SEND IT! Sam & Colby Answer Your Questions!

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we basically heard what was like a disembodied voice basically right in front of us and when we went and checked back the recorder and stuff it wasn't on there but our camera's caught and intro voice saying like what's up guys it's Sam and Colby in honor of our new hell week merch we're gonna answer you guys questions what's up you guys it's nilu from fanjoy today I'm here with Sam and Colby and we are going to be answering the questions you guys sent in so let's get into it I'm scared petrified to say the least you guys ready for the first one no let's do it okay describe each other and what you guys were like in high school so Sam you describe what Colby was like in high school yeah what's that supposed to mean man you've changed people change he's a good example of it I've changed La changed me I messed up La changed him no um back in the day he was very smiley yeah no I'm not no he's not at all Never Smile ever I would just say you had a cooler haircut back then instead of now what same haircut the last 14 years it's not the same I remember that first haircut I saw on Sam all right Kobe wore very casual clothing I wore the same thing every single day you leveled up in fashion when you moved up to L.A before then it was just knee shorts and the same Blue Valley High Schools same hoodie yeah it was like our high school hoodie I wore every single day what were you guys's First Impressions when you guys saw each other like did you guys know right away like I want to be friends with him or were you like I don't know about this I know I literally like this is gonna sound crazy but I saw him like you won an award for something I remember you got like chosen for like an award and it wasn't best hair yeah see see what I mean what the hell oh God he had a great hair great hair first impression the first time I met Colby he was what was that oh I don't know if you could say this YouTube but he was taking his band instrument and stroking it in this motion very quickly and I just thought wow like I want to be friends with that guy that was the moment you knew oh that was the moment I knew that we were oh my God okay so you guys have talked about this drum girl from major girl major yeah does she know that you guys connected over her like I think so I think so I think I like what's interesting is I hung out with her right before we moved out to LA so it was like when we were 18 and this all happened when we were like 14 15 and so I definitely told her before we like left oh dude I think she knew because I mean we talked about her on social media we're like yes the drum major band girl and she was like actually okay so going off of that what was like the origins of XLR and your YouTube channel whoa throwing it back yeah geez throw it back real quick um well I think they go hand in hand the reason why we switched we did our YouTube channel for like three years before anything really popped off and that was we were just doing challenges stupid videos great whatever we're having a good time but we were basically just doing YouTube videos because we thought we needed to do YouTube videos uh but then we were like all right what do we what are we actually passionate about and that was exploring abandoned places that was the only real thing to do in Kansas and so when we just broke into a bunch of Bandit places we're like all right let's do it on YouTube and thus if that's like the one thing that we're passionate about why not make that the whole brand it's like you're exploring going out seeing the world and like you know yeah to add to that point is yeah it was more so just about like exploring just the world and like getting out of your comfort zone and stuff like that instead of just like abandoned but um yeah we took it ran with it you guys helped with the logos and all that stuff and we thought they were sick so we're like all right this is our brand now we're like hey fanjoy how can we make explore a brand take out the vowels we're good all right got it that's all you got to do was there ever a point that you guys wanted to quit and if so what made you guys push through whoa I don't think so I think we've always like really loved what we've we've done and um it gets really stressful at times with the work yeah I think it depends on what you mean by quit I think like not doing social media at all no way right now I think we've always been passionate about this and that's what we want to do when it's ever gotten so stressful that we wanted to take a break yeah take a quit like quit for like 24 hours yeah can we have a vacation for like a weekend but I think that's good to have like balance and like have a break and everything 100 100 lots of crying it helps for sure um okay so what would you guys say are the pros and cons of doing YouTube and social media and all of that I mean the best part is honestly like I enjoy meeting people that watch the content put out online like online like in person seeing these people it's like obviously 10 times like way different than seeing the comments and stuff on social media like seeing somebody in real life saying like how much you know your videos like meant to them and stuff that's really special I feel like definitely yeah creating the family because like yeah that alone helps everything it's like allows us to do things like this it allows us to connect with people allows us to meet really cool people or travel the world or everything everything comes from that family definitely I think cons recently have been just the amount of pressure we put on ourselves so like we will like set a standard that we have to hit every single time we have to keep raising that bar and so we have just over overwhelmed ourselves with the amount of work and like the amount of stuff that we need to do and that's all planning as well like this definitely our fault so I'm sure in the future like we can you know make sure that we're we can handle like our work next year but like yeah it's been it's been very stressful like recently yeah for sure if YouTube didn't exist and like social media wasn't a job what would be something that you guys would want to be doing or like your dream job outside of that well see this is a crazy question because I feel like I didn't even know we were 15 by the time we were starting social media and stuff and so my plan in my head was like I'm gonna go to KU and I'm gonna like just do all the core classes and maybe do something in business but I had no idea it's a zero plan I don't think I have any idea whatsoever but nowadays if like let's say it was all taken away from me right now I would actually go into like editing I feel like we've been doing video editing for so long I'm like oh I love this like even creating for other people I think would be sick what are your pet peeves about each other because you guys spend a lot of time with each other so we do but we've gotten so good at just like knowing how to not make each other mad you know what I mean like we've figured out like what our pet peeves are I guess I think I've spent more time with Colby than I have my own actual brother in my life yeah honestly probably yeah also my mic might have just fallen off is that affecting anything to use one as Mike Falls it's awesome my bike falls guys probably how hard he works because then I just have to keep up damn just kidding there's not I don't know I feel like I'd have to think about that yeah okay that's nice of you guys okay what's the scariest experience you guys have had while filming oh my gosh probably uh we went to a place called trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum oh my God it was a South Pole but should we tell them about I think that that video is coming out like here in a few days probably true oh yeah when people are watching this but without giving too much away we basically heard what was like a disembodied voice basically right in front of us and when we went and checked back the recorder and stuff it wasn't on there but our camera's caught an actual voice saying like the name of the person who was Haunting the place like right in front of us basically heard the voice of another person in the same room like two feet away from us and like our face it was like the craziest sound we've ever heard in our life and it was so human-like that it actually was like chilling it made no sense when you guys have these scary experiences are there times when you guys get home or like that night you guys are still not over it and just like that experience and a couple other shooting like hell week we were up like all that night and then like the next couple days like talking about one of these experiences yeah no their spots we'll go to that linger where you just kind of we our friends I call it like the Paranormal hangover um but it's like you kind of get you're surrounded by all this like negative energy and you hear throughout like the entire night of all the horrible things that happen at these specific places and it affects you it's like kind of go home like not you know depressed or anything but kind of like in a more solemn mood of like oh man that was that was a crazy spot it takes it out of you for sure it does it sucks it can be like stressful I feel like it's like similar to watching like a scary movie where you're like but yeah I feel like oh my God in person well how do you guys like cleanse that or like decompress from those I well we do all the editing ourselves as well and so since most of our Lives is scary content or making scary content um honestly just you know plugging away and watching like happier like YouTube videos and stuff like that or like listening to happy music in the morning and stuff just things that will be like more positive I feel like you have to you have to combat the negativity all right you guys moved to Vegas recently what's the biggest difference between living in Vegas and LA what would you say um biggest difference is probably the people I would say um it's honestly right now we've only been there for well actually when people are watching this we've probably been there for like two or three months um but there's not a lot of people our age in Vegas and so I feel like yeah biggest difference is probably like who we hang out with and it's it's a lot of the time it's been like us just you know figuring out how we can editing and all that but it's gonna say we haven't really experienced that much of a difference let's say our lives in Vegas and La have been very much the same since all it is is filming and editing filming and then editing and then editing and then filming more so that's all of our life when you guys aren't editing what are you guys doing for fun filming probably filming or like trying to like I was saying listen to those like positive music videos we'll go out like on the weekends we can't live like Friday Saturday we'll go to the bars and clubs out yeah Vegas stuff but that's about it when you said the people are not your same age are they younger older older Vegas has like a super old crowd where most of the parks we've been to they're like yeah 40 plus okay they were just looking in the wrong places I don't know okay five years from now where do you guys see yourselves or what are some goals you guys have in the next few years it's a 30. whoa whoa I want to own a haunted house by 30. yeah sick that's a really good part yeah having our own sort of like yeah Haunted House business franchise would be like an experience that people can do yeah yeah be a part of Universal Studios yeah okay favorite merch from this collection so I guess the hell week collection honestly the purpose I think the purple to be quite honest like the purple stick this purple like vintagey stuff like that think that's sick but I think I like this design even better for sure because it has that like washed out vibe to it and it glows in the dark yeah or like the flash yeah reflective yeah it's reflective yeah so when you take iPhone photos it looks sick you look cooler than all your friends how do you guys feel when you model the merch how do we feel yeah do you guys like doing it oh that's a really good question I feel like I like it's so like it doesn't make sense to say because like our jobs are social media and like doing YouTube and stuff like that but I feel like every single time I do a photo shoot for some reason I need like 10 minutes to get in the zone like I love how the photographer here will just be like no do this instead like look this way post this way because I feel like I get very awkward in front of camera like especially during photo shoots and so yeah it's fine like after like the first 10-15 minutes but do you think filming is easier than doing photography then I think so for me at least for me at least there's less pressure because more about the full experience and not like someone just looking at one frame of your life right and just how to pose you know yeah you're not really thinking about posing while you're that's true okay people are really excited about the knit sweaters do you guys know when they're coming out oh my God everyone's excited about this you guys have been teasing them a little so people are ready for them people are I think that's our final collection of the year yeah so that'll be uh during the holidays November right November Black Friday area fourth week November 4th all right thank you so about it one week after uh hell week I think no we just needed we just need to keep all that in there we're just like asking everybody they're really excited for their collection we know everything about it and everything okay last question so Halloween's coming up what are your costumes that you guys have in mind Ah that's literally the epitome of our existence this is so stressful we never have a single second to think but you can't complain at all oh yeah I have it easy so basically my girlfriend just picks out all of my costumes because I've just Master over here so I'm chilling he's always a pig every single year he goes in the animals yeah just a few people just call me a pig you know um yeah no well what sucks about La Halloween well it's awesome but that at the same time is there's four usually Halloween's in a row you know what I mean you start on like a Thursday and ends on a Sunday night type thing and so it's like four different costumes that you have to figure out and then I usually I'm like the koala onesie koala onesie Dora the Explorer Thor I've never been Dora that's a good idea what you guys end up being but that's all the questions we got so thank you guys all right all right you guys thanks so much for watching don't forget to subscribe leave a comment and let us know what you want to see next time on fanjoy get the merch get the hell week merch because it's only available during hell week all right so you guys limited time man don't miss out link description we'll see you next time 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Channel: Fanjoy
Views: 311,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fanjoy, merch, creators, sam and colby
Id: 3fY0K3phETo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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