Selling My Best Friends On Ebay To See Who Would Make The Most

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right so today we're going to sell my three best friends on eBay to see who will make the most money so first up we've got Georges méliès 3.4 million subscribers king of the Eagles and eighth masked wonder of the world then we've got Alex Elmslie you know 1.5 million subscribers and 20 year old multi-millionaire and then Steven tries he was I was once on the log Bible and what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be listening them for 24 hours to see you can make me the most money okay before start and before he inevitably says something I'm sorry I've heard the t-shirt right was the only black water hard cleaned Oh sake hello you gorgeous boy first question is literally said I was recording I was like it was the last black one I had clean oh I'm on wait wait got a surprise to show you yes very I've just wasted 40 quid on boy look pink right pink right we're selling on eBay so there's a piece of paper and pen there will you write your name your height and your age on it please okay sure yeah I can't buy alphabet no I reckon educated guess I'm about five eight yeah you're 5/8 there's probably cover lunches left or right in there everything you need to know about me I don't think you can sell humans anymore no other any more Oh basically the way working round it is we're actually we're selling the the piece of paper you've just written on not you that's good to know you're not human trafficking I would get around here's obviously you can't sell humans on eBay so what we're actually going to be selling is that bit of paper oh okay yeah smart sure they tell you that I think I might see it and go I'm pretty sure they're saying is we're also struggling for ideas right actually just whilst you here I wanted to say you know if you're enjoying the video with these fine gentlemen that's currently loads more of that going on on my second channel will beat uploading loads on there and were desperately trying to hit a million subs swear if you fancy go ahead and checking that out I'll leave a link in the description Cheers I've got eBay up here right and the first thing to go for is the title is there any way you'd like to describe yourself keep Eugene Jimmy okay so Stephen tries in brackets cute ginger minx you've always sent me a picture haven't you yeah okay let's say that yep gorgeous do we get govern those classes on to it yeah good probably the only thing we've got out of that to her okay what do you want to sell I'm Alex describe yourself in like five words in five words thanks for my height big yes yourself you are in a competition here obviously I'm young so I'm gonna we go for the words was pristine okay because I because yeah we want people to think oh it's like he's fresh he's new yeah pristine big based on ice and they'll go no new pristine we are right okay that's the approach we're going I'm a big email and so that's definitely gonna help right okay okay title what you fancy goods goods fella not is there a can we put emojis on this carpet like the devil one and then you know the hot one with the tongues a couple of devil emojis now we're on to the section called item specifics right and there's a there's a few different boxes work and take on it first one is originality I can rewrite not very oh I love part rich I'll just steal all your jokes you up I reckon I like she's gonna go for the most yeah there'll be some weirdo prepare to pay the most for Alex well no and he's the youngest sir what do you mean by that Stephen watt anyway it's okay the next one we the next box to take his style so do you want me to read some ot suggest them yes please yes obstructs ancient art I mean you are kicking on 25 note Asian don't know if it fits you desert art or desert art yeah we're tight in inches five nine five nine yeah so how many interest is that a few basically it says listed by the artist or dealer what is my relation to you you're the artist I'm the artist okay cool well see there's a section though for the artists and I was gonna put Christine down we could save me and your mermaid you what's your subject truce a comedy looking you've been all modest for the cameras also there's a section for width in inches I think we just say pretty wide color white in orange yeah features yes yes shall we substantial orig part - family-owned loving okay okay so item specifics says original here we're gonna put non righteous how many do you want hunters what's your style gothic all right I listed by best mate in whole world size huge jaw that object gym width 50 alex is your dad features I mean I can't really see too many so first we go into the item specifics right sure originality for Georgia putting on but for you I'll put some yeah thank you listed by big subject abstract okay you can Stiles questionable yeah I mean I could go for that size you do you want it put mini small after 12 inches that's pretty accurate yeah Guan small feels correct yeah it's not not very color very white Wow character an annoying character family not present sorry dad yeah God you must've been like 2009 what do you mean 2007 yeah date of creation your birthday is something a February 2nd or 27th that's fast okay now we need a description so for the description I've been having a think right and obviously we're selling an item here you know like how you would sell something on eBay has a girlfriend but comes like new no previous owner or signs of usage free emotional baggage included sometimes cries in buff and the do you have any seen food okay in food tech me gusta okay a brackets me gusta minge lot of free time yes very true yeah not in what way yes oh no only the glutes are so big well in many ways hmm we should approach this like a man and loving creature okay okay the one needs to adopt me yes - therefore I need to get some loving home a loving home yes fantastic around children around children but you don't like dogs - lets finish you off with a click and Collect because he rarely delivers ok face not included not very tall but makes up for this in Klout fuses to take off bandana might be gang-related not sure 8 else you would like to describe yourself a criminal record for unspecified crime crime what can you cook what you know like what you know what what meals can you make pot noodle makes belter top doodled flavor chicken mushroom no bombay bad boy no I'm more of a the sweet sour one a lot that was sweet and so right what's come on give me another positive to end on how we're gonna get really a girl magnet ok good to sign off so I've been keeping an eye on your Instagram recently and I we can we could probably put just hard 5,000 pound Gucci refurbishment there I like all those new IDs that's what I'd call it I call it being done a midlife crisis you're 20 how does that make me feel can be ship in small package yes or multiple can to be to your credit cook spaghetti meatballs I can that is by any Talent oh yeah never gets haircut low maintenance item very wealthy that's what I grew yeah that works has run several podcasts do we mention you got sucked off both them or not why don't you sack from him did I I ain't getting a sack it's because I ran all of them into the ground in brackets into the ground okay that's ready here if you've helped me okay what should we start the pizza 99p will do second class then yeah yeah alright good so you've been recommended to ship second class right Stephen also was thought George was recommended ship first clubs is because he's a smaller package right by chance it's fragile yeah very tight break if I live always gonna take to working guys dispatch me let me look I'll wait that to get ready you don't worry no returns no definitely not right so then we did a quick bit of promo on Twitter and we were off they were literally up to thousands within minutes and we've gotten a few messages okay messages from buyers I will was wondering if the ginger is available to be in videos to get my views ur think you're asking now about the wrong one mate Connie drug can balls on it wait hang on what are the bids up to now they're all selling they're all like any grant have you got a call with this why didn't I do this before okay so at George is a is currently winning Alex is lust we all thought Alex would sell for the most cuz you know he's just the cutest and most innocent who does Alex have 71 bids but is selling for the least time a any chance you can chop off his finger and send it to yes suppose that sound gonna cost you extra though long how does 40 quid sound sendmessage annexed spots like a production line I will I am really disappointed in you please for the love of God can i buy him for a beer and a magazine your choice zu mark or nuts non other accepted how good is it yet satisfying and caddy be shipped in time for for this day well you got plan with your dad fella bit of an interesting family dynamic nah hi there good sooo would you be open to negotiations on the price of the meme ulis piece as I feel like I'm not gonna be getting the six-foot-three package maybe can we half the price since you've doubled the size Fairplay Molly Fairplay no hello very interested in this item can you post to Australia hmm gonna cost you a bit extra that sorry add on the cost of 40 monster munch and you have a deal okay this video is a roaring success but then we run into a bit of an issue right so because the bids were so high and this was a brand new account they've been capped so so we had to come up with a plan I'm good I'm good are you a particularly busy in the next 20 minutes basically I need help scam and eBay and thought you're probably my most intelligent friends would you help us please me and you need to ring them up and convinced them to let us be allowed more money so we just need time it's for cheerio so it so mean you yes art sellers right we sell this is what we've got a convinced eBay off okay so eBay say it will right you've made too much money tour when well it really didn't what they've said is right we've hit our maximum monthly allowance right what we've got to do now James is we've got to ring up eBay and ask it for a load more money what is the limit how much have we made we've made twenty four thousand four hundred fifty nine pounds we've made a grand Offshore's holy how we've made eight grand off Alex and we made a grand off see see I would have four people would've paid most we'll ask the thing right Alex has the least amount but the most amount of bids so his views are poor yes I thought I draft you in yes because obviously this isn't gonna be easy to convince them is it right this doesn't look too legit but why don't you try and sell me I'm a bit offended well you know you're just really good on the second channel I'll take the lead because obviously they're gonna be like was your birthday and stuff but you can think of anything intelligent to say that's gonna help do so this is like pretty much the whole video good yes it would be my fault yeah yes okay call me yes and no hello is that mr. eBay here from eBay Kevin hello Kevin I am basically I I've hit a problem with my account right so me and my business partner we are art sellers I know we've been selling art just for today we've listed three items and it's been quite a success and what it's done is it's hit like I think our limit for the the month of how much were like a sell we were just wondering if we could get that increase today Kevin my name is will Lenny no more items we just want the amount of items basically we've sold three items in the bids are currently 8,000 pounds because the art is really good it's a collection of avant-garde highbrow pieces and we really believe the pricing could be increased from the current limit so basically we don't need to list any more we just need our pricing cap for those listings to be raised Kevin amazing thank you Kevin [Music] that's that's a bit of a problem because I'm assuming if we don't raise the limit our fine art pieces well they'll just be sold for way below their value no Kevin my wife's going to be in tears Kevin is there any slight increase if you done it on just something maybe to sneak under mr. eBay's no so does that mean the bids can't go any higher Kevin that's pretty great me keV you thought about so I can still go up come on come on mate thank you King great Cheers sorry for swearing I'm blowing kisses can see that can buy good good yes now it's actually two days later now and the results are in hang on we've been banned great for human body parts and remains Godsey I will some of your listings haven't followed our human body parts and remains policies livid anyway their final prices at number three was Alex Elmslie Oh or how am I gonna tell him that he didn't win I'm recording you know you'll be glad new keep it on keep it on so basically this ebay video right yeah you sold for eight thousand pounds yeah right yeah well the thing is right yes the cheapest but you had the more no no wait wait right you had the most amount of bids right by like 30 more so right that doesn't mean you're the least loved it just means you've scammed your fans already the most oh yeah see that's what it is good in that sensation Topshop yeah yeah good Congrats on the on the third-place wait thank you for help okay then number two was was George fifty thousand pounds we got for him back on that eBay video yeah yeah how would she think you sold for my stores like fifty thousand great British pounds am I gonna see a bit come on no it got taken down for him selling human remains all right that's good that's what you want I just thought I'd like to apologize yeah no all of them I clearly said okay then last row the number one spot just before getting that you know if you want you here sorry shape is booked because you already know who's coming but if you made it all the way through you haven't already feel free to subscribe the channel it would be lovely I'll be on boards okay so Steven Steven sold for sixty five thousand nine hundred pounds why let's see if we can give him a ring is that part life so probably not be in a state one answer that looks about right okay anyway that is the end of the video I hope you have enjoyed if you have obviously make sure to check out everyone in the description which spino speed a bit of a group effort this one anyway if you want to follow me on instagram that's will any as is twitter now right there poop the same anyway if you earned here feel free to subscribe and I'll see you guys later
Channel: WillNE
Views: 4,317,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Selling My Best Friends On Ebay To See Who Would Make The Most, willne ebay, selling my friends on ebay, selling friend on ebay, i sold my best friend on ebay, willne memeulous, willne imallexx, willne stephen tries, will ne, Selling My Best Friends On Ebay
Id: 8x9I2xOKP-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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