Selling My FAVORITE Lens?! (28-70 vs 85mm)

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when i say the canon rf 28-70 has replaced all of my prime lenses i am not exaggerating i have been leaving my 35 in my 50 millimeter at home not in the car at home but there is one lens that i am still bringing to every wedding every portrait session and that is my 85 millimeter 1.4 so the question is do i really need the 85 millimeter or could i shoot everything at 70 millimeters with the 28 to 70 and you really not be able to tell the difference so i'm gonna answer that question in this video we're also testing what it's like to shoot a hurricane [Music] hey there i'm caitlin welcome to my youtube channel this is a place where we like to empower photographers to build both profitable and purposeful businesses while also letting you in in the behind the scenes of our day-to-day life um i'm so excited that you're here and i want to say before we dive in um please subscribe because i hate even saying that but if you like it why not make sure you don't miss it uh sixty-five percent of you that watch this stuff aren't even subscribed which is just fascinating so hit subscribe so you can be a part of the family and never miss an episode we are trying really hard really hard to get to 50k by 2022. we're trying to end the year on a high note so if you like it subscribe and stick around okay so here's what we're gonna do we're going to take some of this most similar shots that i always use my 85 for so that is a tight crop portrait maybe a full body portrait where i'm trying to get rid of the background a little bit i want it to be blurry and out of focus um and then a kind of like a creative foreground element type shot we're gonna do all those three different shots same subject same place same light and try to frame it exactly the same way i'm going to use 70 millimeters with this obviously 85 millimeters with this and then we're gonna come inside tai is gonna upload them maybe apply a little preset process magic to them so they're quickly edited and jumble them up so i can't tell what is what and then i'm going to look at them export out of lightroom without any type of settings i'm not going to know what is what and i'm going to try to see if i can tell a difference makes me feel nervous for some reason so right now i show up at a wedding with these two lenses and a macro lens now i do have the 70 uh to 200 2.8 um and the 135 those are kind of like the longer focal length lenses that we use for ceremonies and that's pretty much it maybe toasts um but this is kind of like the the the family this is what i'm using on a wedding day now which is just fascinating because i used to have a whole slew of them so anyway that's what i take to a wedding now obviously um the macro is needed you have to have it but i literally i'm just using it for basically ring shots and other tiny details so when you strip those extra lenses away that are just for like very small parts of the day this is the bread and butter this is this is my go-to 95 of the day is honestly shot with this crazy but i pull this lens out i pull the 85mm out when i have the time and the capacity and the space and the perfect light it's it's almost like wow things are going really really well let's make it even better with this that's not that's my thought process but i don't ever pull this out in a pinch because this is so great in a pinch this is great most of the time this is like extra icing on the cake like a step above the rest it's like the premium membership and and instead of the basic it's it's a step above everything else and i love it i'm realizing that that's all kind of an assumption because i've never actually tested it like i've never shot at 70 millimeters and then 85 millimeters and at the same aperture and the same image and and been like oh this is better than this i've never tested it until today so honestly i don't know i'm a little nervous if i'm being honest what if i can't even tell a difference like what if i can't tell a difference am i truly going to be give like taking my favorite lens out of my bag and going down to one zoom lens if you had told me when i was back in like 2010 2012 that i would be shooting basically everything with one lens i would have laughed in your face what has happened to me this has happened to me so for the experiment today i'm using the rf 85 millimeter 1.2 lens i love it note that even if i was using the 85 ef lens 1.4 this is going to be very similar whatever we find out today is going to be very similar across the board for any 85 compared to a 28 to 70 2.0 so we're looking at the focal length of compression and sure there's probably slight differences in the rf version but we're basically comparing the 28 to 70 compression and and sharpness to the 85 millimeter in in general like can you get the same look that's what we're looking for all right so let's go outside let's make this happen and we will see what the results are here we are we're outside we are not trying to go for anything magical here no offense but this look at my model no offense sorry that's something we had a couple people falling ty is the model we're going to take tight shot full body shot and the creative foreground shot and then we're going to compare them starting with 28 to 70 rf lens backup tie all right let's see right about let's er let's get a little closer a little closer let's a little closer we're doing this tight tight shot there you go okay so here we go we're shooting at your head your hands or your hair this is great okay so you got to stay just like that hands in the pocket a few moments later so now we're gonna try to do a creative element shot with some foreground with both lenses to see if we can tell a difference okay so here we go ty in slaytel we're also testing what it's like to shoot a hurricane more moments later okay we got it now we're gonna go in value blind evaluation okay we're back uh that was great we took our test shots tai is gonna upload them to the computer put them in lightroom i'm gonna uh do a little quick edit sync thing so i'm not gonna look at them i glanced at the back of the camera when i was shooting them but like i tried not to scroll through them i think i i'm gonna be able to tell a difference but i don't know we're gonna see so we're gonna dive in put on the computer and then do an evaluation okay here we go um full body shot all right so we're looking at this i my eye first of all you should notice when i'm looking at this and i'm deciding between these two lenses i'm looking at the background first more than i don't know if that's right or wrong but that's what i'm looking at all right so this is one two here's a guess say which one you think oh i could tell i could tell it's very clear this is the 85 it has to be and that's that's the 2870. they're both great oh but one of them's way better oh gosh okay i can tell i don't even need to see this i mean i guess i should show you the step i said oh it's very clear okay well yep i mean this is our answer right this is this is what we wanted i mean the background is just look at look at the difference i mean they're both so sharp but this is just my the look at the look at that separation of subject to the background and that and it's a busy background that's what's crazy it's busy it's we're we didn't say this but we're shooting in the middle of the afternoon we shot these at 12 30 in the afternoon so oh it's just you just can't beat the all right so let's just go ahead and reveal what the oh it's i there was no doubt in my mind that i was that i wasn't right okay let's look at another one so we have okay image number one this is a tighter crop we have one okay two it's very i can tell i know this i know which one is my baby oh it's not the second one okay so let's turn those off and see side by side it's very clear okay so 20 to 70 on the left 85 millimeter on the right i i think it's gonna be obvious with this too okay so we're looking at image three this is the kind of creative shot with foreground that's the first shot second shot first shot again hmm that one's less obvious oh it's obvious to me it is obvious to me it's this is very obvious i mean maybe some people won't know there's a difference but i can i i am i am pretty confident that the bottom is the 85 in the top is we'll see yes that was right okay so what have we learned here i am kind of relieved a little bit um i don't think there's any replacing the 85 but i just don't think i mean looking at these and i have felt that when i've been shooting before because there's got to be some reason why i choose hey hold up let's put my favorite lens on why do i do that and while i've never tested it i think subconsciously i have realized when i'm shooting oh this is a moment that needs to be extra epic the background needs to be extra blurry the subjects need to be extra crisp there's just something magical about this lens so i should mention that all these were shot at 2.0 the 85 has the capacity to go down to 1.2 um ty asked me earlier he's like but you don't really shoot at 1.4 and i was like no no i do i've been shooting at one point i actually should find um i'd shot something at a recent wedding at 1.4 with the 85 millimeter um because i have yet to experience it being soft at 1.4 it is so accurate i'm relieved i'm i'm relieved about this i mean maybe other people were hoping i'd say like yeah just get rid of everything except the 28-70 but the truth is it is very clear to me especially with my style and the reason why i love the 85 is the reason why i'm choosing it when i'm seeing these you know side-by-side comparisons like it's just you cannot replicate it um i'm kind of i'm happy about it i don't know i don't know what i was hoping for but i'm happy about it but if you saw the 28 to 70 and you had no other comparison it still looks great blurry and like you yes i just think like even when i'm looking at this this tight shot i mean look at the distance look at the difference between the far far background trees it's just this creamy neutral palette looks like someone did some like watercolors smeared in the background where is it where for the 28 to 70 you can kind of see a little details of like some tree um trunks and some it's just different it's i guess my word for it is it's just smoother it's it's a smoother lens but it's also crisp and accurate anyway so good news um my favorite lens remains my favorite lens it will always be going to weddings with me because even though the 28 to 70 is just magical and i highly recommend it if you are an 85 millimeter lover if you have the budget to it is still a luxury lens you you don't need a 85 millimeter to make more money to be successful to have better images you don't you don't need to it is it is like a treat for a photographer it's like you know a treat yourself type of situation not something you have to have so here is my new updated rf lens recommendation for wedding photographers highly recommend the 28 to 70. i've gotten to a place where i think that that is the first purchase that you should make hands down no question about it why because it covers a range of options and variety and it's a great great lens um it basically is a foundational lens and then you just need a few little things like then a macro the macro is great if you already have the ef version again if you have um like an uh l series version ef version of some of these lenses you will be just fine with an adapter so again all of this is kind of um it's it's as you can afford it do not put yourself in debt to grow an rf collection thinking you need to have these lenses in order to get the most value out of your new mirrorless camera that's not true your adapter with your ef lens is going to be just fine but my my new updated list would be 20 to 70 2.0 hands down the first thing 100 millimeter macro if you're a wedding photographer you got to have this and it is a good upgrade um if you if you really are in desperate need of a longer focal length then go ahead and go get the 70 to 200 um rf lens if you don't already have one that's the thing if you already have the ef versions of these then you really are just shopping out of the luxury of having a budget to be able to upgrade your rs series lens collection and if that's the case then you have to start thinking through what your preference is so if i had to choose like oh i have some extra cash at the end of the year i'd really love to upgrade to the 85 1.2 rf lens or i could get the 70 to 200 2.8 well um it really is personal preference i would always choose the 85 because i love it but that's because i rarely shoot with a 72 to 200 so if you are always shooting with that lens you should go down that path so it's really a lot of preference but basically the 85 millimeter 1.2 rf lens is amazing it is awesome but if you already have an l series version ef format then i don't know if you need to spend all the money i don't know if that's helpful it's just the truth so i will continue to bring my 85 millimeter rf lens to weddings even though i'm not taking the 50 millimeter um rf or the um my even my old 35 millimeter ef i'm not taking those anymore um but good news for for me for mike i'm sure michael will be thrilled he's loving the whole like oh kj's basically shooting with one lens these days since he packs my bags um but no we will continue to take the 85. it's just not replaceable it's it's an irreplaceable lens you can't get the same look and i'm i'm honestly kind of happy about it i don't know what i would feel like if i'm like oh yeah like i'm just going to say goodbye to that it's like an identity crisis so yeah keep it in the bag if you love this if this has been helpful for you subscribe ask questions in the comments we read every single comment and we try to respond to everybody as much as we can so we'd love to hear from you and we'd love to just hear your feedback and your thoughts maybe if you have an 85 millimeter rf um but thanks for tuning in i hope this was helpful we will see you next time [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Katelyn James
Views: 30,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 28-70 vs 85mm, Katelyn James, Katelyn James Photography, canon lenses for portraits, canon r6 photography, canon rf, canon lens, canon 85mm, canon rf lenses, canon rf 28-70 f2, canon lenses must have, best canon rf lenses for portraits, canon rf lenses vs ef, canon rf vs ef, Canon rf 100mm macro, canon r6, Wedding Photography Education, canon r6 review, Canon r5, canon 85mm f1.2 rf review, rf 28-70, canon 28-70 f2, canon 85mm f1.2 rf, Kj education, canon eos r6
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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