SEER ... For Noobs

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He got that seer drip sheesh 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/panthepan 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

$70 hat? For 30 seconds of screen time, really Macro?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/A_Purple_Platypus 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
when sear came out i saw his fit and i thought maybe i could pull that off i wonder if i'd look as good as him yeah i don't think people want to see that i'm glad i didn't spend 70 on a hat that would have been so dumb [Music] seer is the newest legend to join the apex games and the second hottest the hottest of course being kostik seer's real name is obi edelasiem before he was born it was foretold that seer would bring pain and suffering to the world and those predictions seemed pretty accurate because when he was born a meteor struck his planet's moon which was kind of a bad omen and he was also born with bright blue eyes so people were convinced that he was a cursed child his parents however didn't think so and instead they fully supported him when he got older he wanted to join the arenas since there he could be openly himself the crowds loved him and he became so popular especially amongst the people who were outcasts or forgotten or downtrodden they saw themselves in seer now he's in the apex games where everybody who's anybody knows exactly who he is even marvin's there's even one that'll take your autograph if you wait long enough in the lobby it's so cute with every new season comes new changes to the maps and the weapons refinery and sorting factory are now gone and are replaced by gondolas for you and the boys to hold hands in i'm scared hold my hand oh i fell good luck why would you do this to me oh my god you were supposed to hold my hand the whole way there's also lava everywhere which i don't know if it's a good thing it's over anakin i have the high ground you underestimate my power the alternator has disruptors again [Applause] but it's in the care package the spitfire is in the care package as well and now the prowler is back on the floor and uh yeah it might need nerfs and lastly there's a new lmg the rampage which is like if a g7 scout and a spitfire had a little baby that only eats thermites for breakfast it's incredible especially when revved up i'm putting a rampage on this i'm a restaurant baby holy crap i think my god is so good arenas also has rank now so you can be stuck in gold there too and mirage still isn't good hashtag paparazz check out the merch anyway back to seer many will make comparisons between seer and little na's ex or this dude on tiktok or me and i get it but he's got a lot more to him than his looks so let's learn how to play him shall we sears tactical is focus of attention he emits a 75-meter blast that goes through walls and scans enemies while also stopping them from healing or reviving and it also shows their health bars this is like a mini bloodhound scan that also does damage and also kind of stuns so it might be better it's best to use when an enemy is trying to run away to heal and it's honestly so strong to use when the enemy team tries to revive like borderline broken are they're wrestling where they're rising i got this stop the rest let's go trust me when it happens to you you just want to throw a tantrum it's so frustrating the scan is narrow so you won't be hitting full squads all the time like bloodhound but the fact that it does so many other things besides scanning more than makes up for its size which is still pretty big sears passive is heartseeker when aiming down sights it displays a blue circle around the crosshairs which turns a yellowish orange when an enemy heartbeat is detected within 75 meters even pathfinder because we all know that my boy pathfinder has a heart deep down but that doesn't really explain revenant this is a great way to track down enemies and once you track them down you can use your tactical fun fact the sound of the enemy's heartbeats get faster the lower their health is and also get louder as you get closer to them it won't be that noticeable because you know the audio is all over the place but it's there [Music] so it's like call of duty's heartbeat sensor except there's no cold-blooded perk to stop you from using it you don't even have to hold a gun to use it you can just stick your hands out and then feel it although i wish you could toggle it on and off as it can be a bit too much visually when aiming at enemies but that's just me though and since sears a recon character he can also scan beacons which is great but just give pathfinder a real passive please everybody can do this now and before you say but macro he gets his ultimate when he does the scan that's not a real passive that's like nothing give the poor boy his own passive seer's ultimate is exhibit seer creates a sphere of microdrones that reveal the locations of enemies moving quickly or firing their weapons in it for 30 seconds or until the enemy destroys it this ultimate is so strong you literally see everything even footsteps yeah where are your footsteps bloodhound get out of here this ultimate can be thrown decently far and can be used offensively to win a team fight or defensively to make sure nobody is approaching with a bunch of sears running around like crazy with multiple tacticals and ultimates soon the game will be impossible to see isn't that great as the sexiest man alive i understand cyr on every level so you know i'm the best here period so listen to these pro tips number one seer pairs really well with bangalore smokes and caustic gas even better than bloodhound since his ultimate is constantly scanning even better than bloodhounds since his ultimate is constantly scanning even better than bloodhounds even better than bloodhounds it's a wobble combo that i think may bring bangalore and claustic into the meta yes yes yes oh i can see him right through the smoke that's so unfair i actually killed all of them it's so busted right michael that's crazy but even if you don't run them you can counter enemy bangalores and caustics as well it is insanely stupid give it a try they just got a wrestler here wait wait what kill them kill these guys over here number two siri's tactical takes a couple seconds to fully come out so if you are trying to catch a moving enemy with it you have to aim where they will be to hit them essentially leading the shot once you get that down you'll be able to even 360 no scope it is that a thing people still do no number three while running and slide hopping around you can aim down your sights mid-jump to check for nearby enemies it's a simple way to get free intel while still moving normally even if you feel we're doing it it's just such an unnatural feeling but look enemies number four sears ultimate is movement based so if you crouch and wait to shoot you may be able to be a sneaky boy versus enemy sears it works better if the enemies are bots though that guy was playing on two two cents yeah so he did not turn around at all he went like this he said cyr is a really awesome legend who might be a bit overpowered but overall he is another welcome addition to apex but how is he for noobs for noobs i would say that most of his kit is pretty straightforward you got to be a little bit accurate with this tactical but other than that i would say sir is pretty easy for noobs most of you won't have a hard time picking him up but what do you think do you think sears easy to play or hard to play do you think he's overpowered and needs nerves or do you think he's fine where he is he's definitely not underpowered so don't even try to comment that but let me know in the comments down below okay guys i gotta go dry off my clothes because i got pretty wet from the pool earlier so uh i'll catch you later yeah let's go finish that video without a single seer pun that was seriously hard in space you can't hear the lies here in space i'm the one who dies [Music] you
Channel: Macro
Views: 1,576,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seer For Noobs, Seer guide, seer beginners guide, seer noob guide, how to seer, season 10 apex, season 10, apex legends, new legend, new season, new weapon, apex legends guide, apex legends for noobs, patch notes, ranked arenas, rampage, prowler, seer lore, apex legends lore, apex for noobs, how to apex legends, pro tips, funny moments, multiplayer, battle royale, seer abilities, seer ultimate, seer tactical, how to play seer, scan, ultimate, tactical, new map, battle pass
Id: krdxZ0PtWiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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