Secure English Language Test GESE 5 (B1) Nina

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good afternoon good afternoon my name is Rachel no means yeah and you're doing grade five today yes I and I just see your ID please show thank you thank you and I see you're from the Ivory Coast yes I am are you from the capital yes I've been oh it's lovely - okay I haven't been now there are two parts in today's exam we'll start with your topic yeah and then we'll have a conversation about two different subjects okay can I see your topic for yes sure thank you very much all right so we're going to talk about your family yes yeah okay actually my family is quite small seven yeah seven children or seven in the family and family of seven my dear children Wow I know it's big but it's good and you're in the middle I mean before fun aha the window so I'm happy being in a small family do you do you prefer being in a big family rather small family yeah I do I never been to small ones but the big ones - you're fine that's true maybe that's why but do you have friends who are I do have a brain and she's the only child santim she says she is lonely mmm that she wish I have a younger sister younger brother so so do you think you will have a lot of children now when I have four children - a girl and two boys why for the case I don't want to go over my mum - gasps - boys oh my goodness yeah well I can't make them twins you know I've already decided yeah and have you found a father for these children I knew you somewhere it's coming soon now you've mentioned support here that your family can give you support sometimes I think it's easier I prefer to talk to friends rather than my family I prefer family because family remain family no matter what they'll be there for you by friends that can turn the button to you like if it's like difficult time that won't be there for you but as Frank as family don't be denim what are we going through because your blood a lot of families argue do you argue very much with him we do argument like we do it like do a little fight but everything is no most part of life because sometimes we do have friends too so that's not if you have to go through yeah maybe you're right and such a big family do you all live together and we used to but now my brother the oldest one and one of my older sister left now so it's only like the youngest one who live with mom how many of you so now is me mom and ever three girls and when do you think you will will leave the family home I'm going to move on this year are you getting odd and I need to leave like fine like life myself I'm gonna miss mom died because of our cooking no so she wanted me to clean my room so have you learned how to cook and mom is she like cooking but on my spare time I like cooking like we from know walking I'm knowing it in college I would just like cooking and what will you do will you move into a dread last year and then I got one and then I decided I can't do it on my own so I went back again how how do you feel about living on your own we have a different a different type of person why we like different things different music and sometimes we just like because we are family we have to live together but it's something we can't stand them actually but it's just part of life so you want some quiet what do you do is there somewhere you could go when I'm one quiet I just like going to my friend house I'll go to my older sister house because my older sister she's always out walking so just have a key and and I'm going to stay there ask me a question about family okay you say you're from small family how many know you guys well it's actually only one brother and one sister ah so you and your brother I know I have one brother and one sister nice bigger the competition sometimes my brother is not younger than me I was around him not really thank you very much for talking to me about family let's talk about transport now now where do you live I live in post more oh yeah did you come from Portsmouth today so how did you get here today Fran how was the journey it was 1 hour and 20 minute long really one around 20 that's that sounds a long time it was but it's fast too because if you were taking the bus or something like that you would take longer do you prefer travelling by train rather than going on a bus or a coach I don't mind because where I leave like I go college and I work so I like taking the bus for college and a train for work because it's faster and Santa when you take the bus it will not stop where I'm going to take your long walk oh yeah it's convenient I I just prefer buses you know well because you can look out of the window you know and trains are always busy yeah the uber is quicker too but the rig my real favorite transport is actually slightly have you been on a bicycle recently I have but I fell over last time will you will you go again a lot of students use bicycles no no it's too much I do it most days what about driving have you I don't drive I'm learning I only have one lesson so far oh really will you have more yes I need to drive so we stopped taking transport you saved money too actually my my mother taught my sister to drive she said it was it was terrible yeah but could they shout at you well I think it you know maybe it's better to have lessons with the teacher which do you prefer a family member or a teacher teacher because I remember again yeah I think I agree with you ask me a question about transport dear drive no I actually try to use my bicycle every day I can't to come here but yeah when I can let's talk about something different now let's talk about recent personal experiences so we're halfway through the year okay I've done a lot I've seen a lot of been a lot of places about you I've been said the same but in different way because like I said with my families you know we have like big family and college and work also go to parties and go out for like meals my friends so that's a lot for me you've mentioned parties yeah yeah so when it when it's for example someone's birthday do you prefer having a party rather than just going out for a meal I don't want party but when it comes to birthday I prefer like meal then I'm just chat where everyone by Podge also it's fun because there's those people and that's more fun have you have you ever met anybody at a party I never meet people yeah I should have met one of my friend best day she invited me and I met her friend and having friends so we comes like close right now so people like having you at their party [Music] have you ever organized a surprise party I have once I want to do it but I wouldn't do it do you think you'll do it for one of your family members you do so much effort well thank you very much for speaking to me today thank you for nice to meet you nice to meet you slaps hand okay thank you
Channel: Trinity College London
Views: 249,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GESE, Learning English, Trinity College London, Speaking, Listening, Practicing English, English tests, Speaking & Listening tests, SELT, Secure English Language Test, UKVI, CEFR B1, English language, Graded Examinations in Spoken English, Visas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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