Secure English Language Test GESE Grade 5 (B1) Aslam

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this is an example of a trinity graded examination in spoken english jessie grade 5. the examiner welcomes aslam who is the candidate they discuss the topic aslam has prepared then they have a conversation about two subjects the exam takes 10 minutes hello hello hello come and have a seat my name's harry what's your name my name is islam yes okay and you're a grade five where are you from elsa i'm from libya you're from libya i see okay show the examiner your id proof of identity a passport or a european union id card or a biometric residence permit um right um can i see your id yes okay thanks very much okay that's yours now um we're going to start with your topic so can i have your topic thank you okay um so we're going to talk about brighton brighton brighton okay aslam's topic is about brighton a city in the south of england you can choose to talk about any topic that interests you the examiner is now going to talk to aslam about at least four of the discussion points on his topic form about brighton this takes up to five minutes first of all how long have you been in brighton i have been here for four months mm-hmm yes i will stay here uh for maybe may or may next may or next july obviously okay i see so you have another six months six months eight months okay yeah yeah why did you come to brighton uh because i have a lot of friends study here when i spoke with anyone uh tell me uh uh very good for uh place very good for learning english let's see and the weather very good really okay better than another cities in the uk [Music] okay so you put here about the what you prefer yeah to be in brighton what are the things you like right yes why do you prefer right because because i tell you about the weather i know the weather cold than my country but i think better than another city and this school my friends study in this school yeah so you have some friends yes yes okay now you you talked here about some differences between brighton and your city where is your city in libya near the sea yeah yes my city is similar but there are some differences the water then here and small city uh-huh no big and the building uh very different uh let's see how many people live in your city uh forty thousand um so yeah okay now um you say here you had some problems yes when i came here in brighton uh because my wife studied study and my wife stand in another school i have daughter two years my problem and don't i don't i didn't find any nanny or necessary for my wife for the baby for for my daughter my daughter after that i found i find uh woman very good i see yes yeah okay and what does your wife do in brighton my wife study oh your website is here yes okay now you talk here about you a city to complete your studies which city will you go to maybe maybe sheffield maybe bradford uh-huh why why these cities because i have uh admissions in university cities and i have friends in this city i see you know this city okay yeah what will you study there master i would say i will starting [Music] have you studied mechanical engineering in libya yes yes i'm studying technology in libya finnish university and now i work in university i say after i finish masters i come back to it's important to ask the examiner a question about your topic you can ask a question at any time while talking to the examiner about your topic right okay thank you for telling me about that asana have you got a question for me about brighton uh what about you what do you think about living here in brighton i think brighton's very nice but unfortunately i don't live here i live in london brighton's a nice place to live right now the conversation phase which takes up to five minutes the examiner discusses two subjects from a choice of six the six are festivals means of transport special occasions for example birthday celebrations entertainment for example cinema or television music and recent personal experiences here the examiner chooses special occasions and entertainment right uh thank you now we're going to we're going to talk about something different we're going to talk about uh special occasions now um what do you do to celebrate your birthday traditionally in libya in my country not the important day maybe for a baby just but okay so birthday's not particularly important for us okay let's talk about a different special occasion um what happens at a wedding in libya very different than here i speak about my wedding i see how how many people attended your way a lot of people i didn't know but a lot of people come in my my house [Music] we can eat anything a lot of food yeah and speak and listen to music okay yeah and to play game online i see this is at first at your house or your wife's house uh two days first day in my own house my wife after that in my house i say yeah okay how long have you been married four years four years now obviously okay right and um do you do you go to the mosque or or something when you get no but some families go to mosque when finished mosque go to a home or any place ring think about this i see okay right okay but thank you for that let's talk about something different that is the end of the conversation about special occasions now the examiner is going to talk about entertainment i want to talk about entertainment now um what type of inter do you prefer to stay at home with the entertainment or do you prefer to go out in the evening everybody go with my friends out with my friends [Music] sometimes i stay in the home watching film um why why do you prefer it at home but i'm relaxing and noise and i think okay yeah yeah have a couple of days yeah with a cup of coffee you like coming and enjoy it honestly okay and so will you go out this weekend yes of course uh according to the weather uh very good yeah i see yes okay now you said about films have you ever seen a film in english uh in my country i watch uh what should feel good english but uh subtitles arabic i think but here in brighton no because my language i think my language uh still bad maybe after two months or three months i will go to cinema and watch and understand maybe i see so we hope in the future there will be no problems yeah what's that okay it's important to ask the examiner at least one question about the subjects have you got a question for me either about special occasions or about entertainment would you prefer watching film in the home or go out to the cinema um it depends it depends what film if it's a action film probably best at the cinema oh yes quite a film maybe best right okay asmr thank you very much thank you my time is finished nice to meet you bye-bye the pass grades for trinity are a b and c aslam understood the examiner quite well in both parts of the exam and he used some of the language of grade 5 correctly but he sometimes found it difficult to communicate at grade 5 level he passed with a c for the topic phase and a c for the conversation phase
Channel: Trinity College London
Views: 1,266,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GESE, English Language, Learning English, Trinity College London, Speaking, Listening, Practicing English, English tests, Speaking & Listening tests, SELT, Secure English Language Tests, UKVI, Visas, CEFR B1, Graded Examinations in Spoken English
Id: Z9kaOeVNym0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2016
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