See What You've Been Missing With HiViz Sights
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Americana Outdoors
Views: 759
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Americana Outdoors, Hunting, Fishing, Garmin Virb, HiViz, HiViz Sights, H3 Tritium LitePipe, LiteWave, Smith And Wesson Performance Center, 460XVR, Walkers Ear Muffs, Walkers ear protection, Hunting Shows, Hi Viz Shooting Systems, hiviz triviz turkey sight, Lanny Barnes, hiviz litewave h3 fiber optic/tritium sights, hiviz litewave sights, hiviz litewave h3, Trevor Young, performance center 460xvr, performance center 460 smith wesson, Shotgun Hunting 2020, How to, Shot show 2020
Id: H4i4uGFhIIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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