Tim Grover - Full Talk! Being Relentless

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and this is gonna be a very relaxed intense talk so if you got a drink keep drinking all right just keep just keep drinking some awesome talks earlier they were unbelievable they were un-freakin'-believable now I do use language in my talks a lot I come from the sports background a lot so if it offends you I really don't give a just letting just letting you know all right now speakers yesterday and you know you got a mitt your shortcomings all smarter than me all better looking at me all right speakers today oh smarter than me all better look at me and the last one great stripper name oh my god great stripper name that was why you really got with him come on bats and a pilot suit on oh my goodness it's over it's over forget about all the other stuff that all that other stuff that was impressive that's like man I'm gonna do something with that listen first of all please give a hand and a thank you to our hosts John and Cale and everybody else that made this thing happen now let me tell you how I got here John was that an event I did in Atlanta I'm in the bathroom okay come in here I finish I turn around standing John good looks at me goes impressive thank you thank you you know he goes no the book the book the book up my whole day okay now I will also tell you guys listen there's a bathroom towels missing all right I took four out of my room I took four out of Sherry's all those towels are awesome now if anybody hasn't taken a bath or shower here you got to try a new solution you gotta try that bath towel it is it is something else now when I was flying here I knew there was a lot of pilots here I didn't know there were this many pilots all right I actually learned to fly on the way over here so we landed from Chicago and we landed at the airport and we're switching planes and we're getting on Cape air all right get on the plane the pilots over there look at he sits down we're getting ready to take off we take off in the air he opens the window he sticks his right hand left turn on my whole up and trouble he takes his bottle and he sticks it out the window I think he's chilling this ice class I don't know what the hell what the hell he's doing I this is what really messes me up he starts looking at his maps I'm like how many times you can do this so I'm on my phone people are thinking I'm texting okay look at that I said ways ways this is I go from here to there this is follow the direction ways ways ways if you don't know where you go and move I'll figure this out I will get their ways I got this I was just waiting for him to clean the windshield out with this thing and then we'll be it will be alright now I'm here to bring everything together alright and actually this event is I've never heard these speakers before never heard these speakers before and I like to go to these events cuz I pick up a lot of stuff a lot of stuff that's why I come in early and I try to stay as late as possible alright Valarie some of the stuff that you had said listen for every guy in here she gave every single one of us and out every single guy in here we have a out think about it think about it every time we screw up my frontal lobe wasn't developed we are gonna get you a what is it a gift or a meme so every time we screw up say listen and then all hey for laying around the house we're watching a baseball game or sitting there we're not doing anything we're sitting back say listen it's not our fault my ancestors fall from two million years ago okay you don't believe me ask her it's not the boys you can ask a woman here call her call her so I'm good I'm good if I had this information earlier I'd still be married I'd still be mine no problem be like man I was like this is freaking perfect this is freaking perfect that's I see you got pick up the little things pick up the things these little important detail things that make all the freaking difference all right so let's get on with it I like to talk about things why are you here okay there's gonna be a lot of audience participation we've been sitting for a long time you've been sitting for a long time all right why are you here huh to learn that's an easy answer okay why are you here sure sure great okay anybody else misspelled so I'm not the point to split out listen to report perfect okay anybody else you got the wrong personal station anybody else take some risks okay before you can get anywhere before you can do anything everyone always tells you want to know why but understand why you're here wherever you go when you wake up in the morning whatever you do understand why you are here are you here for yourself are you here for others are you here for your family why are you here it sounds like a simple questions but you get different answers from every body that you see out there all right you know the people I talk about what's your purpose purpose is something that goes a long way right but every day when you get up you need to know why you're here why you're here and it could be simply as I'm gonna have fun I will make difference in the world it could be a different answer every single day they could be the same answer every single day it's unique to each individual here but you need to understand exactly what that what that is if you don't understand why you're here you're never gonna be able to do what she did what he did he did she did with everybody in here you're always just going to be going in the same place over and over and over again what do you do consulting Mike what do you do okay what do you do okay Steve what do you do that's right I value what do you do thank you very much okay your job is not what you do your job is not what you do all right what do i do what do I do you said give that one thing or is that one thing you put on your sheet that little domino right what is the one thing I do I get the end result I get the end result you can throw anything at me anyway what it is I'm gonna get you the end result that's what I do so when somebody asks you what do you do don't define it as I raise money I can salt that's not what you do you can give young women an opportunity give him a chance to believe in themselves give him a chance to smile okay you make dreams come true you show women that as up as a situation was some time I survived and you can stay on top all right you show them that the life is too complex you give everybody out of jail card what do you do now in order to reach those different levels of thinking the way people act and so forth you need to think a little bit uniquely about who you are how to survive and how to make things happen all right you got up earlier a couple of days ago the one thing I do do is I listen quite a bit I don't hear so well but I listen quite a bit all right you said you're not crazy you're nuts you don't do what you did in life at your age start a company with very little money sell it for a shitload of money buy this place if you're not off okay you don't get on a plane and go around the world go through that checklist but with a stack of papers that high if you think like everybody else all right you don't teach people how to deal with fear and got that close to death with a staph infection from a dirty gym you were working out in you know unless you don't think like everybody else now there isn't a single person in this room all right when he was telling his stories that didn't think that's a crazy right there the best part about it the whole thing he videotaped his fingers being chopped off did you roll them on the die for some dice I mean I just say legs I'm good I'm good he's at least figure out the tail you know we go to the manicurist hey are you charged with 10 I only got 7 yeah you got do I still get the punch card after 10 or doing it I have to go a little bit longer now I'll just listen I know I'm being funny here but I'm just trying to ordinary people you don't do extraordinary things by thinking like everybody else and since the society tells you to think like everybody else be like everybody else act like everybody else and you know what my motto is everybody else it really is all right I would have not had the opportunity to train the greatest athletes in the world if I thought and acted like everybody else if my methodology was the same like everybody else if I followed the paths that my parents wanted me to follow both my parents are Indian so in the Asian culture it's either a doctor it's either a doctor or it's a lawyer that's it there's no other options okay let's see that you play the piano you play the violin that's it all right I got accepted to medical school I got accepted to medical school told my dad was not going beat the out of me Lily right still not going still Michael what are you gonna do I'm a trained professional athletes you gonna be a gym teacher I'm a trained professional athletes that's what I'm gonna do all right how many people in this room to this day have you held your ground against anybody in here anybody that you know said I'm not gonna do this no matter how much they pushed you know maha's how they tell you this is what you're going to do this is the way it's going to be now when you step out like that you got to deliver you have to deliver if I didn't deliver we got a problem what's great about every speaker that was here they all delivered they all delivered she couldn't understand I'm the best attorney in this place and I got fired for giving the right answer for giving the right answer not the wrong answer for the right answer I'm billing more than everybody in the office combined but the person doesn't like me because my answer is correct but I'm not giving to them giving to them fast enough what did you guys do that I do with all my athletes you paid attention to every frickin detail you pay attention to every frickin detail you paid attention to every frickin detail when people say don't sweat the small stuff sweat everything every little detail matters so when I started working with Michael way back in the day we didn't have the technology we had now all right you know everyone's got the fitbit's and so forth go home go watch the basketball game get done with the basketball game I'm about to let everybody know what my age is right now all right get a Betamax tape yes Oh stick it in there the court have the game recording why not to watch the highlights I needed to count how many steps he took in every direction every single game so I could set the workout up for the next day left right forward back that he jump off of one leg did he land on two legs which way did he go everything like that every detailed manner every single detailed matter people thought I was crazy why is it important well guess what after seven years if I know that he's landed X amount of times on the left leg and he's only landed X amount of times on the right leg which ones most likely to go first so I have to plan for all that stuff but the planning didn't start I can't wait ten years into his career I have to do this stuff now I have to do it now so when you said when you said there was a part of luck of grabbing the right rope knowledge allows you not to grab the wrong one your preparation that you put in you had already completed I look at those things that you guys did the flights selling of the company everything that you've done he probably did some in the break before we didn't even know about it just it didn't it doesn't happen now he talks about the planning of the things it has happened years before that the training the physical training the mental preparation the study game-winning shots that are hit by champions don't happen in that moment they've happened many years before that you call it base I call it zone the only way you can do what you did how many days eighteen days I mean how long were you up to Everest you got to be in the zone you got to be in the zone and you know what the zones about the zones about clarity how many individuals in here do you really have clarity when I talk about the two messages that I talked about earlier why are you here what do you do you need to have exact clarity on those two things if you're going to get anywhere otherwise you're not you know you know you hear these motivational talks that come in and this is where I loved about this this wasn't a pep rally this was not a pep rally you get a lot of speakers that come onstage and they fire you up and you had to get you all charged up and yeah you know everyone's all high-fiving each other and giving each other hugs and so forth and yeah let's go where the we going where we going that's like your friends that come over and tell you it's gonna be okay that's the best you got do you know what that means you're if there's a plan put into place they had every single option for everything I could have possibly gone wrong tell me I'm wrong you thought of everything that could have gone wrong everything and then some she just made up along the way all right same thing with yourself when you're negotiating those securities contracts back then every possible scenario you thought up and then you made some up on the way cuz you didn't meet your billing hours and I gotta stick to stuff stick it in there you have to think the way everybody else doesn't otherwise you're just gonna produce ordinary results here's gonna produce ordinary results and we want the world is full of ordinary people full of ordinary people you know how they love to say you know greatness is inside all of us yeah you know what it is true greatness is inside all of us but for most individuals that's where it stays that's where it stays you know why people aren't successful because they're afraid of success because what happens once you get to success all the stuff you have to keep doing to stay there what do you have to do to keep going the amount you got to keep challenge yourself for the next thing and the next thing and the next thing well my guys don't win one championship trophy it's not enough it's not enough you know we're in Boston you think Tom Brady won't only win one Super Bowl ring the guy was drafted a hundred and ninety nine there's not a single person in this room right now that can't run the faster forty then we he ran at the combine 199 all right now this is where this is going to go he could have taken that and said what was me or he can take him and say watch me everyone in life has a situation at some point you either become the victim or a catapult you every single individual every single one I had mine when I was four years old four my parents came over mom nurse practitioner for 45 years that PhD in physiology and Anatomy came to the States they told on this education doesn't allow them to teach you my well what job you have what job EF because we have a job at the University this was Northwestern University as a degreaser the title job description of a degreaser is oh excuse me it was lab coordinator and degreaser all right everyone gonna figure out where the lab coordinator is set the lab degreaser after you get done with the semester of anatomy and physiology you have the cadavers just filled with formaldehyde after the class gets done after the quarter is over with semesters over it you have to dispose of the body even though I am in Chicago and there are a lot of bodies that are just thrown in the dumpsters and the garbage people do take them there is a right back then this was the proper way to get rid of them when the body is filled with fluid it weighs about four or five hundred pounds supposed to throw it in a furnace and take the ashes out and dispose of the ashes now my dad is five feet one was five feet one he passed away a couple years ago 120 pounds he's not picking up the bodies all right so he has to dismantle them piece by piece to be able throw them in the furnace all right we can't afford babysitters my mom works the night shift my dad works the day she odd my dad works a day shift we get a day off of school guess what we're going my brother and I we're going to work with my dad remember this is before HR regulations and all that go to work with my dad you come in from the old country you're not you're not sitting around you going to work you're going to work I was the original Dexter I was the original Dexter so we're looking at it as a brother now if we can get out of here you know we can enjoy some of the day all right brothers got one bone saw I got the other bone saw at age four we're chopping the out of people bump taking the stuffing going on this all right that was my job from the fourth grade until I graduated high school you do whatever you need to do to survive you don't that a I'm a PhD I'm a doctor I'm too good for this some people just figure things out he didn't have any practice I didn't talk to anybody everybody said oh yeah yeah listen I'm gonna go climb this mountain I'm not gonna I'm not gonna have any o2 no you don't go to them you don't go to Planet you don't go to Planet Fitness to train for that doesn't work so along the way what did you you figured when you landed at that Airport they said you landed at the wrong Airport you figured stuff out this event was scheduled a year ago a year ago didn't happen what you do you figure out some people have the ability to figure stuff out and those are the ones that say watch me and the people that don't are your victims never figure things out they just don't and I love how everybody says you know yes you that's why I said when I talk about the motivation talks everyone's gonna be a success greatness is inside you you yes you can do it we all know that there's a very small percentage it actually can but it sounds so good to tell people all this stuff because it makes you feel good it makes them feel good we lie to people every single day every single day alright ladies when you went out with a group of your girlfriends and one of them said do I look good in this where did you tell him yeah they do and then after they left you got on the phone girl did you see what the hell she guys we do the same thing the one thing that people have a problem with me is I'm the same person all the time I'm the individual that says it's not me it's you this is why you're not getting to where you need to be this is what you need to do to change this is what has to happen what do you ask for in a relationship it's the first thing everybody always asked for honesty then when somebody's honest with you you get pissed off at them right you get pissed off at them you can't win if you lie you can't tell if you tell the truth everybody looks for honesty honesty Ozzy but then when you're honest with the person then the feelings get in the way so you sugarcoat the feelings you sugarcoat the truth and it just continues to go on and on and on and on I have a saying your best friend shouldn't be so friendly because if your best friend all they do is tell you it's gonna be okay it's gonna be fine everything is good no it's not no it's not I had the job of telling the greatest athletes in the world now remember they got pretty big entourage as' get messed up you that play up why'd you do that in practice here's a problem that we have in a lot of our workforces now all right you want to motivate individuals we want to inspire them but we also want to hold them accountable very difficult to do very very difficult to do accountability in yourself is the most important thing it's the most important thing for stories today of greatness you know and the doctor left already I actually wanted her number because any time I had to negotiate a deal talk call her think about what people are capable of doing her side gig but she does for fun on the weekends it's surgery on kids that's her side hustle that's her side hustle not her main thing that's a side hustle you know if I could you know go to med school you know what by the way I'll negotiate some treaty over here this in the hostage situation and all the way all the way oh by the way I got to be backing it that's what the that's what the body and humans are capable of doing but only if you're accountable to yourself only if you're accountable to yourself you get what you tolerate if you tolerate mediocrity you're gonna get me the aqua tea if you tolerate excellence you're gonna get excellence but we worry too much about what everybody else thinks what they're saying and so forth I'm gonna give you a great example all right Steve can I have you come up on stage please Expo powerlifting champion that's why I'm bringing them over on stage all right you got 135 pounds on the bar you're gonna deadlift it all right dad left it for me this is like if there's 135 pounds all right I put it down what's the most you've ever deadlift it 670 I saw some I got a little car over there so come on Stace all right accountability you got 650 on the bar now there's 650 pounds on that bar all right I want you to go through the exact motion exact routine exact sound everything you make all right smelling sauce I don't know somebody kicks Union nuts first they slap around what do they do whatever whatever it is it's there but facial expression didn't change who talked about earlier about I can't remember I said I've been taking so many dad taking so many damn notes pokerface who talked about the pokerface yes they tell us thank you thank you all right your greatest achievers have the least amount of tells by the time you see them coming it's too late when you're training your Navy SEALs and your train and what do you tell them by the time they see you coming it stiff they see you're in trouble if they see you you are in trouble so all the work that you put behind the scenes all the work that you put that people don't see all the hours that you put in to take that company public for all the hours you put in to be able to put that special report out on the athletes that you deal with whatever you guys are discovering an MIT next so all I know is MIT spelled backwards is temple and here's a messed up thing about that I just figure that out today I just figured it out today I just figured it out today hey listen I'm smart and a lot of things I'm really freaking slow and others all right accountability you can't ask others to be accountable if you're running a business if you're running a team you're running an organization if you're not accountable to yourself first thank you my friend I appreciate it just even hand now let's get on this little slide now listen I'm supposed to go for 90 minutes I know we've been at this an awful long time so I may cut it a little bit short because we got a young lady that's gonna do some special painting I have lunch tomorrow also Sophie you're gonna stick around we can until we can talk about some more then all right what I loved about what I saw everything that came through is everyone gave my speech for me already it basically did everything I talked about it's real life you don't have to agree with it but there are tons of examples out there I constantly post stuff on my Instagram say see I don't even train this individual I don't even know this person here's an example all right I don't make this I don't make this stuff up I do not make this stuff up excellence is lonely all right you were on the plane you and the copilot excellence is lonely on the boat with a dolphin with a smelly whale you know why the whale looked at you because your nuts were hanging that's right that's why he's like I thought I had big boss 1 and this guy's going back and forth I got a look at this well alright in the office from 9:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. a 3:00 a.m. at night excuse me I just insulted her I just insulted her excellence is lonely all right John we'll just tell me you're writing a book just finished it you were over here right you were somewhere in here for a month okay excuse me 29 days I wish you what's your heart what's your resting heart rate twenty nine point eight point seven five no details right excellence is lonely people don't like to talk about this stuff when you're sending you when you're selling your company okay you're raising money all right you're helping startups it's not a party excellence is lonely it's gonna require late nights early evenings very few friends and that's what whole it stops a lot of people we go our whole lives trying to fit into a certain group make sure that kids go to the right schools make sure we're part of the right fraternity make sure we hang out with the right individuals when they go to the colleges make sure you're in this clique you're in this clique and the things that set us apart are things that require us to succeed on a very lonely stage not only physically but mentally Kobe Bryant and one of the Olympics Coach K came up to him and said Kobe you are going to be get wide-open shots Kobe goes to coach mr. you been smoking man I ain't had a wide-open shot in my career he was no offense we're gonna be running he goes you're gonna be plus a talent that we have with LeBron Wade and all them he goes you shot in the corners will always be holder will always be open it says Kobe comes to me goes I don't shoot shots from the corner all right the next day this is a week after the season's over with we're in the gym 500 shots made from one corner 500 shots made from the other corner the afternoon 500 shots made from one corner 500 shots made from the other corner the evening 500 shots made from one corner 500 shots made from the other corner now you know why I walked away I walk chasing a basketball around all over the place there's nobody else in the gym there's nobody else in the gym for stuff that they do you don't find a workout partner you don't have a workout partner that comes in and says hey let's sit in the office from 9:30 in the morning till 3:00 at night reading documents that's a great idea you don't get a line of people to do that you don't get a line of people that say hey listen what's the temperature of where you climb that wherever I ever it's Alaska minus 40 minus 40 how many people want to hang out in minus 40 forgive me for this you wife don't even want to hang out is that not - for that I'm good she didn't fly a 747 a private jet I got to ask you where did you pee everybody wants to know everybody wants to know everybody wants to know where you pee I believe you you didn't how long was it you didn't pee for how many days Oh 10 hours at a time oh ok ok I was about to say that's I got run to the bathroom no no no just I'm trying to tell you this is just the things that people have to do other things being misunderstood being misunderstood ok I'm going to teach people how not to be afraid I'm gonna from a chemical standpoint I'm gonna tell you exactly what's gonna happen I'm gonna tell you what you're gonna do how the brain happens I'm gonna study this this is what's gonna do you're gonna tell somebody that I'm gonna teach you how not to be afraid okay being misunderstood I'm gonna sell a company for a lot of money and I'm gonna buy this place in Martha's Vineyard and throw an event yeah smart idea smart idea I'm gonna go ride a bicycle on a sheet of snow so I can hang vests because something that's dear to me people won't go out to check their mail when the temperature drops below 30 so when somebody tells you you're crazy and you're a little bit off don't argue with them tell them thank you tell them thank you because you have the ability you know craziness is is the ability to see things that other people can't see that's all crazy is it's the ability to see things that other things other people can't see he saw his death let's keep it real you saw his death if I take this nap I'm going to die I'm gonna die being misunderstood questioning your Sami is a good thing it's a great freaking thing no one's done anything exceptional in life without being called crazy without being called nuts stay away from him stay away from her different scares people different scares people so everybody wants to stay in that little group the tags that labels that people give us are some of our greatest freaking fuel it's our greatest freakin fuel but we use it the wrong way we use it the wrong way so many of us are looking for external motivation external things to keep us going what's the difference between feedback and criticism what's the difference between feedback and criticism it's exactly the same thing exactly it's how you hear it it's exactly the same thing who works for somebody in here come on I'm up come on what stage my friend yes what's your name I'm Andy Andy pleasure nice to meet you can go back now no I'm just hi so you're at work and your boss comes up to you I'm your boss alright HR department is closed take your hands out your pocket may be nervous Andy what the did you do I don't know feedback a criticism how did he take it alright immediately I don't know all right ask me the same question are you allowed to curse first of all Oh guys wanna make sure Tim what the did you do I did exactly what the you told me to do watch what happens you own up to the situation you own up to the situation thank you my friend I appreciate you give mehandi accountability responsibility the best conversations I've had as you probably tell I don't have a whole lot of friends here's with myself is with myself I've rewritten this speech eight times already cuz every time I learned something for I had a completely I had a completely different speech when I got off the plane I heard the speakers yesterday speak switch my speech all up I heard the speakers speak today I switched it up again I do not have a canned speech people come in they come in they just speak here this everything I'm telling you comes from here I'm not the most polished person out there I will never be but when you asked what's the one thing I do I get that end result and I guarantee it when I get done in here my end result was gonna be you're gonna have every single emotion possible you're gonna laugh you're gonna cry some you're gonna be angry at me and you gonna be angry at yourself because nothing great is going to happen if you're only pissed off at everybody else who's ever watched Bill Belichick at a press conference all right after a loss which very rarely happens they're already telling everything they're telling him you don't think he's already played in his head a thousand times already he's more pissed off at himself than any other question he's more accountable to himself than anything else two Super Bowls ago when Tom Brady he correct me if I'm wrong here set the record even though they lost at the record for most yards in nothing in the Super Bowl and all of a sudden I got a chance to hang around these guys because I don't work with Tom all right but his association with the clients that I have all the other talks about it I drop that law all he ever talks about I dropped the ball excellence is lonely there's accountability to himself criticism feedback all the work about the hard work questioning your insanity being your own high person you got to be if greatest cheerleader when you're writing your book when you're on the plane there's nobody over there patting you on the back there's nobody get you're not looking at your Facebook page for likes and so forth right you got one call or what how often once once to his family to his family who's this high person he is he's not thrown on Tony Robbins there's your greatest athlete you greatest individuals they're their best hype people you never see them have to charge it up you know when they do events they do events motivational stuff they do that's for the employees that's not for them they're already self wired they're self-taught self-educated keep learning over and over and over and over again every single trip you take every special force that you work with different needs different thoughts different activities it's not like he can train for one thing I'm not the smartest guy in the world but I know rowing a boat is completely different than riding a bike on an ice and climbing up a mountain the routine changes all the time but accountability to himself excellence is lonely being your own high person understanding that okay what do you do do you make a difference what do you do for a living if I may ask you're an airline pilot okay understand what your purpose is and understand what you do to make money it's not the same it's not the same this one I love pressure is a privilege okay who works out here pretty much almost everybody I could see that how do you make your muscles grow how do you get him stronger stress pressure resistance right okay recovery can yes it's a very smart group here alright when somebody's bleeding how do you stop him from how do you stop with him bleeding what pressure on him right who's got come again I'll help you up because because of our condition all right nice shiny thing right here a diamond how was that thing made pressure right why the we always run it from it why are we always running from pressure you know what pressure gives you the ability to do thank you so much be careful please what is pressure allow an individual to do all right pressure makes you more talented we agree on that pressure makes you more talented all right makes you more intelligent it makes you more competitive the one thing I've noticed about this room we some competitive sob is in here everybody is competitive and what else competitive pressure does it makes you more freaking resilient it makes you more resilient you it's not a single individual in this room that doesn't want to be more talented more intelligent more competitive and more resilient you know I love how people say you fought you know if you fall down you need to get back up we had a great example about this about the law um the minds all right you know how they say you hear this all the time and this is this is the that drives me you know when speakers come up and talk about you know you can't you know you gotta have passion and you know you gotta want it and all that other student you can look that up on YouTube you don't have to come all the way out here and sit for that next time I hear a speaker talk about passion almost every blood gush out on look like if I had to carry stance and do like this and just all right.he it just people give you the same messages over and over and over again and it doesn't work it doesn't work when I talk about being relentless and which is up in here all right how many times have you guys heard this anybody relax take it easy have some fun being relentless for majority of the people here is the way to relax is the way to have fun is the way to keep your blade sharp is the way to stay competitive you didn't buy this place to relax all right don't tell me you bought this place to relax the amount of work the ideas the brain trust that has to go in here the different things pressure is a privilege everybody wants to sit in that first seat till you sit in that first seat until you sit in that first seat everybody's seeing this shot that whether you're a basketball fan or not well you saw Michael Jordan the shot against Cleveland you know way back in earlier in his career all right story behind that as Doug Collins was the coach at the time right now Michael had played extremely well to get to t get to the team to that point all right so Doug Collins draws up this play says you know Scottie you take the ball out here you know you're over here Michael done it out so forth you got this elaborate play drawn up all right Michael comes out of the huddle and says hey man give me the ball and get the out the way if I'm gonna win if we're gonna win this game I'm gonna win this game if you're gonna lose this game I'm gonna lose this game I'm not putting in anybody else's hands I am NOT putting it in anybody else's hands who else fooled that plane okay how often did he fly 20 minutes out of 10 hours why do you have to fly those 20 minutes okay if you didn't have to wake yourself up and you didn't have to stretch what do you flown those 20 minutes I'm not leaving anybody else's hands and those were the most her most nerve-wracking 20 minutes because she was not in control can you imagine planning all those things up to that stage and then having to put it in somebody else's hands for even that short period of time to get that far in that acquisition that you were talking about to get that close and then let somebody else take it over or finish that job oh yeah I can do that no you can't I'll be the first one to admit the vault calls me on one of these trips I had to answer the phone ain't answered a phone okay there's more people swiping left and right when he calls and anybody else on there he's on the Robo list he's like man huh no no he's I'm driving to the airport nope nope can you help me carry my bags no pressure is a privilege pressure defines you when you choose what company you're going to invest in who you're going to deal with how important is it for them to be able to handle that pressure big it's big all right where's our host where'd he go pretty go he just took off like his baseball career I was gonna Al's about to pat him on the back and give him a great example on everything I still will all right listen I told you I don't have any friends now you know why all right who in here thinks they can hit a major league pitch I'm talking about a real one anything exactly and then what do you do you sit on TV all the time when a quarterback mess oh man I could do that I know you can't no you can't I play to pick up a basketball game and these were some very talented guys it was short one plan I played college basketball I there were nine pros out on the court and me nine NBA players and me you ever see that thing look at the one piece that doesn't belong even if you didn't know basketball you'd be like the he doing out there even if you said you know you want somebody said it was like man he really loves a sport you know what their comment was man a sport don't love him so before you jump on somebody and criticize them and think you can do this and you can put yourself in those situations understand what the pressure does it defines who those individuals are I'm going back to the fingers over here we got people in here that can't stand a hangnail my job with my athletes and you've seen this on the videos okay I've had to pop fingers shoulders and dislocated knees back into place so they can go back into the game winning matters these individuals competing matters pressure matters how many individuals here have been told we need more balance in our life got to have more balance well got to have more balance all right let me tell you something right now there's no such thing as balance you don't find balance you create balance and it's different for every individual in here and if you don't believe me look at this couple right here he can do what he does because she allows she does what she does that's how you create balance you know how always they stay talked about this and listen if you're if you have these thing and you listen you don't have to agree with everything I say I don't have any problem with that I really don't right you know how they say find the yin and the yang find somebody that's a completely opposite of you so they balance you out I totally disagree with that saying find somebody who's just as up as you are that's the key to a long-lasting relationship all right when I went to work the Michael Michael said on the first he goes how do I know this is gonna work and that's exactly what I told him I said I am as up as you are I said I know how obsessive you are I know how badly you want to win I know how important this is to you if you listen to what everybody else has been telling you all this time over and over and over again I've said this before you are going to be just like every body else and you know what people do when they try to get closer to balance what do you do you add more stuff you add more stuff you add more stuff you add more stuff getting closer to balance is not about adding more stuff it's about letting stuff go it's about letting stuff go you talked about letting go yesterday correct yes I talked about letting letting go she saw my letting go some like some major major stuff in order so you can move forward in your life we got people sitting in this audience that can't get rid of an article of clothing you got suits dresses and stuff in your closet that you ain't never gonna wear ain't been able to wear in 20 years and it's still sitting down on the hell you don't let go of something major that's holding you back in life if you can't do that here's an exercise for everybody right now all right take out your cell phones I want everybody right now to delete a number and contact out of the phone that you haven't been that you've been wanting to do for such a long time huh what's that no they can be dead that's all right John it's spelled G R all ve I'll be honest that sounds good in it it wasn't easy but it felt good it felt good the way you get the balance is you gotta start letting go there's not a single person in this room including myself and this will go a long way with what you talked about with fear there isn't a habit or an individual you need to get rid of you out of your life [Laughter] there isn't a habit or an individual and you've been wanting to get rid of for a long freaking time that's causing you everything he talks about you know this is where I talk about what everybody talks about balance all right who wants a zero life raise your hand all right who wants if you're in business who wants zero clients who wants zero happiness who wants zero success who wants zero love what's the number on a perfectly balanced scale it's a zero so if you're busy out there trying to balance everything that's what you're gonna get in return I'm telling it's the truth it's the truth and people have made millions of dollars telling you you need to balance stuff you need to balance stuff you know how everybody tells you and you can tell me if this is correct all right the people with the smarter psychology than me are one to Masek everybody in this room all right everybody always tells you this is what I did to get here this is what I did to get here this is what I did to get here you know where I got to how I got to where it's what I didn't do it's what I didn't do that got me to this spot when I was in college and Tim come to this fraternity party come hang out with us no I'm good come here this is literally the same guy this literally went on for three years man we never see you here we never see you at the club we never see at this party we never see at this person's house we never see you there you know I finally said to him I said they met I never see you at the bank all right what I didn't do that allowed me to be here we have some very successful people in this room very successful all right this is how I know this is how I knew when Michael had made it all right when we first started we used to drink wine this was take go to the local liquor store screw the cap off pour it in go to a nice restaurant buy a bottle of wine and they bring the bottle they pour it to you then some guy brings a bottle of wine he pours it in he pours it in something then they pour it into your glass I'm not a wine connoisseur I don't know I just know that tastes so good and you know you go you promised me and we won't be drinking something good tonight that's all that's that's all that's all I know if I can pronounce it in ain't good all right you know every restaurant and every bar you have your well drinks you have your next level of drinks and then you have your top-shelf drinks you know they got behind there you can't even pronounce what I'm trying to say is there's always another level there's always more now you were thinking who was the one that asked a question what is he done next was that Andy wasn't that you all right Bob when he asked him what was that I thought he's gonna rattle off one thing oh yeah a he could've came back up and gave another talk he was kept gone you know why there is no bar there's no bar for him there is no bar for Patrick there's no bar for Mike there's no bar for Steve there's no bar for the greatest athletes Tom Brady there is no bar because when you put a bar out there you're putting limitations on yourself that's why I said all the stuff that's supposed to motivate you that's supposed to get you inspired that's supposed to get you to these next levels they're actually messing with your head they're holding you back all right I'm gonna make this one the last one all right because mind over feelings the reason I was asking we'll get back to that one real quick I'm sorry that the doctor had to leave you think in her line of business what do you think is stronger her feelings or our mind in the gut in negotiations and what she's doing what she's got going on if her feelings got in the way every bad decision most individuals make involves more feelings than their mind every bad was a business decision you made all right every relationship decision bringing me here your mind has to be stronger than your feelings all right we tell everyone talked about a morning routine they talked about their morning routine and you know everyone talks about you know you get you got I've been doing a cold shower for a long frickin a long freakin time all right you know you brought it brought some other stuff to me that I had forgotten about from the science standpoint thank you thank you very much I have a hard time with meditation I really do have a very difficult time now personally and I'm not saying this is again this is wrong or this is right but this was works for me all right so when I get out of bed I do look at my phone I'm omitted I do look at my emails my texts competition all that other stuff Michael did the same thing Kobe does the same all the and all the time they don't read the stuff and I tell you why and I asked them why all right because everything that's said about them positive or negative they use for fuel self charged individuals you can say whatever the hell you want to say about them their mind is always gonna be stronger than their feelings I look for somebody what the did he just okay you know how everybody pushes their skeletons in the closet and I let them out every single day line up a shots at the Keela say hey let's figure this out because people only want to accept the good of them in order to do extraordinary things you have to accept all of you you spend so much time pushing these things down spending so much time pushing that stuff in the closet when I have to deal with envy jealous greed evil all that stuff I roll out of bed every morning and I shake their hands and says what do you got for me today cuz they're not going anywhere if they're not going anywhere you might as well learn to use them you might as well learn to use them instead of spending all that energy fighting there's no such thing as a perfect individual your greatest competitors as some of your nastiest people you will ever frickin meet now this isn't about being like I'm not talking I'm talking about competitiveness I'm talking about survival on top of what these individuals do you can't tell me when you bought this place that you haven't already checked out every single other resort out here what can we do to make this thing better how can we kill our competition the instincts that keep you alive what I call them is I call them the dark side this isn't about vampires and Star Wars and all this other stuff this is dark side in every single individual in here that keeps you going when nothing else will your dark side kept you awake I know you said it was a physical thing your physical your dark side kept you awake because there was nothing else up there that could there was another human being you couldn't talk to nobody you couldn't turn on a radio station and the dark side is what's unique to you it's what lights your own fire when nothing else will it keeps you going when nothing else will when you're at your utmost bitter end your darkside brought you back in that office at 9:30 every single freaking morning for your money guys in here when you made that deal and it didn't work out your darks I said I'm gonna figure this out I'm going to figure this out that's what I'm talking about feelings and mine feelings keep you in bed your mind gets you out of that okay feelings pain that hurts okay your mind pain that alters all right feelings disappointment of regret and that's the worst disappointment you can ever have is to say when you're sitting 10 years from now 20 years from now having the regret of not doing what you wanted to do so you'd be the president a US citizen or a Canadian citizen Unitas I got a check I got a check she could become the president of the United States I'm a multi-billionaire I have kids that go to Harvard and MIT all right but she didn't get on that plane and do what she would doing do that disappointment of regret she would have never gotten over now if she didn't make the flight and then get all the way there disappointment of failure you can get over feelings is stress your mind is pressure and the only difference between pressure and stress okay stress is pressure you don't want to deal with did you say yeah who said that you have to do something every day that you don't want to do right there yeah yeah every day is something that scares you all right wants to keep if you don't do that stress stress stress stress stress stress feelings holding on your feelings held you on to that phone number that you've been wanting to get rid of or that individual for such a long time your mind allows you to let go and what I love about all this I've had so many people to give examples over here all right when his mind let go his body took over when his mind let go his body took over that's why he's sitting in the seat that's why he's sitting in the seat I want everybody to stand up for a second put your hands in the air turn around to right all the way all the way in a circle put your hands down put your hands back in the air turn around to the left put your hands down this has got absolutely nothing to do with a speech I was just with everybody thank you everyone I appreciate it [Applause]
Channel: Martha's Vineyard Productions
Views: 72,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tim Grover, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Dwayne Wade, Basketball, Coach, Inspirational, Inspire, Relentless, Training, How to be great, greatness, dig deep, scottie pippen, espn, best-selling author, trainer to the greats, mental toughness training, w1nning, winning
Id: dRapsNhDqg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 18sec (5898 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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