Canon R5 or R6... which should you buy for wedding photography!? (Canon R6 Questions ANSWERED!)

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so i have owned the r6 for two months now i wanted to do a quick video and share about some of the things i've changed since my initial review and since shooting my first wedding now that i've shot multiple weddings and multiple portrait sessions um there are some things that i have changed there are some things that i've learned and there are a lot of questions that we repeatedly get asked and i'm going to answer those really quickly so you have a great kind of final resource and review of the r6 [Music] hey there i'm caitlin welcome to my youtube channel this is a place where we empower photographers to build profitable and purposeful businesses while also letting you into the behind the scenes of our everyday life so um i'm excited to talk about the r6 again i know i've done several videos about the r6 this actually might be our last video for a while on r6 i wanted to kind of recap and like kind of tie everything up in a nice little bow is because there are so many questions about it it's such a new um piece of equipment to enter into our industry i i would say that um this is unlike any type of new camera body so i wanted to quickly run through some of the most asked questions and also share a few things that have changed in my approach to shooting with the r6 since i did a video explaining like what my settings were so we get the question constantly no matter how many times we point people to our long format video about the r5 versus the r6 before they came out we did a great video tyler gave a really in-depth explanation but it's a long video and you have to really want to sit there and listen to all the technical details of it so um really quickly for those of you who are constantly wondering why the r6 and why didn't you get the r5 here are some fast quick reasons that will help you understand why we made the decision to use the r6 and not the r5 so the r5 has really expensive cf express cards i believe they're like 120 dollars whereas what we're using right now for the r6 our sd cards are 19.95 um now there are upgraded versions of the sd card that we could be using for the r6 and we kind of weighed like should we spend about a thousand bucks and and update all of our sd cards to this new format um and we decided not to because another question we get is if we have any buffer issues and the answer that is no if you are in kj all access so kgl access is a membership program that we have for over 3 000 photographers you can watch me photograph weddings and engagement sessions from behind the scenes you can learn as if you are a third shooter shooting alongside michael and i it's awesome if you have watched kj alexis you know the way that i shoot is extremely fast probably a little too fast sometimes but even with my speed of shooting i've never had buffer issues with the r6 with the standard 19 sd cards so for me in my mind i thought well gosh i'm having great success with standard cheap sd cards they're reliable they're just not super expensive i'm going to save myself over a thousand dollars um simply not having to update cf cards for the r5 so another reason we chose the r6 over the r5 is huge file size so the r5 has such high res files they're so big that not only are you going to need to buy more of the expensive cf cards that they require you would also have to have ample hard drive space you'd have to have more time for uploading larger massive photos that we we honestly don't need uh and so the large file size just was another deterrent to me that didn't make me think like oh yes i want to have bigger file sizes to me i thought it's probably going to be more of a hindrance and it's not super necessary um the r5 is more expensive it's 1400 more expensive just for the body then you've got to pay for all the cards so you're looking at well over two thousand dollars at a minimum to increase to this camera body where last point the r5 and the r6 photography wise are not that different right the the megapixel size the file size yes the type of cards they use yes those are different but overall um there's not a massive there are tiny little differences there's not a massive difference though a lot of people choosing the r5 over the r6 and have very strong opinions about that um are videographers because video is more heavily affected by the r5 um and and the r5 serves videographers better than the r6 in several different ways now let me explain we're actually filming this on the r6 um and this is my my r6 i think is this mine this is this this is my r6 we're filming this on the camera that i shoot weddings with and it's doing great so far if it overheats we'll let you know but so far it's doing great um i don't really have besides this one example i don't really have reason to pick a camera body based on video capabilities and video qualities hey guys uh editor tyler here uh wanted to interrupt real quick and to just throw in two quick notes in the video section here um one is that candy came out with a new firmware update yesterday that's supposed to address some of the overheating issues when it comes to video one of the biggest issues with the r6 and the r5 after they came out was overheating and yes these cameras can and will overheat more than is probably ideal but with this new firmware update what it will allow you to do is it allows the cameras to recover faster with the previous update it was making it really difficult for the camera to recover it was taking a really really long time so although the overheating issues aren't great um it's definitely not as much of an issue and the r6 has less overheating issues than the r5 so if you're thinking about getting this camera for video or maybe you're a photographer and you want to do video or something like that this is still a fantastic option as you can see from this whole video it looks really great it is an amazing amazing video camera still despite the overheating issues but if you are just shooting normal youtube stuff or the stuff that most people are going to be shooting you're going to be fine and the second thing i wanted to mention was editing these files is pretty tough on your computer it's using a new type of codec that requires more power from your computer to edit and to read essentially without getting too nitty gritty into the details so if you're getting this camera and you're hoping to shoot 4k and you maybe have a underpowered computer this may give you some issues i have a pretty beefy pc as you can see and i still had some issues so i actually uh transcoded it into prores which just it is easier for your computer to handle so i i know how to do that but if you're not super comfortable with video just know that these 4k files may be tough if you have an older slower machine again you can always shoot in 1080p it won't be a big problem it'll still look really good in 1080p but if you want to shoot in 4k just know it's kind of tough on your system that's all okay back to the video anyway that's a little rundown um of why we chose the r6 over the r5 we saved money we got everything that we wanted we don't care that we're missing out on some advanced video capabilities and we're not spending money on cf cards and i will just say this something that i did not expect to be something that i loved about the r6 is that i actually love just shooting on sd cards now it's simple it's fast i'm really loving that part of this major shift equipment wise and i never thought i would even care about that but i really love it so let's go into some random things questions we got thoughts i've had settings i've changed so several people have asked um whether it's facebook or youtube comments about uh the the worry that they cannot see their images in preview or in finder just on their on their mac when you you know open up to see your card once you've plugged it in you can't just like preview it in the normal way um and that is normal so you can kind of have a work around with that by using something called photo mechanic which we highly recommend for calling uh it's super fast much faster even if you people always say this even if you let smart previews build in lightroom and you let that kind of ha it's gonna take a while especially for a wedding with like 5 000 photos which i know that's a lot but that's what i've been shooting for years and it works for me it just takes so long and so photo mechanic it's just fast it's instant culling is so much faster with photo mechanic we'll try to link that below in case you've never tried it so a lot of people are saying and have asked questions like why are you not using eye tracking like that is the best part of this camera you're missing out here's my thought i would love to keep trying to see if i can fall in love with that feature i did try it in a setting at a wedding day where i thought okay i can do servo and i can use eye tracking i can you know just have all these different amazing features making sure that i am tracking this person coming down the aisle no i did not use this for the bride i was testing out for like bridesmaids groomsmen mother of the bride grandparents walking nice and slow still it was a struggle it was still delayed it wasn't i didn't feel like i was in control and when you're a wedding photographer i don't care how great a feature is if i don't feel completely in control during a ceremony i am not going to use a feature like that um and so maybe i will in the future maybe i'll get more comfortable maybe i'll realize some settings need to change but for right now i have 10 times more accurate in focus shots than i ever had with the mark iv and i am so happy so eye tracking is great around the house with our kids it's probably great at a family session with kids running around like that's awesome but in my mind because this camera is so fast because touch and drag and af points anywhere on the screen are so accurate for me i just don't find it necessary to use that feature especially on a wedding day when i'm getting paid ten thousand dollars to shoot a wedding and i don't really trust that setting of that feature i'm not going to use it yet now that's not to say that it's not amazing it is amazing i will agree it is accurate most of the time the one time that i tried it on a wedding day during a ceremony it freaked me out i almost missed a shot of a bridesmaid walking down the aisle and i'm i'm just not willing to risk it so i'm going to keep practicing maybe i'll do a video in a couple months and i'll be like hey guys i've mastered it but right now i'm totally fine with mastering touch and drag moving my af point all around getting used to that feature but i'm not going to use eye tracking right now for moments on a wedding day that cannot be redone it just was not consistent enough for me but it could be for other people that's just my opinion so let's talk really quickly about touch and drag so a lot of questions about this right so some people have said caitlin you don't need to use touch and drag because that's you know using the viewfinder hold you holding your camera up to your face that's a way of the past now you're gonna be shooting holding your your camera out so maybe i will change this in the future maybe i will learn to love holding my camera out like this right now i'm pregnant holding a camera like this for 10 hours on a wedding day seems physically miserable on my shoulders my arms my back and my neck but also this is what i found when i tried to shoot like that at a session it was a really glowy beautiful maternity session um so the sun you know is right behind the couple um lin you know as i move around them like the lens flares coming into the camera so i'm trying to manage that and holding my camera out in front of me trying to make sure everything's exposed properly looking at the screen looking at my settings but also having the sun coming into my own face and actually hitting me in the eyes that was actually really difficult and i found myself thinking you know what i don't love this because there's something about looking through the viewfinder and using the padding around the viewfinder to really block the light and kind of it almost like suctions my eye to the camera that it's protecting me from all of the other light and all the elements that are actually happening and then helping me focus on what is actually happening through my lens and so i find it a little bit distracting and hard to really grasp and focus on what i'm shooting when i'm holding my camera out and i have the sun hitting me in the face i'm squinting but i'm also trying to make sure that everything looks great on the back of my screen another question we get all the time is about the megapixels of the r6 i have not run into an issue where i've thought to myself there are not enough megapixels in these images i quite often look at these images and blow them up zoom them in in lightroom and i think about if that was printed that big we're talking life size you would see some pixels i'm not printing these life size though um and and i don't think my clients are going to wrap a bus with their faces um if they are then maybe and that's something that's commonly happening in my business i might need the r5 but for me the r6 is totally fine so question about rf lenses we actually do own one when we first got the r6 i was like guys i don't own any rf lenses never tried them i'm using the adapter adapter works great my lenses seem brand new i love this i don't need rf lenses and i honestly truthfully still stand behind that i don't think we need them i did not replace any of our lenses with an rf lens i bought an rf lens that was completely unlike anything we've ever owned before um it's the 28 to 70 2.0 lens michael got it to shoot at weddings because he uses the 24 to 70 2.8 or he has in the past so having a 28 to 70 2.0 it's it's magical and i will say this it's fast it is huge but it is so sharp and i have i find that this lens is so different than anything i've ever used before but it's fun for me we took it on a family vacation and it was so perfect at the beach i was shooting with high compression 2.0 and again you got to pay for this this is an expensive lens so we kind of splurge wanted to try the rf series um and get a lens that we've never experienced before and we love this thing so while it's big and it's heavy and it looks kind of weird actually sitting on the r6 body because it's so massive we really love it we're impressed i'm not saying that i'm going to go out and buy the rf50 and the rf like any of that series that i already own in the ef series i don't think that's necessary right now there's no reason for me to do that unless i needed a big you know business expense so i'm not going to do that right now but i did want to share that after experiencing an rf lens and owning one myself i i can attest to the fact that there is something different about it as as there should be it's faster it's sharper and when i say faster i mean it is just unbelievably fast especially when you're photographing kids so you just have to maybe rent it maybe try it out but you kind of have to see it to believe it so wanted to mention that this doesn't really affect much of anything i did change my adapter ring dial to adjust kelvin and i've been training myself to use that um pretty frequently so that's a good little adjustment a little setting tweak that is different than what i mentioned before this is something that i wanted to point out that i have noticed um the last wedding that i photographed we were in a huge rush with bridal details and um when you were shooting with r6 you know you can you know lower your shutter and just immediately see like oh yeah that's the exposure i want and click and you don't hear a low shutter or a scary low uh shutter you don't hear that the same way obviously then than you did with the mark iv normally if my shutter's too low i can just hear it in the way the shutter sounds i can say oh let me adjust that increase my iso lower my aperture i can find other ways to get more light in but with r6 that's not as apparent and so i got back and i'm like oh my gosh i shot that detail shot with a hundred millimeter macro lens um with at 140th of a second without a tripod what was i thinking it wasn't super it was a little bit of camera shake but like no one would ever notice that except me but when i got home i realized like oh that's dangerous because i didn't even realize i couldn't hear that i was shooting at that low and i was going off my viewfinder wasn't paying attention to my settings so there's a lot of things here one yes it's something to be aware of it can be scary and it can be something that you're not aware of you can be shooting portraits um you know under 200th of a second in low light and you know all of a sudden get home you're like oh my gosh none of them are tech sharp that's scary right that's you don't want that so it's something to be very aware of and it's something that i didn't even notice was a possibility um until this recent wedding and so now i'm i'm paying attention to it more but it's something that i feel like as an educator and as someone who has you know proclaimed my love for the r6 i should be very honest about that that has happened to me um now twice in two different situations and so i'm having to train myself to be more accountable and aware of how low i'm letting my shutter get because i can't hear it the same way that i obviously could hear it with the mark iv so i hope that this was helpful these were just some random questions we wanted to answer in a more like quick concise format but also there are some things that i wanted to mention about settings that i have changed so that we have um kind of like a end of the r6 experience for now um to give you guys kind of like a final review now that i've been using it for two months and it's not just review right after i shot my first wedding so love this camera so impressed it's given me um i'm 33 weeks pregnant with our fourth baby in four years so it's not that i have lost passion for what i'm doing i haven't lost passion but this new camera was a welcomed like pick me up like reinvigorating i don't know it just makes me more excited to shoot um in the current physical state that i'm in so i needed a little pick-me-up i didn't expect this camera to be something that i loved so much um but i really do love it i'm happy with it i'm thrilled with it and i'm excited to take it on my bag and to do a shoot with it which i haven't really felt that in several years so anyway i hope you enjoyed this thanks for tuning in if you have questions or comments we try to read all of our comments on youtube and answer them as best we can but make sure that you subscribe so you don't miss other videos in the future you
Channel: Katelyn James
Views: 59,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wedding Photography Education, Katelyn James, Katelyn James Photography
Id: gIr52WZ94n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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