SEKIRO: SHADOWS DIE TWICE All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K Ultra HD

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[Music] [Music] in the closing years of the soku era Japan was consumed by Perpetual conflict the fires of War raged on spreading deep into the mountains to the land of [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Asim there the more finally [Music] over a General T is no more Master swordsman ishin Asha staged a bloody coup and rested control of the land [Music] what's the matter stray Nothing Left to Lose well would you look at that fascinating will you join me starving wolf on that day a young Cub was taken from from the battlefield he trained relentlessly and indeed went on to become a master Shinobi listen wolf you must never forget the Shinobi code as your father my word is absolute your Masters is a close second as of today he is your master defend him with your life if he is Tak takon bring him back at any cost you understand me don't you [Music] wolf some 20 years after ishin coup the Asha Clan was on the brink of collapse and the Shinobi known as wolf had lost everything both the man who took him in and the boy he had sworn to [Music] [Music] protect Shinobi open your eyes for the sake of your [Music] master [Music] [Music] [Music] that Shinobi at the bottom of the well we didn't shackle him restrain him nothing that doesn't worry anybody not at all not only is he unarmed he has completely lost his will to live nothing but a coward Unworthy of our [Music] concern [Music] the Moonlight shines strongly on the moon view Tower tonight the Divine air is probably using the light for his reading again probably but imprisoning a mere child I feel sorry for the boy agreed but I'm sure Lord gicho has his reasons the moon VI Tower door you check that it's locked right certainly locked but nobody fced that hole in the wall that don't worry about it the hole faces the edge of a cliff no one could pass through it [Music] you did well to come here it's been too long wolf I've come to free you my lord well [Music] then raise your [Music] head kusabi Maru your sword my Shinobi in accordance with the bond of Lord and retainer you will pledge your life in my service as you [Music] command loyal wolf I see you are wounded I have something that may help it is a special gourd of medicinal Waters use it to heal your wounds my Lord now then were you Gravely injured afterward after what do you not remember that night I do not h no we'll talk about it later right now we must escape Asha Castle as you say there's a secret passage beneath the moat bridge that will take us out of the castle Lord Ean told me about it once I ask you to find that secret passage once you find it signal me with a read whistle you know like you used to long ago I will join you as soon as I hear it you know that secret passage at the bottom of the moat under the bridge we just got orders to guard it security is getting tight war will be upon us very [Music] [Music] soon wolf you found it now let us leave this place yes my Lord to think that this is the only way to run from The Faded bloodline is the only answer where shall we go once we're away from the castle I I suppose the first thing we should do is cross the Asha border or perhaps we should hide somewhere what do you think whatever you desire whatever I desire that's the wolf I know my Lord oh nothing I was just reminiscing onward then the Divine Heir last we stood together was your uncle's funeral Lord gichi I [Music] thank you leave this to [Music] me so the noble Shinobi stands in our way you face get you to [Music] a bastard a Shinobi know the difference between honor and victory the Divine a is coming with me for what is this so you're awake looks like death is not your fate just yet what do you call yourself your eyes the eyes of a wolf who has failed in his duties or so it seems to me that is not your concern spoken like a true Shinobi I must carve the Buddha you do what you will why am I here all I did was drag you here didn't even know if I was dragging a corpse couldn't let you get eaten by a pack of wild dogs how long was I asleep some time has passed since I found you I see however your master yet lives he's being held prisoner in Asha Castle they will soon make use of his bloodline looking at you I'm sure you appreciate the value it has my left arm what did you do to me that is what I call the Shinobi prosthetic A fitting Fang for a one-armed wolf useless when it comes to carving Buddha though you can have it shenobi prosthetic it is no mere replacement for your lost arm come to me if you find any Shinobi tools Shinobi tools I see for this device you catch on quick if you bring me shenobi tools I'll find a way to fit them to the Shinobi prosthetic then you'll come to appreciate its worth I've said too much go now what did you mean when you said they'll make use of his bloodline I don't know much about him except the dragon's Heritage there's a special kind of Blood by that name and that blood runs through your Master's veins so the Divine Heir someone's after him might be that the strange things happen happening to your body have something to do with that you're quite the strange one yet other pecul your visitors have come to this Temple there's one in the clearing to the right of the gate leading off the temple grounds two strangers in strange circumstances you two might get along you see the kindf faced Buddha there that isn't one of mine it was carved by the true sculptor when a man must confront what is inside of him it can probably be of help confront what is inside him anger sadness or perhaps old memories of times long gone that kind of thing oh is that you inos my son have you seen the young master I am not your son there you go again inos you always tease that I'm getting senile but a mother knows her own son H well anyway take this Bell it's a charm I made with the young master in mind please offer it to Buddha for his sake who is it is somebody there yes that voice no could it be sir my name is inos Noami the vassel of the harata family or at least I was I ask a favor might you look in on the old lady in that house she's my mother but her mind is failing she cannot tell one from another I Met Your Mother she gave me a bell she did did she you have my thanks that Bells troubled her for a long long time she kept muttering incoherently something about offering it to Buddha close your eyes hear the Bell speak to you the bell's chime will stir your thoughts and awaken old memories from their slumber you're the son of owl what happened thieves had hero her state you must hurry the Divine eror what year is it what year an hot question tell me it's the Year of the Dragon spring pilgrimage the dragon spring pilgrimage that was 3 years ago what is this the sculptor mentioned in old memory I don't remember any of this but it appears this is the past those worthless bastards hello you are Shinobi if if I'm not mistaken and take the Shinobi Ax from from the temple and split their skulls wide open please we burning this Temple next boss no leave it go on to the next one but if there's any offerings we could give them to Lord juo enough we don't take from Buddha how many times do I have to tell you before it sinks into your sex skull please don't get angry at me boss I'm sorry my score's so thick hey good sir are you a looter too good sir you look like a shenobi I think are you looking for something well in any case I found this place first H so keep your eyes peeled out there huh and uh you know don't let the door hit you on the oh by the way while I was on my way here I saw three story Pagoda on top of some Cliff it was a fine pagod really fine I bet there's some kind of treasure kept in there got to be that's what I think at least hey open up open up or else I can hear you whispering in there if you don't surrender peaceably now you're going to regret it later hey can you hear me hey please try not to move it'll make your wounds worse no I must go there is a Shinobi Hunter among the bandits he's highly skilled I don't face him I forbid it you are in no condition you you're the young Master Shinobi yes what good are you you were nowhere to be seen when things went South wait tell me you didn't lead them here yourself the timing of their attack was perfect normally those Bandits wouldn't have stood a chance yes yes it had to be you I hope you die traitor who who are you I'm not a thief you're the young Lords oh thank goodness honorable Shinobi those filthy Bandits are after The Young Lord they've already climbed the hill and set the estate on fire it looked as if the Young Lord had no way to escape I beg of you Shinobi please rescue the young Lord I entrust this to you I pray it is of help thank you Father ah it's you I'm afraid I made a bit of a blunder perhaps the years have finally caught up with me don't bother tending to my wounds no point it's too late wolf you must take this this is the key to the secret temple in the the estate Mansion you'll find him the Divine Heir going through the front is not an option you'll never get past the fire yes sir perhaps the Cliff's just outside of here yes return to the estate entrance you look for a side route along the cliffs take the back entrance through the cemeter that's your way in understood wolf never forget the iron code yes the master is absolute wolf protect your master with your life father head to my left and follow the cliff if I go through the cemetery there will be a path to the inner estate leave it to me Father horrible Dreadful it won't stop pouring out the young Master is deep within the Mansion Ro Shinobi please go save the young master you the young masters I wouldn't go in there if I were you Dreadful illusion techniques without a snap seed it cannot be overcome take this it's not much but it's what I have father mother the butterflies everyone is [Music] gone my Lord lusion technique it's been a long time son of owl they need butterfly leave us who are do what must be done yes now then son of power shall we [Music] dance you'll [Music] die [Music] impressive [Music] [Music] quiet [Music] C strong w [Music] [Music] you fought bravely on my behalf I cannot throw away such loyalty [Music] loyal wolf take my blood and live again you truly returned from the dead the power of the dragon's blood I never thought I'd see it with my own eyes who are you my name is Emma I am a doctor serving a certain Master what master forgive me but for his safety I cannot reveal his identity however my master gave explicit orders to assist you in any way I can I'm not telling you to trust me however I must fulfill my Master's orders the gourd of medicinal water you possess that was originally a creation of mine I am a doctor and I will assist you in that capacity you made this gourd yes it was intended for Lord Kuro but it seems he entrusted it to you I'm sure you may have noticed but the medicinal Waters in this gourd spring forth on their own even after being emptied you will find it full again after a short rest yes is there a way to improve it bring me gourd seeds gourd seeds yes medicinal waters flow from gourd seeds adding new seeds will increase the volume of these medicinal Waters if you find any bring them to me all right I'd like to make a request what is it please show me your face what this white Mark is it a birth mark no then that must mean it appears on those who have received the Dragon Heritage or perhaps it's a symptom are you done yes that will be all I'm sorry that was rather rude of me goodbye what is it seems to me your battle since his return you're more like a Shinobi than before if only a little take this what is it shenobi techniques recorded within are fighting techniques that cannot be performed by Samurai whether you make use of them or not is up to you shenobi aren't the only ones with their own fighting techniques I found one a Shinobi tool yes I said before that your prosthetic arm was a Fang but but by fitting Shinobi tools to your arm you'll be able to change the form of that Fang thick Shields break them into splinters Swift foes bring them down from afar fitting more devices means more ways to slay your enemies if there's someone that needs killing there's a proper way to kill them that's all there is to it h seems you know this prosthetic very well I should come myself the more I speak of Bloodshed the more demonic my sculptures will become give it here I'll fit that tool for you ah I know you yeah you're the good sir Shinobi sir huh I haven't seen you since well since that night what night H you don't remember no oh I see you don't remember listen sir you and I no we've met before I was a thief back then but those days are behind me now I'm an upright and honest Merchant only problem is I'm broke and being broke I don't have anything to sell so good sir would you mind lending me just a few coins to get my business going I'll stock something useful just for you you bet I will and as a little bonus I'll tell you all about that night what do you think pretty good deal right here's some coin thanks good sir now talk yes yes yes yes of course that night so my gang broke into the the harata estate now as you're aware the Hirata family is part of the Asha now normally they mop the floor with Petty thieves like us I mean no sweat but it just so happens we broke in during a battle yeah almost all the young Samurai were away from home and it was a prime opportunity then we started a fire and cleaned out the place that theirs when I met you you you looking for something at least that's what it looked like to me and well that's all I know about that night I see yeah uh that uh look you're making now you had that same look on your face that night you still looking or something listen good sir for a price I might be able to tell you some mother tidbits you might find useful for a price of course I'm a mer now you know so I'll procure some Goods with the coin you gave me look forward to it good [Music] sir I don't feel safe with that big bastard just tied up next to us I'd rather not be Gravely injured just before the war begins ah if the worst happens only choice is to use fire those red eyes fear fire that's what the Lord's Proclamation said proclamations what a joke ASA sure has a funny way of preparing for [Music] war [Music] yeah go go my poor poor horn all it took was a bit of gunpowder he startled and now he's dead we managed to drive them back once but the interior Ministries Army is far too powerful and that is why you wish to use the power of my blood it doesn't matter how much power you obtain you'll keep on fighting until you're a monster incapable of feeling pain or fear I do not wish to corrupt the lives of men look at this mountain of bodies Asha cannot be defended by normal means not anymore I could never be as strong as you Lord kichiro I do not yet know what it is I should do it has been a long time since that happened wait all you like it'll do you no [Music] good my name is k Die My bre what [Music] [Music] it for you what are you doing H oh I didn't realize you were here the sculptor has been coughing blood I took a sample of this blood for for my dragon rot research a sample of his blood yes blood that he's coughed up the color of the blood itself appears to be tainted stagnant but the sculptor's blood alone isn't enough to reach any conclusions is there anything I can do yes bring me samples of blood coughed up by others that suffer from the dragon rot if I have more I'll be able to learn more about the disease if I come across anyone afflicted by the dragon rot I'll ask them thank [Music] you Dragon [Music] right in okay yes protect the young Master you here all right we are counting on you I'm taking a blood sample now to bring this to Lady Emma I've obtained one a blood sample let me see the coloration is very similar to the sculptor the color is just slightly tainted but what's this huh do you have enough blood I believe so allow me to continue my research into the dragon rot when we speak again it's likely I'll have made a breakthrough in fact count on it this man was from Hirata I must pay my respects Lord Kuro lady Emma are there other Hirata survivors there are very few of us left I see apologies there's no end to those who seek the dragon's Heritage this was their fate because of those that pursued me I didn't mean to involve them I saw yes I saw you and Lord Kuro in a vision a vision yes where is Lord Kuru right now he's being kept near the keep at Asha Castle the gate to the castle however is shut I see another rat ah what those eyes a starving wolf before I kill you tell me your name tell me your name no name to give you Shob be all the same you die nameless with no one to mourn you however your left arm a prosthetic Shinobi arm it reminds me of that's it a one armed wolf I like it which means Securo that is what I shall name you who are [Laughter] you I am the tangu of as come seciro care to hunt some rats with me what rats have snuck into Asen scurrying about like they own the place there are all kinds of rats out there and they must be cut down every last one of them it seems you have a talent for killing allow me to help you home that Talent what will it be curo will you hunt rats with me very well excellent you'll need this if you're with me [Music] Secor what is this the face of a rat and where it makes its home go and kill it if you do I will give you something that will Aid you in battle's illness is indeed grave the land of Asha will not last much longer even with genichiro on our side what about our other mission black hat is fighting like a demon by the serpent Valley side of the castle then that's where we're going next but keep your wits about you the blackhe Hat Badger won't go down without a fight a ah looks like you've caught yourself some rats yes I knew you had a talent for killing wonderful here's your reward take it this is the ways of the ASA blade it's our school of fighting but there are no hard and fast rules you just win your battles that alone is the the most important rule of the Asha style I hope it can be of assistance with your rat hunting and most of all your own battles you've yet to fight what's wrong Dragon rot the stagnation overflows and spreads a disease that leads eventually to death what are you talking about you don't need to worry about me I'm not normal you see it's difficult for me to speak now ask Emma about the rest I've been waiting for you any progress yes I found some answers the source of the Dragon Rod is the stagnation in your blood what causes the stagnation the blood has only a limited amount of power available to it let's say you've used all of this power and then you attempt to resurrect again the resurrection still occurs but it must draw on power from another source from those that have the dragon rot I believe so for those who have the dragon rot the natural life force that everyone has that allows them to live their lives and function as human beings has been taken from them their blood has sted ated can it be cured yes by giving back what has been taken here you are we're really planning to use that thing in the battle I know I know but what choice do we have desperate times call for desperate measures we're in no position to worry about what others might think yes but hey keep it together Soldier keep talking like that and they'll put you on it detail and when it's mad it doesn't discriminate between Friend or Foe a Lord Kuro it is time lady Emma yes I know Master gicho is waiting is he not I will return to the top of Asa Castle w that Reed whistle we used before this time I will use it to call on you I'm sure you are all aware already this coming battle will determine the fate of all Asha we go now to risk our lives for Lord isin and the peoples of Asa we are ASA we are unbreakable for [Music] you were you're not one of those Samurai of this Castle are you friend you look like a Shinobi and a skilled one at that that's right I thought so in that case let's say you take care of some of the Samurai around here some unfortunate things happened and now they're after me day and night I'm at the end of my rope here I tell you these ashaa Samurai got a stick so far up there well you'd think they'd have bigger things to worry about than chasing after me anyway of course I'll make it worth your while I make my living selling information take care of the Samurai around here for me and I'll let you in on something really special friend baby Emma tell me what has caused the state of this man the rejuvenating Waters that is what it is called are you telling me that this is asha's secret weapon I am those who drink it cannot fully die no they become unable to die at all the rejuvenating water it also it Springs from the dragon's blood does it not yes lady Emma I do not believe the dragon's blood is sacred not at all how is Grandfather lord isinis it's a wonder he is still with us a miracle is that so Divine heir I'll ask you once more accept me to your Immortal [Music] oath I cannot do that Lord genichiro your victory that day means nothing he will risk his life to take me home for he is my [Music] Shinobi my Lord I have come for [Music] you this will only take a moment let see for as long as you are alive the dragon Squad can never be mine face me [ __ ] [Music] I'll [Music] he impressive shobi of the Divine Heir you deserve better would you not answer to a different Lord heresy heresy you say this for the sake of preserving as I will seize any man fortical strength I will any bur hold of like [Music] some [Music] Us in you were victorious I see are you I mean you no harm Shinobi of the Divine [Music] a lord kichiro is this the rejuvenating Waters a This Land Is everything to me for her sake I will shed Humanity [Music] itself [Music] Resurrection yes [Music] indeed at long last I've managed to fulfill my Master's orders I give you my thanks who exactly do you serve ishin Asha I am a doctor in the service of Lord isin why were you ordered to help me Lord isin has no desire to use the power of the dragon's Heritage that is why he he tried to help Lord Kuro Escape Asha correct the message I found in the well that was your doing also correct my duties have concluded but there's someone I think you'd like to see Lord Kuro is down stairs I have come for you my lord yes you did well to come here let us go we must leave ASA wolf my blood the blood of the Dragon causes men to become undying the same goes for you yes my Lord I wished to save you I'm sure that I would do the same thing given another chance however undying beg gets stagnation The Immortal oath the rejuvenating Waters the dragon rot they all corrupt men to the point that they no longer live as men I wish to sever the chains of stagnation bred by the dragon's Heritage wolf will you help me achieve this aim I cannot to protect you the Divine Heir that was the duty my father entrusted to me how many times have you died and come back to life for my sake two three times or perhaps a number so large that it cannot be counted as it was for the purpose of Defending my Lord the number does not matter I do not wish to bind you to an eternity of undeath wolf join me in my quests to sever the ties of immortality as you wish thank you loyal wolf if we are seeking to sever the immortal ties I know a good place to start wolf look at [Music] this it's an ancient record that was kept in asina Castle sacred Dragon Tears from the Divine realm yes it is my belief that with the Dragon Tears it may be possible to sever the dragon's Heritage but the Divine realm how do we I know wolf that incense burner over there it belong to a person of interest take a look is there something special about it I'm told that long ago there was another Divine Heir living here in Asha Castle his name was Lord takeru this incense burner belonged to him where is he now he died a long time ago apparently wrapped in the aroma of the Fountain Head I return to the Divine realm those are supposedly the words he left behind you're saying the scent of the Fountain Head is the key to reaching the Divine realm that is my belief wolf let us discover the truth together now as to how we begin our search I am certain some of Lord takeru's books remain in this Castle books that he collected in order to find the Divine realm I will search for them in addition to finding a way to reach the Divine realm might we also look into how we might sever the immortal eyes a fine suggestion talk to isin if anyone knows the answer it is him Wolf come with me Lorden is not within this Castle Citadel I'm told he is recuperating in one of these watchtowers however the path to his Watchtower is closed his health is a little how do I get in on the roof there's a path patrolled by the night jar ninja it's intended for Shinobi but I imagine that won't be a problem for you I've heard the night jar use smoke signals as landmarks yes so if you follow their smoke signals you should be able to reach Lord Isen and you can use this window to reach the roof [Music] [Music] about the Divine he's life yes there is something I wish to ask before that Sak what you earned it take it my grandson giniro was Bewitched by the rejuvenating Waters you did well to put a stop to that for me you have my thanks I merely followed the code my father taught me ah the iron code of the Shinobi I see so you're the son of a that boy he found during the Rebellion yes and your travels brought you here the BS that tius are so deeply amusing don't you think Seco you're so what do you wish to know the Divine heir's desire is to sever the ties of immortality I want to know how it can be done the Mortal blade if you had such a weapon it may be the key to what you are after The Mortal Blade with it you could kill one who cannot die through normal means one who cannot die the infested I believe they are called I've not seen one before but it said you could stab them through the heart or remove their head and they wouldn't die if the stories are true they'd surely be quite fearsome to kill a monster such as that youd need the Mortal blade where is this Mortal blade I've heard it's held in Senor Temple however they say the Mortal blade cannot be drawn what do you mean I am not certain of the meaning it's just here sir the gates to that Temple are closed now though who knows what those degenerates are doing shut away up there in the mountains there aren't any decent roads leading there how do I get there the abandoned dungeon just outside of as castle if you can pass through its waterways you should find your way you're leaving Securo set in immortality that will be quite the battle and in battle the plans and desires of those involved churn endlessly if you hesitate you'll be swept away and lose the battle that's right best you keep it in mind zako hesitate and you lose this dust is awful I have returned oh wolf you're back did you meet with Lord Isen I did he said the Mortal blade it could be the key to severing immortality the Mortal blade it's a sword that has the power to kill the undying it can be found at Seno Temple I see yes that seems promising as you say for my part I hunted for any books that may contain clues about the aroma of the Fountain Head it seems Lord takeru indeed sought a way to reach the Divine realm so far I found one piece of relevant information what is it a flower a flower first read [Music] this what is Lord takeru left it behind I was looking for information on the Fountain Head Aroma and how it relates to the Divine realm there is water that flows from the Fountain Head through Asha and the book speaks of a white lotus flower that grows where the water pools deeply it appears to be one component of the Fountain Head Aroma a place where the Fountain Head Waters pulled deeply perhaps in a deep valley yes indeed the Sunken Valley may be the place the Fountain Head Waters should flow into there where is this Sunken Valley it's beyond the woods to the rear of the castle there's a shrine dedicated to the white serpent deep in the woods as the name implies the Sunken Valley is just below that place there's no proper path down there but a man of your talent could navigate it my Lord this is for you could this be it's a Sakura drop that's when the undying Pledge of the dragon's Heritage is broken it's said that this remains in place of the oath do you think this one was left behind by Lord takeru that seems likely wolf if you so desire I can use this Sakura droplet to assist you if you should be so kind of course close your eyes my lord lord takeru's Dragon Blood lives on with you I humbly accept yes you may open your eyes now my Lord that was a boon granted by Lord takeru use it well yes oh that's right that door marked with the outline of a person Lord isin once called it a Shinobi shortcut I haven't a clue how it works but seeing as he mentioned Shinobi I thought you might know so you've met with Lord isin yes he thanked me for defeating kichiro I see to think that Lord kichiro would go as far as to drink the rejuvenating sediment rejuvenating sediment that's what we call a particularly concentrated part of the rejuvenating Waters I'm sure you saw it for yourself the rejuvenating sediment grants great resilience in one's flesh one becomes able to withstand blows that would be fatal to anyone else my mentor dogen devoted much research to its uses but all of his Works documents medicines everything were burned and destroyed I'm not sure who but I heard one of the senior apprentices was able to salvage some of it probably dojun did you ask Lord Crow's thoughts on the matter I did and we've decided to sever the ties of immortality I see I thank you for all of the help you've given me almost sounds like you're bidding me farewell for good good I've carried out my Lord's orders so I will stay here in the castle come and speak to me whenever you please I will provide my assistance to you as a doctor here for you oh my if this isn't Lord ising's favorite sake I'll have some delicious please say something there is something I'd like to ask you of course who trained you to fight with a blade a blade I am a doctor yes but who Lord isi but I only have a passing interest I do not believe your skill counts as a mere passing interest why did you learn well not to kill people What do you mean no I don't have the slightest desire to kill anyone it's just I would want to kill a demon if one were to appear a demon don't take me seriously it was only a joke goodbye [Music] what wolf you said to me once do what must be done but I have yet to discover what it is that I must do I don't understand why was I granted this power thank heavens thank heavens for what do you pray oh you there have you heard of the senpo temple the senpo temple on Mount Kongo a very special holy person lives in that place go on join me in prayer thank heavens thank heavens you yes you those of the senpo temple have strayed from Buddha's teachings they have abandoned their faith seduced by a search for immortality should you be captured there is no telling what would be come of you you would do well to return the way you came however I will not stop you from entering if you are determined to do so but if you do please proceed with care I see you have decided to continue we will pray for your safety it is the least we can do ah fruits of the serpent yes there are two kinds one is fresh the other is dried it's over there the fresh one is over there over the cliff through the hole that's where you'll find it fres what are you talking about H something troubling you rice for me that's the way rice I say if something troubles your mind bless me with rice anytime have any rice rice from the Divine [Music] Child he [Music] for three monkeys one of the panels is empty is there something you would like to ask me I will tell you anything that is within the realm of my knowledge the monkey in the purple kimono is to see he has excellent eyesight can see great distances and he is very attentive if he spots you he will run immediately he is exceedingly timid the monkey in the orange kimono is the speaking monkey while he does not have particularly good eyesight or hearing he makes a big fuss when he sees a threat causing all the other monkeys to run oh perhaps he M enjoys toying with humans the monkey in the green kimono is the hearing monkey he has excellent hearing can hear across great distances and is very attentive he will generally run away the moment he hears you coming making it hard to approach he is exceedingly timid there was once someone who like you was on a mission I believe he chased the monkeys for a while but everything here eventually went silent I pray that you succeed [Music] for [Applause] w [Applause] [Music] please forgive them they only sought to keep me hidden however it seems it was not meant to [Music] be close your [Music] eyes let us meet at the inner Sanctum why do you seek this place I seek the Mortal blade do you know of the blade that cannot be drawn yes it is so called for not one who has drawn it has ever survived yet you still wish to attempt this I do I see very well if you are prepared you may gaze upon the blade [Music] [Music] why is it I wonder are they not loath to [Music] die how how are you your ey I see you carry the curse of the dragon's Heritage the Mortal blade without question I accept its [Music] power I see you serve the Divine heir of the dragon's Heritage yes why do you seek the Mortal blade I wish to obtain the dragon tear from the Divine realm to sever the ties of immortality I see I have read about this I have read There is a way to sever the dragon's heritage M which means the Divine Heir begrudges the power of the dragon's Heritage that's right how strange fate can be I am one of the children of the rejuvenating Waters created by those who would stop at nothing to achieve immortality my false dragon's blood was created by man children so there are many of you I am the only one who Sur survive the process the others are laid to rest here I see I do not know if it is right to sever the ties of immortality but the dragon's Heritage undeniably corrupts the lives of men and I share the heir's feelings about that truth Shinobi of the Divine Heir I have decided to assist you please hold out your hand what bless us with Bountiful Harvest this is rice there you are rice is a precious thing it tastes better the more you eat it and restores one's figure Shinobi of the Divine air you are welcome here farewell Shinobi of the Divine air May the Harvest be plentiful wherever your path may lead a ah the gun Fort was even more formidable than we'd heard we were Reckless to go in unprepared it takes me back I can hear the senpo temple Bell sculptor I don't need your concern I'm not normal you see no mere Dragon rot will kill [Music] me I going the get my Lord I've procured the flower for the Fountain Head Aroma oh was it truly blooming in the Sunken Valley yes deep within the valley so that is where the Fountain Head Waters pull deeply you've done well to acquire this wolf oh and actually I found something I discovered there's another scent we must acquire what is it the blood of the Divine heir of the dragon's Heritage in other words my blood your blood but my Lord you cannot bleed yes it is true that those of the dragon's Heritage cannot bleed however in Lord gano's quarters I found a curious Journal belonging to Lord takeru's page and it appears there is a way for me to bleed for now I'd like to ask you to kill keep this for [Music] me now then we just need to figure out how to make me bleed perhaps we should ask lady Emma H as a doctor she should have much knowledge of the human body yes she may be able to help us there is something I'd like to ask yes what is it can the Divine air be made to bleed why would you seek to do so the blood of the Divine Heir is required to obtain the Dragon Tears from the Divine realm and Achieve Immortal Severance oh I see it is true that the Divine heir's blood cannot be shed by normal means however you currently possess the means to do so the Mortal blade yes here you are this was written by Lord deu it was with the Mortal blade you may wound the Divine Heir and his blood will be allowed to flow I see this brings us one step closer to Immortal Seance I shall tell my lord of course wolf that sword on your back is it it is the Mortal Blade the sword that can kill those who cannot die yes it was given to me by the Divine Child of the rejuvenating Waters at simpo Temple the Divine Child of the rejuvenating Waters the monks at simpo Temple abandon the ways of their faith in pursuit of immortality the result is those who have false dragon's Heritage known as the Divine Children of the rejuvenating Waters a false dragon's heritage I never would have thought wait Divine children yes many were created but only one survived further proof of the corruption this power brings to man the ties of immortality must be suffered yes my Lord here oh this is this is monkey booze something wrong well let me try it oh it it burns so bad let's see yes monkeys I seem to have a strong connection with monkeys you do yes I was rescued by a monkey after all you don't believe me do you when I was young I stood alone in the aftermath of a battlefield I was alone and staring dumbfounded I could do nothing neither cry nor even get angry complete shock and then there was a monkey eating a rice ball a monkey maybe an ape maybe either way he made it look so delicious I remember being angry at that but then then he gave me the rice ball it tasted so good what a kind monkey yes he was a very kind monkey goodbye will you be cast out or throw yourself in in what if you wish to go to the very depths of Asa then you'd best cast yourself out over there the depths of Asa are over [Music] there [Music] the [Music] w for [Music] the shobi there in the mod [Music] intruder eny [Music] [Music] Lord isin I'm concerned that the tangu will make another appearance Emma yes em imagine giniro will show up eventually to put it to use the other Mortal blade to protect as he'll abandon everything about who he is won't he yes I expect no less from my own grandchild however I cannot let him use kuro's blood he can only swing the blade but a few more times and when that happens the tangu will be no more but there is the other one you mean Seca he is a sullen sword but I can't say I detest the lad in truth he fascinates me it never fails Lord isin disappears the moment I take my eyes off of him he's quite a handful goodbye you is that a look of concern on your face Emma's always telling this old bastard to stay here so that's why I'm here I brought sake smart thinking my boy let me see that's some good sucky this is how we drank when we won our battles the people of asida together as one could you tell me about the Rebellion oh the Rebellion we just took back what was stolen from us that's before this land was it's a place where we the Asen people lived where the waters flowed Straight From the Source we were a people who loved our country dearly and we made good sake toot but we were Heretics and we were weak naturally we were overrun trampled into submission for many long excruciating years we couldn't even pre at the water from the Springs The Way We Were then even good Sak couldn't get us truly drunk but then the world fell into chaos yes amidst the chaos that was Japan the endless casualties the Flames of War we found the perfect opportunity to take back our land but now it's a place of death it's a bitter thing indeed here ah don't mind if I do that's the stuff by the way how was gisho what do you mean you do cross blades did you not to put it simply he was strong and he had unusual techniques I see what exactly is the lightning of Tomo that it's a technique belonging to Gino's Mentor I'll wager it was quite the sight his mentor Doo there aren't many Masters of the sword like her to see her fight it's like she's dancing when you look into her eyes you feel as if you're being drawn into the depths of the ocean I was completely taken by her and it almost killed me I've lived a long life but that was the closest I've come to death I have something for you ah Seco you know me well why if this isn't monkey booze so this is what it's like to breathe fire do you know what other name this sakei goes by I don't you don't they call it shur wine I killed one once long ago sha or something very much like it what is shura exactly those who go on killing will eventually become shura they don't even remember why simply enraptured they kill solely for the joy it brings them I see it in your eyes too the shadow of shur give me cause and and I will kill you it would do you well to remember that I [Music] [Music] see it's you the Divine Heir and Lady Emma they big tet get up get can I ask you to protect them to think I'd have to ask for your help is truly maddening [Music] I remember you well I heard stories of your death yet here you are what are you plotting Al plotting I would do no such thing now my Lord I must ask that you accompany me this old bird has but one desire to protect the Divine Heir from those that might take his esteemed blood so the dragon's Heritage has seduced you too and there is nothing to discuss take your leave I would my Lord but I'm so stunned by this view I'd like to take it in just a while longer I'll leave when I've had my fil father to think you were still alive that was my design but the same could be said for you I was certain you died that night the power of the Divine Heir brought me back that's it what the divine heir's power the dragon's blood must be mine father now you see it remember the first rule of the code as your father I order you to forsake your Master From This Moment he is your master no more forsake the Divine Heir listen to me wolf obey your father's command and forsake the Divine air a as you command in accordance with your father's word you will forsake the Divine Heir you understand now don't you yes the code is absolute I hereby forsake my master the Divine heir I expected no less from you my boy with this our Supreme reign [Music] will it seems we have a troubling guest but to oppose the daughter of the late Lord dogen would be quite the insult disgrace my my not bad at [Music] all wolf I leave this to you have at it tear her apart sir [Music] I have witnessed shur once [Music] before the very same stirs inside of you as such you must be [Music] destroyed [Music] [Music] h [Music] SHO Securo you were a most unkind and inauspicious man but for some reason I could not bring myself to hate you it seems I must Cut You Down before you for to shur sure I have to kill your kind again will and done done [Music] secular seiro it was not to [Music] be that took a while but it was well worth the wait despite his age few could hope to defeat a man such as isi I would expect no less from my home now nothing stands in our way ASA the interior ministers the whole country is ours for the taking hey why would why would you no you're you can't be Sher up [Music] soldiers and town folk alike died by the thousands very few survived Asha became the setting for the most tragic Massacre of the sangoku era and for a long time after it was said a demon lurk the land listen to me wolf obey your father's command and forsake the Divine Heir I cannot do as you ask you what a Shinobi showing the likes of compassion Unthinkable such a miserable display why [Music] boy why can't you understand your father's will have you forgotten the Shinobi code a code must be determined by the individual this is what I've decided just as my master [Music] [Music] did [Music] huh seems you've grown you just a [Music] little have it your way young [Music] w [Music] enough talk been a while since we did this give me your [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come oh look it out [Music] move you taught me well that's my boy wolf I am relieved to see that you are safe and Al I killed him I am sorry Lord Kuro I am sorry I did what had to be done wolf thank you my father this was in his possession this Branch it's from the ever blossom tree I see so Al had it ever Blossom lady Emma spoke of it once the ever Blossom is a sakura tree that was brought over from the Divine Realm by Lord takeru it once bloomed behind this Castle however when a branch was cut off and the flowers taken the ever Blossom eventually dried and withered away so this is that Branch yes I believe so we are a step closer to the Fountain Head incense yes yes that's right wolf you've come to visit Shinobi of the Divine air I found a pmen truly you brought me a pmen s yes thank you it's sweet and delicious good Shinobi hold out your hand but no need to hesitate hold out your hand all right a Bountiful Harvest for you I thank you Shinobi of the Divine air the crop is plentiful thanks to the pmen you gave me I ask that you also give some to the Divine heir of the dragon's Heritage I [Music] will wolf you're back I am I have something for you Lord Guru something for me here this it's rice yes the divine child of Seno Temple told me to give this to you she did then I am grateful this looks like good rice each grain glistens it is sweet when you bite into it bite wolf rice tastes a lot better when cooked my Lord H so do you like sweet things I will eat anything which means you don't dislike sweets then right I'll make something nice for you something nice you'll have to wait and see sorry to keep you waiting Wolf come now hold out your hand my Lord what is sweet sticky rice balls I made them with the rice from the Divine Child eat it don't be shy this is very good that it is that it is how was the rice ball it was delicious I bet it was ever since I was little I've enjoyed making sweets I used to always sneak into the kitchen back at the Hirata estate maybe one day I'll open up a tea house if I ever have the time did you give the rice to the Divine Heir yes he made rice balls out of it the Divine heir of the dragon's Heritage he made them himself yes and he was enthusiastic and I had one it was very good that's good to hear oh I see he may be the Divine heir of the dragon's Heritage but he's still Human After All what am I saying of course he is I am sure he had his doubts about severing immortality as well yet even so it is the path he chose there is something I would like to ask you Shinobi of the Divine Heir yes what is his name Lord Kuro Lord Kuro it has a fine ring to it I should like to meet him someday as I told you before the Mortal blade should be able to wound the Divine heir and allow his blood to be shed yes I shall tell my lord of course goodbye wolf look here I found something that may help us it's a stone a stone yes look at [Music] this what is h what is it wolf huh what is that strangely shaped Rock you hold is that the fragrant Stone of the Fountain Head my Lord this Stone appeared to have been enshrined yes it is just as the book described yes there was also an inscription a sweetly scented Bridal offering written on the altar Bridal H what sort of place was this it was in a cave Beyond a door made of solid rock H in that case where was the wedding procession head no way to know I guess sweetly scented H Lord Kuro that place might be the gateway to the Divine realm h i see sweetly scented meaning wrapped in the Fountain Head incense that is what it might be referring to Wolf did you speak with Lady Emma I did and what did she say that it could be possible with the Mortal blade I see so the Mortal blade will allow my blood to flow as you wish this should be all of the necessary ingredients for the aroma wolf burn the incense as you wish my Lord Wolf the Mortal blade fear not I will only make a shallow cut would you draw the Mortal blade from its sheath yes my Lord forgive me but close your eyes yes my Lord It's Over Now wolf how is the wound I'm fine I just made a small cut on my chest so this is the Fountain Head incense it's so extraordinarily nostalgic I see well do you notice anything different the aroma and Fountain Head Palace those words have been burned into my mind Fountain Head Palace it's just as Lord teu wrote that place must lead to the Divine realm but how can the Fountain Head Palace be reached a sweetly scented Bridal offering that was written on the altar where the fragrant Stone was placed yes you now carry the aroma of the Fountain Head incense I believe the path leading to the Fountain Head Palace will open before you if you go to the shrine within the cave immortality shall soon be severed I'm counting on you wolf as you wish I must do what must be done that is what the Divine air said he must be hiding something I see what is it Lord takeru spoke of beheading in his Memoirs yes perhaps the act of beheading was the means to end immortality along with the life of the Divine Heir what if you walk the path of imortal moral severence then you must use the Mortal blade to end my Lord's life yes Lord Kuro desires Immortal Severance I understand that I do and yet master wolf might there be a path where Lord cow need not lose his life the dragon's Heritage is no ordinary power there could be such a path well then Master wolf I ask that you help me find such a path a path where Lord Kuro need not die I will not let my Lord die thank you we must find a starting point yes oh yes lady Tomo Master wolf I might have a place to start I'll look into it and let you know as soon as I find something thank you also we may want to keep this from the Divine air Yes master wolf I found something here purification yes it says here there is a way to cut the ties of the dragon's blood and transform its owner into a regular human being the process requires a flower from the ever Blossom as I told you once once before the ever Blossom is a sakura tree that Lord takeru brought here from the Divine realm however someone cut a branch from the tree and stole the flowers and the ever Blossom eventually dried and withered away so the ever blossom tree has been entirely lost if the tree itself no longer exists the flowers don't exist either correct but the bre brch that was stolen did have flowers on it so if it could be found is this the branch from the ever blossom tree it was in my father's possession Master owl but there are no flowers on this Branch what's wrong it's nothing I was just trying to remember back to when the ever blossom still flourished but try as I might the memory is hazy they Graves what I think I'll pay a visit to Lord takeru and Lady Tomo's Graves that's where the ever Blossom once grew something might come back to me why must that be the only way hello uh Master wolf how long have you been there have you remembered heard anything nothing I'm afraid nothing that's right I'm sorry I wasn't able to remember anything significant perhaps one of my old friends can help I'll meet with orangutang at his Temple orangutang yes it's the sculptor's old [Music] nickname Emma do that sit well with you I can't honestly say to achieve their goal of immortal sance either he or Lord Kuro Must Die Why does that have to be the only way so will you keep that from them but orang if I give this to him he's going die oh you're here Master wolf was the sculptor able to help unfortunately no I'm afraid we'll need to look for other Clues one of us must die what did that mean were you listening this whole time tell me H I saw it that day beneath the branches of the ever blossom tree lady tomoy tried to commit suicide why she said those made Immortal by the oath of the dragon's Heritage shackle their masters so in order for the purification to occur the oathbound of the dragon's Heritage must die yes precisely but she was unable to achieve the purification correct she did not have the Mortal blade I don't want to lose Lord Kuro or you but all paths are leading to dead ends what are you hiding so you overheard tell me do what must be done I will live by those words as my master does here [Music] is this a bell it fell off owl's dead body if I'm not mistaken you and master owl have a deep connection should you offer it to Buddha it may be a different experience than the one you had before I will try it I am not sure what Memories you will see but the Bell belonged to master owl so please take care goodbye Master wolf oh you're supposed to be [Music] yes it doesn't matter I'll kill you now and all will be asist a taking the H state was surprisingly easy 's in was right on the money you know I don't like him there's something Shifty about him the smell of a qu he's a vain a d r out villain personality well he's useful right now so adore him for all his scheming he's a nameless Rogue sh be his effage won't amount to much I'm not complaining so long as there C is Boo [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] out defeated by my own son it's not entirely unpleasant I don't want to lose them but if I were to choose the path of returning the dragon's Heritage it may come to pass that I would have to leave all of you thank you for your kind words my friends listen he is actually quite kind he gave me this oh Shinobi of the Divine air I didn't hear you come in it is thanks to you that I've been able to have a deep conversation with my friends with the children of the rejuvenating Waters yes there is something I would like to discuss I believe we should aim not to sever the dragon's Heritage but instead to return it to its rightful place return the dragon's blood that's right the dragon's heritage was set free from its Homeland and it drifted here to Japan its power was never meant for this land until something is done it will continue to corrupt the lives of those who encounter it the dragon's Heritage and those connected to it it is only right that they return home to the west to the birthplace of the Divine Dragon however there is one problem I am un sure of the exact destination Who would know perhaps the high priest of senpo Temple or and he is he's the founder of senpo Temple I wonder how old he actually is he can be found in a narrow cave not far from the inner sanctum Shinobi of the Divine air yes this path differs from that of the one to sever immortality I do not wish to to force my opinion upon you should you wish to return the dragon's Heritage then perhaps you should seek out the high senpo priest I'll think about it Shinobi of the Divine Heir have you perhaps met with the high priest of Seno Temple I found him he was dead the high priest was infested how could this come to be I do not know however he left the this note I will take a look h i see consuming two bimmons of the serpent will allow one to become a cradle for the Divine Heir this will make it possible to return the dragon's Heritage to its Homeland I I shall become the Cradle you're sure of this of course I am the only surviving divine child of the rejuvenating Waters death does not come easily to me Shinobi of the Divine Heir if you wish to take the path to return the dragon's Heritage then bring me two pons of the serpent where should I begin I believe it is said that the liver of a Great Serpent is stained red like a Pimon [Music] Shinobi of the Divine air have you acquired both Persimmons of the serpent yes I've found them the shade of red it is as I expected a Pimon is an apt comparison you're actually going to eat them of course doing so though will allow me to become a cradle to return the dragon's Heritage to its home however I hesitate to eat them in front of you please come back after some time no oh Shinobi of the Divine air are you there you your eyes you have returned Shinobi of the Divine air it appears I have succeeded in becoming the Cradle could you please take my hand yes what it is cold much like an ice house which is why see my tears they freeze as they flow down my face these Frozen tears take them Frozen tears does this mean yes I believe this is what the text referred to as cold Dragon Tears the Divine air must drink them together with the Dragon Tears of the Divine realm if he does so I believe Lord Kuro will be able to rest within the Cradle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] a I have it an Ever Blossom flower yes there's no mistaking it please show me your face something has happened I see this will allow my Lord to achieve purification I am merely doing what must be done I understand I bid you good fortune in the battles to Come Goodbye Master wolf [Music] on [Music] the Divine Realm [Music] come [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Music] did you kill them all I did good we will begin when Lord denit over returns we will revive ASA together with the dragon's blood yes Castle the Castle Browns [Music] AR you're you're part of the reinforcement for us right please please hurry the castle l are in bad shape Dam mystry forces they've taken up the shet Valley the bridge please save [Music] H everything was burning the fires raging out of control howling was intense thank you Lord isin what happened Lord isin has succumbed to his illness and passed away I see I'm sure you sensed it the central forces have taken this opportunity to attack the castle and the Divine Heir here this key my Lord has escaped the castle through the secret passage Yes master Wolf the secret passage can be found along the moat in the Asha Reservoir not far from the moon view Tower Lord Kuro escaped the castle through that secret passage and should be waiting for you in the silver grass field understood the night jar have left smoke signals on the roofs under Lord isshin's orders the smoke should lead the way to Lord Kuro Shinobi of the Divine air we meet again behold the second mortal blade gny [Music] chirol if you think you can change asen's fate with such a thing you are mistaken wolf no one has the right to the Dragon's Heritage it is no one's to [Music] bear I wish there was another [Music] way it's all right one last time yes let's finish [Music] this I will restore Asha to Glory will not allow to be crushed in the end I was powerless but ASA will rise once more the Dragon Blood surching through her veins with this asen's long night comes to an end [Applause] pitiful Grand child this was your last wish to see ASA returned from the great beyond [Music] which means Securo they must destroy you count [Music] [Music] sec [Music] [Music] my blood boy take me second [Music] h get you yeah do it well done SEC it up verywell wolf where are you I am at your side take the Dragon [Music] Tears [Music] we must leave this place my [Music] Lord Lord Kuro may you be at rest allow me to hold you in my [Music] heart everyone it is time I must depart the journey to sever our ties with fate will be a very long one indeed and yet you still wish to join us I do you have my thanks Shinobi of the Dragon know that Kuro shares my [Music] joy let us depart to the west to the birth place I of the Divine [Music] [Music] dragon [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 14,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, full, gameplay, no commentary, full gameplay, SEKIRO: SHADOWS DIE TWICE All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K Ultra HD, sekiro shadows die twice, sekiro shadows die twice ending, game movie, sekiro shadows die twice all bosses, sekiro movie, full movie, all cutscenes, ultra hd, from software, shadows die twice, sekiro shadows die twice all cutscenes, sekiro shadows die twice walkthrough, sekiro final boss, sekiro all cutscenes, sekiro gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 12sec (10032 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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