A Rundown on HiViz Shooting Systems
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Americana Outdoors
Views: 2,175
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: Americana Outdoors, Hunting, Fishing, HiViz, Smith and Wesson, Performance Center, HiViz Sights, hunting shows, hi viz shooting systems, TriViz, hiviz triviz turkey sight, fiber optic sights, fiber optic sights vs tritium, How To, Shot Show, lanny barnes biathlon, Lanny Barnes, Lanny Barnes Hunting, Biathlon, biathlon rifle, biathlon shooting, hi viz h3, hi viz h3 sights, hiviz litewave h3, hiviz litewave sights, hiviz litewave h3 fiber optic/tritium sights, Turkey Hunting 2020
Id: rpOXuF_sXTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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