See Obama's response when heckler interrupts his speech

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And I want to take a moment to say a prayer for a friend of mine, Mr. Paul Pelosi, who was attacked 82 years old, was attacked when somebody broke into his home looking for his wife, Nancy. And thankfully, doctors believe he is going to be okay. But we'll let the investigators do their jobs. But here's one thing that we can feel we know if our rhetoric about each other gets that me, you know, to one when we don't just disagree with people, but we start demonizing them, making wild, crazy allegations about them, that creates a dangerous climate And if elected officials don't do more to explicitly reject that kind of rhetoric, if they tacitly support it or encourage their supporters to stand up side voting places armed with guns, dressed in tactical gear, more people can get hurt And we're going to be violating the basic spirit of this country. The liberal. Yes. So serve serves as the Web. Come on. But this. But this is this is what I mean. This is what I mean. I mean, we're having a conversation so so I'm not sure Come on, sir. So this is this is what I'm saying. Look, we've got it. We've got a there is a process that we set up in our democracy right now. I'm talking. You'll have a chance to talk some time. Before we know for certain that's not a good way to do business. It's that you wouldn't do that in the workplace if you wouldn't just interrupt people in the middle of a conversation. It's not how we do things. And this is part of the point that I want to make. Just basic civility and courtesy works, and that's what we want to try to encourage. So, listen, that's okay. No, no, no, no. Not really. Really. Like Florida. But it wasn't a one off over Hold up. Hold up. Hold on a minute. This is. Listen, everybody. Hey, y'all. Up there. Pay attention. Here's what happened with No, no, no. I mean, this is part of not only is this an example of what I'm talking about, but it's also an example of how we get distracted suddenly. We're all we're we're you'll ever see that movie up that visible, right? No, that's dog. And the dog's talking squirrel. And they turn him. That's us. That's us with politics. We. We get distracted. Instead of focusing on what's important.
Channel: CNN
Views: 3,722,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: latest News, Happening Now, CNN
Id: zuNXn3PEOzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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