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oh oh yeah I'll do the I'll do the gecko tip yeah yeah yeah all the aspiring gecko players out there I have I have a quick tip for you okay ready this is this is mindblowing with gecko by the way absolutely mindblowing prepare to be blown away by the most advanced Tech of all time okay ready I dropped my alts right this is like how other people use the alt they they press the alt and they're like all right I'm I'm I'm running forward with W I'm running for with W all right I see someone I do this all right so that's how most people do the Geck alts but did you know this is my left hand this is my movement hand if you chop down the thrash it will move in a straight line no matter what so you do not have to hold W therefore you can just bunny hop over and over and over and like swerve it around like a little shark the next thing if you do this too if you tap your alt and then tap again it will detonate faster so like you can make it instant tap and detonate it really fast so like let's say there's someone around this corner you could just like instantly do this and tap the alt to make it do that instead of doing a big lunge and like waiting for it to stop that's new even for me I mean some people will not know this and then another thing if you lunge you can Curve Your lunge uh it's a little bit harder to do um if someone has played CS before they'll kind of get a feel for it but is going again there you go you can curve it in the air on its strength so if you did want to like launch it around a corner to get someone behind it you could it's really hard to do though that that one like that one's Advanced but the other ones are like really easy one of gecko's uh strongest uh things about him is uh first off in a double initiator comp you can flashes and it's absolutely amazing and another thing his weakness of his flash is when people see it it um it just gets broken most of the time so just from looking at that alone you're like okay so I know that my gecko flash will just get broken if they see it so a lot of the time you have to toss it like pass them over them out of line of sight uh you want to toss it as high up as possible because if it just sees like a clipping of someone then a lot of the time uh it it can get like at least a few tags off um for example like when I go like a short sometimes I'll just throw this and you also oh this is also really important um think of like think of gecko utility in like phases right so um I do it I do it sometimes so let's say I was taking showers right and I I know they're going to fight showers let's say I know they're going to fight showers right now and I'm like okay if if I know they're going to fight showers I'm going to use all my util at the same time so I throw my wingman and I flash with my Mig man and then I Peak with it so now they have to shoot one two and then me Swinging three things all at the same time but then now because I took this in the first phase I had I can grab my util like this and now I can either reset or keep the space and then off of this it's like the same thing it's like okay like step one and then afterwards it's like okay I'm going to throw my plant and then or actually I don't really do it like this like if I was going to go out showers I wouldn't do that I'd probably Flash from here and Flash over like that cuz this flash it gets like a lot of sight the only thing it won't get I don't think is like right here um but most of the time your your team is throwing smokes right here so it I think it even gets like if it lands right here I think it gets on top here as well it basically gets everything that you need it to get if you have double smokes but you want to make sure it's in retrievable spot so then I have my flash right here my Geo wingman I pick it up right so I I picked it up here on the first wave then the the second um the second step of it I take this part of sight with it and then afterwards I just go and like reset play post PL so you just got to think of like the the maximum way um to utilize gecko is making sure you can use your abilities as much as possible and as cringe as possible uh one thing that's also really strong doing wingman flash uh I do it a lot um like for example I think I did it today in a ranks game where there was double smokes right here I back up I throw my wingman and then as my wing is going through the smoke I flash with it now someone hears the wingman they're aim down here and then the flash comes over them spots them now they're stunned and Flash and I can swing with it like I I think gcko is pretty broken uh personally and his Molly is pretty good too but I think I I see a lot of people and they play Gecko and they don't understand the strong thing about your character is the fact that you can retrieve your abilities if you can only if you only had one wingman and one flash your character's dog I'm not going to lie but the fact that you can get three wingman three flashes a Molly plus like two thrashes in a round it basically changes everything like I'll just see people and they'll they'll they're not like aware of like what they're like throwing like they'll just throw a Flash and be like oh yeah I'm flashing here and then it's like oh well guess what now your flash landed on top of this you can't pick it up and it's just like oh well that's shocked like you always want to make sure for the most part uh you can do like a a charity donation of your of your ability in certain circumstances but for the most part a good a formula to stick to when you're playing gecko is making sure that your util is always retrievable um same thing is like if I'm flashing into hookah uh I do this a lot where like I bounce flashes off so let's say I was taking hooka right I throw my flash off the wall right here so it bounces back and I'm in a safe spot to retrieve it so the next layer of it is like okay you can retrieve the util you want to make sure you retrieve it and then now you want to make it so you can throw it in a way that it will clear as much as possible and then end up in a spot that'll be safe to to uh retrieve it so right here the only spot I'll really die from is like a hooka crunch or let's say I want to flash down long um and fight it like I don't know like pro pro teams do this a lot where you like push down long and you'll fight rather than like just yeting my flash over here and it's like oh well okay we either killed people or they're not there but now I don't have my flash instead you just throw your flash like this you be really mindful of like how the flash is he comes back wow we just got two kills we came back I got my flashback and then now we're chilling make sure when you're using your alt you're adding as much movement as possible I see some people okay bro rockus was doing this earlier lowkey tilting me just cuz maybe because I do play Gecko but um when you when you're doing the gecko movement like what's think about I'm just going to like put no sound for a second what is hard harder to shoot think think about logically if you were playing against a gecko what would be harder to shoot and it'd be like okay this person is just sending their thing like this in a straight line holy that is so easy to shoot but the gecko right here they're moving their Mouse around they're flicking around they're bunny hopping around corners and stuff it's a lot harder to shoot you just think about perspective of if I was in the enemy team spot what would I not want them to do um and that's like a good basis on like not even gecko just like any character you can use that logic a lot just think about like what has owned you in the past and then replicate it yeah be hopping with the ult is very fun and it makes it really hard to shoot now a thing that's really hard to do um and this is more situational but some people can do it it's kind of hard I wouldn't really suggest it cuz this one's like really hard but you can like jump SWAT with the alt it is so hard to do and then you can lunge at the ends um I didn't do it really good there but there's like certain situations maybe not in this spot in particular but you could do it uh let's say maybe the Spike's planted right here and then you're in you um ah okay you have a teammate holding here I don't know cuz I wouldn't just do this if unless I have a teamate there but you could like you can jump spot with it and then afterwards you lunge it around the corner throw your flash as high as possible the higher the better for the most part because the higher it's kind of off their screen if you throw it off their screen it'll blend them another thing if you throw it away from the Crosshair there's a less chance that they'll flick up and shoot it and then also throwing it higher for the most part you'll get more angles um so if I threw it like just like this look at it's only getting like this angle but if I throw it way higher up it's going to get back here back here like even back here so just think about it like that you throw it then you go up you rip alt you go up with it now they're stuck in you and then you can just reclaim your alt this is a this is a a statement not only for gecko but any character if you don't think you can utilize or get um usage out of your ability for like sending it Forward just don't do it that's it's like an easy thing I see a lot of people they'll just be like they'll be like oh my God there's like a guy right here and it's planted right here and I'm just I'm Omen and I'm just going to throw my blind for no reason at all and then the person's just going to sit here and they're going to tuck to the left and then it's like okay well you just you just donated that ability like it's kind of stupid but if you just save it like saving abilities and using them in a logical sense to do something with them like either think of util to either capitalize off it for a kill to help someone else or to like stall um and no I wouldn't call this stalling this is like a straight up like this like throwing a flash like at someone here and then they just talk and they get out for free that's not a stall like a stall is like oh they tap the spike and then I wait like 2 seconds then I throw my flash and then I can like jump SL or I swing with it that's like more like stalling what about smoking bomb versus smoking choke point I would say that's also very context stuff um like it depends but for the most part in majority of situations if if you're playing post plants or like if you're trying to diffuse the spike and they're playing post plants then you can smoke the spike like I would say 90% of the time and it would be 90% of the time the correct play um so don't smoke off the choke smoke the spike because it allows your teammates to like kill the people trying to spam in the smoke and it kind of causes uncertainty for them whereas if you smoke The Cho uh the the choke then regardless no one's going to have vision of anyone and then it actually just becomes full like RNG like you might as well go to the casino and like hit up a hand to Blackjack at that point [Music] [Music]
Channel: TenZ
Views: 179,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, tenz, valorant fragmovie, sentinels, sen, sentinels valorant, sen tenz radiant, tenz vs radiant, tenz immortal, TenZ valorant, valorant radiant, valorant best player, tenz tutorial, valorant tutorial, valorant guide, gekko guide, tenz guide, tenz aim
Id: D5IXDf0woUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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