SECRETS from Kobe Bryant’s & Michael Jordan's Trainer on Building an UNBEATABLE MINDSET | Tim Grover

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to me anger is a reaction to what somebody else said to you it creates an emotion all right the dark side turns your anger into controlled rage now you're in control now how long can you stay in control that's the difference are you going to burn out right away all of a sudden you just let out all this rage or do you know how to control it and place it in the right places not only to win the battle but to win that war and we literally have a war going on every single moment it may not be out in here but there's a war that goes on in here all the time with ourselves all the time and you can't win that war with only light you can't [Music] hey everyone this episode is brought to you by our sponsor betterhelp an online counseling company with the mission to make professional counseling accessible affordable and convenient i hope you enjoy hey everybody welcome to another episode of impact theory i am here today with somebody who is truly iconic he is not a trainer he is the trainer the one and only tim grover tim welcome to the show man tom it's an honor to be back dude i am so excited to be sitting down with you again i am obsessed with you your mindset your books and the new book winning the unforgiving race to greatness yes i was blown away i have the chills literally just saying the title of your book gave me chills uh it's fantastic i think we have to define for people because you give a pretty interesting take on what winning is what is winning winning is not about the trophy and the accolades it's about the grind it's about the obstacles it's about the challenges it's about the pain that you endure along the way for that 30 seconds of being able to either stand on the platform be acknowledged by individuals that are close to you but when that happens your mind has to immediately shift back because now you felt and tasted something that you could only get through winning are you willing to do it again over and over and over you've trained some of the the the greatest of the greats michael jordan kobe bryant um charles barkley dwyane wade i mean just the the hall of fame is chock-a-block as my wife would say with people that you have trained [Music] so you know something about winning you know something about sustained winning over time why do you call it the unforgiving race to greatness well it's interesting that you said that i know about winning the reason i know so much about winning is because i've had to deal with so much losing that's interesting what do you mean by that everybody wants to win but in order to know how to win you got to know how to lose because you're going to lose more than you're going to win but every time you lose what do you gain from it so every time i've lost people say you got to jump right back up you know get back right on your feet again and i i disagree with that after you lose or when you get knocked down stay down there for a minute understand why you lost what were the reasons why are you down here why did you lose why did you get knocked down because if you just jump right back up you're gonna lose again and again and you continue to lose the same way so every time i lost i stayed down for a second minutes hours days weeks but when i stood up i was different i was smarter and when i lost again i stayed down i stood back up i was stronger when i lost again i stayed down how did i stand up again i was more confident lost again stood up i was more resilient now you start putting the pieces that are necessary to win over and over and over again so if you lose and you jump right back up and you haven't really changed i mean really really changed from that loss you're never going to learn from it and you're never going to really truly know the unforgiving race to greatness because that's the that's part of the unforgiving part is the losing part that part is unforgiving i've heard you say it's so funny how often you give me the chills i heard you say that you know people will tell you hey you just lost you need to look in the mirror and you'll see the reason that you lost you said that's not true it's what you don't see in the mirror is why you lost i have the chills again what what does that mean what is it what is it that people don't see it's what's really inside of them so what they're seeing when they look in the mirror they're just trying to see what's on the surface but winning and losing wants to know what's inside of you it wants to know what makes you tick it wants to know what your desires are he wants to know what your ego is it wants to know what your limitations are it wants to know what your mindset is it wants to know everything about you because winning does not lie when you look in the mirror you can lie and see what's on the surface you cannot lie what's going on inside and that's what people are not willing to see the lies that are truly going on inside of them that are not allowing them to win over and over sometimes even win once you have to look winning requires you to go so far deep inside yourself it's way beyond the surface it's way beyond internal it's going to a place that a lot of people haven't visited in a long long time because they're afraid to visit that person because when they visit that person they don't know who that person is anymore does this have to do with not wanting to recognize your weaknesses it's not wanting to not only recognize your weaknesses it's not wanting to acknowledge them not to work on them not to face them and also what you have to do to change them people will point out your weaknesses but there's a big difference between your weaknesses and your flaws your flaws are your gifts and people are so busy trying to deal with their flaws and change their flaws when their flaws are actually allows them to stay in that race can you give me some specifics on that like give use yourself use mj kobe what were the flaws that they had that were actually unique gifts when if anybody got a chance to watch the last dance michael said i have a competitive problem i have a competition problem right everything is a competition well for most people they'd be like that's his flaw he's always got to complete he's always so intense he's always wound up right everybody tells him unwind you can't tell individuals like yourself like me to unwind that's when we're the most uncomfortable when we decide to unwind is because we want to unwind not because somebody else tells us to unwind so when you look at that when people always say oh listen you're too focused you should relax boy you work too much you're obsessed with kobe it was always an obsession you're obsessed those are floss but those flaws allow you to win over and over and over again initially those may have been weaknesses but when the individual recognized you know what these really aren't my weaknesses these are the things that allow me to be different it's what allows me to be unique because winning wants you to be different winning requires you to do different things winning requires you to think in a different way winning speaks its own language winning has its own way of recognizing you it's not what this it's not the same so winning requires you to be different but being different scares a lot of people which people think is a weakness but once you recognize that difference is one of your greatest flaws that you have the ability to stand out now you start to actually see what winning is about right then talk to me about weakness one of the things that i found so extraordinary about your story and how you guys started with michael jordan is that you wrote to every player on the chicago bulls except michael jordan saying hey i can train you but only michael reached back out like that to me is such a signal to what greatness is why when he was already on the path to being one of the greatest players in the nba why do you think it was him that reached out well you just brought up the weakness point he recognized he had a weakness not a flaw he had a weakness and he said i must figure out how to make this weakness my strength now what a lot of individuals do is they'll take their weakness and make it into their strengths but they stop working on their strengths and they don't advance all those things that's a very key component there recognize your weakness recognize what you're not good at what you're not talented at do you have the ability to raise that level and so there are some things you most people just don't a lot of the weaknesses you can make you can work on but there's some weaknesses that are just your weaknesses now how do you work with those things you find individuals around you who have your weakness is their strength and now they can carry you or carry the team carry the staff whatever you need in order to still get that win and we're so worried about hiding our weaknesses and denying the weaknesses from ourselves and from other individuals and a lot of people won't identify because they get very emotional when you talk about an individual's weakness and you tell them it becomes a lot of emotion first time they do is that's not my weakness how dare you how dare you say that they get they get very defensive they get very very defensive and everybody wants everyone says in any relationship whether in business personal everybody wants the truth they'll say plea be honest with me well your weakness when you tell somebody's about their weakness and you're being honest with them they think you're attacking them all right and the reason most people feel like you're attacking them is because the individual that's identifying your weakness has the same weakness as you do and they don't deal with it but they want you to deal with it because they're hoping if you deal with it you can you can help them and the best way to turn a weakness into a strength is very simple find individuals who your weakness is their strength and find out what they did or how you can associate with that individual one thing that i've always been blown away by with your um strategy is that it's very process driven it's it really is like when i think about your definition of winning the whole idea of being relentless of getting a result no matter what which is precisely what i find so intoxicating about you your ideas your books um is you would count so you you're tasked with i need to help michael jordan or kobe or whoever do their thing better you would count steps that they took whether they jump more off their left leg or their right leg after having sat in the stadium during the game you would then go home and watch the game again to do all this counting so that you could then put a regime together for the next day like the thought of you doing this game after game is crazy so that you could tailor the next day's workout to really balance them out so if they'd over emphasize the left side we're going to train the right side more but that's such a like that to me when people really understand how obsessive you have to be to do that night after night week after week month after month like season after season that that really defines what it takes to be so good at what you do that you get the results talk to me about that idea of process and just getting sort of that good at what you do well to me you know everyone talks about the process you know they said you got to love the process you got to love the process i agree with that but i also kind of disagree with that because to me you have to do the process the process is non-negotiable it's just you have to do it all right so if you have to do something i don't have uh highs about it or lows about it i know it has to get done and if i let my emotions get involved in it all right it's not going to get done to its best abilities so if people say you got to love the process and then something comes in the process that you don't really love because there's no way everybody loves 100 of any process all right we look at this beautiful setup that we have here that we're looking at to set all this up is a very tedious process and how meticulous it has to be and no nobody's here whistling and saying oh this is wonderful to do let me see how all the lights are but you have to do it you have to do it you take the emotions out of it and you do it the process is a non-negotiable thing all right the end result is not always there that win isn't always there you can go through the whole process and somebody went through didn't be as meticulous as you and they may get that win because winning has no loyalty to any of us you know people that don't work as hard they end up get they end up getting that win people that aren't as qualified for the job they end up getting that they end up getting that win do you stop the process no you continue to get more maniacal with the process over and over and over again and part of the process that's so important i talk about this in the winning thing is there's so much information that's out there when individuals start to do the process they get in this mind frame of what to think what to think what to think because somebody else is saying this is how the process is supposed to be done these are the steps that you have to take in each process and they lose their ability on how to think no one told me to count michael's steps no one told me to say hey when he's work when he's working out only do eight reps on this side and do two reps on this side there's no books out there i mean that this was way before fitbit and all that other stuff but i needed to know in order to effectively do the process correctly if i'm gonna go through it i might as well do it the best of my ability and do it right so going to go through these steps these are necessary in order for my client and for myself to know i'm going through the process the way it should be going through the way i want it to go through so i can get that end result the process is non-negotiable i it's just like you have to do it i don't care what you do what you do you know a lot of routines in the morning that people go through it's a process it's a process to get you either closer to winning or farther in the book you personify winning that you'll make little comments about you know oh you were describing a workout one time and you were telling the reader if it doesn't sound hard why don't you go ahead and try it and i think you'll hear winning chuckling over you know in the background at how painful this is and there were a number and in fact you just said winning isn't loyal to any of us and this idea like there's a few ideas i want to i want to tease apart because they're what make this book so magical so there's the idea of winning winning is is a an entity that you can think of as personified that is fickle that has no loyalty but yet is extraordinarily powerful and when you meet together and are able to pull out the win there's there's nothing like it right that greatness is table stakes for winning it is it is just it has to be like there's no option there's no way around it you can fight it you can think it unfair you can do whatever you want but that's what has to happen for um for you to meet winning and for that moment to you know to have that victory and that idea of being an unforgiving race that greatness doesn't care that greatness isn't loyal that greatness has these huge demands of people and that to win there is an element of obsession that some people will say in fact i'll ask the question this way given how fickle a mistress winning is is it mental illness to pursue it i think it's mental illness not to pursue it go on right i i think that the the illness is the what is an illness an illness doesn't make you feel well it takes it it's taking away your health it's taking away your livelihood it's taking your ability to see things that are right there all right so winning not to pursue your win and people have to understand this about winning we win every single day their wins out there all the time our ability to see those wins to process those wins to understand them all right that's what makes the mind sharp that's what keeps you focused that's what keeps you alive the illness is not to pursue something every day that gives you a feeling like nothing else can't and this isn't this isn't about financial security this isn't about uh monetary success this is enough this isn't about having shiny things winning is in so many different forms raising your kids being able to get your message out to individuals those are winning being able to be a teacher and never leave any student behind those are wins so the illness is not to be obsessed with those things the illness is not to be focused the illness is not to want something better for yourself the illness is not to want something better for the individuals around you the illness is not to be the best person that you can be every single day the illness is not to pursue what's so special to you there's this idea i think about that i call the physics of being human so there are just certain things that are true about the human mind so the human mind will reward certain things and punish other things and part of the reason that i think your work is so important is you're one of the few people that seem to be truly aligned with the truth of the human experience and by that i mean to put these two ideas together that i think the human mind rewards everybody everybody without exception you will be subconsciously rewarded through neurochemistry for the pursuit of improvement to get great to take your potential and turn it to actual usable skill set so to your point it whether you're a teacher or whether you're an athlete it doesn't matter there's a subconscious routine running in the human brain that compels you through reward and punishment to take potential and make it manifest into something real that you can do something with and if you fail to do that through whatever argument you give yourself uh you will be subconsciously punished for neurochemistry you'll feel emptiness you'll feel a lack of purpose a lack of meaning and um when you talk about like hey there needs to be something in your life where you're pursuing that victory you're pursuing the win you're going after it with everything you have does that does that line up with how you think about it yes the experience you get the feeling that you get from winning it you can't even describe it one of the things i think that keeps people from those things from being able to get that mindset from being able to get that neurochemical change in the brain and being able to feel that is confidence and winning gives you that confidence every time you get that chemical change you get that hit from every little win that you get your level of confidence goes up your level of confidence continues it continues to rise it gives you the ability to have more wins and the crazy thing is is when you look at it for most individuals especially for myself why confidence is one of it's like it's like the ultimate drug it's like the ultimate drug but you know who the dealer is winning is the dealer winning is the dealer so if you keep getting those hits over and over and over again that means you're winning as small as it may be you're winning gets you a little step closer to whatever you want it gets you a little step closer to that mindset that we all have the ability to have that's the crazy part we all have this isn't about playing basketball like michael jordan did like late bryan late great kobe bryant dwyane wade this is about having the mindset and being able to think and process information and do things and get that chemical hit that we all have the ability of every single day and we try tricks you know oh you know well i shouldn't say tricks you know these things do work but they don't work as well all right i'm going to take a cold shower i'm going to jump in the ice tub i'm going to do that everybody's looking for like something they only have to do for a quick two minutes you know if i go in there and i stand under this cold water and i bear oh man this is and they think yeah that's that might be a small victory but what's the ultimate goal towards the end of it are you just trying to shortchange that two-minute thing for something that's you don't really want to do the whole process to get that hit that's naturally can be converted over and over and over again every time you win hey everybody it's time to talk about all of our favorite subjects mental health is there something holding you back or preventing you from achieving your goals or even just interfering with your happiness do any of you suffer from depression or anxiety as a lot of you guys know i've suffered from anxiety for years and trying to tackle something like that on your own is not always the optimal strategy but a lot of people are super nervous to try out therapy or they don't really know where to start or they're just plain embarrassed but now there's a service called better help that makes therapy more accessible and affordable better help is professional counseling done securely online using your computer tablet or mobile phone through video calls phone calls or text messaging with licensed therapists who are certified by their state's board to provide therapy and counseling it is not self-help and it's not a crisis line it's an online service available worldwide and it has a massive network of counselors who have a broad and diverse range of specialties so you can get a counselor with the sort of expertise that might not even be available in your local area betterhelp assesses your needs and matches you with a licensed professional therapist within 24 hours you can log into your account anytime to message your counselor and betterhelp also has group in our sessions every week where members can learn in groups directly from licensed counselors on multiple topics like relationships and ways to overcome anxiety especially if the thought of seeking help makes you nervous or embarrassed be sure to check out the over 60 000 positive reviews posted on the betterhelp site and that's betterhelp h-e-l-p betterhelp is committed to making it easy for you to access the therapeutic help you need even if you have never gone to counseling before it's free to switch therapists it's more affordable than local therapy and they even have financial aid available if you need it betterhelp wants you to start living a happier life today visit impact and again that's spelled better h e l p and join over 500 000 people taking charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional betterhelp costs just 65 dollars per week and financial aid is available for those who qualify during the sign up process as an impact theory viewer you can get 10 off your first month so visit impact and get the help you need today all right guys if you need this one please give it a shot take care and be legendary the way when i was reading your book the idea that seemed self-evident to me is that you can't opt out of playing the game so life the human experience and i suppose the only way to truly opt out would be suicide so let's set that aside um you can't opt out of it so you're going to play and so now it's just a question of if i'm right that the human mind has a subconscious process that's running that rewards you for pursuing getting better at something and punishes you for not having purpose not pursuing anything and you can't opt out of the game now you're either going to feel good or bad based on whether you pursue something and when i introduce people to you there's sort of two camps there's people that read you watch you listen you listen to you see the things that you've done the people that you've helped and they are transformed by it and it gives them the chills the way that it gives me the chills and then there's other people that are like ah he focuses on the dark side it's dark energy like oh this is crazy and honestly there's a an ache in my heart for people that that discount that that have not sort of looked in the mirror and embraced the reality of the human experience as far as i can tell which is you will be subconsciously rewarded for going after this leveraging every tool you have including the dark side which seems just so obviously real even if it's just taking a cold shower it's what you said every tool you have and most people will not use every single tool they have why is that because they're afraid they don't know how to control it they don't want to acknowledge it they're afraid of being judged they want to stand out they want to be different they want women to acknowledge them but they have so much doubt of what greatness and the unforgiving race actually requires to win over and over again we all have fear we all have fear but these individuals have so much doubt we were before we started this you were talking about oh i was watching um one of your past interviews that was on tv and people you were like they were like oh man you come out on you come here and you're never nervous you've been doing this for so long and you have no fear and you're like no every time i come out here i don't care how how many shows have you done now over the years hundreds hundreds there's always a fear to sit in here but you never have any doubt right never have any doubt of what the outcome is going to be those individuals that won't tap into everything that they have and there's a so the dark side is just because of the way i phrase it they think it's this evil and it's this bad thing and it's not it's not think about the times where everything was going wrong nothing was going right what kept you going what kept you going when there was no friends around there was no family you were in that place what kept you going all right that was your dark energy that was your dark side and think about this when does a new day start at midnight is it light or dark out dark so if you if a new day starts in the dark why why are you afraid to have use your dark side for your new beginnings whoa whoa it's not an evil thing it's an evil thing if you don't recognize it it's an evil thing if you allow it to become destructive if it's an it's an evil thing if you use it for excuses but if you harness it it takes you to places that you you couldn't even imagine and every single winner in all folks in all forms of life they may not talk about it but they've all tapped into that energy the light energy the dark energy the subconscious energy the conscious energy they use all they use everything they use everything and in order to have winning winning requires you to do and use everything because you don't know one day if when not even a day you don't know from minute to minute if winning is going to wear a halo or it's going to meet you with things and if you can't deal with the halo you definitely can't deal with the fangs you can't deal with the fangs you can't deal with the halo and they may require different energy they may require different energy yeah the the thing that i'm obsessed with is getting people to understand that nature has given you tools i won't say whether they're good or bad tools but rage is a tool anger exists for a reason aggression exists for a reason and there it feels different and so i understand how the word sort of light energy dark energy come to be star wars has always been such a cool take on sure that where there's there's a seduction to the dark side and there's there are moments of time where that's going to be the thing that you need in that moment to get you through i try to spend 80 of my time in the light and think of the beautiful things that i'm trying to create in the world and that keeps me going until it doesn't and then when it's dark and i'm scared and i'm broken and just exhausted in those moments it's thinking about the people that actively want me to fail it's shifting over into an aggressive energy it's shifting over into rage and if you think about how you would react if somebody attacked the ones that you love it wouldn't be with diplomacy it would be with ferocity yes and to me it's like acknowledging that millions of years of evolution have led to the moment where in a moment of crisis what presents itself to you is aggression is dominance is rage is attack and if in those moments people view that as a thing to not be touched a tool not to be used uh that to me is a mistake it's a huge mistake people say you gotta attack your goals all right but you gotta you gotta control your feelings they label us with all these different things that when it's to get what we want it's always got to be in a positive light a positive light a positive light but when you have individuals like you said that trying to attack you that attack you personally that attack your work ethic that attack your success that are trying to take away everything that you've worked so hard to get to get are you only going to use the light or are you going to use your aggression are you going to use your controlled rage are you going to use those things to protect you and if you haven't acknowledged your dark side and you haven't tapped into it and realize what it is and acknowledge it just like winning has no loyalty and winning doesn't know your name it's gonna say hey i don't know who you are to me anger is what is a reaction to what somebody else said to you it creates an emotion all right the dark side turns your anger into controlled rage now you're in control you're in control now how long can you stay in control that's the difference are you going to burn out right away all of a sudden you just let out all this rage or do you know how to control it and place it in the right places not only to win the battle but to win that war and we literally have a war going on every single moment it may not be out in here but there's a war that goes on in here all the time with ourselves all the time and you can't win that war with only light you can't and i agree so ferociously that it's one of those things whenever i talk about it people get super weird there is a high level of discomfort that people have around that idea um but i think that it's so powerful that failing to use it is is sort of an acknowledgement of of sort of lowering what is possible yes yes and the people that get uncomfortable usually have the darkest size they just don't they just they've never had they feel like they're getting caught they're like they're trying to hide it they're like and all of a sudden they're like whoa somebody just he's just talking it i didn't know anybody else was like this there's a lot of people out there like this and we only people only get acknowledged for it for all the destructive behavior that happens they don't really get acknowledged for all the all the good that that's that happens with it and the people that have the ability to tap into that and get to not only help themselves but help everybody around you so to me it's really a question of meaning and purpose when i think about so lisa and i obviously paused for a very brief second and said okay we've now had the kind of financial success we said we'd never work again um on something that we didn't love if we hit this sort of dollar amount and luckily before that i had realized that this is really just a game of neurochemistry it really it like life full stop is just how you feel about yourself and your life when you're by yourself and so i knew i needed to engage in something that mattered and this is why talking to you is always so powerful to me is you've got this setup where meaning and purpose matters without it there will be not not just uh something missing in your life it will be a sucking wound of a void like you with everything you have you must address it and if you look at the opioid opioid epidemic um pandemic basically that is what happens when people have no meaning no purpose in their life they fill it with something with neuro neural cocktail right so um i knew that i needed to re-engage but when i think about engaging in a way that gives me the neurochemical cocktail that i want it really is going really really hard for something and i can acknowledge that that does not seem completely universal some people don't have sort of the the level that i have to take it to and like i'm obsessed and but it is if people look at me and they're sad right at how hard i work and how much i've given up for what i love i will flip that and say the reason they think that is because they don't know what it feels like to pursue something that hard and even though i know winning doesn't know my name doesn't care about me there's no loyalty the pursuit of real glory like just the pursuit of it is in and of itself an intoxicant and is thoroughly joyful most people don't want to even get in the race because what you just explained to them they're afraid of it they're afraid of success they're afraid of how good that's going to feel because it's something unique to them it's something different it's something they want it's something they want to pursue but in order to get in this unforgiving race you're going to have to leave a lot of things behind you have to leave a lot of you have to leave a lot of people behind you're going to have to leave a lot of feelings behind you're going to leave a lot of emotions behind right so the best way to describe those individuals is and this is why you have a hard time i won't say relating to them but just um understanding their thinking because we relate to people in different ways all the time is those individuals their feelings are stronger than their mind and you're and for us our minds are stronger than our feelings so you think about the success that you had previously right your feelings could have said you don't need to get out of bed anymore you literally if you chose every single day you're like your feelings could have said why do you have to work more stay in bed all right your mind got you out of bed every single day because your mind was stronger than your feelings because you knew what your real purpose was where your real win was even though you won previously that may have not been your actual pursuit of the win that you wanted you you won that one and you like what's next there's always a next see your mind was stronger than your feelings your mind allowed you to make that decision feelings make people overthink over and over should i do this should i not get in the race it's going to be too hard so they already talked themselves out there talk themselves out of it most individuals your mind will make a decision say we're going to we're going to do this your feelings always make suggestions you're always they're always giving a suggestion they're always kind of analyzing things they're trying to see is trying to see what what's happening what what's going to go on all right when you fail your feelings give you excuses your mind makes you more resilient you've given up a lot personally to play this game to strive for winning you told a story in the book that i hadn't heard before which really hit me which is uh you were packing to go yes and your daughter walked in tell us that story this is this is tim grover in a nutshell to me the unflinching here's the truth of it don't have to play if you don't want to but here's what it costs if you want to play yeah and yeah so my work when i was working with my professional athletes it required me to do a lot of traveling a lot of leaving at short notice and this story gets me every time so when people say it didn't hurt it still hurts i was packing for a trip my daughter walks into the room she says dad why do you travel so much i said sweetheart this is i provide for the family this is how i take care of you and mom this is how i put food on the table she looks at me says daddy if i eat less will you stay home more now people would think [Music] in a fairy tale or most people were that i unpacked my suitcase i'm not going to take this trip let's go grab some ice cream or let's go out i kept packing i kept packing why i had to set an example for her early of what it meant to win and what you have to leave behind sometimes in order to pursue what's unique to you and i wanted her to understand that this is who i am i can't be anybody else i always want you to see the real dad the real person and i want to set an example for you and i was fortunate enough that those sacrifices that i did make early i had a conversation with her later on to tell her why i did all those things in the middle of the conversation she stopped me she goes i get it i understand she saw the results she saw how it brought us closer together she understood my dedication to my craft and what it took to excel and what it took to be different and what it took to stand by unpopular decisions of others knowing that every successful person that i've met every successful person that i know had to make those decisions over and over again that affect other individuals that are so close and so dear to them what do you say to people that hear that story and think oh tim you were so close you could have had the fairy tale moment all you had to do was unpack take her out for ice cream what is it that they don't understand you ever watch a fairy tale yes all right there's a lot of unforgiving dark places bad decisions that go on bad moments in a fairy tale and it doesn't always end the way everybody wants it to end my ending of a fairy tale is different than somebody else's it's my story i have the ability to change it i have the ability to decide who's going to star in it whether i'm going to be the main figure or at times i'm going to let somebody else don't give that power to somebody else you have too many individuals out there that are not writing their own story they're letting other people write those stories for them winning wants you to write your own story because only you can tell your story the way winning is going to understand it the way your true self is going to be acknowledge it to everybody else and say listen i may not agree with everything that you've done and i don't expect people to do there's not a single successful person that i know where everybody's going to agree with 100 of their decisions but you have to respect that individual for doing things that they wanted to do how they wanted to do it and their ability to win over and over again if you had 60 seconds to tell the generation coming up now who want to be great what they should do to make that real what would you say if i had 60 seconds i would tell them that stop looking for steps stop looking for things that say five steps to winning ten steps to greatness you know eight steps to success those steps are infinite and they're constantly changing and just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not there find your own path to winning because as the late great kobe bryant said winning is everything winning is everything the way it makes you feel the way it makes your family feel the way you feel when your children win the way you feel when your significant others win the way you feel when you've touched other lives and they win those steps are infinite but you got to trust yourself that they're there and sometimes you gotta run up those stairs sometimes you gotta crawl up those stairs and sometimes you get all the way to the top and you gotta start all over again such is the nature of winning yes it is my man thank you so much for coming on where can people connect with you my website is social media handle is at tim grover nice and easy there it is guys i'm telling you this is i would call him a legend but he's not a legend he's an icon this man knows how to think read the book winning it is extraordinary um i have set off camera and i will say now on camera winning is like another number one hit from the same album that relentless came from if you like that one winning is going to blow your mind is absolutely phenomenal his advice will change your life if you let it and i hope each and every one of you will pursue winning in your own way and speaking of things that will help you win if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary take care
Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 270,515
Rating: 4.933424 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory, ImpactTheory, TomBilyeu, Inside Quest, InsideQuest, Tom Bilyou, Theory Impact, motivation, inspiration, talk show, interview, motivational speech, Tim Grover, Relentless, Attack Athletics, interviews, business, entrepreneur, high performance, high performers, high-level success, success, unstoppable, winning, losing, process, weakness, performance flaws, trainer, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Charles Barkley, Dwayne Wade, NBA, NFL, MLB, aggression, rage, anger, dark side
Id: xyl_LfvWfrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 16sec (3256 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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