Introducing Segment PRO

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hi Lloyd Johnson of woodturner Pro and we're really excited about showing you our new product called segment pro we've been working on it for more than a year and now that it's ready to go we're ready to show it to you and we hope that you enjoy what you see but we're going to do this today by building four different bowls the first one is going to be an urn and we're going to move very quickly through these because I really want to just show you the capabilities of the software and you can watch the existing software tutorials to go into detail we're going to start by going to the wall profiles these are profiles in different categories that are built into the system there's currently about 150 of them and I continue to add new ones so let's just go through all of the urns and pick one let's do this one right here what we're going to do is we're going to be making a feature ring Bowl and so by telling it to do a featuring this is just a default feature ring Bowl now there are some things we're going to want to change about this so let's go into the storyboard to make changes so the storyboard shows that there's a featuring at the top feature ring the primary featuring and a feature group at the bottom so what we're going to do is I don't want this these two accent rows so I'm going to take away the upper and the lower accent rows I also wanted this to be a feature ring plus two accent rings instead of four so the other thing I'm going to do is the current setting for the feature ring is to be half of whatever the defaults is so currently the default number of segments is 24 so that brings it down to 12 and so we're going to CH I'm going to change that so that it is the same as the default so now there's 24 and 24 so now we're going to return to the bowl because what I want to do is I want to drop this down from 24 down to 12 segments and then I want to increase the row thickness up to 3/4 of an inch so now we've got the bowl how we want it to be built the current segment edge length of the feature ring segment is 2 point 1 to 2 inches and I want that to be more at 2 inches so I'm going to decrease the diameter of this bowl by using this button here where it says diameter you can make it less or more by clicking the left button that moves the wall profile with an eighth of an inch closer to the center of the bowl so and I'm also targeting 200 cubic inches for this urn so now I've dropped down below 200 and I'm going to compensate for that by adding a quarter of an inch and now I'm up to 203 cubic inches so that's fine now the only thing that we have left to do then is I want to make this feature ring have a different profile I also in looking at this I this ring appears to me to me to be a bit low it would work better if it was one ring higher the center of the ring is automatically placed at the widest point of the bowl so you can simply move this up and it's going to reposition that closer to the golden ratio which is right here so that's just fine the other thing you can do though is if it were down here you can also say move the feature ring 1/4 of an inch higher and actually since the Rose I'm going to put a half an inch higher and now that has also moved it up so either of those will do the same thing to build our feature ring we're going to use our other product called lamination Pro and so we're going to start in the laminate wizard and make a new board and I'll use 5 strips of wood and we'll make it a symmetric board SERPs 1 and 5 are going to be 3/4 of an inch of blood wood 2 and 4 are going to be 3/16 of an inch of black wood and the center strip is going to be 5/16 of maple you before going any further let's review just a little bit about lamination Pro what you're looking at here is the laminate board and that is what is currently selected it has four representative of soccer flames and this shows where you're going to be cutting this board and currently it's at 30 degrees you can change that just by changing the amount of the degrees and so once you've decided that you want to cut this board at 30 degrees you can cut all of the board into those strips and then reassemble them into a first generation board by flipping every other one now the first two of these strips gives you a V which is also called a chevron and so this board a first generation board is made up of a series of Chevron's one Chevron is a repeating unit because that is the image that repeats across this board it is one inch wide and that is that is easy to understand because the strips that we cut from that board were a half an inch now it is up you also will see that there is a red rectangle here and that is the rec export region and that is the most important thing that we need to be a concern about at this point we need it to be what segment process and that is to be one and a half inches tall and two inches wide now it's easy for us to make it one and a half inches tall because you just highlight the five inches and type in one and a half and now our export region is one and a half inches tall what it needs to be is two inches wide and so that means that our first width of cut woods instead of being a half inch needs to be one inch now we have both a one and a half inch by two inches so that export region is now correct and if you were just going to be making a chevron you could stop at this point and you could export this to segment Pro and you'd be all ready but since we want to make a diamond what we need to do is to cut this board right through the center of the entire length and then take the top half and slide it over the bottom half and there's a button here that says at that exact same thing if you slide it's going to do that motion and so by clicking on that we now have our diamonds and they do fit within our export region but I want to make a little bit of a change here if it'll via from an appearance wise if we make a little steeper so if I click on the right side of of that marker it's going to increase it by 5 degrees so all that you need to do at this point now is click export image and then browse to where we're going to where we store the segment's for segment Pro and that's in documents my segment pro species and let's call this diamonds too and so now we'll go back to segment pro and we're going to take a look at our palettes and we're currently using my default palette that's the fruit that's the top palate here and these are the species that comprise of my default palette when you click on the heading it shows you what the names of those segments are so this is where we want to use our new species so if if I double click on that it's going to bring up our list of species and if I go down to Diamond there's diamond one and there's diamond two so I'm going to click on that and now the other thing we're going to do is I want the default row to be made out of walnut so I'm going to double click on that and we're going to go down to we've got walnut let's go to this walnut and now if we return to our bowl there is the one change I'm going to make is I'm going to put the accent rings to maples so go back to the storyboard and where the species for the accent rose is number 7 which is cherry we're going to drop down to species number three which is maple return to bowl and now that's exactly the way we want to build this bowl so now we can go to the summary and this is what you would print out to go into the shop it shows you the width the length and the segment edge links to build the segments to build these rows with these diameters now I prefer to have the disk at the bottom so you can just double-click on the row column and it will it will change the order of the rows so you can just print that out and go out to this shop and you can build this Bowl it's ready to go and so that's how simple it is to design a simple urn so this is the finished design and that design could build an urn like the one you see here a next project is going to be a bowl designed by Babu pray this book is going to be an open segment 48 segment Bowl and so will open the profile and then we're going to go into the paint screen to paint the segments the first thing you're going to do is select the repeats per row and then the species you want to paint with and now I have doubled the speed of the video so that it won't so that we can get through this more quickly so as you can see all you do is you select the species and then you start clicking and each time you click it's going to paint four segments on that row now this project has been designed to be built using a seg easy plate which can be now purchased in 48 segments there are also smaller number of segment varieties available so now you simply return to the bowl and that has painted the bowl exactly as it is going to appear when you build it now that the design is complete let's take a look at some ways you could modify this design to make other bowls so first of all you just click close to make it a closed segment if you wanted to drop it down to 36 segments that would make it easier Bowl to build you could drop it down to 24 segments and it would make it easier yet to build now let's go back to our original 48 segments per row and let's change a wall profile it's going to keep the design but allow us to go back to the profiles and find the profile we want to use and that profile will be painted with the original design however we need to change the thickness of the rows to compensate for the height of the bowl and then adjust the height of the bowl until the entire design appears now when you go to the summary printout it's going to show you for each row how many segments of each different species you use you also then can get a printout which is a PDF file that is going to help you lay out the segment's for each row it creates a document with a single page for each row and then it shows you where it's positioned the segment's for that row so this is Bob appraised original design and this is the beautiful Bowl he made from it the next project is another painted segment design by Glenn McCarran and this one is going to use a much different approach to do the painting of the segments we're going to build the wall profile manually on this one just to show you how easy it is you simply put dots on the page and when you get to the bottom it done knows enough to how to build your bowls so there is the bowl that is created from that wall profile so it's going to be quarter-inch rings and there's going to be 60 segments per row and so we got a lot of paint with segments to paint so let's find a faster way to do it so we're going to still pick the segments per row this time at 6:00 you pick the species and this now we're going to use the diamond stamp pad so you click that and you tell it how many rows how tall diamond is to be and then you select the species and wherever you click it's going to build the diamond around that Center place so then you just change the number of rows and the species and keep clicking and by the way in this project I have not sped up through the video at all so this is how long it takes and in fact when we're done here you're going to see that we painted 800 segments in a total of 30 seconds now we return to the bowl there's our design and it's a little grab a couple of blank rows at the top so just reduce the height of the bowl and that's going to take care of those so there is a finished design and there's his finished bowl the last project is simply a way to show off a bit by using one of master segments or Tom Loehmann's designs in this design he is a hundred forty-four segments per row which created a vessel that's got sixty three hundred segments in it this is what his final paint screen looked like next I'll show you another feature of segment pro that allows you to display your bowl in a 3d space so for example here we're going to put it on a lathe lets you really get a perspective on how large a bowl is compared to some other object that will put it on a dining table it becomes part of the 3d environment so here's poms completed design and here's the beautiful Bowl he made from that design thanks for allowing me to introduce you to segment pro I encourage you to come to the website where you can download a copy of the software there you'll find more than a dozen video tutorials that cover every aspect of the software you're going to see that we've only scratched the surface on what segment pro can do so from Lloyd Johnson it would turn our pro thanks so much for watching
Channel: Lloyd Johnson
Views: 34,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: segment pro, segment, woodturner pro, woodturner, pro, segmented, software, lamination, stomper, segeasy
Id: mtXlu6CLOrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2017
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