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oh did I scare you good because we were about to talk about some scary [ __ ] today today we are talking about a serial killer and so if you get scared of this kind of stuff time to head out homie in my video last week about the Bermuda Triangle I talked about how I was planning to do a really scary video in the spirit of Halloween about this serial killer but it started freaking me out and then I thought like if I'm slightly freaked out than like I'm gonna scare all my audience really bad so I decided not to do it but then I got so so many comments from you guys saying please talk about the serial killer I was getting snapchats Instagram comments literally Twitter everything like people were emailing me like who is the serial killer I want at least look it up for myself if you're not gonna do a video about it sounds like maybe I will do a video about it so the other day on Twitter I did a poll and asked you guys if you'd rather see a video about the serial killer on moon signs or a drunk me reacting to my own videos video and serial killer like dominated so that's what we're talking about today now I feel like this would have been perfect for before Halloween obviously I missed Halloween since it's November 3rd but if you guys end up liking this video or like creepy videos in general I love this kind of stuff so just give me a huge thumbs up so that I know to continue making videos like this I was really worried about scaring you guys because I get so many comments from you guys that are like oh no I washes that many when I'm trying to go to sleep I know I can't sleep and I'm like girl you watch this video you clicked on it yourself this was your fault not money but this is your warning if you're not used to scary stuff this will scare you um so don't watch it if you don't like that kind of stuff serial killers what is up with our fascination with serie killer our world is fascinated by serial killers because they're so hard to understand it's so it's just so interesting and bizarre obviously really sad but also just creepy and weird and interesting so if you like creepy weird interesting stuff you're really gonna like this video I'm a huge fan of the show Dexter if you've never watched it I suggest giving it a try it's about a serial killer but he's like a good super killer if that exists it's like my favorite show ever it's not too gory honestly it's really not like it doesn't bother me at all it's less for than like the walking dead even actually I just watched the first episode last night my sister cuz I'm trying to get her to watch it and I just was reminded about how much I loved it so I was like you know what I'm gonna do the video on the serial killer today and the serial killer that I'm gonna be talking about is H H home who was America's first serial killer I mean at least on record you might actually be kind of familiar with this story if you've heard of the murder castle or the devil in White City which I think they're going to be making a movie soon I've heard that Leonardo DiCaprio is working on something with someone and they might be making a movie which this this story would make an amazing movie really it would be such a good idea for them to make it an American Horror Story one of those seasons was like based on this murder Castle so so HH holmes was originally named Herman Webster Mudgett which isn't the most like exciting name for sehri killer and he had big plans for himself so he changed his name he would later become dr. Henry Howard Holmes he was born in 1861 to a pretty affluent family in New Hampshire although his home life was allegedly not that great his dad was somewhat abusive he grew up in a very like strict religious home for my research there's also been some reports that he was like bullied and didn't have the greatest childhood so now we kind of make sense about why you'd go and turn into a serial killer maybe he was unusually intelligent from like a young age like people always knew there's kind of something different about mr. mojit people always kind of knew something was off about him I guess he was a kid he allegedly was performing surgeries on animals from a young age dissecting animals probably killing animals but not telling anyone he expressed interest in medicine and knew he wanted to be a doctor when he was only 16 years old he got married and had his first son keep in mind this is a long time ago and that was pretty normal so in 1882 he registered in med school at the University of Michigan where he studied anatomy and chemistry heavily obviously was very interested in bodies so not only was HH Holmes a serial killer he was also a scam artist in med school he would steal cadavers which are bodies that are used to like experiment on for people to on there like dead bodies and people that donate their bodies to science in their real bodies that surgeons practice on which is good because we want them to practice before they take a knife to us correct yes so that's the point of having cadavers and he would steal the cadavers and then he would take out fake insurance policies life insurance policies on just made up people just whatever this person is named Robert Billingsley and he that's like a real name I think for someone he would take out these fake insurance policies and then he would take the cadaver bodies he would disfigure them so basically alter their parents a ton like with acid and he would he would change it so you wouldn't be able to even see who they are so then he would claim that these people were killed accidentally and he'd get the money from the fake life insurance policies that he set up which keep in mind this is the late 1800s you could get away with like anything back then it was not as it is today at all um oftentimes serial killers are so smart because they're very smart people normally they're very like almost freakishly intelligent they normally don't end up finishing college or let alone med school or anything because they're just like too smart for it so normally they don't graduate so it's kind of rare but he did graduate he graduated college in only two years in 1884 and became a doctor dr. Henry H Holmes he changed his name and it was dr. H H Holmes his marriage with his first wife ended and he was super crazy with the marriage thing but he married a ton of people and didn't divorce any of them as soon as he was done with one who just go marry someone else and like obviously the systems work is good back then so you could like get away with doing that doctor deciding to ditch his wife and kid he decided to go around the country and just go to different cities and kill people innocent civilians mostly children and women whenever anyone accused him of doing anything or he was questioned in any way he would completely deny everything and then he would quickly just leap town like just get out buy back then you could really disappear like that you could just leave I guess you can do that nowadays but it's a lot harder with the technology that we have so in August of 1886 he arrived in Chicago and that's where the majority of his story takes place and where the murder castle was built we're almost there guys I'm almost to the part about the murder castle where it really [ __ ] weird so while he was there he came across a drugstore that was owned by a woman named Elizabeth s Holton so as most scam artists do he disguised himself as this total gentleman and he was a hard worker and hit up getting a job at the pharmacy so then Elizabeth Hilton's husband just randomly died which was odd but after he died he offered to buy the drugstore from Miss Elizabeth s Holton and she agreed and while he was there Miss Holton disappeared was never heard from again and whenever anyone asked he would just say she moved to California so he got away with probably another murder and with his new drugstore he would sell water that could cure people with all the money that he had made he purchased an empty law across the street and this is where the murder castle was going to be built and I know I'm slightly smiling during this but this stuff is just so interesting that I get like kind of excited and then I remember that people died and I'm like ooh I'm [ __ ] up and this land is where he built his huge hotel which was a whole block long three-story hotel and people started calling it the castle the building was 162 feet long and 50 feet wide he relocated his drugstore to the bottom floor of the hotel and the first floor of the hotel was like very you know normal there's like little check-in whatever and the rest of the building the upper floors where the craziness begins the two floors above the main floor were his office and then just a crazy amount of rooms it was so sketchy he made the blueprints for it he was very involved in the process obviously and what people didn't know is he was designing a place to commit his murders without anyone finding out and make it this scary building where people would come to stay at the hotel and get murdered he would contract people to work on the hotel in certain areas but would never explain to them what they were building or what the whole point of it was or why it was so weirdly designed and still be in different rooms if anyone got suspicious of him or he felt like he had someone around for too long he would either probably kill them or he would fire them immediately so that's how he kind of kept the whole thing secret and he only had one person that he started to trust during this time and that was Benjamin Petzl eats pizza pit's isle heights Getzel we're just gonna go with Pikeville this was probably the closest friend HH elms ever had he you know never kept wives titles like Holmes as little like minion like did all this stuff for him he knew what was going on and he just stayed quiet so he was like his only kind of friend so most of the rooms in this hotel were soundproof each room was kind of made for something else and there's basically different killing chambers with different ways to kill people like there was like a hanging chamber there was a room with acid there was a room that was all brick and the only way that you could get into it was a trapdoor in the ceiling so if someone fell into it they could never get out there was no doors there's nothing and he would just leave people to starve for days he had a vault where he would lock people in and it was such a small space that eventually they would just run out of air and die like slow painful deaths he was all about like slow painful deaths which is just something only a really evil person would do the second floor alone had 35 different rooms like it's crazy and it was built to disorient people he like made it almost like a maze so people would get confused and it was like this sick fantasy like you see why I said this would make a great movie uh he had a basement where he had a crematorium and he had this like shoot on the upstairs where he could just put bodies into this little shoot send them down to the basement where he would like do stuff with them this method of killing is a little creepy even for me this one for some reason just gets to me so just let me give you a little warning this is a little creepy but this is you know just it's not fake I was gonna say it's fake but it's not this is probably not gonna happen to you but anyway he would kill people by tying their legs and their arms like up behind them and then their legs down and he didn't have this machine like basically slowly stretch their body apart into all their like bones break and it's like a horrible horrible slow painful death so this guy was twisted as [ __ ] I feel like we need a small happiness break because this is getting a little dark [Music] all right let's move on with the dark [ __ ] one of his favorite methods of killing people were to lock people into rooms and he'd have a gas line that led directly into the room and there would be locks on the doors no one could get out and he would turn on the gas and slowly listen to them basically died of asphyxiation most of the people that he killed were hotel employees and mainly women so if it can't get any worse it gets worse HH Holmes as the scam artist that he is decided to take some of the victims bodies and after they were dead he would skin them take everything off their bones clean them till they're just bones and put them together as skeletons that he would sell to medical facilities as us you know you know when you see like a skeleton so people that are studying Anatomy can learn he would literally make them and sell them which today obviously would never fly he in tons of ways of getting rid of the other bodies including a crematorium that he made he would lure people in as hotel guests on there was a specific fare which was called the Columbian Exposition and tons of people would come in and he would go down there and say hey madam and just charm his way and say come stay at my hotel here's the address I'll give you a discount blah blah blah and so these people who would come in for the fare which keep in mind back then there was no way for them to like call their family and say hey this is where I'm staying it's not like they booked this on Expedia so no one knows where the [ __ ] they are they go and they find a hotel that night you can't look anything up or pre-booked unless you've had a phone number or something like that so a lot of people didn't have rooms and he would just go pry on them get them status hotel and kill them over the years he had like three different wives and none of them knew about each other legally married to him all at the same time this guy just gave zero Fox he also had mistresses and one of them was named Julia Smith and she worked in his building as at the jewelry counter I believe he had an affair with her and he ended up getting her pregnant now she agreed to let him perform an abortion on her if he agreed to marry her course he agreed that's never his intention and neither the baby or miss Julia Smith were ever heard from again he had many other mistresses that he killed he was quite the dude quite the charmer when he was on a business trip in Boston he met a woman named Minh William Holmes had very many aliases so he introduced himself to her as Henry Gordon they started dating and eventually became boyfriend and girlfriend not knowing that he's a murderer that also has a few wives and a couple dead mistresses under his belt eventually she moved to Chicago to be with him and he offered her a job at his hotel and she agreed and started working there somehow Holmes was able to convince many to transfer a deed of a property that she owned in Fort Worth Texas to a man named Alexander Bond which was actually one of his aliases so after he got that he proposed to her and then had her invite her sister and to Chicago to visit he kind of built up a friendship with her sister and and convinced her to go get a file for him out of his vault while she's in the vault he shut the door and slowly killed her she eventually ran out of air and his fiancee Minnie also just vanished in that time period so clearly he killed them both so in July of 1894 Holmes was arrested for the first time not for murder but he was arrested for selling mortgage goods to people while he was in jail he met a man named Marion Hedgepeth who was in jail for train robbery while he was sitting in jail he concocted a plan to get $10,000 off of a fake life-insurance policy for himself he was gonna fake his own death and get $10,000 and life insurance money which is pretty ballsy I'd say and he promised Marion Hedgepeth $500 in exchange for a name of a lawyer the lawyer thought his plan was brilliant and totally went along helping him with it and unfortunately for them the plan failed because the insurance company started getting a little suspicious I mean yeah so instead he tricked his good friend Benjamin pied zl-- into faking his death and getting a portion of the life insurance money the $10,000 would go to his wife and then would be split between the lawyer homes and the pipe sole family they all agreed to it miss took place in Philly plan was for him to set himself up as a inventor named bf Perry and then to be killed and his figured in a laboratory explosion on which he would obviously Holmes had access to lots of bodies and he would find one that would be like exact measurements of Petzl but obviously he would like Dowson acid and completely disfigure the body so that they would think it was actually pencil who was BF pari so that makes sense like that just stir in for a second the way that he was able to get away with lying about people's bodies and getting the insurance money is back then there was no fingerprint testing there's they didn't have that yet the most common way that they identified people was by lengths of their bodies like several measurements that they would take of people to prove that it was them but instead of faking the death Holmes decided to kill his friend Benjamin Petzl completely disfigure him with acid and get the insurance money for himself why I thought it was all part of the plan and that the cadaver was really someone else's and that her husband was still alive and hiding somewhere and somehow Holmes convinced her to let him take her three kids for I don't even understand why they had five kids total and he took the three middle children leaving her the oldest and the baby and the three kids were named Alice Nellie and Howard so he ended up taking the three kids and took them along with him on a journey through America and Canada he convinced her that her husband was living in London and he sent her on a pretty similar route to the one that he was on so he was actually really close to her kids many times but didn't even know it sadly he ended up killing all three children but in all this confusion Holmes forgot to pay the $500 to Hedgepeth who you know gave him the name of the lawyer that he could trust and Hedgepeth was not happy about it so he tipped the police off and told them about what Holmes was doing in the whole insurance plan and everything and so he was arrested so in Boston in November of 1894 he was arrested since I didn't have any like solid proof yet they actually arrested him for horse theft in Texas which is interesting way for a serial killer to first go down they begin interviewing the employees in his castle and some of the employees said you know we're not allowed to clean the second floor we don't really know what's going on upstairs blah blah blah and the third floor they found a large stove that contained hair from Minnie a piece of a gold chain that belonged to her and her shoe so that's how they knew that he killed her and was killing people they looked inside his vault and found scratch marks of people scratching on the wall before they died and then they went down to the basement where they found piles of human bones a pile of clothing and a dissection table so pretty creepy stuff especially for the time because this like I said was America's first serial killer the only like big seer killer before this was Jack the Ripper which totally freaked everyone out but they thought you know we're in America and we're safe here so rongo holmes personally confessed to 27 murders only nine I believe were confirmed so he obviously got the death penalty and he was to be hanged and right before they were about to hang him he said he only killed two people so no one really knows how many people he killed though so the estimates are anywhere between 20 and 100 people and some estimates go as high as 200 people he was finally killed on May 7th of 1896 so interestingly enough that hanging actually malfunctioned and did not snap his neck it's supposed to immediately snap your neck and kill you like pre instantly but he actually hung there and twitched and was like suffocating for 15 minutes which i think is well [ __ ] deserved Karma's a [ __ ] and he wanted people to slowly suffer so he got to slowly suffer himself he was so convinced that someone would gray rob him and use him for dissection and like do what you know he did to everyone else that he was he requested to be buried ten-foot underground in a thing of cement so it is obviously a pretty creepy story but a lot of our history is pretty creepy I'm really fascinated in history so I really like this kind of stuff and I find it very interesting obviously so let me know if you guys want to see more like this or if you have any other ideas drop them in the comments make sure you are subscribed if you are not already so that you don't miss a future upload of mine and with that I hope you guys are having a great day and I'll talk to you next time bye [Music] girl friends know me young go living like an oaky with released Akash watch [ __ ] slowly right now still turnigy
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 971,272
Rating: 4.9688735 out of 5
Keywords: Kendall Rae, Conspiracy videos, paranomal story, creepy, holmes, serial, killer, castle, murder, white, devil, chicago, city, h. h. holmes (physician), crime, true, herman, mudgett, h.h. holmes america's first serial killer trailer, the castle, dr. holmes, h. h. holmes, ghosts, serial killer (character occupation), dexter, serial killers, jack the ripper
Id: _SqSszFdZp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2016
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