Introduction to Segmented Woodturning Part 1 of 2

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[Music] [Music] introducing money well um I heard that y'all were having a really good presenter tonight so I was really looking forward to coming over here when I got here I found out it was me so I'm afraid I might go home disappointed I hope you don't um my name is Al or Allan money m o n y um and I'm a wood turner and if that sounds a little bit like maybe what you would hear at a support group for an addiction uh place then I guess I'll have to plead guilty because I've been addicted to woodworking pretty much all my life um now I say that to say this I'm not I'm no expert uh many of you probably know a lot more about wood turning than I'll ever know you may you probably know a lot more about segmented wood turning than I'll than I'll ever know but hopefully we can learn a little bit from each other tonight and I can show you the way I I do it and then maybe we can have some discussion I do have a lot of material to present some of it I'm going to go through really quick because um if I don't we might be here for a good good while so um what is segmented turn how many how many folks are out here have done segmented turning before okay about half of you okay okay basically basically what we're doing is taking strips of wood and we're going to cut um I have to watch my feet over here we're going to cut these trapezoid blocks this is a better one we're going to cut these strips of wood into these trapezoid blocks put on table I'm sorry yeah you'll have to keep reminding me of that I'm I'm sorry and I'll probably move around quite a bit too Mr cameraman okay uh I'm not used to we got a rule that goes along with that that if you you wave it around three times you get to run the camera at the next get my hand SLP you get to run the camera okay um then what we do is with the trapezoid blocks is take those and reglue them into a ring now then we stack the Rings together and we call the Rings layers at that point um and then the assembled stack uh is then glued together and then turned on the lath now why segments well segmenting allows us to use different kinds and types of wood together uh can greatly increase the interest of a turn piece segmenting allows you to develop endless numbers of patterns and designs and you're not limited only the size of wood that's available down at the local local lumber dealer um segmented turning is not new my grandfather was doing segmented turning back in the mid-60s he didn't know that's what he was doing he just knew that he needed a piece of wood a piece of cherry about 2 in thick and 12 in across to make as a base for a floor lamp he knew he couldn't find something something like that down to the the lumber yard so he took the biggest piece he could and then figured out to cut it in pie-shaped wedges and then he developed his clamp a clamp to glue all that and then clamp it together so it's not new been around for a while and I don't know exactly how long I talk a lot to artist groups and artist groups and try to explain to them what turning is and segmented turning in particular but artist groups are uh very concerned with things like proportion balance color contrast texture and as wood Turners we probably ought to be a little bit concerned with those items too because while these aren't really rules they're guidelines and the far the closer we follow some of those guidelines the more appealing our product is going to be to the majority of people uh um proportion golden ratio and we'll talk more about that in a minute or rule of 1/3 just simply has to do with how tall the project is versus how wide it is balance uh when we talk about balance you know we're talking about the foot the foot should be about 1/3 the diameter or 1/3 of the distance of the greatest diameter um and I've got a couple of examples here I didn't turn these two um sharp lines or straight lines well most people find uh straight uh lines not so appealing they'd rather see nice curved gentle sloping curves color um you know we can we can dye wood just about any color into the rainbow and sometimes we use color just to emphasize grain uh that type of thing but artists have their color palette wood Turners have theirs I had a lady come up to me at a show not long ago and said I never realized and we were talking about a piece of purple heart and she said I never realized you could get purple wood she said I I just thought all wood was brown well yeah majority of it is but there are other colors of wood that you can use as well contrast and of course we know there's contrast like in zebra wood between between Summer Wood and spring wood uh contrast in Maple bird's eye uh uh flame Maple that type of thing and then of course contrast in box elder uh contrast in spalted wood texture either applied mechanically or the just texture that occurs naturally in the piece of wood now let's talk a little bit about designing again I'm going to move through this pretty quick uh I like i' like to start with just a piece of graph paper and again I'm going to use my 8 in wide 5 in high because that kind of goes back with my my golden ratio and the next thing I'll do once I get that blocked out on my graph paper and I've got some examples over there if you want to go by later on and take a look then I'll sketch out my side profile I'll go ahead and establish my foot establish my rist uh and then kind of make my nice gentle curves between those again if you if we look at design principles uh the point of greatest diameter should be about 1/3 from the top or one3 up from the bottom mine's not quite that I cheated maybe a little bit again those are not rules they're just guidelines then we have to talk about well how many rings is it going to take how many layers of wood is it going to take to make that 5 in high uh block so I can turn it so I've sort of determined already that most of my Woods 3/4 an inch thick although I'm going to have some pieces that are only 1/8 and another piece my future ring ring number three that's going to be 1 in get to different uh just for design I you know I don't it could all be the same oh I mean there's no there's no rule that says that they have to be different you're doing that because the thin or contrasting colors yes I get okay thank you yes um now the next thing we don't have a laser pointer do you y if I could borrow one for a minute the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to draw uh I'm going to block in the left and the right edges oh thank you I'm going to block in the left and the right edges and what I'm doing here is I'm coming just a little bit beyond the uh uh area of my profile here so you can see in in layer eight I'm coming out about oh eighth of an inch or so beyond uh the profile and then I'm extending and you got to kind of look down here I'm extending about 1/8 an inch beyond the inside of the profile here so I'm going to go ahead and block those in so essentially I've uh I've got a cross-section view now of the segments that it's going to take and next I'm just going to add some dimensions in there that's mostly for me now I've also added a Center Line okay that'll be important in the next slide because what I'm going to do is take a measurement now from that Center Line over here to uh the right side or the outermost side of layer one now let me explain a little bit before I go on layer one two three four and five all have the same uh outside diameter okay they're the same measurement I cheated a little bit and notice that layer two three and four they're not quite as wide as layer one is but it's only about I don't know a 16th of an inch difference so I'm going to cheat just a little bit and say okay this distance right here is the same same as this distance up here it's just going to help me out a little bit if I do that so what I'm doing now is I'm taking this distance from here to here I'm going to use that as a radius then to draw a circle on a different different piece of graph paper now that Circle then will become the outside edge of my bowl I've already predetermined I've already predetermined in my mind that each layer is going to require do I need to put this back down each layer is going to require 12 of those segments okay so what I'm going to do then I'm going to divide this circle into 12 equal parts now back to my drawing here now I'm going to take this measurement which is my inside diameter for layer one and I'm going to come up to it really doesn't matter which one of these segments you use or these pie-shaped wedges that you use because they're all the same I'm just going to pick one right here and strike an arc that has this radius and that then becomes inside diameter for layer one okay Have I Lost anybody completely yet okay inside is measured from the side of what the PL side of the bowl or the pl side of the wood that you're side wood side of wood yeah all right I going to do the same thing for Layer Two and here's where cheating just a little bit helps me because we're only talking about B basically 1/ 16th of an inch difference here so when I come over and and I draw uh this Arc for Layer Two well it's just going to help if they line up a little bit layer three again cheating just a little bit and say okay let's make this the same width as this up here and then set my compass to this distance come over and in this little pie-shaped wedge number three we're going to draw an arc that will represent the inside diameter of this segment and right now they're all the same right now they're all the same all right layer four basically the same thing we come down we drop down to a new pie-shaped wedge here on my drawing and we set the compass again and then we simply draw that Arc now layer five is where it starts changing up a little bit layer five still has the same outside diameter but this time the inside diameter has changed a little bit that's because now we're getting to a point where the bowl is starting to slope inward toward the bottom so now I'm going to take U this distance use that as my radius and strike an arc and this pie-shaped wedge number five okay layer six changes a little bit more now we're dealing with a different outside diameter so I'm going to set my compass at the radius or at this distance and use that as the radius for drawing this Arc in p-shaped wedge number six now on number six I go and get my inside diameter come back and strike this Arc to represent or to show the position of the uh inside diameter of layer six layer seven another change okay but same process here I'm getting my outside diameter and over here I'm going to uh pie shape wedge number seven and I'm drawing that uh outside diameter line or Arc and now I'm going to get the inside diameter measurement come over and strike this Arc to give my inside diameter of layer seven same thing with layer eight okay same thing with layer eight here I'm getting the inside diameter for layer eight and then layer nine layer 9's not going to be a segmented a piece it'll just be one solid piece of wood okay now I can develop a cutting list there are really two measurements that are critical to this whole process one is The Edge length and the other is the board width so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to go back up to pie shaped wedge number one this is where I struck my arcs and I'm going to construct first a line that connects the end point of this Arc and the intersection of this line to the uh end point of this Arc where it intersects with this line okay next I'm going to come up here and I'm going to draw a line that's tangent to the outside of this circle okay now that's going to give me uh two lines on there I'm going to go to number two down here do the exact same thing connecting end points and and drawing the tangent line again layer three and layer four are the same measurement as one and two so I'm just going to go ahead and draw those in so you can see them layer five still has the same outside diameter but the inside has changed a little bit so again I'm doing the same process I just moved in a little bit bit here okay layer six basically the outside diameter is Chang inside diameters changed but the process Remains the Same connecting uh end point to end point and connecting the tangent line all right same thing for layer seven same thing for layer eight and of course layer nine as I've already said was just be a disc one saw a disc now I can go back and actually get some measurements so what I'm going to do is take my ruler and I'm going to measure this distance on layer one okay the distance from this point to this point and it looks like it's 2 and 316 here but actually when I when I move my scale down and actually got it on right on the end point it actually comes out to 2 and8 and now I can start developing a cutting list I know that now that this distance is 2 and 1/8 in all right I know that that piece of wood is 1/4 in thick it's Maple that edge length is 2 and8 now I can go back and get my board width now the board width is the distance from this Edge over to this Edge okay and you have to be careful how you measure if you measure it on the diagonal here you're going to get a false reading okay so you got to measure it on a right angle going across here so that's what I'm doing here I'm getting uh my width my board width for segment one looks like it's about 3/4 of an inch so then I'm going to go back to my cutting list and enter in my board width 3/4 of an inch now like I said 1 2 three and four are all the same so I don't have to make any other measurements on those I know what they're going to be simply by measuring the first one but I'm going to go to layer five now because that's where it changes up a little bit and you notice on layer five now my uh board width has changed it was 3/4 for the other now it's uh about 1516 layer six is where the edge length changes and also the board width changes so I get those measurements and then I record those in my cut list as well so I'm ready I can take this to the table saw now and be begin cutting I lose anybody yet question how critical is it that is know exact could be a little bit wide turn off it it wouldn't hurt if it were a little bit wide where it's going to hurt the most is if it's too narrow if it's supposed to yeah if it's supposed to be one inch wide and you make it 3/4 then there's a chance that on the inside when you start turning you're going to see those joints because they're not going to smooth out all the way I guess that's the Reon you want to cut okay let's move right on through this because that again is just measuring these and uh and finish just finished filling out 789 on my cutting list and I've got my strip I figured out my strip link just with a calculator figured out oh you know to cut uh say number eight if the board width is two The Edge length is 1 and A2 that means I'm going to cut 12 pieces 1 and 1/2 in so my piece of wood's going to have to be at least 18 in Long uh 2 in wide uh but I also have to consider that my saw Blade's going to eat up some wood so I have to add my curf in there there and I like to add a couple inches just for safety margin so that's why the strip length over here is there all right now I've kind of told you a little bit about how I go about the initial stages of getting everything designed but there are other ways okay uh and there are computer programs that can help you out with that a lot of people like to use a program called segmented project planner uh there are a couple others I think wood wood turner Pro is one uh some people use SketchUp you can even use AutoCAD to do this um whether or not that's easier than what I've gone through so far I I don't I don't know to some degree it probably is uh I'm going to try to show you just a a few things with uh segmented project segmented project planner will give you um kind of an area to draw in and it will allow you to uh develop a bowl in several different ways uh one method is just the quick and dirty method which says okay I'm going to have 12 sides each side's going to be 3/4 of an inch my outside diameter is eight my wall thickness is going to be 38 and boom and now it's added that it's created that layer for us okay and not only does it create the layer but it also gives us over here the edge length the board width or board length and the board width all right now it also added a second layer and let me do this project outline there we go it gave me a second layer that's identical to the first so let's do that again and now we have three layers and let's do one more now we have four layers but basically what we've got is a can Okay it has no shape to it what we can do now is go to uh you layer tuner and now we can start adjusting on this a little bit and uh excuse me excuse me but I'm going to have to put on my glasses because I can't see this and I really can't see it without my with my glasses either because it creates so much glare but I can use um I can use these layer tuners and say okay this one uh yep that one wall thickness 38 38 and whoops wrong one I meant that to be layer one okay let's go back and try that again 3/4 all right all right Layer Two let's make Layer Two um let's reduce that down to say seven and a half all right and we're going to leave the uh wall thickness at 38 and then we're going going to go to layer three and we're going to change that to oh let's see let's change that to six and a half and let's change this to 38 and now let's go to layer four and we'll kind of close it up a little bit let's make layer four um let's make that about let's make that layer about 5 in all right so now it's starting to take shape like a bowl although we have some pinch points here at Layer Two so we're going to have to make some adjustments there maybe adjust the wall thickness a little bit and probably layer three adjust the wall thickness there a little bit and so forth and so on so you can play with these sliders a little bit here and get and it's running a little bit slow should be a little bit more Dynamic than it is I probably should have restarted it before I came here but anyway that kind of gives you an idea of how you can use segmented project planner to Simply create and then when I do okay and close this then of course over here in this View then it brings that design over here and then it populates all my Fields here with my Edge length board length board width and so forth is that a free program no no it's about a I don't know rob you bought it currently it's Library yeah I think if you get the whole package it's a little over $100 Soft C yeah okay now something else that you can also do with it um is they have a feature called sketchable in sketch you could start with a design and the nice thing about sketch is you can choose different designs you can choose hyp hyperbolic uh this design or this design okay which basically just gives a basic outline kind of a Rough Guide for you to go by now I'm going to do one that I've already created gwa half circle now I'm gonna change my outer diameter to eight I'm going to change my height to five it has 12 sides so generate project okay and give it a name and save it and now I can close this now when I come up to file and open open that project okay documents it's somewhere by modif all right so it populates the fields and it creates the shape based on the fact that uh that I told it what my diameter was going to be and the basic shape outside shape that I wanted to use one thing I don't like about this is that it gives your false reading right off the bat on the board width okay we know that these boards have to be more than one qu of an inch so then you have to go up to calculate Auto bow tell it we want to use a 3/8 inch wall thickness and then calculate and now it recalculates it and puts in the correct Edge length and uh board width and you can go back to layer tuner now and tune fine tune some of these but you could take it take this straight to the saw and cut out pieces like this and have a workable Bowl all right so much for SE segmented project planner there are some other nice features about it it really helps out a lot if you're trying to design uh well if you're trying to do uh U mosaics feature rings has some nice features to to help you with that I know on some of your work there that you have pieces in between segments does that program accommodate for that yes it does it's like segmented project planner does all right now whichever way I decide to go as far as creating uh or as far as getting the measurements for my materials now it's time to actually go down to the shop and start ripping out pieces of wood um now I like to go ahead I like to go ahead and label mine so that I'll know that this board is cut to the right width for um layer eight and so forth and so on the next thing I'm going to do is go ahead and take these strips then to my table saw and start cutting uh the segments now do you want to follow me over to the saw we're not I'm not actually going to uh I'm not going to turn on the salt and saw stuff cuz one my slid doesn't fit this salt at home I use a Bosch 4100 series saw I use a Bosch 4100 series saw and of course this has different guides miter guide slots than this saw stop does that's okay because I'm basically just going to show you what I use again this is a little rough um my cutting sleds I don't make for appearance I don't really care what they look like they just have to function well and this one does pretty well basically what I have here um are just a way of holding of a setting up a stop and holding it in place and then I have a method for holding my segments down while they're being cut and then this one over here generally the piece of wood that I'm cutting would go right here I can take this off which I should do now uh I would go ahead and trim one edge of my piece of wood so it's not a just a straight 90° cut anymore and go ahead and cut my angle on there and now I'm ready to start sliding it up to hit my stop engage my hold down and then I can feed it into the blade so that's going to cut off my first segment I'll flip it over and then repeat the process to cut my second segment and so forth and so on until I have all 12 segments cut out okay where do you get your angle for the first one yeah how do you get the angle you said you cut it off get it not Square so how do you know how do you get your 60° angle or whatever it is I mean I don't know what it I I didn't see that on any of the things there wasn't any angles 12 oh okay well okay all right wasn't thinking about well let's talk about angles for a second since I'm going to be using 12 segments I got then each side of the segment has to be cut on a 15° angle okay okay uh so basically what I've done is I've set this for 15° okay um I can use any number of segments really uh I could use 10 uh I've used 16 I've used 24 uh I think I even used 36 one time once that was enough so do you have a sled for each angle or adj actually this one will do about four or five different angles but I have to kind of disassemble it and then move some stuff and then put it all back together again just keep in mind whatever whatever you do your angles still have to add up to 360 so if you did 10 sides then uh you'd have to have an 18° angle on one side 18 degrees on the other put them together you got 36 degrees 10 pieces 360 and yeah well just I was lost for a second okay let me move back over this [Music] one [Music] a
Channel: Gwinnett Woodworkers
Views: 74,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gwinnett woodworkers association, gwinnett woodworkers, gwa, woodworking, woodworking clubs, woodworking projects, woodworking classes, woodturning, wood turning, segmented woodturning
Id: F28xhgclHdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2016
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