Segmented Turning - Design and Determining Segment Dimensions

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] that was a straight sided bull how was a straight sided bull next slide so for design this this is kind of I will doodle sometimes and just kind of throw together what I want to do for a bowl real simple doesn't have to be anything fancy I do like having a line what kind of paper is that with the graph paper I do like having graph paper but you don't necessarily need it you can kind of figure things out from there next slide these are just a couple of samples of ones that I'm certainly put together this is a it's supposed to be a Phoenix I'm not a good Phoenix draw can you tell but I'm basically doing a big Phoenix Bowl thanks like so this is a segmented piece there's two pieces that you got to worry about the a piece is from the outside of the bowl to the inside of the bowl and then the B piece is what you need to measure and cut with your sled so a lot of times if you're just new to this and you don't want to go through this process you don't need to you can go out to the internet and the next slide and they will actually have a pitcher yes exactly yep yep we're gonna get to that too I'll actually show you how to do it tonight you guys will all go home and you'll be drawing up your own segments I pulled this off of Malcolm Tibbets this is basically how he does it it's it's pretty simple if you look on here on the far left side you can actually see the numbers there that's how thick he needs to cut that piece so at the I can't see the top one but the next one down it's 2.15 of an inch the next one is 2 inches 0.8 of an inch pretty simple so that you're going to cut your long strips whatever string you need you're going to cut that to whatever the inch that you need for that for that strip the next part is the the diameter of that ring and you can do this mathematically and I know people that do and I'm not a mathematician I'd I that's gonna say Doug's Doug's one of those oh if you do graph paper you know it's a quarter inch square right so if you just do a half a ball if you design your ball like half of that okay then when you fold it over you can make the light you can obviously trace the line on the other half and now you can just measure how many how many squares are there how many inches right on your thing and right all right all those figures down right from your graph paper we're actually going to do this at the end of my presentation which is almost done one actually going to take him through that little process okay so next thanks like if you want you can go to the Internet there are free plans out there this actually has your a and your B on there so it's very simple on that cut list you can just start at the very top and and cut it I don't know if you guys can see that so you've got the edge length that would be your a the board width that's going to be your B and you just I think the first one was a half an inch if I remember right thank you 3/8 of an inch on the very far left thickness then the next one is 3/4 of an inch and again you would just go down cut your pieces and then start cutting your segments fairly easy so next slide I got lazy so I found this on the internet and I love it for me it's very easy to figure out what I need to cut for for my bowls this has the different segmented pieces at the top and it also has this zoom out I think you're not yeah so the very top roll was the number of pieces and then on the very far left that's the size of your ring you just figure out if you're doing whatever 1618 pieces go down and tell you exactly what to cut that at it's pretty easy and I've got a handout I don't know if I have enough for everybody so those that don't want it there's one more slide I know okay I know one more I'm just keeping in line yep I I can't no problem in the last slide I think is we're gonna draw up a bowl so I think the hardest part for me sometimes is just to come up with a design so we just just basically I just drew up this design can everyone see this okay so I only worry about the half part and if you were to treat each one of these squares as a half inch you can real quickly put together a bowl so here's my first layer right and I'm actually going through it looks like about an inch and a half tell me if I'm wrong you guys are out front got the best eyesight right so I would actually go like this and that would be my first ring right and that would be close to an inch and a half I'll just call it an inch and a half the next ring you're going to come here so that's going to be a smaller one possible I might have to go here right and that's about an inch and a half again so once I I got that that that goes pretty quick you can figure out all the way down as you go and again I'm trying to do an inch and a half here but I'm not very good if you want you can even treat this as a half inch this way and this would be your like a 3/4 inch or whatever you want to do to make it neater when you get to the bottom here you're gonna see some things change drastically so like this bowl this segment that piece would be from here to the center and over so that'd be three inches so that'd be your bottom the next part of this if I were to take this I would have my cut list ready to go so my first one my thickness is going to be an inch and a half I don't you can see that I write small inch and a half and how many rings you want to do how many segments in a ring somebody throw out a number 24 you would so I got 1 inch 2 inch 3 inch 4 inch 5 inch 6 inch 7 so you're almost an 8 inch ring what do I need to cut that by you're gonna cut it by one in 1/16 inch I just went down to the 8 inch mark here oh yeah so I got 1 inch 2 inch 3 inch 4 inch 5 inch 6 inch 7 inch 8 inch oh I see what you're saying yep I'd see what you're saying for 24 segments you go down to 16 thank you sir what am i cutting that out thank you two and 1/16 inch and that's ring number one I got to in 1/16 so that's your outside cut that's the outside of the Ring so so this is the a this is the width or the thickness from the outside to the inside so if I had a piece of wood if I had a piece of wood right then I was going to cut for this ring this part here would be that one and a half that's my a cut thank you and then when I started cutting my segments I would need the two inch and 1/16 on that first segment so you would actually have something like this and this would be the two inch 16 outside face let's let's try one more give me a different ring number let's try like 16 how's that so for this one I am one two three four five six about seven and a half so that's 14 15 inches for 16 segments for 16 work pieces I got three does everyone gets getting that three so we had seven and a half seven a half twice as 15 right all right so about the bottom now I got one two three so I would be a six-inch ring give me something and twenty twenty segments what do you get seven eighths Oh am i reading the wrong one oh yeah you're right I read the wrong one sorry fifteen sixteen so you would put that on your cut list pretty easy you can no you can't you can beg beg may get into that you I didn't hear what you finally said there but yeah one for pie however many likes you have that gives you that number yeah yeah when I do this I can go down real quickly I can put my wrists together in less time and it takes me to get my calculator out start punching in those numbers same process same thing but what you're going to do is you're a it's going to be whatever thickness you have so if I had a feature ring say in here right and I made it a fairly large feature ring and let's say that's two and a quarter thick so that would be my a and then you would have to figure out from that outside ring in right and double it that's confusing so it's the yeah the thickness of the board yeah yeah yeah from the outside to the inside diameter well he was asking for different heights but your a is now a is still the outside to the inside yeah okay so if I had if I had this would be my thickness or if I wanted to I could actually come in here and we could do something like this where we had a quarter inch right quarter inch height oops sorry can't even write today this would still be the three inches that I need from the outside to the inside possibly yeah yeah but I I agree he said I need to take the line all the way the inside any other questions that's for the beef this chart is for the B distance the a distances is what you're figuring on your bowl here for the for the inside to the outside yes sir if that's the way the ball curve yeah if that's the way the ball yeah so so right here this this cuts part of my my ring right there so I would be measuring all the way to this outside piece and that's one two three four square so that would be a two inch inside outside a measurement yep any others
Channel: DentonTurners
Views: 30,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wood Turning, woodturning, Mike Zunkowski, Segented Bowls, Segmented Turning, Golden Triangle Woodturning, Denton Turners
Id: WlURwR8KwxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2018
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