Will It Start? Salvage 40 Ton Caterpillar Off-Road Haul Truck

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well what i've got here is the front section of a caterpillar d400e series two six wheel drive articulated haul truck d400 is a 40 ton capacity haul truck and if you're not familiar just search up cat d400e and you'll be able to look at all the pictures you want to what it would look like if it were a complete truck so this is just the front section it is the complete front section meaning it's got the engine transmission torque converter everything's there the guy actually had two of these and i would have bought them both but he'd already sold one he thought one of them had transmission problems and one of them had hydraulic pump problems i don't know which one i got i'm just assuming this one's going to be the one with the bad transmission but it's all there looks like the air cleaner was changed from 5 1 to 17 so about four years ago so i don't know exactly how long this truck's been out of service but uh obviously hasn't been more than four years [Music] i haven't found any rods or anything hanging out of the block he said he thought the engine was good so i think i'll see if i can't get it fired up gonna have to get some batteries in there got those over there on the charger right now got a nine ap prefix [Music] 3406e in it a nine ap prefix is a machinery application engine it's not rated 660. these are like 405 at the flywheel i think there's a couple hydraulic pumps there and then that big unit over there below them it's probably hard to tell from where you're at but that's the torque converter it's being driven right off the engine flywheel there and i believe these all also have a hydraulic retarder and then there's a little short drive shaft coming off that going back to the power shift transmission which is back there i think i can show you that better right here so that big box right there that's the transmission see if it's got any cooling in it oh yeah looks good all right what about fuel yeah it looks like it's got lots of fuel in it okay well let's pull a valve cover and all right i've got a valve cover off of it looks pretty good in there it's got jake brakes on it just like most on highway application 3406es do that's what that unit right there is if you're not familiar so it's got jake brakes in addition to a retarder and you need all that because this is a 70 000 pound truck when it's empty and then it's a 40 ton truck so that's another 80 000 pounds of payload so fully loaded that's 150 000 pound unit and you need all that retarding force to keep it under control especially if you're working in some steep ground look at all the safety mostly i just don't trust these busted ass box to keep me from getting smashed to death but the problem that i've got right now is that there's a fitting right there that got knocked off when they loaded it or during shipping or something and it dumped all the engine oil out so i'm gonna have to see what it takes to get that plugged so i can fill it back up with the wheel and it'll stay in there i've got some batteries on it i don't know if they're going to be good enough or not but we'll find out i've already pumped the hand primer and it seems to be primed up so shouldn't have any trouble with that see what happens when we turn the key gauge cluster seems to be working showing 19 190 hours i'm gonna go grab my laptop and we'll plug into it with cat et and see what else we can learn if that data link even works so you can see there rated power is 426 horsepower 2000 rpm 1488 foot pounds of torque at 1200 so not really asking much out of a 3406e really not compared to what we do with truck engines this thing's showing miles now i don't know how i switched it but showing 73 984 miles well as you can see my makeshift plug job there didn't work very well she's leaking so i'm going to end up having to take this hose off the oil pan and plug the hole in the oil pan didn't want to do that but there ain't going to be no other way got to get the oil to stay in it somehow while i'm under here that's what the front axle looks like she's pretty heavy duty it is a suspended axle too all right i've got that hose disconnected from the oil pan got the fitting out of the oil pan and i've got a proper plug in it now i don't know if you can see it or not but you can probably guess how much fun all that was by looking at this but it's done now so i got it full of oil and it's not leaking should be ready to try to start it let's check out this air cleaner that this old boy says he cleaned four years ago before we go any further here [Music] yeah it looks all right we'll just leave that outer filter out of there and start it up like that 6'3 is 16 on that one okay let's see what she does if those batteries are any good it probably will start [Applause] so [Music] ah all right last try for today it's getting dark re-rigged my batteries again there change the connections around a little bit nope well it's the next morning i've had these batteries on the charger all night so hopefully i'll have a little bit better luck with them today before i forget i've got something in here i'll show you real quick i got both rear differentials with it too so that's the rear ear that's the driveline that runs in between the two and then that's the front rear you can see the pinion gear down in there and then that's the differential clutch pack this one's got one too and the front axle has one also you can actually lock all six all the way up in these trucks some pretty good size units this is some pretty high level engineering right here only did a little bit of unintentional welding when i was hooking this all up so that wasn't bad but unfortunately when the unintentional welding began it also completely both terminals on this end of the batteries so what we've got here is a chisel holding the battery cable down to the battery terminal in between the battery nut and the cable end itself and then of course we're just using the standard vice grips on the negative end and the positive end here that should be just fine so if this doesn't work which i can't imagine why it wouldn't i'm going to quit screwing around go steal the batteries off that backhoe all right let's see what we get this time nope all right backhoe batteries are on as promised see what happens now [Music] must not be the batteries it's cable or i something imagine why with all these yeah got plenty ether all right there's been a whole lot of screwing around that's gone on here and not real sure how much of it's gonna make it into the video and how much is not going to but i've tried three different batteries set up so far those those and those and they've all three produced pretty much the same results so came to the conclusion that the problem was not my batteries the problem was not the rigging that i had done on the battery cables i think all that was sufficient all three times i believe there's a problem in uh well let me just show you it's up underneath here so you've got the two main cables coming out here that go to the batteries and they run through that uh wall right there they come through that piece of plate well you can see them right here coming out of the battery box going through and then they come back and they're under this mess of garbage here so i'm pretty sure that uh somewhere in all that jumbled up mess there's either a bad connection or a bad spot in one of the cables or something like that so what i've done now i've got i've got it rigged up 24 volt up there out of the battery box just like it should be but then i've also run two more cables up here directly to the post on the starter and i'm feeding 24 volts directly to the starter through those cables from those two batteries there so we've got the 24 volt feed that's just like it should be even though we've apparently got a problem i'm just going to leave that like that because it was kind of working and then i've got an additional 24 volts coming straight to the starter from here you ready [Music] hmm now [Music] m gosh damn you should see the oil holy all right we gotta we gotta get into cleanup mode now oh well i'm gonna go ahead and say that uh whichever hydraulic pump it is that feeds that hose right there there ain't nothing wrong with that one hydraulic tank appears to be empty and i just kind of assumed that it was but apparently there's still some oil in the bottom of it down there somewhere but that's all right we got her contained no big deal that's the second five gallon bucket i've picked up and there might be one more there but i'll get her cleaned up so there's you a will it start video on half of a cat 40 ton haul truck i guess that's all i've got i'll see you next time
Channel: KT3406E
Views: 626,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kt3406, diesel, diesel engine, 3406, 3406 Cat, 3406e, caterpillar truck, cat truck, c-15, cat c-15, turbo, turbo diesel
Id: Omt4BBxHzno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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