a while Zoe wants to talk to chase but she also doesn't want to and she wants him to be jealous of her success but she also wants to get to know what he's been doing all these years if only there was some kind of super convenient coincidence that could put them together alone for a while so they could talk about stuff you know I wouldn't have you something now later on Zoe being the maid of honor she has to go and get the wedding rings from the Jeweler who was resizing them door opening my God I'm so sorry I did not mean to oh Chase is your nose bleeding oh here I have some tissues right here door closing uh no wait no no no no no no no no why estimated time one hour 12 minutes oh my goodness is this what I think it is could this be a super convenient coincidence but yeah so finally Zoe and Chase get to talk about life and things and stuff I'm so sorry about Hawaii's and I completely understand why you didn't respond but I so used to not working out between us that I was scared of what would happen if it actually did so I just failed I've tried to move on I've tried to forget but no matter what I did it always came back to you okay but like imagine holding on to this or thinking about this for like 10 plus years like imagine being in your 30s and still caring about things that happened in high school and then randomly like remembering them at 1 30 in the morning you know it couldn't be me so together they go to the jeweler and get the rings [Music] these are really nice even how am I doing you know if you want somebody on the side I am that person right but you see the Jewelers think that Zoe and Chase are Quinn and Logan and for whatever reason they can't get the Rings until they could and doing so kind of like reignites some spark or something between them and they realize that they've just been harboring all these feelings for each other all these years and they've never really gotten over each other which like okay I get the whole point that this movie's about like getting all the old characters back together again but like if you're like 32 and you still aren't over your high school ex then like like what are you even doing I know how that sounds so ridiculous anyway so the end of the movie is the wedding itself but Zoe's car ends up running out of batteries on the way back so she has to use like an earpiece to tell the guy from her show what to say during the finale while also being the maid of honor and listen guys you are not gonna believe this okay but everything goes wrong why are you say Jordan B what do you love most about Jordan J what's going on nothing absolutely nothing nothing absolutely nothing I'm working during your wedding this is so important and you were so excited so I lied what about him I hired him to be my boyfriend for the weekend well Jesus though he wouldn't put it like that your whole plan sounds kind of crazy and so thanks to Zoe's genius master plan the wedding is completely ruined and also at the same time the life finale of her reality show is just a total disaster in the end Zoe and Chase have an idea to go back to their old high school which we find out earlier in the movie was shut down for a tax fraud and have the wedding there with just their close friends and family and Quinn gets married in her old high school t-shirt because that was the happiest time of their lives like imagine being someone who had a happy High School experience like who do you think you are it's really gross how often you talk about high school Kelly I know what you're going to say and my stuff will be out of the office on Monday I'm promoting you it was the highest rated love fully charged finale ever you're right I do have a lot to offer I quit I'll double your salary and give me the corner office yeah sure and so what do you know everything works out perfectly in the end just like in real life and that's pretty much Zoe 102. So Zoe 101 ended with Zoe and Chase graduating from high school and they were supposed to go off to Hawaii together which as we learned earlier in this movie didn't really work out so well but like they made this whole movie about putting the main characters exactly back where they were at the end of the original show like at the end of Zoe 101 they were finally together and then the movie comes along and it's like actually they really weren't together but now they are like instead of exploring them as characters who are now adults and have lived lives and stuff like they just retconned the ending of the series so they could accomplish the same exact thing in a movie from like a character development point of view like this is the biggest waste of time the iCarly reboot was also kind of like this until the most recent season when they finally gave the characters some depth and like they talk about their parents and their whole like family Dynamic and stuff but Zoe 102 is just the most unnecessary sequel I mean all these are to be fair but like especially this one like why did they even make this hey everybody thanks for watching this video if you liked it please watch another one because that's how the algorithm works so click on this one that's being recommended to you right now right here on the screen it actually helps a lot if you do that because like that's how YouTube knows that my videos are worth caring about also if you have any movies or TV shows you'd like to recommend send me an email alexmeyerscontact and I'll put them on my absurdly long list of movies that I need to get to at some point anyway hope I made your day a little bit better and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 925,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex mayers, alex myers, zoey 101, zoey 102, reboot
Id: XDnxG5WI78Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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