Paying 100 Psychics To Tell My Future

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right so I paid 100 psychics to tell my future okay hello how's it going hope these are all well now if you're familiar with Chung right now if you know me you'll know I'm quite a skeptical person is that a good intro before you know yeah you're not familiar with the will and each other feel free to subscribe it be be lovely I'll be on boards anyway right back to it so psychics right watch you and tellers and tarot card readers I don't like them I don't trust them and I don't believe them way even if you look at brand stock but realistically it was just a useless tosser but yet I'm still terrified of them there's still a part of us that goes on oh but what if they're right like if one of them was to come up to us and be like I will you're you're gonna go bald next week I'd be on like by in wakes the next day for example the other week there was this psychic Donny on on YouTube or twitch who genuinely predicted the whole James Charles versus the VIN man-woman drama weeks before it happens the six of cups this would be him it's pretty much Virgin Mary was she say she wasn't psychic motion like stray away after that I'm sat there thing in there he's pretty much Raven Baxter him but then you go on his channel and see xxx 10th accion murder psychic reading he's been dead for months so anyway today we're putting these a lot to the test how did is such a big noise come from something so small and entirely excited like my PayPal is there I would take the fattest barring since February Watts so basically we're paying a hundred psychics to tell the future cat don't believe in psychics but you think if they're legit surely 100 of them will say exactly the same thing yeah yeah I think we only need to pay that turbine to realize it may be the sorry I paid for psychics to tell my future's not exactly up I'm title I would do a psychic reading of ten questions for a turret and clairvoyance how can you offer a basic standard and premium way Oh a psychic reading and say oh yes so two of the questions are alive we just throw them anything are we oh boy yes oh yeah you have to go to guess which one is true which one isn't I offer my services on a TV channel in Argentina she's legit Xfinity psychic powers the power to help others through white magic ritual oh that's bad magic they've got a five star rating Oh God that must mean it's the truth main question I'll until a detailed manner will I ever overtake morgues mum in subscribers I can set one for you right now I am it's a hard no my eyelid psychic tell you that it's good social life average in two point seven I mean but we had a rough start the month right we're bringing it back right what bring it I gave up our hearts giving up but now yeah this life in the old dog yet yeah okay right and now let's actually go and see the haha yeah look what doing what's going on it there's hope subscribe to Dana Busby folks please tell your friends the boys back on we're gonna comfort comfort we're gonna try again again will I become rich for coverage well I ever joined the site man explain assignment elite youtube gaming group when will I die well I ever get married well I ever get married okay I mean I don't the boolean I will judge Charles unblock me don't tell the the audience another story about James Charles recently what's another story why am i evil right and it's gonna come out solid yeah I'm not evil I'm chaotic good I'm law unlawful good I call it mischievous well I hit 10 million subscribers okay well I hit 10 million subscribers good we move we move well I will give a love light or soulmate reading just let me know what you would like to know about your love life and a general overview well I ever get married as a great question I am with moss man big scary Mia x1 is she a witch I'll do a psychic reading on your money in Korea girl it's 29 yeah I'm gonna be broken yeah that's an easy one to go for I will cast a potent obsession psychic spell for you this show up session spell is to make someone you love word might have starters actually opposite is terrifying I want a bigger candle to enhance young candle and the magic stronger don't mad I have this girl friend who is not my girlfriend how does that work well I wish she was is it go beep oh no face of course it's gonna be bell going to be about that how do you cast a spell on Bell right up there yo self wrap make her how big boos for me so we've gone a little bit off the experiment but we go again okay six questions our lips let's just make a script we can copy and paste for science well we ever gets Heskey time T and we just send that everyone yeah okay start order we know if we're going oh I'm gonna get someone to Skype me oh my god I think I've done here before though what I will do a 10-minute psyching video for your next money lots of it selfie yes okay good okay start already give me loads of content where's those are actual witches where who's a witch oh jeez what is that and I think yeah while we click we stop order we move I will cut a potent money slightly to attract money for you is that what you did hello fella I am looking to buy a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 litre diesel TDI injection supercharged not monster and need to raise some Wonka Wonka yes I like it too here in a past life oh yeah cause that's that's a real thing I will see your soulmate in the psychic reading you know I want to find out my soulmate what's your name my name is Jeff yeah your job what's on your mind it's always constant in a video what was shagging there's no way the algorithm picks up chugging good we move Oh boys I I will do a psychic clairvoyant reading on a photograph we go to tell us this month's story who is it it's Bryan it's true George Oh military grade cam what is this man's story I keep seeing him at the end of my bed why is that it's ghosts make a nest you'd only videos were a good wavelength oh yeah I will do cast a spell to unleash your ultimate psychic powers to give George psychic powers yeah third I'd make a blast every single like psychic service on fiverr but but not all of them replied so so we're gonna have to do this as a percentage instead I'm sorry this title was such a con but anyway yeah before some of the questioned Wandsworth we got the weird ones back love and mayhem here she she can follow me that my loss isn't a witch witches which is good news she also said I sense you'll marry someone who you'll meet in two to 200 of years she has short brown hair she's petite thin and her name starts with a B copy her who else could it be I'm gonna be king of the Eagles and actually right there that makes sense because we also found out the ritual has begun it will be lighted on my altar for 72 hours non-stop oh look at the state of that well Lenny third of know I wasn't born in over Oh Americans they do their dates the wrong way around don't they Mariano within the 72 hours if there's no natural breakage to the candle used natural breakage oh you know sometimes you know the sexy magics just so strong spritz a young candle clean off stay positive and have faith basically right if it doesn't work don't come and blame me oh hang on order canceled why is that hello my account has been suspended haha I mean I can't see why okay then then count maku oh I'm on he was the video bloke right come on mate you're stretching this intro a bit hello William well come on come mark up wait why God is a eunuch rockton oh yeah I always that but I'm a side hobby selling heroin um to do this reading I have meditated for about 50 minutes and using the golden Tarot I've connected you guys first of all we see a king this is yourself of course [ __ ] yes I'm a king I also see a queen this queen is going to be significant female force it's gonna be significant in the path ahead in 10 minutes I do have to I'd have time to reveal who she is suddenly enough two minutes can it true two minutes in PowerPoint presentation at the star this and you're saying I can't find out who my queen is yeah I also I'm guided to remind you of just how strong you are as you start to achieve tangible results okay and you start to act on your plans on your dreams you will get events in motion so again if you haven't got a plan now then I order you I command you just stop making that plug because it is needs to be written plan okay born off second channel sell drugs instead the source is from the plan the source is from the plan knowing where is a will there's a way when there's a will there's a way I will that's me oh oh I don't want the prawn is we need I don't know obviously this is the straight face wouldn't you take that box Bob what's that you say fella we've got good fortune at the minute and then the money spell we got that ritual back oh she's doing my birthday wrong on this one too I'll never be rich okay and then we're we got my soul mate reason back oh well I don't know your relation to chill being that she is all there I will not assume that she is your mum or lover neither I can confirm neither something is also trying to Neptune oh yeah trying is it being that Neptune is in the 8th house what what what do you mean houses houses where and she isn't sure that she wants to move forward with anything major right now I will any your delivery is enclosed what's this what is this person's story why do you keep seeing them at the end of the bed it's about night Tara Brian okay what we're saying and perhaps the person that you're seeing at the end of the bed there is somebody who is creating a what we call euphoric this is [ __ ] just make it up as she goes along and I spent a tenner on it okay yeah the hats gone forget about continuity to the mauck's mum question right will we ever overtake morgues mom's psychic sunshine here says yes you will yeah you'll need to work very hard and create our unique contents our unique content that will catch people's attention and do it often the key to your success on YouTube will be being consistent with your uploads oh okay and then the next one where I asked when will I die I'm sorry but I am unable to answer this question all I can say is that you live a long and full life so try not worry just live life to the fullest and you'll have no regrets I don't trust that okay at number three will I ever hit 10 million subscribers although it will take a while you will achieve this goal yes God you will achieve this goal if you continue to work hard and create great yes thank you okay and then our number four well I ever get huge rustles please please please no I don't see you getting huge muscles but I do see you getting close I mean close again it will take hard work at the gym but you can absolutely do it you should consider documenting your efforts for YouTube yeah I'll get George the personal trainers okay lads and then number five the important one will they ever make Heskey time - no brace yourself I don't get a solid yes or no for this why do you feel like the potential is there grundles if you're watching this mate make it happen it's likely that it will happen but I don't see it being in development yet that's kind of kind of neither a yes or a No and all I've done there's wasted my money good number two so this one was called yoga knife dear will I have talked to the spirits about you and I have very good news all right you will overtake mogs mum hello - you don't need to worry about anyone else your biggest competition is yourself mm-hmm I think it's a 55 year old woman marks mom is going to be infrequent in the future and will lose presents oh okay this one wasn't there what is so subtle about when I'm gonna die at November of 2080 so I'm gonna be 84 you know I'll take number three you will hit ten million subscribers great just paid them to say what I want to hear just keep working hard and don't give up you will reach your goal in the future nice you will get huge muscles in July of 2022 and number five they will make Heskey time - yes interdimensional psychic reading hello will I'm sure higher powers guided you to me nope desperation have used it so will we overtake more smoke yes you will and rather soon boy like the sound of this she said he but I mean look right you know from what I've seen it would take you three to four months to overtake him see this isn't just dodgy English she knows that it's actually Morgan behind the channel a proper psychic then huge muscles actually said yes in all dimensions I've seen you will eventually be big she's actions capitalize that one but just to show just how much I'm gonna be okay seven will I ever overtake mort's mum no I do not see that you will overtake mogs number no I feel there is a level of skill at work here and mugs mum is a master master fifty-five I also feel there are others with the same plan to overtake her hmm that could be come think of anyone else that's right steal it and then I'm told that they don't say is hitting ten million subscribers well this one's no fun she didn't even answer the Heskey time one okay next one blocks mum yes I see that you will outperform mugged mum goods well I recommend that you upload even more to your channel yes all right I get it you can also make some draws of some things make some draws of some things right cheers for the advice I see that you can overcome orcs mum in about five to six months Oh miss you were a person with a great intelligence and much charisma you will reach many new people soon this one's lovely he also says James Charles is gonna win bloggers and I'm not evil might be a fault you read this and finish it off by saying I'll hit 10 million subscribers good ok and you is rising you didn't provide date of birth name and pick off for God's sake to this reading is for two questions ok so it's basically there's no answers in this one so I'm gonna go and do the maths on the rest of them and I'll be back in a second ok so the answers are in so so for box mum we have a 75% chance of overtaking it and some say it's going to be done in about six months so I'm yeah as for when I'm gonna die we got readings of 84 89 and 73 which air that works out at an average of 82 years old I'll know about a good run I'll take that too we also have a 75% chance of getting 10 million subscribers according to the spiritual realm and we also asked will I ever get huge muscles and I can gladly report to you that we have 100% chance of getting hench I'll be bloody lovely a 50% chance of getting Heskey tied to and a hundred percent chance of being on blocked by James Charles yeah thank you very much for watching subscribe if you're new and we'll see you guys later goodbye
Channel: WillNE
Views: 1,615,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paying 100 Psychics To Tell My Future, willne psychics, willne fiverr, willne imallexx, will ne, willne, I Paid 100 Psychics To Tell My Future
Id: Rt_NFd3jNVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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