Secrets Of The Haunted LaLaurie Mansion

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[Music] hello freaks and welcome to day one of free week so yes it is that time of year again it is time for seven creepy videos and over oh and we are kicking off freak week with a really creepy story this one had me shook like you know the type of shook where you're awake in the middle of the night on your phone like quaking next to your husband who's sleeping in your bed like that type of shook so before we get started I just wanted to remind you guys about the Freak week shirts that are available for this week only 20% of the money earned from these shirts will be going to thorne so it's really awesome there's two different types for two different you know personalities of people and second of all I'd like to thank our sponsor for today's episode of freak week which is a real freaky one that definitely needed a sponsor today's episode of freak week is sponsored by murder in the Alps which is an awesome phone game as I've mentioned before I really like phone games I think they're really good for people like me who have ADHD or people with anxiety in general because it's really calming for the mind and I actually see it as an act of self-care in a way I love mystery games obviously died the into mysteries I'm sure all of you guys are too and murder in the Alps is a really interesting mystery game actually kind of like an interactive crime novel so you're almost reading a story as you're playing the game it's really fun there's even little extra things and little side things such as solid heroes playing solitaire on it last night what's so cool about it though is it takes place in the 1930s and it lets you kind of experience that authentic 1930s atmosphere it's a detective themed game and basically you need to solve the mysterious case and interact with different characters in the game to reveal their secrets and then you will find out which one is the killer and there's also a variety of crazy minigames and unique achievements so the player will never get bored it has a lot of like hidden object type games which I really like and I find really saying and it's just one of those games that you can whip out and play it any time and kind of pick back up in this mystery story definitely like in the car actually I was playing it when I got a tattoo the other day so you can really play this game everywhere be sure to check out murder and the Alps there is a link to download it for free now let's get freaky okay guys so today I'm gonna be telling you about the horrifying story of the LaLaurie mansion I had never heard of this story but American Horror Story actually covered this like did it season based off of it to this day no one knows the final resting place of Madame LaLaurie and I've never seen it but the true story of the LaLaurie mansion is terrifying now this story actually kind of reminds me of the movie get out I don't know if you've seen it but it's one of my favorites it's a really really interesting movie and just a crazy plot so this is Marie Delphine McCarty and she went by Delphine now I just want to let you guys know that the dates and the facts in this case are a little bit shaky different sources said different things because this is a very old story and obviously as stories are passed down over time details get changed and switched around and a little bit murky so I just want to warn you in advance but Delphine was born in New Orleans on March 19th of 1787 and she was one of five kids she was born into a rich white family and before she was born they moved from Ireland to New Orleans Delphine actually got married in 1800 but her husband died and then she got married again in 1808 and her second husband died as well but in that time Joan of having five children between the two different men but then on June 25th 1825 Delphine got married again and this time it was to a man named dr. Leonardo Lori or Louie and in 1831 she purchased property on 1140 Royal Street in New Orleans Louisiana the property was in her own name and her husband had little involvement in the whole thing actually and in 1832 she built a three-story mansion on that property with part of the mansion being the slaves quarters now back in this time it was really common to slaves unfortunately it is a dark part of history but it is reality obviously since she was a rich woman she was going to have slaves it was very common she lived there with Louie and their two daughters I'm not sure what happened to her previous children before then they were actually really popular in the area very well-known and respected by the townspeople of New Orleans and one thing that people knew about the lalaurie's is that they were known for throwing really lavish and fancy parties but there was some suspicion around this family at some point while they were living in this mansion rumors started spreading around town that Delphine didn't treat her slaves properly between 1831 and 1834 there are several accounts of people talking about how Delphine mistreated her slaves or how they witnessed her mistreating them but even though there were all these reports and rumors of her mistreating her slaves it didn't match up with how she was treating them in public or how she was treating people of color in general in public she was known to be really nice to them like almost overly nice a lot of people said that she looked like she treated her slaves fairly which she now what did that mean back then but um at the time fair for slavery and there were even records in 1819 and 1832 of her setting her slaves free but despite the general idea that she was you know treating her slaves pretty well there still were these rumors that seemed to just never go away that she mistreated them in some sort of way and since the rumors had gone so strong for so long they decided to eventually have a lawyer go to her house and remind her kind of the rules of slave ownership at the time and the basic minimum requirements for treatment and when the lawyer visited them he said he had a fine time with her and he didn't see any red flags of mistreatment of the slaves or anyone that looked really unhappy however this was not the case there was a claim that one of the slaves at the time finally decided to throw himself out of the window to avoid being punished by Delphine and if you can see in this picture the window is still cemented off so so creepy and then another one of their neighbors actually saw a 12 year old girl who was actually named Li jump off of the roof of the house to her death apparently what had happened is she was brushing Delphine LaLaurie 's hair and she kind of snagged it or tugged it the wrong way and pulled on it and Delphine got so mad she started whipping her and chasing her around and his little girl got so scared that she went out of the window onto the roof and jumped to her death and Lee was just buried in the ground of the mansion which wasn't all too uncommon for slaves I mean a lot of them didn't get proper burials or were reported as dead and later on it was discovered that there were more grave sites in the yard not just leaves and the people that were buried there died from reasons that are unknown there were also a lot of reports that Delphine like to keep her cook chained up to an oven in her house so that she could you know cook for her but what didn't ever let her leave that area there were also reports that she would starve her slaves and whenever her kids would try to feed them she would beat them so after these incidents happened people became really suspicious of her rightfully so and eventually investigators came to search the LaLaurie mansion and it was at this point that they were found guilty of illegal cruelty and they were forced to free 9 of their slaves however this just did not work as planned because her family members different family members that didn't live with her ended up buying them back in an auction and just giving them back to her so they made their way back to her anyway but then on April 10th of 1834 the lalaurie's were throwing a big party in their mansion during the party somehow a fire broke out in the kitchen so all the guests freaked out obviously and abandoned the house and they actually ended up keeping the party going they just moved it elsewhere which was weird enough but Delphine and Louie did not make it the two of them actually left the party of me we got on a boat to Alabama and then from Alabama they took a boat to Paris so basically they realized that the house was on fire the police were gonna come in firefighters we're gonna come in and they were gonna see the conditions that they had this place and in the way that they had treated their slaves so they knew that their best bet was to get the [ __ ] out of there so once the fire department showed up they actually found the chef still chained to the stove but she ended up confessing to the fire department that she actually started the fire in an attempt to kill herself and the reason that she did it was because she was afraid that eventually she would make a mistake and Delphine would take her to the top floor according to her anyone who was taken up to the top floor never came back down again the day after the fire some of the people who were at the party came out and said that they were trying to get into the slave quarters during the fire to make sure that they were okay or get them out of there and elfine wouldn't let them in there and so they ended up having to break down at the door and in the reports of what exactly was in there it's kind of shaky but here is overall what people claim to have seen when they first broke in they said they saw seven people in horrible condition one of them was hanging by their necks with their limbs hanging and stretching so far down that they were starting to tear and just a warning guys all of this is really really brutal and I normally don't go into detail about this kind of stuff but it is free quick and I know a lot of you want to know so if you don't normally like to hear gory details I your time to bounce out but some of them had their eyeballs sewn shut and some of them had feces like [ __ ] put in their mouths and then the mouth sewn shut some of them had their body parts removed and put on different parts of their body like rearranged some of them even had reconstructive surgery whatever that means or genital mutation as well one woman had all of her bones broken but then was rearranged and stuffed inside a tiny box another woman they called Spider Woman and she was set up like rearranged on the ground which I can't even picture how this happened but her body parts were apparently rearranged so that she looked like a spider and then this is probably the creepiest part of all but there were people with holes drilled into their skulls and spoons nearby that were used to stir their brains one man was actually pinned to the wall and had his face dissected and a lot of these people were still alive asking to be put out of their misery asking to be finally killed because they were just alive and tortured so you can imagine how bad it smelled in there there's all this decomposing flesh and there were maggots all over the place which is disgusting so as you can imagine it didn't take long for word to get out especially since people from the party saw this scene before that police even did so almost everyone in the streets just knew about the truth about the larlie mansion and what Delphine and Louie were doing in there so before the police even got there to look at it themselves a mob had formed outside and attacked the mansion and they just destroyed the place ransacked it because they believed that the Laureus were still in there or were somewhere nearby and they didn't want them to be able to come back to this mansion so it was completely destroyed basically only the walls were left standing by the time the police actually got there all the slaves that were left or in bad condition were rounded up and brought to the local jail where they did a viewing which this is so weird I don't know what's up with this kind of stuff happening back then but we actually have another story coming where they did this weird type of viewing like this but more than 4,000 people apparently came to view the bodies and view the slaves I have no idea why they did that back then it's super bizarre so there's a lot of questions obviously about Wyatt Delphine and Louie did these crimes back then there wasn't much known about the human body and people were actually really known for dissecting and digging up Graves or checking out dead bodies because people generally curious about the human body back then so it could have been a little bit of that maybe she saw them as some type of experiment for her some type of lab rat for her there's also just the idea that she was a sadist which means she liked to inflict pain on top of people that she enjoyed hurting people that she got some type of weird pleasure out of it you know just was mentally ill that way or there's an idea that she could have been trying to solve a past crime right before the fire happened her mother was actually killed on a different property that they owned so some people actually believed that she was interrogating these slaves to try to get information out of them to try to somehow possibly solve who killed her mother and as far as what happened to Delphine and Louie their lives really aren't documented after all of this happened it is known that they ended up staying in Paris because obviously if they came back to New Orleans that would not have worked out so well for them it is reported that Louie ended up dying from an accident while he was hunting wild hogs and this is crazy and there isn't any way to confirm this but it is reported that Delphine may have returned to New Orleans and continued the torture and the reason people believe this is because if there's actually a grave in the st. Louis cemetery in New Orleans that has a plate that says in French Madame LaLaurie born Marie Delphine McCarthy died in Paris December 7th 1842 however according to French archives in Paris the records show that she didn't die until 18-49 so because of this mix-up people think that there's a chance that she really did die in New Orleans and they just got the dates mixed up to make it seem like she died in Paris it's still a big mystery but her body has never been found many years later they were doing reconstruction on the mansion and construction workers actually found bones and pieces of skeletons buried under the ground in different sections of the floor like in different holes or in the walls by 1888 the house was supposedly so rebuilt that you wouldn't have been able to even recognize it and it was like a completely new place now here's what's really weird about the house over the years he was used for several different things as a school a conservatory for music a house for young delinquents a bar furniture store and an apartment building and this is super weird but in 2007 Nicolas Cage actually purchased this mansion for three point four five million dollars and what's really interesting is that the mortgage documents didn't even contain cages name anywhere on them was he trying to keep his ownership of the house like a secret for some reason anyway November 13 2009 the property was foreclosed and listed for auction and now it is privately owned and you cannot take tours or anything inside so no one knows what kind of creepy events happen inside of that house to this day I mean I'm sure the place is haunted it has to be really really creepy so let me know what you guys think about this story did you hear about this before I had never heard of it and I was really really shocked when I heard the details behind this one because wow this Delphine girl was crazy and it sounds like her husband didn't participate that much like he kind of obviously knew it was happening but kind of turned a blind eye and it was really her that was doing everything so it's super weird but definitely let me know what you guys think of des want to freak week by hitting the beef thumbs up button don't forget to subscribe I am posting videos every single day until Halloween and that's it for me today you guys I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 1,167,282
Rating: 4.9520278 out of 5
Keywords: kendallraeonyt, kendallrae, true, crime, mystery, conspiracy, haunted, haunted mansion, lalaurie mansion, haunted house, the haunted mansion, haunted houses, madame lalaurie, lalaurie, delphine lalaurie, haunted mansions, haunted mantion, the lalaurie house, mansion, secrets ghost adventures, haunted painting, haunted places in usa, haunted america, new orleans, secret ghost adventures, kendall rae, freak week
Id: vuzWys9f7JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 25 2018
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