"It's Almost CREEPY How Good This Is" (Lightroom 11 Auto Masking Demo)

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so lightroom 11 came out there are new updates normally i could care less about lightroom updates but this is different i texted tie immediately when i started using these new features because it's insane i can't wait to show you hey there welcome to my youtube channel i'm caitlin this is a place where we like to empower photographers to build both profitable and purposeful businesses while also you letting also you but also letting you in the behind the scenes of our day-to-day life i'm gonna take you into lightroom this new tool it's an auto masking tool using using artificial intelligence to select for me what i love is selecting the subject within a photo and being able to edit just the subject i i have never seen something so accurate it's almost creepy it's almost creepy how good this is um there's a lot of power in this and i think it's gonna be a game changer for photographers it's it's hard to even explain to you exactly how powerful this is i just need to show you so we're gonna go into my laptop and you're gonna watch me use this new tool okay so here we are we're in lightroom classic this is lightroom 11. this is what has changed most drastically up here you're gonna see a whole new kind of bar um so all of the like isolated editing adjustment brushes um have been adjusted i do wanna say when you click here um a lot of people have emailed us and they're like oh my gosh like i lost my brushes from the kj preset process no you have not they are still here you want to click here and just go to brush and then go to effect and you still have your options down there so that's just to help those people but this is where this is where things get kind of new and crazy and awesome all the same time when you are selecting up here you kind of have these options that appear on this secondary bar that pops up you can select the subject select the sky you can choose this is where your radial and your linear gradient options went color range is crazy i've it's a whole gosh i could make a whole other video about that um luminance range depth range so for me what i have played with so far is selecting the subject brush linear and i've not even used the radial gradient yet i know it's going to be amazing but what i've used on this wedding was brush linear and selecting the subject so let me just show you what this looks like you literally just click select subject and it's detecting it takes a minute you can see the spinning wheel down here and it selects just the subject i mean completely accurately like let's zoom in here um fascinating look at that that's amazing like down to the little hairs like her little flyaway hairs so um this wedding was incredibly challenging to edit so i want to show you what really blew me away and why i think this is actually useful because it's cool that it can use artificial intelligence to really select only what the focus and the subject of the photo is um but what you can do with the power of this is what's really crazy okay so this photo i am not super proud of this photo i don't i don't like the light here it it's a little too hazy for me normally when you have a photo like this the the struggle is you can't get them to pop enough because at least for my style um now this is not crazy hazy i'm actually going to show you another example of this in a second but i just thought to myself okay what would happen if i selected just them and brightened the whites for just them and made just them pop i actually think this would be a great opportunity to use this new feature so i didn't even know if it was gonna be able to select them but then i tried it and let's see what it does i'm just gonna start over and show you okay so it selected them perfectly like it even look at this it even left out the hole where his arm is her flyaways are almost perfectly masked out like it's insane like it's a little bit creepy and you can see up here that is a new mask and you can actually it kind of reminds me of photoshop you can add different mask layers and then just select those edits which is fascinating and there's so much control it feels like control of photoshop but the artificial intelligence part of it makes it like weirdly accurate if you were selecting something like this in photoshop the old photoshop i mean it would take so long and this is just automatic like five seconds and just the subject is selected so anyway what does this mean for us well if i was editing so let's get off of this for a second um if i was just editing this like normal basically you're applying edits to the entire image which is normal and you should shoot to be able to do quick edits because if you're shooting well in camera you don't need necessarily to use the masking tool as much but when you need to tweak little things it's it's a game changer so i'm gonna do bold two i'm using the kj preset process it's a game changer four thousand plus photographers i there's probably more now i don't know the numbers but so many photographers are using this all the time with their work because it streamlines their editing so anyway i'm going to try to make it pop here but you can see like even when i'm adding pop to this image i just still want them to have a little bit more brighter whites so i can add that here just a little bit but if i really want to be in control of them let's get these colors a little under control if i really want to be in control of them now i have this option where i can go i'm going to add some agenda i can go here i can go back to the mask layer and i can say okay only on the subject i wanna i wanna brighten some things up do you see what's happening here oh my gosh okay i'm gonna add contrast just on them just on them uh i'm gonna reduce highlights just on them do you see how it's just affecting them okay this is crazy the whole image the light was not perfect i should have moved them further closer to the edge of the shadow to avoid some green skin tones i can take away some of that tone by adjusting the tint but the tint is just being adjusted on them insane all right i'm going to bump it up by like 11. wow the texture you could make them a little crisper just them like this is bizarre i i think what is crazy about it is that i'm able to do these adjustments and change these little things that i was so frustrated with before and it looks natural and it looks fine and doesn't look like i did anything extraordinary it just looks like oh wow what a great pop even in a hazy setting so love that let's let me show you some other options also let's zoom in and just see can you see like where the magenta tone stops no can you see no because the mask is so good bizarre okay so i'm not saying that that's like the perfect final edit but i have other things to show you so let me let's look at this photo so this photo is not a lot of times i like to shoot with a tighter focal length with a higher level of compression so it looks like the client is like literally separated so clearly kind of like that last shot i think that was the 85 millimeter uh yeah um shot it that was shot at 1.4 by the way whole another video can we talk about this oh look at that 1.4 85 rf lens crystal clear full body shot anyway that's we can talk about that another time um this image was shot with the 28 to 70 it was shot at 28 millimeters at 2.8 so there's a lot of reasons why this image is completely different and i thought to myself oh i don't think this is really going to be able to select the subject as well as it did for that last image because they are not pulled from the background as much um so again i struggle with light here the background is so blown out um but look at this so uh i'm gonna select the subject again it's thinking it's detecting just them crazy now this is not quite as accurate as the other one but it is so close that it doesn't like it it still selected the background there but look at the edging here look at that his suit his hair like even though he's against some a busier background it's still doing a great job so why is this important it's important because in an image like this that's got some highlight issues some overexposed background issues it allows me to still just change and tweak things now you can also when you're selecting this you can still invert and see the opposite of what you're selecting so that means i can inverse this and now everything except them is going to be selected which means i have control all of a sudden over the entire background so i can pull down my highlights in the entire background i can open up the shadows more in the entire background i can darken it up and make it a little bit heavier and this is all stuff that was possible with the previous lightroom options but not necessarily because the only way to necessarily do this well would be to hand mask and try to use the old masking feature and it just was not precise this is completely different so i am so imp i am let me show you another i just okay so this image obviously it the i know i'm gonna get comments about this um i know that it's overexposed in the background very aware of that it was purposeful we'll do a youtube video on that too um but the goal of this is for it to look natural for it to look kind of ethereal angelic the struggle with an image like this is getting pop i love pop how do you get pop in an image like this has so much backlit haze well normally when you would edit it you can brighten it and it could be really pretty but like to get the pop where you want it um and and to make the whites whiter to make them pop more you're gonna overexpose more so the background we don't need that so i thought to myself oh i should try and actually haven't done this yet we should try and see what selecting just the subject on an image like this what would happen with that so let's see how it does it's just like waiting for a magic trick magic okay so it's seriously this is so crazy i mean i hope i people been freaking out look at the detail for dress down to the little knobs of fabric from the flowers on the detail of her dress every button on the back of her dress is selected i mean you you couldn't manually do this any better if you tried you really couldn't i mean you would spend your whole life anyway i just realized there's like a shoe box in the background this okay anyway i selected just them and this gives me so much control because look what i can do now i can change just them so i can darken the darks brighten the shadows pull down the highlights on them add some contrast increase the texture if i wanted to and then if i want to make this black and white because obviously they're getting a little bit it's a little bit orange here um this is going to make such a poppy black and white now that i've made those adjustments okay so i actually think i could do more because that's not as poppy as i'd like all right look at this i have so much control over just them i can pull down the highlights on them i can brighten the whites on them crazy yes i have okay this is my first time trying it on a non-per i i honestly don't know what it will do here so we'll see we're going to select the subject it it's almost perfect that is how does it know that you should come look at this i mean you're gonna see it how does it know i mean that's that's nearly per oh what am i doing yeah where did it mess up right here that's it though right right that's fascinating so yeah it's it's like magic what is this what does that triple dot do um it is kind of just like uh viewing options for your math there's got to be a way to edit the mask right you've got to subtract subtract subtract matte subtract from mask with brush oh yeah see it should be brushed can you do it let's see so zoom in yeah yes i'm going to zoom in oh yes yeah so i would get i mean if you want to get really precise you would just like zoom in closer but yeah i mean you know because there's got to be a way that if it's not perfect that you can do like just make adjustments without having to do it manually right but then i wonder if it still can do the auto mask like before you know i would still do like a little bit of a yeah like oh like it's detecting it again no that didn't work but this is something okay so you can edit it okay so you can say that okay good news you can edit it i actually think i just thought when would we use this well a lot of times when photographers are shooting um imitation suites especially imitation suites that are white paper goods a lot of times the the actual suite itself the text can be hard to read or the the paper can look more blue than the background this would solve that problem because you can instantly select and it's instead of brushing over just parts of it this is going to make that edit so much more clean i'm thrilled i'm so thrilled with it i'm still learning it i'm still learning how to recalibrate and sync it with other edits so as i continue to use this on my own work i will let you know what i find out what i learned from it the power of it and i'll do an updated video but initial overview of this tool is that it gives you so much power and editing and in some ways i hope it doesn't become a disadvantage because people instead of learning this is my fear instead of learning like oh i i don't know how to shoot without getting this haze well that's an in-camera fix or it should be an in-camera fix and now there's more ability to fix it post processing so i hope that this doesn't make people lazy i still think people need to learn how to shoot the best they can straight out of camera but this is a great tool to help fix a lot of problems that a lot of people struggle with it's a great tool super impressed yay lightroom yay adobe you finally did something that's worth talking about i mean i lightroom is amazing but this was really a step up and i'm really impressed with it so hope you enjoyed this hope it was helpful um there's so much more that i could say about this but i honestly i want to use it for more than just editing one blog post from one wedding before i dive into everything that can offer you so this was the basic overview first pass we'll update in maybe a few weeks maybe a couple months to show you what i'm truly doing with these new features if you enjoyed this video i hope you like and subscribe so you can watch other videos in the future thank you for tuning in i'll see you next week bye [Music] you
Channel: Katelyn James
Views: 52,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wedding Photography Education, Katelyn James, Katelyn James Photography, kj education, kj all access, katelyn james photography, lightroom 11, lightroom 11 tutorial, lightroom 11 new features, lightroom auto mask, adobe lightroom, lightroom masking, lightroom update, lightroom classic, lightroom masking tutorial, lightroom select subject, lightroom tutorial 2021, lightroom 11 update, lightroom masking update, katelyn james editing, katelyn james color grading
Id: Z3Xgq9J8Dos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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