NO MATH: How to Design a Segmented Bowl: Day 1

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hi everyone welcome to pawpaws workshop today what I want to be able to do is take a pile of scrap wood that I have over here and turn it into a segment and Bowl now one of the things that I don't have is a lot of fancy computers and I really hate videos that start off a segmented Bowl video with just cutting a bunch of wedges and don't show you how to do it I don't have the fancy computer so today I'm going to show you how to do it with just a paper and pencil and almost no math so let's get started [Music] now the first page of this has to be just a grid showing the profile of the bowl itself and that's what I'm going to do right now you just draw my lines to create a grid now this doesn't have to be real fancy but it needs to be fairly accurate I'm using just a regular rollerball pen for this and I'm not trying to be an expert drafts but in fact this pin doesn't do real well but I did want to have the black lines so that you could see all that what's going on normally what I do is just draw this out in pencil and then photocopy it so this is what I have this is actually going to be considered my center line right here and this is going to be one inch two inches three inches four inches five and six now this is six inches from the center line I don't need to draw the other side of the bowl the absolute max distance of my lathe is actually 12 inches but I really can't go that far so I'll never exceed the six inches now as far as the height these are three quarters of an inch and this is going to be the level of one the second level the third level four five six seven eight nine and ten so that's ten levels that are three quarters of an inch if you want to be able to put decorative rings in here you can actually split this but for the most part the material that I use is three quarters of an inch thick and this actually works pretty good when I lay this out for the design of the bowl so I want to try to get a close-up view for you again this is the center line right here and then these are one inch increments that go out to the six inches as far as the height this is the base and it goes all the way up to the tenth it rings if you need longer certainly you can go longer but these are three quarters of an inch apart to that's the material that I typically use and I've labeled these one through ten as far as the various layers the next objective to do is actually and I take a red pencil and I sketch in the shape of the bowl with the shape roughly sketched in the next thing I have to be able to do is define how wide these segments are going to be and to be able to determine that all I do is come from this bottom edge and come in a little bit and put the vertical line so now I have the width of all of my segments for the entire bowl now I need some way to build to record this information so I need a second piece of paper again as I draw of this sheet this could be on a regular notebook paper if you wanted but I didn't have any handy so I'm just going to go ahead and sketch this out and again I'm not trying to be really neat I'm just trying to be able to get it where the information is to you and the first thing that I'm going to need to do you just have one line drawing right through here and that's going to be I'm gonna just draw it from right here this is going to be for the different rings 1 through 10 so this is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 now then the next thing that I want I've got the board width now being able to measure and write it in so I'm just going to draw another column down here so this is just going to be the ring right here and this is going to be my board width now the only thing I need to do is just measure the width and that is going to be an inch and five-eighths now this one at the very bottom I'm gonna go ahead and record that as three inches and then we'll go up to the next one that's going to be one and an eighth okay I'm going to go ahead and continue this process and complete all of the measurements for each of the Rings there's the first sheet that I needed to be able to just sketch out the size of the bowl to be able to determine the number of layers and then to be able to get the board width and I'm just going to transfer that over you have the Rings here going from the bottom to the top and that corresponds from the bottom to the top over here and then I transfer and measure that is actually the board width now what is the next thing that I need I'm actually gonna need the angle and we need to decide how many segments that we want to have in the ring this is the last sheet that I need and I just have this grid laid out in quarter inch increments and I have a V groove here basically defining the wedge and this is based on a 15 degree angle and it's set up for twelve segments okay in the next video when I cut out the different segments I use a jig and this is already preset now this is 30 degrees after that of course is 15 but this angle from here and here is a 30 degree angle that gives me the 12 segments so depending on the angle and how many pieces that I want I have different wedges that are set up now I'm going to show you that tomorrow when I cut out the actual Bowl but one of the nice things if you just have the grid itself all you really need to do is just set it down and make sure that it's square and draw your pencil line and you have it okay so what I want to do is measure from the center three and three quarters of an inch is back so from the center point three and three-quarter inches back and that's going to be my point so right there that is going to be where my first one comes through and now I can measure that and I can tell you that that is going to be well right at two inches so this is my outer board link at two inches and then I'll measure down to three quarters of an inch and I'll measure that and that's going to be an inch and five-eighths I get to do that for each one of them the next one from the centerline is gonna be four and three eighths so I'll lay this down four and three eighths now I'm gonna continue this process and fill up this whole entire sheet which each one of them okay so what I have on this chart is I now know that within my board how thick it's going to be I also know the outer portion of that segment that's the most important thing to me if I transfer all of these information in I can determine exactly how long the board's going to be needed to be able to cut that to me I'm not really interested in this particular segment because I'm using a bunch of different scraps so I've got three pieces of paper here that actually outline what this bowl is going to look like we started out with this one just sketched out the profile of the bowl and from there was able to determine the actual thickness of the board's itself the actual width and that information is reported in this column right here so when I go over to the table saw I'll rip my wood to these different measurements to create my stick of how wide it needs to be and then once I had that information from done then I need to come over to this sheet I'll measure from the center line over to the edge of the segment in that case it was three inches so if I look at this I left this one alone it was three inches is the board width and I know that the inner point is going to be zero there is no inner point but the outer point is three inches so again real quick if I just measure up three inches I know that that's exactly where it comes in and I can look at that at two and seven-eighths so that outer board width it's going to be 2 and 7/8 of an inch wide for me since I'm using a whole lot of scrap wood this is really the most important column because when I set up my table saw I'm going to cut 12 segments that has this outer band this wide and I'm going to use enough scraps until I get to my 12 segments if I've had a very exotic wood then I need to be able to have these two added together plus my saw cuts and there's a lot of other calculations that I'll save for another video now I want to point out that this was done very quickly okay I as long as this is close it's going to work it doesn't have to be exact unless you're doing a bowl there with very very precise segments not doing it with this one this is just a very basic entry level type bowl that we're going to turn again here's a scrap pile that I'm going to turn into a segmented Bowl tomorrow so you're not going to want to miss this video I'm gonna get all of these cut make the Rings and glue them together hi everyone thank you for watching my video today if you liked the video please go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below and the little bell next to it so you'll be notified on the different videos that I upload also check out the videos over here to be able to stay up to date on the happenings in my shop so again thank you for watching my videos
Channel: Paw Paw’s WorkShop
Views: 20,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inventables, Easel, how to, create, torched flag, CNC for beginners, DIY, april wilkerson, i like to make stuff, steve ramsey, izzy swan, dude perfect, the king of ramdon, 5 minute craft, build something, socket storage, shop orgnization, inkscape, pen turners, Beginner woodworking, jig saw basics, EDC, cabinet building, laser for CNC, wine rack, millennium Falcon, tiling on the XCarve, Ninja Turtles, shop upgrade blast gates, Electrical circuit, micro and relay switch
Id: ripRjfvehgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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