This Rain Saved Our Farming Season!

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[Music] oh it felt guys welcome back check it out the rain finally came uh we needed it so badly it was so dry out it really washed the tractor and the drill and the tank off really nice it was getting so dusty there's like an inch of dust sitting on the uh on the frame so it really washed it off nice so obviously we're not seating right now uh kind of got like a two day soaker here so we're gonna be sitting for a while so today i'm going to drive around and check rain gauges we're kind of scattered all over the place our field so i'm going to drive up north and see how much rain we got up there if you're following along you know that we seated the rest of our canola really shallow uh just so if we got a shower like this it'll germinate that seed we got more than a little shower we're at about an inch and a half of rain here at the yard so that's good news so now all our canola is going to germinate because it was just sitting in dry dirt before yeah about the same just under inch and a half here 34 millimeters and a bug ditches are starting to fill up that's a good sign 48 hours later we got really good moisture now it's going to make a really nice seed bed seeding this canola into here we'll be good for moisture for a couple weeks now we really needed that one we had to sit for a little bit after our nice little two-day rain event about an inch and a half here average at the farm so that'll really get what we previously seeded germinated and any weeds in the fields germinated we want those to grow as well and then i can go back in and spray them out because i skipped kind of like half of the pre-burn just because there's nothing growing so once these weeds get grown again then i'll go back in for the application so we're just getting fired up here uh it would have been nice to finish this field before the rain but it's just not the way it worked out that's okay we'll get this uh last kind of 200 acres of canola finished and then that's it for canola and we have to get switched over to barley and we have a little bit of barley left and then that's it that's the neighbor's drill 100 foot underfoot borgo same tank as ours 100 foot drill it's massive this is what our canola looks like right now it's in the cotyledon stage that's what it's supposed to look like and then there's a little bit of patches here just because it was dry so the canal is going to start coming pretty good now as you can see they're just just poking out of the ground just with this moisture they're going to start going to start germinating she's windy [Music] green corp called and said we can haul our wheat contract so ronnie's hauling wheat for us it's nice hauling right now because uh there's no lineups everyone's still trying to finish up seating there he is uh i'm just back here because it's so windy you guys won't be able to hear me uh so we're gonna get uh ronnie loaded up again he's gonna haul another load and then by that time i'll have to take canola bags to todd just the individual bags because we are out of the mini bulks uh [Applause] [Music] uh that's good enough let's go so we usually do the majority of the canola acres with those big mini bulks because they're 200 acres per bag then we finish off with these little bags they're 10 acres per bag and then try to get it as close as we can because the small bags that we don't use we can always take back ronnie's loaded and off to maimon todd's loaded with canola he has more than enough to finish there i'm going to unload this pallet it's way too handy to spray so i guess i'll cut grass [Music] ah [Music] just waiting for todd to roll into the yard here he should be done the canola pretty quick then we have to do a bunch of switching around unloading fertilizer from the tank into the trucks and into the trucks back into the tank in different tanks and then load our treated barley that we treated the other day while we were sitting and then moved to our last fields getting down to the end here [Music] [Music] [Applause] bye [Music] officially switched over to barley had to go one shim deeper than we were putting the canola so he's off to the races there he's good for a little bit so i'm going to treat another load of barley and not my supper thanks for watching [Music] so
Channel: Dustin Bezugly
Views: 2,473
Rating: 4.9666667 out of 5
Keywords: farming, seeding, combining, spraying, seeding canola, bourgault drill, bourgault tank, versatile tractor, Volvo VNR, breaking barriers, farm got some much needed rain, invigor canola, roundup, Mike Mitchell, Millennial Farmer, Laura Farms, Full Line Austin, RoGator Sprayer, Fendt, Delta Track, QuadTrack, Class, X9, X35, John Deere, seeding wheat, seeding barley, Seedhawk, seedmaster, morris, bezugly farms, seeding 2021, soil, weeds, rain, moisture, 3320, 7950, new holland, seeding peas
Id: 5Bt0sCh7BgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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