Secure English Language Test GESE Grade 5 (B1) Rachael

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good morning my name is Rachel is awesome 18 hi nice to meet you so you're a day Rachel okay and you're doing grade five ugly can I see your ID thank you very much that's great so there are two parts in today's exam we'll start with your topic and then we'll have a conversation about two different subjects so I see we're going to talk about fashion why have you chosen this topic because I love fashion and fashion label classy and I started fashion in school back home in winter because this is always what I've always wanted to do I believe me very good with my hands - Mary school so you've mentioned African clothes do you prefer to make African clothes rather than other types of clothing owl is like a foot in clothes and if even if I'm going to make it race it's always being in African plains because it's cheaper to get the English room daddy African oh that's mean you can go to a market oh yeah like what I'm wearing today cause my faith bomb if I have to do it with African point it would cost me more why is it more expensive because the materials are imported and they all represent cotton I'm it's not something everybody's selling so leave a few people I have to go to Liverpool Street Station to get it so do do many people come to you to make those people will come to me when when they see me they know this is different and if they can't be for my time how do for them yeah so have you made anything for anyone oh yeah I do like the wedding is coming up in mind in church and I know I'm going to sue the groom's mother Oh African think she's going to win because she's binding material so I've done that for the four son so I'm grieving for she asked songs present what why does she prefer to have somebody to make it rather than just buying it look you can't get it too bad you have to make them buy the fabric I mean we don't have them because it's katsu major I say use you say you work in fashion so what do you do oh no I did planting oh did you how long we for three years in an American school was a private in nature did you learn much in my pattern drafting Chi and I have you done any Thai and died recently no not yet go back home why don't because the closest place for me to get came from the car to England is from prezi not something I can do like that that's money consuming and I have to get a place so when was the last time we did so what will you make next do you think I'm swinging now right now something for the wedding I almost finish to stop at the top I just have to put some stone and application it is on my ironing table master speak goodness now I know when people make their clothes here they they often use patterns do you prefer to use patterns or make your own I'm beginning to see that me using pattern is better for me so last week not also I saw a lady online and a flight I paid to run through few hours with a pattern drafting just to refresh my memory because back home everything is free and you know you've mentioned shoes here shoes what about you I love sure because my father used to wash in butter I don't know if you know butter no I know the name I haven't seen any yeah we don't have it we don't even have it in a Jamaican but that was what I grew up so I always be initial business a lot have you got lots of pies of he's always a bubbling and have to made them yeah I know I'm the same no root no yeah okay have you got a question for me about fashion oh we do like to wear enough weekend points have you traded before I do I love half the conference but I don't think they look very good on me actually it's not one of you I have actually no it was a Ghanaian print yeah I have seen a lot of shops selling African fabrics yeah including we don't have anybody selling what made you ins like ah these canyons your signals oh maybe you're right yes I can't see the difference yeah you don't know board a lot of difference thank you very much for talking to me about fashion so we're going to talk about something different now we're going to talk about entertainment now these days when I was young I went to the cinema all the time now I just prefer to stay at home I'd watch television what about you I'll watch him and a BBC iPlayer is my guilty pleasure cause I could wash tins when I can sleep as late on my own without anybody stopping me and I can only learn so much from the documentaries Channel about how England and UK all came to be so have you watched anything good recently about the Queen I'm so much interested in the royal family oh yeah yeah and I don't know why the English people don't find it fascinating anyway you don't value what you have that's what it is yeah a lot of English people they don't see them as anything oh is it the crown yeah no I think it's Netflix it's no there's one on BBC I was there yeah about the Queen the Queen and the sister the one everybody don't want to talk about separate yeah okay do you prefer her to the Queen no I really I really love the Queen and I've been opportunity to walk between a baby was it she's 19 years yes yeah nice when she was 75 or so doing the Olympic I bet before that yeah I was in the palace and I went to wear ascots I was got all the security but what about going to the cinema mean have you been at all no I used to when I first came but recently not because the films are just violent is expensive no that's true I and I think that in the future people will they won't go to the cinema they won't be cinemas everyone will have televisions do you think people do it ourselves cinemas in the house now I had once when I was nothing like they have to take it off because of times when they are shooting or fight and the volume goes up and you still finger dropping from the war yeah so I have to take it off ask me a question about entertainment well I would like to relax well like I said I do like watching television I prefer to see films yeah really yeah that's that's true let's talk about something different now let's talk about festivals so my favorite festival is New Year's Eve because I love fireworks what about you Christmas yeah why do you like Christmas because he makes me feel I see my father is around living because I've always loved Christmas from child I like the decoration the trains and everything I'm back home we get new clothes do you actually I'm talking of decoration I have lots of Christmas toys ever do you not yes I have always odd if we are my husband is tired but if I allowed me not because I said eyes when I feel as if my father is around me because my father passed away I pass away after Christmas to people in Nigeria not now not my sister very important I have so much like four boxes in my garage and do you prefer the electric lights to candles I prefer the electric because that means you can do with you use them and when they born I know how to change it yeah we don't throw anything away where will you spend Christmas this year in England because of the ticket most expensive time to travel well thank you very much speaking to me today at greater nice to meet you
Channel: Trinity College London
Views: 67,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GESE, Learning English, Trinity College London, Speaking, Listening, Practicing English, English tests, Speaking & Listening tests, SELT, UKVI, CEFR B1, English language, Graded Examinations in Spoken English, Visas, Secure English Language Tests
Id: 5xRY2NncH7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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