The Heart of an Intercessor | Jennifer Eivaz

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[Music] teach on prayer tonight but then I'm gonna I want to speak to you about some things that the Lord has really put into my heart and and so I I want to warn you ahead of time again because we are fasting my filter is really broken so I will say things okay and so I just apologize in advance if you're religious at all I am really sorry you know just you know anyway I'm not very religious anyway but you know it's I usually try to to curtail some things but I just don't have it I'm just letting you know okay but I just want to teach into prayer and then I have some things that the Lord is really put on my heart that I want to bring to you and I think this is the crowd for it I think this is the perfect crowd to hear those things and so first of all we want we want to remember that time spent in prayer is not wasted time it is invested time prayer is our priority jesus prayed and he was amazingly powerful in the Holy Spirit he was so powerful that the disciples they made the equation they made the jump they said when when he moves out in power it's in direct connection to his prayer life and so what did they ask him they said Jesus teach us how to pray okay they asked him to teach us how to pray because they made that connection that the ministry effectiveness that was coming out of him was in correlation with his prayer life they wanted to be effective how many of you want to be effective okay it's not a selfish thing to want to be effective it's not it's not a selfish thing to want it to want to impress into kingdom things and and when you pray for somebody actually see them delivered actually see them set free I don't know about you I get frustrated when I pray for somebody and I'm believing for a miracle they don't get it and if the connection here is in the prayer realm we may not quite understand all of it but there is that correlation there is that connection my husband shared just the other Sunday you know about this kind comes out by prayer and fasting okay so we're adding fasting to our prayers which means that there is an anointing that begins to come upon us because we have arrested our flesh in pursuit of the presence of God and so our flesh is subdued in favor of the anointing the presence of God and so there is a deliverance that comes upon your life this kind comes out by prayer and fasting and so the foundation prayer is communication it's the dialogue between you and God I'm not looking to pray so it can be more powerful I'm looking to pray because I want to talk to the one who distributes the power and it's a dialogue between you and God you actually speak to God he speaks back to you don't ever think for a moment that you're communicating and you're just communicating to the air now he may not speak to you back in your own native language because he's creative in his communication patterns but he does speak back to you pay attention he's his voice is probably all around you maybe we haven't caught it yet read my book seen the supernatural help you help you tune in okay and so he speaks back to you and you learn how to identify his voice even when he whispers and you learn how to respond to it okay Genesis 426 it says men begin to call in the name of the Lord you know when you know Adam and Eve fell you know and really they just entered that time of darkness still there was this this instinct this urge to call upon the name of the Lord and we see it erupted in Genesis chapter 4 and I want you to know something he loves to hear your voice oh he loves it III need you to understand he loves to hear your voice he loves the sound of it he loves to cry even if your prayer is is weak even if it's it's not articulate even if it's not very you know fancy or eloquent he loves to hear your voice Hebrews 4:16 says let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need and we know that verse is about prayer but specifically that we can be bold about it you could be bold in the presence of God you know one of the one of my favorite chapters is Romans chapter 8 and the reason I like it because it says there is no there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus and I read different versions of it I've been reading the Passion version lately somebody Bill Johnson gave gave some of us the full version you know leather-bound passion version so I was like Romans chapter 8 let's look at that and it actually articulates that condemnation doesn't exist for you if you're in Christ Jesus that that there is none it doesn't exist that's a whole new playing field that doesn't that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want it's in Christ okay you're in Christ but it doesn't exists for you the lot of times were not bold in prayer because we're ashamed or working damned and in Romans 8 you know whatever version Rita says there is no condemnation you know who can accuse you nobody who can condemn you nobody because you're in Christ there is none it doesn't exist for you I know you're all staring at me I know that stare we call that the turlock stare even though some of you from out of Turlock okay that's what I'm learning I'm taking this in okay it doesn't exist for you so we can be bold in the presence of the Lord so I just screwed up that's what the blood of Jesus is for alright now if you're in relationship with Jesus I'm going way off here if your relationship with Jesus you know love and obedience are connected it says if you love me you'll obey me okay but when you falter to get back in relationship we repent and then we invite the Holy Spirit to begin to work his righteousness in him you are legally righteous but there's also the work of righteousness happening inside of you how many know not to be true okay so regardless of what you're struggling with you can still be bold because condemnation doesn't exist for you doesn't that change the playing field of what I am going to ask the Lord for he does exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think a lot of times we kind of read that a very surface level not realizing that is a huge understatement I can be bold I can really ask and so the verse is about prayer it talks about having bold prayers he loves to dialogue with you you can he loves bold prayers you can boldly talk with God and he will show you mercy and grace and he will help you the Holy Spirit is our helper the Holy Spirit is our advocate okay he's rooting for you this is why condemnation doesn't exist for you because he forever lives to intercede for you why would he condemn you if he's praying for you King Hezekiah he learned to pray boldly second Kings chapter 20 the prophet Isaiah came to him and he said set your affairs in order you're going to die how would you like it if a prophet a very reputable prophet came to you and said it's over you're done pack it up but King Hezekiah knew the Lord and he turned his face to God and he prayed a bold priority said give me more life and that same prophet turned around and came back to him and said okay he got 15 more years learn to pray bold prayers the the when God says no and I'm not talking about things that are clear in his written word okay obviously we don't go outside of that but when God says no to you sometimes it's not a no sometimes it's an invitation Abraham the Lord went to him he was planning on taking out Sodom and Gomorrah why is that and a lot of people struggle with that how could God kill a city destroy a city and we forget what that when there are wicked people that there are victims and if you read it in the message version it says that the cries of the victims were deafening imagine a city where the cries of the victims were so outstanding that haven't heard it and God had to act he says enough of that yet he still went to Abraham and said I'm going to take out the city what do you think and Abraham like any good middle Easterner I live with one my son has adopted some of those practices and so like any good middle Easterner he begins to negotiate imagine the boldness of Abraham to negotiate with God Gus is I'm going to take it out neighbor said Abraham says wait a minute wait can we discuss this you see what I'm saying because he knew God doesn't want to destroy plus he had he had an interest he had some relatives in there and he begin to negotiate negotiate down negotiate it down if we can find you know 20 righteous 10 righteous and Abraham wrote the criteria with the Lord he he wrote with him he partnered with him the terms to see that city-state unfortunately with their worked in righteous there weren't and the city was still destroyed imagine that but that God will negotiate with you okay that no is probably more of an invitation bold prayers be bold with God okay many of us we don't engage in intercession because you don't understand our tremendous spiritual authority on the earth because of the name of Jesus okay intercession is when you advocate in favor for another I want to emphasize in favor for another if you're a person who likes to pray destruction on Nations there's the door the reason is that is not your role that is not your job okay he looks for an intercessor to stand in the gap so that he doesn't destroy that's what he's looking for you said well cause and effect well what about you you ever had a bad season how would you like it if people prayed for you to be paid back the way that you were acting and yet we want to do that with nations some people want to destroy their own nation are you a fool I have no filter we're gonna take down the USA the reason is you don't like our president and so you're gonna you're gonna pray down the USA judge the USA you live here fool all right I really have no filter this is just this is gonna be fun okay come on Holy Ghost all right I'll blame it on him no no you know I I learned my spiritual authority in the name of Jesus just my own experience I had I was delivered from a spirit of sorcery my first year of Christianity I know that's a trip for some people because how can you how can you need to be delivered from anything if you're saved and filled with the Holy Ghost well I had covenants with occultism and a cultic stuff and from the past and I didn't know I had to break break it off with that stuff I had to repent of it I had to renounce it I had to cast the spirit you know out of my life in attachment to it and if I had known that early on I probably would have had a different story but I didn't know that and so a year into my Christianity you know I ended up having it delivered from a spirit of sorcery and what was crazy is that these ladies that I'm praying with the spiritual warfare ladies you pray all the time they couldn't deliver me okay and I mean and so I had to learn my spiritual authority in the name of Jesus took a few months but you know in the name of Jesus I got delivered and so I learned the name of Jesus I learned the power of the name of Jesus I learned that I could pray and stand for myself and I could pray and stand for you in the name of Jesus not only can I stand for you I can stand for my city I can stand for my nation in the name of Jesus because I pray both prayers he loves my voice he likes my voice he listens to me and he listens to you Matthew 6:9 and tense is in this manner therefore pray our Father in heaven Hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven this is such a powerful part of the Lord's Prayer again he's teaching his disciples how to pray you know this is really actually teaching points not not something to just recite although it's beautiful to recycle head and recite it you know but it's really teaching points and basically what we learn here is we're learning he's saying that you pray for God's kingdom to come God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven and and here's what I want to leave with you is that if you don't pray his will to be done it's not done you don't realize how much authority God has given to you and this is where we have to really we have to really comprehend what what who we are in God that we are kings and we are priests unto God Most High and that that is not a sit on your Duff matter that is not a let the other intercessor take care of it matter we are all intercessors okay now granted some of you might be more articulate than the other person some of you might you know being able you know maybe you have more grace to pray than the other person regardless we are all intercessors his will is not done unless his church praise it in and so God gave mankind full authority over the earth back in Genesis when he when he created man and woman in his image okay men men and women were not intended to function autonomously but rather in partnership with God as they lived out their assignment you know and I think this really explains to some one 15/16 says the highest heavens belong to the Lord but the earth he has given to mankind he's given to us a stewardship he's given to us the earth he gave it to us in the beginning and where things went wrong is when Adam and Eve sinned against God and gave their keys to Satan and that was never reinstated back until Jesus died on the cross for you and me and then he got the keys back and gave him back to a student in his name and so now that authority that stewardship on the earth and this is where you you have to really begin to absorb who you are in God it's not it's not elitist it's not some sort of puffed up arrogant mentality it's simply identifying with your maker as being made in His image and that you have those keys his keys are very much outlined in his written word you know they're his promises when he makes a promise about something or when he says I am something to you then we can actually in the name of Jesus actually begin to declare that over our situation okay that means we're saying what we have or we can decree it over our situation we're saying what what will be and the decree is like the knife it's the knife that cuts away what Satan purpose against you okay that's a whole nother teaching and so so we we're learning that we have authority on earth in the name of Jesus that we are to pray for his kingdom to come as well to be done and that now that you are believer in Jesus you have entered into a war you have entered into a power shift Satan he lost his his um you know he lost his authority but he didn't lose his power and that's why you deal with demonic resistance actually demonic beings that got you know they they have power and that's why you see them do the types of things they do because they actually still have power until an authorized one comes and says no until an authorized one comes and begins to establish the will and the of God in that situation or in that territory or in that family and so with that said I want you to understand that God loves our intercession he loves it he loves to partner with us he loves it to tell you what he wants to have happen before it actually takes place like the the the Berlin Wall the intercessors were all over that before it ever went down they're all over it prompt a sign people going to the wall prophesy on the wall down you know that kind of thing what what is God saying about North Korea what is he saying what are the intercepts are saying okay that's the next big hot one that's one the next big hot one okay it's on God's timetable is on God's agenda there's something gonna happen all right and you know some are saying is they're gonna unite some are saying other things we just know it there's something happening the intercessors are really beginning to look to it and they're beginning to get the mind of God for that and begin to beginning to pray into that okay because the gospel needs to be preached in that nation and so so there's a partnership happening between heaven and earth for that nation for salvation for the kingdom of God one way or the other and so God loves her intercession Jesus interceded for us meaning advocated in our favor and it says in the Bible that Jesus forever lives to make intercession on our behalf and so now you and I we partner with the Holy Spirit and we continue Christ's intercession on the earth as we intercede for each other as we intercede for our churches as we intercede our neighborhoods and cities for our nation our president intercession is powerful your intercession is powerful it changes lives it changes the course of history people rise or fall nations rise or fall on your intercession you know when I was in college and I was still living with my parents I was driving home late one night and I felt the urge to pray for an young relative how many bevor just had a sudden urge to pray for somebody just out of the blue you know it's like this urge this urgency that you had and I had that and I begin to pray in my prayer language being a praying Hung's you pray my prayer language with like a militancy and it was like the Holy Spirit really took the lead as I made this firm command out loud I didn't know why and I said and then you know get your hands off her that's what I said and I just like shouted into the air I'm like in the name of Jesus I bid you Satan from harming her I don't know a thing I don't know anything that's going on just all sit in the Holy Spirit came upon me moved upon me to move for this to pray for this relative now a week later this young relative and her friend they were dropped off at the skating rink by her friend's father and they were about 13 years old this is in Modesto you didn't have that skating rink still that place no is it gone it's finally got rid of it huh okay well back in the day and so okay so always interesting is the father of the friend not a Christian went all the way home and then changed his mind and you say he's gonna go check on these girls right so he goes the skating rink and they're not there they're not there and you know back then we didn't have like cell phones or GPS tracker you know we'd have any electronic footprints and so he just waited and then he watched them be dropped off by some young men above age will say it was a above age but young young to me I saw them dropped off you know down the street from the from the skating rink and so basically they were busted they were busted now we don't exactly know what was going down or what was going to down I just know that I got an urgency to pray and the answer showed up a week later amen James 5:16 the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much and the thing about effective prayer is effective prayer begins at the heart level begins at the heart level okay the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much and I like that word fervent because if you don't feel it if you don't feel it you know st. prayer there's something that I feel prayer prayer or something I feel I mean I I don't have to be loud but it's something that there's there's a fervency that I feel there's a fire that I feel when I pray the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much and it does begin at the heart because with the heart one believes you know you have to have faith for what you pray for you know we're praying for things that that are already God's nature's lord if it be if if it is your will for this person to be healed it is as well it is as well but your will for this person to be saved it is as well you know and so so we want we pray faithful prayers but we pray prayers you know that because we know who he is we know what his promises are and there's a confidence in that when we pray there's there's an effectiveness there's there's a fervency out of that and so it begins out at the heart level astiz a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks and then it says in proverbs poor keep your heart with all diligence for out of it Springs the issues of life you know and so so effective prayer really begins at the heart level you know and I'm gonna I'm gonna push into this a little bit tonight you know and bring out some things to you but but prayer because it's at a heart level and if there can be things that can actually break our faith at the heart level and if things are breaking our faith at the heart level we can't pray in faith you know because we pray when we pray we have to believe that we receive and then we shall have and so if there are things that are breaking us down at the heart level breaking us down at the faith level then we don't receive we don't receive and prayer is hindered by our breaks and our relationships husbands and wives first Peter three sevens husband's likewise dwell with them with understanding giving honor to the wife as to the weaker vessel and as being heirs together the grace of life that your prayers may not be hindered you know and then unforgiveness if you do don't forgive men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses how many of you ladies ever been so mad at him for ever but you in your head you're justified and he did it again and you're an unforgiveness use it but but I get it I understand go to counseling you know so you can discuss why they leave the chonies on the floor all the time my husband doesn't do that no I know things can get serious I know things can get serious but but if it's putting you in a state of unforgiveness let's do something about it okay you are the keeper of your own heart you're the keeper of your own heart and you say well what about him no you are the keeper of your own heart okay so you have to go put that pain somewhere you know that's why I recommend you know go to a counselor or go to go to your small group or whatever and begin begin to dialogue through that sometimes we find out we're idiots and now we have perspectives that are just crazy you know I remember this is years ago this one lady and you know she had she had a I thought she had a good husband she just she just sitting back there complaining complaining when I this is thought that came to me but I didn't say I was so good I said I kept thinking I think there's so many other women who would really want that guy that's what I was really think I'm like what are you complaining for you know I'm thinking you know if you guys bust up I think there's 10 or 20 out there be waiting so no filter I'm sorry you know but sometimes you know sometimes there are real issues and sometimes we're idiots and sometimes we have to go go process that with it with a healthy you know pastoral counselor or something somebody help us to see where we need to either make some adjustments or improve or you know bring some confrontation you know with with the healthy confrontation and those kind of things I don't know why I need to bring that up today all right and so prayer you know what hinders prayer is what we have to really watch what's at the heart level Jesus forever lives to intercede for us I already talked about this Ezekiel 22:30 so I sought for a man among them who would make a wall and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land that I should not destroy it but I found no one and so he lives to intercede for us and so we partner with him and we to begin to intercede for those that are difficult for to intercede for for example when someone does something scandalous who stands in the gap on their behalf when someone does something evil who stands in the gap on their behalf when someone does something greedy who stands in the gap on their behalf I know we'd rather just call her a ho and just not pray right because she's a ho then I don't have to pray for her yeah because happy you ladies were hoes - so anyway I mean I'm you know I'm just leaving the men alone because you guys are so nice but we get so catty and we make excuses for why we should not pray for them and we wash our hands okay not knowing we just sunk them in hell and nobody you know with nobody to cover them a lot of times you get provoked into prayer I think the Lord sets you up to pray I had a neighbor that played the rap music so loud I couldn't handle it nasty rap music coming through my windows shaking my windows jeez and I stood in my closet and I prayed for their salvation for all their their electronics to fry I was so provoked okay and they gave their life to Christ [Applause] you know but we can leave it at you know you know you know at judgement and I'm not going to pray for them and just get nasty with them and be ugly and and you know and say we're Christians you know and and not pray for them not realizing we have so much authority I really believe the Lord sets you up many times to provoke you into prayer because the person that needs our prayers the most is the one we don't like you see Jonah he was sent to warn the Ninevites of God's impending judgment do you think God really wanted to judge them I don't think he did I think it was like the last-ditch effort that's what I think I think it was the last ditch effort cuz it says in the Bible that he doesn't want anyone to perish and so he sends Jonah to do it and Jonah won't do it and then we see that Jonah doesn't want to do it because he he thinks they deserve it you know and you know the whole thing got swallowed up by the whale you know I would love to have a modern-day story like that you know we're gonna be cool I don't know anybody's give me swallowed by Wells these days but or they if they do we never see him again but he didn't have that he didn't have the same heart as God did for them and then we see the disciples you know fast forward the disciples yeah you know what happened with them it's kind of like in the same vein of Jonah they went to preach to the Samaritans Samaritans rejected them and they asked the Lord to call fire down on them and what does Jesus do he rebukes them he says you don't know what spirit you are and we look at these stories and we say yeah you know we you know you know that was so good of Jesus to clarify that to them as we are so ticked off at our ex and we're praying that they die and we have all these justifications and we actually pray against these people and we think we're righteous you know cuz they stole from you or they they hurt you they harmed you they hit they hurt your reputation whatever it is and we think we're in the right when I believe you're being provoked and so we learn to play hard things this is a mature Church the mature Church can pray for hard things I pray for my enemies I pray for people who have offended me slighted me harmed me I pray for people that are arrogant and prideful at my expense I pray for the spiritual hypocrites okay for all of you who hate Church now I pray for the spiritual hypocrites I pray for the politicians that I don't like I pray for the people who have hurt my friends and family I pray for people who've damaged my reputation I commit myself to get the heart of God for each and every person that is hard to pray for how y'all doing okay okay I refuse to be the offended intercessor you see the hardest thing to pray for is your enemy the one who did it on purpose the next hardest thing is to pray for a person in authority special especially spiritual authority that has harmed you slighted you offended you and abuse you mercy triumphs over judgment mercy first begins in the court of prayer and I do and I'm gonna say it one more time I believe that he has provoked you and now he's put you in situations people who are so ugly that the only way out is to pray your way out you see justice is a divine turnaround and it happens in prayer and the best just justice is to see your enemies saved and we have the power to bless into curse and the one approved by God is the one who chooses to bless to intercede to intervene in the court of prayer you know it's interesting story I still don't quite understand it was Abraham Abraham in the Bible there's a time that he got drunk and he I guess he got naked in the tent that's what it seems like to me that's how I read it okay and apparently his kids they saw it and and there's some that made fun of him and others covered him and the ones that covered him in the in the end got blessed the ones that didn't got cursed isn't that amazing and Abraham was a drunk naked man in the tent you said well that's not right I'm just telling you what the Bible says and so what I want to bring this into is I want to talk to you I really want to talk to you about your next level I want to talk to this church about the next hill but I want to talk to you I see a lot of different faces from you look like you're from around the valley you have a look you know that don't you okay and that's good because you're the ones I want to talk to you tonight I felt like you that was the the crowd I really want to speak to and um you have to believe you have a next level we're in this corporate fast or seeking all these spirit I love him we're seeking Holy Spirit and we're seeking his presence and there's things that that are in our hearts from the Lord they're in your heart so the dreams from God the real and the bigger than you are right now and it's maybe you're frustrated because you know you're like I don't know how to get there but God knows you know he makes roads through rivers I mean he sees pathways that that we don't see and he clears things for for us close things out for us so we can get there but you you have to believe that you you do have a next level because we are going from glory to glory and so you should always be transforming that means your your in step with the spirit that means you're being transformed by this trick because you're constantly moving there's there's a movement about you there's a reshaping a transformation there's there's that that element happening to you and and so there is a next level for you there's the next level for this church and one of the things the Lord has been speaking to me sir speak me about this last year is that you know this year is really a year to discern deliver restore and recover and of course the foundation for all of that is prayer but you say restore recover that's your next level friends restore and recover what was lost a lot of times we're still in the place of loss and getting a restoration getting any recovery that is our next level and John 11 verses 32 to 42 is really focusing on this it says then when Mary came where Jesus was and saw him she fell down at his feet saying to him Lord if you had been here my brother would not have died therefore when Jesus saw her weeping and the Jews who came with her weeping he groaned in the spirit was troubled and he said where have you laid him they said to him Lord come and see Jesus wept then the Jews said see how you see how he loved him and some of them said could not this man who opened the eyes of the blind also have kept this man from dying then Jesus again groaning in himself came to the tomb it was a cave and a stone lay against it Jesus had take away the stone Martha the sister of him who was dead said to him Lord by this time there is a stench for he's been dead for days ever see stench jesus said to her did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God and then they took away the stone from the place where the dead man was lying and Jesus lifted up his eyes and said father I thank you that you have heard me and I know that you always hear me but because of the people who are standing by I said this that they may believe that you sent me now when he had said this he cried with a loud voice Lazarus come forth and he who had died came out bound hand and foot with grape clothes and his face was wrapped with cloth and Jesus said to him said to them loose him and let him go okay and so I want to bring this out to you you know we're in this time of fasting and prayer and we're revisiting the principles of prayers I have all authority in Jesus name he does exceedingly abundantly above all I can ask I think there is a reward to fasting he loves bolt prayer was just revisiting these principles you know it to lead into that I want you to understand you have a next level and it has it's something it's really I believe right now that it's really encapsulated in a restoration and a recovery in your life now how many of you would be dead if Jesus had not come into your life that's right I see this this total I see this every time like 80% of the room like I'd be totally dead fried you know in hell if Jesus had not come into my life you know anything is you know like Lazarus you are so dead you smelled and then he called you name right he called you called your name and you came out came out of that tomb and you came out of the tomb but here's what I wanted I want to address you came out of the tomb but you but but many of you were never quite loosed from your grave clothes it's kind of like there's this gap and and I want to talk to you about those grave clothes just as I close out tonight and Psalm 19 12 says who can understand his errors cleanse me from secret faults that's a good concept of grave clothes you know there are mentalities and behaviors that we all have that we're blind to I grew up in Modesto how many Modesto people that's right straight out of Modesto you know and and it's kind of something all across the valley but it's like there's a mentality that's what I looked at all of you I'm like oh they're all from the valley you know cuz I could see it I could see out in the way you look but you look the way you hold your head the way you stare at me you know the way you get uncomfortable to certain points when I say it you know where you laugh when I say ho all right growing up in Modesto and be stirred up you know I didn't grow tote I didn't grow up like totally on Southside but I was like more like South Central you know just just far enough you know just to see it just see it across the street you know learn a few things no um now I learn certain skills and I learned certain behaviors because of where I grew up you know and it's it's like this oh okay example when I was in high school I wasn't saying I was in high school I found out these girls were gonna jump me this gang and girls are gonna jump me so that's that's what the word was and so again I learned survival skills in Modesto right and so I got them all I found them all by themselves and I let them know what was gonna happen to them if they tried it Modesto you know and I was so psycho on them that they knew I was gonna do it so that was high school okay that was high school um and it's funny I I preached in um Merced a few months back how many Merced Merced Dean's dozen of you okay so I've been this big tent and I mean almost every family there not every one but almost every family there was either you were a gang member or they were they were related and so because they all looked at you they they you have a look right and the funny thing is there's a friend of mine who's a prophet in up in Oregon you didn't know why I was preaching and he sends me this text I heard this voice last night that said they'll shoot at you but it'll be okay and I was like totally at peace I'm like do you know where I'm pre time with a bunch of gangsters it's okay it's you know I told my intercessors Melanie Alexa prayer tonight but because I'm from the valley it's not like a big deal it's a mentality it's a language right I mean you know it okay that's why when it comes to the devil I don't play I don't bind I kill it's the mentality you said well where's that in Scripture it's in many places in Scripture okay that's another teaching I'm I'm at this businessman the other day and and his wife and and you know he's like a thriving business person and but he grew up very much like many of us do and it was so funny were laughing about you know being being PO you know and I looked at no I said I said I said you could probably white trash talk me huh and he's like and and you know it's almost like we almost went to competition and um you know cuz it just doesn't quite leave you my husband was so innocent this morning he's like I never had Cassie is what he was saying I'm like I do that means I'm that's a that's a that means I need to get back in prayer but you know it's a mentality you know white trash talk yeah it has this pitch there's a pitch it has a certain pitch and like there's there's an art form to white trash talking a person right you know and as I as I insult and cussed the hell out of you you know so it's an art form it's a mentality and so what I have found though is again growing up in that kind of environment it got saved when I was older and you know always loved Jesus with all of my heart serving him with everything that I know how you know I've had I've had my moments I had my days but you know I've always been on fire for the Lord and and yet these grave clothes sometimes I get in these situations and I see that I'm still wearing them sometimes I see them still wearing them and and and the thing is you know it it was like this um I guess this is maybe I don't know seven years ago I was over at Panera Bread and somebody's car was stalled out and blocking all the traffic I didn't know their car was stalled out I thought they were just sitting there and just not moving right and so I'm sitting behind them and I'm waiting waiting waiting and I'm thinking why is this idiot not moving and so and so um oh listen I lost I love I forgot who I was I forgot who I was and I get I get literally get out of the car like I was from Modesto and I get out of the car and I whistled at him and I said you know and then I remembered like oh wait I'm pastor's wife oh wait I didn't cast oh not one expletive came out of my mouth and so but but grave clothes the other day I was preaching in Florida man we had this powerful meeting it was like it's like heaven came down you know as one of those means that people keep saying like I haven't felt the power God like that ever you know and I give all glory to God you know and sometimes it's great when you carry that in and you can break through and it was one of those nights and after that you know you're kind of torn up when you preach like that and you minister like that and I had four hours of sleep and I went to the airport real early in the morning because I want to get home as soon as possible so we scheduled our flight early and I remember going up to the counter and they couldn't find my ticket in the system you know it's a round-trip ticket why do I need to keep my other flight ticket you should have it in your computer system and so my traveling partner after it was all over she says you wagged your head at her and I said I acted black it's just she's black so and she said yeah and I said four hours of sleep grave clothes grave clothes the weapons of our warfare are not carnal they're mighty in God for pulling down strongholds grave close okay that kind of rage grave closed you're a king and a priest to God and you're acting like that grave close you wonder why you get fired grave close you wonder why people won't do business with you grave closed we want to we want to live the high life but we still act the low life grave close offended at the littlest thing grave close you're not offended at them you're offended you're offended at your father you're not offended at them you're offended at the person that beat you the littlest things short-circuit now walk out grave clubs grave clothes are you feeling me and so the Lord begins to speak to you these big dreams dr. King's prophesy and lead the leaders and right now you're a nobody and it's like you can't even handle a fence at this level how do you think you're gonna handle it at that level because they don't care at least your family when they offend you they still care me as a pastor when I offend you I still care about you sorry I didn't say hi again I'm sorry I talked to her and not you again I still care but you start going into those places that got when God they don't care if you still wearing your grave clothes you'll die you want to serve God anymore I feel like God wants to unwrap the grave clothes because there is a next level for you he said what do I do alright you the first step is I got to present my heart to the Lord I got a present and I've got to to start allowing him to actually heal the broken places he said he's the healer of the brokenhearted the reason you over react like you do is cuz you've got trauma your trauma is showing and everybody walks on eggshells around you he wants to heal you he wants to heal you and that means I got to present my heart to the Lord and I've got to present my painful places and then I can't quit when I'm hurting crazy as he's scalping my heart back together I don't know about you but at this place in ministry I have to have accountability because I have broken places I know I have broken places I know when I need to be sure up things around me so that can make sure that I don't break in the breaking as he is scalping and reconstructing I know that I know that about myself I'm okay with pain I'm okay with pain I feel like the Lord really wants to help you get to that next place get over the hump of pain that you haven't been able to get over take off these grave clothes help you to let those things go and and so that you can really step into the kingship and priestly role that he's designed for all of us you know to get over the jealousies to get over the the petty comparisons and actually just love Jesus and let everything flow out of that amen amen come on let's stand up stand up I'll never I just put their hand over their heart right now this is really where it all starts that's where it all starts and I want to really just challenge you to surrender your heart to the Lord like you've never surrendered before and we're gonna invite him to get into those places and trust him with the process amen and I really really foresee and predict that you're gonna step out of your grave close and there's gonna be a new dance in your life a new song in your life there's gonna be joy in your life that you never thought was possible you're gonna begin to you're gonna see just like the rearranging of you know things in your life because of what is flowing out of your heart it's just gonna be a whole new thing that you never thought possible because now you're gonna be stepping out of your grave clothes so Lord we just present our heart to you we present our heart to you we don't even totally know how to do that but Lord as much as in us as much as we understand we present our hearts to you and we invite you Holy Spirit to do that work on the inside of us to take your scalpel and do the surgery to begin to root out the things that need to be rooted out to heal what needs to be healed to heal the things we don't even know are there but our guiding and retirin our lives right now and we we get to you our grape flows we give to our mentalities that are keeping us that are keeping us still tied to the tomb that still make a stink with a stench of death have the father we give to you these great clothes and I just speak over each and every one of you be loosed and be let go in Jesus aim from every mentality that has bound you from offense from criticalness from Rage from shame from condemnation from fear be free of this thing [Music] Jesus name host eret just invite you to come and he'll come and he'll come and he'll come and he'll [Music] turn our stony hearts into flesh help us to heal again [Music] helped us to care again help us to love again I thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I'm gonna open up these altars right now if you need to do business with God I'm gonna open them up right now you just come on four we're gonna worship right now I'll probably come around and just pray for some of you but this is really between you and the Lord it says this is a time to meet with Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Harvest Church
Views: 13,765
Rating: 4.9033232 out of 5
Keywords: HCC, Harvest Christian Center Turlock CA, Ron Eivaz, Jennifer Eivaz, outpouring service, turlock
Id: Q2bPm8fbvVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 54sec (3414 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2018
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