The Unsolved Murders At Cabin 28

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[Music] hey guys and welcome to day two of freak week so today's video is pretty freaky it's a really creepy bizarre story that I think you guys are gonna find very interesting but before we get into that today's episode of freak week was kindly sponsored by shudder if you have not heard me talk about shudder it is actually AMC's premium streaming service and it's made specifically for people who love Horrors thrillers and suspense movies shudder currently has the largest and fastest growing selection of curated horror content and when you have a membership on shudder you have unlimited access to all of this content completely ad-free and it's available on all of your favorite devices like iOS and Android the membership is $5.99 per month or 50 $6.99 per year and I wanted to mention their new series creep show which I have been checking out and it's really well done and entertaining it's really good if you like scary content but some of it freaks you out you know it's a little bit more lighthearted and comedic the series is based on the famous film by George Romero and it's basically these short little episodes and each episode covers two scary stories within it in the first episode they cover a story called gray matter which is actually written by Stephen King it's really good if you like this type of content I think you will definitely like that show but they have a huge selection there really is something for everyone depending on if you like newer content or older content they just have a huge variety so be sure to check out shudder it's the perfect time of year to start a free trial just go to shudder calm and use the code Kendall Rae to get a free 30-day trial just go to shudder calm and use the code Kendall Rae to start your free trial today like I said guys that this is the perfect time to start the free trial because it's Halloween so if you need to get in the spirit be sure to sign up for that now let's go ahead and get into this video for today today we're gonna be talking about the Caddy cabin murders which is an unsolved case that's truly bizarre and very creepy so let's talk about the people that were involved in this case first so this is sue Sharpe and she was described as someone who is very quiet reserved and a very overall nice person she had five kids a fifteen-year-old son named John a fourteen-year-old daughter named Sheila a twelve-year-old daughter named Tina and two younger sons Rick and Greg now Sue for a long time was in a really bad relationship it was not a good situation for her or her kids her husband was very abusive to her and she wanted to leave for quite a while before she finally decided to make the move when she had five kids I mean that's got to be really scary but in 1980 she got the courage and her and her kids ended up moving from Connecticut to the Kenney Area in California the reason that she went to Katie specifically was because her brother Don lived there she thought you know she'll have family it'll kind of be a good spot to move to it's very beautiful she can kind of restart her life Kenny is an area that's north of Sacramento and it's very woodsy and very beautiful sue did not have a lot of money to take care of her family it was a very stressful situation for her so when she first moved there she actually just stayed in an extra trailer that her brother had so they were all jammed up into a trailer until they were finally able to start renting a cabin and they rented a cabin in the Cadi resort in the rural Sierra Nevada community of kedi so it was April 11th 1981 and that night souza daughter Sheila actually had plans to stay at the cabin across the street another family lived there called that this.c bolt family and there was another girl around her age to hang out with so Sheila went over there and then sue stayed at home in cabin 28 with her other three kids Rick Greg and Tina and they also had a friend over named Justin smart Sue's oldest son John and his friend Dana Wingate actually ended up staying the night there as well so next morning April 12th at 7 a.m. Sheila woke up from her sleepover and decided to head back home to her cabin and what she walked into was a horrific sight she discovered the bodies of Sue John and Dana in the living room Sue's two youngest sons Greg and Rick and their friend Justin he was sleeping over we're all found in their bedrooms completely asleep as if nothing happened and her daughter Tina was nowhere to be found and it's really hard to believe that they were able to sleep through this if this murder happened I mean this crime scene was absolutely terrible I'll explain some of the details of it but it was really bad and there's no way that it was a silent crime like you definitely would hear something so that always stands out as very strange to people that they were able to sleep through this the crime scene like I said was completely horrifying there was blood all over the walls John Dana and Sue were all found wrapped up with electrical wire like found that way and at the crime scene they found a bent steak knife a butcher knife that was covered in blood and a hammer and it was later discovered that that steak knife was actually been from the blunt force of it being used on someone Sue was discovered laying on her side near the living room sofa she was nude from the waist down and gagged with a blue bandana it was clearly a passionate crime her throat was slashed her chest was stabbed John Stehr was slashed as well Dana had multiple blunt-force head injuries and she had also been strangled all three of them actually had evidence of being hit in the head with that hammer and there was an unidentified fingerprint on the railing kind of leading up to the cabin door outside the cabin telephone had been left off the hook the lights were turned off and all of the blinds were closed now one really interesting bit of information is that Justin smarts mom who you know wasn't murdered said that she found a bloodied jacket that she believes belonged to Tina in her basement and she claims that she gave this to the police but there is no record of this claim ever being made and nothing ever made out of it so we don't even know if it's true Maryland's husband Martin also said that there was a hammer missing from their house now they are pretty close to the sharps cabin so the hammer that was used in the crime scene could have been from their house police ended up saying that Martin smart gave them almost too much information he was just giving them endless clues and he seemed to be constantly trying to push the suspicion away from him so detectives started interviewing as many people as they could in the area and they started with the C bolt family and they recalled seeing an unknown green van outside of the Sharpe cabin at about 9:00 p.m. that night they interviewed some other people in the area though and others claimed that it was a brown car and some people even mentioned that it had a flat tire so like I said the younger boys that were in the cabin that night that were completely fine did not hear anything and slept through it all so they obviously had no witness statement or anything like that but Justin smart ended up being hypnotized by a specialist to see if they could draw out any information from him and he was able to recall some facts from that night he then claimed that he heard some sounds while him and the other two boys were trying to go to bed and watching TV in their room he also said that he saw sue with two men one with a mustache and long hair and one that was clean-shaven with short hair he said both were wearing glasses the suspects were described as being in their late 20s to early 30s one was described as being six feet tall with dark blonde hair and the other was about five seven with greasy black hair so according to Justin basically what he ends up remembering happened was that John and Dana came into the house and started fighting with the other two men that were there with Sue he then claims that there was some fighting and Tina came into their room for a second and then she quickly was taken out of the room and then taken out of the cabin completely based on Justin's description these two composite sketches of two unknown men were created and sent out so while this was all happening Tina was still nowhere to be found they believed that she was abducted from the crime scene and taken somewhere else and her case was actually investigated by the FBI they did helicopter and dog searches through the whole area and could not find her and it would go on like this for a long time people thought maybe they would never find her and it wasn't until April 22nd of 1984 almost three years after she had first gone missing that someone called in an anonymous tip and said where they thought her body could be and that's where they found Tina's skull it was found over 50 miles from the crime scene in a completely different County near the remains they also found a child's blanket a blue nylon jacket a pair of Levi's jeans with a missing back pocket and an empty surgical tape dispenser now whoever mentioned this tip on the phone was probably the person who did it because they specifically mentioned Tina by name like really who else would know so please start thinking you know the persons got to be out there and they're feeling guilty or they want it to be solved or something so let's talk about some of the suspects that police had so first there's Martin smart and Bobo Betty Martin smart like I said was the father of Justin smart which was the friend that was found alive in the cabin so after doing a little more investigation they found out that Martin had a history of being pretty abusive to his wife Marilyn and there are reports that Sue Sharpe was kind of helping coach Marilyn because she had also been through an abusive relationship so she was trying to coach her into leaving and apparently when Martin found out that Sue is trying to help with their marriage he went absolutely ballistic he was very angry that she had stepped in their business at all also Martin ended up going to Reno Nevada for a little while after the murders happened so pretty sketchy to just jump town like that all of a sudden and at the time police believed that whoever did this probably didn't act so they started looking at Martin's roommate actually his name was John buh Betty he was actually an ex-con and he is now considered a scomp list in this case if Martin was the killer it really would make some sense because the boys in the other room were left completely untouched maybe he didn't want to scare his own son or hurt his own son so he left them alone in that room so as time went on people started to feel like maybe there was some type of cover-up in this case because there was quite a bit of evidence and leaves but there's never any follow-up arrest made or any type of action taken by the police it seemed like it was just kind of swept under the rug in 2001 Dana's dad actually mentioned that the police totally screwed up the caves by stumbling over each other and making everything even worse Dana's father actually believes that there could have been a cover-up and he's not the only one a lot of people in Ketty believe that something sketch happened that night and the police didn't do a full investigation the former sheriff who was sheriff at the time of the murder Doug Thomas is accused of being involved in a cover-up a lot of people think he was close friends with Martin smart there was a lot of talk about Doug covering up the situation or pulling strings for Martin so he finally ended up responding to the allegations he said there was no shortage of suspects but suddenly now everybody thirty five or so years later have all figured out what happened and that all the investigating officers were corrupt it is laughable as what it is Martin smart was not a friend of mine at one point he and his wife were having marital problems and they came into my office when I was a sheriff and wanted me to counsel them so what the hell why would a struggling couple go to a random sheriff like unless they had a relationship with him and trusted him so years passed with nothing happening in the case until it was finally reopened by a new sheriff in 2013 so not that long ago Sheriff Greg Hagwood and investor Mike Hamburg both had personal connections to the victims and in terms of the police cover-up sheriff Hagwood said it brought to light some amazing timeline history's and what some may call coincidence others may look at it more accusingly I don't put anything outside of the realm of possibility so once the case was reopened some interesting new discoveries were actually made one of the investigators might Gambhir was looking over all of the evidence in police files and just reorganizing taking a second look at everything and that's what he found a letter that was from Martin to Maryland the letter was apparently written soon after the murders happen and it actually said I've paid the price for your love and now that I've bought it with four people's lives you tell me were through great what else do you want so that seems like a big piece of evidence that was just pushed to the side for years Marilyn said that she doesn't remember getting that letter but she did say that the handwriting was Martin's they also found that phone call with the anonymous tip telling them where Tina's body was turns out that the tape had never been analyzed and was actually just boxed up so I think there could have been a cover-up involved here they also ended up speaking to Martin's former therapist in Reno Nevada and they found out that he actually confessed to the murders now this wasn't something that was just discovered because this therapist actually did report this to police like I mean there's only so much that a therapist can keep confidential so murders not one of them and he did tell the police but nothing was done and he was super shocked that nothing had ever been done with that confession however even if they do find out that Martin and possibly beau his roommate did commit the murders it's too late for justice because both of them have already passed away Martin died in June of 2000 and Beau died in 1988 so moving forward a little bit in March of 2016 a man was using a metal detector near a pond and Kenny and he ended up finding a hammer with a blue handle this hammer actually matched perfectly with the description of the hammer that Martin said that he lost was another hammer used with the crimes and then tossed into the pond this case is currently being investigated it could be solved investigators right now say that they have actually discovered a few other potential suspects in case investigators actually say they have six potential suspects and all of them are still alive so that's really interesting I would love to know more about that as of right now this has not been solved no one has been charged but Sheila said that she's very thankful for the work that's being done currently on the case she feels like they're working hard on it and hopefully this does get solved one day what's interesting is she said that they are putting in more work now than they ever have in all the previous years Sheila does herself believe that Martin and Beau were the ones to commit the murders and it does make sense the latest bit that we have is in April of 2018 one of the investigators said that they found some DNA on a piece of tape that was left at the crime scene and they were able to match that to one of the living suspects so hopefully they are close to solving this I mean it seems that way the cabin ended up being demolished in 2004 the BuzzFeed dudes went out and looked at it and it was just pretty much all rubble they had to do this because so many people were going to go look at it and it became like a you know a little bit of a tourist attraction so they ended up tearing it down it's a really creepy case and it's very weird that it still is unsolved to this day I'm curious do you guys think that this case will be solved do you think it won't be solved who do you think did it let me know what you guys think below be sure to subscribe and turn your notification bells on so you don't miss any other days of freak week I have 5 more videos coming to you guys this week so get excited but that's it for me today guys I hope you're having a great day stay spooky and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 886,789
Rating: 4.9626513 out of 5
Keywords: kendallraeonyt, kendallrae, kendall rae, kendaily, keddie, crime, unsolved, true crime, cabin 28, investigation, marty smartt, keddie cabin 28, buzzfeed unsolved network, buzzfeed unsolved, unsolved mystery, cold case, mystery, creepy, freak week, creepypasta, unsolved mysteries, unexplained, strange, scary, investigative, paranormal, supernatural, scary stories, reddit, paranormal investigation, ghost adventures, mile higher podcast, forensic files, zak bagans, id discovery, reddit stories
Id: ZIENdyX7xbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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