B1 ENGLISH EXAM for UK VISA | Trinity GESE Grade 5

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the Trinity jc5 exam about the exam it is a b1 exam this is not advanced not beginner but low intermediate level so you don't need perfect English it is a speaking and listening exam it doesn't test your reading and it doesn't test your rate there will be you and the examiner there are two parts to the exam the topic and the conversation the topic last five minutes and the conversation last five minutes so the total is ten minutes in the topic part you choose the topic many people choose their hobby their work or their country at home before you come to the exam you must take notes on a topic on down low to the topic form from the link below choose your topic for example my cooking then write some useful words on the form not long sentences for example if your topic is kicking you could write recent dishes you have made the next stitch you want to make that you prefer chicken not lamb why you think curry is popular or how long Carrie takes to make the topic form isn't given agreed or a mark is just to help the examiner talk to you you must bring the form to the exam the examiner will start we're going to start with your topic can I have your topic form please so we're going to talk about you're cooking in the conversation part the examiner chooses the topics they can be festivals means of transport special occasions like birthdays entertainment like films or TV music or recent personal experiences you must practice talking about all of these but the examiner will only choose two topics in the exam these subjects are for the conversation part you shouldn't choose one of these for your topic you will talk about each topic for two and a half minutes each the examiner will start the conversation with now we are going to talk about something different let's talk about music some important things if you don't understand ask the examiner to repeat you can say sorry could you say that again sorry what do you mean and never pretend you understand remember the text is not a presentation you are not going to do all the talking and you can't just give short answers so do you like music festivals yes give long answers yes I went to one three years ago and it was really good don't memorize sentences for example so we're going to talk about cooking curry that's interesting I like cooking I have made curry many times my family likes it this sounds like a robot it should be a discussion a friendly chat so we're going to talk about cooking curry that's interesting yes I love cooking curry have you tried it yes I really like lamb curry really me too but I prefer chicken oh because it's cheaper and healthier and my family likes it too it's important to have a natural conversation and finally you should ask one question or more in the topic part and one question or more in the conversation part so part one is the topic it lasts for five minutes and it's about a topic that you choose part two is a conversation it also lasts five minutes and there are two subjects that the examiner chooses so the total time is 10 minutes after 10 minutes the exam will end ok thanks very much it has been nice talking to you today you can wait outside you can smile and say thank you very much it was nice to meet you and leave the room after a few minutes you will know your results if you get an A B or C in both parts you will pass the exam if you get an A B or C in one part but a D in the other part you will still pass the exam only if you get a D in both parts will you fail the exam you should get your official results within seven days do you have a b-1 level of English take the taste at Alba English cou don't you Kane /jc faith [Music]
Channel: Alba English
Views: 235,440
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Keywords: B1 English Exam, Trinity GESE Grade 5, UK Visa English Exam
Id: e1F44OR0V-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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