Conversations - Episode 150 with Emma Stark, Chris Larkin and Hellie Brunt

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ah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] good morning british isles council of prophets watchers how are you guys doing this morning type in the comments let us know where you are and how your weekend was we do actually recognize your names the regulars we love to learn little bits about you so that we feel even more connected and i'm delighted that some of you are saying that you're glad we're back i think we're glad to be back too uh we miss bringing the word of the lord to you and of course you're from all over the world but today i am joined by two very special ladies it's the girls turn today and i enjoy my chris larkin chris is a superstar and i have to say as she started to prophesy in the pre-chat i was getting you can tell i'm a little bit excited and it's just because she's landed on that prophesy switch in me because like when it when a prophet comes on and you're sharing anointings you're like oh i want to prophesy in the back of that so chris who is a mature senior accurate leader in the body of christ has a word and heli who is dying in england as well helly how are you good thank you morning everybody or whenever you're watching we love having you with us helly and helly is a superstar and you're up signing in scotland over the uh summer working lovely sunny weather up in scotland over the summer we got the hard task of of running christian event in a castle grounds so that was a pretty tough call you know scott being you flights around pretending you're a princess so chris how are you i'm good i'm good enjoying sunny weather down here in southampton thank you oh is that like that i wondered what that was i've done it a few times over the months but okay brilliant i actually wondered whether it was paris i thought it was new york [Laughter] clearly our map reading skills are made [Laughter] from france yeah i got it to bother the last last week in the icp because i thought that shaft spree where simon badly is is in devon but it's actually in dorset wait need to get an england map out and and learn my counties better anyway chris dive right in bring us the word of the lord well yeah well you know this time of year is a time you know when i i kind of shut myself away and journal and and get ready for the next season uh it's always the next season in one sense but you know i think it's really important that we we know the times and seasons we're in and the fact that isaiah 9 tells us that the government is always increasing always changing so we have to be on top of what's happening now in this time and season and get ourselves ready the bride makes us self-ready you know so what is it that the lord is asking us to do and i've also been stuck reading about hezekiah you know hezekiah took leadership of israel when they were in a bit of a mess and he did things in order and i think one of the things we need to know is god moves in order brilliant line upon line precept upon precept he's asking us to prepare ourselves now for what is coming so we have to be people who align ourselves with what god is saying today even though he may have said something yesterday five years ago he's always moving and increasing and we can be change averse we cannot understand that the environment around us has changed and i really believe the environment around us over the last 18 months has changed so much but in that we have been given the opportunity to prepare ourselves i think the issue is the bride made herself ready you know it isn't just what god's doing where where is my heart you know and so so hezekiah first of all he established god first he established true worship again when they were worshiping other things they probably thought it was okay they probably thought well god's not doing anything it must be fine but it wasn't okay so hezekiah's purpose in his re-establishing israel as the people of god was first of all to establish pure worship and then the second thing was to re-establish the priesthood the priests had to be re-consecrated they had to deal with stuff that was not what god wanted and so on that you know i keep reading matthew 16 and matthew 18. you know i have a originally a pentecostal background and then a charismatic background and these verses in matthew 16 18 talk about binding and losing so most of us when we think of binding and loosing we think of negative things we think of spiritual warfare which is which is true but you know there's a a more important binding and losing that we need to be aware of which is our spirit ties why where our spirit has tied to something now the challenge with that is it could be something good it could be something spirit initiated spirit birthed in us and our hearts and our spirits received it so we bowed ourselves to what the word of god was for that time and that season and what often we don't realize is it is about knowing the times and seasons that what god initiated what he birthed in us that we agreed with our spirits agree with is more powerful than any kind of soul tie more powerful in the sense what the enemy can do is that we have aligned our spirits to something that is not for now which seems strange it is about discerning it's not about throwing everything out for the sake of it but it's about discerning both the times and the seasons and what god is saying because they needed to know what israel should do what do i need to do when i hear the word of the lord so what what is a spirit time well it's something that's birthed by the spirit received by the spirit established in our hearts is bound in our hearts and matthew 16 and matthew 18. if you read it it's very interesting it's about whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven that's interesting because psalm 115 says the highest heavens belong to the lord but the earth is given into the hands of mankind we have our part to play if we don't lose what god already wants loosed in heaven for today we will not move on into the purposes of god so what is a spirit tie that might need to be loosed well it could be a prophetic word that was given that was was definitely of the lord but for whatever reason it may not have been fulfilled or it's time and season is over and we need to move on we need we need to have a good funeral let that go loose that because the lord is saying something new some prophetic words aren't fulfilled for various reasons but for whatever reason we need to align ourselves with the now living word of god what is the living word of god so it might be a prophetic word that we need to be loosed from so that heaven can loose the new loose us into what new purposes are it could be a location i've heard people say the lord brought me here and i'll live and die here well really did he really say that or is that something we might need to be loosed from or maybe you know if somebody that somebody's had a bereavement that their partner died their husband or wife died they were in a spirit tie with that person but they don't realize that even though they'll always be one we're always one with one another we don't break unity but we we do need to break a spirit tie that was earthbound that was not just on earth but on earth for a time in a season so maybe that's you maybe you've lost a husband or a wife and there's something in you that that needs to release that spirit tie that that will never stop you being one with your partner but actually is the lord's got something new and you're being held back because of that spirit time or maybe it's um a calling maybe god had a calling on your life for a time and season but there's a new calling but you are tied in the spirit to that that previous calling i can't understand why there's no favor on it there's no anointing on it anymore it's because the lord's calling you to the new the isaiah 9 the increasing government that we are called to do that i mean think think about abraham and isaac you know there was a spirits eye there there was a promise of god but you know god required of of abraham to lose that tie to make him first to restore true worship in his heart which is god first if god says it i'll do it now we know that abraham got eyes at back but that doesn't necessarily mean that that when we lose something we will get it back you know it's all about knowing the times and the seasons i'll stop now i'm getting too excited oh you know you are just keep going i'm going to ask you a question joanna in the comments is saying bullseye and heather lamont is saying wow and this is up to you are absolutely on it chris and i would like to ask what language can you give us that we can use to construct a prayer that we can say i i break that is it as simple as i break that tie and because often these things are but if you could help us out with that i'd also think in the regards to the prophetic words chris we i think we forget on the whole how much of the time a prophetic word is conditional and it's conditional to a season and to a time and to our behavior and often if we miss the behavior or the obedience or the right response we actually invalidate that prophetic word by missing are hitting of its conditionality and once that time has gone you've got to let that go uh because there's some some prophetic words are forever in a day and they're dying generational lines to abraham isaac and jacob about their generational line but but many prophetic words are conditional to times and seasons and behaviors and we can hold them as a goal when actually god has changed where he wants us to be heading and we have missed that moment so that's certainly a major issue interestingly chris in my teaching notes for yesterday's sermon in our own church if i have written this it is the day to break earth bind ties i love it i love it i love it that everything that you are tied to that stops you moving or stops you experiencing him now must be cut give us some language around it chris i think the first thing that came to mind when you said that was a word that we don't like to use in a positive way it's called repentance and i think it has to start with heart repentance you know the bible talks about fruits of repentance as well you know repentance is a good thing it bears fruit but we have to repent from our heart and i think the first thing is to to hear god to discern is god's saying i need to lose from this but then true repentance that might take a while you know we might need to work through that until we know that we are repenting from our heart rather than going through the motions so i think i think this is a time of heart repentance for for ties that that bind that are no longer for now and and also celebration of what god has done thanksgiving but i think it starts with repentance then comes to thanksgiving and then abandonment to whatever god wants to do in this time of season so they're the three words i'd use okay repentance abandonment and celebration yeah celebration thanksgiving that's helpful and that sense of uh understanding that there's permission from god in these days just to not uh partner with a false loyalty to bind you to something that is no longer your responsibility you can behave with false loyalty and you will be misaligned because of it in this season heli do you want to add to that or do you want to bring your own workers unique bird that that about false loyalty is really i think that's that's a biggie isn't it that we can be we can tangle up feeling i don't know a good christian and just end up stuck stuck with people or stuck in a season i was just saying earlier wasn't i about um how god did provide that statue that the bronze snake um to for people to look at the israelites to look at to be healed but then what happened is the very thing god had provided as a gift to the people became the idol that they looked to and it needed smashing up and tearing down so i do think this keeping an up-to-date conversation with god even about the things that he's promised or given us as gifts to our lives is it's so important isn't it yeah i'm just wondering should we just pray right now into that into that um yeah lord we thank you for the things that we have received from you in our past those promises that have kept us walking well and walking with you we thank you for the places that you've drawn us to we thank you for the provision that you've given us but lord we say are sorry right now if we've held on to those things too tightly if we've given them a name like they named that snake done we break our agreements with that and we ask that we will be able to move on with no sense of false loyalty or stuck in a season for too long and the phrase that just comes to my mind that um from paul's teaching about prophecies prophecies do cease some of them have an expiry date as for prophecies they cease and so we just allow a ceasing to come upon us of the things that you're not saying anymore lord that you've moved on from we just we hear your full stop on them and we pray that we will be able to move on cleanly away from them but grateful for all they served to us lord before you you move on let me just deal with somebody who's saying is it still okay to grieve and when there's been lost absolutely and chas is saying is it still okay to have time to mourn the loss of something the lord brought into your life i actually think that's a really important process chas what i was saying in the this season what we're learning in this season of preparing and moving and change is that you must grieve otherwise you'll set a booby trap for yourself down the line but make sure you break agreement with a raw spirit i think what holds you in grief longer than you should or stops you processing grief are demonic spirits of rawness i think you can be very prone to those in change and in loss so just do a bit of a and a holy spirit mri scan and make sure that their rawness has come off you so that you can actually process grief as you change heli keep going yeah and and every emotion you know the lord says doesn't he cast your cast your burdens onto jesus because he cares for you and something i found just so helpful in grieving loss not just of people but of expectations and things like that is just to give literally by word name the emotion and give it to the lord you know so i name disappointment and i give it to you god you do something with this disappointment i cast it to you and even just um as isaiah gave sort of pictures and images and symbols to emotions you know he talked about that the cloak almost of um a breast you know i've lost my words now like you know dealing with our grief and our shame he said i i want you to exchange this for this you know beautiful headdress instead of mourning so you know it might that might be a way of praying this through you know giving these emotions to god imagining them symbolically and and naming them and identifying them to him that's just something helpful that i've done i wanted to just share um a verse that came to my mind yesterday moving forward really um and just the delight the sense of delight and color and joy that god has in in building us and shaping us and forming us for the future ready um not just in dealing with the past but ready for the new words that he has for us as we move on and um in peter 1 peter 2 5 it says it says this he writes you are like living stones living stones that god is building into his spiritual temple what's more you are holy priests through the mediation of jesus christ you offer spiritual sacrifices that please god and it feels almost like a prophetic declaration over our lives that we are treasure to god we are fully alive but we are living stones we're not man-made bricks we're living stones being built by god and i think he's doing something quite beautiful and wanting to do something quite beautiful in his church in the multi-faceted different colors of how i imagine gemstones i sort of see a wall of color and a beauty as god's bringing us together all different shapes and sizes and ages and we've been cut and we've been formed and we've been shaped ready for the future just to to offer what we carry to god as a as a sacrifice acceptable to god and um god's very at home with us he's been building us for a long time and speaking with a lot of us in conversation for a long time and he's getting us ready he's been forming us hasn't he um and we inhabit how he's shaped us and it's lovely how in in john's revelation how even the walls are made of these beautiful gemstones in heaven and that's the picture isn't it the foundations of the city wolves they're strong and they're solid but they are beautiful and we as god's church we are beautiful and we've walked a good walk with the lord and we're different gemstones each of us and um exodus talks about how aaron carried over his heart all the different tribes of people but represented by gemstones and again going back to chris's word they were up-to-date messages that he brought as he carried these tribes over his heart he listened to god's voice in the in the holy of holies and he brought out the decisions of god to each tribe using these gemstones over his chest over his breastpiece and i suppose how i would join this together is just to say we are the treasures of god that he wants to use to speak to to bring his up-to-date decisions his up-to-date messages not just for one person but for maybe tribes of people and different types of people but we're all different we're all shaped differently and we've all been formed ready for him to fill and to use as a beautiful vessel so i suppose my question to us is are we aware of the treasures that we are today are we aware of the conversations god wants to have with us using us to highlight different things and the color and the diversity that we are as a as a family of god and how well we sit alongside each other you know with the living stones and being fought thank you helly chris do you want to to unpack any of that but livingston whenever i read the living stones i always in my head have this ver this thought armpit living that we're we're supposed to live so close so close that we're supposed to live in each other's armpits it's the stones that hold the house together are so tight that you do not want your stones slightly separated or you're going to have a lot of issues but actually that the the pushing together of the stones to build the dwelling of god makes you uncomfortably close to the next stone armpit living well when i think of living stones i think they're constantly moving and changing so i think that's the challenge so when we're alongside our stones we want things to stay the same and i think part of that spiritual sacrifice that heli was mentioned is that we need to be aware that the government of god is always increasing the peace is always equal that that we can't look for something to be established as we see it on earth it is about being flexible that people won't do the same thing all the time we don't want them to do the same thing all the time but our flesh does our flesh wants things to be established what is the new thing you know all of us get you know you're you're prophetic what's god saying is the next thing he said to me he's saying you're going to ask a lot of questions but i'm not giving you the answers but keep pursuing me but we don't we don't have to have the answers so if you're out there and you're prophetic you do not have to have the answer please don't come up with an answer unless god first of all gives you the answer and secondly tells you to release it because sometimes we can have the answers but they're not to be released and the other thing that really struck me heli when you said about disappointment and i linked that with a spiritual sacrifice because i think this is important to some people here today that disappointment is a real and powerful spirit it's a real and powerful thing but the key word in there that i think we need to ask the lord what is it what was the appointment that will now no longer be fulfilled so we can ask the holy spirit to release us from disappointment we can cast disappointment but i think sometimes we need to know what it is that was an appointment that is no more and we when that's the sacrifice that i know that my appointment may have been to work alongside that person that god called us together but for whatever reason that's not working there was an appointment it was real but it's no longer an appointment it's a disappointment it's a lucy and so in our heart we have to make peace with that yeah yeah this disappointment was attached to something that was an appointment but now lord i spiritually sacrifice that and say release that person from the appointment that i had with them and release myself so that we can move on so i think that's for people out there that if you're suffering from disappointment it is a suffering because it should have been but was not and now we can release it because god will turn it to good so i just feel that's that needs to be said very good i think you and i are on the same page at chris because in my sermon notes from yesterday you just quoted another life i think we have thank god where i thought the lord was saying you've got to get happy with things being unresolved and unanswered and that is part of the sovereignty of god that we have to be satisfied with trusting the lordship of a king who understands so we don't have to yeah don't need all i have one thought kind of just to lob into this is what i feel god is saying i think this is going to take me some weeks to unpack but i'll i'll drop i'll drop it here is saying to us in this moving and shifting and realigning and dropping our false loyalty and finding the living stone that i needed to be butted up against that we must repent and come out of all idolatry and idolatry is that which sets itself up in the place that christ should be now you and i know this but here's what the lord says all isms are idols globalism humanism nationalism thatcherism whatever ism you choose it's an idol it's a structure of government with an empire heart that wants to build itself and the lord said to me there are three isms you need to repent of that are stopping my glory coming protestantism individualism and catholicism and the lord is saying the lord is saying particularly i can talk about uh protestantism because that's the arm of the church i'm in though and this is difficult listen for a girl from ulster from northern ireland to say this you know i might get stoned if i said this in belfast in a in a protestant church but we must repent for our pride in protestantism our pride in being protestants because that pride has made protestantism uh an idol and it is stopping us from embracing the fullness of the kingdom we got rescued from catholicism and we need to be rescued from protestantism now both have strong elements of the kingdom of god but they're not totally pure and it's a very strong thing to say repent of your pride in your catholicism or your protestantism and deal with your individualism for the lord says i will not have you with these um idols in your life any longer and in those prayers you are able to see demonic man-made structures come down and then you are able to see the fullness of the kingdom of god uh you cannot see the fullness of the kingdom of god if you have an allegiance to a demonic structure and catholicism and protestantism have demonic elements in their structuring oh [Music] now we're not we're going to say we're out of time and we'll come back that we will come back to yes i think you are right regina charismaticism is something we are packing our bags and walking away from wow yeah it's another reason so um pentecostalism yeah pack your bags and move house from that ism okay all idols all structural idols chris do you want to comment on that helpfully i think i think clearly the lord is making it clear that we need to lose ourselves that we need to purify ourselves you know the bride made herself ready you know it's time to stop waiting for the lord to to make us ready and take our responsibility you know it's all about on earth what are we bound to on earth what are we loosed on earth you know we pray you know thy kingdom come thy will be done well i'm sorry that's a serious serious thing to pray and that means whatever is not of his kingdom today in my life in my heart in my mind needs to go so that his kingdom can come you know so many people are saying what's god doing why are my prayers being answered well maybe you need to lose some stuff so that he can come in because his kingdom is not our kingdom his ways are not our ways and you know what's really important this is an opportunity of a lifetime these next few weeks i really believe you know we this is the time to prepare you know if we don't act in the opportunity of a lifetime we'll lose it you know that the gods god will still be gracious but this is a time of preparation the people of god need to prepare themselves you know emma you talked about a remnant earlier on there's a sense that you know who are the people prepared who are the people making those spiritual sacrifices which say not my will but yours be done which means stuff get out of the way be loosed and this true repentance you know let's come to true but not quit repentance quick prayer say the prayer okay i've done it now you can move lord no it's the heart repentance you know he's doing a deep work of getting rid of stuff in our heart that was birthed by him in the first place that's the problem his discernment is so needed and timing you know repent when he says now's the time to repent not quick costly costless sacrifices but costly sacrifices holy sacrifices that are worked through by him because he brings us to repentance it's not something we do so it's a partnership you know the highest heavens belong to the lord but the earth is given to us and the binding and loosing on earth is about us doing it the wisdom of god is revealed through us on the earth wow our time has gone and there were some night drop moments from you ladies this morning this is one you definitely need to share and to like uh particularly all you northern irish out there on protestantism uh and uh i think this week i might need to talk about nationalism oh we are gonna have to deal in scotland with unteachable nationalism it's another ism all the big ones for the autumn term yay go get those big demons all right we love you all and i don't know who's on the rotor uh i only realized at midnight last night i was on the rota for this morning so anyway anyway don't know who's on the road but it'll be brilliant see you next week at the end of the week bye [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: British Isles Council of Prophets
Views: 2,654
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Bff01qjNLpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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