How to Exploit Lotus like a Pro

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everyone knows that Lotus is an attacks sited map in fact statistically it's the most attacks sited map in the pool in our week 2 match versus levaton there were only nine defensive rounds one that's both teams combined with 12 rounds of OT 36 rounds played nine defensive rounds won that's crazy so why is lotus so attacker sided first off it's got three bomb s sites so the Defenders are more spread out since they need to cover more ground then you've got the insane rotation to go from one end to the other to make matters worse for the Defenders the A and C sights are what cap likes to call stronghold sights retaking a andc is pretty difficult since the lanes The Defenders have back into the site are so narrow so as a Defender you don't ever really want to give up either of these sights this lets the attackers take map control run a pump fake and then hit the weaker site this makes the main areas outside A and C sites rubble and Mound super important to the Defenders you'll always see the defending team fighting for one or both of these locations since if you control one of them you can tell if the attacking team is running a fake but fighting for these locations requires a huge amount of u from The Defenders so with that basic lesson and map theory in mind let's take a look at how we were able to turn our Lotus around from our Lev game and get nine defensive rounds versus mibr all right wait I'm going to stop you there I can already see what you guys are doing listen I wrote this after the my BR game this takes forever to make I'm sorry like there's animations and stuff so I don't know what happens everything in here is true like it all makes it all is like factually true I just can't get in the server and play for these guys you know what I'm saying anyway back to the video screen down horn some pressure applied here by Sentinels out towards a rubble they won't control with this area really only being posted off by mazine as a paranoia exchang on either side out on the opposite section of the map with mazine falling a control now going to be going toward Sentinels and all in the middle of all of this tuck to the corner that's zel is here and he's playing again the B switch and a snap to the side M at least with the trade but now he's just a solo player one left standing tp's up and it's too predictable the first round to look at is round four both teams are on a pretty decent buy the only outliers being tenens on the outlaw and jayzz on the bulldog and two mibr players on half Shields the round starts with sashy John and z fighting for Rubble control John mollies the run out sashy hits it with a fade eye and Zin tosses in a boombot for good measure once it's clear that there's not going to be a giant fight for Rubble JN sheets back to Anchor B eventually sashy reclear a main with a Prowler spots one and goes in for the fight with Zach cleaning up mazine with rubble control established we now know that mibr has to either hit C or B over on the other side of the map ten has been holding the fort down with the outlaw not seeing anything in fact zelus was able to walk across c main and tuck in behind the box by the door as mibr creeps up c f frz tries to lurk out onto B only to get annihilated by John with nowhere else to go mibr has to run it down C where tens and zelus get some nice trades rgl does kill zelus but it's a four-on-one and he's got nowhere to go and John rotates in for the easy cleanup so in this round we were able to pick apart mibr easily by taking control of both Mound and Rubble we did have to leave B open at the start of the round but it's not a big deal since it's easy for us to retake and it did cost us tons of util to get this control but you can see just how valuable it is once we had Rubble mibr was completely lost F frz was forced to try and lurk out on the B to find some kind of opening and he just gets shut down with no map control at all mibr is just forced to run it down and they eat for it so now that we've seen how a standard roundout looks let's take a look at the following round and see how we play around mibr when they've got no money a bulldog I have the SP real tools at their disposal see if they can apply some pressure that one maybe with a pick drop down to 10 HP again there for L yeah oh with the amount that sen have been used in The Outlaw it doesn't seem like a bad idea to go through it here the a pressure now we're going to be sending all of their players out towards C haven't actually got rid of any of this set up the Nano swarms significant amount of damage there but just offering the upgrade now with the kill found 45 that will go down yes it will might be a kill though yes with the util sashing rgl Meister out into the open stra to the rifle fire but it's an exchange of hands here now the showstopper really being afforded to use they're trying to buy enough time for JCC to come around and Sassy's watching for it the awareness by sassy just expecting that could be a possibility of course that noise was made a little bit earlier and prior ha taken care of but enough there can't level the shots so Sentinel a really good win for them in all honesty as well I mean four players surviving and getting some of those critical out of mibr we start off in a 212 with zelus and John over on C Zen holding down B with the outlaw and T and sasian A the first thing you'll notice is that we don't really fight for mounder Rubble sure sashy throws an eye out but he immediately goes back to playing on site same thing for tens dude is just chilling in tree watching the door why are we giving up all this control if I just spent three paragraphs talking about why it's so important it's because mibr is broke they're trying to make a AP strong together play which is what you're supposed to do on an Eco but the way you deal with this is you let them use what little util they have and you don't get roped into messy fights where you can just get swarmed and end up giving them a gun look at how safe we're playing I mean Jon's holding the stairs from Spawn zelus is back on C playing off his util sure zein is playing a forward line on B site but he's got Jon's wall he can blast pack behind after first Contact so we've got all our bases covered what does mibr do exactly what I spelled out at the start of the video they take Rubble control fake that the hit is coming a and then double back to C mazine tries to lurk out B but it's an outlaw shot to the chest and has to run away jayzz is lurking outside a trying to sell a fake with his dog and it kind of works sashy and tens are still on a and Jon is still holding stairs from Spawn so zelus is alone on C when the hit comes in but he does massive damage with his moles I know I was talking about how hard A and C sights are to retake you know the whole stronghold sights thing but in this case it's not a problem at all since we didn't commit a ton of util towards the rubble and Mound fight Zach still has his nade which he uses to flush rgl into tens tens has a smoke which he uses to oneway the little path between c main and waterfall artzine pops his showstopper but it's not like we're in a rush we have plenty of time so we just kind of sit back for a bit in fact by waiting this lets sassy catch jayzz on the flank with no easy targets arine tries to fire his rocket down waterfall but Zin is just too fast now just look at this util set we throw on the retake sashi's got this insane eye that clears out pretty much the whole site John Molly's Ben forcing F frz to play on ramp right where ten is throwing his paranoia the guy's flood in and make it look just too easy all because we recognized that mibr was on an Eco and therefore wouldn't have the guns in util to really exploit the map control that we gave them there is one thing that is missing from our game versus mibr that we did have to pull out versus Lev and that is insane clutches we just played so well versus mibr that we never were really in a situation where JN or tenens had to put on the cape and remind everybody what a freak they are so if you guys would indulge me let's do a quick breakdown of John qt's 4K vers Lev in 3.18 seconds JN got his 4K but what's more impressive to me is how he had to flick for all four [Music] kills I mean you saw the numbers on screen the guy's an animal but Jon wasn't alone in his heroics in the very next round T reminded everybody why he's the main character and we're all just NPCs the time frame when he spots aspas to hitting the head shot is .1 seconds the time from when he spots King to hitting the head shot is 09 seconds what the hell the average human reaction time is25 the kid is operating at a superhuman level but it's not just 10 being a freak you have to have the proper gear to perform at a level like this thankfully zi hooked the guys up with the XL 2566 6K 360 HZ monitor wait wait Jordan Jordan what what are you doing this is my thing this is my thing if anyone selling anything it's me so anyway the zoi XL 2566 K 360 or Monitor and its fast TN panel gives you the clarity to hit insane clutches like this also it's got the daak for extra motion Clarity so we can have moments of absolute cinn like these from John and tens wait you're not talking about my play what the hell bro you're not tense whatever man with black equalizer paired with daak you'll spot every detail on the map you can get your own zoi XL 25 66k by clicking the link in the description below and play with the same gear we all use in s City well there you have it guys the next time you're grinding ranked and Lotus comes up try to keep what we talked about in mind you want to fight for rubble and Mound establish that map control and from there everything else is easy that is until you get some Griefer oooing and Cals and ruining the Vibes also now you have proof that I sound nothing like zelus
Channel: Sentinels
Views: 265,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sentinels, SEN, valorant, sentinals, val, tenz, tarik, zekken, zellsis, sen tenz, tutorial, sentinels, map, lotus, valorant lotus, how to
Id: BpAvTmBkDC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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