EVERYTHING Has Changed (Canon RF 28-70 f/2.0 6-Month Update)

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so we made a video about this lens six months ago right after i bought this lens i have learned a lot a lot has changed and i'm just going to talk to you about it and give you an update [Music] hey there i'm kaitlyn welcome to my youtube channel this is a place where we like to empower photographers to build both profitable and purposeful businesses while also letting you in the behind the scenes of our everyday life i'm so excited that you're here i'm talking about my new favorite lens it's actually been my favorite lens now for half a year this is not even my lens because my lens this is michael's lens so we now own two of them that's how much we love this thing mine is in the car with him with the kids if that tells you anything this lens has really changed so much about photography for us so i'm going to break down some things that i want to make sure that i was sharing so one question we keep getting is how much am i actually using this lens as a wedding photographer on wedding days and the answer to that is i'm using it seriously eighty to ninety percent of the time i would say eighty percent of the time is being generous it's it's more towards the ninety percent mark i am using this from getting ready ceremony portraits family formals reception party dancing bridal part i'm using it for everything except macro shots and if we're photographing a wedding where there are restrictions on how close i can get during the ceremony and i might need more like my 70 to 200 or the 135 2.0 um i'm using it all the time and it's baffling to me because i've never been able to photograph a wedding that way and get the look that i want and now i can and i'm like oh my gosh i mean it's a game changer for me and being 13 years into my business it's not that i was burned out and like oh gosh like i hate changing my lenses i i love changing my lenses like that's just that's just me like i've been shooting that way for over a decade it's nothing to me to change my lens but man it's great if a huge group of family members starts to come up for a big group shot i don't have to switch with 35 i just zoom my lens out for those of you who've been using zoom lenses for years as wedding photographers you're like oh my gosh this is so dumb but it's not because shooting at 2.0 with a zoom lens has never been possible before now and and now i can get the look that i would get with a 35 1.4 with one lens same look that i would get with a 50 millimeter um 1.4 1.2 with the same lens now sure i can't shoot at 1.6 but honestly my average aperture range for all my weddings and all my shoots is about like 1.8 to 2.5 so i'm shooting at 2.0 which is really close to what my normal aperture was or my average aperture was for all of my shooting so i don't really miss being able to go down to 1.8 or 1.6 and if i do miss it i just put my 85 on another question that we're getting a lot is like but how do you deal with the weight it is so heavy and you're right it is so heavy there's a few reasons why i think that i have like grown accustomed to that one um i was an 85 millimeter shooter all the time and the 85 millimeter is one of the it's the biggest prime heaviest prime that i've ever had and so i'm used to heavy now this is a lot like it puts a lot of pressure on these fingers when you're holding the camera like this at the end of the wedding day i've noticed that i am sore right here right here and my shoulders sore that's not ideal right i don't love that but the ease of just walking out the door this is my favorite thing sorry i'm going on tangents my favorite thing is michael i look at michael i'm like hey i'm running out for sunset portraits he's like do you need your bag i'm like nope just going to take this why would i need my bag maybe i would need my 85 millimeter but honestly shooting at 2.0 at 70 millimeters with this is pretty darn close i know that if i need a wide shot in a wheat field i got it i know that if i want a 50 millimeter standard portrait compression i got it i also know that if i really want that really creamy bokeh high compression background i've got that i've never had that in one lens ever and when you've shot a different way for 10 years this just seems magical and so i guess when it comes to like how do i overcome the weight the convenience and the magicalness of this lens it over compensates for the uncomfortable part of the heaviness honestly so it's not a problem to me i don't want to give it up because it's too heavy because i love the convenience of it another question that we're getting is is this making me kind of lazy with my composition like how does it compare to shooting with those three primes this is a great question and if you don't get anything else from this whole episode get understand this i think that i'm using this lens in the most powerful way because i photographed weddings for 10 years with three key primes those three key primes have trained my eye to be able to see what focal length i need to get the look that i want that type of knowledge and knowing that there's a key difference in the way that final image is going to turn out that came from 10 years of shooting with primes and it's not impossible to start shooting with this lens without the prime experience to be able to recognize those different needs but i just know for me my past experience with primes is making me shoot this almost as if i am shooting with a prime ty and i were just talking it really is kind of the best of both worlds so when you're shooting with three key primes right you're getting that compression that crispness that sharpness that ability to shoot wider apertures and you're sacrificing it's just not convenient right i found a way to make it convenient like i never thought it slowed me down ever but with a zoom you're getting convenience but you're not getting that wider aperture you're not getting that high compression you're not getting that bright crisp image so i've never been willing to sacrifice those key things just for convenience i've always chosen primes for those reasons but now i'm getting the bright images the crisp images i'm getting the speed of shoot like it's a fast lens and i'm getting bright light and airy images that i love at an aperture that i would choose normally but i'm getting zoom capabilities as well so it really is the best of both worlds it's just expensive and it's heavy but if you can learn to adjust your expectation of like i'm just shooting with a heavy lens but man it's so convenient it's so nice to just walk around and just know like if a group of 15 people at a reception want a picture but i've been photographing everyone on the dance floor with a 35 millimeter and i just need a little extra width like i have a little extra width if i am photographing people on the dance floor and all of a sudden the party dancing turns to a slow dance and i would naturally run to my bag and get go from a 35 to a 50. well i don't go to my bag anymore i just i just back up a little ways off the dance floor and i start start shooting at a 50 millimeter range because i it's slowing down and i can focus quickly enough so i'm just thrilled with it i'm thrilled with it and i know and here's the thing i don't get paid by ken to say any of this canon i have no connection with canon um i just really love this lens and i'm thrilled with it because it has brought a new sense of excitement to shooting for me um and it's simplified shooting for me people are not gonna people on a budget are not gonna like this but if you own an r5 or an r6 in my opinion or yeah eos r any mirrorless camera i think you should own this lens i feel bad saying that i'm the i'm the prime lens girl i'm not a zoom lens girl oh gosh but i love it i just love it this is embarrassing i can't believe i'm saying this we didn't even take my 50 millimeter to the last wedding why would i take it i you know to shoot 50 millimeters at 1.6 versus 2.0 it's like how often am i really gonna need that i never shot really below 1.6 some people shoot at 1.4 all the time and sure you would miss 1.4 but i didn't shoot at 1.4 all the time i shot like 1.8 to 2.5 all the time so yeah i miss 1.8 sometimes i'll use my 85 for that but we didn't even take it to a wedding crazy so i actually photographed a full wedding day just with this lens and then i used the macro lens not the rf but like the older ef 100 millimeter macro for the ring shots because i had to but basically photographed a whole wedding with just this lens and it was kind of a challenge to myself like can i do it and i did it easily i did it it's actually going to be on kgl access this month so if you'd like to watch me photograph that entire wedding with this lens you could actually watch it for free and yeah so you'd have access for five days you'd actually have access to everything the entire vault of all the weddings that i've photographed the past like three years you could have access to for five days um for free so try it out the link is below but yeah that episode comes out this month it was awesome i mean it's kind of crazy because i always put my settings on the screen like this lens i use with these settings and michael's loving it because he types in those settings he's like it's all the same lens this is awesome so you can watch me shoot beginning to end and you can see what it's like to use this lens to capture a variety of different elements of a wedding day so i hope this was helpful this is just my honest feedback about this lens again i'm not sponsored by canon i'm not la i'm not that legit but i um but it doesn't matter like i'd rather almost not be sponsored and be able to tell you honest opinion of this lin i love this lens and it has wowed me a hundred times more than even the other rf lenses that we have purchased in the past year and i highly highly recommend for those of you who have gone who have gone mirrorless who are shooting canon it has been a game changer for me so if you enjoyed this video if you want to hear more about the rf 100 millimeter macro lens that we have been testing out i'm going to share about that in the future coming up thanks for tuning in subscribe so you don't miss a video in the future and i will see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Katelyn James
Views: 66,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canon rf, Katelyn James, Katelyn James Photography, Canon RF 28-70 f/2.0 Review, canon 28-70, canon 28-70 rf review, canon 28-70 f2, canon 28-70 f2 review, canon 28-70 f2 wedding, canon 28-70 f2.8, canon eos r6 review, canon 28-70 f2 video, canon 28-70 f2 portrait, canon 28-70 f2 r5, canon 28-70 f2 vs 24-70, best rf lens for weddings, wedding photography, mirrorless camera 2020, rf lenses, canon r5, portrait photography camera, canon r6, wedding photographer
Id: M5q0WgGz1b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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