SEKIROT "Might Die A Lot" (Sekiro Cartoon Parody)

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yes AXA de algún Rosa de cuestiones de de puta sucia Time Machine Akira Coto de Caza time machine car josh Josh vo Barnabas the sequential sign a game play is a star Vargas our economy to exterminate Oreo kalpana swaram the Oconee okuru matt sahaja means aikido do Chi Chi master [Music] she was star to todoke Sakura matching at a italiani not estimate Taurus the camera myself from a river oh hey questa cosa saggy wrote [Music] [Music] they left the door open [Music] I'm glad you've come loyal wolf although it took you a couple of tries wolf we must hurry Colonel Sanders is coming to oshina bringing his army of branded soldiers that's just the subplot authority sheen is hiding in the castles watchtower his grandson gimme cheeto man he wants a world of Perpetual black friday Merisi well in order to sneak out of the city walls I was considering the option of dressing up like women that would help us remain unnoticed Oh Lord kuru III don't think we need that kind of fanservice we'll be fine as long as we keep our heads down oh okay well that's disappointing anyway use this read whistle to call me when you reach the secret passage [Music] [Music] the divine air whether you like it or not he's coming with me you should have told me this was a from softer tutorial kin I told you to wear those clothes [Music] [Applause] [Music] not too shabby for a warm-up look we got here big helpless chained enemy to fight well take my blood round to [ __ ] oh thank heavens a friend at home I get to share my last moments you've gotta be kidding me hmm damn it cooler was right the product placement has already taken over it's worse than I expected this is pretty good thanks to my shinobi training I will avoid detection and inch my way towards the castle no one will ever know I was even here the shadow walking among the living [Music] [Music] [Applause] damnit I must devise an optimal strategy to turn the tide in my favor you can't be headless our swords and spikes did [ __ ] oh I want to see this one [Music] dragon rot the stagnation overflows spreads geez now you're making me feel bad it's difficult for me to speak now ask Emma about the rest okay now you're just being an [ __ ] Hey the sculptor says you have something I need oh I know exactly what you need wolf you need a cougar hmm well for a cougar you don't seem to bite that much you're right you need after days of clashes soars with the enemy I fully regained my ability to deflect every attack I will now use my n hence shinobi hearing to eavesdrop on the enemy and plan my infiltration Kauai sauna headstand I guess this is the great power would be defeated I can feel it this might be my very last breath father I think you might be overreacting also care to explain why I found an empty bottle of ketchup and ground it's already too late quick wolf take the keys of the secret temple my walk here ready butterfly lady butterfly butterfly my illusion you were still just a puppy [Music] I wish the clothes were - Sean - what I can smell the ketchup in here [ __ ] I see what you did there Oh God for now what legends say that there could be a way to counteract the secret shinobi technique called ichinose however more exoteric methods could be possible horrendous five times still doesn't make any [ __ ] sense let's see what's on top of the castle I will say it one more time give me the bracelet of perpetual refill right now stop harassing me Guinea cheeto you're like a weird cousin with edgy tattoos let me go already you little [ __ ] you don't get it these are my very last coupons I need more buying more gear is not gonna make you a better person shinobi of the Divine there I guess the first lesson wasn't enough all right then prepare yourself wait [Music] the hell was that I don't know I'm just trying [ __ ] Shinobu the divider it's no use I need to study his moveset from far away q as many times as it takes oh yeah it's fun clicking you done you have no idea how much I sacrificed for those two pawns [Music] it's can [Music] bustard this next one should OPM the diviner I know what I must do I just can't do it under pressure enough we'll be back shinobi of the Divine air yeah yeah yeah damn it there's not enough to repair the roof oh no there's no need there you go hmm I didn't know you were playing drums for Slipknot the good old days care for a drink shake it off yes all taken ichimonji make it double be careful yes what yes woof woof woof woof plot explanation your blade needs to be imbued in a mortal to in order to sever the bracelet a perpetual refill the first we need to recreate the aroma here's the sacred items I need you to find legends say that the mortal do of the fountainhead palace is what grants infinite refills the local team is even sponsored by the waters as you command oh my god also please bring me a cheeseburger and a coke America sometimes I even amaze myself good maybe I should try a different entrance maybe a wall nevermind hey you yes you this place is pretty [ __ ] up I would not advise to proceed any further if I were you I'm just saying sorry kiddo I'm certainly not gonna listen to a cute voice coming out of a wall off we go [Music] no no no [ __ ] why can't they just put the can in my mouth and eat it hello out of my way to do a rat is that what your mother told you when you were born oh I'm so sorry I'm a huge fan for the sake of my son no one will stand in my way any second now my son thanks to this parachute you crafted for me I would land safely hmm simple temple I mean you can pretty much just run through it steady the monkey the purple kimono is the scene the monkey in the green kimono is the hearing monkey the monkey in the shinobi why do you seek this place I am supposed to remain isolated besides the food is pretty good around here no need to self quarantine any moral little girl let me introduce you to new friend my best boy cool hey wolf I know it's not really necessary anymore but I decided to try on those clothes Oh guess I'll go back to ki nichijou abandoned dungeon not anymore what the hell was that [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm I don't think I'm in the right place this entrance seems sealed shut oh I get it I've been there Oh I don't like this already baby could you hand me over a spare battery for the railgun please counting right up girl [Music] [Applause] shinobi but no B what the hell we doubt you for a [ __ ] I submit me down the noggin ie even a guru who definitely water today and take too many tries easy now for the real challenge where's the flower ah this up it stuck its back oh god I regret this all right family listened up we got all kinds of [ __ ] up in this [ __ ] you name it we got gourd seeds divine confetti and we even got that divine grass if you know what I made uh you don't sound very Japanese to me man [ __ ] you what is wrong with you what you mean I'm not Japanese food I'm Japanese it's [ __ ] hey we're staring at me like that what what the [ __ ] so this [ __ ] is like you don't see how very Japanese at all [ __ ] you crazy I'm Japanese this [ __ ] we member what I taught you the iron bar code is absolute I'm assuming you will make the right choice what's you can shove the iron bar code up your ass Baba few hours Florida stubborn brats now do as I say our house settle down Paul hair like that you look more like a squirrel that are now father will keep this as a memento oh shut up already [Music] it's done enough laughter son of a [ __ ] people come here to seek eternal discounts on I guess this sin minigame [Music] you know it'd be nice if you could at least tell me your name or you could just feed the white all right fine [Music] [Music] I don't know did that just press the body come on man [Music] what [Music] no monster or did it go schooled me a [ __ ] wave will ya shinobi of the Divine air we meet again one last time do anything to season but it discounts sorry it's fine I understand can you move out of the way I I need to give birth to my grandfather you need to do what okay my grandchild was such a noob which means check you know what I must destroy [Music] I have to give you credit oh man I never faced such a horrible war in a fit deflection how about a perfect dodge [Music] [Music] where the [ __ ] did he go over here I'm just here to death that's right well I do yeah just about [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you're not are keep the change Thank You wolf the world is finally free from the clutches of Perpetual refill now all their lives be free and happy wolf I well we have a request mm-hmm will you travel with us and be our bodyguard [Music] overdose acute [Music] ending odometer Shabbos you do okay matzah Todd I do not regret on Ryder can I do [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Shezmen
Views: 7,210,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sekiro, shadows die twice, parody, cartoon, from software, goty, animation
Id: 31V6ifW3tNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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